diff --git a/Mathlib/Geometry/RingedSpace/OpenImmersion.lean b/Mathlib/Geometry/RingedSpace/OpenImmersion.lean index ccb7c8267fed6..6a3d81fb6fb19 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Geometry/RingedSpace/OpenImmersion.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Geometry/RingedSpace/OpenImmersion.lean @@ -1147,14 +1147,14 @@ image is contained in the image of `f`, we can lift this morphism to a unique `Y commutes with these maps. -/ def lift (H' : Set.range g.1.base ⊆ Set.range f.1.base) : Y ⟶ X := - -- Porting note: added instance manually + -- Porting note (#10754): added instance manually have := pullback_snd_isIso_of_range_subset f g H' inv (pullback.snd : pullback f g ⟶ _) ≫ pullback.fst #align algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyRingedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.lift @[simp, reassoc] theorem lift_fac (H' : Set.range g.1.base ⊆ Set.range f.1.base) : lift f g H' ≫ f = g := by - -- Porting note: added instance manually + -- Porting note (#10754): added instance manually haveI := pullback_snd_isIso_of_range_subset f g H' erw [Category.assoc]; rw [IsIso.inv_comp_eq]; exact pullback.condition #align algebraic_geometry.LocallyRingedSpace.is_open_immersion.lift_fac AlgebraicGeometry.LocallyRingedSpace.IsOpenImmersion.lift_fac @@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@ theorem lift_uniq (H' : Set.range g.1.base ⊆ Set.range f.1.base) (l : Y ⟶ X) theorem lift_range (H' : Set.range g.1.base ⊆ Set.range f.1.base) : Set.range (lift f g H').1.base = f.1.base ⁻¹' Set.range g.1.base := by - -- Porting note: added instance manually + -- Porting note (#10754): added instance manually have := pullback_snd_isIso_of_range_subset f g H' dsimp only [lift] have : _ = (pullback.fst : pullback f g ⟶ _).val.base := diff --git a/Mathlib/GroupTheory/SpecificGroups/Alternating.lean b/Mathlib/GroupTheory/SpecificGroups/Alternating.lean index 74556f7c6f5e7..fc9356256243f 100644 --- a/Mathlib/GroupTheory/SpecificGroups/Alternating.lean +++ b/Mathlib/GroupTheory/SpecificGroups/Alternating.lean @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def alternatingGroup : Subgroup (Perm α) := sign.ker #align alternating_group alternatingGroup --- Porting note: manually added instance +-- Porting note (#10754): manually added instance instance fta : Fintype (alternatingGroup α) := @Subtype.fintype _ _ sign.decidableMemKer _