From 3de1122c81495b6f5303ba37ac3daa5452e7653b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Yury G. Kudryashov" Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 22:41:48 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] feat: port Data.Nat.Nth From c55dc7cd16c10cdeae29d6625c58913a8a0354a2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Yury G. Kudryashov" Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 22:41:48 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Initial file copy from mathport --- Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 434 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 434 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..451cd46b03eae --- /dev/null +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2021 Vladimir Goryachev. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Yaël Dillies, Vladimir Goryachev, Kyle Miller, Scott Morrison, Eric Rodriguez + +! This file was ported from Lean 3 source module data.nat.nth +! leanprover-community/mathlib commit 7fdd4f3746cb059edfdb5d52cba98f66fce418c0 +! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id +! if you have ported upstream changes. +-/ +import Mathbin.Data.Nat.Count +import Mathbin.Data.Set.Intervals.Monotone +import Mathbin.Order.OrderIsoNat + +/-! +# The `n`th Number Satisfying a Predicate + +This file defines a function for "what is the `n`th number that satisifies a given predicate `p`", +and provides lemmas that deal with this function and its connection to `nat.count`. + +## Main definitions + +* `nat.nth p n`: The `n`-th natural `k` (zero-indexed) such that `p k`. If there is no + such natural (that is, `p` is true for at most `n` naturals), then `nat.nth p n = 0`. + +## Main results + +* `nat.nth_set_card`: For a fintely-often true `p`, gives the cardinality of the set of numbers + satisfying `p` above particular values of `nth p` +* `nat.count_nth_gc`: Establishes a Galois connection between `nat.nth p` and `nat.count p`. +* `nat.nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat`: For an infinitely-ofter true predicate, `nth` agrees with the + order-isomorphism of the subtype to the natural numbers. + +There has been some discussion on the subject of whether both of `nth` and +`nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat` should exist. See discussion +[here]( +Future work should address how lemmas that use these should be written. + +-/ + + +open Finset + +namespace Nat + +variable (p : ℕ → Prop) + +/-- Find the `n`-th natural number satisfying `p` (indexed from `0`, so `nth p 0` is the first +natural number satisfying `p`), or `0` if there is no such number. See also +`subtype.order_iso_of_nat` for the order isomorphism with ℕ when `p` is infinitely often true. -/ +noncomputable def nth (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := by + classical exact + if h : Set.Finite (setOf p) then (h.to_finset.sort (· ≤ ·)).getD n 0 + else @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) (Set.Infinite.to_subtype h) n +#align nat.nth Nat.nth + +variable {p} + +/-! +### Lemmas about `nat.nth` on a finite set +-/ + + +theorem nth_of_card_le (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {n : ℕ} (hn : hf.toFinset.card ≤ n) : nth p n = 0 := + by rw [nth, dif_pos hf, List.getD_eq_default]; rwa [Finset.length_sort] +#align nat.nth_of_card_le Nat.nth_of_card_le + +theorem nth_eq_getD_sort (h : (setOf p).Finite) (n : ℕ) : + nth p n = (h.toFinset.sort (· ≤ ·)).getD n 0 := + dif_pos h +#align nat.nth_eq_nthd_sort Nat.nth_eq_getD_sort + +theorem nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {n : ℕ} (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : + nth p n = hf.toFinset.orderEmbOfFin rfl ⟨n, hn⟩ := by + rw [nth_eq_nthd_sort hf, Finset.orderEmbOfFin_apply, List.getD_eq_nthLe]; rfl +#align nat.nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin Nat.nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin + +theorem nth_strictMonoOn (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : + StrictMonoOn (nth p) (Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card) := + by + rintro m (hm : m < _) n (hn : n < _) h + simp only [nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin, *] + exact OrderEmbedding.strictMono _ h +#align nat.nth_strict_mono_on Nat.nth_strictMonoOn + +theorem nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : m < n) + (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : nth p m < nth p n := + nth_strictMonoOn hf (h.trans hn) hn h +#align nat.nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card Nat.nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card + +theorem nth_le_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) + (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : nth p m ≤ nth p n := + (nth_strictMonoOn hf).MonotoneOn (h.trans_lt hn) hn h +#align nat.nth_le_nth_of_lt_card Nat.nth_le_nth_of_lt_card + +theorem lt_of_nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : nth p m < nth p n) + (hm : m < hf.toFinset.card) : m < n := + not_le.1 fun hle => h.not_le <| nth_le_nth_of_lt_card hf hle hm +#align nat.lt_of_nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card Nat.lt_of_nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card + +theorem le_of_nth_le_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : nth p m ≤ nth p n) + (hm : m < hf.toFinset.card) : m ≤ n := + not_lt.1 fun hlt => h.not_lt <| nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card hf hlt hm +#align nat.le_of_nth_le_nth_of_lt_card Nat.le_of_nth_le_nth_of_lt_card + +theorem nth_injOn (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : (Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card).InjOn (nth p) := + (nth_strictMonoOn hf).InjOn +#align nat.nth_inj_on Nat.nth_injOn + +theorem range_nth_of_finite (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : Set.range (nth p) = insert 0 (setOf p) := by + simpa only [← nth_eq_nthd_sort hf, mem_sort, Set.Finite.mem_toFinset] using + Set.range_list_getD (hf.to_finset.sort (· ≤ ·)) 0 +#align nat.range_nth_of_finite Nat.range_nth_of_finite + +@[simp] +theorem image_nth_Iio_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : nth p '' Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card = setOf p := + calc + nth p '' Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card = Set.range (hf.toFinset.orderEmbOfFin rfl) := by + ext x <;> + simp only [Set.mem_image, Set.mem_range, Fin.exists_iff, ← nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin hf, + Set.mem_Iio, exists_prop] + _ = setOf p := by rw [range_order_emb_of_fin, Set.Finite.coe_toFinset] +#align nat.image_nth_Iio_card Nat.image_nth_Iio_card + +theorem nth_mem_of_lt_card {n : ℕ} (hf : (setOf p).Finite) (hlt : n < hf.toFinset.card) : + p (nth p n) := + (image_nth_Iio_card hf).Subset <| Set.mem_image_of_mem _ hlt +#align nat.nth_mem_of_lt_card Nat.nth_mem_of_lt_card + +theorem exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {x} (h : p x) : + ∃ n, n < hf.toFinset.card ∧ nth p n = x := by + rwa [← @Set.mem_setOf_eq _ _ p, ← image_nth_Iio_card hf] at h +#align nat.exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq Nat.exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq + +/-! +### Lemmas about `nat.nth` on an infinite set +-/ + + +/-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat`. -/ +theorem nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : + nth p n = @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype n := by rw [nth, dif_neg hf] +#align nat.nth_apply_eq_order_iso_of_nat Nat.nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat + +/-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat`. -/ +theorem nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : + nth p = coe ∘ @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype := + funext <| nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat hf +#align nat.nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat Nat.nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat + +theorem nth_strictMono (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : StrictMono (nth p) := + by + rw [nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat hf] + exact (Subtype.strictMono_coe _).comp (OrderIso.strictMono _) +#align nat.nth_strict_mono Nat.nth_strictMono + +theorem nth_injective (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Function.Injective (nth p) := + (nth_strictMono hf).Injective +#align nat.nth_injective Nat.nth_injective + +theorem nth_monotone (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Monotone (nth p) := + (nth_strictMono hf).Monotone +#align nat.nth_monotone Nat.nth_monotone + +theorem nth_lt_nth (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) {k n} : nth p k < nth p n ↔ k < n := + (nth_strictMono hf).lt_iff_lt +#align nat.nth_lt_nth Nat.nth_lt_nth + +theorem nth_le_nth (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) {k n} : nth p k ≤ nth p n ↔ k ≤ n := + (nth_strictMono hf).le_iff_le +#align nat.nth_le_nth Nat.nth_le_nth + +theorem range_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Set.range (nth p) = setOf p := + by + rw [nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat hf] + haveI := hf.to_subtype + exact Nat.Subtype.coe_comp_ofNat_range +#align nat.range_nth_of_infinite Nat.range_nth_of_infinite + +theorem nth_mem_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : p (nth p n) := + Set.range_subset_iff.1 (range_nth_of_infinite hf).le n +#align nat.nth_mem_of_infinite Nat.nth_mem_of_infinite + +/-! +### Lemmas that work for finite and infinite sets +-/ + + +theorem exists_lt_card_nth_eq {x} (h : p x) : + ∃ n, (∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) ∧ nth p n = x := + by + refine' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => _) fun hf => _ + · rcases exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq hf h with ⟨n, hn, hx⟩ + exact ⟨n, fun hf' => hn, hx⟩ + · rw [← @Set.mem_setOf_eq _ _ p, ← range_nth_of_infinite hf] at h + rcases h with ⟨n, hx⟩ + exact ⟨n, fun hf' => absurd hf' hf, hx⟩ +#align nat.exists_lt_card_nth_eq Nat.exists_lt_card_nth_eq + +theorem subset_range_nth : setOf p ⊆ Set.range (nth p) := fun x (hx : p x) => + let ⟨n, _, hn⟩ := exists_lt_card_nth_eq hx + ⟨n, hn⟩ +#align nat.subset_range_nth Nat.subset_range_nth + +theorem range_nth_subset : Set.range (nth p) ⊆ insert 0 (setOf p) := + (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun h => (range_nth_of_finite h).Subset) fun h => + (range_nth_of_infinite h).trans_subset (Set.subset_insert _ _) +#align nat.range_nth_subset Nat.range_nth_subset + +theorem nth_mem (n : ℕ) (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : p (nth p n) := + (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => nth_mem_of_lt_card hf (h hf)) fun h => + nth_mem_of_infinite h n +#align nat.nth_mem Nat.nth_mem + +theorem nth_lt_nth' {m n : ℕ} (hlt : m < n) (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : + nth p m < nth p n := + (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card hf hlt (h _)) fun hf => + (nth_lt_nth hf).2 hlt +#align nat.nth_lt_nth' Nat.nth_lt_nth' + +theorem nth_le_nth' {m n : ℕ} (hle : m ≤ n) (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : + nth p m ≤ nth p n := + (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => nth_le_nth_of_lt_card hf hle (h _)) fun hf => + (nth_le_nth hf).2 hle +#align nat.nth_le_nth' Nat.nth_le_nth' + +theorem le_nth {n : ℕ} (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : n ≤ nth p n := + (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim + (fun hf => ((nth_strictMonoOn hf).mono <| Set.Iic_subset_Iio.2 (h _)).Iic_id_le _ le_rfl) + fun hf => (nth_strictMono hf).id_le _ +#align nat.le_nth Nat.le_nth + +theorem isLeast_nth {n} (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : + IsLeast {i | p i ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < i} (nth p n) := + ⟨⟨nth_mem n h, fun k hk => nth_lt_nth' hk h⟩, fun x hx => + let ⟨k, hk, hkx⟩ := exists_lt_card_nth_eq hx.1 + (lt_or_le k n).elim (fun hlt => absurd hkx (hx.2 _ hlt).Ne) fun hle => hkx ▸ nth_le_nth' hle hk⟩ +#align nat.is_least_nth Nat.isLeast_nth + +theorem isLeast_nth_of_lt_card {n : ℕ} (hf : (setOf p).Finite) (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : + IsLeast {i | p i ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < i} (nth p n) := + isLeast_nth fun _ => hn +#align nat.is_least_nth_of_lt_card Nat.isLeast_nth_of_lt_card + +theorem isLeast_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : + IsLeast {i | p i ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < i} (nth p n) := + isLeast_nth fun h => absurd h hf +#align nat.is_least_nth_of_infinite Nat.isLeast_nth_of_infinite + +/-- An alternative recursive definition of `nat.nth`: `nat.nth s n` is the infimum of `x ∈ s` such +that `nat.nth s k < x` for all `k < n`, if this set is nonempty. We do not assume that the set is +nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `Inf` on `ℕ` and for `nat.nth s n` for +`n ≥ card s`. -/ +theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := + by + by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.to_finset.card + · exact (is_least_nth hn).csInf_eq.symm + · push_neg at hn + rcases hn with ⟨hf, hn⟩ + rw [nth_of_card_le _ hn] + refine' ((congr_arg Inf <| Set.eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem fun k hk => _).trans sInf_empty).symm + rcases exists_lt_card_nth_eq hk.1 with ⟨k, hlt, rfl⟩ + exact (hk.2 _ ((hlt hf).trans_le hn)).False +#align nat.nth_eq_Inf Nat.nth_eq_sInf + +theorem nth_zero : nth p 0 = sInf (setOf p) := by rw [nth_eq_Inf]; simp +#align nat.nth_zero Nat.nth_zero + +@[simp] +theorem nth_zero_of_zero (h : p 0) : nth p 0 = 0 := by simp [nth_zero, h] +#align nat.nth_zero_of_zero Nat.nth_zero_of_zero + +theorem nth_zero_of_exists [DecidablePred p] (h : ∃ n, p n) : nth p 0 = Nat.find h := by + rw [nth_zero]; convert Nat.sInf_def h +#align nat.nth_zero_of_exists Nat.nth_zero_of_exists + +theorem nth_eq_zero {n} : + nth p n = 0 ↔ p 0 ∧ n = 0 ∨ ∃ hf : (setOf p).Finite, hf.toFinset.card ≤ n := + by + refine' ⟨fun h => _, _⟩ + · simp only [or_iff_not_imp_right, not_exists, not_le] + exact fun hn => ⟨h ▸ nth_mem _ hn, nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1 <| h ▸ le_nth hn⟩ + · rintro (⟨h₀, rfl⟩ | ⟨hf, hle⟩) + exacts [nth_zero_of_zero h₀, nth_of_card_le hf hle] +#align nat.nth_eq_zero Nat.nth_eq_zero + +theorem nth_eq_zero_mono (h₀ : ¬p 0) {a b : ℕ} (hab : a ≤ b) (ha : nth p a = 0) : nth p b = 0 := + by + simp only [nth_eq_zero, h₀, false_and_iff, false_or_iff] at ha ⊢ + exact ha.imp fun hf hle => hle.trans hab +#align nat.nth_eq_zero_mono Nat.nth_eq_zero_mono + +theorem le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ {k a : ℕ} (h : a < nth p (k + 1)) (ha : p a) : a ≤ nth p k := + by + cases' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite with hf hf + · rcases exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq hf ha with ⟨n, hn, rfl⟩ + cases' lt_or_le (k + 1) hf.to_finset.card with hk hk + · + rwa [(nth_strict_mono_on hf).lt_iff_lt hn hk, lt_succ_iff, ← + (nth_strict_mono_on hf).le_iff_le hn (k.lt_succ_self.trans hk)] at h + · rw [nth_of_card_le _ hk] at h + exact absurd h (zero_le _).not_lt + · rcases subset_range_nth ha with ⟨n, rfl⟩ + rwa [nth_lt_nth hf, lt_succ_iff, ← nth_le_nth hf] at h +#align nat.le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ Nat.le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ + +section Count + +variable (p) [DecidablePred p] + +@[simp] +theorem count_nth_zero : count p (nth p 0) = 0 := + by + rw [count_eq_card_filter_range, card_eq_zero, filter_eq_empty_iff, nth_zero] + exact fun n h₁ h₂ => (mem_range.1 h₁).not_le (Nat.sInf_le h₂) +#align nat.count_nth_zero Nat.count_nth_zero + +theorem filter_range_nth_subset_insert (k : ℕ) : + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p ⊆ insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := + by + intro a ha + simp only [mem_insert, mem_filter, mem_range] at ha ⊢ + exact (le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ ha.1 ha.2).eq_or_lt.imp_right fun h => ⟨h, ha.2⟩ +#align nat.filter_range_nth_subset_insert Nat.filter_range_nth_subset_insert + +variable {p} + +theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert {k : ℕ} + (hlt : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, k + 1 < hf.toFinset.card) : + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := + by + refine' (filter_range_nth_subset_insert p k).antisymm fun a ha => _ + simp only [mem_insert, mem_filter, mem_range] at ha ⊢ + have : nth p k < nth p (k + 1) := nth_lt_nth' k.lt_succ_self hlt + rcases ha with (rfl | ⟨hlt, hpa⟩) + · exact ⟨this, nth_mem _ fun hf => k.lt_succ_self.trans (hlt hf)⟩ + · exact ⟨hlt.trans this, hpa⟩ +#align nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert Nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert + +theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {k : ℕ} + (hlt : k + 1 < hf.toFinset.card) : + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := + filter_range_nth_eq_insert fun _ => hlt +#align nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite Nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite + +theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) (k : ℕ) : + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := + filter_range_nth_eq_insert fun hf => absurd hf hp +#align nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite Nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite + +theorem count_nth {n : ℕ} (hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : + count p (nth p n) = n := by + induction' n with k ihk + · exact count_nth_zero _ + · rw [count_eq_card_filter_range, filter_range_nth_eq_insert hn, card_insert_of_not_mem, ← + count_eq_card_filter_range, ihk fun hf => lt_of_succ_lt (hn hf)] + simp +#align nat.count_nth Nat.count_nth + +theorem count_nth_of_lt_card_finite {n : ℕ} (hp : (setOf p).Finite) (hlt : n < hp.toFinset.card) : + count p (nth p n) = n := + count_nth fun _ => hlt +#align nat.count_nth_of_lt_card_finite Nat.count_nth_of_lt_card_finite + +theorem count_nth_of_infinite (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : count p (nth p n) = n := + count_nth fun hf => absurd hf hp +#align nat.count_nth_of_infinite Nat.count_nth_of_infinite + +theorem count_nth_succ {n : ℕ} (hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : + count p (nth p n + 1) = n + 1 := by rw [count_succ, count_nth hn, if_pos (nth_mem _ hn)] +#align nat.count_nth_succ Nat.count_nth_succ + +@[simp] +theorem nth_count {n : ℕ} (hpn : p n) : nth p (count p n) = n := + have : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, count p n < hf.toFinset.card := fun hf => count_lt_card hf hpn + count_injective (nth_mem _ this) hpn (count_nth this) +#align nat.nth_count Nat.nth_count + +theorem nth_lt_of_lt_count {n k : ℕ} (h : k < count p n) : nth p k < n := + by + refine' (count_monotone p).reflect_lt _ + rwa [count_nth] + exact fun hf => h.trans_le (count_le_card hf n) +#align nat.nth_lt_of_lt_count Nat.nth_lt_of_lt_count + +theorem le_nth_of_count_le {n k : ℕ} (h : n ≤ nth p k) : count p n ≤ k := + not_lt.1 fun hlt => h.not_lt <| nth_lt_of_lt_count hlt +#align nat.le_nth_of_count_le Nat.le_nth_of_count_le + +variable (p) + +theorem nth_count_eq_sInf (n : ℕ) : nth p (count p n) = sInf {i : ℕ | p i ∧ n ≤ i} := + by + refine' (nth_eq_Inf _ _).trans (congr_arg Inf _) + refine' Set.ext fun a => and_congr_right fun hpa => _ + refine' ⟨fun h => not_lt.1 fun ha => _, fun hn k hk => lt_of_lt_of_le (nth_lt_of_lt_count hk) hn⟩ + have hn : nth p (count p a) < a := h _ (count_strict_mono hpa ha) + rwa [nth_count hpa, lt_self_iff_false] at hn +#align nat.nth_count_eq_Inf Nat.nth_count_eq_sInf + +variable {p} + +theorem le_nth_count' {n : ℕ} (hpn : ∃ k, p k ∧ n ≤ k) : n ≤ nth p (count p n) := + (le_csInf hpn fun k => And.right).trans (nth_count_eq_sInf p n).ge +#align nat.le_nth_count' Nat.le_nth_count' + +theorem le_nth_count (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : n ≤ nth p (count p n) := + let ⟨m, hp, hn⟩ := hp.exists_gt n + le_nth_count' ⟨m, hp, hn.le⟩ +#align nat.le_nth_count Nat.le_nth_count + +/-- If a predicate `p : ℕ → Prop` is true for infinitely many numbers, then `nat.count p` and +`nat.nth p` form a Galois insertion. -/ +noncomputable def giCountNth (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) : GaloisInsertion (count p) (nth p) := + GaloisInsertion.monotoneIntro (nth_monotone hp) (count_monotone p) (le_nth_count hp) + (count_nth_of_infinite hp) +#align nat.gi_count_nth Nat.giCountNth + +theorem gc_count_nth (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) : GaloisConnection (count p) (nth p) := + (giCountNth hp).gc +#align nat.gc_count_nth Nat.gc_count_nth + +theorem count_le_iff_le_nth (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) {a b : ℕ} : count p a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ nth p b := + gc_count_nth hp _ _ +#align nat.count_le_iff_le_nth Nat.count_le_iff_le_nth + +theorem lt_nth_iff_count_lt (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) {a b : ℕ} : a < count p b ↔ nth p a < b := + (gc_count_nth hp).lt_iff_lt +#align nat.lt_nth_iff_count_lt Nat.lt_nth_iff_count_lt + +end Count + +end Nat + From be491a4010c6f13e757905d133d1141b288db9d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Yury G. Kudryashov" Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 22:41:48 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] automated fixes Mathbin -> Mathlib fix certain import statements move "by" to end of line add import to Mathlib.lean --- Mathlib.lean | 1 + Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 45 ++++++++++++++------------------------- 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index e2ad3bd704738..d6d9d04bb4e8d 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -1486,6 +1486,7 @@ import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Lattice import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Log import Mathlib.Data.Nat.ModEq import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Multiplicity +import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Nth import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Order.Basic import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Order.Lemmas import Mathlib.Data.Nat.PSub diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean index 451cd46b03eae..f5ee964853c4f 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ Authors: Yaël Dillies, Vladimir Goryachev, Kyle Miller, Scott Morrison, Eric Ro ! Please do not edit these lines, except to modify the commit id ! if you have ported upstream changes. -/ -import Mathbin.Data.Nat.Count -import Mathbin.Data.Set.Intervals.Monotone -import Mathbin.Order.OrderIsoNat +import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Count +import Mathlib.Data.Set.Intervals.Monotone +import Mathlib.Order.OrderIsoNat /-! # The `n`th Number Satisfying a Predicate @@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ theorem nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {n : ℕ} (hn : n < hf.toFi #align nat.nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin Nat.nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin theorem nth_strictMonoOn (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : - StrictMonoOn (nth p) (Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card) := - by + StrictMonoOn (nth p) (Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card) := by rintro m (hm : m < _) n (hn : n < _) h simp only [nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin, *] exact OrderEmbedding.strictMono _ h @@ -148,8 +147,7 @@ theorem nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : funext <| nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat hf #align nat.nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat Nat.nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat -theorem nth_strictMono (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : StrictMono (nth p) := - by +theorem nth_strictMono (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : StrictMono (nth p) := by rw [nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat hf] exact (Subtype.strictMono_coe _).comp (OrderIso.strictMono _) #align nat.nth_strict_mono Nat.nth_strictMono @@ -170,8 +168,7 @@ theorem nth_le_nth (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) {k n} : nth p k ≤ nth p n ↔ k (nth_strictMono hf).le_iff_le #align nat.nth_le_nth Nat.nth_le_nth -theorem range_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Set.range (nth p) = setOf p := - by +theorem range_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Set.range (nth p) = setOf p := by rw [nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat hf] haveI := hf.to_subtype exact Nat.Subtype.coe_comp_ofNat_range @@ -187,8 +184,7 @@ theorem nth_mem_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : p (nth p n) := theorem exists_lt_card_nth_eq {x} (h : p x) : - ∃ n, (∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) ∧ nth p n = x := - by + ∃ n, (∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) ∧ nth p n = x := by refine' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => _) fun hf => _ · rcases exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq hf h with ⟨n, hn, hx⟩ exact ⟨n, fun hf' => hn, hx⟩ @@ -251,8 +247,7 @@ theorem isLeast_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : that `nat.nth s k < x` for all `k < n`, if this set is nonempty. We do not assume that the set is nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `Inf` on `ℕ` and for `nat.nth s n` for `n ≥ card s`. -/ -theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := - by +theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := by by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.to_finset.card · exact (is_least_nth hn).csInf_eq.symm · push_neg at hn @@ -275,8 +270,7 @@ theorem nth_zero_of_exists [DecidablePred p] (h : ∃ n, p n) : nth p 0 = #align nat.nth_zero_of_exists Nat.nth_zero_of_exists theorem nth_eq_zero {n} : - nth p n = 0 ↔ p 0 ∧ n = 0 ∨ ∃ hf : (setOf p).Finite, hf.toFinset.card ≤ n := - by + nth p n = 0 ↔ p 0 ∧ n = 0 ∨ ∃ hf : (setOf p).Finite, hf.toFinset.card ≤ n := by refine' ⟨fun h => _, _⟩ · simp only [or_iff_not_imp_right, not_exists, not_le] exact fun hn => ⟨h ▸ nth_mem _ hn, nonpos_iff_eq_zero.1 <| h ▸ le_nth hn⟩ @@ -284,14 +278,12 @@ theorem nth_eq_zero {n} : exacts [nth_zero_of_zero h₀, nth_of_card_le hf hle] #align nat.nth_eq_zero Nat.nth_eq_zero -theorem nth_eq_zero_mono (h₀ : ¬p 0) {a b : ℕ} (hab : a ≤ b) (ha : nth p a = 0) : nth p b = 0 := - by +theorem nth_eq_zero_mono (h₀ : ¬p 0) {a b : ℕ} (hab : a ≤ b) (ha : nth p a = 0) : nth p b = 0 := by simp only [nth_eq_zero, h₀, false_and_iff, false_or_iff] at ha ⊢ exact ha.imp fun hf hle => hle.trans hab #align nat.nth_eq_zero_mono Nat.nth_eq_zero_mono -theorem le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ {k a : ℕ} (h : a < nth p (k + 1)) (ha : p a) : a ≤ nth p k := - by +theorem le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ {k a : ℕ} (h : a < nth p (k + 1)) (ha : p a) : a ≤ nth p k := by cases' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite with hf hf · rcases exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq hf ha with ⟨n, hn, rfl⟩ cases' lt_or_le (k + 1) hf.to_finset.card with hk hk @@ -309,15 +301,13 @@ section Count variable (p) [DecidablePred p] @[simp] -theorem count_nth_zero : count p (nth p 0) = 0 := - by +theorem count_nth_zero : count p (nth p 0) = 0 := by rw [count_eq_card_filter_range, card_eq_zero, filter_eq_empty_iff, nth_zero] exact fun n h₁ h₂ => (mem_range.1 h₁).not_le (Nat.sInf_le h₂) #align nat.count_nth_zero Nat.count_nth_zero theorem filter_range_nth_subset_insert (k : ℕ) : - (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p ⊆ insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := - by + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p ⊆ insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := by intro a ha simp only [mem_insert, mem_filter, mem_range] at ha ⊢ exact (le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ ha.1 ha.2).eq_or_lt.imp_right fun h => ⟨h, ha.2⟩ @@ -327,8 +317,7 @@ variable {p} theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert {k : ℕ} (hlt : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, k + 1 < hf.toFinset.card) : - (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := - by + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := by refine' (filter_range_nth_subset_insert p k).antisymm fun a ha => _ simp only [mem_insert, mem_filter, mem_range] at ha ⊢ have : nth p k < nth p (k + 1) := nth_lt_nth' k.lt_succ_self hlt @@ -376,8 +365,7 @@ theorem nth_count {n : ℕ} (hpn : p n) : nth p (count p n) = n := count_injective (nth_mem _ this) hpn (count_nth this) #align nat.nth_count Nat.nth_count -theorem nth_lt_of_lt_count {n k : ℕ} (h : k < count p n) : nth p k < n := - by +theorem nth_lt_of_lt_count {n k : ℕ} (h : k < count p n) : nth p k < n := by refine' (count_monotone p).reflect_lt _ rwa [count_nth] exact fun hf => h.trans_le (count_le_card hf n) @@ -389,8 +377,7 @@ theorem le_nth_of_count_le {n k : ℕ} (h : n ≤ nth p k) : count p n ≤ k := variable (p) -theorem nth_count_eq_sInf (n : ℕ) : nth p (count p n) = sInf {i : ℕ | p i ∧ n ≤ i} := - by +theorem nth_count_eq_sInf (n : ℕ) : nth p (count p n) = sInf {i : ℕ | p i ∧ n ≤ i} := by refine' (nth_eq_Inf _ _).trans (congr_arg Inf _) refine' Set.ext fun a => and_congr_right fun hpa => _ refine' ⟨fun h => not_lt.1 fun ha => _, fun hn k hk => lt_of_lt_of_le (nth_lt_of_lt_count hk) hn⟩ From eddb3b248a7a4fad8f0daf3ceb827d43a2560f9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Yury G. Kudryashov" Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 08:27:18 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] Fix compile --- Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 88 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 44 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean index f5ee964853c4f..a209461f5d80d 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ natural number satisfying `p`), or `0` if there is no such number. See also `subtype.order_iso_of_nat` for the order isomorphism with ℕ when `p` is infinitely often true. -/ noncomputable def nth (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := by classical exact - if h : Set.Finite (setOf p) then (h.to_finset.sort (· ≤ ·)).getD n 0 + if h : Set.Finite (setOf p) then (h.toFinset.sort (· ≤ ·)).getD n 0 else @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) (Set.Infinite.to_subtype h) n #align nat.nth Nat.nth @@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ theorem nth_eq_getD_sort (h : (setOf p).Finite) (n : ℕ) : theorem nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {n : ℕ} (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : nth p n = hf.toFinset.orderEmbOfFin rfl ⟨n, hn⟩ := by - rw [nth_eq_nthd_sort hf, Finset.orderEmbOfFin_apply, List.getD_eq_nthLe]; rfl + rw [nth_eq_getD_sort hf, Finset.orderEmbOfFin_apply, List.getD_eq_get]; rfl #align nat.nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin Nat.nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin theorem nth_strictMonoOn (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : StrictMonoOn (nth p) (Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card) := by rintro m (hm : m < _) n (hn : n < _) h - simp only [nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin, *] + simp only [nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin, *] exact OrderEmbedding.strictMono _ h #align nat.nth_strict_mono_on Nat.nth_strictMonoOn @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ theorem nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : m < n) theorem nth_le_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : m ≤ n) (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : nth p m ≤ nth p n := - (nth_strictMonoOn hf).MonotoneOn (h.trans_lt hn) hn h + (nth_strictMonoOn hf).monotoneOn (h.trans_lt hn) hn h #align nat.nth_le_nth_of_lt_card Nat.nth_le_nth_of_lt_card theorem lt_of_nth_lt_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : nth p m < nth p n) @@ -103,39 +103,38 @@ theorem le_of_nth_le_nth_of_lt_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {m n : ℕ} (h : nth #align nat.le_of_nth_le_nth_of_lt_card Nat.le_of_nth_le_nth_of_lt_card theorem nth_injOn (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : (Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card).InjOn (nth p) := - (nth_strictMonoOn hf).InjOn + (nth_strictMonoOn hf).injOn #align nat.nth_inj_on Nat.nth_injOn theorem range_nth_of_finite (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : Set.range (nth p) = insert 0 (setOf p) := by - simpa only [← nth_eq_nthd_sort hf, mem_sort, Set.Finite.mem_toFinset] using - Set.range_list_getD (hf.to_finset.sort (· ≤ ·)) 0 + simpa only [← nth_eq_getD_sort hf, mem_sort, Set.Finite.mem_toFinset] + using Set.range_list_getD (hf.toFinset.sort (· ≤ ·)) 0 #align nat.range_nth_of_finite Nat.range_nth_of_finite @[simp] theorem image_nth_Iio_card (hf : (setOf p).Finite) : nth p '' Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card = setOf p := calc nth p '' Set.Iio hf.toFinset.card = Set.range (hf.toFinset.orderEmbOfFin rfl) := by - ext x <;> - simp only [Set.mem_image, Set.mem_range, Fin.exists_iff, ← nth_eq_order_emb_of_fin hf, - Set.mem_Iio, exists_prop] - _ = setOf p := by rw [range_order_emb_of_fin, Set.Finite.coe_toFinset] + ext x + simp only [Set.mem_image, Set.mem_range, Fin.exists_iff, ← nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin hf, + Set.mem_Iio, exists_prop] + _ = setOf p := by rw [range_orderEmbOfFin, Set.Finite.coe_toFinset] #align nat.image_nth_Iio_card Nat.image_nth_Iio_card theorem nth_mem_of_lt_card {n : ℕ} (hf : (setOf p).Finite) (hlt : n < hf.toFinset.card) : p (nth p n) := - (image_nth_Iio_card hf).Subset <| Set.mem_image_of_mem _ hlt + (image_nth_Iio_card hf).subset <| Set.mem_image_of_mem _ hlt #align nat.nth_mem_of_lt_card Nat.nth_mem_of_lt_card theorem exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {x} (h : p x) : ∃ n, n < hf.toFinset.card ∧ nth p n = x := by - rwa [← @Set.mem_setOf_eq _ _ p, ← image_nth_Iio_card hf] at h + rwa [← @Set.mem_setOf_eq _ _ p, ← image_nth_Iio_card hf] at h #align nat.exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq Nat.exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq /-! ### Lemmas about `nat.nth` on an infinite set -/ - /-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat`. -/ theorem nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype n := by rw [nth, dif_neg hf] @@ -143,21 +142,21 @@ theorem nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : /-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat`. -/ theorem nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : - nth p = coe ∘ @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype := + nth p = (↑) ∘ @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype := funext <| nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat hf #align nat.nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat Nat.nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat theorem nth_strictMono (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : StrictMono (nth p) := by - rw [nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat hf] + rw [nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat hf] exact (Subtype.strictMono_coe _).comp (OrderIso.strictMono _) #align nat.nth_strict_mono Nat.nth_strictMono theorem nth_injective (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Function.Injective (nth p) := - (nth_strictMono hf).Injective + (nth_strictMono hf).injective #align nat.nth_injective Nat.nth_injective theorem nth_monotone (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Monotone (nth p) := - (nth_strictMono hf).Monotone + (nth_strictMono hf).monotone #align nat.nth_monotone Nat.nth_monotone theorem nth_lt_nth (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) {k n} : nth p k < nth p n ↔ k < n := @@ -169,9 +168,10 @@ theorem nth_le_nth (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) {k n} : nth p k ≤ nth p n ↔ k #align nat.nth_le_nth Nat.nth_le_nth theorem range_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : Set.range (nth p) = setOf p := by - rw [nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat hf] + rw [nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat hf] haveI := hf.to_subtype - exact Nat.Subtype.coe_comp_ofNat_range + -- porting note: added `classical`; probably, Lean 3 found instance by unification + classical exact Nat.Subtype.coe_comp_ofNat_range #align nat.range_nth_of_infinite Nat.range_nth_of_infinite theorem nth_mem_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : p (nth p n) := @@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ theorem exists_lt_card_nth_eq {x} (h : p x) : ∃ n, (∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) ∧ nth p n = x := by refine' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => _) fun hf => _ · rcases exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq hf h with ⟨n, hn, hx⟩ - exact ⟨n, fun hf' => hn, hx⟩ - · rw [← @Set.mem_setOf_eq _ _ p, ← range_nth_of_infinite hf] at h + exact ⟨n, fun _ => hn, hx⟩ + · rw [← @Set.mem_setOf_eq _ _ p, ← range_nth_of_infinite hf] at h rcases h with ⟨n, hx⟩ exact ⟨n, fun hf' => absurd hf' hf, hx⟩ #align nat.exists_lt_card_nth_eq Nat.exists_lt_card_nth_eq @@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ theorem subset_range_nth : setOf p ⊆ Set.range (nth p) := fun x (hx : p x) => #align nat.subset_range_nth Nat.subset_range_nth theorem range_nth_subset : Set.range (nth p) ⊆ insert 0 (setOf p) := - (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun h => (range_nth_of_finite h).Subset) fun h => + (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun h => (range_nth_of_finite h).subset) fun h => (range_nth_of_infinite h).trans_subset (Set.subset_insert _ _) #align nat.range_nth_subset Nat.range_nth_subset @@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ theorem le_nth {n : ℕ} (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : theorem isLeast_nth {n} (h : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) : IsLeast {i | p i ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < i} (nth p n) := - ⟨⟨nth_mem n h, fun k hk => nth_lt_nth' hk h⟩, fun x hx => + ⟨⟨nth_mem n h, fun _k hk => nth_lt_nth' hk h⟩, fun _x hx => let ⟨k, hk, hkx⟩ := exists_lt_card_nth_eq hx.1 - (lt_or_le k n).elim (fun hlt => absurd hkx (hx.2 _ hlt).Ne) fun hle => hkx ▸ nth_le_nth' hle hk⟩ + (lt_or_le k n).elim (fun hlt => absurd hkx (hx.2 _ hlt).ne) fun hle => hkx ▸ nth_le_nth' hle hk⟩ #align nat.is_least_nth Nat.isLeast_nth theorem isLeast_nth_of_lt_card {n : ℕ} (hf : (setOf p).Finite) (hn : n < hf.toFinset.card) : @@ -248,17 +248,18 @@ that `nat.nth s k < x` for all `k < n`, if this set is nonempty. We do not assum nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `Inf` on `ℕ` and for `nat.nth s n` for `n ≥ card s`. -/ theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := by - by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.to_finset.card - · exact (is_least_nth hn).csInf_eq.symm - · push_neg at hn + by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card + · exact (isLeast_nth hn).csInf_eq.symm + · -- porting note: TODO: was push_neg at hn + simp only [not_forall, not_lt] at hn rcases hn with ⟨hf, hn⟩ rw [nth_of_card_le _ hn] - refine' ((congr_arg Inf <| Set.eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem fun k hk => _).trans sInf_empty).symm + refine' ((congr_arg sInf <| Set.eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem fun k hk => _).trans sInf_empty).symm rcases exists_lt_card_nth_eq hk.1 with ⟨k, hlt, rfl⟩ - exact (hk.2 _ ((hlt hf).trans_le hn)).False + exact (hk.2 _ ((hlt hf).trans_le hn)).false #align nat.nth_eq_Inf Nat.nth_eq_sInf -theorem nth_zero : nth p 0 = sInf (setOf p) := by rw [nth_eq_Inf]; simp +theorem nth_zero : nth p 0 = sInf (setOf p) := by rw [nth_eq_sInf]; simp #align nat.nth_zero Nat.nth_zero @[simp] @@ -286,14 +287,13 @@ theorem nth_eq_zero_mono (h₀ : ¬p 0) {a b : ℕ} (hab : a ≤ b) (ha : nth p theorem le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ {k a : ℕ} (h : a < nth p (k + 1)) (ha : p a) : a ≤ nth p k := by cases' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite with hf hf · rcases exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq hf ha with ⟨n, hn, rfl⟩ - cases' lt_or_le (k + 1) hf.to_finset.card with hk hk - · - rwa [(nth_strict_mono_on hf).lt_iff_lt hn hk, lt_succ_iff, ← - (nth_strict_mono_on hf).le_iff_le hn (k.lt_succ_self.trans hk)] at h - · rw [nth_of_card_le _ hk] at h + cases' lt_or_le (k + 1) hf.toFinset.card with hk hk + · rwa [(nth_strictMonoOn hf).lt_iff_lt hn hk, lt_succ_iff, + ← (nth_strictMonoOn hf).le_iff_le hn (k.lt_succ_self.trans hk)] at h + · rw [nth_of_card_le _ hk] at h exact absurd h (zero_le _).not_lt · rcases subset_range_nth ha with ⟨n, rfl⟩ - rwa [nth_lt_nth hf, lt_succ_iff, ← nth_le_nth hf] at h + rwa [nth_lt_nth hf, lt_succ_iff, ← nth_le_nth hf] at h #align nat.le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ Nat.le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ section Count @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ theorem count_nth_zero : count p (nth p 0) = 0 := by #align nat.count_nth_zero Nat.count_nth_zero theorem filter_range_nth_subset_insert (k : ℕ) : - (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p ⊆ insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := by + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filter p ⊆ insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filter p) := by intro a ha simp only [mem_insert, mem_filter, mem_range] at ha ⊢ exact (le_nth_of_lt_nth_succ ha.1 ha.2).eq_or_lt.imp_right fun h => ⟨h, ha.2⟩ @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ variable {p} theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert {k : ℕ} (hlt : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, k + 1 < hf.toFinset.card) : - (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := by + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filter p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filter p) := by refine' (filter_range_nth_subset_insert p k).antisymm fun a ha => _ simp only [mem_insert, mem_filter, mem_range] at ha ⊢ have : nth p k < nth p (k + 1) := nth_lt_nth' k.lt_succ_self hlt @@ -328,12 +328,12 @@ theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert {k : ℕ} theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {k : ℕ} (hlt : k + 1 < hf.toFinset.card) : - (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filter p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filter p) := filter_range_nth_eq_insert fun _ => hlt #align nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite Nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_finite theorem filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) (k : ℕ) : - (range (nth p (k + 1))).filterₓ p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filterₓ p) := + (range (nth p (k + 1))).filter p = insert (nth p k) ((range (nth p k)).filter p) := filter_range_nth_eq_insert fun hf => absurd hf hp #align nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite Nat.filter_range_nth_eq_insert_of_infinite @@ -378,17 +378,17 @@ theorem le_nth_of_count_le {n k : ℕ} (h : n ≤ nth p k) : count p n ≤ k := variable (p) theorem nth_count_eq_sInf (n : ℕ) : nth p (count p n) = sInf {i : ℕ | p i ∧ n ≤ i} := by - refine' (nth_eq_Inf _ _).trans (congr_arg Inf _) + refine' (nth_eq_sInf _ _).trans (congr_arg sInf _) refine' Set.ext fun a => and_congr_right fun hpa => _ refine' ⟨fun h => not_lt.1 fun ha => _, fun hn k hk => lt_of_lt_of_le (nth_lt_of_lt_count hk) hn⟩ have hn : nth p (count p a) < a := h _ (count_strict_mono hpa ha) - rwa [nth_count hpa, lt_self_iff_false] at hn + rwa [nth_count hpa, lt_self_iff_false] at hn #align nat.nth_count_eq_Inf Nat.nth_count_eq_sInf variable {p} theorem le_nth_count' {n : ℕ} (hpn : ∃ k, p k ∧ n ≤ k) : n ≤ nth p (count p n) := - (le_csInf hpn fun k => And.right).trans (nth_count_eq_sInf p n).ge + (le_csInf hpn fun _ => And.right).trans (nth_count_eq_sInf p n).ge #align nat.le_nth_count' Nat.le_nth_count' theorem le_nth_count (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : n ≤ nth p (count p n) := From b0fa77dbbc28b70d956e23e9d29591f3383e879a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Yury G. Kudryashov" Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 08:28:00 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] auto: naming --- Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 30 +++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean index a209461f5d80d..9a708c1e96702 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ import Mathlib.Order.OrderIsoNat # The `n`th Number Satisfying a Predicate This file defines a function for "what is the `n`th number that satisifies a given predicate `p`", -and provides lemmas that deal with this function and its connection to `nat.count`. +and provides lemmas that deal with this function and its connection to `Nat.count`. ## Main definitions -* `nat.nth p n`: The `n`-th natural `k` (zero-indexed) such that `p k`. If there is no - such natural (that is, `p` is true for at most `n` naturals), then `nat.nth p n = 0`. +* `Nat.nth p n`: The `n`-th natural `k` (zero-indexed) such that `p k`. If there is no + such natural (that is, `p` is true for at most `n` naturals), then `Nat.nth p n = 0`. ## Main results * `nat.nth_set_card`: For a fintely-often true `p`, gives the cardinality of the set of numbers satisfying `p` above particular values of `nth p` -* `nat.count_nth_gc`: Establishes a Galois connection between `nat.nth p` and `nat.count p`. -* `nat.nth_eq_order_iso_of_nat`: For an infinitely-ofter true predicate, `nth` agrees with the +* `nat.count_nth_gc`: Establishes a Galois connection between `Nat.nth p` and `Nat.count p`. +* `Nat.nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat`: For an infinitely-ofter true predicate, `nth` agrees with the order-isomorphism of the subtype to the natural numbers. There has been some discussion on the subject of whether both of `nth` and -`nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat` should exist. See discussion +`Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat` should exist. See discussion [here]( Future work should address how lemmas that use these should be written. @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ noncomputable def nth (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := by variable {p} /-! -### Lemmas about `nat.nth` on a finite set +### Lemmas about `Nat.nth` on a finite set -/ @@ -132,15 +132,15 @@ theorem exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq (hf : (setOf p).Finite) {x} (h : p x) : #align nat.exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq Nat.exists_lt_card_finite_nth_eq /-! -### Lemmas about `nat.nth` on an infinite set +### Lemmas about `Nat.nth` on an infinite set -/ -/-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat`. -/ +/-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat`. -/ theorem nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype n := by rw [nth, dif_neg hf] #align nat.nth_apply_eq_order_iso_of_nat Nat.nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat -/-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `nat.subtype.order_iso_of_nat`. -/ +/-- When `s` is an infinite set, `nth` agrees with `Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat`. -/ theorem nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) : nth p = (↑) ∘ @Nat.Subtype.orderIsoOfNat (setOf p) hf.to_subtype := funext <| nth_apply_eq_orderIsoOfNat hf @@ -243,9 +243,9 @@ theorem isLeast_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : isLeast_nth fun h => absurd h hf #align nat.is_least_nth_of_infinite Nat.isLeast_nth_of_infinite -/-- An alternative recursive definition of `nat.nth`: `nat.nth s n` is the infimum of `x ∈ s` such -that `nat.nth s k < x` for all `k < n`, if this set is nonempty. We do not assume that the set is -nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `Inf` on `ℕ` and for `nat.nth s n` for +/-- An alternative recursive definition of `Nat.nth`: `Nat.nth s n` is the infimum of `x ∈ s` such +that `Nat.nth s k < x` for all `k < n`, if this set is nonempty. We do not assume that the set is +nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `Inf` on `ℕ` and for `Nat.nth s n` for `n ≥ card s`. -/ theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := by by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card @@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ theorem le_nth_count (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : n ≤ nth p (count p le_nth_count' ⟨m, hp, hn.le⟩ #align nat.le_nth_count Nat.le_nth_count -/-- If a predicate `p : ℕ → Prop` is true for infinitely many numbers, then `nat.count p` and -`nat.nth p` form a Galois insertion. -/ +/-- If a predicate `p : ℕ → Prop` is true for infinitely many numbers, then `Nat.count p` and +`Nat.nth p` form a Galois insertion. -/ noncomputable def giCountNth (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) : GaloisInsertion (count p) (nth p) := GaloisInsertion.monotoneIntro (nth_monotone hp) (count_monotone p) (le_nth_count hp) (count_nth_of_infinite hp) From bc6e2900bafc0ab42ce45623e34cb6c2c2c23d8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Yury G. Kudryashov" Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2023 14:15:07 -0500 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] Fix 1 name --- Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean index 9a708c1e96702..5747a42976a80 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ and provides lemmas that deal with this function and its connection to `Nat.coun * `nat.nth_set_card`: For a fintely-often true `p`, gives the cardinality of the set of numbers satisfying `p` above particular values of `nth p` -* `nat.count_nth_gc`: Establishes a Galois connection between `Nat.nth p` and `Nat.count p`. +* `Nat.gc_count_nth`: Establishes a Galois connection between `Nat.nth p` and `Nat.count p`. * `Nat.nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat`: For an infinitely-ofter true predicate, `nth` agrees with the order-isomorphism of the subtype to the natural numbers. @@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ theorem nth_mem_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : p (nth p n) := ### Lemmas that work for finite and infinite sets -/ - theorem exists_lt_card_nth_eq {x} (h : p x) : ∃ n, (∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card) ∧ nth p n = x := by refine' (setOf p).finite_or_infinite.elim (fun hf => _) fun hf => _ From 7dd1530038bd76ae6e3dd2b46f4b7ff9e71042c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Komyyy Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 19:12:36 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] doc --- Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 11 +++++------ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean index 5747a42976a80..1394e7e9e0335 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ and provides lemmas that deal with this function and its connection to `Nat.coun ## Main results -* `nat.nth_set_card`: For a fintely-often true `p`, gives the cardinality of the set of numbers - satisfying `p` above particular values of `nth p` +* `Nat.nth_eq_orderEmbOfFin`: For a fintely-often true `p`, gives the cardinality of the set of + numbers satisfying `p` above particular values of `nth p` * `Nat.gc_count_nth`: Establishes a Galois connection between `Nat.nth p` and `Nat.count p`. * `Nat.nth_eq_orderIsoOfNat`: For an infinitely-ofter true predicate, `nth` agrees with the order-isomorphism of the subtype to the natural numbers. @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ variable (p : ℕ → Prop) /-- Find the `n`-th natural number satisfying `p` (indexed from `0`, so `nth p 0` is the first natural number satisfying `p`), or `0` if there is no such number. See also -`subtype.order_iso_of_nat` for the order isomorphism with ℕ when `p` is infinitely often true. -/ +`Subtype.orderIsoOfNat` for the order isomorphism with ℕ when `p` is infinitely often true. -/ noncomputable def nth (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : ℕ := by classical exact if h : Set.Finite (setOf p) then (h.toFinset.sort (· ≤ ·)).getD n 0 @@ -244,8 +244,8 @@ theorem isLeast_nth_of_infinite (hf : (setOf p).Infinite) (n : ℕ) : /-- An alternative recursive definition of `Nat.nth`: `Nat.nth s n` is the infimum of `x ∈ s` such that `Nat.nth s k < x` for all `k < n`, if this set is nonempty. We do not assume that the set is -nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `Inf` on `ℕ` and for `Nat.nth s n` for -`n ≥ card s`. -/ +nonempty because we use the same "garbage value" `0` both for `sInf` on `ℕ` and for `Nat.nth s n` +for `n ≥ card s`. -/ theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := by by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card · exact (isLeast_nth hn).csInf_eq.symm @@ -417,4 +417,3 @@ theorem lt_nth_iff_count_lt (hp : (setOf p).Infinite) {a b : ℕ} : a < count p end Count end Nat - From bfa097ef8c91e9775b019df02939786810e5273b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Komyyy Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 19:51:25 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] fix --- Mathlib/Tactic/PushNeg.lean | 2 +- test/push_neg.lean | 4 ++++ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Tactic/PushNeg.lean b/Mathlib/Tactic/PushNeg.lean index 1bdac021a7ec7..3bb9fe7d2b21f 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Tactic/PushNeg.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Tactic/PushNeg.lean @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def transformNegationStep (e : Expr) : SimpM (Option Simp.Step) := do return none | _ => match ex with | .forallE name ty body binfo => do - if (← isProp ty) then + if (← isProp ty) && !body.hasLooseBVars then return mkSimpStep (← mkAppM ``And #[ty, mkNot body]) (← mkAppM ``not_implies_eq #[ty, body]) else diff --git a/test/push_neg.lean b/test/push_neg.lean index 8b90905bac03c..38d353ad76543 100644 --- a/test/push_neg.lean +++ b/test/push_neg.lean @@ -141,3 +141,7 @@ example (h : x = 0 ∧ y ≠ 0) : ¬(x = 0 → y = 0) := by exact h end use_distrib + +example (a : α) (o : Option α) (h : ¬∀ hs, o.get hs ≠ a) : ∃ hs, o.get hs = a := by + push_neg at h + exact h From 3433ddf2d78523f9cb109d1e581e0950cf5d9ff6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Komyyy Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 20:00:26 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] push_neg --- Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean | 3 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean index 1394e7e9e0335..d99d577676e69 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Data/Nat/Nth.lean @@ -249,8 +249,7 @@ for `n ≥ card s`. -/ theorem nth_eq_sInf (p : ℕ → Prop) (n : ℕ) : nth p n = sInf {x | p x ∧ ∀ k < n, nth p k < x} := by by_cases hn : ∀ hf : (setOf p).Finite, n < hf.toFinset.card · exact (isLeast_nth hn).csInf_eq.symm - · -- porting note: TODO: was push_neg at hn - simp only [not_forall, not_lt] at hn + · push_neg at hn rcases hn with ⟨hf, hn⟩ rw [nth_of_card_le _ hn] refine' ((congr_arg sInf <| Set.eq_empty_of_forall_not_mem fun k hk => _).trans sInf_empty).symm