From 401acd59cb96b8310342f2858f8c2367169bb1a0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Ya=C3=ABl=20Dillies?= Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 22:33:50 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat: Basic finset lemmas (#9225) From LeanAPAP and LeanCamCombi --- Mathlib/Data/Finset/Basic.lean | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Basic.lean | 16 ++++++++++++ Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Card.lean | 6 +++++ 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Finset/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Finset/Basic.lean index a2f0ee4774396..c5dbd2cdd92c5 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Finset/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Finset/Basic.lean @@ -477,8 +477,7 @@ theorem coe_coeEmb : ⇑(coeEmb : Finset α ↪o Set α) = ((↑) : Finset α /-- The property `s.Nonempty` expresses the fact that the finset `s` is not empty. It should be used in theorem assumptions instead of `∃ x, x ∈ s` or `s ≠ ∅` as it gives access to a nice API thanks to the dot notation. -/ -protected def Nonempty (s : Finset α) : Prop := - ∃ x : α, x ∈ s +@[pp_dot] protected def Nonempty (s : Finset α) : Prop := ∃ x : α, x ∈ s #align finset.nonempty Finset.Nonempty --Porting note: Much longer than in Lean3 @@ -738,6 +737,12 @@ theorem coe_eq_singleton {s : Finset α} {a : α} : (s : Set α) = {a} ↔ s = { rw [← coe_singleton, coe_inj] #align finset.coe_eq_singleton Finset.coe_eq_singleton +@[norm_cast] +lemma coe_subset_singleton : (s : Set α) ⊆ {a} ↔ s ⊆ {a} := by rw [← coe_subset, coe_singleton] + +@[norm_cast] +lemma singleton_subset_coe : {a} ⊆ (s : Set α) ↔ {a} ⊆ s := by rw [← coe_subset, coe_singleton] + theorem eq_singleton_iff_unique_mem {s : Finset α} {a : α} : s = {a} ↔ a ∈ s ∧ ∀ x ∈ s, x = a := by constructor <;> intro t · rw [t] @@ -1918,6 +1923,12 @@ theorem erase_empty (a : α) : erase ∅ a = ∅ := rfl #align finset.erase_empty Finset.erase_empty +@[simp] lemma erase_nonempty (ha : a ∈ s) : (s.erase a).Nonempty ↔ s.Nontrivial := by + simp only [Finset.Nonempty, mem_erase, and_comm (b := _ ∈ _)] + refine ⟨?_, fun hs ↦ hs.exists_ne a⟩ + rintro ⟨b, hb, hba⟩ + exact ⟨_, hb, _, ha, hba⟩ + @[simp] theorem erase_singleton (a : α) : ({a} : Finset α).erase a = ∅ := by ext x @@ -2075,6 +2086,19 @@ theorem erase_injOn' (a : α) : { s : Finset α | a ∈ s }.InjOn fun s => erase fun s hs t ht (h : s.erase a = _) => by rw [← insert_erase hs, ← insert_erase ht, h] #align finset.erase_inj_on' Finset.erase_injOn' +lemma Nonempty.exists_cons_eq (hs : s.Nonempty) : ∃ t a ha, cons a t ha = s := by + classical + obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := hs + exact ⟨s.erase a, a, not_mem_erase _ _, by simp [insert_erase ha]⟩ + +lemma Nontrivial.exists_cons_eq (hs : s.Nontrivial) : + ∃ t a ha b hb hab, (cons b t hb).cons a (mem_cons.not.2 $ not_or_intro hab ha) = s := by + classical + obtain ⟨a, ha, b, hb, hab⟩ := hs + have : b ∈ s.erase a := mem_erase.2 ⟨hab.symm, hb⟩ + refine ⟨(s.erase a).erase b, a, ?_, b, ?_, ?_, ?_⟩ <;> + simp [insert_erase this, insert_erase ha, *] + end Erase /-! ### sdiff -/ @@ -2246,6 +2270,15 @@ theorem insert_sdiff_insert (s t : Finset α) (x : α) : insert x s \ insert x t insert_sdiff_of_mem _ (mem_insert_self _ _) #align finset.insert_sdiff_insert Finset.insert_sdiff_insert +lemma insert_sdiff_insert' (hab : a ≠ b) (ha : a ∉ s) : insert a s \ insert b s = {a} := by + ext; aesop + +lemma erase_sdiff_erase (hab : a ≠ b) (hb : b ∈ s) : s.erase a \ s.erase b = {b} := by + ext; aesop + +lemma cons_sdiff_cons (hab : a ≠ b) (ha hb) : s.cons a ha \ s.cons b hb = {a} := by + rw [cons_eq_insert, cons_eq_insert, insert_sdiff_insert' hab ha] + theorem sdiff_insert_of_not_mem {x : α} (h : x ∉ s) (t : Finset α) : s \ insert x t = s \ t := by refine' Subset.antisymm (sdiff_subset_sdiff (Subset.refl _) (subset_insert _ _)) fun y hy => _ simp only [mem_sdiff, mem_insert, not_or] at hy ⊢ @@ -2289,6 +2322,12 @@ theorem disjoint_erase_comm : Disjoint (s.erase a) t ↔ Disjoint s (t.erase a) simp_rw [erase_eq, disjoint_sdiff_comm] #align finset.disjoint_erase_comm Finset.disjoint_erase_comm +lemma disjoint_insert_erase (ha : a ∉ t) : Disjoint (s.erase a) (insert a t) ↔ Disjoint s t := by + rw [disjoint_erase_comm, erase_insert ha] + +lemma disjoint_erase_insert (ha : a ∉ s) : Disjoint (insert a s) (t.erase a) ↔ Disjoint s t := by + rw [← disjoint_erase_comm, erase_insert ha] + theorem disjoint_of_erase_left (ha : a ∉ t) (hst : Disjoint (s.erase a) t) : Disjoint s t := by rw [← erase_insert ha, ← disjoint_erase_comm, disjoint_insert_right] exact ⟨not_mem_erase _ _, hst⟩ @@ -2490,6 +2529,8 @@ theorem attach_nonempty_iff {s : Finset α} : s.attach.Nonempty ↔ s.Nonempty : simp [Finset.Nonempty] #align finset.attach_nonempty_iff Finset.attach_nonempty_iff +protected alias ⟨_, Nonempty.attach⟩ := attach_nonempty_iff + @[simp] theorem attach_eq_empty_iff {s : Finset α} : s.attach = ∅ ↔ s = ∅ := by simp [eq_empty_iff_forall_not_mem] diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Basic.lean index 53d4f755967f1..f70dd3c8f5aaa 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Basic.lean @@ -178,6 +178,11 @@ theorem coe_compl (s : Finset α) : ↑sᶜ = (↑s : Set α)ᶜ := @[simp] lemma compl_subset_compl : sᶜ ⊆ tᶜ ↔ t ⊆ s := @compl_le_compl_iff_le (Finset α) _ _ _ @[simp] lemma compl_ssubset_compl : sᶜ ⊂ tᶜ ↔ t ⊂ s := @compl_lt_compl_iff_lt (Finset α) _ _ _ +lemma subset_compl_comm : s ⊆ tᶜ ↔ t ⊆ sᶜ := le_compl_iff_le_compl (α := Finset α) + +@[simp] lemma subset_compl_singleton : s ⊆ {a}ᶜ ↔ a ∉ s := by + rw [subset_compl_comm, singleton_subset_iff, mem_compl] + @[simp] theorem compl_empty : (∅ : Finset α)ᶜ = univ := compl_bot @@ -276,6 +281,11 @@ theorem image_univ_equiv [Fintype β] (f : β ≃ α) : univ.image f = univ := end BooleanAlgebra +-- @[simp] --Note this would loop with `Finset.univ_unique` +lemma singleton_eq_univ [Subsingleton α] (a : α) : ({a} : Finset α) = univ := by + ext b; simp [Subsingleton.elim a b] + + theorem map_univ_of_surjective [Fintype β] {f : β ↪ α} (hf : Surjective f) : f = univ := eq_univ_of_forall <| hf.forall.2 fun _ => mem_map_of_mem _ <| mem_univ _ #align finset.map_univ_of_surjective Finset.map_univ_of_surjective @@ -360,6 +370,9 @@ instance decidableMemRangeFintype [Fintype α] [DecidableEq β] (f : α → β) DecidablePred (· ∈ Set.range f) := fun _ => Fintype.decidableExistsFintype #align fintype.decidable_mem_range_fintype Fintype.decidableMemRangeFintype +instance decidableSubsingleton [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] {s : Set α} [DecidablePred (· ∈ s)] : + Decidable s.Subsingleton := decidable_of_iff (∀ a ∈ s, ∀ b ∈ s, a = b) Iff.rfl + section BundledHoms instance decidableEqEquivFintype [DecidableEq β] [Fintype α] : DecidableEq (α ≃ β) := fun a b => @@ -472,6 +485,9 @@ namespace Finset variable [Fintype α] [DecidableEq α] {s t : Finset α} +@[simp] +lemma filter_univ_mem (s : Finset α) : univ.filter (· ∈ s) = s := by simp [filter_mem_eq_inter] + instance decidableCodisjoint : Decidable (Codisjoint s t) := decidable_of_iff _ codisjoint_left.symm #align finset.decidable_codisjoint Finset.decidableCodisjoint diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Card.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Card.lean index cbc253aef9e2e..6fbdb60869df1 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Card.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Fintype/Card.lean @@ -398,6 +398,12 @@ theorem Fintype.card_lex (α : Type*) [Fintype α] : Fintype.card (Lex α) = Fin rfl #align fintype.card_lex Fintype.card_lex +@[simp] lemma Fintype.card_multiplicative (α : Type*) [Fintype α] : + card (Multiplicative α) = card α := Finset.card_map _ + +@[simp] lemma Fintype.card_additive (α : Type*) [Fintype α] : card (Additive α) = card α := + Finset.card_map _ + /-- Given that `α ⊕ β` is a fintype, `α` is also a fintype. This is non-computable as it uses that `Sum.inl` is an injection, but there's no clear inverse if `α` is empty. -/ noncomputable def Fintype.sumLeft {α β} [Fintype (Sum α β)] : Fintype α :=