diff --git a/Archive/Imo/Imo1998Q2.lean b/Archive/Imo/Imo1998Q2.lean index 722fd32cef405..7ee30ba7a5574 100644 --- a/Archive/Imo/Imo1998Q2.lean +++ b/Archive/Imo/Imo1998Q2.lean @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ theorem A_fibre_over_contestant_card (c : C) : ((A r).filter fun a : AgreedTriple C J => a.contestant = c).card := by rw [A_fibre_over_contestant r] apply Finset.card_image_of_injOn - -- porting note: used to be `tidy`. TODO: remove `ext` after `extCore` to `aesop`. + -- Porting note (#10936): used to be `tidy`. TODO: remove `ext` after `extCore` to `aesop`. unfold Set.InjOn; intros; ext; all_goals aesop #align imo1998_q2.A_fibre_over_contestant_card Imo1998Q2.A_fibre_over_contestant_card @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ theorem A_fibre_over_judgePair_card {p : JudgePair J} (h : p.Distinct) : ((A r).filter fun a : AgreedTriple C J => a.judgePair = p).card := by rw [A_fibre_over_judgePair r h] apply Finset.card_image_of_injOn - -- porting note: used to be `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): used to be `tidy` unfold Set.InjOn; intros; ext; all_goals aesop #align imo1998_q2.A_fibre_over_judge_pair_card Imo1998Q2.A_fibre_over_judgePair_card diff --git a/Mathlib/Algebra/Category/GroupCat/Limits.lean b/Mathlib/Algebra/Category/GroupCat/Limits.lean index f3b10bbf61737..2ec6f74e1177c 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Algebra/Category/GroupCat/Limits.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Algebra/Category/GroupCat/Limits.lean @@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ def kernelIsoKer {G H : AddCommGroupCat.{u}} (f : G ⟶ H) : dsimp simp } inv := kernel.lift f (AddSubgroup.subtype f.ker) <| by - -- Porting note: used to be `tidy`, but `aesop` can't do it + -- Porting note (#10936): used to be `tidy`, but `aesop` can't do it refine DFunLike.ext _ _ ?_ rintro ⟨x, (hx : f _ = 0)⟩ exact hx diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/KanExtension.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/KanExtension.lean index 4f574180e480c..74b8c749fd67c 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/KanExtension.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Limits/KanExtension.lean @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ end Ran @[simps!] def ran [∀ X, HasLimitsOfShape (StructuredArrow X ι) D] : (S ⥤ D) ⥤ L ⥤ D := Adjunction.rightAdjointOfEquiv (fun F G => (Ran.equiv ι G F).symm) (by { - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` intros X' X Y f g ext t apply limit.hom_ext diff --git a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sigma/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sigma/Basic.lean index 9f5a17680b90f..509a59da10453 100644 --- a/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sigma/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/CategoryTheory/Sigma/Basic.lean @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ instance (i : I) : Full (incl i : C i ⥤ Σi, C i) where witness := fun ⟨_⟩ => rfl instance (i : I) : Faithful (incl i : C i ⥤ Σi, C i) where - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` map_injective {_ _ _ _} h := by injection h section diff --git a/Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Prod.lean b/Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Prod.lean index 2cfdfc5e1ae6d..df41d4a0346a6 100644 --- a/Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Prod.lean +++ b/Mathlib/LinearAlgebra/Prod.lean @@ -632,14 +632,14 @@ def fstEquiv : Submodule.fst R M M₂ ≃ₗ[R] M where #align submodule.fst_equiv Submodule.fstEquiv theorem fst_map_fst : (Submodule.fst R M M₂).map (LinearMap.fst R M M₂) = ⊤ := by - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` rw [eq_top_iff]; rintro x - simp only [fst, comap_bot, mem_map, mem_ker, snd_apply, fst_apply, Prod.exists, exists_eq_left, exists_eq] #align submodule.fst_map_fst Submodule.fst_map_fst theorem fst_map_snd : (Submodule.fst R M M₂).map (LinearMap.snd R M M₂) = ⊥ := by - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` rw [eq_bot_iff]; intro x simp only [fst, comap_bot, mem_map, mem_ker, snd_apply, eq_comm, Prod.exists, exists_eq_left, exists_const, mem_bot, imp_self] @@ -668,14 +668,14 @@ def sndEquiv : Submodule.snd R M M₂ ≃ₗ[R] M₂ where #align submodule.snd_equiv Submodule.sndEquiv theorem snd_map_fst : (Submodule.snd R M M₂).map (LinearMap.fst R M M₂) = ⊥ := by - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` rw [eq_bot_iff]; intro x simp only [snd, comap_bot, mem_map, mem_ker, fst_apply, eq_comm, Prod.exists, exists_eq_left, exists_const, mem_bot, imp_self] #align submodule.snd_map_fst Submodule.snd_map_fst theorem snd_map_snd : (Submodule.snd R M M₂).map (LinearMap.snd R M M₂) = ⊤ := by - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` rw [eq_top_iff]; rintro x - simp only [snd, comap_bot, mem_map, mem_ker, snd_apply, fst_apply, Prod.exists, exists_eq_right, exists_eq] @@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ theorem fst_sup_snd : Submodule.fst R M M₂ ⊔ Submodule.snd R M M₂ = ⊤ := #align submodule.fst_sup_snd Submodule.fst_sup_snd theorem fst_inf_snd : Submodule.fst R M M₂ ⊓ Submodule.snd R M M₂ = ⊥ := by - -- Porting note: was `tidy` + -- Porting note (#10936): was `tidy` rw [eq_bot_iff]; rintro ⟨x, y⟩ simp only [fst, comap_bot, snd, ge_iff_le, mem_inf, mem_ker, snd_apply, fst_apply, mem_bot, Prod.mk_eq_zero, and_comm, imp_self]