From 1149cc8757d647a13e883af44e0fd55f8be5ae74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: kkytola <“”> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2023 12:18:48 +0300 Subject: [PATCH] A file with an outline of the proof of le_liminf_open_implies_convergence. --- ...lForPortmanteauOpenImpliesConvergence.lean | 576 ++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 576 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/NewMaterialForPortmanteauOpenImpliesConvergence.lean diff --git a/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/NewMaterialForPortmanteauOpenImpliesConvergence.lean b/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/NewMaterialForPortmanteauOpenImpliesConvergence.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..58ceb81992cda --- /dev/null +++ b/Mathlib/MeasureTheory/Measure/NewMaterialForPortmanteauOpenImpliesConvergence.lean @@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ +import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Portmanteau +import Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Integral.Layercake +import Mathlib.Tactic.LibrarySearch +import Mathlib.Tactic.Propose +import Mathlib.Tactic.GCongr + +open MeasureTheory Filter +open scoped ENNReal NNReal BoundedContinuousFunction Topology + +-- This file contains steps needed to prove the portmanteau implication +-- `le_liminf_open_implies_convergence`. Some intermediate steps need to be generalized +-- and cleaned up, and are to be placed in appropriate files. The main part should go +-- to the file `Mathlib.MeasureTheory.Measure.Portmanteau`. + + + +section liminf_lemma + +variable {ι R S : Type _} {F : Filter ι} [NeBot F] + [ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder R] [TopologicalSpace R] [OrderTopology R] + [ConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder S] [TopologicalSpace S] [OrderTopology S] + +-- NOTE: The result `Monotone.map_sSup_of_continuousAt'` in the library has a natural version +-- generalized to *conditionally* complete linear orders. One just needs a hypothesis `BddAbove s`. +/-- A monotone function continuous at the supremum of a nonempty set sends this supremum to +the supremum of the image of this set. -/ +theorem Monotone.map_sSup_of_continuousAt'' {f : R → S} {A : Set R} (Cf : ContinuousAt f (sSup A)) + (Mf : Monotone f) (A_nonemp : A.Nonempty) (A_bdd : BddAbove A) : + f (sSup A) = sSup (f '' A) := by + --This is a particular case of the more general `IsLUB.isLUB_of_tendsto` + refine ((@IsLUB.isLUB_of_tendsto R S _ _ _ _ _ _ f A (sSup A) (f (sSup A)) (fun _ _ _ _ xy => Mf xy) ?_ A_nonemp ?_).csSup_eq (Set.nonempty_image_iff.mpr A_nonemp)).symm + · exact isLUB_csSup A_nonemp A_bdd + · exact tendsto_nhdsWithin_of_tendsto_nhds Cf + +theorem Monotone.map_sInf_of_continuousAt'' {f : R → S} {A : Set R} (Cf : ContinuousAt f (sInf A)) + (Mf : Monotone f) (A_nonemp : A.Nonempty) (A_bdd : BddBelow A) : + f (sInf A) = sInf (f '' A) := by + exact @Monotone.map_sSup_of_continuousAt'' Rᵒᵈ Sᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ f A Cf Mf.dual A_nonemp A_bdd + +theorem Antitone.map_sInf_of_continuousAt'' {f : R → S} {A : Set R} (Cf : ContinuousAt f (sInf A)) + (Af : Antitone f) (A_nonemp : A.Nonempty) (A_bdd : BddBelow A) : + f (sInf A) = sSup (f '' A) := by + exact @Monotone.map_sInf_of_continuousAt'' R Sᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ f A Cf Af.dual_right A_nonemp A_bdd + +theorem Antitone.map_sSup_of_continuousAt'' {f : R → S} {A : Set R} (Cf : ContinuousAt f (sSup A)) + (Af : Antitone f) (A_nonemp : A.Nonempty) (A_bdd : BddAbove A) : + f (sSup A) = sInf (f '' A) := by + exact @Monotone.map_sSup_of_continuousAt'' R Sᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ f A Cf Af.dual_right A_nonemp A_bdd + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? Probably not, but what is the name...? +lemma Monotone.isCoboundedUnder_ge [Preorder X] [Preorder Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Monotone f) {u : ι → X} + (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (bdd : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) u) : + F.IsCoboundedUnder (· ≥ ·) (f ∘ u) := by + obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := bdd + refine ⟨f b, fun y hy ↦ ?_⟩ + have obs : ∀ᶠ _ in map u F, y ≤ f b := by + filter_upwards [hb, Filter.map_compose.symm ▸ hy] with x h₁ h₂ using h₂.trans (hf h₁) + exact obs + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? Probably not, but what is the name...? +lemma Monotone.isCoboundedUnder_le [Preorder X] [Preorder Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Monotone f) {u : ι → X} + (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (bdd : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) u) : + F.IsCoboundedUnder (· ≤ ·) (f ∘ u) := + @Monotone.isCoboundedUnder_ge ι Xᵒᵈ Yᵒᵈ _ _ f hf.dual u F _ bdd + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? Probably not, but what is the name...? +lemma Antitone.isCoboundedUnder_le [Preorder X] [Preorder Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Antitone f) {u : ι → X} + (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (bdd : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) u) : + F.IsCoboundedUnder (· ≤ ·) (f ∘ u) := + @Monotone.isCoboundedUnder_ge ι X Yᵒᵈ _ _ f hf u F _ bdd + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? Probably not, but what is the name...? +lemma Antitone.isCoboundedUnder_ge [Preorder X] [Preorder Y] {f : X → Y} (hf : Antitone f) {u : ι → X} + (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (bdd : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) u) : + F.IsCoboundedUnder (· ≥ ·) (f ∘ u) := + @Monotone.isCoboundedUnder_le ι X Yᵒᵈ _ _ f hf u F _ bdd + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? What would be a good generality? +lemma Filter.isBounded_le_map_of_isBounded_range (F : Filter ι) {f : ι → ℝ} + (h : Bornology.IsBounded (Set.range f)) : + ( f).IsBounded (· ≤ ·) := by + rw [Metric.isBounded_iff] at h + obtain ⟨c, hc⟩ := h + by_cases hι : Nonempty ι + · obtain ⟨j⟩ := hι + use f j + c + simp only [eventually_map] + apply eventually_of_forall + intro i + have obs := hc (Set.mem_range_self j) (Set.mem_range_self i) + rw [Real.dist_eq, abs_le] at obs + linarith [obs] + · simp only [not_nonempty_iff] at hι + simp only [filter_eq_bot_of_isEmpty F, map_bot] + exact Iff.mpr isBounded_bot (by infer_instance) + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? What would be a good generality? +lemma Filter.isBounded_ge_map_of_isBounded_range (F : Filter ι) {f : ι → ℝ} + (h : Bornology.IsBounded (Set.range f)) : + ( f).IsBounded (· ≥ ·) := by + rw [Metric.isBounded_iff] at h + obtain ⟨c, hc⟩ := h + by_cases hι : Nonempty ι + · obtain ⟨j⟩ := hι + use f j - c + simp only [eventually_map] + apply eventually_of_forall + intro i + have obs := hc (Set.mem_range_self j) (Set.mem_range_self i) + rw [Real.dist_eq, abs_le] at obs + linarith [obs] + · simp only [not_nonempty_iff] at hι + simp only [filter_eq_bot_of_isEmpty F, map_bot] + exact Iff.mpr isBounded_bot (by infer_instance) + +-- NOTE: Missing from Mathlib? What would be a good generality? +lemma Filter.isBounded_map_of_isBounded_range (F : Filter ι) {f : ι → ℝ} + (h : Bornology.IsBounded (Set.range f)) : + ( f).IsBounded (· ≤ ·) := by + rw [Metric.isBounded_iff] at h + obtain ⟨c, hc⟩ := h + by_cases hι : Nonempty ι + · obtain ⟨j⟩ := hι + use f j + c + simp only [eventually_map] + apply eventually_of_forall + intro i + have obs := hc (Set.mem_range_self j) (Set.mem_range_self i) + rw [Real.dist_eq, abs_le] at obs + linarith [obs] + · simp only [not_nonempty_iff] at hι + simp only [filter_eq_bot_of_isEmpty F, map_bot] + exact Iff.mpr isBounded_bot (by infer_instance) + +-- NOTE: This was the key lemma to generalize. +/-- An antitone function between conditionally complete linear ordered spaces sends +a `Filter.limsSup` to the `Filter.liminf` of the image if it is continuous at the `limsSup`. -/ +theorem Antitone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' {F : Filter R} [NeBot F] {f : R → S} + (bdd_above : F.IsBounded (· ≤ ·)) (bdd_below : F.IsBounded (· ≥ ·)) + (f_decr : Antitone f) (f_cont : ContinuousAt f F.limsSup) : f F.limsSup = F.liminf f := by + have cobdd : F.IsCobounded (· ≤ ·) := bdd_below.isCobounded_flip + apply le_antisymm + · rw [limsSup, f_decr.map_sInf_of_continuousAt'' f_cont bdd_above cobdd] + apply le_of_forall_lt + intro c hc + simp only [liminf, limsInf, eventually_map] at hc ⊢ + obtain ⟨d, hd, h'd⟩ := exists_lt_of_lt_csSup ((@Set.nonempty_image_iff R S f _).mpr bdd_above) hc + apply lt_csSup_of_lt ?_ ?_ h'd + · exact f_decr.isCoboundedUnder_ge F bdd_below + · rcases hd with ⟨e, ⟨he, fe_eq_d⟩⟩ + filter_upwards [he] with x hx using (fe_eq_d.symm ▸ f_decr hx) + · by_cases h' : ∃ c, c < F.limsSup ∧ Set.Ioo c F.limsSup = ∅ + · rcases h' with ⟨c, c_lt, hc⟩ + have B : ∃ᶠ n in F, F.limsSup ≤ n := by + apply (frequently_lt_of_lt_limsSup cobdd c_lt).mono + intro x hx + by_contra' + have : (Set.Ioo c F.limsSup).Nonempty := ⟨x, ⟨hx, this⟩⟩ + simp only [hc, Set.not_nonempty_empty] at this + apply @liminf_le_of_frequently_le R S _ F f (f (limsSup F)) (B.mono fun x hx ↦ f_decr hx) ?_ + obtain ⟨b, hb⟩ := bdd_above + use f b + simp only [ge_iff_le, eventually_map] + filter_upwards [hb] with t ht using f_decr ht + simp only [gt_iff_lt, not_lt, ge_iff_le, not_exists, not_and] at h' + by_contra' H + obtain ⟨l, l_lt, h'l⟩ : ∃ l < F.limsSup, Set.Ioc l F.limsSup ⊆ { x : R | f x < F.liminf f } + · apply exists_Ioc_subset_of_mem_nhds ((tendsto_order.1 f_cont.tendsto).2 _ H) + by_contra con + simp only [not_exists, not_lt] at con + simpa only [lt_self_iff_false] using lt_of_le_of_lt + (@liminf_le_of_frequently_le R S _ F f (f (limsSup F)) + (frequently_of_forall (fun r ↦ f_decr (con r))) (bdd_above.isBoundedUnder f_decr)) H + obtain ⟨m, l_m, m_lt⟩ : (Set.Ioo l F.limsSup).Nonempty := by + contrapose! h' + refine' ⟨l, l_lt, by rwa [Set.not_nonempty_iff_eq_empty] at h'⟩ + have B : F.liminf f ≤ f m := by + apply @liminf_le_of_frequently_le R S _ F f (f m) + · apply (frequently_lt_of_lt_limsSup cobdd m_lt).mono + exact fun x hx ↦ f_decr hx.le + · exact IsBounded.isBoundedUnder f_decr bdd_above + have I : f m < F.liminf f := h'l ⟨l_m, m_lt.le⟩ + exact lt_irrefl _ (B.trans_lt I) + +theorem Antitone.map_limsInf_of_continuousAt' {F : Filter R} [NeBot F] {f : R → S} + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) id) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) id) + (f_decr : Antitone f) (f_cont : ContinuousAt f F.limsInf) : f F.limsInf = F.limsup f := + @Antitone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' Rᵒᵈ Sᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ F _ f + bdd_below bdd_above f_decr.dual f_cont + +theorem Monotone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' {F : Filter R} [NeBot F] {f : R → S} + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) id) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) id) + (f_incr : Monotone f) (f_cont : ContinuousAt f F.limsSup) : f F.limsSup = F.limsup f := + @Antitone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' R Sᵒᵈ _ _ _ _ _ _ F _ f + bdd_above bdd_below f_incr f_cont + +theorem Monotone.map_limsInf_of_continuousAt' {F : Filter R} [NeBot F] {f : R → S} + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) id) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) id) + (f_incr : Monotone f) (f_cont : ContinuousAt f F.limsInf) : f F.limsInf = F.liminf f := + @Antitone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' Rᵒᵈ S _ _ _ _ _ _ F _ f + bdd_below bdd_above f_incr.dual f_cont + +lemma limsup_add_const (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (f : ι → ℝ) (c : ℝ) + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) f) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) f) : + Filter.limsup (fun i ↦ f i + c) F = Filter.limsup f F + c := by + have key := @Monotone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' ℝ ℝ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( f) _ (fun x ↦ x + c) bdd_above bdd_below ?_ ?_ + simp only at key + convert key.symm + · intro x y hxy + simp only [add_le_add_iff_right, hxy] + · exact (continuous_add_right c).continuousAt + +lemma liminf_add_const (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (f : ι → ℝ) (c : ℝ) + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) f) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) f) : + Filter.liminf (fun i ↦ f i + c) F = Filter.liminf f F + c := by + have key := @Monotone.map_limsInf_of_continuousAt' ℝ ℝ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( f) _ (fun x ↦ x + c) bdd_above bdd_below ?_ ?_ + simp only at key + convert key.symm + · intro x y hxy + simp only [add_le_add_iff_right, hxy] + · exact (continuous_add_right c).continuousAt + +lemma limsup_const_sub (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (f : ι → ℝ) (c : ℝ) + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) f) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) f) : + Filter.limsup (fun i ↦ c - f i ) F = c - Filter.liminf f F := by + have key := @Antitone.map_limsInf_of_continuousAt' ℝ ℝ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( f) _ (fun x ↦ c - x) bdd_above bdd_below ?_ ?_ + simp only at key + convert key.symm + · intro x y hxy + simp only [sub_le_sub_iff_left, hxy] + · exact (continuous_sub_left c).continuousAt + +lemma liminf_const_sub (F : Filter ι) [NeBot F] (f : ι → ℝ) (c : ℝ) + (bdd_above : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) f) (bdd_below : F.IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) f) : + Filter.liminf (fun i ↦ c - f i ) F = c - Filter.limsup f F := by + have key := @Antitone.map_limsSup_of_continuousAt' ℝ ℝ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( f) _ (fun x ↦ c - x) bdd_above bdd_below ?_ ?_ + simp only at key + convert key.symm + · intro x y hxy + simp only [sub_le_sub_iff_left, hxy] + · exact (continuous_sub_left c).continuousAt + +end liminf_lemma + + + +section boundedness_by_norm_bounds + +-- NOTE: Can this really be missing from Mathlib? +lemma Metric.isBounded_closedBall [PseudoMetricSpace X] (z : X) (r : ℝ) : + Bornology.IsBounded (Metric.closedBall z r) := by + rw [Metric.isBounded_iff] + use 2 * r + intro x hx y hy + simp only [closedBall, Set.mem_setOf_eq] at hx hy + calc dist x y + _ ≤ dist x z + dist z y := dist_triangle x z y + _ = dist x z + dist y z := by rw [dist_comm z y] + _ ≤ r + r := by gcongr + _ = 2 * r := by ring + +-- NOTE: Can this really be missing from Mathlib? +lemma Metric.isBounded_ball [PseudoMetricSpace X] (z : X) (r : ℝ) : + Bornology.IsBounded (Metric.ball z r) := + (Metric.isBounded_closedBall z r).subset ball_subset_closedBall + +-- NOTE: Should this be in Mathlib? +lemma isBounded_range_of_forall_norm_le [NormedAddGroup E] (f : ι → E) (c : ℝ) (h : ∀ i, ‖f i‖ ≤ c) : + Bornology.IsBounded (Set.range f) := by + apply (Metric.isBounded_closedBall 0 c).subset + intro x ⟨i, hi⟩ + simpa only [← hi, Metric.closedBall, dist_zero_right, Set.mem_setOf_eq, gt_iff_lt] using h i + +end boundedness_by_norm_bounds + + + +section layercake_for_integral + +-- TODO: Generalize from ℝ to the usual type classes. +-- NOTE: This is currently a mess, because of mixing Measurable and AEStronglyMeasurable. +lemma Integrable.measure_pos_le_norm_lt_top [MeasurableSpace α] {μ : Measure α} [SigmaFinite μ] + {f : α → ℝ} --(f_nn : 0 ≤ f) + (f_intble : Integrable f μ) + {t : ℝ} (t_pos : 0 < t) : + μ {a : α | t ≤ ‖f a‖} < ∞ := by + have f_aemble := f_intble.1.aemeasurable + have norm_f_aemble : AEMeasurable (fun a ↦ ENNReal.ofReal ‖f a‖) μ := by + --have := ENNReal.measurable_ofReal.comp (@measurable_norm ℝ _ _ _) + exact (ENNReal.measurable_ofReal.comp measurable_norm).comp_aemeasurable f_aemble + obtain ⟨g, ⟨g_mble, ⟨g_nn, aeeq_g⟩⟩⟩ := @AEMeasurable.exists_measurable_nonneg α _ μ ℝ≥0∞ _ _ _ _ + norm_f_aemble (eventually_of_forall (fun x ↦ zero_le _)) + have foo : MeasurableSet {a : α | ENNReal.ofReal t < g a} := by + sorry + have aux := @lintegral_indicator_const _ _ μ _ foo (ENNReal.ofReal t) + have markov := @mul_meas_ge_le_lintegral₀ α _ μ + (fun a ↦ ENNReal.ofReal ‖f a‖) norm_f_aemble (ENNReal.ofReal t) + have same : ∀ a, ENNReal.ofReal t ≤ ENNReal.ofReal ‖f a‖ ↔ t ≤ ‖f a‖ := by sorry + have also : ∫⁻ (a : α), ENNReal.ofReal ‖f a‖ ∂μ = ∫⁻ (a : α), ‖f a‖₊ ∂μ := by + apply lintegral_congr + intro x + sorry + simp_rw [same, also] at markov + have almost := lt_of_le_of_lt markov f_intble.2 + have t_inv_ne_top : (ENNReal.ofReal t)⁻¹ ≠ ∞ := by + exact ENNReal.inv_ne_top.mpr (ENNReal.ofReal_pos.mpr t_pos).ne.symm + convert ENNReal.mul_lt_top t_inv_ne_top + simp [← mul_assoc, + ENNReal.inv_mul_cancel (ENNReal.ofReal_pos.mpr t_pos).ne.symm ENNReal.ofReal_ne_top] + +lemma Integrable.measure_pos_lt_norm_lt_top [MeasurableSpace α] {μ : Measure α} [SigmaFinite μ] + {f : α → ℝ} (f_intble : Integrable f μ) {t : ℝ} (t_pos : 0 < t) : + μ {a : α | t < ‖f a‖} < ∞ := + lt_of_le_of_lt (measure_mono (fun _ h ↦ (Set.mem_setOf_eq ▸ h).le)) + (Integrable.measure_pos_le_norm_lt_top f_intble t_pos) + +lemma Integrable.measure_pos_le_lt_top [MeasurableSpace α] {μ : Measure α} [SigmaFinite μ] + {f : α → ℝ} (f_intble : Integrable f μ) {t : ℝ} (t_pos : 0 < t) : + μ {a : α | t ≤ f a} < ∞ := by + -- Need to do separately positive and negative parts? + sorry + +lemma Integrable.measure_pos_lt_lt_top [MeasurableSpace α] {μ : Measure α} [SigmaFinite μ] + {f : α → ℝ} (f_intble : Integrable f μ) {t : ℝ} (t_pos : 0 < t) : + μ {a : α | t < f a} < ∞ := by + apply lt_of_le_of_lt (measure_mono ?_) (Integrable.measure_pos_le_lt_top f_intble t_pos) + exact fun x hx ↦ (Set.mem_setOf_eq ▸ hx).le + +-- NOTE: This is a version of the basic "Layercake formula" for real-valued nonnegative integrands +-- and Bochner integral ∫ instead of ∫⁻. I don't know if the other (more general) versions of +-- layercake should be similarly generalized. The proofs are basically similar, but the statements +-- themselves become a bit unpleasant due to integrability requirements for something slightly +-- complicated. +-- TODO: Should remove `Measurable` assumption and just embrace the `AEStronglyMeasurable` +-- which comes from `Integrable`. This is not pleasant in the proof, but pays off for the user... +theorem integral_eq_integral_meas_lt [MeasurableSpace α] (μ : Measure α) [SigmaFinite μ] + {f : α → ℝ} (f_nn : 0 ≤ f) (f_mble : Measurable f) (f_intble : Integrable f μ) : + (∫ ω, f ω ∂μ) = ∫ t in Set.Ioi 0, ENNReal.toReal (μ {a : α | t < f a}) := by + have key := lintegral_eq_lintegral_meas_lt μ f_nn f_mble -- should use `Integrable` + have lhs_finite : ∫⁻ (ω : α), ENNReal.ofReal (f ω) ∂μ < ∞ := Integrable.lintegral_lt_top f_intble + have rhs_finite : ∫⁻ (t : ℝ) in Set.Ioi 0, μ {a | t < f a} < ∞ := by simp only [← key, lhs_finite] + have rhs_integrand_decr : Antitone (fun t ↦ (μ {a : α | t < f a})) := + fun _ _ hst ↦ measure_mono (fun _ h ↦ lt_of_le_of_lt hst h) + have rhs_integrand_finite : ∀ (t : ℝ), t > 0 → μ {a | t < f a} < ∞ := by + exact fun t ht ↦ Integrable.measure_pos_lt_lt_top f_intble ht + convert (ENNReal.toReal_eq_toReal key + · refine integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae ?_ ?_ + · -- TODO: Maybe should relax the assumption to ae nonnegativity. + exact eventually_of_forall f_nn + · --exact f_mble.aestronglyMeasurable + exact f_intble.aestronglyMeasurable + · have aux := @integral_eq_lintegral_of_nonneg_ae _ _ ((volume : Measure ℝ).restrict (Set.Ioi 0)) + (fun t ↦ ENNReal.toReal (μ {a : α | t < f a})) ?_ ?_ + · rw [aux] + apply congrArg ENNReal.toReal + apply set_lintegral_congr_fun measurableSet_Ioi + apply eventually_of_forall + exact fun t t_pos ↦ ENNReal.ofReal_toReal (rhs_integrand_finite t t_pos).ne + · exact eventually_of_forall (fun x ↦ by simp only [Pi.zero_apply, ENNReal.toReal_nonneg]) + · apply Measurable.aestronglyMeasurable + refine Measurable.ennreal_toReal ?_ + apply Antitone.measurable + exact rhs_integrand_decr + +end layercake_for_integral + + + +section le_liminf_open_implies_convergence + +variable {Ω : Type} [MeasurableSpace Ω] [TopologicalSpace Ω] [OpensMeasurableSpace Ω] + +/- +-- TODO: Is it possible to add a @[gcongr] attribute to `lintegral_mono`? + +attribute [gcongr] lintegral_mono -- @[gcongr] attribute only applies to lemmas proving x₁ ~₁ x₁' → ... xₙ ~ₙ xₙ' → f x₁ ... xₙ ∼ f x₁' ... xₙ', got ∀ {α : Type u_1} {m : MeasurableSpace α} {μ : MeasureTheory.Measure α} ⦃f g : α → ℝ≥0∞⦄, f ≤ g → ∫⁻ (a : α), f a ∂μ ≤ ∫⁻ (a : α), g a ∂μ + +lemma foo (μ : Measure Ω) {f g : Ω → ℝ≥0∞} (hfg : f ≤ g) : + ∫⁻ ω, f ω ∂μ ≤ ∫⁻ ω, g ω ∂μ := by + gcongr -- gcongr did not make progress + sorry + -/ + +-- NOTE: I think I will work with real-valued integrals, after all... +lemma fatou_argument_lintegral + {μ : Measure Ω} [SigmaFinite μ] {μs : ℕ → Measure Ω} [∀ i, SigmaFinite (μs i)] + {f : Ω → ℝ} (f_cont : Continuous f) (f_nn : 0 ≤ f) + (h_opens : ∀ G, IsOpen G → μ G ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ μs i G)) : + ∫⁻ x, ENNReal.ofReal (f x) ∂μ ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ ∫⁻ x, ENNReal.ofReal (f x) ∂ (μs i)) := by + simp_rw [lintegral_eq_lintegral_meas_lt _ f_nn f_cont.measurable] + calc ∫⁻ (t : ℝ) in Set.Ioi 0, μ {a | t < f a} + ≤ ∫⁻ (t : ℝ) in Set.Ioi 0, atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ (μs i) {a | t < f a}) + := (lintegral_mono (fun t ↦ h_opens _ ( f_cont _ isOpen_Ioi))).trans ?_ + _ ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ ∫⁻ (t : ℝ) in Set.Ioi 0, (μs i) {a | t < f a}) + := lintegral_liminf_le (fun n ↦ Antitone.measurable + (fun s t hst ↦ measure_mono (fun ω hω ↦ lt_of_le_of_lt hst hω))) + rfl + +-- NOTE: I think this is the version I prefer to use, after all... +lemma fatou_argument_integral_nonneg + {μ : Measure Ω} [IsFiniteMeasure μ] {μs : ℕ → Measure Ω} [∀ i, IsFiniteMeasure (μs i)] + {f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ} (f_nn : 0 ≤ f) + (h_opens : ∀ G, IsOpen G → μ G ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ μs i G)) : + ∫ x, (f x) ∂μ ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i)) := by + sorry + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.integrable (μ : Measure Ω) [IsFiniteMeasure μ] (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) : + Integrable f μ := by + refine ⟨f.continuous.measurable.aestronglyMeasurable, ?_⟩ + simp [HasFiniteIntegral] + calc ∫⁻ x, ‖f x‖₊ ∂μ + _ ≤ ∫⁻ _, ‖f‖₊ ∂μ := ?_ + _ = ‖f‖₊ * (μ Set.univ) := by rw [lintegral_const] + _ < ∞ := ENNReal.mul_lt_top + ENNReal.coe_ne_top (measure_ne_top μ Set.univ) + · apply lintegral_mono + exact fun x ↦ ENNReal.coe_le_coe.mpr (nnnorm_coe_le_nnnorm f x) + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.norm_integral_le_mul_norm_of_isFiniteMeasure + (μ : Measure Ω) [IsFiniteMeasure μ] (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) : + ‖∫ x, (f x) ∂μ‖ ≤ ENNReal.toReal (μ Set.univ) * ‖f‖ := by + calc ‖∫ x, (f x) ∂μ‖ + _ ≤ ∫ x, ‖f x‖ ∂μ := by exact norm_integral_le_integral_norm _ + _ ≤ ∫ _, ‖f‖ ∂μ := ?_ + _ = ENNReal.toReal (μ Set.univ) • ‖f‖ := by rw [integral_const] + · apply integral_mono _ (integrable_const ‖f‖) (fun x ↦ f.norm_coe_le_norm x) + exact (integrable_norm_iff f.continuous.measurable.aestronglyMeasurable).mpr (f.integrable μ) + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.norm_integral_le_norm_of_isProbabilityMeasure + (μ : Measure Ω) [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) : + ‖∫ x, (f x) ∂μ‖ ≤ ‖f‖ := by + convert f.norm_integral_le_mul_norm_of_isFiniteMeasure μ + simp only [measure_univ, ENNReal.one_toReal, one_mul] + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +-- TODO: Should this be generalized to functions with values in Banach spaces? +lemma isBounded_range_integral_boundedContinuousFunction_of_isProbabilityMeasure + (μs : ι → Measure Ω) [∀ i, IsProbabilityMeasure (μs i)] (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) : + Bornology.IsBounded (Set.range (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i))) := by + apply isBounded_range_of_forall_norm_le _ ‖f‖ + exact fun i ↦ f.norm_integral_le_norm_of_isProbabilityMeasure (μs i) + +lemma main_thing' + {μ : Measure Ω} [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] + {μs : ℕ → Measure Ω} [∀ i, IsProbabilityMeasure (μs i)] + {f : Ω → ℝ} (f_cont : Continuous f) (f_nn : 0 ≤ f) + (h_opens : ∀ G, IsOpen G → μ G ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ μs i G)) : + ∫⁻ x, ENNReal.ofReal (f x) ∂μ ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ ∫⁻ x, ENNReal.ofReal (f x) ∂ (μs i)) := by + simp_rw [lintegral_eq_lintegral_meas_lt _ f_nn f_cont.measurable] + have obs : ∀ t, IsOpen {a : Ω | t < f a} := fun t ↦ ( f_cont) _ isOpen_Ioi + apply (lintegral_mono (fun t ↦ h_opens _ (obs t))).trans + refine lintegral_liminf_le ?_ + refine fun i ↦ Antitone.measurable (fun s t hst ↦ measure_mono ?_) + intro ω hω + simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] at * + linarith + +lemma main_thing + {μ : Measure Ω} [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] + {μs : ℕ → Measure Ω} [∀ i, IsProbabilityMeasure (μs i)] + {f : Ω → ℝ} (f_cont : Continuous f) (f_nn : 0 ≤ f) + (h_opens : ∀ G, IsOpen G → μ G ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ μs i G)) : + ∫ x, (f x) ∂μ ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i)) := by + sorry + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.neg_norm_le [TopologicalSpace X] (f : X →ᵇ ℝ) (x : X) : + -‖f‖ ≤ f x := by + exact ( (norm_coe_le_norm f x)).1 + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.le_norm [TopologicalSpace X] (f : X →ᵇ ℝ) (x : X): + f x ≤ ‖f‖ := by + exact ( (norm_coe_le_norm f x)).2 + +-- NOTE: Where should such things be placed? In the `Portmanteau`-file only? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.add_norm_nonneg [TopologicalSpace X] (f : X →ᵇ ℝ) : + 0 ≤ f + BoundedContinuousFunction.const _ ‖f‖ := by + intro x + dsimp + linarith [( (norm_coe_le_norm f x)).1] + +-- NOTE: Where should such things be placed? In the `Portmanteau`-file only? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.norm_sub_nonneg [TopologicalSpace X] (f : X →ᵇ ℝ) : + 0 ≤ BoundedContinuousFunction.const _ ‖f‖ - f := by + intro x + dsimp + linarith [( (norm_coe_le_norm f x)).2] + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.integral_add_const {μ : Measure Ω} [IsFiniteMeasure μ] + (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) (c : ℝ) : + ∫ x, (f + BoundedContinuousFunction.const Ω c) x ∂μ = + ∫ x, f x ∂μ + ENNReal.toReal (μ (Set.univ)) • c := by + simp only [coe_add, const_toFun, Pi.add_apply, smul_eq_mul] + simp_rw [integral_add (FiniteMeasure.integrable_of_boundedContinuous_to_real _ f) + (integrable_const c)] + simp only [integral_const, smul_eq_mul] + +-- NOTE: Maybe there should be a file for lemmas about integrals of `BoundedContinuousFunction`s? +lemma BoundedContinuousFunction.integral_const_sub {μ : Measure Ω} [IsFiniteMeasure μ] + (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) (c : ℝ) : + ∫ x, (BoundedContinuousFunction.const Ω c - f) x ∂μ = + ENNReal.toReal (μ (Set.univ)) • c - ∫ x, f x ∂μ := by + simp only [coe_sub, const_toFun, Pi.sub_apply, smul_eq_mul] + simp_rw [integral_sub (integrable_const c) + (FiniteMeasure.integrable_of_boundedContinuous_to_real _ f)] + simp only [integral_const, smul_eq_mul] + +lemma reduction_to_liminf {ι : Type} {L : Filter ι} [NeBot L] + {μ : Measure Ω} [IsProbabilityMeasure μ] {μs : ι → Measure Ω} [∀ i, IsProbabilityMeasure (μs i)] + (h : ∀ f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ, 0 ≤ f → ∫ x, (f x) ∂μ ≤ L.liminf (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i))) + (f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ) : + Tendsto (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i)) L (𝓝 (∫ x, (f x) ∂μ)) := by + have obs := isBounded_range_integral_boundedContinuousFunction_of_isProbabilityMeasure μs f + have bdd_above : IsBoundedUnder (· ≤ ·) L (fun i ↦ ∫ (x : Ω), f x ∂μs i) := by + apply isBounded_le_map_of_isBounded_range + apply isBounded_range_integral_boundedContinuousFunction_of_isProbabilityMeasure + have bdd_below : IsBoundedUnder (· ≥ ·) L (fun i ↦ ∫ (x : Ω), f x ∂μs i) := by + apply isBounded_ge_map_of_isBounded_range + apply isBounded_range_integral_boundedContinuousFunction_of_isProbabilityMeasure + apply @tendsto_of_le_liminf_of_limsup_le ℝ ι _ _ _ L (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i)) (∫ x, (f x) ∂μ) + · have key := h _ (f.add_norm_nonneg) + simp_rw [f.integral_add_const ‖f‖] at key + simp only [measure_univ, ENNReal.one_toReal, smul_eq_mul, one_mul] at key + -- TODO: Should the case of ⊥ filter be treated separately and not included as an assumption? + have := liminf_add_const L (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i)) ‖f‖ bdd_above bdd_below + rwa [this, add_le_add_iff_right] at key + · have key := h _ (f.norm_sub_nonneg) + simp_rw [f.integral_const_sub ‖f‖] at key + simp only [measure_univ, ENNReal.one_toReal, smul_eq_mul, one_mul] at key + have := liminf_const_sub L (fun i ↦ ∫ x, (f x) ∂ (μs i)) ‖f‖ bdd_above bdd_below + rwa [this, sub_le_sub_iff_left] at key + · exact L.isBounded_le_map_of_isBounded_range obs + · exact L.isBounded_ge_map_of_isBounded_range obs + +/-- A characterization of weak convergence of probability measures by the condition that the +integrals of every continuous bounded nonnegative function converge to the integral of the function +against the limit measure. -/ +lemma ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_nonneg_integral_tendsto {γ : Type _} {F : Filter γ} + {μs : γ → ProbabilityMeasure Ω} {μ : ProbabilityMeasure Ω} : + Tendsto μs F (𝓝 μ) ↔ + ∀ f : Ω →ᵇ ℝ, 0 ≤ f → + Tendsto (fun i ↦ ∫ ω, (f ω) ∂(μs i : Measure Ω)) F (𝓝 (∫ ω, (f ω) ∂(μ : Measure Ω))) := by + rw [ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_integral_tendsto] + refine ⟨fun h f _ ↦ h f, fun h f ↦ ?_⟩ + set g := f + BoundedContinuousFunction.const _ ‖f‖ with g_def + have fx_eq : ∀ x, f x = g x - ‖f‖ := by + intro x + simp only [BoundedContinuousFunction.coe_add, BoundedContinuousFunction.const_toFun, Pi.add_apply, + add_sub_cancel] + have key := h g (f.add_norm_nonneg) + simp [g_def] at key + simp_rw [integral_add (FiniteMeasure.integrable_of_boundedContinuous_to_real _ f) + (integrable_const ‖f‖)] at key + simp only [integral_const, measure_univ, ENNReal.one_toReal, smul_eq_mul, one_mul] at key + simp_rw [fx_eq] + convert tendsto_add.comp (Tendsto.prod_mk_nhds key (@tendsto_const_nhds _ _ _ (-‖f‖) F)) <;> simp + +theorem le_liminf_open_implies_convergence + {μ : ProbabilityMeasure Ω} {μs : ℕ → ProbabilityMeasure Ω} + (h_opens : ∀ G, IsOpen G → μ G ≤ atTop.liminf (fun i ↦ μs i G)) : + atTop.Tendsto (fun i ↦ μs i) (𝓝 μ) := by + refine ProbabilityMeasure.tendsto_iff_forall_nonneg_integral_tendsto.mpr ?_ + intro g g_nn + apply reduction_to_liminf + intro f f_nn + have f_nn' : 0 ≤ (f : Ω → ℝ) := fun x ↦ by simpa using f_nn x + apply main_thing f.continuous f_nn' + -- Annoying coercions to reduce to `h_opens`... + sorry + +end le_liminf_open_implies_convergence