From 4fda6f75a24576d1bee6410cfcd8c2d587eaab96 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Andrew Yang Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 07:02:18 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat: The galois group acts on infinite places. (#9280) --- .../NumberTheory/NumberField/Embeddings.lean | 136 +++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 130 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/Embeddings.lean b/Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/Embeddings.lean index 77a7f8adfa8d8..78333f019d378 100644 --- a/Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/Embeddings.lean +++ b/Mathlib/NumberTheory/NumberField/Embeddings.lean @@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ open Complex NumberField open scoped ComplexConjugate -variable {K : Type*} [Field K] +variable {K : Type*} [Field K] {k : Type*} [Field k] /-- The conjugate of a complex embedding as a complex embedding. -/ @[reducible] @@ -203,13 +203,31 @@ theorem IsReal.coe_embedding_apply {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : IsReal φ) (x : K) exact RingHom.congr_fun hφ x #align number_field.complex_embedding.is_real.coe_embedding_apply NumberField.ComplexEmbedding.IsReal.coe_embedding_apply +lemma IsReal.comp (f : k →+* K) {φ : K →+* ℂ} (hφ : IsReal φ) : + IsReal (φ.comp f) := by ext1 x; simpa using RingHom.congr_fun hφ (f x) + +lemma isReal_comp_iff {f : k ≃+* K} {φ : K →+* ℂ} : + IsReal (φ.comp (f : k →+* K)) ↔ IsReal φ := + ⟨fun H ↦ by convert H.comp f.symm.toRingHom; ext1; simp, IsReal.comp _⟩ + +lemma exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq [Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] (φ ψ : K →+* ℂ) + (h : φ.comp (algebraMap k K) = ψ.comp (algebraMap k K)) : + ∃ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, φ.comp σ.symm = ψ := by + letI := (φ.comp (algebraMap k K)).toAlgebra + letI := φ.toAlgebra + have : IsScalarTower k K ℂ := IsScalarTower.of_algebraMap_eq' rfl + let ψ' : K →ₐ[k] ℂ := { ψ with commutes' := fun r ↦ (RingHom.congr_fun h r).symm } + use (AlgHom.restrictNormal' ψ' K).symm + ext1 x + exact AlgHom.restrictNormal_commutes ψ' K x + end NumberField.ComplexEmbedding section InfinitePlace open NumberField -variable (K : Type*) [Field K] +variable (K : Type*) [Field K] {k : Type*} [Field k] {F : Type*} [Field F] /-- An infinite place of a number field `K` is a place associated to a complex embedding. -/ def NumberField.InfinitePlace := { w : AbsoluteValue K ℝ // ∃ φ : K →+* ℂ, place φ = w } @@ -380,12 +398,17 @@ theorem isReal_of_mk_isReal {φ : K →+* ℂ} (h : IsReal (mk φ)) : rw [not_isReal_iff_isComplex] exact ⟨φ, h, rfl⟩ +lemma isReal_mk_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} : + IsReal (mk φ) ↔ ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ := + ⟨isReal_of_mk_isReal, fun H ↦ ⟨_, H, rfl⟩⟩ + +lemma isComplex_mk_iff {φ : K →+* ℂ} : + IsComplex (mk φ) ↔ ¬ ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ := + not_isReal_iff_isComplex.symm.trans isReal_mk_iff.not + @[simp] theorem not_isReal_of_mk_isComplex {φ : K →+* ℂ} (h : IsComplex (mk φ)) : - ¬ ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ := by - contrapose! h - rw [← not_isReal_iff_isComplex.not, not_not] - exact ⟨φ, h, rfl⟩ + ¬ ComplexEmbedding.IsReal φ := by rwa [← isComplex_mk_iff] /-- The multiplicity of an infinite place, that is the number of distinct complex embeddings that define it, see `card_filter_mk_eq`. -/ @@ -502,6 +525,107 @@ theorem card_add_two_mul_card_eq_rank : ← Embeddings.card K ℂ, Nat.add_sub_of_le] exact Fintype.card_subtype_le _ +variable {K} + +/-- The restriction of an infinite place along an embedding. -/ +def comap (w : InfinitePlace K) (f : k →+* K) : InfinitePlace k := + ⟨w.1.comp f.injective, w.embedding.comp f, + by { ext x; show _ = w.1 (f x); rw [← w.2.choose_spec]; rfl }⟩ + +@[simp] +lemma comap_mk (φ : K →+* ℂ) (f : k →+* K) : (mk φ).comap f = mk (φ.comp f) := rfl + +lemma comap_comp (w : InfinitePlace K) (f : F →+* K) (g : k →+* F) : + w.comap (f.comp g) = (w.comap f).comap g := rfl + +lemma IsReal.comap (f : k →+* K) {w : InfinitePlace K} (hφ : IsReal w) : + IsReal (w.comap f) := by + rw [← mk_embedding w, comap_mk, isReal_mk_iff] + rw [← mk_embedding w, isReal_mk_iff] at hφ + exact hφ.comp f + +lemma isReal_comap_iff (f : k ≃+* K) {w : InfinitePlace K} : + IsReal (w.comap (f : k →+* K)) ↔ IsReal w := by + rw [← mk_embedding w, comap_mk, isReal_mk_iff, isReal_mk_iff, ComplexEmbedding.isReal_comp_iff] + +lemma comap_surjective [Algebra k K] (h : Algebra.IsAlgebraic k K) : + Function.Surjective (comap · (algebraMap k K)) := fun w ↦ + letI := w.embedding.toAlgebra + ⟨mk (IsAlgClosed.lift (M := ℂ) h), by simp [comap_mk, RingHom.algebraMap_toAlgebra]⟩ + +variable [Algebra k K] (σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K) (w : InfinitePlace K) + +/-- The action of the galois group on infinite places. -/ +@[simps! smul_coe_apply] +instance : MulAction (K ≃ₐ[k] K) (InfinitePlace K) where + smul := fun σ w ↦ w.comap σ.symm + one_smul := fun _ ↦ rfl + mul_smul := fun _ _ _ ↦ rfl + +lemma smul_eq_comap : σ • w = w.comap σ.symm := rfl + +@[simp] lemma smul_apply (x) : (σ • w) x = w (σ.symm x) := rfl + +@[simp] lemma smul_mk (φ : K →+* ℂ) : σ • mk φ = mk (φ.comp σ.symm) := rfl + +lemma comap_smul {f : F →+* K} : (σ • w).comap f = w.comap (RingHom.comp σ.symm f) := rfl + +variable {σ w} + +lemma isReal_smul_iff : IsReal (σ • w) ↔ IsReal w := isReal_comap_iff (f := σ.symm.toRingEquiv) + +lemma isComplex_smul_iff : IsComplex (σ • w) ↔ IsComplex w := by + rw [← not_isReal_iff_isComplex, ← not_isReal_iff_isComplex, isReal_smul_iff] + +lemma ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq [Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] (φ ψ : K →+* ℂ) + (h : φ.comp (algebraMap k K) = ψ.comp (algebraMap k K)) : + ∃ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, φ.comp σ.symm = ψ := by + letI := (φ.comp (algebraMap k K)).toAlgebra + letI := φ.toAlgebra + have : IsScalarTower k K ℂ := IsScalarTower.of_algebraMap_eq' rfl + let ψ' : K →ₐ[k] ℂ := { ψ with commutes' := fun r ↦ (RingHom.congr_fun h r).symm } + use (AlgHom.restrictNormal' ψ' K).symm + ext1 x + exact AlgHom.restrictNormal_commutes ψ' K x + +lemma exists_smul_eq_of_comap_eq [Algebra k K] [IsGalois k K] (w w' : InfinitePlace K) + (h : w.comap (algebraMap k K) = w'.comap (algebraMap k K)) : ∃ σ : K ≃ₐ[k] K, σ • w = w' := by + rw [← mk_embedding w, ← mk_embedding w', comap_mk, comap_mk, mk_eq_iff] at h + cases h with + | inl h => + obtain ⟨σ, hσ⟩ := ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq w.embedding w'.embedding h + use σ + rw [← mk_embedding w, ← mk_embedding w', smul_mk, hσ] + | inr h => + obtain ⟨σ, hσ⟩ := ComplexEmbedding.exists_comp_symm_eq_of_comp_eq + ((starRingEnd ℂ).comp (embedding w)) w'.embedding h + use σ + rw [← mk_embedding w, ← mk_embedding w', smul_mk, mk_eq_iff] + exact Or.inr hσ + +lemma mem_orbit_iff [IsGalois k K] {w w' : InfinitePlace K} : + w' ∈ MulAction.orbit (K ≃ₐ[k] K) w ↔ w.comap (algebraMap k K) = w'.comap (algebraMap k K) := by + refine ⟨?_, exists_smul_eq_of_comap_eq w w'⟩ + rintro ⟨σ, rfl : σ • w = w'⟩ + rw [← mk_embedding w, comap_mk, smul_mk, comap_mk] + congr 1; ext1; simp + +/-- The orbits of infinite places under the action of the galois group are indexed by +the infinite places of the base field. -/ +noncomputable +def orbitRelEquiv [IsGalois k K] : + Quotient (MulAction.orbitRel (K ≃ₐ[k] K) (InfinitePlace K)) ≃ InfinitePlace k := by + refine Equiv.ofBijective (Quotient.lift (comap · (algebraMap k K)) + <| fun _ _ e ↦ ( e).symm) ⟨?_, ?_⟩ + · rintro ⟨w⟩ ⟨w'⟩ e + exact Quotient.sound (mem_orbit_iff.mpr e.symm) + · intro w + obtain ⟨w', hw⟩ := comap_surjective (Normal.isAlgebraic' (K := K)) w + exact ⟨⟦w'⟧, hw⟩ + +lemma orbitRelEquiv_apply_mk'' [IsGalois k K] (w : InfinitePlace K) : + orbitRelEquiv ('' w) = comap w (algebraMap k K) := rfl + end NumberField.InfinitePlace end InfinitePlace