From d16fa2fb1a420483ae386372cb3412b6b5fba6c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Lukas Miaskiwskyi Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2023 11:13:39 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] feat: port Algebra.DirectSum.Basic (#1923) Needed to add some instance names in Dfinnsup/Basic because the standard ones were insanely long. Could extract that to a separate PR, but maybe that's not needed. Co-authored-by: ChrisHughes24 --- Mathlib.lean | 1 + Mathlib/Algebra/DirectSum/Basic.lean | 404 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 405 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Mathlib/Algebra/DirectSum/Basic.lean diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index 171fda36abdcd..5e46584379ffb 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Defs import Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Infinite import Mathlib.Algebra.CharZero.Lemmas import Mathlib.Algebra.CovariantAndContravariant +import Mathlib.Algebra.DirectSum.Basic import Mathlib.Algebra.Divisibility.Basic import Mathlib.Algebra.Divisibility.Units import Mathlib.Algebra.EuclideanDomain.Basic diff --git a/Mathlib/Algebra/DirectSum/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Algebra/DirectSum/Basic.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..9d1ec45ee6830 --- /dev/null +++ b/Mathlib/Algebra/DirectSum/Basic.lean @@ -0,0 +1,404 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2019 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Kenny Lau + +! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module algebra.direct_sum.basic +! leanprover-community/mathlib commit f7fc89d5d5ff1db2d1242c7bb0e9062ce47ef47c +! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id +! if you have ported upstream changes. +-/ +import Mathlib.Data.Dfinsupp.Basic +import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Submonoid.Operations +import Mathlib.Tactic.ScopedNS + +/-! +# Direct sum + +This file defines the direct sum of abelian groups, indexed by a discrete type. + +## Notation + +`⨁ i, β i` is the n-ary direct sum `DirectSum`. +This notation is in the `DirectSum` locale, accessible after `open_locale DirectSum`. + +## References + +* +-/ + +-- Porting note: Unknown namespace +-- open BigOperators + +universe u v w u₁ + +variable (ι : Type v) [dec_ι : DecidableEq ι] (β : ι → Type w) + +/-- `DirectSum β` is the direct sum of a family of additive commutative monoids `β i`. + +Note: `open_locale DirectSum` will enable the notation `⨁ i, β i` for `DirectSum β`. -/ +def DirectSum [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (β i)] : Type _ := + -- Porting note: Failed to synthesize + -- Π₀ i, β i deriving AddCommMonoid, Inhabited + Π₀ i, β i +#align direct_sum DirectSum + +-- Porting note: Added inhabited instance manually +instance [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (β i)] : Inhabited (DirectSum ι β) := + by delta DirectSum; infer_instance + +-- Porting note: Added addCommMonoid instance manually +instance [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (β i)] : AddCommMonoid (DirectSum ι β) := + by delta DirectSum; infer_instance + +instance [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (β i)] : CoeFun (DirectSum ι β) fun _ => ∀ i : ι, β i := + by delta DirectSum; infer_instance + +-- Porting note: scoped does not work with notation3; TODO rewrite as lean4 notation? +-- scoped[DirectSum] +/-- `⨁ i, f i` is notation for `DirectSum _ f` and equals the direct sum of `fun i ↦ f i`. +Taking the direct sum over multiple arguments is possible, e.g. `⨁ (i) (j), f i j`. -/ +notation3"⨁ "(...)", "r:(scoped f => DirectSum _ f) => r + +-- Porting note: The below recreates some of the lean3 notation, not fully yet +-- section +-- open Std.ExtendedBinder +-- syntax (name := bigdirectsum) "⨁ " extBinders ", " term : term +-- macro_rules (kind := bigdirectsum) +-- | `(⨁ $_:ident, $y:ident → $z:ident) => `(DirectSum _ (fun $y ↦ $z)) +-- | `(⨁ $x:ident, $p) => `(DirectSum _ (fun $x ↦ $p)) +-- | `(⨁ $_:ident : $t:ident, $p) => `(DirectSum _ (fun $t ↦ $p)) +-- | `(⨁ ($x:ident) ($y:ident), $p) => `(DirectSum _ (fun $x ↦ fun $y ↦ $p)) +-- end + +namespace DirectSum + +variable {ι} + +section AddCommGroup + +variable [∀ i, AddCommGroup (β i)] + +instance : AddCommGroup (DirectSum ι β) := + by delta DirectSum; infer_instance +variable {β} + +@[simp] +theorem sub_apply (g₁ g₂ : ⨁ i, β i) (i : ι) : (g₁ - g₂) i = g₁ i - g₂ i := + rfl +#align direct_sum.sub_apply DirectSum.sub_apply + +end AddCommGroup + +variable [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (β i)] + +@[simp] +theorem zero_apply (i : ι) : (0 : ⨁ i, β i) i = 0 := + rfl +#align direct_sum.zero_apply DirectSum.zero_apply + +variable {β} + +@[simp] +theorem add_apply (g₁ g₂ : ⨁ i, β i) (i : ι) : (g₁ + g₂) i = g₁ i + g₂ i := + rfl +#align direct_sum.add_apply DirectSum.add_apply + +variable (β) + +-- Porting note: commented out +-- include dec_ι + +/-- `mk β s x` is the element of `⨁ i, β i` that is zero outside `s` +and has coefficient `x i` for `i` in `s`. -/ +def mk (s : Finset ι) : (∀ i : (↑s : Set ι), β i.1) →+ ⨁ i, β i + where + toFun := s + map_add' _ _ := Dfinsupp.mk_add + map_zero' := Dfinsupp.mk_zero +#align + +/-- `of i` is the natural inclusion map from `β i` to `⨁ i, β i`. -/ +def of (i : ι) : β i →+ ⨁ i, β i := + Dfinsupp.singleAddHom β i +#align direct_sum.of DirectSum.of + +@[simp] +theorem of_eq_same (i : ι) (x : β i) : (of _ i x) i = x := + Dfinsupp.single_eq_same +#align direct_sum.of_eq_same DirectSum.of_eq_same + +theorem of_eq_of_ne (i j : ι) (x : β i) (h : i ≠ j) : (of _ i x) j = 0 := + Dfinsupp.single_eq_of_ne h +#align direct_sum.of_eq_of_ne DirectSum.of_eq_of_ne + +@[simp] +theorem support_zero [∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), Decidable (x ≠ 0)] : (0 : ⨁ i, β i).support = ∅ := + Dfinsupp.support_zero +#align direct_sum.support_zero DirectSum.support_zero + +@[simp] +theorem support_of [∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), Decidable (x ≠ 0)] (i : ι) (x : β i) (h : x ≠ 0) : + (of _ i x).support = {i} := + Dfinsupp.support_single_ne_zero h +#align direct_sum.support_of DirectSum.support_of + +theorem support_of_subset [∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), Decidable (x ≠ 0)] {i : ι} {b : β i} : + (of _ i b).support ⊆ {i} := + Dfinsupp.support_single_subset +#align direct_sum.support_of_subset DirectSum.support_of_subset + +theorem sum_support_of [∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), Decidable (x ≠ 0)] (x : ⨁ i, β i) : + (∑ i in, of β i (x i)) = x := + Dfinsupp.sum_single +#align direct_sum.sum_support_of DirectSum.sum_support_of + +variable {β} + +theorem mk_injective (s : Finset ι) : Function.Injective (mk β s) := + Dfinsupp.mk_injective s +#align direct_sum.mk_injective DirectSum.mk_injective + +theorem of_injective (i : ι) : Function.Injective (of β i) := + Dfinsupp.single_injective +#align direct_sum.of_injective DirectSum.of_injective + +@[elab_as_elim] +protected theorem induction_on {C : (⨁ i, β i) → Prop} (x : ⨁ i, β i) (H_zero : C 0) + (H_basic : ∀ (i : ι) (x : β i), C (of β i x)) (H_plus : ∀ x y, C x → C y → C (x + y)) : C x := + by + apply Dfinsupp.induction x H_zero + intro i b f h1 h2 ih + solve_by_elim +#align direct_sum.induction_on DirectSum.induction_on + +/-- If two additive homomorphisms from `⨁ i, β i` are equal on each `of β i y`, +then they are equal. -/ +theorem addHom_ext {γ : Type _} [AddMonoid γ] ⦃f g : (⨁ i, β i) →+ γ⦄ + (H : ∀ (i : ι) (y : β i), f (of _ i y) = g (of _ i y)) : f = g := + Dfinsupp.add_hom_ext H +#align direct_sum.add_hom_ext DirectSum.addHom_ext + +/-- If two additive homomorphisms from `⨁ i, β i` are equal on each `of β i y`, +then they are equal. + +See note [partially-applied ext lemmas]. -/ +@[ext] +theorem addHom_ext' {γ : Type _} [AddMonoid γ] ⦃f g : (⨁ i, β i) →+ γ⦄ + (H : ∀ i : ι, f.comp (of _ i) = g.comp (of _ i)) : f = g := + addHom_ext fun i => FunLike.congr_fun <| H i +#align direct_sum.add_hom_ext' DirectSum.addHom_ext' + +variable {γ : Type u₁} [AddCommMonoid γ] + +section ToAddMonoid + +variable (φ : ∀ i, β i →+ γ) (ψ : (⨁ i, β i) →+ γ) + +-- Porting note: The elaborator is struggling with `liftAddHom`. Passing it `β` explicitly helps. +-- This applies to roughly the remainder of the file. + +/-- `toAddMonoid φ` is the natural homomorphism from `⨁ i, β i` to `γ` +induced by a family `φ` of homomorphisms `β i → γ`. -/ +def toAddMonoid : (⨁ i, β i) →+ γ := + Dfinsupp.liftAddHom (β := β) φ +#align direct_sum.to_add_monoid DirectSum.toAddMonoid + +@[simp] +theorem toAddMonoid_of (i) (x : β i) : toAddMonoid φ (of β i x) = φ i x := + Dfinsupp.liftAddHom_apply_single φ i x +#align direct_sum.to_add_monoid_of DirectSum.toAddMonoid_of + +theorem toAddMonoid.unique (f : ⨁ i, β i) : ψ f = toAddMonoid (fun i => ψ.comp (of β i)) f := by + congr + -- Porting note: ext applied unsuitable ext lemma + apply Dfinsupp.add_hom_ext' + simp [toAddMonoid, of] + +#align direct_sum.to_add_monoid.unique DirectSum.toAddMonoid.unique + +end ToAddMonoid + +section FromAddMonoid + +/-- `fromAddMonoid φ` is the natural homomorphism from `γ` to `⨁ i, β i` +induced by a family `φ` of homomorphisms `γ → β i`. + +Note that this is not an isomorphism. Not every homomorphism `γ →+ ⨁ i, β i` arises in this way. -/ +def fromAddMonoid : (⨁ i, γ →+ β i) →+ γ →+ ⨁ i, β i := + toAddMonoid fun i => AddMonoidHom.compHom (of β i) +#align direct_sum.from_add_monoid DirectSum.fromAddMonoid + +@[simp] +theorem fromAddMonoid_of (i : ι) (f : γ →+ β i) : fromAddMonoid (of _ i f) = (of _ i).comp f := by + rw [fromAddMonoid, toAddMonoid_of] + rfl +#align direct_sum.from_add_monoid_of DirectSum.fromAddMonoid_of + +theorem fromAddMonoid_of_apply (i : ι) (f : γ →+ β i) (x : γ) : + fromAddMonoid (of _ i f) x = of _ i (f x) := by + rw [fromAddMonoid_of, AddMonoidHom.coe_comp, Function.comp] +#align direct_sum.from_add_monoid_of_apply DirectSum.fromAddMonoid_of_apply + +end FromAddMonoid + +variable (β) + +-- TODO: generalize this to remove the assumption `S ⊆ T`. +/-- `setToSet β S T h` is the natural homomorphism `⨁ (i : S), β i → ⨁ (i : T), β i`, +where `h : S ⊆ T`. -/ +def setToSet (S T : Set ι) (H : S ⊆ T) : (⨁ i : S, β i) →+ ⨁ i : T, β i := + toAddMonoid fun i => of (fun i : Subtype T => β i) ⟨↑i, H i.2⟩ +#align direct_sum.set_to_set DirectSum.setToSet + +variable {β} + +-- Porting note: commented out +-- omit dec_ι + +instance unique [∀ i, Subsingleton (β i)] : Unique (⨁ i, β i) := + Dfinsupp.unique +#align direct_sum.unique DirectSum.unique + +/-- A direct sum over an empty type is trivial. -/ +instance uniqueOfIsEmpty [IsEmpty ι] : Unique (⨁ i, β i) := + Dfinsupp.uniqueOfIsEmpty +#align direct_sum.unique_of_is_empty DirectSum.uniqueOfIsEmpty + +/-- The natural equivalence between `⨁ _ : ι, M` and `M` when `Unique ι`. -/ +protected def id (M : Type v) (ι : Type _ := PUnit) [AddCommMonoid M] [Unique ι] : + (⨁ _x : ι, M) ≃+ M := + { + DirectSum.toAddMonoid fun _ => + + M with + toFun := DirectSum.toAddMonoid fun _ => M + invFun := of (fun _ => M) default + left_inv := fun x => + DirectSum.induction_on x (by rw [AddMonoidHom.map_zero, AddMonoidHom.map_zero]) + (fun p x => by rw [Unique.default_eq p, toAddMonoid_of]; rfl) fun x y ihx ihy => by + rw [AddMonoidHom.map_add, AddMonoidHom.map_add, ihx, ihy] + right_inv := fun x => toAddMonoid_of _ _ _ } +#align + +section CongrLeft + +variable {κ : Type _} + +/-- Reindexing terms of a direct sum.-/ +def equivCongrLeft (h : ι ≃ κ) : (⨁ i, β i) ≃+ ⨁ k, β (h.symm k) := + { Dfinsupp.equivCongrLeft h with map_add' := Dfinsupp.comapDomain'_add _ h.right_inv} +#align direct_sum.equiv_congr_left DirectSum.equivCongrLeft + +@[simp] +theorem equivCongrLeft_apply (h : ι ≃ κ) (f : ⨁ i, β i) (k : κ) : + equivCongrLeft h f k = f (h.symm k) := by + exact Dfinsupp.comapDomain'_apply _ h.right_inv _ _ +#align direct_sum.equiv_congr_left_apply DirectSum.equivCongrLeft_apply + +end CongrLeft + +section Option + +variable {α : Option ι → Type w} [∀ i, AddCommMonoid (α i)] + +-- Porting note: commented out +-- include dec_ι + +/-- Isomorphism obtained by separating the term of index `none` of a direct sum over `Option ι`.-/ +@[simps] +noncomputable def addEquivProdDirectSum : (⨁ i, α i) ≃+ α none × ⨁ i, α (some i) := + { Dfinsupp.equivProdDfinsupp with map_add' := Dfinsupp.equivProdDfinsupp_add } +#align direct_sum.add_equiv_prod_direct_sum DirectSum.addEquivProdDirectSum + +end Option + +section Sigma + +variable {α : ι → Type u} {δ : ∀ i, α i → Type w} [∀ i j, AddCommMonoid (δ i j)] + +/-- The natural map between `⨁ (i : Σ i, α i), δ i.1 i.2` and `⨁ i (j : α i), δ i j`.-/ +noncomputable def sigmaCurry : (⨁ i : Σ _i, _, δ i.1 i.2) →+ ⨁ (i) (j), δ i j + where + toFun := @Dfinsupp.sigmaCurry _ _ δ _ + map_zero' := Dfinsupp.sigmaCurry_zero + map_add' f g := @Dfinsupp.sigmaCurry_add _ _ δ _ f g +#align direct_sum.sigma_curry DirectSum.sigmaCurry + +@[simp] +theorem sigmaCurry_apply (f : ⨁ i : Σ _i, _, δ i.1 i.2) (i : ι) (j : α i) : + sigmaCurry f i j = f ⟨i, j⟩ := + @Dfinsupp.sigmaCurry_apply _ _ δ _ _ i j +#align direct_sum.sigma_curry_apply DirectSum.sigmaCurry_apply + +-- Porting note: marked noncomputable +/-- The natural map between `⨁ i (j : α i), δ i j` and `Π₀ (i : Σ i, α i), δ i.1 i.2`, inverse of +`curry`.-/ +noncomputable def sigmaUncurry [∀ i, DecidableEq (α i)] [∀ i j, DecidableEq (δ i j)] : + (⨁ (i) (j), δ i j) →+ ⨁ i : Σ _i, _, δ i.1 i.2 + where + toFun := Dfinsupp.sigmaUncurry + map_zero' := Dfinsupp.sigmaUncurry_zero + map_add' := Dfinsupp.sigmaUncurry_add +#align direct_sum.sigma_uncurry DirectSum.sigmaUncurry + +@[simp] +theorem sigmaUncurry_apply [∀ i, DecidableEq (α i)] [∀ i j, DecidableEq (δ i j)] + (f : ⨁ (i) (j), δ i j) (i : ι) (j : α i) : sigmaUncurry f ⟨i, j⟩ = f i j := + Dfinsupp.sigmaUncurry_apply f i j +#align direct_sum.sigma_uncurry_apply DirectSum.sigmaUncurry_apply + +/-- The natural map between `⨁ (i : Σ i, α i), δ i.1 i.2` and `⨁ i (j : α i), δ i j`.-/ +noncomputable def sigmaCurryEquiv [∀ i, DecidableEq (α i)] [∀ i j, DecidableEq (δ i j)] : + (⨁ i : Σ _i, _, δ i.1 i.2) ≃+ ⨁ (i) (j), δ i j := + { sigmaCurry, Dfinsupp.sigmaCurryEquiv with } +#align direct_sum.sigma_curry_equiv DirectSum.sigmaCurryEquiv + +end Sigma + +/-- The canonical embedding from `⨁ i, A i` to `M` where `A` is a collection of `AddSubmonoid M` +indexed by `ι`. + +When `S = Submodule _ M`, this is available as a `LinearMap`, `DirectSum.coe_linearMap`. -/ +protected def coeAddMonoidHom {M S : Type _} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCommMonoid M] [SetLike S M] + [AddSubmonoidClass S M] (A : ι → S) : (⨁ i, A i) →+ M := + toAddMonoid fun i => AddSubmonoidClass.Subtype (A i) +#align direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom DirectSum.coeAddMonoidHom + +@[simp] +theorem coeAddMonoidHom_of {M S : Type _} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCommMonoid M] [SetLike S M] + [AddSubmonoidClass S M] (A : ι → S) (i : ι) (x : A i) : + DirectSum.coeAddMonoidHom A (of (fun i => A i) i x) = x := + toAddMonoid_of _ _ _ +#align direct_sum.coe_add_monoid_hom_of DirectSum.coeAddMonoidHom_of + +theorem coe_of_apply {M S : Type _} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCommMonoid M] [SetLike S M] + [AddSubmonoidClass S M] {A : ι → S} (i j : ι) (x : A i) : + (of (fun i ↦ {x // x ∈ A i}) i x j : M) = if i = j then x else 0 := by + obtain rfl | h := Decidable.eq_or_ne i j + · rw [DirectSum.of_eq_same, if_pos rfl] + · rw [DirectSum.of_eq_of_ne _ _ _ _ h, if_neg h, ZeroMemClass.coe_zero, ZeroMemClass.coe_zero] +#align direct_sum.coe_of_apply DirectSum.coe_of_apply + +/-- The `DirectSum` formed by a collection of additive submonoids (or subgroups, or submodules) of +`M` is said to be internal if the canonical map `(⨁ i, A i) →+ M` is bijective. + +For the alternate statement in terms of independence and spanning, see +`DirectSum.subgroup_isInternal_iff_independent_and_supr_eq_top` and +`DirectSum.isInternalSubmodule_iff_independent_and_supr_eq_top`. -/ +def IsInternal {M S : Type _} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCommMonoid M] [SetLike S M] + [AddSubmonoidClass S M] (A : ι → S) : Prop := + Function.Bijective (DirectSum.coeAddMonoidHom A) +#align direct_sum.is_internal DirectSum.IsInternal + +-- Porting note: This times out; lean4#2003 may fix this? +set_option maxHeartbeats 0 +theorem IsInternal.addSubmonoid_supᵢ_eq_top {M : Type _} [DecidableEq ι] [AddCommMonoid M] + (A : ι → AddSubmonoid M) (h : IsInternal A) : supᵢ A = ⊤ := by + rw [AddSubmonoid.supᵢ_eq_mrange_dfinsupp_sumAddHom, AddMonoidHom.mrange_top_iff_surjective] + exact Function.Bijective.surjective h +#align direct_sum.is_internal.add_submonoid_supr_eq_top DirectSum.IsInternal.addSubmonoid_supᵢ_eq_top + +end DirectSum + +#lint