diff --git a/Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/Algebra.lean b/Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/Algebra.lean index 142a8b43bf69b..5b501b47d863c 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/Algebra.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Topology/ContinuousFunction/Algebra.lean @@ -749,27 +749,17 @@ protected def AlgHom.compLeftContinuous {α : Type*} [TopologicalSpace α] (g : variable (A) -/-- Precomposition of functions into a normed ring by a continuous map is an algebra homomorphism. --/ +/-- Precomposition of functions into a topological semiring by a continuous map is an algebra +homomorphism. -/ @[simps] def ContinuousMap.compRightAlgHom {α β : Type*} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] (f : C(α, β)) : C(β, A) →ₐ[R] C(α, A) where toFun g := g.comp f - map_zero' := by - ext - rfl - map_add' g₁ g₂ := by - ext - rfl - map_one' := by - ext - rfl - map_mul' g₁ g₂ := by - ext - rfl - commutes' r := by - ext - rfl + map_zero' := ext fun _ ↦ rfl + map_add' _ _ := ext fun _ ↦ rfl + map_one' := ext fun _ ↦ rfl + map_mul' _ _ := ext fun _ ↦ rfl + commutes' _ := ext fun _ ↦ rfl #align continuous_map.comp_right_alg_hom ContinuousMap.compRightAlgHom variable {A}