From 772b60655ed12c12ce44339250dfbd8f84925d3c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christopher Hoskin Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2023 15:55:54 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat(Algebra/Hom/Centroid) : Homomorphism from centre into centroid (#7843) Defines the natural homomorphism from the centre of a non-unital, non-associative semiring into the centroid of the semiring. When the semiring is unital, the centre and the centroid are isomorphic. Co-authored-by: Christopher Hoskin Co-authored-by: Christopher Hoskin Co-authored-by: Christopher Hoskin --- Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/CentroidHom.lean | 51 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+) diff --git a/Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/CentroidHom.lean b/Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/CentroidHom.lean index be0a9ad3965eb..57b1cf422c39b 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/CentroidHom.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Algebra/Ring/CentroidHom.lean @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Authors: Yaël Dillies, Christopher Hoskin -/ import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Hom.Instances import Mathlib.Algebra.GroupPower.Lemmas +import Mathlib.RingTheory.NonUnitalSubsemiring.Basic #align_import algebra.hom.centroid from "leanprover-community/mathlib"@"6cb77a8eaff0ddd100e87b1591c6d3ad319514ff" @@ -399,8 +400,58 @@ theorem comp_mul_comm (T S : CentroidHom α) (a b : α) : (T ∘ S) (a * b) = (S rw [map_mul_right, map_mul_left, ← map_mul_right, ← map_mul_left] #align centroid_hom.comp_mul_comm CentroidHom.comp_mul_comm +local notation "L" => AddMonoid.End.mulLeft +local notation "R" => AddMonoid.End.mulRight + +/-- The canonical homomorphism from the center into the centroid -/ +def centerToCentroid : α →ₙ+* CentroidHom α where + toFun z := + { L (z : α) with + map_mul_left' := ((Set.mem_center_iff _).mp z.prop).left_comm + map_mul_right' := ((Set.mem_center_iff _).mp z.prop).left_assoc } + map_zero' := by + simp only [ZeroMemClass.coe_zero, map_zero] + exact rfl + map_add' := fun _ _ => by + simp only [AddSubmonoid.coe_add, NonUnitalSubsemiring.coe_toAddSubmonoid, map_add] + exact rfl + map_mul' := fun z₁ z₂ => by + ext a + exact (((Set.mem_center_iff _).mp z₁.prop).left_assoc z₂ a).symm + +lemma centerToCentroid_apply (z : { x // x ∈ α }) (a : α) : + (centerToCentroid z) a = z * a := rfl + +lemma center_iff_op_centroid (a : α) : + a ∈ α ↔ L a = R a ∧ (L a) ∈ Set.range CentroidHom.toEnd := by + constructor + · exact fun ha ↦ ⟨AddMonoidHom.ext <| IsMulCentral.comm ha, ⟨centerToCentroid ⟨a, ha⟩, rfl⟩⟩ + · rintro ⟨hc, ⟨T, hT⟩⟩ + have e1 (d : α) : T d = a * d := congr($hT d) + have e2 (d : α) : T d = d * a := congr($(hT.trans hc) d) + constructor + case comm => exact (congr($hc ·)) + case left_assoc => simpa [e1] using (map_mul_right T · ·) + case mid_assoc => exact fun b c ↦ by simpa [e1 c, e2 b] using + (map_mul_right T b c).symm.trans <| map_mul_left T b c + case right_assoc => simpa [e2] using (map_mul_left T · ·) + end NonUnitalNonAssocSemiring +section NonAssocSemiring + +variable [NonAssocSemiring α] + +/-- The canonical isomorphism from the center of a (non-associative) semiring onto its centroid. -/ +def centerIsoCentroid : α ≃+* CentroidHom α := + { centerToCentroid with + invFun := fun T ↦ + ⟨T 1, by refine ⟨?_, ?_, ?_, ?_⟩; all_goals simp [← map_mul_left, ← map_mul_right]⟩ + left_inv := fun z ↦ Subtype.ext <| by simp [centerToCentroid_apply] + right_inv := fun T ↦ CentroidHom.ext <| by simp [centerToCentroid_apply, ← map_mul_right] } + +end NonAssocSemiring + section NonUnitalNonAssocRing variable [NonUnitalNonAssocRing α]