From 16ba02757eaa6881ac5273fec1609a1741a66821 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jason Yuen Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2023 04:21:58 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat: port Computability.TuringMachine (#2125) --- Mathlib.lean | 1 + Mathlib/Computability/TuringMachine.lean | 2832 ++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 2833 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Mathlib/Computability/TuringMachine.lean diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index a82728786eb75..b22b9eddcb54e 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SetFamily.Shadow import Mathlib.Combinatorics.SimpleGraph.Regularity.Equitabilise import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Young.SemistandardTableau import Mathlib.Combinatorics.Young.YoungDiagram +import Mathlib.Computability.TuringMachine import Mathlib.Control.Applicative import Mathlib.Control.Basic import Mathlib.Control.EquivFunctor diff --git a/Mathlib/Computability/TuringMachine.lean b/Mathlib/Computability/TuringMachine.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..069f9ee35b9fc --- /dev/null +++ b/Mathlib/Computability/TuringMachine.lean @@ -0,0 +1,2832 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Mario Carneiro + +! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module computability.turing_machine +! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 4c19a16e4b705bf135cf9a80ac18fcc99c438514 +! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id +! if you have ported upstream changes. +-/ +import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Option +import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Prod +import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Pi +import Mathlib.Data.Vector.Basic +import Mathlib.Data.PFun +import Mathlib.Logic.Function.Iterate +import Mathlib.Order.Basic +import Mathlib.Tactic.ApplyFun +import Mathlib.Tactic.WLOG +import Mathlib.Tactic.RSuffices + +/-! +# Turing machines + +This file defines a sequence of simple machine languages, starting with Turing machines and working +up to more complex languages based on Wang B-machines. + +## Naming conventions + +Each model of computation in this file shares a naming convention for the elements of a model of +computation. These are the parameters for the language: + +* `Γ` is the alphabet on the tape. +* `Λ` is the set of labels, or internal machine states. +* `σ` is the type of internal memory, not on the tape. This does not exist in the TM0 model, and + later models achieve this by mixing it into `Λ`. +* `K` is used in the TM2 model, which has multiple stacks, and denotes the number of such stacks. + +All of these variables denote "essentially finite" types, but for technical reasons it is +convenient to allow them to be infinite anyway. When using an infinite type, we will be interested +to prove that only finitely many values of the type are ever interacted with. + +Given these parameters, there are a few common structures for the model that arise: + +* `Stmt` is the set of all actions that can be performed in one step. For the TM0 model this set is + finite, and for later models it is an infinite inductive type representing "possible program + texts". +* `Cfg` is the set of instantaneous configurations, that is, the state of the machine together with + its environment. +* `Machine` is the set of all machines in the model. Usually this is approximately a function + `Λ → Stmt`, although different models have different ways of halting and other actions. +* `step : Cfg → Option Cfg` is the function that describes how the state evolves over one step. + If `step c = none`, then `c` is a terminal state, and the result of the computation is read off + from `c`. Because of the type of `step`, these models are all deterministic by construction. +* `init : Input → Cfg` sets up the initial state. The type `Input` depends on the model; + in most cases it is `List Γ`. +* `eval : Machine → Input → Part Output`, given a machine `M` and input `i`, starts from + `init i`, runs `step` until it reaches an output, and then applies a function `Cfg → Output` to + the final state to obtain the result. The type `Output` depends on the model. +* `Supports : Machine → Finset Λ → Prop` asserts that a machine `M` starts in `S : Finset Λ`, and + can only ever jump to other states inside `S`. This implies that the behavior of `M` on any input + cannot depend on its values outside `S`. We use this to allow `Λ` to be an infinite set when + convenient, and prove that only finitely many of these states are actually accessible. This + formalizes "essentially finite" mentioned above. +-/ + + +open Relation + +open Nat (iterate) + +open Function (update iterate_succ iterate_succ_apply iterate_succ' iterate_succ_apply' + iterate_zero_apply) + +namespace Turing + +/-- The `BlankExtends` partial order holds of `l₁` and `l₂` if `l₂` is obtained by adding +blanks (`default : Γ`) to the end of `l₁`. -/ +def BlankExtends {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l₁ l₂ : List Γ) : Prop := + ∃ n, l₂ = l₁ ++ List.replicate n default +#align turing.blank_extends Turing.BlankExtends + +@[refl] +theorem BlankExtends.refl {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : List Γ) : BlankExtends l l := + ⟨0, by simp⟩ +#align turing.blank_extends.refl Turing.BlankExtends.refl + +@[trans] +theorem BlankExtends.trans {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l₁ l₂ l₃ : List Γ} : + BlankExtends l₁ l₂ → BlankExtends l₂ l₃ → BlankExtends l₁ l₃ := by + rintro ⟨i, rfl⟩ ⟨j, rfl⟩ + exact ⟨i + j, by simp [List.replicate_add]⟩ +#align turing.blank_extends.trans Turing.BlankExtends.trans + +theorem BlankExtends.below_of_le {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l l₁ l₂ : List Γ} : + BlankExtends l l₁ → BlankExtends l l₂ → l₁.length ≤ l₂.length → BlankExtends l₁ l₂ := by + rintro ⟨i, rfl⟩ ⟨j, rfl⟩ h; use j - i + simp only [List.length_append, add_le_add_iff_left, List.length_replicate] at h + simp only [← List.replicate_add, add_tsub_cancel_of_le h, List.append_assoc] +#align turing.blank_extends.below_of_le Turing.BlankExtends.below_of_le + +/-- Any two extensions by blank `l₁,l₂` of `l` have a common join (which can be taken to be the +longer of `l₁` and `l₂`). -/ +def BlankExtends.above {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l l₁ l₂ : List Γ} (h₁ : BlankExtends l l₁) + (h₂ : BlankExtends l l₂) : { l' // BlankExtends l₁ l' ∧ BlankExtends l₂ l' } := + if h : l₁.length ≤ l₂.length then ⟨l₂, h₁.below_of_le h₂ h, BlankExtends.refl _⟩ + else ⟨l₁, BlankExtends.refl _, h₂.below_of_le h₁ (le_of_not_ge h)⟩ +#align turing.blank_extends.above Turing.BlankExtends.above + +theorem BlankExtends.above_of_le {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l l₁ l₂ : List Γ} : + BlankExtends l₁ l → BlankExtends l₂ l → l₁.length ≤ l₂.length → BlankExtends l₁ l₂ := by + rintro ⟨i, rfl⟩ ⟨j, e⟩ h; use i - j + refine' List.append_right_cancel (e.symm.trans _) + rw [List.append_assoc, ← List.replicate_add, tsub_add_cancel_of_le] + apply_fun List.length at e + simp only [List.length_append, List.length_replicate] at e + rwa [← add_le_add_iff_left, e, add_le_add_iff_right] +#align turing.blank_extends.above_of_le Turing.BlankExtends.above_of_le + +/-- `BlankRel` is the symmetric closure of `BlankExtends`, turning it into an equivalence +relation. Two lists are related by `BlankRel` if one extends the other by blanks. -/ +def BlankRel {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l₁ l₂ : List Γ) : Prop := + BlankExtends l₁ l₂ ∨ BlankExtends l₂ l₁ +#align turing.blank_rel Turing.BlankRel + +@[refl] +theorem BlankRel.refl {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : List Γ) : BlankRel l l := + Or.inl (BlankExtends.refl _) +#align turing.blank_rel.refl Turing.BlankRel.refl + +@[symm] +theorem BlankRel.symm {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l₁ l₂ : List Γ} : BlankRel l₁ l₂ → BlankRel l₂ l₁ := + Or.symm +#align turing.blank_rel.symm Turing.BlankRel.symm + +@[trans] +theorem BlankRel.trans {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l₁ l₂ l₃ : List Γ} : + BlankRel l₁ l₂ → BlankRel l₂ l₃ → BlankRel l₁ l₃ := by + rintro (h₁ | h₁) (h₂ | h₂) + · exact Or.inl (h₁.trans h₂) + · cases' le_total l₁.length l₃.length with h h + · exact Or.inl (h₁.above_of_le h₂ h) + · exact Or.inr (h₂.above_of_le h₁ h) + · cases' le_total l₁.length l₃.length with h h + · exact Or.inl (h₁.below_of_le h₂ h) + · exact Or.inr (h₂.below_of_le h₁ h) + · exact Or.inr (h₂.trans h₁) +#align turing.blank_rel.trans Turing.BlankRel.trans + +/-- Given two `BlankRel` lists, there exists (constructively) a common join. -/ +def BlankRel.above {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l₁ l₂ : List Γ} (h : BlankRel l₁ l₂) : + { l // BlankExtends l₁ l ∧ BlankExtends l₂ l } := by + refine' + if hl : l₁.length ≤ l₂.length then ⟨l₂, Or.elim h id fun h' ↦ _, BlankExtends.refl _⟩ + else ⟨l₁, BlankExtends.refl _, Or.elim h (fun h' ↦ _) id⟩ + exact (BlankExtends.refl _).above_of_le h' hl + exact (BlankExtends.refl _).above_of_le h' (le_of_not_ge hl) +#align turing.blank_rel.above Turing.BlankRel.above + +/-- Given two `BlankRel` lists, there exists (constructively) a common meet. -/ +def BlankRel.below {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {l₁ l₂ : List Γ} (h : BlankRel l₁ l₂) : + { l // BlankExtends l l₁ ∧ BlankExtends l l₂ } := by + refine' + if hl : l₁.length ≤ l₂.length then ⟨l₁, BlankExtends.refl _, Or.elim h id fun h' ↦ _⟩ + else ⟨l₂, Or.elim h (fun h' ↦ _) id, BlankExtends.refl _⟩ + exact (BlankExtends.refl _).above_of_le h' hl + exact (BlankExtends.refl _).above_of_le h' (le_of_not_ge hl) +#align turing.blank_rel.below Turing.BlankRel.below + +theorem BlankRel.equivalence (Γ) [Inhabited Γ] : Equivalence (@BlankRel Γ _) := + ⟨BlankRel.refl, @BlankRel.symm _ _, @BlankRel.trans _ _⟩ +#align turing.blank_rel.equivalence Turing.BlankRel.equivalence + +/-- Construct a setoid instance for `BlankRel`. -/ +def BlankRel.setoid (Γ) [Inhabited Γ] : Setoid (List Γ) := + ⟨_, BlankRel.equivalence _⟩ +#align turing.blank_rel.setoid Turing.BlankRel.setoid + +/-- A `ListBlank Γ` is a quotient of `List Γ` by extension by blanks at the end. This is used to +represent half-tapes of a Turing machine, so that we can pretend that the list continues +infinitely with blanks. -/ +def ListBlank (Γ) [Inhabited Γ] := + Quotient (BlankRel.setoid Γ) +#align turing.list_blank Turing.ListBlank + +instance ListBlank.inhabited {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : Inhabited (ListBlank Γ) := + ⟨'' []⟩ +#align turing.list_blank.inhabited Turing.ListBlank.inhabited + +instance ListBlank.hasEmptyc {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : EmptyCollection (ListBlank Γ) := + ⟨'' []⟩ +#align turing.list_blank.has_emptyc Turing.ListBlank.hasEmptyc + +/-- A modified version of `Quotient.liftOn'` specialized for `ListBlank`, with the stronger +precondition `BlankExtends` instead of `BlankRel`. -/ +@[reducible] -- Porting note: Removed `@[elab_as_elim]` +protected def ListBlank.liftOn {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {α} (l : ListBlank Γ) (f : List Γ → α) + (H : ∀ a b, BlankExtends a b → f a = f b) : α := + l.liftOn' f <| by rintro a b (h | h) <;> [exact H _ _ h, exact (H _ _ h).symm] +#align turing.list_blank.lift_on Turing.ListBlank.liftOn + +/-- The quotient map turning a `List` into a `ListBlank`. -/ +def {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : List Γ → ListBlank Γ := +'' +#align + +@[elab_as_elim] +protected theorem ListBlank.induction_on {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] {p : ListBlank Γ → Prop} + (q : ListBlank Γ) (h : ∀ a, p ( a)) : p q := + Quotient.inductionOn' q h +#align turing.list_blank.induction_on Turing.ListBlank.induction_on + +/-- The head of a `ListBlank` is well defined. -/ +def ListBlank.head {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : ListBlank Γ) : Γ := by + apply l.liftOn List.headI + rintro a _ ⟨i, rfl⟩ + cases a + · cases i <;> rfl + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.head Turing.ListBlank.head + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.head_mk {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : List Γ) : + ListBlank.head ( l) = l.headI := + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.head_mk Turing.ListBlank.head_mk + +/-- The tail of a `ListBlank` is well defined (up to the tail of blanks). -/ +def ListBlank.tail {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : ListBlank Γ) : ListBlank Γ := by + apply l.liftOn (fun l ↦ l.tail) + rintro a _ ⟨i, rfl⟩ + refine' Quotient.sound' (Or.inl _) + cases a + · cases' i with i <;> [exact ⟨0, rfl⟩, exact ⟨i, rfl⟩] + exact ⟨i, rfl⟩ +#align turing.list_blank.tail Turing.ListBlank.tail + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.tail_mk {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : List Γ) : + ListBlank.tail ( l) = l.tail := + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.tail_mk Turing.ListBlank.tail_mk + +/-- We can cons an element onto a `ListBlank`. -/ +def ListBlank.cons {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (a : Γ) (l : ListBlank Γ) : ListBlank Γ := by + apply l.liftOn (fun l ↦ (List.cons a l)) + rintro _ _ ⟨i, rfl⟩ + exact Quotient.sound' (Or.inl ⟨i, rfl⟩) +#align turing.list_blank.cons Turing.ListBlank.cons + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.cons_mk {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (a : Γ) (l : List Γ) : + ListBlank.cons a ( l) = (a :: l) := + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.cons_mk Turing.ListBlank.cons_mk + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.head_cons {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (a : Γ) : ∀ l : ListBlank Γ, (l.cons a).head = a := + Quotient.ind' fun _ ↦ rfl +#align turing.list_blank.head_cons Turing.ListBlank.head_cons + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.tail_cons {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (a : Γ) : ∀ l : ListBlank Γ, (l.cons a).tail = l := + Quotient.ind' fun _ ↦ rfl +#align turing.list_blank.tail_cons Turing.ListBlank.tail_cons + +/-- The `cons` and `head`/`tail` functions are mutually inverse, unlike in the case of `List` where +this only holds for nonempty lists. -/ +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.cons_head_tail {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : ∀ l : ListBlank Γ, l.tail.cons l.head = l := by + apply Quotient.ind' + refine' fun l ↦ Quotient.sound' (Or.inr _) + cases l + · exact ⟨1, rfl⟩ + · rfl +#align turing.list_blank.cons_head_tail Turing.ListBlank.cons_head_tail + +/-- The `cons` and `head`/`tail` functions are mutually inverse, unlike in the case of `List` where +this only holds for nonempty lists. -/ +theorem ListBlank.exists_cons {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : ListBlank Γ) : + ∃ a l', l = ListBlank.cons a l' := + ⟨_, _, (ListBlank.cons_head_tail _).symm⟩ +#align turing.list_blank.exists_cons Turing.ListBlank.exists_cons + +/-- The n-th element of a `ListBlank` is well defined for all `n : ℕ`, unlike in a `List`. -/ +def ListBlank.nth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : ListBlank Γ) (n : ℕ) : Γ := by + apply l.liftOn (fun l ↦ List.getI l n) + rintro l _ ⟨i, rfl⟩ + cases' lt_or_le n _ with h h + · rw [List.getI_append _ _ _ h] + rw [List.getI_eq_default _ h] + cases' le_or_lt _ n with h₂ h₂ + · rw [List.getI_eq_default _ h₂] + rw [List.getI_eq_get _ h₂, List.get_append_right' h, List.get_replicate] +#align turing.list_blank.nth Turing.ListBlank.nth + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.nth_mk {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : List Γ) (n : ℕ) : + ( l).nth n = l.getI n := + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.nth_mk Turing.ListBlank.nth_mk + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.nth_zero {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : ListBlank Γ) : l.nth 0 = l.head := by + conv => lhs; rw [← ListBlank.cons_head_tail l] + exact Quotient.inductionOn' l.tail fun l ↦ rfl +#align turing.list_blank.nth_zero Turing.ListBlank.nth_zero + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.nth_succ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : ListBlank Γ) (n : ℕ) : + l.nth (n + 1) = l.tail.nth n := by + conv => lhs; rw [← ListBlank.cons_head_tail l] + exact Quotient.inductionOn' l.tail fun l ↦ rfl +#align turing.list_blank.nth_succ Turing.ListBlank.nth_succ + +@[ext] +theorem ListBlank.ext {Γ} [i : Inhabited Γ] {L₁ L₂ : ListBlank Γ} : + (∀ i, L₁.nth i = L₂.nth i) → L₁ = L₂ := by + refine' ListBlank.induction_on L₁ fun l₁ ↦ ListBlank.induction_on L₂ fun l₂ H ↦ _ + wlog h : l₁.length ≤ l₂.length + · cases le_total l₁.length l₂.length <;> [skip, symm] <;> apply this <;> try assumption + intro + rw [H] + refine' Quotient.sound' (Or.inl ⟨l₂.length - l₁.length, _⟩) + refine' List.ext_get _ fun i h h₂ ↦ Eq.symm _ + · simp only [add_tsub_cancel_of_le h, List.length_append, List.length_replicate] + simp only [ListBlank.nth_mk] at H + cases' lt_or_le i l₁.length with h' h' + · simp only [List.get_append _ h', List.get?_eq_get h, List.get?_eq_get h', + ← List.getI_eq_get _ h, ← List.getI_eq_get _ h', H] + · simp only [List.get_append_right' h', List.get_replicate, List.get?_eq_get h, + List.get?_len_le h', ← List.getI_eq_default _ h', H, List.getI_eq_get _ h] +#align turing.list_blank.ext Turing.ListBlank.ext + +/-- Apply a function to a value stored at the nth position of the list. -/ +@[simp] +def ListBlank.modifyNth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (f : Γ → Γ) : ℕ → ListBlank Γ → ListBlank Γ + | 0, L => L.tail.cons (f L.head) + | n + 1, L => (L.tail.modifyNth f n).cons L.head +#align turing.list_blank.modify_nth Turing.ListBlank.modifyNth + +theorem ListBlank.nth_modifyNth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (f : Γ → Γ) (n i) (L : ListBlank Γ) : + (L.modifyNth f n).nth i = if i = n then f (L.nth i) else L.nth i := by + induction' n with n IH generalizing i L + · cases i <;> simp only [ListBlank.nth_zero, if_true, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.modifyNth, + ListBlank.nth_succ, if_false, ListBlank.tail_cons, Nat.zero_eq] + · cases i + · rw [if_neg (Nat.succ_ne_zero _).symm] + simp only [ListBlank.nth_zero, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.modifyNth, Nat.zero_eq] + · simp only [IH, ListBlank.modifyNth, ListBlank.nth_succ, ListBlank.tail_cons, Nat.succ.injEq] +#align turing.list_blank.nth_modify_nth Turing.ListBlank.nth_modifyNth + +/-- A pointed map of `Inhabited` types is a map that sends one default value to the other. -/ +structure PointedMap.{u, v} (Γ : Type u) (Γ' : Type v) [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] : + Type max u v where + f : Γ → Γ' + map_pt' : f default = default +#align turing.pointed_map Turing.PointedMap + +instance {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] : Inhabited (PointedMap Γ Γ') := + ⟨⟨default, rfl⟩⟩ + +instance {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] : CoeFun (PointedMap Γ Γ') fun _ ↦ Γ → Γ' := + ⟨PointedMap.f⟩ + +-- @[simp] -- Porting note: dsimp can prove this +theorem PointedMap.mk_val {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : Γ → Γ') (pt) : + ( f pt : Γ → Γ') = f := + rfl +#align turing.pointed_map.mk_val Turing.PointedMap.mk_val + +@[simp] +theorem PointedMap.map_pt {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') : + f default = default := + PointedMap.map_pt' _ +#align turing.pointed_map.map_pt Turing.PointedMap.map_pt + +@[simp] +theorem PointedMap.headI_map {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') + (l : List Γ) : ( f).headI = f l.headI := by + cases l <;> [exact (PointedMap.map_pt f).symm, rfl] +#align turing.pointed_map.head_map Turing.PointedMap.headI_map + +/-- The `map` function on lists is well defined on `ListBlank`s provided that the map is +pointed. -/ +def {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (l : ListBlank Γ) : + ListBlank Γ' := by + apply l.liftOn (fun l ↦ ( f l)) + rintro l _ ⟨i, rfl⟩; refine' Quotient.sound' (Or.inl ⟨i, _⟩) + simp only [PointedMap.map_pt, List.map_append, List.map_replicate] +#align + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.map_mk {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (l : List Γ) : + ( l).map f = ( f) := + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.map_mk Turing.ListBlank.map_mk + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.head_map {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') + (l : ListBlank Γ) : ( f).head = f l.head := by + conv => lhs; rw [← ListBlank.cons_head_tail l] + exact Quotient.inductionOn' l fun a ↦ rfl +#align turing.list_blank.head_map Turing.ListBlank.head_map + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.tail_map {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') + (l : ListBlank Γ) : ( f).tail = f := by + conv => lhs; rw [← ListBlank.cons_head_tail l] + exact Quotient.inductionOn' l fun a ↦ rfl +#align turing.list_blank.tail_map Turing.ListBlank.tail_map + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.map_cons {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') + (l : ListBlank Γ) (a : Γ) : (l.cons a).map f = ( f).cons (f a) := by + refine' (ListBlank.cons_head_tail _).symm.trans _ + simp only [ListBlank.head_map, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_map, ListBlank.tail_cons] +#align turing.list_blank.map_cons Turing.ListBlank.map_cons + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.nth_map {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') + (l : ListBlank Γ) (n : ℕ) : ( f).nth n = f (l.nth n) := by + refine' l.inductionOn fun l ↦ _ + -- Porting note: Added `suffices` to get `simp` to work. + suffices ((mk l).map f).nth n = f ((mk l).nth n) by exact this + simp only [List.get?_map, ListBlank.map_mk, ListBlank.nth_mk, List.getI_eq_iget_get?] + cases l.get? n + · exact f.2.symm + · rfl +#align turing.list_blank.nth_map Turing.ListBlank.nth_map + +/-- The `i`-th projection as a pointed map. -/ +def proj {ι : Type _} {Γ : ι → Type _} [∀ i, Inhabited (Γ i)] (i : ι) : + PointedMap (∀ i, Γ i) (Γ i) := + ⟨fun a ↦ a i, rfl⟩ +#align turing.proj Turing.proj + +theorem proj_map_nth {ι : Type _} {Γ : ι → Type _} [∀ i, Inhabited (Γ i)] (i : ι) (L n) : + ( (@proj ι Γ _ i) L).nth n = L.nth n i := by + rw [ListBlank.nth_map]; rfl +#align turing.proj_map_nth Turing.proj_map_nth + +theorem ListBlank.map_modifyNth {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (F : PointedMap Γ Γ') + (f : Γ → Γ) (f' : Γ' → Γ') (H : ∀ x, F (f x) = f' (F x)) (n) (L : ListBlank Γ) : + (L.modifyNth f n).map F = ( F).modifyNth f' n := by + induction' n with n IH generalizing L <;> + simp only [*, ListBlank.head_map, ListBlank.modifyNth, ListBlank.map_cons, ListBlank.tail_map] +#align turing.list_blank.map_modify_nth Turing.ListBlank.map_modifyNth + +/-- Append a list on the left side of a `ListBlank`. -/ +@[simp] +def ListBlank.append {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : List Γ → ListBlank Γ → ListBlank Γ + | [], L => L + | a :: l, L => ListBlank.cons a (ListBlank.append l L) +#align turing.list_blank.append Turing.ListBlank.append + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.append_mk {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l₁ l₂ : List Γ) : + ListBlank.append l₁ ( l₂) = (l₁ ++ l₂) := by + induction l₁ <;> + simp only [*, ListBlank.append, List.nil_append, List.cons_append, ListBlank.cons_mk] +#align turing.list_blank.append_mk Turing.ListBlank.append_mk + +theorem ListBlank.append_assoc {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l₁ l₂ : List Γ) (l₃ : ListBlank Γ) : + ListBlank.append (l₁ ++ l₂) l₃ = ListBlank.append l₁ (ListBlank.append l₂ l₃) := by + refine' l₃.inductionOn fun l ↦ _ + -- Porting note: Added `suffices` to get `simp` to work. + suffices append (l₁ ++ l₂) (mk l) = append l₁ (append l₂ (mk l)) by exact this + simp only [ListBlank.append_mk, List.append_assoc] +#align turing.list_blank.append_assoc Turing.ListBlank.append_assoc + +/-- The `bind` function on lists is well defined on `ListBlank`s provided that the default element +is sent to a sequence of default elements. -/ +def ListBlank.bind {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (l : ListBlank Γ) (f : Γ → List Γ') + (hf : ∃ n, f default = List.replicate n default) : ListBlank Γ' := by + apply l.liftOn (fun l ↦ (List.bind l f)) + rintro l _ ⟨i, rfl⟩; cases' hf with n e; refine' Quotient.sound' (Or.inl ⟨i * n, _⟩) + rw [List.bind_append, mul_comm]; congr + induction' i with i IH; rfl + simp only [IH, e, List.replicate_add, Nat.mul_succ, add_comm, List.replicate_succ, List.cons_bind] +#align turing.list_blank.bind Turing.ListBlank.bind + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.bind_mk {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (l : List Γ) (f : Γ → List Γ') (hf) : + ( l).bind f hf = (l.bind f) := + rfl +#align turing.list_blank.bind_mk Turing.ListBlank.bind_mk + +@[simp] +theorem ListBlank.cons_bind {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (a : Γ) (l : ListBlank Γ) + (f : Γ → List Γ') (hf) : (l.cons a).bind f hf = (l.bind f hf).append (f a) := by + refine' l.inductionOn fun l ↦ _ + -- Porting note: Added `suffices` to get `simp` to work. + suffices ((mk l).cons a).bind f hf = ((mk l).bind f hf).append (f a) by exact this + simp only [ListBlank.append_mk, ListBlank.bind_mk, ListBlank.cons_mk, List.cons_bind] +#align turing.list_blank.cons_bind Turing.ListBlank.cons_bind + +/-- The tape of a Turing machine is composed of a head element (which we imagine to be the +current position of the head), together with two `ListBlank`s denoting the portions of the tape +going off to the left and right. When the Turing machine moves right, an element is pulled from the +right side and becomes the new head, while the head element is consed onto the left side. -/ +structure Tape (Γ : Type _) [Inhabited Γ] where + head : Γ + left : ListBlank Γ + right : ListBlank Γ +#align turing.tape Turing.Tape + +instance Tape.inhabited {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : Inhabited (Tape Γ) := + ⟨by constructor <;> apply default⟩ +#align turing.tape.inhabited Turing.Tape.inhabited + +/-- A direction for the turing machine `move` command, either + left or right. -/ +inductive Dir + | left + | right + deriving DecidableEq, Inhabited +#align turing.dir Turing.Dir + +/-- The "inclusive" left side of the tape, including both `left` and `head`. -/ +def Tape.left₀ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : ListBlank Γ := + T.left.cons T.head +#align turing.tape.left₀ Turing.Tape.left₀ + +/-- The "inclusive" right side of the tape, including both `right` and `head`. -/ +def Tape.right₀ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : ListBlank Γ := + T.right.cons T.head +#align turing.tape.right₀ Turing.Tape.right₀ + +/-- Move the tape in response to a motion of the Turing machine. Note that `T.move Dir.left` makes +`T.left` smaller; the Turing machine is moving left and the tape is moving right. -/ +def Tape.move {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : Dir → Tape Γ → Tape Γ + | Dir.left, ⟨a, L, R⟩ => ⟨L.head, L.tail, R.cons a⟩ + | Dir.right, ⟨a, L, R⟩ => ⟨R.head, L.cons a, R.tail⟩ +#align turing.tape.move Turing.Tape.move + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_left_right {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : + (T.move Dir.left).move Dir.right = T := by + cases T; simp [Tape.move] +#align turing.tape.move_left_right Turing.Tape.move_left_right + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_right_left {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : + (T.move Dir.right).move Dir.left = T := by + cases T; simp [Tape.move] +#align turing.tape.move_right_left Turing.Tape.move_right_left + +/-- Construct a tape from a left side and an inclusive right side. -/ +def' {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : Tape Γ := + ⟨R.head, L, R.tail⟩ +#align'' + +@[simp] +theorem'_left {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : (' L R).left = L := + rfl +#align'_left'_left + +@[simp] +theorem'_head {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : (' L R).head = R.head := + rfl +#align'_head'_head + +@[simp] +theorem'_right {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : (' L R).right = R.tail := + rfl +#align'_right'_right + +@[simp] +theorem'_right₀ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : (' L R).right₀ = R := + ListBlank.cons_head_tail _ +#align'_right₀'_right₀ + +@[simp] +theorem'_left_right₀ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) :' T.left T.right₀ = T := by + cases T + simp only [Tape.right₀,', ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_cons, eq_self_iff_true, + and_self_iff] +#align'_left_right₀'_left_right₀ + +theorem Tape.exists_mk' {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : ∃ L R, T =' L R := + ⟨_, _, ('_left_right₀ _).symm⟩ +#align turing.tape.exists_mk' Turing.Tape.exists_mk' + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_left_mk' {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + (' L R).move Dir.left =' L.tail (R.cons L.head) := by + simp only [Tape.move,', ListBlank.head_cons, eq_self_iff_true, ListBlank.cons_head_tail, + and_self_iff, ListBlank.tail_cons] +#align turing.tape.move_left_mk' Turing.Tape.move_left_mk' + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_right_mk' {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + (' L R).move Dir.right =' (L.cons R.head) R.tail := by + simp only [Tape.move,', ListBlank.head_cons, eq_self_iff_true, ListBlank.cons_head_tail, + and_self_iff, ListBlank.tail_cons] +#align turing.tape.move_right_mk' Turing.Tape.move_right_mk' + +/-- Construct a tape from a left side and an inclusive right side. -/ +def Tape.mk₂ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : List Γ) : Tape Γ := +' ( L) ( R) +#align turing.tape.mk₂ Turing.Tape.mk₂ + +/-- Construct a tape from a list, with the head of the list at the TM head and the rest going +to the right. -/ +def Tape.mk₁ {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (l : List Γ) : Tape Γ := + Tape.mk₂ [] l +#align turing.tape.mk₁ Turing.Tape.mk₁ + +/-- The `nth` function of a tape is integer-valued, with index `0` being the head, negative indexes +on the left and positive indexes on the right. (Picture a number line.) -/ +def Tape.nth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : ℤ → Γ + | 0 => T.head + | (n + 1 : ℕ) => T.right.nth n + | -(n + 1 : ℕ) => T.left.nth n +#align turing.tape.nth Turing.Tape.nth + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.nth_zero {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) : T.nth 0 = T.1 := + rfl +#align turing.tape.nth_zero Turing.Tape.nth_zero + +theorem Tape.right₀_nth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) (n : ℕ) : T.right₀.nth n = T.nth n := by + cases n <;> simp only [Tape.nth, Tape.right₀, Int.ofNat_zero, ListBlank.nth_zero, + ListBlank.nth_succ, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_cons, Nat.zero_eq] +#align turing.tape.right₀_nth Turing.Tape.right₀_nth + +@[simp] +theorem'_nth_nat {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (L R : ListBlank Γ) (n : ℕ) : + (' L R).nth n = R.nth n := by + rw [← Tape.right₀_nth,'_right₀] +#align'_nth_nat'_nth_nat + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_left_nth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : + ∀ (T : Tape Γ) (i : ℤ), (T.move Dir.left).nth i = T.nth (i - 1) + | ⟨_, L, _⟩, -(n + 1 : ℕ) => (ListBlank.nth_succ _ _).symm + | ⟨_, L, _⟩, 0 => (ListBlank.nth_zero _).symm + | ⟨a, L, R⟩, 1 => (ListBlank.nth_zero _).trans (ListBlank.head_cons _ _) + | ⟨a, L, R⟩, (n + 1 : ℕ) + 1 => by + rw [add_sub_cancel] + change (R.cons a).nth (n + 1) = R.nth n + rw [ListBlank.nth_succ, ListBlank.tail_cons] +#align turing.tape.move_left_nth Turing.Tape.move_left_nth + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_right_nth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) (i : ℤ) : + (T.move Dir.right).nth i = T.nth (i + 1) := by + conv => rhs; rw [← T.move_right_left] + rw [Tape.move_left_nth, add_sub_cancel] +#align turing.tape.move_right_nth Turing.Tape.move_right_nth + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.move_right_n_head {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (T : Tape Γ) (i : ℕ) : + ((Tape.move Dir.right^[i]) T).head = T.nth i := by + induction i generalizing T + · rfl + · simp only [*, Tape.move_right_nth, Int.ofNat_succ, iterate_succ, Function.comp_apply] +#align turing.tape.move_right_n_head Turing.Tape.move_right_n_head + +/-- Replace the current value of the head on the tape. -/ +def Tape.write {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (b : Γ) (T : Tape Γ) : Tape Γ := + { T with head := b } +#align turing.tape.write Turing.Tape.write + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.write_self {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] : ∀ T : Tape Γ, T.write T.1 = T := by + rintro ⟨⟩; rfl +#align turing.tape.write_self Turing.Tape.write_self + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.write_nth {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (b : Γ) : + ∀ (T : Tape Γ) {i : ℤ}, (T.write b).nth i = if i = 0 then b else T.nth i + | _, 0 => rfl + | _, (_ + 1 : ℕ) => rfl + | _, -(_ + 1 : ℕ) => rfl +#align turing.tape.write_nth Turing.Tape.write_nth + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.write_mk' {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (a b : Γ) (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + (' L (R.cons a)).write b =' L (R.cons b) := by + simp only [Tape.write,', ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_cons, eq_self_iff_true, + and_self_iff] +#align turing.tape.write_mk' Turing.Tape.write_mk' + +/-- Apply a pointed map to a tape to change the alphabet. -/ +def {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (T : Tape Γ) : Tape Γ' := + ⟨f T.1, f, f⟩ +#align + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.map_fst {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') : + ∀ T : Tape Γ, ( f).1 = f T.1 := by + rintro ⟨⟩; rfl +#align turing.tape.map_fst Turing.Tape.map_fst + +@[simp] +theorem Tape.map_write {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (b : Γ) : + ∀ T : Tape Γ, (T.write b).map f = ( f).write (f b) := by + rintro ⟨⟩; rfl +#align turing.tape.map_write Turing.Tape.map_write + +-- Porting note: `simpNF` complains about LHS does not simplify when using the simp lemma on +-- itself, but it does indeed. +@[simp, nolint simpNF] +theorem Tape.write_move_right_n {Γ} [Inhabited Γ] (f : Γ → Γ) (L R : ListBlank Γ) (n : ℕ) : + ((Tape.move Dir.right^[n]) (' L R)).write (f (R.nth n)) = + (Tape.move Dir.right^[n]) (' L (R.modifyNth f n)) := by + induction' n with n IH generalizing L R + · simp only [ListBlank.nth_zero, ListBlank.modifyNth, iterate_zero_apply, Nat.zero_eq] + rw [← Tape.write_mk', ListBlank.cons_head_tail] + simp only [ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.nth_succ, ListBlank.modifyNth, Tape.move_right_mk', + ListBlank.tail_cons, iterate_succ_apply, IH] +#align turing.tape.write_move_right_n Turing.Tape.write_move_right_n + +theorem Tape.map_move {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (T : Tape Γ) (d) : + (T.move d).map f = ( f).move d := by + cases T + cases d <;> simp only [Tape.move,, ListBlank.head_map, eq_self_iff_true, + ListBlank.map_cons, and_self_iff, ListBlank.tail_map] +#align turing.tape.map_move Turing.Tape.map_move + +theorem Tape.map_mk' {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + (' L R).map f =' ( f) ( f) := by + simp only [',, ListBlank.head_map, eq_self_iff_true, and_self_iff, + ListBlank.tail_map] +#align turing.tape.map_mk' Turing.Tape.map_mk' + +theorem Tape.map_mk₂ {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (L R : List Γ) : + (Tape.mk₂ L R).map f = Tape.mk₂ ( f) ( f) := by + simp only [Tape.mk₂, Tape.map_mk', ListBlank.map_mk] +#align turing.tape.map_mk₂ Turing.Tape.map_mk₂ + +theorem Tape.map_mk₁ {Γ Γ'} [Inhabited Γ] [Inhabited Γ'] (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (l : List Γ) : + (Tape.mk₁ l).map f = Tape.mk₁ ( f) := + Tape.map_mk₂ _ _ _ +#align turing.tape.map_mk₁ Turing.Tape.map_mk₁ + +/-- Run a state transition function `σ → Option σ` "to completion". The return value is the last +state returned before a `none` result. If the state transition function always returns `some`, +then the computation diverges, returning `Part.none`. -/ +-- Porting note: Added noncomputable, because `PFun.fix` is noncomputable. +noncomputable def eval {σ} (f : σ → Option σ) : σ → Part σ := + PFun.fix fun s ↦ Part.some <| (f s).elim (Sum.inl s) Sum.inr +#align turing.eval Turing.eval + +/-- The reflexive transitive closure of a state transition function. `Reaches f a b` means +there is a finite sequence of steps `f a = some a₁`, `f a₁ = some a₂`, ... such that `aₙ = b`. +This relation permits zero steps of the state transition function. -/ +def Reaches {σ} (f : σ → Option σ) : σ → σ → Prop := + ReflTransGen fun a b ↦ b ∈ f a +#align turing.reaches Turing.Reaches + +/-- The transitive closure of a state transition function. `Reaches₁ f a b` means there is a +nonempty finite sequence of steps `f a = some a₁`, `f a₁ = some a₂`, ... such that `aₙ = b`. +This relation does not permit zero steps of the state transition function. -/ +def Reaches₁ {σ} (f : σ → Option σ) : σ → σ → Prop := + TransGen fun a b ↦ b ∈ f a +#align turing.reaches₁ Turing.Reaches₁ + +theorem reaches₁_eq {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c} (h : f a = f b) : + Reaches₁ f a c ↔ Reaches₁ f b c := + TransGen.head'_iff.trans (TransGen.head'_iff.trans <| by rw [h]).symm +#align turing.reaches₁_eq Turing.reaches₁_eq + +theorem reaches_total {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c} (hab : Reaches f a b) (hac : Reaches f a c) : + Reaches f b c ∨ Reaches f c b := + ReflTransGen.total_of_right_unique (fun _ _ _ ↦ Option.mem_unique) hab hac +#align turing.reaches_total Turing.reaches_total + +theorem reaches₁_fwd {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c} (h₁ : Reaches₁ f a c) (h₂ : b ∈ f a) : + Reaches f b c := by + rcases TransGen.head'_iff.1 h₁ with ⟨b', hab, hbc⟩ + cases Option.mem_unique hab h₂; exact hbc +#align turing.reaches₁_fwd Turing.reaches₁_fwd + +/-- A variation on `Reaches`. `Reaches₀ f a b` holds if whenever `Reaches₁ f b c` then +`Reaches₁ f a c`. This is a weaker property than `Reaches` and is useful for replacing states with +equivalent states without taking a step. -/ +def Reaches₀ {σ} (f : σ → Option σ) (a b : σ) : Prop := + ∀ c, Reaches₁ f b c → Reaches₁ f a c +#align turing.reaches₀ Turing.Reaches₀ + +theorem Reaches₀.trans {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c : σ} (h₁ : Reaches₀ f a b) + (h₂ : Reaches₀ f b c) : Reaches₀ f a c + | _, h₃ => h₁ _ (h₂ _ h₃) +#align turing.reaches₀.trans Turing.Reaches₀.trans + +@[refl] +theorem Reaches₀.refl {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} (a : σ) : Reaches₀ f a a + | _, h => h +#align turing.reaches₀.refl Turing.Reaches₀.refl + +theorem Reaches₀.single {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b : σ} (h : b ∈ f a) : Reaches₀ f a b + | _, h₂ => h₂.head h +#align turing.reaches₀.single Turing.Reaches₀.single + +theorem Reaches₀.head {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c : σ} (h : b ∈ f a) (h₂ : Reaches₀ f b c) : + Reaches₀ f a c := + (Reaches₀.single h).trans h₂ +#align turing.reaches₀.head Turing.Reaches₀.head + +theorem Reaches₀.tail {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c : σ} (h₁ : Reaches₀ f a b) (h : c ∈ f b) : + Reaches₀ f a c := + h₁.trans (Reaches₀.single h) +#align turing.reaches₀.tail Turing.Reaches₀.tail + +theorem reaches₀_eq {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b} (e : f a = f b) : Reaches₀ f a b + | _, h => (reaches₁_eq e).2 h +#align turing.reaches₀_eq Turing.reaches₀_eq + +theorem Reaches₁.to₀ {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b : σ} (h : Reaches₁ f a b) : Reaches₀ f a b + | _, h₂ => h.trans h₂ +#align turing.reaches₁.to₀ Turing.Reaches₁.to₀ + +theorem Reaches.to₀ {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b : σ} (h : Reaches f a b) : Reaches₀ f a b + | _, h₂ => h₂.trans_right h +#align turing.reaches.to₀ Turing.Reaches.to₀ + +theorem Reaches₀.tail' {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b c : σ} (h : Reaches₀ f a b) (h₂ : c ∈ f b) : + Reaches₁ f a c := + h _ (TransGen.single h₂) +#align turing.reaches₀.tail' Turing.Reaches₀.tail' + +/-- (co-)Induction principle for `eval`. If a property `C` holds of any point `a` evaluating to `b` +which is either terminal (meaning `a = b`) or where the next point also satisfies `C`, then it +holds of any point where `eval f a` evaluates to `b`. This formalizes the notion that if +`eval f a` evaluates to `b` then it reaches terminal state `b` in finitely many steps. -/ +-- Porting note: Added noncomputable +@[elab_as_elim] +noncomputable def evalInduction {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {b : σ} {C : σ → Sort _} {a : σ} + (h : b ∈ eval f a) (H : ∀ a, b ∈ eval f a → (∀ a', f a = some a' → C a') → C a) : C a := + PFun.fixInduction h fun a' ha' h' ↦ + H _ ha' fun b' e ↦ h' _ <| Part.mem_some_iff.2 <| by rw [e]; rfl +#align turing.eval_induction Turing.evalInduction + +theorem mem_eval {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b} : b ∈ eval f a ↔ Reaches f a b ∧ f b = none := by + refine' ⟨fun h ↦ _, fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ ↦ _⟩ + · -- Porting note: Explicitly specify `c`. + refine' @evalInduction _ _ _ (fun a ↦ Reaches f a b ∧ f b = none) _ h fun a h IH ↦ _ + cases' e : f a with a' + · rw [Part.mem_unique h + (PFun.mem_fix_iff.2 <| Or.inl <| Part.mem_some_iff.2 <| by rw [e] <;> rfl)] + exact ⟨ReflTransGen.refl, e⟩ + · rcases PFun.mem_fix_iff.1 h with (h | ⟨_, h, _⟩) <;> rw [e] at h <;> + cases Part.mem_some_iff.1 h + cases' IH a' e with h₁ h₂ + exact ⟨ReflTransGen.head e h₁, h₂⟩ + · refine' ReflTransGen.head_induction_on h₁ _ fun h _ IH ↦ _ + · refine' PFun.mem_fix_iff.2 (Or.inl _) + rw [h₂] + apply Part.mem_some + · refine' PFun.mem_fix_iff.2 (Or.inr ⟨_, _, IH⟩) + rw [h] + apply Part.mem_some +#align turing.mem_eval Turing.mem_eval + +theorem eval_maximal₁ {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b} (h : b ∈ eval f a) (c) : ¬Reaches₁ f b c + | bc => by + let ⟨_, b0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h + let ⟨b', h', _⟩ := TransGen.head'_iff.1 bc + cases b0.symm.trans h' +#align turing.eval_maximal₁ Turing.eval_maximal₁ + +theorem eval_maximal {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b} (h : b ∈ eval f a) {c} : Reaches f b c ↔ c = b := + let ⟨_, b0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h + reflTransGen_iff_eq fun b' h' ↦ by cases b0.symm.trans h' +#align turing.eval_maximal Turing.eval_maximal + +theorem reaches_eval {σ} {f : σ → Option σ} {a b} (ab : Reaches f a b) : eval f a = eval f b := by + refine' Part.ext fun _ ↦ ⟨fun h ↦ _, fun h ↦ _⟩ + · have ⟨ac, c0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h + exact mem_eval.2 ⟨(or_iff_left_of_imp fun cb ↦ (eval_maximal h).1 cb ▸ ReflTransGen.refl).1 + (reaches_total ab ac), c0⟩ + · have ⟨bc, c0⟩ := mem_eval.1 h + exact mem_eval.2 ⟨ab.trans bc, c0⟩ +#align turing.reaches_eval Turing.reaches_eval + +/-- Given a relation `tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop` between state spaces, and state transition functions +`f₁ : σ₁ → Option σ₁` and `f₂ : σ₂ → Option σ₂`, `Respects f₁ f₂ tr` means that if `tr a₁ a₂` holds +initially and `f₁` takes a step to `a₂` then `f₂` will take one or more steps before reaching a +state `b₂` satisfying `tr a₂ b₂`, and if `f₁ a₁` terminates then `f₂ a₂` also terminates. +Such a relation `tr` is also known as a refinement. -/ +def Respects {σ₁ σ₂} (f₁ : σ₁ → Option σ₁) (f₂ : σ₂ → Option σ₂) (tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop) := + ∀ ⦃a₁ a₂⦄, tr a₁ a₂ → (match f₁ a₁ with + | some b₁ => ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ Reaches₁ f₂ a₂ b₂ + | none => f₂ a₂ = none : Prop) +#align turing.respects Turing.Respects + +theorem tr_reaches₁ {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : Respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} + (aa : tr a₁ a₂) {b₁} (ab : Reaches₁ f₁ a₁ b₁) : ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ Reaches₁ f₂ a₂ b₂ := by + induction' ab with c₁ ac c₁ d₁ _ cd IH + · have := H aa + rwa [show f₁ a₁ = _ from ac] at this + · rcases IH with ⟨c₂, cc, ac₂⟩ + have := H cc + rw [show f₁ c₁ = _ from cd] at this + rcases this with ⟨d₂, dd, cd₂⟩ + exact ⟨_, dd, ac₂.trans cd₂⟩ +#align turing.tr_reaches₁ Turing.tr_reaches₁ + +theorem tr_reaches {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : Respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} + (aa : tr a₁ a₂) {b₁} (ab : Reaches f₁ a₁ b₁) : ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ Reaches f₂ a₂ b₂ := by + rcases reflTransGen_iff_eq_or_transGen.1 ab with (rfl | ab) + · exact ⟨_, aa, ReflTransGen.refl⟩ + · have ⟨b₂, bb, h⟩ := tr_reaches₁ H aa ab + exact ⟨b₂, bb, h.to_reflTransGen⟩ +#align turing.tr_reaches Turing.tr_reaches + +theorem tr_reaches_rev {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : Respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} + (aa : tr a₁ a₂) {b₂} (ab : Reaches f₂ a₂ b₂) : + ∃ c₁ c₂, Reaches f₂ b₂ c₂ ∧ tr c₁ c₂ ∧ Reaches f₁ a₁ c₁ := by + induction' ab with c₂ d₂ _ cd IH + · exact ⟨_, _, ReflTransGen.refl, aa, ReflTransGen.refl⟩ + · rcases IH with ⟨e₁, e₂, ce, ee, ae⟩ + rcases ReflTransGen.cases_head ce with (rfl | ⟨d', cd', de⟩) + · have := H ee + revert this + cases' eg : f₁ e₁ with g₁ <;> simp only [Respects, and_imp, exists_imp] + · intro c0 + cases cd.symm.trans c0 + · intro g₂ gg cg + rcases TransGen.head'_iff.1 cg with ⟨d', cd', dg⟩ + cases Option.mem_unique cd cd' + exact ⟨_, _, dg, gg, ae.tail eg⟩ + · cases Option.mem_unique cd cd' + exact ⟨_, _, de, ee, ae⟩ +#align turing.tr_reaches_rev Turing.tr_reaches_rev + +theorem tr_eval {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : Respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ b₁ a₂} + (aa : tr a₁ a₂) (ab : b₁ ∈ eval f₁ a₁) : ∃ b₂, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ b₂ ∈ eval f₂ a₂ := by + cases' mem_eval.1 ab with ab b0 + rcases tr_reaches H aa ab with ⟨b₂, bb, ab⟩ + refine' ⟨_, bb, mem_eval.2 ⟨ab, _⟩⟩ + have := H bb; rwa [b0] at this +#align turing.tr_eval Turing.tr_eval + +theorem tr_eval_rev {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : Respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ b₂ a₂} + (aa : tr a₁ a₂) (ab : b₂ ∈ eval f₂ a₂) : ∃ b₁, tr b₁ b₂ ∧ b₁ ∈ eval f₁ a₁ := by + cases' mem_eval.1 ab with ab b0 + rcases tr_reaches_rev H aa ab with ⟨c₁, c₂, bc, cc, ac⟩ + cases (reflTransGen_iff_eq (Option.eq_none_iff_forall_not_mem.1 b0)).1 bc + refine' ⟨_, cc, mem_eval.2 ⟨ac, _⟩⟩ + have := H cc + cases' hfc : f₁ c₁ with d₁ + · rfl + rw [hfc] at this + rcases this with ⟨d₂, _, bd⟩ + rcases TransGen.head'_iff.1 bd with ⟨e, h, _⟩ + cases b0.symm.trans h +#align turing.tr_eval_rev Turing.tr_eval_rev + +theorem tr_eval_dom {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂ → Prop} (H : Respects f₁ f₂ tr) {a₁ a₂} + (aa : tr a₁ a₂) : (eval f₂ a₂).Dom ↔ (eval f₁ a₁).Dom := + ⟨fun h ↦ + let ⟨_, _, h, _⟩ := tr_eval_rev H aa ⟨h, rfl⟩ + h, + fun h ↦ + let ⟨_, _, h, _⟩ := tr_eval H aa ⟨h, rfl⟩ + h⟩ +#align turing.tr_eval_dom Turing.tr_eval_dom + +/-- A simpler version of `Respects` when the state transition relation `tr` is a function. -/ +def FRespects {σ₁ σ₂} (f₂ : σ₂ → Option σ₂) (tr : σ₁ → σ₂) (a₂ : σ₂) : Option σ₁ → Prop + | some b₁ => Reaches₁ f₂ a₂ (tr b₁) + | none => f₂ a₂ = none +#align turing.frespects Turing.FRespects + +theorem frespects_eq {σ₁ σ₂} {f₂ : σ₂ → Option σ₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂} {a₂ b₂} (h : f₂ a₂ = f₂ b₂) : + ∀ {b₁}, FRespects f₂ tr a₂ b₁ ↔ FRespects f₂ tr b₂ b₁ + | some b₁ => reaches₁_eq h + | none => by unfold FRespects; rw [h] +#align turing.frespects_eq Turing.frespects_eq + +theorem fun_respects {σ₁ σ₂ f₁ f₂} {tr : σ₁ → σ₂} : + (Respects f₁ f₂ fun a b ↦ tr a = b) ↔ ∀ ⦃a₁⦄, FRespects f₂ tr (tr a₁) (f₁ a₁) := + forall_congr' fun a₁ ↦ by + cases f₁ a₁ <;> simp only [FRespects, Respects, exists_eq_left', forall_eq'] +#align turing.fun_respects Turing.fun_respects + +theorem tr_eval' {σ₁ σ₂} (f₁ : σ₁ → Option σ₁) (f₂ : σ₂ → Option σ₂) (tr : σ₁ → σ₂) + (H : Respects f₁ f₂ fun a b ↦ tr a = b) (a₁) : eval f₂ (tr a₁) = tr <$> eval f₁ a₁ := + Part.ext fun b₂ ↦ + ⟨fun h ↦ + let ⟨b₁, bb, hb⟩ := tr_eval_rev H rfl h + (Part.mem_map_iff _).2 ⟨b₁, hb, bb⟩, + fun h ↦ by + rcases(Part.mem_map_iff _).1 h with ⟨b₁, ab, bb⟩ + rcases tr_eval H rfl ab with ⟨_, rfl, h⟩ + rwa [bb] at h⟩ +#align turing.tr_eval' Turing.tr_eval' + +/-! +## The TM0 model + +A TM0 turing machine is essentially a Post-Turing machine, adapted for type theory. + +A Post-Turing machine with symbol type `Γ` and label type `Λ` is a function +`Λ → Γ → Option (Λ × Stmt)`, where a `Stmt` can be either `move left`, `move right` or `write a` +for `a : Γ`. The machine works over a "tape", a doubly-infinite sequence of elements of `Γ`, and +an instantaneous configuration, `Cfg`, is a label `q : Λ` indicating the current internal state of +the machine, and a `Tape Γ` (which is essentially `ℤ →₀ Γ`). The evolution is described by the +`step` function: + +* If `M q T.head = none`, then the machine halts. +* If `M q T.head = some (q', s)`, then the machine performs action `s : Stmt` and then transitions + to state `q'`. + +The initial state takes a `List Γ` and produces a `Tape Γ` where the head of the list is the head +of the tape and the rest of the list extends to the right, with the left side all blank. The final +state takes the entire right side of the tape right or equal to the current position of the +machine. (This is actually a `ListBlank Γ`, not a `List Γ`, because we don't know, at this level +of generality, where the output ends. If equality to `default : Γ` is decidable we can trim the list +to remove the infinite tail of blanks.) +-/ + + +namespace TM0 + +-- "TM0" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +section + +variable (Γ : Type _) [Inhabited Γ] + +-- type of tape symbols +variable (Λ : Type _) [Inhabited Λ] + +-- type of "labels" or TM states +/-- A Turing machine "statement" is just a command to either move + left or right, or write a symbol on the tape. -/ +inductive Stmt + | move : Dir → Stmt + | write : Γ → Stmt +#align turing.TM0.stmt Turing.TM0.Stmt + +local notation "Stmt₀" => Stmt Γ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance Stmt.inhabited : Inhabited Stmt₀ := + ⟨Stmt.write default⟩ +#align turing.TM0.stmt.inhabited Turing.TM0.Stmt.inhabited + +/-- A Post-Turing machine with symbol type `Γ` and label type `Λ` + is a function which, given the current state `q : Λ` and + the tape head `a : Γ`, either halts (returns `none`) or returns + a new state `q' : Λ` and a `Stmt` describing what to do, + either a move left or right, or a write command. + + Both `Λ` and `Γ` are required to be inhabited; the default value + for `Γ` is the "blank" tape value, and the default value of `Λ` is + the initial state. -/ +@[nolint unusedArguments] -- this is a deliberate addition, see comment +def Machine [Inhabited Λ] := + Λ → Γ → Option (Λ × Stmt₀) +#align turing.TM0.machine Turing.TM0.Machine + +local notation "Machine₀" => Machine Γ Λ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance Machine.inhabited : Inhabited Machine₀ := by + unfold Machine; infer_instance +#align turing.TM0.machine.inhabited Turing.TM0.Machine.inhabited + +/-- The configuration state of a Turing machine during operation + consists of a label (machine state), and a tape, represented in + the form `(a, L, R)` meaning the tape looks like `L.rev ++ [a] ++ R` + with the machine currently reading the `a`. The lists are + automatically extended with blanks as the machine moves around. -/ +structure Cfg where + q : Λ + Tape : Tape Γ +#align turing.TM0.cfg Turing.TM0.Cfg + +local notation "Cfg₀" => Cfg Γ Λ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance Cfg.inhabited : Inhabited Cfg₀ := + ⟨⟨default, default⟩⟩ +#align turing.TM0.cfg.inhabited Turing.TM0.Cfg.inhabited + +variable {Γ Λ} + +/-- Execution semantics of the Turing machine. -/ +def step (M : Machine₀) : Cfg₀ → Option Cfg₀ := + fun ⟨q, T⟩ ↦ (M q T.1).map fun ⟨q', a⟩ ↦ ⟨q', match a with + | Stmt.move d => T.move d + | Stmt.write a => T.write a⟩ +#align turing.TM0.step Turing.TM0.step + +/-- The statement `Reaches M s₁ s₂` means that `s₂` is obtained + starting from `s₁` after a finite number of steps from `s₂`. -/ +def Reaches (M : Machine₀) : Cfg₀ → Cfg₀ → Prop := + ReflTransGen fun a b ↦ b ∈ step M a +#align turing.TM0.reaches Turing.TM0.Reaches + +/-- The initial configuration. -/ +def init (l : List Γ) : Cfg₀ := + ⟨default, Tape.mk₁ l⟩ +#align turing.TM0.init Turing.TM0.init + +/-- Evaluate a Turing machine on initial input to a final state, + if it terminates. -/ +-- Porting note: Added noncomputable +noncomputable def eval (M : Machine₀) (l : List Γ) : Part (ListBlank Γ) := + (Turing.eval (step M) (init l)).map fun c ↦ c.Tape.right₀ +#align turing.TM0.eval Turing.TM0.eval + +/-- The raw definition of a Turing machine does not require that + `Γ` and `Λ` are finite, and in practice we will be interested + in the infinite `Λ` case. We recover instead a notion of + "effectively finite" Turing machines, which only make use of a + finite subset of their states. We say that a set `S ⊆ Λ` + supports a Turing machine `M` if `S` is closed under the + transition function and contains the initial state. -/ +def Supports (M : Machine₀) (S : Set Λ) := + default ∈ S ∧ ∀ {q a q' s}, (q', s) ∈ M q a → q ∈ S → q' ∈ S +#align turing.TM0.supports Turing.TM0.Supports + +theorem step_supports (M : Machine₀) {S : Set Λ} (ss : Supports M S) : + ∀ {c c' : Cfg₀}, c' ∈ step M c → c.q ∈ S → c'.q ∈ S := by + intro ⟨q, T⟩ c' h₁ h₂ + rcases Option.map_eq_some'.1 h₁ with ⟨⟨q', a⟩, h, rfl⟩ + exact ss.2 h h₂ +#align turing.TM0.step_supports Turing.TM0.step_supports + +theorem univ_supports (M : Machine₀) : Supports M Set.univ := by + constructor <;> intros <;> apply Set.mem_univ +#align turing.TM0.univ_supports Turing.TM0.univ_supports + +end + +section + +variable {Γ : Type _} [Inhabited Γ] + +variable {Γ' : Type _} [Inhabited Γ'] + +variable {Λ : Type _} [Inhabited Λ] + +variable {Λ' : Type _} [Inhabited Λ'] + +/-- Map a TM statement across a function. This does nothing to move statements and maps the write +values. -/ +def (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') : Stmt Γ → Stmt Γ' + | Stmt.move d => Stmt.move d + | Stmt.write a => Stmt.write (f a) +#align + +/-- Map a configuration across a function, given `f : Γ → Γ'` a map of the alphabets and +`g : Λ → Λ'` a map of the machine states. -/ +def (f : PointedMap Γ Γ') (g : Λ → Λ') : Cfg Γ Λ → Cfg Γ' Λ' + | ⟨q, T⟩ => ⟨g q, f⟩ +#align + +variable (M : Machine Γ Λ) (f₁ : PointedMap Γ Γ') (f₂ : PointedMap Γ' Γ) (g₁ : Λ → Λ') (g₂ : Λ' → Λ) + +/-- Because the state transition function uses the alphabet and machine states in both the input +and output, to map a machine from one alphabet and machine state space to another we need functions +in both directions, essentially an `Equiv` without the laws. -/ +def : Machine Γ' Λ' + | q, l => (M (g₂ q) (f₂ l)).map ( g₁ ( f₁)) +#align + +theorem Machine.map_step {S : Set Λ} (f₂₁ : Function.RightInverse f₁ f₂) + (g₂₁ : ∀ q ∈ S, g₂ (g₁ q) = q) : + ∀ c : Cfg Γ Λ, + c.q ∈ S → (step M c).map ( f₁ g₁) = step ( f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂) ( f₁ g₁ c) + | ⟨q, T⟩, h => by + unfold step + simp only [Turing.Tape.map_fst, g₂₁ q h, f₂₁ _] + rcases M q T.1 with (_ | ⟨q', d | a⟩); · rfl + · simp only [step,, Option.map_some', Tape.map_move f₁] + rfl + · simp only [step,, Option.map_some', Tape.map_write] + rfl +#align turing.TM0.machine.map_step Turing.TM0.Machine.map_step + +theorem map_init (g₁ : PointedMap Λ Λ') (l : List Γ) : (init l).map f₁ g₁ = init ( f₁) := + congr (congr_arg g₁.map_pt) (Tape.map_mk₁ _ _) +#align turing.TM0.map_init Turing.TM0.map_init + +theorem Machine.map_respects (g₁ : PointedMap Λ Λ') (g₂ : Λ' → Λ) {S} (ss : Supports M S) + (f₂₁ : Function.RightInverse f₁ f₂) (g₂₁ : ∀ q ∈ S, g₂ (g₁ q) = q) : + Respects (step M) (step ( f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂)) fun a b ↦ a.q ∈ S ∧ f₁ g₁ a = b := by + intro c _ ⟨cs, rfl⟩ + cases e : step M c + · rw [← M.map_step f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ f₂₁ g₂₁ _ cs, e] + rfl + · refine' ⟨_, ⟨step_supports M ss e cs, rfl⟩, TransGen.single _⟩ + rw [← M.map_step f₁ f₂ g₁ g₂ f₂₁ g₂₁ _ cs, e] + rfl +#align turing.TM0.machine.map_respects Turing.TM0.Machine.map_respects + +end + +end TM0 + +/-! +## The TM1 model + +The TM1 model is a simplification and extension of TM0 (Post-Turing model) in the direction of +Wang B-machines. The machine's internal state is extended with a (finite) store `σ` of variables +that may be accessed and updated at any time. + +A machine is given by a `Λ` indexed set of procedures or functions. Each function has a body which +is a `Stmt`. Most of the regular commands are allowed to use the current value `a` of the local +variables and the value `T.head` on the tape to calculate what to write or how to change local +state, but the statements themselves have a fixed structure. The `Stmt`s can be as follows: + +* `move d q`: move left or right, and then do `q` +* `write (f : Γ → σ → Γ) q`: write `f a T.head` to the tape, then do `q` +* `load (f : Γ → σ → σ) q`: change the internal state to `f a T.head` +* `branch (f : Γ → σ → Bool) qtrue qfalse`: If `f a T.head` is true, do `qtrue`, else `qfalse` +* `goto (f : Γ → σ → Λ)`: Go to label `f a T.head` +* `halt`: Transition to the halting state, which halts on the following step + +Note that here most statements do not have labels; `goto` commands can only go to a new function. +Only the `goto` and `halt` statements actually take a step; the rest is done by recursion on +statements and so take 0 steps. (There is a uniform bound on many statements can be executed before +the next `goto`, so this is an `O(1)` speedup with the constant depending on the machine.) + +The `halt` command has a one step stutter before actually halting so that any changes made before +the halt have a chance to be "committed", since the `eval` relation uses the final configuration +before the halt as the output, and `move` and `write` etc. take 0 steps in this model. +-/ + + +namespace TM1 + +-- "TM1" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +section + +variable (Γ : Type _) [Inhabited Γ] + +-- Type of tape symbols +variable (Λ : Type _) + +-- Type of function labels +variable (σ : Type _) + +-- Type of variable settings +/-- The TM1 model is a simplification and extension of TM0 + (Post-Turing model) in the direction of Wang B-machines. The machine's + internal state is extended with a (finite) store `σ` of variables + that may be accessed and updated at any time. + A machine is given by a `Λ` indexed set of procedures or functions. + Each function has a body which is a `Stmt`, which can either be a + `move` or `write` command, a `branch` (if statement based on the + current tape value), a `load` (set the variable value), + a `goto` (call another function), or `halt`. Note that here + most statements do not have labels; `goto` commands can only + go to a new function. All commands have access to the variable value + and current tape value. -/ +inductive Stmt + | move : Dir → Stmt → Stmt + | write : (Γ → σ → Γ) → Stmt → Stmt + | load : (Γ → σ → σ) → Stmt → Stmt + | branch : (Γ → σ → Bool) → Stmt → Stmt → Stmt + | goto : (Γ → σ → Λ) → Stmt + | halt : Stmt +#align turing.TM1.stmt Turing.TM1.Stmt + +local notation "Stmt₁" => Stmt Γ Λ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +open Stmt + +instance Stmt.inhabited : Inhabited Stmt₁ := + ⟨halt⟩ +#align turing.TM1.stmt.inhabited Turing.TM1.Stmt.inhabited + +/-- The configuration of a TM1 machine is given by the currently + evaluating statement, the variable store value, and the tape. -/ +structure Cfg where + l : Option Λ + var : σ + Tape : Tape Γ +#align turing.TM1.cfg Turing.TM1.Cfg + +local notation "Cfg₁" => Cfg Γ Λ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance Cfg.inhabited [Inhabited σ] : Inhabited Cfg₁ := + ⟨⟨default, default, default⟩⟩ +#align turing.TM1.cfg.inhabited Turing.TM1.Cfg.inhabited + +variable {Γ Λ σ} + +/-- The semantics of TM1 evaluation. -/ +def stepAux : Stmt₁ → σ → Tape Γ → Cfg₁ + | move d q, v, T => stepAux q v (T.move d) + | write a q, v, T => stepAux q v (T.write (a T.1 v)) + | load s q, v, T => stepAux q (s T.1 v) T + | branch p q₁ q₂, v, T => cond (p T.1 v) (stepAux q₁ v T) (stepAux q₂ v T) + | goto l, v, T => ⟨some (l T.1 v), v, T⟩ + | halt, v, T => ⟨none, v, T⟩ +#align turing.TM1.step_aux Turing.TM1.stepAux + +/-- The state transition function. -/ +def step (M : Λ → Stmt₁) : Cfg₁ → Option Cfg₁ + | ⟨none, _, _⟩ => none + | ⟨some l, v, T⟩ => some (stepAux (M l) v T) +#align turing.TM1.step Turing.TM1.step + +/-- A set `S` of labels supports the statement `q` if all the `goto` + statements in `q` refer only to other functions in `S`. -/ +def SupportsStmt (S : Finset Λ) : Stmt₁ → Prop + | move _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | write _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | load _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | branch _ q₁ q₂ => SupportsStmt S q₁ ∧ SupportsStmt S q₂ + | goto l => ∀ a v, l a v ∈ S + | halt => True +#align turing.TM1.supports_stmt Turing.TM1.SupportsStmt + +open Classical + +/-- The subterm closure of a statement. -/ +noncomputable def stmts₁ : Stmt₁ → Finset Stmt₁ + | Q@(move _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(write _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(load _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(branch _ q₁ q₂) => insert Q (stmts₁ q₁ ∪ stmts₁ q₂) + | Q => {Q} +#align turing.TM1.stmts₁ Turing.TM1.stmts₁ + +theorem stmts₁_self {q : Stmt₁} : q ∈ stmts₁ q := by + cases q <;> simp only [stmts₁, Finset.mem_insert_self, Finset.mem_singleton_self] +#align turing.TM1.stmts₁_self Turing.TM1.stmts₁_self + +theorem stmts₁_trans {q₁ q₂ : Stmt₁} : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂ → stmts₁ q₁ ⊆ stmts₁ q₂ := by + intro h₁₂ q₀ h₀₁ + induction' q₂ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH <;> simp only [stmts₁] at h₁₂⊢ <;> + simp only [Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_singleton] at h₁₂ + iterate 3 + rcases h₁₂ with (rfl | h₁₂) + · unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁ + exact h₀₁ + · exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (IH h₁₂) + case branch p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + rcases h₁₂ with (rfl | h₁₂ | h₁₂) + · unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁ + exact h₀₁ + · exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (Finset.mem_union_left _ <| IH₁ h₁₂) + · exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (Finset.mem_union_right _ <| IH₂ h₁₂) + case goto l => subst h₁₂; exact h₀₁ + case halt => subst h₁₂; exact h₀₁ +#align turing.TM1.stmts₁_trans Turing.TM1.stmts₁_trans + +theorem stmts₁_supportsStmt_mono {S : Finset Λ} {q₁ q₂ : Stmt₁} (h : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) + (hs : SupportsStmt S q₂) : SupportsStmt S q₁ := by + induction' q₂ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH <;> + simp only [stmts₁, SupportsStmt, Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_singleton] + at h hs + iterate 3 rcases h with (rfl | h) <;> [exact hs, exact IH h hs] + case branch p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => rcases h with (rfl | h | h); exacts[hs, IH₁ h hs.1, IH₂ h hs.2] + case goto l => subst h; exact hs + case halt => subst h; trivial +#align turing.TM1.stmts₁_supports_stmt_mono Turing.TM1.stmts₁_supportsStmt_mono + +/-- The set of all statements in a turing machine, plus one extra value `none` representing the +halt state. This is used in the TM1 to TM0 reduction. -/ +noncomputable def stmts (M : Λ → Stmt₁) (S : Finset Λ) : Finset (Option Stmt₁) := + Finset.insertNone (S.bunionᵢ fun q ↦ stmts₁ (M q)) +#align turing.TM1.stmts Turing.TM1.stmts + +theorem stmts_trans {M : Λ → Stmt₁} {S : Finset Λ} {q₁ q₂ : Stmt₁} (h₁ : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) : + some q₂ ∈ stmts M S → some q₁ ∈ stmts M S := by + simp only [stmts, Finset.mem_insertNone, Finset.mem_bunionᵢ, Option.mem_def, Option.some.injEq, + forall_eq', exists_imp, and_imp] + exact fun l ls h₂ ↦ ⟨_, ls, stmts₁_trans h₂ h₁⟩ +#align turing.TM1.stmts_trans Turing.TM1.stmts_trans + +variable [Inhabited Λ] + +/-- A set `S` of labels supports machine `M` if all the `goto` + statements in the functions in `S` refer only to other functions + in `S`. -/ +def Supports (M : Λ → Stmt₁) (S : Finset Λ) := + default ∈ S ∧ ∀ q ∈ S, SupportsStmt S (M q) +#align turing.TM1.supports Turing.TM1.Supports + +theorem stmts_supportsStmt {M : Λ → Stmt₁} {S : Finset Λ} {q : Stmt₁} (ss : Supports M S) : + some q ∈ stmts M S → SupportsStmt S q := by + simp only [stmts, Finset.mem_insertNone, Finset.mem_bunionᵢ, Option.mem_def, Option.some.injEq, + forall_eq', exists_imp, and_imp] + exact fun l ls h ↦ stmts₁_supportsStmt_mono h (ss.2 _ ls) +#align turing.TM1.stmts_supports_stmt Turing.TM1.stmts_supportsStmt + +theorem step_supports (M : Λ → Stmt₁) {S : Finset Λ} (ss : Supports M S) : + ∀ {c c' : Cfg₁}, c' ∈ step M c → c.l ∈ Finset.insertNone S → c'.l ∈ Finset.insertNone S + | ⟨some l₁, v, T⟩, c', h₁, h₂ => by + replace h₂ := ss.2 _ (Finset.some_mem_insertNone.1 h₂) + simp only [step, Option.mem_def, Option.some.injEq] at h₁; subst c' + revert h₂; induction' M l₁ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v T <;> intro hs + iterate 3 exact IH _ _ hs + case branch p q₁' q₂' IH₁ IH₂ => + unfold stepAux; cases p T.1 v + · exact IH₂ _ _ hs.2 + · exact IH₁ _ _ hs.1 + case goto => exact Finset.some_mem_insertNone.2 (hs _ _) + case halt => apply Multiset.mem_cons_self +#align turing.TM1.step_supports Turing.TM1.step_supports + +variable [Inhabited σ] + +/-- The initial state, given a finite input that is placed on the tape starting at the TM head and +going to the right. -/ +def init (l : List Γ) : Cfg₁ := + ⟨some default, default, Tape.mk₁ l⟩ +#align turing.TM1.init Turing.TM1.init + +/-- Evaluate a TM to completion, resulting in an output list on the tape (with an indeterminate +number of blanks on the end). -/ +-- Porting note: Added noncomputable +noncomputable def eval (M : Λ → Stmt₁) (l : List Γ) : Part (ListBlank Γ) := + (Turing.eval (step M) (init l)).map fun c ↦ c.Tape.right₀ +#align turing.TM1.eval Turing.TM1.eval + +end + +end TM1 + +/-! +## TM1 emulator in TM0 + +To prove that TM1 computable functions are TM0 computable, we need to reduce each TM1 program to a +TM0 program. So suppose a TM1 program is given. We take the following: + +* The alphabet `Γ` is the same for both TM1 and TM0 +* The set of states `Λ'` is defined to be `Option Stmt₁ × σ`, that is, a TM1 statement or `none` + representing halt, and the possible settings of the internal variables. + Note that this is an infinite set, because `Stmt₁` is infinite. This is okay because we assume + that from the initial TM1 state, only finitely many other labels are reachable, and there are + only finitely many statements that appear in all of these functions. + +Even though `Stmt₁` contains a statement called `halt`, we must separate it from `none` +(`some halt` steps to `none` and `none` actually halts) because there is a one step stutter in the +TM1 semantics. +-/ + + +namespace TM1to0 + +-- "TM1to0" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +section + +variable {Γ : Type _} [Inhabited Γ] + +variable {Λ : Type _} [Inhabited Λ] + +variable {σ : Type _} [Inhabited σ] + +local notation "Stmt₁" => TM1.Stmt Γ Λ σ + +local notation "Cfg₁" => TM1.Cfg Γ Λ σ + +local notation "Stmt₀" => TM0.Stmt Γ + +variable (M : Λ → TM1.Stmt Γ Λ σ) -- Porting note: Unfolded `Stmt₁`. + +-- Porting note: `Inhabited`s are not necessary, but `M` is necessary. +set_option linter.unusedVariables false in +/-- The base machine state space is a pair of an `Option Stmt₁` representing the current program +to be executed, or `none` for the halt state, and a `σ` which is the local state (stored in the TM, +not the tape). Because there are an infinite number of programs, this state space is infinite, but +for a finitely supported TM1 machine and a finite type `σ`, only finitely many of these states are +reachable. -/ +@[nolint unusedArguments] -- We need the M assumption +def Λ' (M : Λ → TM1.Stmt Γ Λ σ) := + Option Stmt₁ × σ +#align turing.TM1to0.Λ' Turing.TM1to0.Λ' + +local notation "Λ'₁₀" => Λ' M -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance : Inhabited Λ'₁₀ := + ⟨(some (M default), default)⟩ + +open TM0.Stmt + +/-- The core TM1 → TM0 translation function. Here `s` is the current value on the tape, and the +`Stmt₁` is the TM1 statement to translate, with local state `v : σ`. We evaluate all regular +instructions recursively until we reach either a `move` or `write` command, or a `goto`; in the +latter case we emit a dummy `write s` step and transition to the new target location. -/ +def trAux (s : Γ) : Stmt₁ → σ → Λ'₁₀ × Stmt₀ + | TM1.Stmt.move d q, v => ((some q, v), move d) + | TM1.Stmt.write a q, v => ((some q, v), write (a s v)) + | TM1.Stmt.load a q, v => trAux s q (a s v) + | TM1.Stmt.branch p q₁ q₂, v => cond (p s v) (trAux s q₁ v) (trAux s q₂ v) + | TM1.Stmt.goto l, v => ((some (M (l s v)), v), write s) + | TM1.Stmt.halt, v => ((none, v), write s) +#align turing.TM1to0.tr_aux Turing.TM1to0.trAux + +local notation "Cfg₁₀" => TM0.Cfg Γ Λ'₁₀ + +/-- The translated TM0 machine (given the TM1 machine input). -/ +def tr : TM0.Machine Γ Λ'₁₀ + | (none, _), _ => none + | (some q, v), s => some (trAux M s q v) +#align + +/-- Translate configurations from TM1 to TM0. -/ +def trCfg : Cfg₁ → Cfg₁₀ + | ⟨l, v, T⟩ => ⟨( M, v), T⟩ +#align turing.TM1to0.tr_cfg Turing.TM1to0.trCfg + +theorem tr_respects : + Respects (TM1.step M) (TM0.step (tr M)) fun (c₁ : Cfg₁) (c₂ : Cfg₁₀) ↦ trCfg M c₁ = c₂ := + fun_respects.2 fun ⟨l₁, v, T⟩ ↦ by + cases' l₁ with l₁; · exact rfl + simp only [trCfg, TM1.step, FRespects,] + induction' M l₁ with _ q IH _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v T + case move d q IH => exact TransGen.head rfl (IH _ _) + case write a q IH => exact TransGen.head rfl (IH _ _) + case load a q IH => exact (reaches₁_eq (by rfl)).2 (IH _ _) + case branch p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + unfold TM1.stepAux; cases e : p T.1 v + · exact (reaches₁_eq (by simp only [TM0.step, tr, trAux, e]; rfl)).2 (IH₂ _ _) + · exact (reaches₁_eq (by simp only [TM0.step, tr, trAux, e]; rfl)).2 (IH₁ _ _) + iterate 2 + exact TransGen.single (congr_arg some (congr (congr_arg rfl) (Tape.write_self T))) +#align turing.TM1to0.tr_respects Turing.TM1to0.tr_respects + +theorem tr_eval (l : List Γ) : TM0.eval (tr M) l = TM1.eval M l := + (congr_arg _ (tr_eval' _ _ _ (tr_respects M) ⟨some _, _, _⟩)).trans + (by + rw [Part.map_eq_map, Part.map_map, TM1.eval] + congr with ⟨⟩) +#align turing.TM1to0.tr_eval Turing.TM1to0.tr_eval + +variable [Fintype σ] + +/-- Given a finite set of accessible `Λ` machine states, there is a finite set of accessible +machine states in the target (even though the type `Λ'` is infinite). -/ +-- Porting note: Unfolded `×ˢ` to `Finset.product`. +noncomputable def trStmts (S : Finset Λ) : Finset Λ'₁₀ := + Finset.product (TM1.stmts M S) Finset.univ +#align turing.TM1to0.tr_stmts Turing.TM1to0.trStmts + +open Classical + +attribute [local simp] TM1.stmts₁_self + +theorem tr_supports {S : Finset Λ} (ss : TM1.Supports M S) : + TM0.Supports (tr M) ↑(trStmts M S) := by + constructor + · apply Finset.mem_product.2 + constructor + · simp only [default, TM1.stmts, Finset.mem_insertNone, Option.mem_def, Option.some_inj, + forall_eq', Finset.mem_bunionᵢ] + exact ⟨_, ss.1, TM1.stmts₁_self⟩ + · apply Finset.mem_univ + · intro q a q' s h₁ h₂ + rcases q with ⟨_ | q, v⟩; · cases h₁ + cases' q' with q' v' + simp only [trStmts, Finset.mem_coe] at h₂⊢ + rw [Finset.mem_product] at h₂⊢ + simp only [Finset.mem_univ, and_true_iff] at h₂⊢ + cases q'; · exact Multiset.mem_cons_self _ _ + simp only [tr, Option.mem_def] at h₁ + have := TM1.stmts_supportsStmt ss h₂ + revert this; induction q generalizing v <;> intro hs + case move d q => + cases h₁; refine' TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂ + unfold TM1.stmts₁ + exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem TM1.stmts₁_self + case write b q => + cases h₁; refine' TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂ + unfold TM1.stmts₁ + exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem TM1.stmts₁_self + case load b q IH => + refine' IH _ (TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂) h₁ hs + unfold TM1.stmts₁ + exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem TM1.stmts₁_self + case branch p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + cases h : p a v <;> rw [trAux, h] at h₁ + · refine' IH₂ _ (TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂) h₁ hs.2 + unfold TM1.stmts₁ + exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (Finset.mem_union_right _ TM1.stmts₁_self) + · refine' IH₁ _ (TM1.stmts_trans _ h₂) h₁ hs.1 + unfold TM1.stmts₁ + exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (Finset.mem_union_left _ TM1.stmts₁_self) + case goto l => + cases h₁ + exact Finset.some_mem_insertNone.2 (Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, hs _ _, TM1.stmts₁_self⟩) + case halt => cases h₁ +#align turing.TM1to0.tr_supports Turing.TM1to0.tr_supports + +end + +end TM1to0 + +/-! +## TM1(Γ) emulator in TM1(Bool) + +The most parsimonious Turing machine model that is still Turing complete is `TM0` with `Γ = Bool`. +Because our construction in the previous section reducing `TM1` to `TM0` doesn't change the +alphabet, we can do the alphabet reduction on `TM1` instead of `TM0` directly. + +The basic idea is to use a bijection between `Γ` and a subset of `Vector Bool n`, where `n` is a +fixed constant. Each tape element is represented as a block of `n` bools. Whenever the machine +wants to read a symbol from the tape, it traverses over the block, performing `n` `branch` +instructions to each any of the `2^n` results. + +For the `write` instruction, we have to use a `goto` because we need to follow a different code +path depending on the local state, which is not available in the TM1 model, so instead we jump to +a label computed using the read value and the local state, which performs the writing and returns +to normal execution. + +Emulation overhead is `O(1)`. If not for the above `write` behavior it would be 1-1 because we are +exploiting the 0-step behavior of regular commands to avoid taking steps, but there are +nevertheless a bounded number of `write` calls between `goto` statements because TM1 statements are +finitely long. +-/ + + +namespace TM1to1 + +-- "TM1to1" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +open TM1 + +section + +variable {Γ : Type _} [Inhabited Γ] + +theorem exists_enc_dec [Fintype Γ] : ∃ (n : ℕ) (enc : Γ → Vector Bool n) (dec : Vector Bool n → Γ), + enc default = Vector.replicate n false ∧ ∀ a, dec (enc a) = a := by + letI := Classical.decEq Γ + let n := Fintype.card Γ + obtain ⟨F⟩ := Fintype.truncEquivFin Γ + let G : Fin n ↪ Fin n → Bool := + ⟨fun a b ↦ a = b, fun a b h ↦ + Bool.of_decide_true <| (congr_fun h b).trans <| Bool.decide_true rfl⟩ + let H := (F.toEmbedding.trans G).trans (Equiv.vectorEquivFin _ _).symm.toEmbedding + classical + let enc := H.setValue default (Vector.replicate n false) + exact ⟨_, enc, Function.invFun enc, H.setValue_eq _ _, Function.leftInverse_invFun enc.2⟩ +#align turing.TM1to1.exists_enc_dec Turing.TM1to1.exists_enc_dec + +variable {Λ : Type _} [Inhabited Λ] + +variable {σ : Type _} [Inhabited σ] + +local notation "Stmt₁" => Stmt Γ Λ σ + +local notation "Cfg₁" => Cfg Γ Λ σ + +/-- The configuration state of the TM. -/ +inductive Λ' + | normal : Λ → Λ' + | write : Γ → Stmt₁ → Λ' +#align turing.TM1to1.Λ' Turing.TM1to1.Λ' + +local notation "Λ'₁" => @Λ' Γ Λ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance : Inhabited Λ'₁ := + ⟨Λ'.normal default⟩ + +local notation "Stmt'₁" => Stmt Bool Λ'₁ σ + +local notation "Cfg'₁" => Cfg Bool Λ'₁ σ + +/-- Read a vector of length `n` from the tape. -/ +def readAux : ∀ n, (Vector Bool n → Stmt'₁) → Stmt'₁ + | 0, f => f Vector.nil + | i + 1, f => + Stmt.branch (fun a _ ↦ a) (Stmt.move Dir.right <| readAux i fun v ↦ f (true ::ᵥ v)) + (Stmt.move Dir.right <| readAux i fun v ↦ f (false ::ᵥ v)) +#align turing.TM1to1.read_aux Turing.TM1to1.readAux + +variable {n : ℕ} (enc : Γ → Vector Bool n) (dec : Vector Bool n → Γ) + +/-- A move left or right corresponds to `n` moves across the super-cell. -/ +def move (d : Dir) (q : Stmt'₁) : Stmt'₁ := + (Stmt.move d^[n]) q +#align turing.TM1to1.move Turing.TM1to1.move + +local notation "moveₙ" => @move Γ Λ σ n -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +/-- To read a symbol from the tape, we use `readAux` to traverse the symbol, +then return to the original position with `n` moves to the left. -/ +def read (f : Γ → Stmt'₁) : Stmt'₁ := + readAux n fun v ↦ moveₙ Dir.left <| f (dec v) +#align + +/-- Write a list of bools on the tape. -/ +def write : List Bool → Stmt'₁ → Stmt'₁ + | [], q => q + | a :: l, q => (Stmt.write fun _ _ ↦ a) <| Stmt.move Dir.right <| write l q +#align turing.TM1to1.write Turing.TM1to1.write + +/-- Translate a normal instruction. For the `write` command, we use a `goto` indirection so that +we can access the current value of the tape. -/ +def trNormal : Stmt₁ → Stmt'₁ + | Stmt.move d q => moveₙ d <| trNormal q + | Stmt.write f q => read dec fun a ↦ Stmt.goto fun _ s ↦ Λ'.write (f a s) q + | Stmt.load f q => read dec fun a ↦ (Stmt.load fun _ s ↦ f a s) <| trNormal q + | Stmt.branch p q₁ q₂ => + read dec fun a ↦ Stmt.branch (fun _ s ↦ p a s) (trNormal q₁) (trNormal q₂) + | Stmt.goto l => read dec fun a ↦ Stmt.goto fun _ s ↦ Λ'.normal (l a s) + | Stmt.halt => Stmt.halt +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_normal Turing.TM1to1.trNormal + +theorem stepAux_move (d : Dir) (q : Stmt'₁) (v : σ) (T : Tape Bool) : + stepAux (moveₙ d q) v T = stepAux q v ((Tape.move d^[n]) T) := by + suffices : ∀ i, stepAux ((Stmt.move d^[i]) q) v T = stepAux q v ((Tape.move d^[i]) T) + exact this n + intro i; induction' i with i IH generalizing T; · rfl + rw [iterate_succ', iterate_succ] + simp only [stepAux, Function.comp_apply] + rw [IH] +#align turing.TM1to1.step_aux_move Turing.TM1to1.stepAux_move + +theorem supportsStmt_move {S : Finset Λ'₁} {d : Dir} {q : Stmt'₁} : + SupportsStmt S (moveₙ d q) = SupportsStmt S q := by + suffices ∀ {i}, SupportsStmt S ((Stmt.move d^[i]) q) = _ from this + intro i; induction i generalizing q <;> simp only [*, iterate]; rfl +#align turing.TM1to1.supports_stmt_move Turing.TM1to1.supportsStmt_move + +theorem supportsStmt_write {S : Finset Λ'₁} {l : List Bool} {q : Stmt'₁} : + SupportsStmt S (write l q) = SupportsStmt S q := by + induction' l with _ l IH <;> simp only [write, SupportsStmt, *] +#align turing.TM1to1.supports_stmt_write Turing.TM1to1.supportsStmt_write + +theorem supportsStmt_read {S : Finset Λ'₁} : + ∀ {f : Γ → Stmt'₁}, (∀ a, SupportsStmt S (f a)) → SupportsStmt S (read dec f) := + suffices + ∀ (i) (f : Vector Bool i → Stmt'₁), (∀ v, SupportsStmt S (f v)) → SupportsStmt S (readAux i f) + from fun hf ↦ this n _ (by intro; simp only [supportsStmt_move, hf]) + fun i f hf ↦ by + induction' i with i IH; · exact hf _ + constructor <;> apply IH <;> intro <;> apply hf +#align turing.TM1to1.supports_stmt_read Turing.TM1to1.supportsStmt_read + +variable (enc0 : enc default = Vector.replicate n false) + +section + +variable {enc} + +/-- The low level tape corresponding to the given tape over alphabet `Γ`. -/ +def trTape' (L R : ListBlank Γ) : Tape Bool := by + refine' +' (L.bind (fun x ↦ (enc x).toList.reverse) ⟨n, _⟩) + (R.bind (fun x ↦ (enc x).toList) ⟨n, _⟩) <;> + simp only [enc0, Vector.replicate, List.reverse_replicate, Bool.default_bool, Vector.toList_mk] +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_tape' Turing.TM1to1.trTape' + +/-- The low level tape corresponding to the given tape over alphabet `Γ`. -/ +def trTape (T : Tape Γ) : Tape Bool := + trTape' enc0 T.left T.right₀ +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_tape Turing.TM1to1.trTape + +theorem trTape_mk' (L R : ListBlank Γ) : trTape enc0 (' L R) = trTape' enc0 L R := by + simp only [trTape,'_left,'_right₀] +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_tape_mk' Turing.TM1to1.trTape_mk' + +end + +variable (M : Λ → TM1.Stmt Γ Λ σ) -- Porting note: Unfolded `Stmt₁`. + +/-- The top level program. -/ +def tr : Λ'₁ → Stmt'₁ + | Λ'.normal l => trNormal dec (M l) + | Λ'.write a q => write (enc a).toList <| moveₙ Dir.left <| trNormal dec q +#align + +/-- The machine configuration translation. -/ +def trCfg : Cfg₁ → Cfg'₁ + | ⟨l, v, T⟩ => ⟨ Λ'.normal, v, trTape enc0 T⟩ +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_cfg Turing.TM1to1.trCfg + +variable {enc} + +theorem trTape'_move_left (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + (Tape.move Dir.left^[n]) (trTape' enc0 L R) = trTape' enc0 L.tail (R.cons L.head) := by + obtain ⟨a, L, rfl⟩ := L.exists_cons + simp only [trTape', ListBlank.cons_bind, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_cons] + suffices ∀ {L' R' l₁ l₂} (_ : Vector.toList (enc a) = List.reverseAux l₁ l₂), + (Tape.move Dir.left^[l₁.length]) + (' (ListBlank.append l₁ L') (ListBlank.append l₂ R')) = +' L' (ListBlank.append (Vector.toList (enc a)) R') by + simpa only [List.length_reverse, Vector.toList_length] using this (List.reverse_reverse _).symm + intro _ _ l₁ l₂ e + induction' l₁ with b l₁ IH generalizing l₂ + · cases e + rfl + simp only [List.length, List.cons_append, iterate_succ_apply] + convert IH e + simp only [ListBlank.tail_cons, ListBlank.append, Tape.move_left_mk', ListBlank.head_cons] +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_tape'_move_left Turing.TM1to1.trTape'_move_left + +theorem trTape'_move_right (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + (Tape.move Dir.right^[n]) (trTape' enc0 L R) = trTape' enc0 (L.cons R.head) R.tail := by + suffices ∀ i L, (Tape.move Dir.right^[i]) ((Tape.move Dir.left^[i]) L) = L by + refine' (Eq.symm _).trans (this n _) + simp only [trTape'_move_left, ListBlank.cons_head_tail, ListBlank.head_cons, + ListBlank.tail_cons] + intro i _ + induction' i with i IH + · rfl + rw [iterate_succ_apply, iterate_succ_apply', Tape.move_left_right, IH] +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_tape'_move_right Turing.TM1to1.trTape'_move_right + +theorem stepAux_write (q : Stmt'₁) (v : σ) (a b : Γ) (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + stepAux (write (enc a).toList q) v (trTape' enc0 L (ListBlank.cons b R)) = + stepAux q v (trTape' enc0 (ListBlank.cons a L) R) := by + simp only [trTape', ListBlank.cons_bind] + suffices ∀ {L' R'} (l₁ l₂ l₂' : List Bool) (_ : l₂'.length = l₂.length), + stepAux (write l₂ q) v (' (ListBlank.append l₁ L') (ListBlank.append l₂' R')) = + stepAux q v (' (L'.append (List.reverseAux l₂ l₁)) R') by + refine' this [] _ _ ((enc b).2.trans (enc a).2.symm) + clear a b L R + intro L' R' l₁ l₂ l₂' e + induction' l₂ with a l₂ IH generalizing l₁ l₂' + · cases List.length_eq_zero.1 e + rfl + cases' l₂' with b l₂' <;> simp only [List.length_nil, List.length_cons, Nat.succ_inj'] at e + rw [List.reverseAux, ← IH (a :: l₁) l₂' e] + simp only [stepAux, ListBlank.append, Tape.write_mk', Tape.move_right_mk', ListBlank.head_cons, + ListBlank.tail_cons] +#align turing.TM1to1.step_aux_write Turing.TM1to1.stepAux_write + +variable (encdec : ∀ a, dec (enc a) = a) + +theorem stepAux_read (f : Γ → Stmt'₁) (v : σ) (L R : ListBlank Γ) : + stepAux (read dec f) v (trTape' enc0 L R) = stepAux (f R.head) v (trTape' enc0 L R) := by + suffices ∀ f, stepAux (readAux n f) v (trTape' enc0 L R) = + stepAux (f (enc R.head)) v (trTape' enc0 (L.cons R.head) R.tail) by + rw [read, this, stepAux_move, encdec, trTape'_move_left enc0] + simp only [ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.cons_head_tail, ListBlank.tail_cons] + obtain ⟨a, R, rfl⟩ := R.exists_cons + simp only [ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_cons, trTape', ListBlank.cons_bind, + ListBlank.append_assoc] + suffices ∀ i f L' R' l₁ l₂ h, + stepAux (readAux i f) v (' (ListBlank.append l₁ L') (ListBlank.append l₂ R')) = + stepAux (f ⟨l₂, h⟩) v (' (ListBlank.append (l₂.reverseAux l₁) L') R') by + intro f + -- Porting note: Here was `change`. + exact this n f (L.bind (fun x => (enc x).1.reverse) _) + (R.bind (fun x => (enc x).1) _) [] _ (enc a).2 + clear f L a R + intro i f L' R' l₁ l₂ _ + subst i + induction' l₂ with a l₂ IH generalizing l₁ + · rfl + trans + stepAux (readAux l₂.length fun v ↦ f (a ::ᵥ v)) v + (' ((L'.append l₁).cons a) (R'.append l₂)) + · dsimp [readAux, stepAux] + simp + cases a <;> rfl + rw [← ListBlank.append, IH] + rfl +#align turing.TM1to1.step_aux_read Turing.TM1to1.stepAux_read + +theorem tr_respects : Respects (step M) (step (tr enc dec M)) fun c₁ c₂ ↦ trCfg enc enc₀ c₁ = c₂ := + fun_respects.2 fun ⟨l₁, v, T⟩ ↦ by + obtain ⟨L, R, rfl⟩ := T.exists_mk' + cases' l₁ with l₁ + · exact rfl + suffices ∀ q R, Reaches (step (tr enc dec M)) (stepAux (trNormal dec q) v (trTape' enc0 L R)) + (trCfg enc enc0 (stepAux q v (' L R))) by + refine' TransGen.head' rfl _ + rw [trTape_mk'] + exact this _ R + clear R l₁ + intro q R + induction' q generalizing v L R + case move d q IH => + cases d <;> + simp only [trNormal, iterate, stepAux_move, stepAux, ListBlank.head_cons, + Tape.move_left_mk', ListBlank.cons_head_tail, ListBlank.tail_cons, + trTape'_move_left enc0, trTape'_move_right enc0] <;> + apply IH + case write f q IH => + simp only [trNormal, stepAux_read dec enc0 encdec, stepAux] + refine' ReflTransGen.head rfl _ + obtain ⟨a, R, rfl⟩ := R.exists_cons + rw [tr,'_head, stepAux_write, ListBlank.head_cons, stepAux_move, + trTape'_move_left enc0, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.tail_cons, Tape.write_mk'] + apply IH + case load a q IH => + simp only [trNormal, stepAux_read dec enc0 encdec] + apply IH + case branch p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + simp only [trNormal, stepAux_read dec enc0 encdec, stepAux] + cases p R.head v <;> [apply IH₂, apply IH₁] + case goto l => + simp only [trNormal, stepAux_read dec enc0 encdec, stepAux, trCfg, trTape_mk'] + apply ReflTransGen.refl + case halt => + simp only [trNormal, stepAux, trCfg, stepAux_move, trTape'_move_left enc0, + trTape'_move_right enc0, trTape_mk'] + apply ReflTransGen.refl +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_respects Turing.TM1to1.tr_respects + +open Classical + +variable [Fintype Γ] + +/-- The set of accessible `Λ'.write` machine states. -/ +noncomputable def writes : Stmt₁ → Finset Λ'₁ + | Stmt.move _ q => writes q + | Stmt.write _ q => (Finset.univ.image fun a ↦ Λ'.write a q) ∪ writes q + | Stmt.load _ q => writes q + | Stmt.branch _ q₁ q₂ => writes q₁ ∪ writes q₂ + | Stmt.goto _ => ∅ + | Stmt.halt => ∅ +#align turing.TM1to1.writes Turing.TM1to1.writes + +/-- The set of accessible machine states, assuming that the input machine is supported on `S`, +are the normal states embedded from `S`, plus all write states accessible from these states. -/ +noncomputable def trSupp (S : Finset Λ) : Finset Λ'₁ := + S.bunionᵢ fun l ↦ insert (Λ'.normal l) (writes (M l)) +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_supp Turing.TM1to1.trSupp + +theorem tr_supports {S : Finset Λ} (ss : Supports M S) : Supports (tr enc dec M) (trSupp M S) := + ⟨Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, ss.1, Finset.mem_insert_self _ _⟩, fun q h ↦ by + suffices ∀ q, SupportsStmt S q → (∀ q' ∈ writes q, q' ∈ trSupp M S) → + SupportsStmt (trSupp M S) (trNormal dec q) ∧ + ∀ q' ∈ writes q, SupportsStmt (trSupp M S) (tr enc dec M q') by + rcases Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.1 h with ⟨l, hl, h⟩ + have := + this _ (ss.2 _ hl) fun q' hq ↦ Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, hl, Finset.mem_insert_of_mem hq⟩ + rcases Finset.mem_insert.1 h with (rfl | h) + exacts[this.1, this.2 _ h] + intro q hs hw + induction q + case move d q IH => + unfold writes at hw⊢ + replace IH := IH hs hw; refine' ⟨_, IH.2⟩ + cases d <;> simp only [trNormal, iterate, supportsStmt_move, IH] + case write f q IH => + unfold writes at hw⊢ + simp only [Finset.mem_image, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_univ, exists_prop, true_and_iff] + at hw⊢ + replace IH := IH hs fun q hq ↦ hw q (Or.inr hq) + refine' ⟨supportsStmt_read _ fun a _ s ↦ hw _ (Or.inl ⟨_, rfl⟩), fun q' hq ↦ _⟩ + rcases hq with (⟨a, q₂, rfl⟩ | hq) + · simp only [tr, supportsStmt_write, supportsStmt_move, IH.1] + · exact IH.2 _ hq + case load a q IH => + unfold writes at hw⊢ + replace IH := IH hs hw + refine' ⟨supportsStmt_read _ fun _ ↦ IH.1, IH.2⟩ + case branch p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + unfold writes at hw⊢ + simp only [Finset.mem_union] at hw⊢ + replace IH₁ := IH₁ hs.1 fun q hq ↦ hw q (Or.inl hq) + replace IH₂ := IH₂ hs.2 fun q hq ↦ hw q (Or.inr hq) + exact ⟨supportsStmt_read _ fun _ ↦ ⟨IH₁.1, IH₂.1⟩, fun q ↦ Or.rec (IH₁.2 _) (IH₂.2 _)⟩ + case goto l => + simp only [writes, Finset.not_mem_empty]; refine' ⟨_, fun _ ↦ False.elim⟩ + refine' supportsStmt_read _ fun a _ s ↦ _ + exact Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, hs _ _, Finset.mem_insert_self _ _⟩ + case halt => + simp only [writes, Finset.not_mem_empty]; refine' ⟨_, fun _ ↦ False.elim⟩ + simp only [SupportsStmt, supportsStmt_move, trNormal]⟩ +#align turing.TM1to1.tr_supports Turing.TM1to1.tr_supports + +end + +end TM1to1 + +/-! +## TM0 emulator in TM1 + +To establish that TM0 and TM1 are equivalent computational models, we must also have a TM0 emulator +in TM1. The main complication here is that TM0 allows an action to depend on the value at the head +and local state, while TM1 doesn't (in order to have more programming language-like semantics). +So we use a computed `goto` to go to a state that performes the desired action and then returns to +normal execution. + +One issue with this is that the `halt` instruction is supposed to halt immediately, not take a step +to a halting state. To resolve this we do a check for `halt` first, then `goto` (with an +unreachable branch). +-/ + + +namespace TM0to1 + +-- "TM0to1" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +section + +variable {Γ : Type _} [Inhabited Γ] + +variable {Λ : Type _} [Inhabited Λ] + +/-- The machine states for a TM1 emulating a TM0 machine. States of the TM0 machine are embedded +as `normal q` states, but the actual operation is split into two parts, a jump to `act s q` +followed by the action and a jump to the next `normal` state. -/ +inductive Λ' + | normal : Λ → Λ' + | act : TM0.Stmt Γ → Λ → Λ' +#align turing.TM0to1.Λ' Turing.TM0to1.Λ' + +local notation "Λ'₁" => @Λ' Γ Λ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance : Inhabited Λ'₁ := + ⟨Λ'.normal default⟩ + +local notation "Cfg₀" => TM0.Cfg Γ Λ + +local notation "Stmt₁" => TM1.Stmt Γ Λ'₁ Unit + +local notation "Cfg₁" => TM1.Cfg Γ Λ'₁ Unit + +variable (M : TM0.Machine Γ Λ) + +open TM1.Stmt + +/-- The program. -/ +def tr : Λ'₁ → Stmt₁ + | Λ'.normal q => + branch (fun a _ ↦ (M q a).isNone) halt <| + goto fun a _ ↦ match M q a with + | none => default -- unreachable + | some (q', s) => Λ'.act s q' + | Λ'.act (TM0.Stmt.move d) q => move d <| goto fun _ _ ↦ Λ'.normal q + | Λ'.act (TM0.Stmt.write a) q => (write fun _ _ ↦ a) <| goto fun _ _ ↦ Λ'.normal q +#align + +/-- The configuration translation. -/ +def trCfg : Cfg₀ → Cfg₁ + | ⟨q, T⟩ => ⟨cond (M q T.1).isSome (some (Λ'.normal q)) none, (), T⟩ +#align turing.TM0to1.tr_cfg Turing.TM0to1.trCfg + +theorem tr_respects : Respects (TM0.step M) (TM1.step (tr M)) fun a b ↦ trCfg M a = b := + fun_respects.2 fun ⟨q, T⟩ ↦ by + cases' e : M q T.1 with val + · simp only [TM0.step, trCfg, e]; exact Eq.refl none + cases' val with q' s + simp only [FRespects, TM0.step, trCfg, e, Option.isSome, cond, Option.map_some'] + revert e -- Porting note: Added this so that `e` doesn't get into the `match`. + have : TM1.step (tr M) ⟨some (Λ'.act s q'), (), T⟩ = some ⟨some (Λ'.normal q'), (), match s with + | TM0.Stmt.move d => T.move d + | TM0.Stmt.write a => T.write a⟩ := by + cases' s with d a <;> rfl + intro e + refine' TransGen.head _ (TransGen.head' this _) + · simp only [TM1.step, TM1.stepAux] + rw [e] + rfl + cases e' : M q' _ + · apply ReflTransGen.single + simp only [TM1.step, TM1.stepAux] + rw [e'] + rfl + · rfl +#align turing.TM0to1.tr_respects Turing.TM0to1.tr_respects + +end + +end TM0to1 + +/-! +## The TM2 model + +The TM2 model removes the tape entirely from the TM1 model, replacing it with an arbitrary (finite) +collection of stacks, each with elements of different types (the alphabet of stack `k : K` is +`Γ k`). The statements are: + +* `push k (f : σ → Γ k) q` puts `f a` on the `k`-th stack, then does `q`. +* `pop k (f : σ → Option (Γ k) → σ) q` changes the state to `f a (S k).head`, where `S k` is the + value of the `k`-th stack, and removes this element from the stack, then does `q`. +* `peek k (f : σ → Option (Γ k) → σ) q` changes the state to `f a (S k).head`, where `S k` is the + value of the `k`-th stack, then does `q`. +* `load (f : σ → σ) q` reads nothing but applies `f` to the internal state, then does `q`. +* `branch (f : σ → Bool) qtrue qfalse` does `qtrue` or `qfalse` according to `f a`. +* `goto (f : σ → Λ)` jumps to label `f a`. +* `halt` halts on the next step. + +The configuration is a tuple `(l, var, stk)` where `l : Option Λ` is the current label to run or +`none` for the halting state, `var : σ` is the (finite) internal state, and `stk : ∀ k, List (Γ k)` +is the collection of stacks. (Note that unlike the `TM0` and `TM1` models, these are not +`ListBlank`s, they have definite ends that can be detected by the `pop` command.) + +Given a designated stack `k` and a value `L : List (Γ k)`, the initial configuration has all the +stacks empty except the designated "input" stack; in `eval` this designated stack also functions +as the output stack. +-/ + + +namespace TM2 + +-- "TM2" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +section + +variable {K : Type _} [DecidableEq K] + +-- Index type of stacks +variable (Γ : K → Type _) + +-- Type of stack elements +variable (Λ : Type _) + +-- Type of function labels +variable (σ : Type _) + +-- Type of variable settings +/-- The TM2 model removes the tape entirely from the TM1 model, + replacing it with an arbitrary (finite) collection of stacks. + The operation `push` puts an element on one of the stacks, + and `pop` removes an element from a stack (and modifying the + internal state based on the result). `peek` modifies the + internal state but does not remove an element. -/ +inductive Stmt + | push : ∀ k, (σ → Γ k) → Stmt → Stmt + | peek : ∀ k, (σ → Option (Γ k) → σ) → Stmt → Stmt + | pop : ∀ k, (σ → Option (Γ k) → σ) → Stmt → Stmt + | load : (σ → σ) → Stmt → Stmt + | branch : (σ → Bool) → Stmt → Stmt → Stmt + | goto : (σ → Λ) → Stmt + | halt : Stmt +#align turing.TM2.stmt Turing.TM2.Stmt + +local notation "Stmt₂" => Stmt Γ Λ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +open Stmt + +instance Stmt.inhabited : Inhabited Stmt₂ := + ⟨halt⟩ +#align turing.TM2.stmt.inhabited Turing.TM2.Stmt.inhabited + +/-- A configuration in the TM2 model is a label (or `none` for the halt state), the state of +local variables, and the stacks. (Note that the stacks are not `ListBlank`s, they have a definite +size.) -/ +structure Cfg where + l : Option Λ + var : σ + stk : ∀ k, List (Γ k) +#align turing.TM2.cfg Turing.TM2.Cfg + +local notation "Cfg₂" => Cfg Γ Λ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance Cfg.inhabited [Inhabited σ] : Inhabited Cfg₂ := + ⟨⟨default, default, default⟩⟩ +#align turing.TM2.cfg.inhabited Turing.TM2.Cfg.inhabited + +variable {Γ Λ σ} + +/-- The step function for the TM2 model. -/ +@[simp] +def stepAux : Stmt₂ → σ → (∀ k, List (Γ k)) → Cfg₂ + | push k f q, v, S => stepAux q v (update S k (f v :: S k)) + | peek k f q, v, S => stepAux q (f v (S k).head?) S + | pop k f q, v, S => stepAux q (f v (S k).head?) (update S k (S k).tail) + | load a q, v, S => stepAux q (a v) S + | branch f q₁ q₂, v, S => cond (f v) (stepAux q₁ v S) (stepAux q₂ v S) + | goto f, v, S => ⟨some (f v), v, S⟩ + | halt, v, S => ⟨none, v, S⟩ +#align turing.TM2.step_aux Turing.TM2.stepAux + +/-- The step function for the TM2 model. -/ +@[simp] +def step (M : Λ → Stmt₂) : Cfg₂ → Option Cfg₂ + | ⟨none, _, _⟩ => none + | ⟨some l, v, S⟩ => some (stepAux (M l) v S) +#align turing.TM2.step Turing.TM2.step + +/-- The (reflexive) reachability relation for the TM2 model. -/ +def Reaches (M : Λ → Stmt₂) : Cfg₂ → Cfg₂ → Prop := + ReflTransGen fun a b ↦ b ∈ step M a +#align turing.TM2.reaches Turing.TM2.Reaches + +/-- Given a set `S` of states, `SupportsStmt S q` means that `q` only jumps to states in `S`. -/ +def SupportsStmt (S : Finset Λ) : Stmt₂ → Prop + | push _ _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | peek _ _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | pop _ _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | load _ q => SupportsStmt S q + | branch _ q₁ q₂ => SupportsStmt S q₁ ∧ SupportsStmt S q₂ + | goto l => ∀ v, l v ∈ S + | halt => True +#align turing.TM2.supports_stmt Turing.TM2.SupportsStmt + +open Classical + +/-- The set of subtree statements in a statement. -/ +noncomputable def stmts₁ : Stmt₂ → Finset Stmt₂ + | Q@(push _ _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(peek _ _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(pop _ _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(load _ q) => insert Q (stmts₁ q) + | Q@(branch _ q₁ q₂) => insert Q (stmts₁ q₁ ∪ stmts₁ q₂) + | Q@(goto _) => {Q} + | Q@halt => {Q} +#align turing.TM2.stmts₁ Turing.TM2.stmts₁ + +theorem stmts₁_self {q : Stmt₂} : q ∈ stmts₁ q := by + cases q <;> simp only [Finset.mem_insert_self, Finset.mem_singleton_self, stmts₁] +#align turing.TM2.stmts₁_self Turing.TM2.stmts₁_self + +theorem stmts₁_trans {q₁ q₂ : Stmt₂} : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂ → stmts₁ q₁ ⊆ stmts₁ q₂ := by + intro h₁₂ q₀ h₀₁ + induction' q₂ with _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ q IH <;> simp only [stmts₁] at h₁₂⊢ <;> + simp only [Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_singleton, Finset.mem_union] at h₁₂ + iterate 4 + rcases h₁₂ with (rfl | h₁₂) + · unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁ + exact h₀₁ + · exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (IH h₁₂) + case branch f q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + rcases h₁₂ with (rfl | h₁₂ | h₁₂) + · unfold stmts₁ at h₀₁ + exact h₀₁ + · exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (Finset.mem_union_left _ (IH₁ h₁₂)) + · exact Finset.mem_insert_of_mem (Finset.mem_union_right _ (IH₂ h₁₂)) + case goto l => subst h₁₂; exact h₀₁ + case halt => subst h₁₂; exact h₀₁ +#align turing.TM2.stmts₁_trans Turing.TM2.stmts₁_trans + +theorem stmts₁_supportsStmt_mono {S : Finset Λ} {q₁ q₂ : Stmt₂} (h : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) + (hs : SupportsStmt S q₂) : SupportsStmt S q₁ := by + induction' q₂ with _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ q IH <;> + simp only [stmts₁, SupportsStmt, Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_singleton] + at h hs + iterate 4 rcases h with (rfl | h) <;> [exact hs, exact IH h hs] + case branch f q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => rcases h with (rfl | h | h); exacts[hs, IH₁ h hs.1, IH₂ h hs.2] + case goto l => subst h; exact hs + case halt => subst h; trivial +#align turing.TM2.stmts₁_supports_stmt_mono Turing.TM2.stmts₁_supportsStmt_mono + +/-- The set of statements accessible from initial set `S` of labels. -/ +noncomputable def stmts (M : Λ → Stmt₂) (S : Finset Λ) : Finset (Option Stmt₂) := + Finset.insertNone (S.bunionᵢ fun q ↦ stmts₁ (M q)) +#align turing.TM2.stmts Turing.TM2.stmts + +theorem stmts_trans {M : Λ → Stmt₂} {S : Finset Λ} {q₁ q₂ : Stmt₂} (h₁ : q₁ ∈ stmts₁ q₂) : + some q₂ ∈ stmts M S → some q₁ ∈ stmts M S := by + simp only [stmts, Finset.mem_insertNone, Finset.mem_bunionᵢ, Option.mem_def, Option.some.injEq, + forall_eq', exists_imp, and_imp] + exact fun l ls h₂ ↦ ⟨_, ls, stmts₁_trans h₂ h₁⟩ +#align turing.TM2.stmts_trans Turing.TM2.stmts_trans + +variable [Inhabited Λ] + +/-- Given a TM2 machine `M` and a set `S` of states, `Supports M S` means that all states in +`S` jump only to other states in `S`. -/ +def Supports (M : Λ → Stmt₂) (S : Finset Λ) := + default ∈ S ∧ ∀ q ∈ S, SupportsStmt S (M q) +#align turing.TM2.supports Turing.TM2.Supports + +theorem stmts_supportsStmt {M : Λ → Stmt₂} {S : Finset Λ} {q : Stmt₂} (ss : Supports M S) : + some q ∈ stmts M S → SupportsStmt S q := by + simp only [stmts, Finset.mem_insertNone, Finset.mem_bunionᵢ, Option.mem_def, Option.some.injEq, + forall_eq', exists_imp, and_imp] + exact fun l ls h ↦ stmts₁_supportsStmt_mono h (ss.2 _ ls) +#align turing.TM2.stmts_supports_stmt Turing.TM2.stmts_supportsStmt + +theorem step_supports (M : Λ → Stmt₂) {S : Finset Λ} (ss : Supports M S) : + ∀ {c c' : Cfg₂}, c' ∈ step M c → c.l ∈ Finset.insertNone S → c'.l ∈ Finset.insertNone S + | ⟨some l₁, v, T⟩, c', h₁, h₂ => by + replace h₂ := ss.2 _ (Finset.some_mem_insertNone.1 h₂) + simp only [step, Option.mem_def, Option.some.injEq] at h₁; subst c' + revert h₂; induction' M l₁ with _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ _ q IH _ q IH generalizing v T <;> intro hs + iterate 4 exact IH _ _ hs + case branch p q₁' q₂' IH₁ IH₂ => + unfold stepAux; cases p v + · exact IH₂ _ _ hs.2 + · exact IH₁ _ _ hs.1 + case goto => exact Finset.some_mem_insertNone.2 (hs _) + case halt => apply Multiset.mem_cons_self +#align turing.TM2.step_supports Turing.TM2.step_supports + +variable [Inhabited σ] + +/-- The initial state of the TM2 model. The input is provided on a designated stack. -/ +def init (k : K) (L : List (Γ k)) : Cfg₂ := + ⟨some default, default, update (fun _ ↦ []) k L⟩ +#align turing.TM2.init Turing.TM2.init + +/-- Evaluates a TM2 program to completion, with the output on the same stack as the input. -/ +-- Porting note: Added noncomputable +noncomputable def eval (M : Λ → Stmt₂) (k : K) (L : List (Γ k)) : Part (List (Γ k)) := + (Turing.eval (step M) (init k L)).map fun c ↦ c.stk k +#align turing.TM2.eval Turing.TM2.eval + +end + +end TM2 + +/-! +## TM2 emulator in TM1 + +To prove that TM2 computable functions are TM1 computable, we need to reduce each TM2 program to a +TM1 program. So suppose a TM2 program is given. This program has to maintain a whole collection of +stacks, but we have only one tape, so we must "multiplex" them all together. Pictorially, if stack +1 contains `[a, b]` and stack 2 contains `[c, d, e, f]` then the tape looks like this: + +``` + bottom: ... | _ | T | _ | _ | _ | _ | ... + stack 1: ... | _ | b | a | _ | _ | _ | ... + stack 2: ... | _ | f | e | d | c | _ | ... +``` + +where a tape element is a vertical slice through the diagram. Here the alphabet is +`Γ' := Bool × ∀ k, Option (Γ k)`, where: + +* `bottom : Bool` is marked only in one place, the initial position of the TM, and represents the + tail of all stacks. It is never modified. +* `stk k : Option (Γ k)` is the value of the `k`-th stack, if in range, otherwise `none` (which is + the blank value). Note that the head of the stack is at the far end; this is so that push and pop + don't have to do any shifting. + +In "resting" position, the TM is sitting at the position marked `bottom`. For non-stack actions, +it operates in place, but for the stack actions `push`, `peek`, and `pop`, it must shuttle to the +end of the appropriate stack, make its changes, and then return to the bottom. So the states are: + +* `normal (l : Λ)`: waiting at `bottom` to execute function `l` +* `go k (s : StAct k) (q : Stmt₂)`: travelling to the right to get to the end of stack `k` in + order to perform stack action `s`, and later continue with executing `q` +* `ret (q : Stmt₂)`: travelling to the left after having performed a stack action, and executing + `q` once we arrive + +Because of the shuttling, emulation overhead is `O(n)`, where `n` is the current maximum of the +length of all stacks. Therefore a program that takes `k` steps to run in TM2 takes `O((m+k)k)` +steps to run when emulated in TM1, where `m` is the length of the input. +-/ + + +namespace TM2to1 + +-- "TM2to1" +set_option linter.uppercaseLean3 false + +-- A displaced lemma proved in unnecessary generality +theorem stk_nth_val {K : Type _} {Γ : K → Type _} {L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))} {k S} (n) + (hL : (proj k) L = ( some S).reverse) : + L.nth n k = S.reverse.get? n := by + rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, ← List.map_reverse, ListBlank.nth_mk, List.getI_eq_iget_get?, + List.get?_map] + cases S.reverse.get? n <;> rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.stk_nth_val Turing.TM2to1.stk_nth_val + +section + +variable {K : Type _} [DecidableEq K] + +variable {Γ : K → Type _} + +variable {Λ : Type _} [Inhabited Λ] + +variable {σ : Type _} [Inhabited σ] + +local notation "Stmt₂" => TM2.Stmt Γ Λ σ + +local notation "Cfg₂" => TM2.Cfg Γ Λ σ + +-- Porting note: `DecidableEq K` is not necessary. +/-- The alphabet of the TM2 simulator on TM1 is a marker for the stack bottom, +plus a vector of stack elements for each stack, or none if the stack does not extend this far. -/ +def Γ' := + Bool × ∀ k, Option (Γ k) +#align turing.TM2to1.Γ' Turing.TM2to1.Γ' + +local notation "Γ'₂₁" => @Γ' K Γ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance Γ'.inhabited : Inhabited Γ'₂₁ := + ⟨⟨false, fun _ ↦ none⟩⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.Γ'.inhabited Turing.TM2to1.Γ'.inhabited + +instance Γ'.fintype [Fintype K] [∀ k, Fintype (Γ k)] : Fintype Γ'₂₁ := + instFintypeProd _ _ +#align turing.TM2to1.Γ'.fintype Turing.TM2to1.Γ'.fintype + +/-- The bottom marker is fixed throughout the calculation, so we use the `addBottom` function +to express the program state in terms of a tape with only the stacks themselves. -/ +def addBottom (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) : ListBlank Γ'₂₁ := + ListBlank.cons (true, L.head) ( ⟨ false, rfl⟩) +#align turing.TM2to1.add_bottom Turing.TM2to1.addBottom + +theorem addBottom_map (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) : + (addBottom L).map ⟨Prod.snd, by rfl⟩ = L := by + simp only [addBottom, ListBlank.map_cons] + convert ListBlank.cons_head_tail L + generalize ListBlank.tail L = L' + refine' L'.induction_on fun l ↦ _; simp +#align turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_map Turing.TM2to1.addBottom_map + +theorem addBottom_modifyNth (f : (∀ k, Option (Γ k)) → ∀ k, Option (Γ k)) + (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) (n : ℕ) : + (addBottom L).modifyNth (fun a ↦ (a.1, f a.2)) n = addBottom (L.modifyNth f n) := by + cases n <;> + simp only [addBottom, ListBlank.head_cons, ListBlank.modifyNth, ListBlank.tail_cons] + congr ; symm; apply ListBlank.map_modifyNth; intro ; rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_modify_nth Turing.TM2to1.addBottom_modifyNth + +theorem addBottom_nth_snd (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) (n : ℕ) : + ((addBottom L).nth n).2 = L.nth n := by + conv => rhs; rw [← addBottom_map L, ListBlank.nth_map] +#align turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_nth_snd Turing.TM2to1.addBottom_nth_snd + +theorem addBottom_nth_succ_fst (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) (n : ℕ) : + ((addBottom L).nth (n + 1)).1 = false := by + rw [ListBlank.nth_succ, addBottom, ListBlank.tail_cons, ListBlank.nth_map] +#align turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_nth_succ_fst Turing.TM2to1.addBottom_nth_succ_fst + +theorem addBottom_head_fst (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) : (addBottom L).head.1 = true := by + rw [addBottom, ListBlank.head_cons] +#align turing.TM2to1.add_bottom_head_fst Turing.TM2to1.addBottom_head_fst + +/-- A stack action is a command that interacts with the top of a stack. Our default position +is at the bottom of all the stacks, so we have to hold on to this action while going to the end +to modify the stack. -/ +inductive StAct (k : K) + | push : (σ → Γ k) → StAct k + | peek : (σ → Option (Γ k) → σ) → StAct k + | pop : (σ → Option (Γ k) → σ) → StAct k +#align turing.TM2to1.st_act Turing.TM2to1.StAct + +local notation "StAct₂" => @StAct K Γ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +instance StAct.inhabited {k : K} : Inhabited (StAct₂ k) := + ⟨StAct.peek fun s _ ↦ s⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.st_act.inhabited Turing.TM2to1.StAct.inhabited + +section + +open StAct + +-- Porting note: `Inhabited Γ` is not necessary. +/-- The TM2 statement corresponding to a stack action. -/ +def stRun {k : K} : StAct₂ k → Stmt₂ → Stmt₂ + | push f => TM2.Stmt.push k f + | peek f => TM2.Stmt.peek k f + | pop f => TM2.Stmt.pop k f +#align turing.TM2to1.st_run Turing.TM2to1.stRun + +/-- The effect of a stack action on the local variables, given the value of the stack. -/ +def stVar {k : K} (v : σ) (l : List (Γ k)) : StAct₂ k → σ + | push _ => v + | peek f => f v l.head? + | pop f => f v l.head? +#align turing.TM2to1.st_var Turing.TM2to1.stVar + +/-- The effect of a stack action on the stack. -/ +def stWrite {k : K} (v : σ) (l : List (Γ k)) : StAct₂ k → List (Γ k) + | push f => f v :: l + | peek _ => l + | pop _ => l.tail +#align turing.TM2to1.st_write Turing.TM2to1.stWrite + +/-- We have partitioned the TM2 statements into "stack actions", which require going to the end +of the stack, and all other actions, which do not. This is a modified recursor which lumps the +stack actions into one. -/ +@[elab_as_elim] +def stmtStRec.{l} {C : Stmt₂ → Sort l} (H₁ : ∀ (k) (s : StAct₂ k) (q) (_ : C q), C (stRun s q)) + (H₂ : ∀ (a q) (_ : C q), C (TM2.Stmt.load a q)) + (H₃ : ∀ (p q₁ q₂) (_ : C q₁) (_ : C q₂), C (TM2.Stmt.branch p q₁ q₂)) + (H₄ : ∀ l, C (TM2.Stmt.goto l)) (H₅ : C TM2.Stmt.halt) : ∀ n, C n + | TM2.Stmt.push _ f q => H₁ _ (push f) _ (stmtStRec H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄ H₅ q) + | TM2.Stmt.peek _ f q => H₁ _ (peek f) _ (stmtStRec H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄ H₅ q) + | TM2.Stmt.pop _ f q => H₁ _ (pop f) _ (stmtStRec H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄ H₅ q) + | TM2.Stmt.load _ q => H₂ _ _ (stmtStRec H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄ H₅ q) + | TM2.Stmt.branch _ q₁ q₂ => H₃ _ _ _ (stmtStRec H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄ H₅ q₁) (stmtStRec H₁ H₂ H₃ H₄ H₅ q₂) + | TM2.Stmt.goto _ => H₄ _ + | TM2.Stmt.halt => H₅ +#align turing.TM2to1.stmt_st_rec Turing.TM2to1.stmtStRec + +theorem supports_run (S : Finset Λ) {k : K} (s : StAct₂ k) (q : Stmt₂) : + TM2.SupportsStmt S (stRun s q) ↔ TM2.SupportsStmt S q := by + cases s <;> rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.supports_run Turing.TM2to1.supports_run + +end + +/-- The machine states of the TM2 emulator. We can either be in a normal state when waiting for the +next TM2 action, or we can be in the "go" and "return" states to go to the top of the stack and +return to the bottom, respectively. -/ +inductive Λ' + | normal : Λ → Λ' + | go (k : K) : StAct₂ k → Stmt₂ → Λ' + | ret : Stmt₂ → Λ' +#align turing.TM2to1.Λ' Turing.TM2to1.Λ' + +local notation "Λ'₂₁" => @Λ' K Γ Λ σ -- Porting note: Added this to clean up types. + +open Λ' + +instance Λ'.inhabited : Inhabited Λ'₂₁ := + ⟨normal default⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.Λ'.inhabited Turing.TM2to1.Λ'.inhabited + +local notation "Stmt₂₁" => TM1.Stmt Γ'₂₁ Λ'₂₁ σ + +local notation "Cfg₂₁" => TM1.Cfg Γ'₂₁ Λ'₂₁ σ + +open TM1.Stmt + +/-- The program corresponding to state transitions at the end of a stack. Here we start out just +after the top of the stack, and should end just after the new top of the stack. -/ +def trStAct {k : K} (q : Stmt₂₁) : StAct₂ k → Stmt₂₁ + | StAct.push f => (write fun a s ↦ (a.1, update a.2 k <| some <| f s)) <| move Dir.right q + | StAct.peek f => move Dir.left <| (load fun a s ↦ f s (a.2 k)) <| move Dir.right q + | StAct.pop f => + branch (fun a _ ↦ a.1) (load (fun _ s ↦ f s none) q) + (move Dir.left <| + (load fun a s ↦ f s (a.2 k)) <| write (fun a _ ↦ (a.1, update a.2 k none)) q) +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_st_act Turing.TM2to1.trStAct + +/-- The initial state for the TM2 emulator, given an initial TM2 state. All stacks start out empty +except for the input stack, and the stack bottom mark is set at the head. -/ +def trInit (k : K) (L : List (Γ k)) : List Γ'₂₁ := + let L' : List Γ'₂₁ := fun a ↦ (false, update (fun _ ↦ none) k (some a)) + (true, L'.headI.2) :: L'.tail +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_init Turing.TM2to1.trInit + +theorem step_run {k : K} (q : Stmt₂) (v : σ) (S : ∀ k, List (Γ k)) : ∀ s : StAct₂ k, + TM2.stepAux (stRun s q) v S = TM2.stepAux q (stVar v (S k) s) (update S k (stWrite v (S k) s)) + | StAct.push f => rfl + | StAct.peek f => by unfold stWrite; rw [Function.update_eq_self]; rfl + | StAct.pop f => rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.step_run Turing.TM2to1.step_run + +/-- The translation of TM2 statements to TM1 statements. regular actions have direct equivalents, +but stack actions are deferred by going to the corresponding `go` state, so that we can find the +appropriate stack top. -/ +def trNormal : Stmt₂ → Stmt₂₁ + | TM2.Stmt.push k f q => goto fun _ _ ↦ go k (StAct.push f) q + | TM2.Stmt.peek k f q => goto fun _ _ ↦ go k (StAct.peek f) q + | TM2.Stmt.pop k f q => goto fun _ _ ↦ go k (StAct.pop f) q + | TM2.Stmt.load a q => load (fun _ ↦ a) (trNormal q) + | TM2.Stmt.branch f q₁ q₂ => branch (fun _ ↦ f) (trNormal q₁) (trNormal q₂) + | TM2.Stmt.goto l => goto fun _ s ↦ normal (l s) + | TM2.Stmt.halt => halt +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_normal Turing.TM2to1.trNormal + +theorem trNormal_run {k : K} (s : StAct₂ k) (q : Stmt₂) : + trNormal (stRun s q) = goto fun _ _ ↦ go k s q := by + cases s <;> rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_normal_run Turing.TM2to1.trNormal_run + +open Classical + +/-- The set of machine states accessible from an initial TM2 statement. -/ +noncomputable def trStmts₁ : Stmt₂ → Finset Λ'₂₁ + | TM2.Stmt.push k f q => {go k (StAct.push f) q, ret q} ∪ trStmts₁ q + | TM2.Stmt.peek k f q => {go k (StAct.peek f) q, ret q} ∪ trStmts₁ q + | TM2.Stmt.pop k f q => {go k (StAct.pop f) q, ret q} ∪ trStmts₁ q + | TM2.Stmt.load _ q => trStmts₁ q + | TM2.Stmt.branch _ q₁ q₂ => trStmts₁ q₁ ∪ trStmts₁ q₂ + | _ => ∅ +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_stmts₁ Turing.TM2to1.trStmts₁ + +theorem trStmts₁_run {k : K} {s : StAct₂ k} {q : Stmt₂} : + trStmts₁ (stRun s q) = {go k s q, ret q} ∪ trStmts₁ q := by + cases s <;> simp only [trStmts₁] +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_stmts₁_run Turing.TM2to1.trStmts₁_run + +theorem tr_respects_aux₂ {k : K} {q : Stmt₂₁} {v : σ} {S : ∀ k, List (Γ k)} + {L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))} + (hL : ∀ k, (proj k) = ((S k).map some).reverse) (o : StAct₂ k) : + let v' := stVar v (S k) o + let Sk' := stWrite v (S k) o + let S' := update S k Sk' + ∃ L' : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k)), + (∀ k, L'.map (proj k) = ((S' k).map some).reverse) ∧ + TM1.stepAux (trStAct q o) v + ((Tape.move Dir.right^[(S k).length]) (' ∅ (addBottom L))) = + TM1.stepAux q v' ((Tape.move Dir.right^[(S' k).length]) (' ∅ (addBottom L'))) := by + dsimp only; simp; cases o <;> simp only [stWrite, stVar, trStAct, TM1.stepAux] + case push f => + have := Tape.write_move_right_n fun a : Γ' ↦ (a.1, update a.2 k (some (f v))) + dsimp only at this + refine' + ⟨_, fun k' ↦ _, by + -- Porting note: `rw [...]` to `erw [...]; rfl`. + erw [Tape.move_right_n_head, List.length,'_nth_nat, this, + addBottom_modifyNth fun a ↦ update a k (some (f v)), Nat.add_one, iterate_succ'] + rfl⟩ + refine' ListBlank.ext fun i ↦ _ + rw [ListBlank.nth_map, ListBlank.nth_modifyNth, proj, PointedMap.mk_val] + by_cases h' : k' = k + · subst k' + split_ifs with h + <;> simp only [List.reverse_cons, Function.update_same, ListBlank.nth_mk,] + -- Porting note: `le_refl` is required. + · rw [List.getI_eq_get, List.get_append_right'] <;> + simp only [h, List.get_singleton, List.length_map, List.length_reverse, Nat.succ_pos', + List.length_append, lt_add_iff_pos_right, List.length, le_refl] + rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, ListBlank.nth_mk] + cases' lt_or_gt_of_ne h with h h + · rw [List.getI_append] + simpa only [List.length_map, List.length_reverse] using h + · rw [gt_iff_lt] at h + rw [List.getI_eq_default, List.getI_eq_default] <;> + simp only [Nat.add_one_le_iff, h, List.length, le_of_lt, List.length_reverse, + List.length_append, List.length_map] + · split_ifs <;> rw [Function.update_noteq h', ← proj_map_nth, hL] + rw [Function.update_noteq h'] + case peek f => + rw [Function.update_eq_self] + use L, hL; rw [Tape.move_left_right]; congr + cases e : S k; · rfl + rw [List.length_cons, iterate_succ', Function.comp, Tape.move_right_left, + Tape.move_right_n_head,'_nth_nat, addBottom_nth_snd, stk_nth_val _ (hL k), e, + List.reverse_cons, ← List.length_reverse, List.get?_concat_length] + rfl + case pop f => + cases' e : S k with hd tl + · simp only ['_head, ListBlank.head_cons, Tape.move_left_mk', List.length, + Tape.write_mk', List.head?, iterate_zero_apply, List.tail_nil] + rw [← e, Function.update_eq_self] + exact ⟨L, hL, by rw [addBottom_head_fst, cond]⟩ + · refine' + ⟨_, fun k' ↦ _, by + erw [List.length_cons, Tape.move_right_n_head,'_nth_nat, addBottom_nth_succ_fst, + cond, iterate_succ', Function.comp, Tape.move_right_left, Tape.move_right_n_head, +'_nth_nat, Tape.write_move_right_n fun a : Γ' ↦ (a.1, update a.2 k none), + addBottom_modifyNth fun a ↦ update a k none, addBottom_nth_snd, + stk_nth_val _ (hL k), e, + show (List.cons hd tl).reverse.get? tl.length = some hd by + rw [List.reverse_cons, ← List.length_reverse, List.get?_concat_length], + List.head?, List.tail]⟩ + refine' ListBlank.ext fun i ↦ _ + rw [ListBlank.nth_map, ListBlank.nth_modifyNth, proj, PointedMap.mk_val] + by_cases h' : k' = k + · subst k' + split_ifs with h <;> simp only [Function.update_same, ListBlank.nth_mk, List.tail] + · rw [List.getI_eq_default] + · rfl + rw [h, List.length_reverse, List.length_map] + rw [← proj_map_nth, hL, ListBlank.nth_mk, e,, List.reverse_cons] + cases' lt_or_gt_of_ne h with h h + · rw [List.getI_append] + simpa only [List.length_map, List.length_reverse] using h + · rw [gt_iff_lt] at h + rw [List.getI_eq_default, List.getI_eq_default] <;> + simp only [Nat.add_one_le_iff, h, List.length, le_of_lt, List.length_reverse, + List.length_append, List.length_map] + · split_ifs <;> rw [Function.update_noteq h', ← proj_map_nth, hL] + rw [Function.update_noteq h'] +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux₂ Turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux₂ + +variable (M : Λ → TM2.Stmt Γ Λ σ) -- Porting note: Unfolded `Stmt₂`. + +/-- The TM2 emulator machine states written as a TM1 program. +This handles the `go` and `ret` states, which shuttle to and from a stack top. -/ +def tr : Λ'₂₁ → Stmt₂₁ + | normal q => trNormal (M q) + | go k s q => + branch (fun a _ ↦ (a.2 k).isNone) (trStAct (goto fun _ _ ↦ ret q) s) + (move Dir.right <| goto fun _ _ ↦ go k s q) + | ret q => branch (fun a _ ↦ a.1) (trNormal q) (move Dir.left <| goto fun _ _ ↦ ret q) +#align + +-- Porting note: unknown attribute +-- attribute [local pp_using_anonymous_constructor] Turing.TM1.Cfg + +/-- The relation between TM2 configurations and TM1 configurations of the TM2 emulator. -/ +inductive TrCfg : Cfg₂ → Cfg₂₁ → Prop + | mk {q : Option Λ} {v : σ} {S : ∀ k, List (Γ k)} (L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))) : + (∀ k, (proj k) = ((S k).map some).reverse) → + TrCfg ⟨q, v, S⟩ ⟨ normal, v,' ∅ (addBottom L)⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_cfg Turing.TM2to1.TrCfg + +theorem tr_respects_aux₁ {k} (o q v) {S : List (Γ k)} {L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))} + (hL : (proj k) = ( some).reverse) (n) (H : n ≤ S.length) : + Reaches₀ (TM1.step (tr M)) ⟨some (go k o q), v,' ∅ (addBottom L)⟩ + ⟨some (go k o q), v, (Tape.move Dir.right^[n]) (' ∅ (addBottom L))⟩ := by + induction' n with n IH; · rfl + apply (IH (le_of_lt H)).tail + rw [iterate_succ_apply']; + simp only [TM1.step, TM1.stepAux, tr,'_nth_nat, Tape.move_right_n_head, + addBottom_nth_snd, Option.mem_def] + rw [stk_nth_val _ hL, List.get?_eq_get]; rfl; rwa [List.length_reverse] +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux₁ Turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux₁ + +theorem tr_respects_aux₃ {q v} {L : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))} (n) : Reaches₀ (TM1.step (tr M)) + ⟨some (ret q), v, (Tape.move Dir.right^[n]) (' ∅ (addBottom L))⟩ + ⟨some (ret q), v,' ∅ (addBottom L)⟩ := by + induction' n with n IH; · rfl + refine' Reaches₀.head _ IH + simp only [Option.mem_def, TM1.step] + rw [Option.some_inj, tr, TM1.stepAux, Tape.move_right_n_head,'_nth_nat, + addBottom_nth_succ_fst, TM1.stepAux, iterate_succ', Function.comp_apply, Tape.move_right_left] + rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux₃ Turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux₃ + +theorem tr_respects_aux {q v T k} {S : ∀ k, List (Γ k)} + (hT : ∀ k, (proj k) T = ((S k).map some).reverse) (o : StAct₂ k) + (IH : ∀ {v : σ} {S : ∀ k : K, List (Γ k)} {T : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))}, + (∀ k, (proj k) T = ((S k).map some).reverse) → + ∃ b, TrCfg (TM2.stepAux q v S) b ∧ + Reaches (TM1.step (tr M)) (TM1.stepAux (trNormal q) v (' ∅ (addBottom T))) b) : + ∃ b, TrCfg (TM2.stepAux (stRun o q) v S) b ∧ Reaches (TM1.step (tr M)) + (TM1.stepAux (trNormal (stRun o q)) v (' ∅ (addBottom T))) b := by + simp only [trNormal_run, step_run] + have hgo := tr_respects_aux₁ M o q v (hT k) _ le_rfl + obtain ⟨T', hT', hrun⟩ := tr_respects_aux₂ hT o + have := hgo.tail' rfl + rw [tr, TM1.stepAux, Tape.move_right_n_head,'_nth_nat, addBottom_nth_snd, + stk_nth_val _ (hT k), List.get?_len_le (le_of_eq (List.length_reverse _)), Option.isNone, cond, + hrun, TM1.stepAux] at this + obtain ⟨c, gc, rc⟩ := IH hT' + refine' ⟨c, gc, (this.to₀.trans (tr_respects_aux₃ M _) c (TransGen.head' rfl _)).to_reflTransGen⟩ + rw [tr, TM1.stepAux,'_head, addBottom_head_fst] + exact rc +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux Turing.TM2to1.tr_respects_aux + +attribute [local simp] Respects TM2.step TM2.stepAux trNormal + +theorem tr_respects : Respects (TM2.step M) (TM1.step (tr M)) TrCfg := by + -- Porting note: `simp only`s are required for beta reductions. + intro c₁ c₂ h + cases' h with l v S L hT + cases' l with l; · constructor + simp only [TM2.step, Respects, Option.map_some'] + rsuffices ⟨b, c, r⟩ : ∃ b, _ ∧ Reaches (TM1.step (tr M)) _ _ + · exact ⟨b, c, TransGen.head' rfl r⟩ + simp only [tr] + -- Porting note: `refine'` failed because of implicit lambda, so `induction` is used. + generalize M l = N + induction N using stmtStRec generalizing v S L hT with + | H₁ k s q IH => exact tr_respects_aux M hT s @IH + | H₂ a _ IH => exact IH _ hT + | H₃ p q₁ q₂ IH₁ IH₂ => + unfold TM2.stepAux trNormal TM1.stepAux + simp only [] + cases p v <;> [exact IH₂ _ hT, exact IH₁ _ hT] + | H₄ => exact ⟨_, ⟨_, hT⟩, ReflTransGen.refl⟩ + | H₅ => exact ⟨_, ⟨_, hT⟩, ReflTransGen.refl⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_respects Turing.TM2to1.tr_respects + +theorem trCfg_init (k) (L : List (Γ k)) : TrCfg (TM2.init k L) (TM1.init (trInit k L) : Cfg₂₁) := by + rw [(_ : TM1.init _ = _)] + · refine' ⟨ ( fun a ↦ update default k (some a)), fun k' ↦ _⟩ + simp only [TM2.Cfg.stk, TM2.init] + refine' ListBlank.ext fun i ↦ _ + rw [ListBlank.map_mk, ListBlank.nth_mk, List.getI_eq_iget_get?, List.map_map] + have : ((proj k').f ∘ fun a => update (β := fun k => Option (Γ k)) default k (some a)) + = fun a => (proj k').f (update (β := fun k => Option (Γ k)) default k (some a)) := rfl + rw [this, List.get?_map, proj, PointedMap.mk_val] + simp only [] + by_cases k' = k + · subst k' + simp only [Function.update_same] + rw [ListBlank.nth_mk, List.getI_eq_iget_get?, ← List.map_reverse, List.get?_map] + · simp only [Function.update_noteq h] + rw [ListBlank.nth_mk, List.getI_eq_iget_get?,, List.reverse_nil] + cases L.reverse.get? i <;> rfl + · rw [trInit, TM1.init] + dsimp only + congr <;> cases L.reverse <;> try rfl + simp only [List.map_map, List.tail_cons,] + rfl +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_cfg_init Turing.TM2to1.trCfg_init + +theorem tr_eval_dom (k) (L : List (Γ k)) : + (TM1.eval (tr M) (trInit k L)).Dom ↔ (TM2.eval M k L).Dom := + Turing.tr_eval_dom (tr_respects M) (trCfg_init k L) +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_eval_dom Turing.TM2to1.tr_eval_dom + +theorem tr_eval (k) (L : List (Γ k)) {L₁ L₂} (H₁ : L₁ ∈ TM1.eval (tr M) (trInit k L)) + (H₂ : L₂ ∈ TM2.eval M k L) : + ∃ (S : ∀ k, List (Γ k))(L' : ListBlank (∀ k, Option (Γ k))), + addBottom L' = L₁ ∧ + (∀ k, L'.map (proj k) = ((S k).map some).reverse) ∧ S k = L₂ := by + obtain ⟨c₁, h₁, rfl⟩ := (Part.mem_map_iff _).1 H₁ + obtain ⟨c₂, h₂, rfl⟩ := (Part.mem_map_iff _).1 H₂ + obtain ⟨_, ⟨L', hT⟩, h₃⟩ := Turing.tr_eval (tr_respects M) (trCfg_init k L) h₂ + cases Part.mem_unique h₁ h₃ + exact ⟨_, L', by simp only ['_right₀], hT, rfl⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_eval Turing.TM2to1.tr_eval + +/-- The support of a set of TM2 states in the TM2 emulator. -/ +noncomputable def trSupp (S : Finset Λ) : Finset Λ'₂₁ := + S.bunionᵢ fun l ↦ insert (normal l) (trStmts₁ (M l)) +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_supp Turing.TM2to1.trSupp + +theorem tr_supports {S} (ss : TM2.Supports M S) : TM1.Supports (tr M) (trSupp M S) := + ⟨Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, ss.1, Finset.mem_insert.2 <| Or.inl rfl⟩, fun l' h ↦ by + suffices ∀ (q) (_ : TM2.SupportsStmt S q) (_ : ∀ x ∈ trStmts₁ q, x ∈ trSupp M S), + TM1.SupportsStmt (trSupp M S) (trNormal q) ∧ + ∀ l' ∈ trStmts₁ q, TM1.SupportsStmt (trSupp M S) (tr M l') by + rcases Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.1 h with ⟨l, lS, h⟩ + have := + this _ (ss.2 l lS) fun x hx ↦ Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, lS, Finset.mem_insert_of_mem hx⟩ + rcases Finset.mem_insert.1 h with (rfl | h) <;> [exact this.1, exact this.2 _ h] + clear h l' + refine' stmtStRec _ _ _ _ _ + · intro _ s _ IH ss' sub -- stack op + rw [TM2to1.supports_run] at ss' + simp only [TM2to1.trStmts₁_run, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_singleton] + at sub + have hgo := sub _ (Or.inl <| Or.inl rfl) + have hret := sub _ (Or.inl <| Or.inr rfl) + cases' IH ss' fun x hx ↦ sub x <| Or.inr hx with IH₁ IH₂ + refine' ⟨by simp only [trNormal_run, TM1.SupportsStmt]; intros; exact hgo, fun l h ↦ _⟩ + rw [trStmts₁_run] at h + simp only [TM2to1.trStmts₁_run, Finset.mem_union, Finset.mem_insert, Finset.mem_singleton] + at h + rcases h with (⟨rfl | rfl⟩ | h) + · cases s + · exact ⟨fun _ _ ↦ hret, fun _ _ ↦ hgo⟩ + · exact ⟨fun _ _ ↦ hret, fun _ _ ↦ hgo⟩ + · exact ⟨⟨fun _ _ ↦ hret, fun _ _ ↦ hret⟩, fun _ _ ↦ hgo⟩ + · unfold TM1.SupportsStmt + exact ⟨IH₁, fun _ _ ↦ hret⟩ + · exact IH₂ _ h + · intro _ _ IH ss' sub -- load + unfold TM2to1.trStmts₁ at ss' sub⊢ + exact IH ss' sub + · intro _ _ _ IH₁ IH₂ ss' sub -- branch + unfold TM2to1.trStmts₁ at sub + cases' IH₁ ss'.1 fun x hx ↦ sub x <| Finset.mem_union_left _ hx with IH₁₁ IH₁₂ + cases' IH₂ ss'.2 fun x hx ↦ sub x <| Finset.mem_union_right _ hx with IH₂₁ IH₂₂ + refine' ⟨⟨IH₁₁, IH₂₁⟩, fun l h ↦ _⟩ + rw [trStmts₁] at h + rcases Finset.mem_union.1 h with (h | h) <;> [exact IH₁₂ _ h, exact IH₂₂ _ h] + · intro _ ss' _ -- goto + simp only [trStmts₁, Finset.not_mem_empty]; refine' ⟨_, fun _ ↦ False.elim⟩ + exact fun _ v ↦ Finset.mem_bunionᵢ.2 ⟨_, ss' v, Finset.mem_insert_self _ _⟩ + · intro _ _ -- halt + simp only [trStmts₁, Finset.not_mem_empty] + exact ⟨trivial, fun _ ↦ False.elim⟩⟩ +#align turing.TM2to1.tr_supports Turing.TM2to1.tr_supports + +end + +end TM2to1 + +end Turing