From dde77d0088707069d4ca7c4bfde2a5c197b202a4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2023 10:05:08 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 01/31] finished proof --- Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean | 5 + Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean | 3 + .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 335 ++++++++++++++++++ Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean | 7 + 4 files changed, 350 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean diff --git a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean index 1168828f19521..d46a05a6a65d0 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean @@ -116,6 +116,11 @@ theorem Injective.ne_iff' (hf : Injective f) {x y : α} {z : β} (h : f y = z) : h ▸ hf.ne_iff #align function.injective.ne_iff' Function.Injective.ne_iff' +theorem Injective.not_exists_equal (h: ¬ Injective f): ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ f a = f b := by + unfold Injective at h; simp at h + let ⟨a, b, h_f, h_ab⟩ := h + exact ⟨a, b, h_ab, h_f⟩ + /-- If the co-domain `β` of an injective function `f : α → β` has decidable equality, then the domain `α` also has decidable equality. -/ protected def Injective.decidableEq [DecidableEq β] (I : Injective f) : DecidableEq α := diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean index 2369cd7b09476..4a04d99fbd119 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean @@ -111,6 +111,9 @@ theorem le_gfp {a : α} (h : a ≤ f a) : a ≤ gfp f := le_sSup h #align order_hom.le_gfp OrderHom.le_gfp +theorem fixed_le_gfp {a : α} (h : f a = a) : a ≤ gfp f := + f.le_gfp + theorem gfp_le {a : α} (h : ∀ b, b ≤ f b → b ≤ a) : gfp f ≤ a := sSup_le h #align order_hom.gfp_le OrderHom.gfp_le diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..79eb771a9f4db --- /dev/null +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -0,0 +1,335 @@ +/- +Copyright (c) 2023 Ira Fesefeldt. All rights reserved. +Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. +Authors: Ira Fesefeldt +-/ +import Mathlib.Order.FixedPoints +import Mathlib.Logic.Function.Basic +import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Basic +import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Basic +import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic + + +/-! +# Ordinal Approximants for the Fixed points on complete lattices + +This file sets up the ordinal approximation theory of fixed points of a monotone function in a complete lattice. + +## Main definitions + +* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of the least fixed point of a bundled monotone function. +* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point of a bundled monotone function. + +## Main theorems +* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_is_lfp_approx`: The approximation of the least fixed point eventually reaches the least fixed point +* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfp_approx`: The approximation of the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point + +## Tags + +fixed point, complete lattice, monotone function, ordinals, approximation +-/ + +namespace Cardinal + +universe u +variable {α : Type u} +variable (g: Ordinal → α) + +open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function + +def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord $ succ #α)} → α := λ i => g i + +lemma limitation_eq : ∀ i, limitation g i = g i := by + intro h; unfold limitation; exact rfl + +lemma mk_initialSeg_Subtype (ℵ : Cardinal ): + #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord ℵ)} = lift.{u+1, u} ℵ := by + simpa using mk_initialSeg (ord ℵ) + +lemma limitation_not_injective: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by + intro h_inj + have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj; + rw[mk_initialSeg_Subtype (succ #α), Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ + have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Cardinal.succ_lt #α) + exact h₂ h₁ + +end Cardinal + + + +namespace Monotone + + +universe u v +variable {α : Type u} +variable {β : Type v} +variable [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (f: α → β) + +lemma monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): + ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by + intro i h₂ h₁ + apply le_antisymm + . rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ + . exact h_mon h₁ + +lemma antitone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): + ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by + intro i h₂ h₁ + apply le_antisymm + . exact h_anti h₁ + . rw[h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ + +end Monotone + +/-We loosly follow the proof from Frederico Enchenique in A Short and Constructive Proof of + Tarski's fixed-point theorem published in the International Journal of Game Theory Volume 33(2), + June 2005, pages 215-218. -/ + +namespace OrdinalApprox + +universe u +variable {α : Type u} +variable [CompleteLattice α] (f : α →o α) + +open Function fixedPoints Cardinal Order OrderHom + +/- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ +def lfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := + sSup { f (lfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } +termination_by lfp_approx a => a +decreasing_by exact h + +lemma lfp_approx_monotone : Monotone (lfp_approx f) := by + unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfp_approx + refine sSup_le_sSup ?h; simp + intros a' h' + use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h + exact rfl + +def lfp_approx_hom : Ordinal.{u} →o α where + toFun i := lfp_approx f i + monotone' a b h := by simp; apply lfp_approx_monotone f h + +lemma lfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): lfp_approx f a = sSup { f (lfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by + conv => left; unfold lfp_approx + +lemma lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : + f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by + apply le_antisymm + . conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] + apply le_sSup; simp + use a + . conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] + apply sSup_le; simp + intros a' h + apply f.2; apply lfp_approx_monotone; exact h + + +lemma lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): + ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b = lfp_approx f a := by + intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; + induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => + apply le_antisymm + . conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] + apply sSup_le; simp + intro a' ha'b + by_cases haa : a' < a + . rw[lfp_approx_addition] + apply lfp_approx_monotone + simp; exact haa + . simp at haa + cases ( haa) with + | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; + | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; + . conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] + apply le_sSup; simp + use a + +lemma lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): + ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + intro b h_ab; + rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] + have h_stab := lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab + rw[h_stab] + exact h + + +lemma lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, + i ≠ j ∧ lfp_approx f i = lfp_approx f j := by + have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ lfp_approx f) + let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj + rw[limitation_eq, limitation_eq] at h_fab + use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; + use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; + apply And.intro + . intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq + . exact h_fab + +lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): + lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfp_approx_addition] + apply Monotone.monotone_stabilizing (lfp_approx f) (lfp_approx_monotone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) + +lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): + ∀ i ≥ a, lfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + intro i h_i; + by_cases h_ia : i = a + . rw[h_ia]; exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + . apply lfp_approx_eq_fp f a + . exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + . exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i + +lemma lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfp_approx_has_cycle f + cases (le_total a b) with + | inl h_ab => + exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) + | inr h_ba => + exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) + +lemma lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_approx f i ≤ a := by + intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i + induction i using Ordinal.induction with + | h i IH => + rw[lfp_approx_def] + apply sSup_le; simp + intro j h_j + rw[←h_a] + apply f.monotone' + exact IH j h_j + +theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by + apply le_antisymm + . have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl + let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] + exact lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) + . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by {simpa using lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f} + let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] + exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop + +/-- **Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. + Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ +theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfp_approx f a = OrderHom.lfp f := by + use (ord $ succ #α) + exact lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal f + + +/- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ +def gfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := + sInf { f (gfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } +termination_by gfp_approx a => a +decreasing_by exact h + +lemma gfp_approx_antitone : Antitone (gfp_approx f) := by + unfold Antitone; intros a b h; unfold gfp_approx + refine sInf_le_sInf ?h; simp + intros a' h' + use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h + exact rfl + +lemma gfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): gfp_approx f a = sInf { f (gfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by + conv => left; unfold gfp_approx + +lemma gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : + f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by + apply le_antisymm + . conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] + apply le_sInf; simp + intros a' h + apply f.2; apply gfp_approx_antitone; exact h + . conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] + apply sInf_le; simp + use a + + +lemma gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): + ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b = gfp_approx f a := by + intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; + induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => + apply le_antisymm + . conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] + apply sInf_le + use a + . conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] + apply le_sInf; simp + intro a' ha'b + by_cases haa : a' < a + . rw[gfp_approx_addition] + apply gfp_approx_antitone + simp; exact haa + . simp at haa + cases ( haa) with + | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; + | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; + +lemma gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): + ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + intro b h_ab; + rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] + have h_stab := gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab + rw[h_stab] + exact h + + +lemma gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, + i ≠ j ∧ gfp_approx f i = gfp_approx f j := by + have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ gfp_approx f) + let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj + rw[limitation_eq, limitation_eq] at h_fab + use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; + use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; + apply And.intro + . intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq + . exact h_fab + +lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): + gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,gfp_approx_addition] + apply Monotone.antitone_stabilizing (gfp_approx f) (gfp_approx_antitone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) + +lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): + ∀ i ≥ a, gfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + intro i h_i; + by_cases h_ia : i = a + . rw[h_ia]; exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + . apply gfp_approx_eq_fp f a + . exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + . exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i + +lemma gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := gfp_approx_has_cycle f + cases (le_total a b) with + | inl h_ab => + exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) + | inr h_ba => + exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) + +lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_approx f i ≥ a := by + intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i + induction i using Ordinal.induction with + | h i IH => + rw[gfp_approx_def] + apply le_sInf; simp + intro j h_j + rw[←h_a] + apply f.monotone' + exact IH j h_j + + +theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by + apply le_antisymm + . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by {simpa using gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f} + let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] + exact fixed_le_gfp f x.prop + . have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, gfp f = x := by use ⊤; exact rfl + let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] + exact gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) + + +/-- **Dual Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. + Also known as ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point.-/ +theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfp_approx f a = gfp f := by + use (ord $ succ #α) + exact gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal f + +end OrdinalApprox diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean index 8145fddfb5a20..99ae619eff48d 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean @@ -826,6 +826,13 @@ theorem add_one_le_succ (c : Cardinal.{u}) : c + 1 ≤ succ c := by _ ≤ #β := (f.optionElim b hb).cardinal_le #align cardinal.add_one_le_succ Cardinal.add_one_le_succ +theorem no_max : ∀ ℵ : Cardinal, ¬ IsMax ℵ := by + intro ℵ h + unfold IsMax at h; specialize h (le_of_lt $ cantor ℵ) + exact not_lt_of_le h (cantor ℵ) + +theorem succ_lt : ∀ ℵ : Cardinal, ℵ < succ ℵ := λ ℵ => Order.lt_succ_of_not_isMax (no_max ℵ) + /-- A cardinal is a limit if it is not zero or a successor cardinal. Note that `ℵ₀` is a limit cardinal by this definition, but `0` isn't. From f7693cd7b91a1682330ec4d1058c468a1497bcfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:27:10 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 02/31] line and characters formatting --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 79 +++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 79eb771a9f4db..4881e3c9b1497 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -13,16 +13,21 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic /-! # Ordinal Approximants for the Fixed points on complete lattices -This file sets up the ordinal approximation theory of fixed points of a monotone function in a complete lattice. +This file sets up the ordinal approximation theory of fixed points +of a monotone function in a complete lattice. ## Main definitions -* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of the least fixed point of a bundled monotone function. -* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point of a bundled monotone function. +* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of + the least fixed point of a bundled monotone function. +* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of + the greatest fixed point of a bundled monotone function. ## Main theorems -* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_is_lfp_approx`: The approximation of the least fixed point eventually reaches the least fixed point -* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfp_approx`: The approximation of the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point +* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_is_lfp_approx`: The approximation of + the least fixed point eventually reaches the least fixed point +* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfp_approx`: The approximation of + the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point ## Tags @@ -42,8 +47,7 @@ def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord $ succ #α)} → α := λ i => g i lemma limitation_eq : ∀ i, limitation g i = g i := by intro h; unfold limitation; exact rfl -lemma mk_initialSeg_Subtype (ℵ : Cardinal ): - #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord ℵ)} = lift.{u+1, u} ℵ := by +lemma mk_initialSeg_Subtype (ℵ : Cardinal ): #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord ℵ)} = lift.{u+1, u} ℵ := by simpa using mk_initialSeg (ord ℵ) lemma limitation_not_injective: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by @@ -110,11 +114,11 @@ def lfp_approx_hom : Ordinal.{u} →o α where toFun i := lfp_approx f i monotone' a b h := by simp; apply lfp_approx_monotone f h -lemma lfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): lfp_approx f a = sSup { f (lfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by +lemma lfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): lfp_approx f a = + sSup { f (lfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by conv => left; unfold lfp_approx -lemma lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : - f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by +lemma lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm . conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] apply le_sSup; simp @@ -126,7 +130,7 @@ lemma lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : lemma lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): - ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b = lfp_approx f a := by + ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b = lfp_approx f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm @@ -165,12 +169,15 @@ lemma lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, . intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq . exact h_fab -lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): +lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) + (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfp_approx_addition] - apply Monotone.monotone_stabilizing (lfp_approx f) (lfp_approx_monotone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) + apply Monotone.monotone_stabilizing (lfp_approx f) (lfp_approx_monotone f) + h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) -lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): +lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) + (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): ∀ i ≥ a, lfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro i h_i; by_cases h_ia : i = a @@ -183,9 +190,11 @@ lemma lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fi let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfp_approx_has_cycle f cases (le_total a b) with | inl h_ab => - exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) + exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab + (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) | inr h_ba => - exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) + exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) + (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) lemma lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_approx f i ≤ a := by intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i @@ -203,12 +212,13 @@ theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by . have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] exact lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) - . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by {simpa using lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f} + . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by + simpa using lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop -/-- **Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. - Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ +/-- **Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point + is the least fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfp_approx f a = OrderHom.lfp f := by use (ord $ succ #α) exact lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal f @@ -227,11 +237,11 @@ lemma gfp_approx_antitone : Antitone (gfp_approx f) := by use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h exact rfl -lemma gfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): gfp_approx f a = sInf { f (gfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by +lemma gfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): gfp_approx f a = + sInf { f (gfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by conv => left; unfold gfp_approx -lemma gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : - f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by +lemma gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm . conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] apply le_sInf; simp @@ -243,7 +253,7 @@ lemma gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : lemma gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): - ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b = gfp_approx f a := by + ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b = gfp_approx f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm @@ -282,12 +292,15 @@ lemma gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, . intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq . exact h_fab -lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): +lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) + (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,gfp_approx_addition] - apply Monotone.antitone_stabilizing (gfp_approx f) (gfp_approx_antitone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) + apply Monotone.antitone_stabilizing (gfp_approx f) (gfp_approx_antitone f) + h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) -lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): +lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) + (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): ∀ i ≥ a, gfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro i h_i; by_cases h_ia : i = a @@ -300,9 +313,11 @@ lemma gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fi let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := gfp_approx_has_cycle f cases (le_total a b) with | inl h_ab => - exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) + exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) + h_fab (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) | inr h_ba => - exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) + exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) + (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_approx f i ≥ a := by intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i @@ -318,7 +333,8 @@ lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_a theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by apply le_antisymm - . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by {simpa using gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f} + . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by + simpa using gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] exact fixed_le_gfp f x.prop . have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, gfp f = x := by use ⊤; exact rfl @@ -326,8 +342,9 @@ theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by exact gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) -/-- **Dual Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. - Also known as ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point.-/ +/-- **Dual Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of + the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of + the greatest fixed point.-/ theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfp_approx f a = gfp f := by use (ord $ succ #α) exact gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal f From d1b3ae440ba9407799d61ba9258588b267b54d04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 11:34:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 03/31] linter fixes --- Mathlib.lean | 1 + .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 64 +++++++++---------- 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index 327ff687a1bfb..46c4d232b176b 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -2892,6 +2892,7 @@ import Mathlib.Order.Monotone.Union import Mathlib.Order.OmegaCompletePartialOrder import Mathlib.Order.OrdContinuous import Mathlib.Order.OrderIsoNat +import Mathlib.Order.OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints import Mathlib.Order.PFilter import Mathlib.Order.PartialSups import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Equipartition diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 4881e3c9b1497..128699e072d99 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ lemma monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ apply le_antisymm - . rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ - . exact h_mon h₁ + · rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ + · exact h_mon h₁ lemma antitone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ apply le_antisymm - . exact h_anti h₁ - . rw[h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ + · exact h_anti h₁ + · rw[h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ end Monotone @@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ lemma lfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): lfp_approx f a = lemma lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm - . conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] apply le_sSup; simp use a - . conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] apply sSup_le; simp intros a' h apply f.2; apply lfp_approx_monotone; exact h @@ -134,18 +134,18 @@ lemma lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fix intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm - . conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] apply sSup_le; simp intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a - . rw[lfp_approx_addition] + · rw[lfp_approx_addition] apply lfp_approx_monotone simp; exact haa - . simp at haa + · simp at haa cases ( haa) with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; - . conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] apply le_sSup; simp use a @@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ lemma lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; apply And.intro - . intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq - . exact h_fab + · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq + · exact h_fab lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): @@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) ∀ i ≥ a, lfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro i h_i; by_cases h_ia : i = a - . rw[h_ia]; exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - . apply lfp_approx_eq_fp f a - . exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - . exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i + · rw[h_ia]; exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + · apply lfp_approx_eq_fp f a + · exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i lemma lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfp_approx_has_cycle f @@ -209,10 +209,10 @@ lemma lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_a theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm - . have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl + · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] exact lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) - . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by + · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by simpa using lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop @@ -243,11 +243,11 @@ lemma gfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): gfp_approx f a = lemma gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm - . conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] apply le_sInf; simp intros a' h apply f.2; apply gfp_approx_antitone; exact h - . conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] apply sInf_le; simp use a @@ -257,17 +257,17 @@ lemma gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fix intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm - . conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] apply sInf_le use a - . conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] apply le_sInf; simp intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a - . rw[gfp_approx_addition] + · rw[gfp_approx_addition] apply gfp_approx_antitone simp; exact haa - . simp at haa + · simp at haa cases ( haa) with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; @@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ lemma gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; apply And.intro - . intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq - . exact h_fab + · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq + · exact h_fab lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): @@ -304,10 +304,10 @@ lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) ∀ i ≥ a, gfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro i h_i; by_cases h_ia : i = a - . rw[h_ia]; exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - . apply gfp_approx_eq_fp f a - . exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - . exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i + · rw[h_ia]; exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + · apply gfp_approx_eq_fp f a + · exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i lemma gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := gfp_approx_has_cycle f @@ -333,11 +333,11 @@ lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_a theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by apply le_antisymm - . have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by + · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by simpa using gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] exact fixed_le_gfp f x.prop - . have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, gfp f = x := by use ⊤; exact rfl + · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, gfp f = x := by use ⊤; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] exact gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) From 8ff8b17e360202997975842f2d658f6e2aee42d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 12:30:04 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 04/31] deactivate unusredVariables linting --- Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 128699e072d99..74107e80fc4a3 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ variable [CompleteLattice α] (f : α →o α) open Function fixedPoints Cardinal Order OrderHom /- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ +set_option linter.unusedVariables false in def lfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := sSup { f (lfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } termination_by lfp_approx a => a @@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfp_approx f a = OrderHom.lfp f := /- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ +set_option linter.unusedVariables false in def gfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := sInf { f (gfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } termination_by gfp_approx a => a From 752d401557ad8020a6f836f4fb1e9480f4bb5c97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:29:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 05/31] made some lemmas to theorems --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 60 ++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 74107e80fc4a3..b6dcb0c29d714 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord $ succ #α)} → α := λ i => g i -lemma limitation_eq : ∀ i, limitation g i = g i := by +theorem limitation_def : ∀ i, limitation g i = g i := by intro h; unfold limitation; exact rfl lemma mk_initialSeg_Subtype (ℵ : Cardinal ): #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord ℵ)} = lift.{u+1, u} ℵ := by simpa using mk_initialSeg (ord ℵ) -lemma limitation_not_injective: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by +theorem limitation_not_injective: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by intro h_inj have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj; rw[mk_initialSeg_Subtype (succ #α), Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ @@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ variable {α : Type u} variable {β : Type v} variable [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (f: α → β) -lemma monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): +theorem monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ apply le_antisymm · rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ · exact h_mon h₁ -lemma antitone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): +theorem antitone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ apply le_antisymm @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ def lfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := termination_by lfp_approx a => a decreasing_by exact h -lemma lfp_approx_monotone : Monotone (lfp_approx f) := by +theorem lfp_approx_monotone : Monotone (lfp_approx f) := by unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfp_approx refine sSup_le_sSup ?h; simp intros a' h' @@ -115,27 +115,23 @@ def lfp_approx_hom : Ordinal.{u} →o α where toFun i := lfp_approx f i monotone' a b h := by simp; apply lfp_approx_monotone f h -lemma lfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): lfp_approx f a = - sSup { f (lfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by - conv => left; unfold lfp_approx - -lemma lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by +theorem lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm - · conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; unfold lfp_approx apply le_sSup; simp use a - · conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; unfold lfp_approx apply sSup_le; simp intros a' h apply f.2; apply lfp_approx_monotone; exact h -lemma lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): +theorem lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b = lfp_approx f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm - · conv => left; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; unfold lfp_approx apply sSup_le; simp intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a @@ -146,11 +142,11 @@ lemma lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fix cases ( haa) with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; - · conv => right; rw[lfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; unfold lfp_approx apply le_sSup; simp use a -lemma lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): +theorem lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro b h_ab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] @@ -159,11 +155,11 @@ lemma lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)) exact h -lemma lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, +theorem lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ lfp_approx f i = lfp_approx f j := by have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ lfp_approx f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj - rw[limitation_eq, limitation_eq] at h_fab + rw[limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; apply And.intro @@ -201,7 +197,7 @@ lemma lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_a intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => - rw[lfp_approx_def] + unfold lfp_approx apply sSup_le; simp intro j h_j rw[←h_a] @@ -232,37 +228,33 @@ def gfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := termination_by gfp_approx a => a decreasing_by exact h -lemma gfp_approx_antitone : Antitone (gfp_approx f) := by +theorem gfp_approx_antitone : Antitone (gfp_approx f) := by unfold Antitone; intros a b h; unfold gfp_approx refine sInf_le_sInf ?h; simp intros a' h' use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h exact rfl -lemma gfp_approx_def (a : Ordinal.{u}): gfp_approx f a = - sInf { f (gfp_approx f b) | (b : Ordinal) (_ : b < a) } := by - conv => left; unfold gfp_approx - -lemma gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by +theorem gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm - · conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; unfold gfp_approx apply le_sInf; simp intros a' h apply f.2; apply gfp_approx_antitone; exact h - · conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; unfold gfp_approx apply sInf_le; simp use a -lemma gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): +theorem gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b = gfp_approx f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm - · conv => left; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => left; unfold gfp_approx apply sInf_le use a - · conv => right; rw[gfp_approx_def] + · conv => right; unfold gfp_approx apply le_sInf; simp intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a @@ -274,7 +266,7 @@ lemma gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fix | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; -lemma gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): +theorem gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro b h_ab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] @@ -283,11 +275,11 @@ lemma gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)) exact h -lemma gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, +theorem gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ gfp_approx f i = gfp_approx f j := by have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ gfp_approx f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj - rw[limitation_eq, limitation_eq] at h_fab + rw[limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; apply And.intro @@ -325,7 +317,7 @@ lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_a intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => - rw[gfp_approx_def] + unfold gfp_approx apply le_sInf; simp intro j h_j rw[←h_a] From a1ef93a56d6922b631ac3a04e99b3df9d1ade84d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:16:30 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 06/31] documentation and formatting --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 65 ++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index b6dcb0c29d714..d32dc35bc8cc9 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ variable (g: Ordinal → α) open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function +/-- Limiation of an ordinal defined function to an initial segment -/ def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord $ succ #α)} → α := λ i => g i theorem limitation_def : ∀ i, limitation g i = g i := by @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ variable {α : Type u} variable {β : Type v} variable [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (f: α → β) +/-- If a monotone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ theorem monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ @@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ theorem monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a · rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ · exact h_mon h₁ +/-- If an antitone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ theorem antitone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ @@ -97,8 +100,8 @@ variable [CompleteLattice α] (f : α →o α) open Function fixedPoints Cardinal Order OrderHom -/- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ set_option linter.unusedVariables false in +/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ def lfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := sSup { f (lfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } termination_by lfp_approx a => a @@ -111,6 +114,7 @@ theorem lfp_approx_monotone : Monotone (lfp_approx f) := by use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h exact rfl +/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points as an order homomorphism -/ def lfp_approx_hom : Ordinal.{u} →o α where toFun i := lfp_approx f i monotone' a b h := by simp; apply lfp_approx_monotone f h @@ -125,7 +129,8 @@ theorem lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx intros a' h apply f.2; apply lfp_approx_monotone; exact h - +/-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing + when reaching a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b = lfp_approx f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; @@ -141,11 +146,12 @@ theorem lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (f · simp at haa cases ( haa) with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; - | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; + | inr haa => rw[← haa, h]; · conv => right; unfold lfp_approx apply le_sSup; simp use a +/-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro b h_ab; @@ -154,8 +160,8 @@ theorem lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f rw[h_stab] exact h - -theorem lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, +/-- There are ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ +theorem lfp_approx_equal_value : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ lfp_approx f i = lfp_approx f j := by have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ lfp_approx f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj @@ -166,6 +172,7 @@ theorem lfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab +/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points of f -/ lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by @@ -173,6 +180,8 @@ lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) apply Monotone.monotone_stabilizing (lfp_approx f) (lfp_approx_monotone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) +/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then + every value follwing the smaller ordinal are fixed points of -/ lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): ∀ i ≥ a, lfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by @@ -183,8 +192,9 @@ lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) · exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i -lemma lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfp_approx_has_cycle f +/-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ +theorem lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfp_approx_equal_value f cases (le_total a b) with | inl h_ab => exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab @@ -193,18 +203,20 @@ lemma lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fi exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) -lemma lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_approx f i ≤ a := by +/-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ +theorem lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_approx f i ≤ a := by intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => unfold lfp_approx apply sSup_le; simp intro j h_j - rw[←h_a] + rw[← h_a] apply f.monotone' exact IH j h_j -theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by +/-- The least fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ +theorem lfp_approx_cardinal_is_lfp : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] @@ -216,13 +228,13 @@ theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by /-- **Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ -theorem lfp_is_lfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfp_approx f a = OrderHom.lfp f := by +theorem lfp_approx_is_lfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfp_approx f a = lfp f := by use (ord $ succ #α) - exact lfp_is_lfp_approx_cardinal f + exact lfp_approx_cardinal_is_lfp f -/- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ set_option linter.unusedVariables false in +/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ def gfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := sInf { f (gfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } termination_by gfp_approx a => a @@ -245,7 +257,8 @@ theorem gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx apply sInf_le; simp use a - +/-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing + when reaching a fixed point of f -/ theorem gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b = gfp_approx f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; @@ -264,8 +277,9 @@ theorem gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (f · simp at haa cases ( haa) with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; - | inr haa => rw[←haa, h]; + | inr haa => rw[← haa, h]; +/-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ theorem gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by intro b h_ab; @@ -274,8 +288,8 @@ theorem gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f rw[h_stab] exact h - -theorem gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, +/-- There are ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ +theorem gfp_approx_equal_value : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ gfp_approx f i = gfp_approx f j := by have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ gfp_approx f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj @@ -286,6 +300,7 @@ theorem gfp_approx_has_cycle : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab +/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points of f -/ lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by @@ -293,6 +308,8 @@ lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) apply Monotone.antitone_stabilizing (gfp_approx f) (gfp_approx_antitone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) +/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then + every value follwing the smaller ordinal are fixed points of -/ lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): ∀ i ≥ a, gfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by @@ -303,8 +320,9 @@ lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) · exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i +/-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ lemma gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := gfp_approx_has_cycle f + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := gfp_approx_equal_value f cases (le_total a b) with | inl h_ab => exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) @@ -313,6 +331,7 @@ lemma gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fi exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) +/-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_approx f i ≥ a := by intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i induction i using Ordinal.induction with @@ -320,12 +339,12 @@ lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_a unfold gfp_approx apply le_sInf; simp intro j h_j - rw[←h_a] + rw[← h_a] apply f.monotone' exact IH j h_j - -theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by +/-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ +theorem gfp_approx_cardinal_is_gfp : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by apply le_antisymm · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by simpa using gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f @@ -339,8 +358,8 @@ theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by /-- **Dual Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point.-/ -theorem gfp_is_gfp_approx : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfp_approx f a = gfp f := by +theorem gfp_approx_is_gfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfp_approx f a = gfp f := by use (ord $ succ #α) - exact gfp_is_gfp_approx_cardinal f + exact gfp_approx_cardinal_is_gfp f end OrdinalApprox From 645df6714908587fcff9be2d42f12e64f3f7959f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 15:34:45 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 07/31] review changes --- Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean | 4 +- Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean | 16 + .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 309 ++++++------------ Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean | 9 +- docs/references.bib | 21 ++ 5 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean index 49195a1dd9c0e..8b79f8c3e516a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean @@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ theorem Injective.ne_iff' (hf : Injective f) {x y : α} {z : β} (h : f y = z) : h ▸ hf.ne_iff #align function.injective.ne_iff' Function.Injective.ne_iff' -theorem Injective.not_exists_equal (h: ¬ Injective f): ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ f a = f b := by - unfold Injective at h; simp at h +theorem Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (h: ¬ Injective f): ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ f a = f b := by + unfold Injective at h; simp only [not_forall, exists_prop] at h let ⟨a, b, h_f, h_ab⟩ := h exact ⟨a, b, h_ab, h_f⟩ diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean index 566f68b05f58c..ded53d9f59844 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean @@ -919,6 +919,22 @@ theorem Antitone.strictAnti_iff_injective (hf : Antitone f) : StrictAnti f ↔ I ⟨fun h ↦ h.injective, hf.strictAnti_of_injective⟩ #align antitone.strict_anti_iff_injective Antitone.strictAnti_iff_injective +/-- If a monotone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ +theorem Monotone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): + ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by + intro i h₂ h₁ + apply le_antisymm + · rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ + · exact h_mon h₁ + +/-- If an antitone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ +theorem Antitone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): + ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by + intro i h₂ h₁ + apply le_antisymm + · exact h_anti h₁ + · rw[h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ + end PartialOrder variable [LinearOrder β] {f : α → β} {s : Set α} {x y : α} diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index d32dc35bc8cc9..d19ce8baf316f 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic # Ordinal Approximants for the Fixed points on complete lattices This file sets up the ordinal approximation theory of fixed points -of a monotone function in a complete lattice. +of a monotone function in a complete lattice [CousotCousot1979]. + +We loosly follow the proof from [Echenique2005]. ## Main definitions @@ -29,6 +31,10 @@ of a monotone function in a complete lattice. * `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfp_approx`: The approximation of the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point +## References +* [Federico Echenique, *A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem*][Echenique2005] +* [Patrick Cousot & Radhia Cousot, *Constructive Versions of Tarski's Fixed Point Theorems*][CousotCousot1979] + ## Tags fixed point, complete lattice, monotone function, ordinals, approximation @@ -42,56 +48,24 @@ variable (g: Ordinal → α) open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function -/-- Limiation of an ordinal defined function to an initial segment -/ -def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord $ succ #α)} → α := λ i => g i +/-- Limitation of an ordinal defined function to the initial segment + containing the codomains cardinality -/ +def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } → α := fun i => g i -theorem limitation_def : ∀ i, limitation g i = g i := by - intro h; unfold limitation; exact rfl +theorem limitation_def (i : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) }) : limitation g i = g i := rfl -lemma mk_initialSeg_Subtype (ℵ : Cardinal ): #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord ℵ)} = lift.{u+1, u} ℵ := by - simpa using mk_initialSeg (ord ℵ) - -theorem limitation_not_injective: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by +theorem not_injective_limitation: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by intro h_inj - have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj; - rw[mk_initialSeg_Subtype (succ #α), Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ + have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj + have mk_initialSeg_subtype : + #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by + simpa using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) + rw[mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Cardinal.succ_lt #α) exact h₂ h₁ end Cardinal - - -namespace Monotone - - -universe u v -variable {α : Type u} -variable {β : Type v} -variable [Preorder α] [PartialOrder β] (f: α → β) - -/-- If a monotone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ -theorem monotone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): - ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by - intro i h₂ h₁ - apply le_antisymm - · rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ - · exact h_mon h₁ - -/-- If an antitone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ -theorem antitone_stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): - ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by - intro i h₂ h₁ - apply le_antisymm - · exact h_anti h₁ - · rw[h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ - -end Monotone - -/-We loosly follow the proof from Frederico Enchenique in A Short and Constructive Proof of - Tarski's fixed-point theorem published in the International Journal of Game Theory Volume 33(2), - June 2005, pages 215-218. -/ - namespace OrdinalApprox universe u @@ -102,68 +76,64 @@ open Function fixedPoints Cardinal Order OrderHom set_option linter.unusedVariables false in /-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ -def lfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := - sSup { f (lfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } -termination_by lfp_approx a => a +def lfpApprox (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := + sSup { f (lfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } +termination_by a decreasing_by exact h -theorem lfp_approx_monotone : Monotone (lfp_approx f) := by - unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfp_approx +theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f) := by + unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfpApprox refine sSup_le_sSup ?h; simp intros a' h' use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h exact rfl -/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points as an order homomorphism -/ -def lfp_approx_hom : Ordinal.{u} →o α where - toFun i := lfp_approx f i - monotone' a b h := by simp; apply lfp_approx_monotone f h - -theorem lfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfp_approx f a) = lfp_approx f (a+1) := by +theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm - · conv => right; unfold lfp_approx + · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox apply le_sSup; simp use a - · conv => left; unfold lfp_approx + · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le; simp intros a' h - apply f.2; apply lfp_approx_monotone; exact h + apply f.2; apply lfpApprox_monotone; exact h /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): - ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b = lfp_approx f a := by +theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): + ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm - · conv => left; unfold lfp_approx + · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le; simp intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a - · rw[lfp_approx_addition] - apply lfp_approx_monotone + · rw[lfpApprox_addition] + apply lfpApprox_monotone simp; exact haa · simp at haa cases ( haa) with - | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; - | inr haa => rw[← haa, h]; - · conv => right; unfold lfp_approx + | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h] + | inr haa => rw[← haa, h] + · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox apply le_sSup; simp use a /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): - ∀ b > a, lfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by +theorem lfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): + ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro b h_ab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] - have h_stab := lfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab + have h_stab := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab rw[h_stab] exact h /-- There are ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem lfp_approx_equal_value : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, - i ≠ j ∧ lfp_approx f i = lfp_approx f j := by - have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ lfp_approx f) +theorem lfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, + i ≠ j ∧ lfpApprox f i = lfpApprox f j := by + have h_ninj := Function.Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective + (not_injective_limitation <| lfpApprox f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj rw[limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; @@ -172,43 +142,43 @@ theorem lfp_approx_equal_value : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab -/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points of f -/ -lemma lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): - lfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfp_approx_addition] - apply Monotone.monotone_stabilizing (lfp_approx f) (lfp_approx_monotone f) +/-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points -/ +lemma lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) + (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b): + lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by + rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfpApprox_addition] + apply Monotone.stabilizing (lfpApprox_monotone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) -/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then - every value follwing the smaller ordinal are fixed points of -/ -lemma lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : lfp_approx f a = lfp_approx f b): - ∀ i ≥ a, lfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - intro i h_i; - by_cases h_ia : i = a - · rw[h_ia]; exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - · apply lfp_approx_eq_fp f a - · exact lfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab +/-- If there are disctinct ordinals with equal value then + every value succeding the smaller ordinal are fixed points -/ +lemma lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) + (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b): + ∀ i ≥ a, lfpApprox f i ∈ fixedPoints f := by + intro i h_i + obtain rfl | h_ia := eq_or_ne i a + · exact lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint f i b h h_fab + · apply lfpApprox_eq_fp f a + · exact lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -theorem lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfp_approx_equal_value f - cases (le_total a b) with +theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfpApprox_equal_value f + cases le_total a b with | inl h_ab => - exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) h_fab - (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) + exact lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints f a b (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) h_fab + (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) | inr h_ba => - exact lfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) - (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) + exact lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints f b a (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) + (h_fab.symm) (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp_approx f i ≤ a := by +theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApprox f i ≤ a := by intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => - unfold lfp_approx + unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le; simp intro j h_j rw[← h_a] @@ -216,150 +186,67 @@ theorem lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, lfp exact IH j h_j /-- The least fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -theorem lfp_approx_cardinal_is_lfp : lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = lfp f := by +theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] - exact lfp_approx_le_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) - · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by - simpa using lfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f + exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x (ord <| succ #α) + · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by + simpa using lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop /-- **Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ -theorem lfp_approx_is_lfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfp_approx f a = lfp f := by - use (ord $ succ #α) - exact lfp_approx_cardinal_is_lfp f - +theorem lfpApprox_is_lfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfpApprox f a = lfp f := by + use (ord <| succ #α) + exact lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp f set_option linter.unusedVariables false in -/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ -def gfp_approx (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := - sInf { f (gfp_approx b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } -termination_by gfp_approx a => a +/-- Ordinal approximants of the greatest fixed points -/ +def gfpApprox (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := + sInf { f (gfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } +termination_by a decreasing_by exact h -theorem gfp_approx_antitone : Antitone (gfp_approx f) := by - unfold Antitone; intros a b h; unfold gfp_approx - refine sInf_le_sInf ?h; simp - intros a' h' - use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h - exact rfl +theorem gfpApprox_antitone : Antitone (gfpApprox f) := + lfpApprox_monotone (OrderHom.dual f) -theorem gfp_approx_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfp_approx f a) = gfp_approx f (a+1) := by - apply le_antisymm - · conv => right; unfold gfp_approx - apply le_sInf; simp - intros a' h - apply f.2; apply gfp_approx_antitone; exact h - · conv => left; unfold gfp_approx - apply sInf_le; simp - use a +theorem gfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfpApprox f a) = gfpApprox f (a+1) := + lfpApprox_addition (OrderHom.dual f) a /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): - ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b = gfp_approx f a := by - intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; - induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => - apply le_antisymm - · conv => left; unfold gfp_approx - apply sInf_le - use a - · conv => right; unfold gfp_approx - apply le_sInf; simp - intro a' ha'b - by_cases haa : a' < a - · rw[gfp_approx_addition] - apply gfp_approx_antitone - simp; exact haa - · simp at haa - cases ( haa) with - | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h]; - | inr haa => rw[← haa, h]; +theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): + ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := + lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfp_approx_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f)): - ∀ b > a, gfp_approx f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - intro b h_ab; - rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] - have h_stab := gfp_approx_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab - rw[h_stab] - exact h +theorem gfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): + ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := + lfpApprox_eq_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h /-- There are ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem gfp_approx_equal_value : ∃ i < ord $ succ #α, ∃ j < ord $ succ #α, - i ≠ j ∧ gfp_approx f i = gfp_approx f j := by - have h_ninj := Function.Injective.not_exists_equal (limitation_not_injective $ gfp_approx f) - let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj - rw[limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab - use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; - use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; - apply And.intro - · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq - · exact h_fab - -/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points of f -/ -lemma gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): - gfp_approx f a ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,gfp_approx_addition] - apply Monotone.antitone_stabilizing (gfp_approx f) (gfp_approx_antitone f) - h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) - -/-- If there are ordinals with equal value then - every value follwing the smaller ordinal are fixed points of -/ -lemma gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : gfp_approx f a = gfp_approx f b): - ∀ i ≥ a, gfp_approx f i ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - intro i h_i; - by_cases h_ia : i = a - · rw[h_ia]; exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - · apply gfp_approx_eq_fp f a - · exact gfp_approx_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab - · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i +theorem gfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, + i ≠ j ∧ gfpApprox f i = gfpApprox f j := + lfpApprox_equal_value (OrderHom.dual f) /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -lemma gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) ∈ (fixedPoints f) := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := gfp_approx_equal_value f - cases (le_total a b) with - | inl h_ab => - exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f a b (Ne.lt_of_le h_nab h_ab) - h_fab (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) - | inr h_ba => - exact gfp_approx_many_fixedPoints f b a (Ne.lt_of_le (id (Ne.symm h_nab)) h_ba) - (h_fab.symm) (ord $ succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) +lemma gfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := + lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal (OrderHom.dual f) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -lemma gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfp_approx f i ≥ a := by - intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i - induction i using Ordinal.induction with - | h i IH => - unfold gfp_approx - apply le_sInf; simp - intro j h_j - rw[← h_a] - apply f.monotone' - exact IH j h_j +lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApprox f i ≥ a := + lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) /-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -theorem gfp_approx_cardinal_is_gfp : gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = gfp f := by - apply le_antisymm - · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, gfp_approx f (ord $ succ #α) = x := by - simpa using gfp_approx_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f - let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] - exact fixed_le_gfp f x.prop - · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, gfp f = x := by use ⊤; exact rfl - let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] - exact gfp_approx_ge_fixedPoint f x (ord $ succ #α) - +theorem gfpApprox_cardinal_is_gfp : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := + lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) /-- **Dual Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point.-/ -theorem gfp_approx_is_gfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfp_approx f a = gfp f := by - use (ord $ succ #α) - exact gfp_approx_cardinal_is_gfp f +theorem gfpApprox_is_gfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfpApprox f a = gfp f := + lfpApprox_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) end OrdinalApprox diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean index 2e6aae64dcb89..04dff94ecf1a3 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean @@ -830,12 +830,13 @@ theorem add_one_le_succ (c : Cardinal.{u}) : c + 1 ≤ succ c := by _ ≤ #β := (f.optionElim b hb).cardinal_le #align cardinal.add_one_le_succ Cardinal.add_one_le_succ -theorem no_max : ∀ ℵ : Cardinal, ¬ IsMax ℵ := by - intro ℵ h - unfold IsMax at h; specialize h (le_of_lt $ cantor ℵ) +theorem not_isMax (ℵ : Cardinal): ¬ IsMax ℵ := by + intro h + unfold IsMax at h + specialize h (le_of_lt $ cantor ℵ) exact not_lt_of_le h (cantor ℵ) -theorem succ_lt : ∀ ℵ : Cardinal, ℵ < succ ℵ := λ ℵ => Order.lt_succ_of_not_isMax (no_max ℵ) +theorem succ_lt (ℵ : Cardinal): ℵ < succ ℵ := Order.lt_succ_of_not_isMax (not_isMax ℵ) /-- A cardinal is a limit if it is not zero or a successor cardinal. Note that `ℵ₀` is a limit cardinal by this definition, but `0` isn't. diff --git a/docs/references.bib b/docs/references.bib index f1729b815991f..ea4ed23933b51 100644 --- a/docs/references.bib +++ b/docs/references.bib @@ -803,6 +803,16 @@ @Book{ conway2001 mrnumber = {1803095} } +@article{ CousotCousot1979, + author = {Cousot, P{.} and Cousot, R{.}}, + title = {Constructive Versions of {T}arski's Fixed Point Theorems}, + journal = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics}, + volume = 81, + number = 1, + pages = {43--57}, + year = 1979, +} + @Book{ coxlittleoshea1997, author = {David A. Cox and John Little and Donal O'Shea}, title = {Ideals, varieties, and algorithms - an introduction to @@ -977,6 +987,17 @@ @Article{ elliott2006binomial doi = {10.1016/j.jpaa.2005.09.003} } +@article{ Echenique2005, + author = {Echenique, Federico}, + title = {A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem}, + journal = {International Journal of Game Theory}, + volume = {33}, + number = {2}, + year = {2005}, + pages = {215–218}, + publisher = {Springer}, + doi = {10.1007/s001820400192} +} @Book{ engel1997, title = {Sperner theory}, author = {Engel, Konrad}, From 32ada0dcda8e3fc285cc051fdbe386d12a7d92db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 16:00:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/31] fixed multiple typos and overseen issues --- Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean | 4 +-- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 32 ++++++++++--------- Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean | 6 ++-- docs/references.bib | 6 ++-- 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean index ded53d9f59844..61f7d8bcd5661 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean @@ -920,7 +920,7 @@ theorem Antitone.strictAnti_iff_injective (hf : Antitone f) : StrictAnti f ↔ I #align antitone.strict_anti_iff_injective Antitone.strictAnti_iff_injective /-- If a monotone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ -theorem Monotone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): +theorem Monotone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) : ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ apply le_antisymm @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ theorem Monotone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a · exact h_mon h₁ /-- If an antitone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ -theorem Antitone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂): +theorem Antitone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) : ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by intro i h₂ h₁ apply le_antisymm diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index d19ce8baf316f..a2050ce43a6a6 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic # Ordinal Approximants for the Fixed points on complete lattices This file sets up the ordinal approximation theory of fixed points -of a monotone function in a complete lattice [CousotCousot1979]. +of a monotone function in a complete lattice [Cousot1979]. We loosly follow the proof from [Echenique2005]. @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ We loosly follow the proof from [Echenique2005]. the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point ## References -* [Federico Echenique, *A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem*][Echenique2005] -* [Patrick Cousot & Radhia Cousot, *Constructive Versions of Tarski's Fixed Point Theorems*][CousotCousot1979] +* [F. Echenique, *A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem*][Echenique2005] +* [P. Cousot & R. Cousot, *Constructive Versions of Tarski's Fixed Point Theorems*][Cousot1979] ## Tags @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } → α := fun i => g i theorem limitation_def (i : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) }) : limitation g i = g i := rfl -theorem not_injective_limitation: ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by +theorem not_injective_limitation : ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by intro h_inj have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj have mk_initialSeg_subtype : @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f) := by unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfpApprox refine sSup_le_sSup ?h; simp intros a' h' - use a'; apply And.intro; exact lt_of_lt_of_le h' h - exact rfl + use a' + exact ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le h' h, rfl⟩ theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f ( when reaching a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by - intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h; + intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixe apply lfpApprox_monotone simp; exact haa · simp at haa - cases ( haa) with + cases haa with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h] | inr haa => rw[← haa, h] · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox @@ -123,21 +123,22 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixe /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by - intro b h_ab; + intro b h_ab rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] have h_stab := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab rw[h_stab] exact h -/-- There are ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ +/-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals + with equal value -/ theorem lfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ lfpApprox f i = lfpApprox f j := by have h_ninj := Function.Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (not_injective_limitation <| lfpApprox f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj rw[limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab - use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop; - use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop; + use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop + use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop apply And.intro · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab @@ -223,10 +224,11 @@ theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixe /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ theorem gfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): - ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ (fixedPoints f) := + ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := lfpApprox_eq_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h -/-- There are ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ +/-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with + equal value -/ theorem gfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ gfpApprox f i = gfpApprox f j := lfpApprox_equal_value (OrderHom.dual f) @@ -236,7 +238,7 @@ lemma gfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixe lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal (OrderHom.dual f) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : (fixedPoints f), ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApprox f i ≥ a := +lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApprox f i ≥ a := lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) /-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean index 04dff94ecf1a3..99a6949a73a1b 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean @@ -830,13 +830,13 @@ theorem add_one_le_succ (c : Cardinal.{u}) : c + 1 ≤ succ c := by _ ≤ #β := (f.optionElim b hb).cardinal_le #align cardinal.add_one_le_succ Cardinal.add_one_le_succ -theorem not_isMax (ℵ : Cardinal): ¬ IsMax ℵ := by +theorem not_isMax (ℵ : Cardinal) : ¬ IsMax ℵ := by intro h unfold IsMax at h - specialize h (le_of_lt $ cantor ℵ) + specialize h (cantor ℵ).le exact not_lt_of_le h (cantor ℵ) -theorem succ_lt (ℵ : Cardinal): ℵ < succ ℵ := Order.lt_succ_of_not_isMax (not_isMax ℵ) +theorem succ_lt (ℵ : Cardinal) : ℵ < succ ℵ := Order.lt_succ_of_not_isMax (not_isMax ℵ) /-- A cardinal is a limit if it is not zero or a successor cardinal. Note that `ℵ₀` is a limit cardinal by this definition, but `0` isn't. diff --git a/docs/references.bib b/docs/references.bib index ea4ed23933b51..b492a067ef176 100644 --- a/docs/references.bib +++ b/docs/references.bib @@ -803,14 +803,14 @@ @Book{ conway2001 mrnumber = {1803095} } -@article{ CousotCousot1979, +@Article{ Cousot1979, author = {Cousot, P{.} and Cousot, R{.}}, title = {Constructive Versions of {T}arski's Fixed Point Theorems}, journal = {Pacific Journal of Mathematics}, volume = 81, number = 1, pages = {43--57}, - year = 1979, + year = 1979 } @Book{ coxlittleoshea1997, @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ @Article{ elliott2006binomial doi = {10.1016/j.jpaa.2005.09.003} } -@article{ Echenique2005, +@Article{ Echenique2005, author = {Echenique, Federico}, title = {A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem}, journal = {International Journal of Game Theory}, From 625d29488e6636b3252b3a4f8130e41e6e07ec72 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 16:08:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 09/31] fixed linting issues --- Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean | 2 +- Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean | 3 --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 12 +++++----- docs/references.bib | 22 +++++++++---------- 4 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean index 8b79f8c3e516a..f0aab4138733f 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ theorem Injective.ne_iff' (hf : Injective f) {x y : α} {z : β} (h : f y = z) : h ▸ hf.ne_iff #align function.injective.ne_iff' Function.Injective.ne_iff' -theorem Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (h: ¬ Injective f): ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ f a = f b := by +theorem Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (h: ¬ Injective f) : ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ f a = f b := by unfold Injective at h; simp only [not_forall, exists_prop] at h let ⟨a, b, h_f, h_ab⟩ := h exact ⟨a, b, h_ab, h_f⟩ diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean index 4a04d99fbd119..2369cd7b09476 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/FixedPoints.lean @@ -111,9 +111,6 @@ theorem le_gfp {a : α} (h : a ≤ f a) : a ≤ gfp f := le_sSup h #align order_hom.le_gfp OrderHom.le_gfp -theorem fixed_le_gfp {a : α} (h : f a = a) : a ≤ gfp f := - f.le_gfp - theorem gfp_le {a : α} (h : ∀ b, b ≤ f b → b ≤ a) : gfp f ≤ a := sSup_le h #align order_hom.gfp_le OrderHom.gfp_le diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index a2050ce43a6a6..e6872cfd924b7 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f ( /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): +theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixe use a /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): +theorem lfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro b h_ab rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α /-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points -/ lemma lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b): + (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfpApprox_addition] apply Monotone.stabilizing (lfpApprox_monotone f) @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ lemma lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) /-- If there are disctinct ordinals with equal value then every value succeding the smaller ordinal are fixed points -/ lemma lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b): + (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : ∀ i ≥ a, lfpApprox f i ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro i h_i obtain rfl | h_ia := eq_or_ne i a @@ -218,12 +218,12 @@ theorem gfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfpApprox f a) = gfpApprox f ( /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): +theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f): +theorem gfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := lfpApprox_eq_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h diff --git a/docs/references.bib b/docs/references.bib index b492a067ef176..3f82147bf770a 100644 --- a/docs/references.bib +++ b/docs/references.bib @@ -937,6 +937,17 @@ @Article{ dyckhoff_1992 doi = {10.2307/2275431} } +@Article{ Echenique2005, + author = {Echenique, Federico}, + title = {A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem}, + journal = {International Journal of Game Theory}, + volume = {33}, + number = {2}, + year = {2005}, + pages = {215–218}, + publisher = {Springer}, + doi = {10.1007/s001820400192} +} @Book{ egno15, author = {Etingof, Pavel and Gelaki, Shlomo and Nikshych, Dmitri and Ostrik, Victor}, @@ -987,17 +998,6 @@ @Article{ elliott2006binomial doi = {10.1016/j.jpaa.2005.09.003} } -@Article{ Echenique2005, - author = {Echenique, Federico}, - title = {A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem}, - journal = {International Journal of Game Theory}, - volume = {33}, - number = {2}, - year = {2005}, - pages = {215–218}, - publisher = {Springer}, - doi = {10.1007/s001820400192} -} @Book{ engel1997, title = {Sperner theory}, author = {Engel, Konrad}, From 43e1e6127f7cad4d0618fa9f966a0b32ba5ce02b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 16:12:18 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 10/31] squeezed simps --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 32 +++++++++++++------ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index e6872cfd924b7..fb53bf423cd4b 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ theorem not_injective_limitation : ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj have mk_initialSeg_subtype : #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by - simpa using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) + simpa only [card_typein, Set.coe_setOf, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) rw[mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Cardinal.succ_lt #α) exact h₂ h₁ @@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ decreasing_by exact h theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f) := by unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfpApprox - refine sSup_le_sSup ?h; simp + refine sSup_le_sSup ?h + simp only [exists_prop, Set.setOf_subset_setOf, forall_exists_index, + and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intros a' h' use a' exact ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le h' h, rfl⟩ @@ -91,10 +93,13 @@ theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f) := by theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f (a+1) := by apply le_antisymm · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox - apply le_sSup; simp + apply le_sSup + simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] use a · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox - apply sSup_le; simp + apply sSup_le + simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, + forall_exists_index, and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intros a' h apply f.2; apply lfpApprox_monotone; exact h @@ -106,18 +111,22 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixe induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox - apply sSup_le; simp + apply sSup_le + simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp, + forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a · rw[lfpApprox_addition] apply lfpApprox_monotone - simp; exact haa - · simp at haa + simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, succ_le_iff] + exact haa + · simp only [not_lt] at haa cases haa with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h] | inr haa => rw[← haa, h] · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox - apply le_sSup; simp + apply le_sSup + simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] use a /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ @@ -180,7 +189,9 @@ theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApp induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => unfold lfpApprox - apply sSup_le; simp + apply sSup_le + simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp, + forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intro j h_j rw[← h_a] apply f.monotone' @@ -193,7 +204,8 @@ theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x (ord <| succ #α) · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by - simpa using lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f + simpa only [Subtype.exists, mem_fixedPoints, exists_prop, exists_eq_right'] using + lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop From 41c79dae962823f7e34a1e9cc5ee76fdaeb4db5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2024 16:15:33 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 11/31] references linting and changed year in license --- Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 2 +- docs/references.bib | 4 +++- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index fb53bf423cd4b..ed584f2fe25a6 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /- -Copyright (c) 2023 Ira Fesefeldt. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2024 Ira Fesefeldt. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Ira Fesefeldt -/ diff --git a/docs/references.bib b/docs/references.bib index 3f82147bf770a..e01aff6e5a86b 100644 --- a/docs/references.bib +++ b/docs/references.bib @@ -939,7 +939,8 @@ @Article{ dyckhoff_1992 @Article{ Echenique2005, author = {Echenique, Federico}, - title = {A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point theorem}, + title = {A short and constructive proof of Tarski’s fixed-point + theorem}, journal = {International Journal of Game Theory}, volume = {33}, number = {2}, @@ -948,6 +949,7 @@ @Article{ Echenique2005 publisher = {Springer}, doi = {10.1007/s001820400192} } + @Book{ egno15, author = {Etingof, Pavel and Gelaki, Shlomo and Nikshych, Dmitri and Ostrik, Victor}, From 8f8f4d4a4612c7818f4f7168c7da2d116b192800 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 05:58:02 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 12/31] indeed missed renaming the documentation --- Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index ed584f2fe25a6..4e8cbad5c517a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ We loosly follow the proof from [Echenique2005]. ## Main definitions -* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.lfpApprox`: The ordinal approximation of the least fixed point of a bundled monotone function. -* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_approx`: The ordinal approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.gfpApprox`: The ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point of a bundled monotone function. ## Main theorems -* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_is_lfp_approx`: The approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_is_lfpApprox`: The approximation of the least fixed point eventually reaches the least fixed point -* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfp_approx`: The approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfpApprox`: The approximation of the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point ## References From 77b2fd82322adc0b56b8ab7ff43fa8fdb96b236c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2024 06:24:57 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 13/31] changed some of the theorem names --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 40 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 4e8cbad5c517a..8807eefded16b 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f ( /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : +theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => @@ -130,17 +130,17 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixe use a /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : - ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by +theorem lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) + (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro b h_ab rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] - have h_stab := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp f a h b h_ab + have h_stab := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint f a h b h_ab rw[h_stab] exact h /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem lfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, +theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ lfpApprox f i = lfpApprox f j := by have h_ninj := Function.Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (not_injective_limitation <| lfpApprox f) @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α · exact h_fab /-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points -/ -lemma lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) +lemma lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfpApprox_addition] @@ -162,25 +162,25 @@ lemma lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) /-- If there are disctinct ordinals with equal value then every value succeding the smaller ordinal are fixed points -/ -lemma lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) +lemma lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : ∀ i ≥ a, lfpApprox f i ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro i h_i obtain rfl | h_ia := eq_or_ne i a - · exact lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint f i b h h_fab - · apply lfpApprox_eq_fp f a - · exact lfpApprox_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint f i b h h_fab + · apply ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed f a + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := lfpApprox_equal_value f + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox f cases le_total a b with | inl h_ab => - exact lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints f a b (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) h_fab + exact lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints f a b (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) h_fab (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) | inr h_ba => - exact lfpApprox_many_fixedPoints f b a (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) + exact lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints f b a (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ @@ -230,20 +230,20 @@ theorem gfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfpApprox f a) = gfpApprox f ( /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : +theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := - lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h + lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) a h /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_eq_fp (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : - ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := - lfpApprox_eq_fp (OrderHom.dual f) a h +theorem gfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) + (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := + lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (OrderHom.dual f) a h /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem gfpApprox_equal_value : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, +theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ gfpApprox f i = gfpApprox f j := - lfpApprox_equal_value (OrderHom.dual f) + disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ lemma gfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := From f4094342e4236843491ddc790912753157e5fc69 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2024 09:21:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 14/31] fixed wrong name --- Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 8807eefded16b..75791fff5847a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ lemma lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) intro i h_i obtain rfl | h_ia := eq_or_ne i a · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint f i b h h_fab - · apply ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed f a + · apply lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed f a · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i From 951ec456c3c73a92c1ae7387ab72dad2e36da643 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2024 09:48:58 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 15/31] removed uncessary theorems and fixed documentation --- Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 6 +++--- Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean | 8 -------- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 75791fff5847a..39bff8949a80e 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ We loosly follow the proof from [Echenique2005]. the greatest fixed point of a bundled monotone function. ## Main theorems -* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_is_lfpApprox`: The approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.lfpApprox_is_lfp`: The approximation of the least fixed point eventually reaches the least fixed point -* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_is_gfpApprox`: The approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.gfpApprox_is_gfp`: The approximation of the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point ## References @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ theorem not_injective_limitation : ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by simpa only [card_typein, Set.coe_setOf, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) rw[mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ - have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Cardinal.succ_lt #α) + have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Order.lt_succ #α) exact h₂ h₁ end Cardinal diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean index 99a6949a73a1b..427c309750f38 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Cardinal/Basic.lean @@ -830,14 +830,6 @@ theorem add_one_le_succ (c : Cardinal.{u}) : c + 1 ≤ succ c := by _ ≤ #β := (f.optionElim b hb).cardinal_le #align cardinal.add_one_le_succ Cardinal.add_one_le_succ -theorem not_isMax (ℵ : Cardinal) : ¬ IsMax ℵ := by - intro h - unfold IsMax at h - specialize h (cantor ℵ).le - exact not_lt_of_le h (cantor ℵ) - -theorem succ_lt (ℵ : Cardinal) : ℵ < succ ℵ := Order.lt_succ_of_not_isMax (not_isMax ℵ) - /-- A cardinal is a limit if it is not zero or a successor cardinal. Note that `ℵ₀` is a limit cardinal by this definition, but `0` isn't. From e78b0046ec137d46eb91767fa7be5709e8f26251 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:50:01 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 16/31] style and not_injective_iff enhanced --- Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean | 6 +-- Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean | 14 +++--- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 47 ++++++++++--------- 3 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean index f0aab4138733f..ebb9f39c82a0a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Logic/Function/Basic.lean @@ -107,10 +107,8 @@ theorem Injective.ne_iff' (hf : Injective f) {x y : α} {z : β} (h : f y = z) : h ▸ hf.ne_iff #align function.injective.ne_iff' Function.Injective.ne_iff' -theorem Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (h: ¬ Injective f) : ∃ a b, a ≠ b ∧ f a = f b := by - unfold Injective at h; simp only [not_forall, exists_prop] at h - let ⟨a, b, h_f, h_ab⟩ := h - exact ⟨a, b, h_ab, h_f⟩ +theorem not_injective_iff : ¬ Injective f ↔ ∃ a b, f a = f b ∧ a ≠ b := by + simp only [Injective, not_forall, exists_prop] /-- If the co-domain `β` of an injective function `f : α → β` has decidable equality, then the domain `α` also has decidable equality. -/ diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean index 61f7d8bcd5661..4d3fa546e69eb 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean @@ -920,20 +920,18 @@ theorem Antitone.strictAnti_iff_injective (hf : Antitone f) : StrictAnti f ↔ I #align antitone.strict_anti_iff_injective Antitone.strictAnti_iff_injective /-- If a monotone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ -theorem Monotone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) : - ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by - intro i h₂ h₁ +theorem Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) {i : α} + (h₁ : a₁ ≤ i) (h₂ : i ≤ a₂) : f i = f a₁ := by apply le_antisymm - · rw[h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ + · rw [h_fa]; exact h_mon h₂ · exact h_mon h₁ /-- If an antitone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ -theorem Antitone.stabilizing {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) : - ∀ i, a₂ ≥ i → i ≥ a₁ → f i = f a₁ := by - intro i h₂ h₁ +theorem Antitone.eq_of_le_of_le {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) {i : α} + (h₁ : a₁ ≤ i) (h₂ : i ≤ a₂) : f i = f a₁ := by apply le_antisymm · exact h_anti h₁ - · rw[h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ + · rw [h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ end PartialOrder diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 39bff8949a80e..c3b87fd829c6a 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic This file sets up the ordinal approximation theory of fixed points of a monotone function in a complete lattice [Cousot1979]. +The proof follows loosely the one from [Echenique2005]. -We loosly follow the proof from [Echenique2005]. +However, the proof given here is not constructive as we use the non-constructive axiomatization of +ordinals from mathlib. It still allows an approximation scheme indexed over the ordinals. ## Main definitions @@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ namespace Cardinal universe u variable {α : Type u} -variable (g: Ordinal → α) +variable (g : Ordinal → α) open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function @@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ theorem not_injective_limitation : ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by have mk_initialSeg_subtype : #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by simpa only [card_typein, Set.coe_setOf, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) - rw[mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ + rw [mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Order.lt_succ #α) exact h₂ h₁ @@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f ( when reaching a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by - intro b hab; rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h + intro b hab; rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox @@ -116,14 +118,14 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a - · rw[lfpApprox_addition] + · rw [lfpApprox_addition] apply lfpApprox_monotone simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, succ_le_iff] exact haa · simp only [not_lt] at haa cases haa with - | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw[IH, h] - | inr haa => rw[← haa, h] + | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw [IH, h] + | inr haa => rw [← haa, h] · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox apply le_sSup simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] @@ -131,11 +133,11 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a /-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) - (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by + (h : lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro b h_ab - rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff] + rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] have h_stab := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint f a h b h_ab - rw[h_stab] + rw [h_stab] exact h /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals @@ -145,18 +147,18 @@ theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| have h_ninj := Function.Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective (not_injective_limitation <| lfpApprox f) let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj - rw[limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab + rw [limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop apply And.intro - · intro h_eq; rw[Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq + · intro h_eq; rw [Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab /-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points -/ lemma lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by - rw[mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfpApprox_addition] + rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfpApprox_addition] apply Monotone.stabilizing (lfpApprox_monotone f) h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) @@ -193,7 +195,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApp simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intro j h_j - rw[← h_a] + rw [← h_a] apply f.monotone' exact IH j h_j @@ -201,16 +203,16 @@ theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApp theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl - let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw[h_x] + let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw [h_x] exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x (ord <| succ #α) - · have h_fix : ∃ x: fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by + · have h_fix : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by simpa only [Subtype.exists, mem_fixedPoints, exists_prop, exists_eq_right'] using lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f - let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw[h_x] + let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw [h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop -/-- **Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point - is the least fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ +/-- Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. + Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ theorem lfpApprox_is_lfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfpApprox f a = lfp f := by use (ord <| succ #α) exact lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp f @@ -230,7 +232,7 @@ theorem gfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfpApprox f a) = gfpApprox f ( /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : +theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h : gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) a h @@ -257,9 +259,8 @@ lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpAppro theorem gfpApprox_cardinal_is_gfp : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) -/-- **Dual Constructive Knaster-Tarski Theorem**: Some ordinal approximation of - the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. Also known as ordinal approximation of - the greatest fixed point.-/ +/-- Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. + Also known as ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point.-/ theorem gfpApprox_is_gfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfpApprox f a = gfp f := lfpApprox_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) From a5b9bb238f12aa1abf92659e006cefce9fc32929 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 13:29:40 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 17/31] changed limitation to Set.InjOn --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 56 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index c3b87fd829c6a..79eb49cb8794e 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -48,23 +48,18 @@ universe u variable {α : Type u} variable (g : Ordinal → α) -open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function +open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function Set -/-- Limitation of an ordinal defined function to the initial segment - containing the codomains cardinality -/ -def limitation : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } → α := fun i => g i - -theorem limitation_def (i : { i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) }) : limitation g i = g i := rfl - -theorem not_injective_limitation : ¬ Injective (limitation g) := by +theorem not_injective_limitation_set : ¬ Set.InjOn g (Set.Iio (ord <| succ #α)) := by intro h_inj - have h₁ := by apply lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective h_inj + have h := lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective <| Set.injOn_iff_injective.1 h_inj have mk_initialSeg_subtype : - #{ i : Ordinal // i < (ord <| succ #α) } = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by - simpa only [card_typein, Set.coe_setOf, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) - rw [mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h₁ - have h₂ := not_le_of_lt (Order.lt_succ #α) - exact h₂ h₁ + #(Iio (ord <| succ #α)) = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by + simpa only [coe_setOf, card_typein, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) + rw [mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h + exact not_le_of_lt (Order.lt_succ #α) h + + end Cardinal @@ -144,34 +139,33 @@ theorem lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) with equal value -/ theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, i ≠ j ∧ lfpApprox f i = lfpApprox f j := by - have h_ninj := Function.Injective.exists_ne_of_not_injective - (not_injective_limitation <| lfpApprox f) - let ⟨a, b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := h_ninj - rw [limitation_def, limitation_def] at h_fab + -- have h_ninj := Function.not_injective_iff.1 + -- ( Set.injOn_iff_injective.1 <| not_injective_limitation_set <| lfpApprox f) + have h_ninj := not_injective_limitation_set <| lfpApprox f + rw [Set.injOn_iff_injective, Function.not_injective_iff] at h_ninj + let ⟨a, b, h_fab, h_nab⟩ := h_ninj use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop use b.val; apply And.intro b.prop apply And.intro · intro h_eq; rw [Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab -/-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then the values are fixed points -/ -lemma lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) - (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : - lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by - rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff,lfpApprox_addition] - apply Monotone.stabilizing (lfpApprox_monotone f) - h_fab (a+1) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) (SuccOrder.le_succ a) - /-- If there are disctinct ordinals with equal value then every value succeding the smaller ordinal are fixed points -/ -lemma lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) +lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : ∀ i ≥ a, lfpApprox f i ∈ fixedPoints f := by intro i h_i + have lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint (c d : Ordinal.{u}) (h : c < d) + (h_fab : lfpApprox f c = lfpApprox f d) : + lfpApprox f c ∈ fixedPoints f := by + rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, lfpApprox_addition] + exact Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le (lfpApprox_monotone f) + h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ c) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) obtain rfl | h_ia := eq_or_ne i a - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint f i b h h_fab + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint i b h h_fab · apply lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed f a - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint f a b h h_fab + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint a b h h_fab · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ @@ -179,10 +173,10 @@ theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fi let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox f cases le_total a b with | inl h_ab => - exact lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints f a b (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) h_fab + exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f a b (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) h_fab (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) | inr h_ba => - exact lfpApprox_has_many_fixedPoints f b a (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) + exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f b a (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (h_fab.symm) (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ From 483c2831e1526263fdbdc87fc6ef7cacf25ed189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:31:11 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 18/31] pr comments --- .../Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 106 ++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 79eb49cb8794e..38e2ad1ab7919 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -87,24 +87,24 @@ theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f) := by use a' exact ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le h' h, rfl⟩ -theorem lfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (lfpApprox f a) = lfpApprox f (a+1) := by +theorem lfpApprox_add_one (a : Ordinal.{u}) : lfpApprox f (a+1) = f (lfpApprox f a) := by apply le_antisymm - · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox - apply le_sSup - simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] - use a · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intros a' h apply f.2; apply lfpApprox_monotone; exact h + · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox + apply le_sSup + simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] + use a /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : - ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by - intro b hab; rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h +theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) + (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by + rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a - · rw [lfpApprox_addition] + · rw [← lfpApprox_add_one] apply lfpApprox_monotone simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, succ_le_iff] exact haa @@ -121,26 +121,12 @@ theorem lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h: lfpApprox f a cases haa with | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw [IH, h] | inr haa => rw [← haa, h] - · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox - apply le_sSup - simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] - use a - -/-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) - (h : lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, lfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := by - intro b h_ab - rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] - have h_stab := lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint f a h b h_ab - rw [h_stab] - exact h + · exact lfpApprox_monotone f (le_of_lt h_ab) /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, - i ≠ j ∧ lfpApprox f i = lfpApprox f j := by - -- have h_ninj := Function.not_injective_iff.1 - -- ( Set.injOn_iff_injective.1 <| not_injective_limitation_set <| lfpApprox f) +theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, + a ≠ b ∧ lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b := by have h_ninj := not_injective_limitation_set <| lfpApprox f rw [Set.injOn_iff_injective, Function.not_injective_iff] at h_ninj let ⟨a, b, h_fab, h_nab⟩ := h_ninj @@ -150,38 +136,36 @@ theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| · intro h_eq; rw [Subtype.coe_inj] at h_eq; exact h_nab h_eq · exact h_fab -/-- If there are disctinct ordinals with equal value then +/-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then every value succeding the smaller ordinal are fixed points -/ -lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq (a b : Ordinal.{u}) (h : a < b) +lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq {a b c : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) (h_ac : a ≤ c) (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : - ∀ i ≥ a, lfpApprox f i ∈ fixedPoints f := by - intro i h_i - have lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint (c d : Ordinal.{u}) (h : c < d) - (h_fab : lfpApprox f c = lfpApprox f d) : - lfpApprox f c ∈ fixedPoints f := by - rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, lfpApprox_addition] + lfpApprox f c ∈ fixedPoints f := by + have lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint {d e : Ordinal.{u}} (h : d < e) + (h_fab : lfpApprox f d = lfpApprox f e) : + lfpApprox f d ∈ fixedPoints f := by + rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, ← lfpApprox_add_one] exact Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le (lfpApprox_monotone f) - h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ c) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) - obtain rfl | h_ia := eq_or_ne i a - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint i b h h_fab - · apply lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed f a - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint a b h h_fab - · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_ia h_i + h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ d) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) + obtain rfl | h_eq_ne := eq_or_ne c a + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint h_ab h_fab + · rw [lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint f] + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint h_ab h_fab + · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_eq_ne h_ac + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint h_ab h_fab /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox f + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox f cases le_total a b with | inl h_ab => - exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f a b (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) h_fab - (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_a) + exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) (le_of_lt h_a) h_fab | inr h_ba => - exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f b a (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) - (h_fab.symm) (ord <| succ #α) (le_of_lt h_b) + exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (le_of_lt h_b) (h_fab.symm) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApprox f i ≤ a := by - intro ⟨a, h_a⟩ i +theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a ∈ fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApprox f i ≤ a := by + intro a h_a i induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => unfold lfpApprox @@ -198,7 +182,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw [h_x] - exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x (ord <| succ #α) + exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x x.2 (ord <| succ #α) · have h_fix : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by simpa only [Subtype.exists, mem_fixedPoints, exists_prop, exists_eq_right'] using lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f @@ -221,32 +205,32 @@ decreasing_by exact h theorem gfpApprox_antitone : Antitone (gfpApprox f) := lfpApprox_monotone (OrderHom.dual f) -theorem gfpApprox_addition (a : Ordinal.{u}) : f (gfpApprox f a) = gfpApprox f (a+1) := - lfpApprox_addition (OrderHom.dual f) a +theorem gfpApprox_add_one (a : Ordinal.{u}) : gfpApprox f (a+1) = f (gfpApprox f a) := + lfpApprox_add_one (OrderHom.dual f) a /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (a : Ordinal.{u}) (h : gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : - ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := - lfpApprox_stabilizing_at_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) a h +theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) + (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := + lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) h_ab h -/-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) - (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := - lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (OrderHom.dual f) a h +-- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ +-- theorem gfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) +-- (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := +-- lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (OrderHom.dual f) a h /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem disctinct_ordinal_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ i < ord <| succ #α, ∃ j < ord <| succ #α, - i ≠ j ∧ gfpApprox f i = gfpApprox f j := - disctinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) +theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, + a ≠ b ∧ gfpApprox f a = gfpApprox f b := + distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ lemma gfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal (OrderHom.dual f) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a : fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApprox f i ≥ a := +lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a ∈ fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApprox f i ≥ a := lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) /-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ From fab0ade9ebad87b767d2b71b6a0419b3499d79c4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:38:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 19/31] linter --- Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean index 4d3fa546e69eb..a8c34223569b5 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/Monotone/Basic.lean @@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ theorem Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_mon : Monotone f) (h_fa : f /-- If an antitone function is equal at two points, it is equal between all of them -/ theorem Antitone.eq_of_le_of_le {a₁ a₂ : α} (h_anti : Antitone f) (h_fa : f a₁ = f a₂) {i : α} - (h₁ : a₁ ≤ i) (h₂ : i ≤ a₂) : f i = f a₁ := by + (h₁ : a₁ ≤ i) (h₂ : i ≤ a₂) : f i = f a₁ := by apply le_antisymm · exact h_anti h₁ · rw [h_fa]; exact h_anti h₂ From 378591c2d9e7c1b7ff3013d0bb8374e74ae68c91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 14:53:41 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 20/31] inlined lemma made nicer --- Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 13 ++++++------- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 38e2ad1ab7919..d2c437cc90e91 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -141,18 +141,17 @@ theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq {a b c : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) (h_ac : a ≤ c) (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : lfpApprox f c ∈ fixedPoints f := by - have lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint {d e : Ordinal.{u}} (h : d < e) - (h_fab : lfpApprox f d = lfpApprox f e) : - lfpApprox f d ∈ fixedPoints f := by + have lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint : + lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, ← lfpApprox_add_one] exact Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le (lfpApprox_monotone f) - h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ d) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h) + h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ a) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h_ab) obtain rfl | h_eq_ne := eq_or_ne c a - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint h_ab h_fab + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint · rw [lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint f] - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint h_ab h_fab + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_eq_ne h_ac - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint h_ab h_fab + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by From 27b3b60a1648a7f53ac4f2936a7c96d47f06b6f4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:31:46 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 21/31] renamed file and changed documentation --- Mathlib.lean | 2 +- ...sFixedPoints.lean => ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean} | 11 ++--------- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) rename Mathlib/Order/{OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean => ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean} (95%) diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index 24c12ae35ded7..912157d73ce78 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -3100,7 +3100,7 @@ import Mathlib.Order.Notation import Mathlib.Order.OmegaCompletePartialOrder import Mathlib.Order.OrdContinuous import Mathlib.Order.OrderIsoNat -import Mathlib.Order.OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints +import Mathlib.Order.ApproximantsFixedPoints import Mathlib.Order.PFilter import Mathlib.Order.PartialSups import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Equipartition diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean similarity index 95% rename from Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean rename to Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index d2c437cc90e91..627911b98e775 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/OrdinalApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw [h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop -/-- Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. - Also known as ordinal approximation of the least fixed point.-/ +/-- Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. -/ theorem lfpApprox_is_lfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfpApprox f a = lfp f := by use (ord <| succ #α) exact lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp f @@ -213,11 +212,6 @@ theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) h_ab h --- Every value after a fixed point of f is also a fixed point of f -/ --- theorem gfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (a : Ordinal.{u}) --- (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : ∀ b > a, gfpApprox f b ∈ fixedPoints f := --- lfpApprox_ordinals_after_fixed_are_fixed (OrderHom.dual f) a h - /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, @@ -236,8 +230,7 @@ lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a ∈ fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApp theorem gfpApprox_cardinal_is_gfp : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) -/-- Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. - Also known as ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point.-/ +/-- Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. -/ theorem gfpApprox_is_gfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfpApprox f a = gfp f := lfpApprox_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) From 204e6adb8804a78b8a67e6696865126c94cae4eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 16:39:22 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 22/31] changed file to correct order in Mathlib.lean --- Mathlib.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index 912157d73ce78..836924e85d17f 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -2981,6 +2981,7 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.QuadraticReciprocity import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.ToReal import Mathlib.Order.Antichain import Mathlib.Order.Antisymmetrization +import Mathlib.Order.ApproximantsFixedPoints import Mathlib.Order.Atoms import Mathlib.Order.Atoms.Finite import Mathlib.Order.Basic @@ -3100,7 +3101,6 @@ import Mathlib.Order.Notation import Mathlib.Order.OmegaCompletePartialOrder import Mathlib.Order.OrdContinuous import Mathlib.Order.OrderIsoNat -import Mathlib.Order.ApproximantsFixedPoints import Mathlib.Order.PFilter import Mathlib.Order.PartialSups import Mathlib.Order.Partition.Equipartition From 06e58a41001356ae21083266e06031104ad10309 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:26:53 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 23/31] make Set defs and lemmas shorter --- Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 6 +++--- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 627911b98e775..ae131d5849a71 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -50,13 +50,13 @@ variable (g : Ordinal → α) open Cardinal Ordinal SuccOrder Function Set -theorem not_injective_limitation_set : ¬ Set.InjOn g (Set.Iio (ord <| succ #α)) := by +theorem not_injective_limitation_set : ¬ InjOn g (Iio (ord <| succ #α)) := by intro h_inj - have h := lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective <| Set.injOn_iff_injective.1 h_inj + have h := lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective <| injOn_iff_injective.1 h_inj have mk_initialSeg_subtype : #(Iio (ord <| succ #α)) = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by simpa only [coe_setOf, card_typein, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) - rw [mk_initialSeg_subtype, Cardinal.lift_lift, Cardinal.lift_le] at h + rw [mk_initialSeg_subtype, lift_lift, lift_le] at h exact not_le_of_lt (Order.lt_succ #α) h From 7af7501812da7e0d8432a7ec6f1410550a1aebfb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:37:03 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 24/31] made more variables implicit --- Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index ae131d5849a71..d0dc3b8d12740 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fi exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (le_of_lt h_b) (h_fab.symm) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint : ∀ a ∈ fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, lfpApprox f i ≤ a := by - intro a h_a i +theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint {a : α} (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (i : Ordinal) : + lfpApprox f i ≤ a := by induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => unfold lfpApprox @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw [h_x] - exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x x.2 (ord <| succ #α) + exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x.2 (ord <| succ #α) · have h_fix : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by simpa only [Subtype.exists, mem_fixedPoints, exists_prop, exists_eq_right'] using lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f @@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ lemma gfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixe lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal (OrderHom.dual f) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint : ∀ a ∈ fixedPoints f, ∀ i : Ordinal, gfpApprox f i ≥ a := - lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) +lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint {a : α} (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (i : Ordinal) : gfpApprox f i ≥ a := + lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) h_a i /-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ theorem gfpApprox_cardinal_is_gfp : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := From 2b6c98099f6a929cca7cc50a68f57bed1991e298 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:47:29 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 25/31] simplified lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint --- Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 14 ++++++-------- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index d0dc3b8d12740..43cc51e4baa49 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_add_one (a : Ordinal.{u}) : lfpApprox f (a+1) = f (lfpApprox f /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) +theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a ≤ b) (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => @@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) exact haa · simp only [not_lt] at haa cases haa with - | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b haa; rw [IH, h] + | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b (le_of_lt haa); rw [IH, h] | inr haa => rw [← haa, h] - · exact lfpApprox_monotone f (le_of_lt h_ab) + · exact lfpApprox_monotone f h_ab /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ @@ -146,12 +146,10 @@ lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq {a b c : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) (h_ac rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, ← lfpApprox_add_one] exact Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le (lfpApprox_monotone f) h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ a) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h_ab) - obtain rfl | h_eq_ne := eq_or_ne c a + rw [lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint f] + · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint + · exact h_ac · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint - · rw [lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint f] - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint - · exact Ne.lt_of_le' h_eq_ne h_ac - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by From 5f8965003a2dd4a0a2870538ec2394c500a4f6b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:54:12 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 26/31] fixed build error --- Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean index 43cc51e4baa49..6c1d4f3535262 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ theorem gfpApprox_add_one (a : Ordinal.{u}) : gfpApprox f (a+1) = f (gfpApprox f /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) +theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a ≤ b) (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) h_ab h From ef44b56a673c251a47af963b8baca9579171e8b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 14:15:20 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 27/31] review comments --- Mathlib.lean | 2 +- .../Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean} | 181 ++++++++++-------- 2 files changed, 104 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-) rename Mathlib/{Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean => SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean} (50%) diff --git a/Mathlib.lean b/Mathlib.lean index 836924e85d17f..320a83e915bc0 100644 --- a/Mathlib.lean +++ b/Mathlib.lean @@ -2981,7 +2981,6 @@ import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.QuadraticReciprocity import Mathlib.NumberTheory.Zsqrtd.ToReal import Mathlib.Order.Antichain import Mathlib.Order.Antisymmetrization -import Mathlib.Order.ApproximantsFixedPoints import Mathlib.Order.Atoms import Mathlib.Order.Atoms.Finite import Mathlib.Order.Basic @@ -3443,6 +3442,7 @@ import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Basic import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.CantorNormalForm import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Exponential import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.FixedPoint +import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.FixedPointApproximants import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.NaturalOps import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Notation import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Principal diff --git a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean similarity index 50% rename from Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean rename to Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean index 6c1d4f3535262..8b11f5cfac231 100644 --- a/Mathlib/Order/ApproximantsFixedPoints.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean @@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ Copyright (c) 2024 Ira Fesefeldt. All rights reserved. Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. Authors: Ira Fesefeldt -/ -import Mathlib.Order.FixedPoints -import Mathlib.Logic.Function.Basic -import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Basic -import Mathlib.SetTheory.Cardinal.Basic import Mathlib.SetTheory.Ordinal.Arithmetic @@ -67,67 +63,81 @@ namespace OrdinalApprox universe u variable {α : Type u} -variable [CompleteLattice α] (f : α →o α) +variable [CompleteLattice α] (f : α →o α) (x : α) open Function fixedPoints Cardinal Order OrderHom set_option linter.unusedVariables false in -/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points -/ +/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points greater then an initial value x -/ def lfpApprox (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := - sSup { f (lfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } + sSup ({ f (lfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } ∪ {x}) termination_by a decreasing_by exact h -theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f) := by +theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f x) := by unfold Monotone; intros a b h; unfold lfpApprox refine sSup_le_sSup ?h - simp only [exists_prop, Set.setOf_subset_setOf, forall_exists_index, - and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] + apply sup_le_sup_right + simp only [exists_prop, Set.le_eq_subset, Set.setOf_subset_setOf, forall_exists_index, and_imp, + forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] intros a' h' use a' exact ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le h' h, rfl⟩ -theorem lfpApprox_add_one (a : Ordinal.{u}) : lfpApprox f (a+1) = f (lfpApprox f a) := by +theorem init_le_lfpApprox {a : Ordinal}: x ≤ (lfpApprox f x a) := by + unfold lfpApprox + apply le_sSup + simp only [exists_prop, Set.union_singleton, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq, true_or] + + +theorem lfpApprox_add_one (h : x ≤ f x) (a : Ordinal) : + lfpApprox f x (a+1) = f (lfpApprox f x a) := by apply le_antisymm · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le - simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, - forall_exists_index, and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] - intros a' h - apply f.2; apply lfpApprox_monotone; exact h + simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.union_singleton, + Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_eq_or_imp, forall_exists_index, and_imp, + forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] + apply And.intro + · apply le_trans h + apply Monotone.imp f.monotone + exact init_le_lfpApprox f x + · intros a' h + apply f.2; apply lfpApprox_monotone; exact h · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox apply le_sSup - simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq] + simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, lt_succ_iff, exists_prop] + rw [Set.mem_union] + apply Or.inl + simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] use a /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a ≤ b) - (h: lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : lfpApprox f b = lfpApprox f a := by +theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints {a b : Ordinal} (h_init : x ≤ f x) (h_ab : a ≤ b) + (h: lfpApprox f x a ∈ fixedPoints f) : lfpApprox f x b = lfpApprox f x a := by rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff] at h induction b using Ordinal.induction with | h b IH => apply le_antisymm · conv => left; unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le - simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp, - forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] + simp only [exists_prop, Set.union_singleton, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq, + forall_eq_or_imp, forall_exists_index, and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] + apply And.intro (init_le_lfpApprox f x) intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a - · rw [← lfpApprox_add_one] + · rw [← lfpApprox_add_one f x h_init] apply lfpApprox_monotone simp only [Ordinal.add_one_eq_succ, succ_le_iff] exact haa - · simp only [not_lt] at haa - cases haa with - | inl haa => specialize IH a' ha'b (le_of_lt haa); rw [IH, h] - | inr haa => rw [← haa, h] - · exact lfpApprox_monotone f h_ab + · rw [IH a' ha'b (le_of_not_lt haa), h] + · exact lfpApprox_monotone f x h_ab /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, - a ≠ b ∧ lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b := by - have h_ninj := not_injective_limitation_set <| lfpApprox f +theorem exists_lfpApprox_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, + a ≠ b ∧ lfpApprox f x a = lfpApprox f x b := by + have h_ninj := not_injective_limitation_set <| lfpApprox f x rw [Set.injOn_iff_injective, Function.not_injective_iff] at h_ninj let ⟨a, b, h_fab, h_nab⟩ := h_ninj use a.val; apply And.intro a.prop @@ -138,98 +148,113 @@ theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| /-- If there are distinct ordinals with equal value then every value succeding the smaller ordinal are fixed points -/ -lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq {a b c : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a < b) (h_ac : a ≤ c) - (h_fab : lfpApprox f a = lfpApprox f b) : - lfpApprox f c ∈ fixedPoints f := by - have lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint : - lfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f := by - rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, ← lfpApprox_add_one] - exact Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le (lfpApprox_monotone f) +lemma lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq {a b c : Ordinal} + (h_init : x ≤ f x) (h_ab : a < b) (h_ac : a ≤ c) (h_fab : lfpApprox f x a = lfpApprox f x b) : + lfpApprox f x c ∈ fixedPoints f := by + have lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoint : + lfpApprox f x a ∈ fixedPoints f := by + rw [mem_fixedPoints_iff, ← lfpApprox_add_one f x h_init] + exact Monotone.eq_of_le_of_le (lfpApprox_monotone f x) h_fab (SuccOrder.le_succ a) (SuccOrder.succ_le_of_lt h_ab) - rw [lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint f] - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint + rw [lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints f x h_init] + · exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoint · exact h_ac - · exact lfpApprox_has_one_fixedPoint + · exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoint /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -theorem lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by - let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox f +theorem lfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint (h_init : x ≤ f x) : + lfpApprox f x (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := by + let ⟨a, h_a, b, h_b, h_nab, h_fab⟩ := exists_lfpApprox_eq_lfpApprox f x cases le_total a b with | inl h_ab => - exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) (le_of_lt h_a) h_fab + exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f x h_init + (h_nab.lt_of_le h_ab) (le_of_lt h_a) h_fab | inr h_ba => - exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (le_of_lt h_b) (h_fab.symm) + exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f x h_init + (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (le_of_lt h_b) (h_fab.symm) /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -theorem lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint {a : α} (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (i : Ordinal) : - lfpApprox f i ≤ a := by +theorem lfpApprox_le_of_mem_fixedPoints {a : α} + (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (h_le_init : x ≤ a) (i : Ordinal) : lfpApprox f x i ≤ a := by induction i using Ordinal.induction with | h i IH => unfold lfpApprox apply sSup_le - simp only [exists_prop, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_exists_index, and_imp, - forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] - intro j h_j - rw [← h_a] - apply f.monotone' - exact IH j h_j + simp only [exists_prop] + intro y h_y + simp only [Set.mem_union, Set.mem_setOf_eq, Set.mem_singleton_iff] at h_y + cases h_y with + | inl h_y => + let ⟨j, h_j_lt, h_j⟩ := h_y + rw [← h_j, ← h_a] + apply f.monotone' + exact IH j h_j_lt + | inr h_y => + rw [h_y] + exact h_le_init /-- The least fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -theorem lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp : lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by +theorem lfpApprox_ord_eq_lfp : lfpApprox f ⊥ (ord <| succ #α) = lfp f := by apply le_antisymm - · have h_lfp : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfp f = x := by use ⊥; exact rfl - let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_lfp; rw [h_x] - exact lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint f x.2 (ord <| succ #α) - · have h_fix : ∃ x : fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = x := by + · have h_lfp : ∃ y : fixedPoints f, lfp f = y := by use ⊥; exact rfl + let ⟨y, h_y⟩ := h_lfp; rw [h_y] + exact lfpApprox_le_of_mem_fixedPoints f ⊥ y.2 bot_le (ord <| succ #α) + · have h_fix : ∃ y : fixedPoints f, lfpApprox f ⊥ (ord <| succ #α) = y := by simpa only [Subtype.exists, mem_fixedPoints, exists_prop, exists_eq_right'] using - lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal f + lfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint f ⊥ bot_le let ⟨x, h_x⟩ := h_fix; rw [h_x] exact lfp_le_fixed f x.prop /-- Some ordinal approximation of the least fixed point is the least fixed point. -/ -theorem lfpApprox_is_lfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, lfpApprox f a = lfp f := by +theorem lfp_mem_range_lfpApprox : lfp f ∈ Set.range (lfpApprox f ⊥) := by use (ord <| succ #α) - exact lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp f + exact lfpApprox_ord_eq_lfp f set_option linter.unusedVariables false in /-- Ordinal approximants of the greatest fixed points -/ def gfpApprox (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := - sInf { f (gfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } + sInf ({ f (gfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } ∪ {x}) termination_by a decreasing_by exact h -theorem gfpApprox_antitone : Antitone (gfpApprox f) := - lfpApprox_monotone (OrderHom.dual f) +theorem gfpApprox_antitone : Antitone (gfpApprox f x) := + lfpApprox_monotone (OrderHom.dual f) x + +theorem gfpApprox_le_init {a : Ordinal}: (gfpApprox f x a) ≤ x := + init_le_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) x -theorem gfpApprox_add_one (a : Ordinal.{u}) : gfpApprox f (a+1) = f (gfpApprox f a) := - lfpApprox_add_one (OrderHom.dual f) a +theorem gfpApprox_add_one (h : f x ≤ x) (a : Ordinal) : + gfpApprox f x (a+1) = f (gfpApprox f x a) := + lfpApprox_add_one (OrderHom.dual f) x h a /-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ -theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint {a b : Ordinal.{u}} (h_ab : a ≤ b) - (h: gfpApprox f a ∈ fixedPoints f) : gfpApprox f b = gfpApprox f a := - lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) h_ab h +theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints {a b : Ordinal} (h_init : f x ≤ x) (h_ab : a ≤ b) + (h: gfpApprox f x a ∈ fixedPoints f) : gfpApprox f x b = gfpApprox f x a := + lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints (OrderHom.dual f) x h_init h_ab h /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem distinct_ordinal_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, - a ≠ b ∧ gfpApprox f a = gfpApprox f b := - distinct_ordinal_eq_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) +theorem exists_grpApprox_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, + a ≠ b ∧ gfpApprox f x a = gfpApprox f x b := + exists_lfpApprox_eq_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) x /-- A fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -lemma gfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := - lfpApprox_has_fixedPoint_cardinal (OrderHom.dual f) +lemma gfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint (h_init : f x ≤ x) : + gfpApprox f x (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := + lfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) x h_init /-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ -lemma gfpApprox_ge_fixedPoint {a : α} (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (i : Ordinal) : gfpApprox f i ≥ a := - lfpApprox_le_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) h_a i +lemma le_gfpApprox_of_mem_fixedPoints {a : α} + (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (h_init_le : a ≤ x) (i : Ordinal) : a ≤ gfpApprox f x i:= + lfpApprox_le_of_mem_fixedPoints (OrderHom.dual f) x h_a h_init_le i /-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ -theorem gfpApprox_cardinal_is_gfp : gfpApprox f (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := - lfpApprox_cardinal_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) +theorem gfpApprox_ord_eq_gfp : gfpApprox f ⊤ (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := + lfpApprox_ord_eq_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) /-- Some ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point is the greatest fixed point. -/ -theorem gfpApprox_is_gfp : ∃ a : Ordinal, gfpApprox f a = gfp f := - lfpApprox_is_lfp (OrderHom.dual f) +theorem gfp_mem_range_gfpApprox : gfp f ∈ Set.range (gfpApprox f ⊤) := + lfp_mem_range_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) end OrdinalApprox From 2c609b564e7a9e6c947791f60eca7affa6448b7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 15:02:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 28/31] better documentation --- .../Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean | 30 ++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean index 8b11f5cfac231..1f81f3eb24cf1 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean @@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ ordinals from mathlib. It still allows an approximation scheme indexed over the ## Main definitions -* `OrdinalApprox.lfpApprox`: The ordinal approximation of - the least fixed point of a bundled monotone function. -* `OrdinalApprox.gfpApprox`: The ordinal approximation of - the greatest fixed point of a bundled monotone function. +* `OrdinalApprox.lfpApprox`: The ordinal approximation of the least fixed point + greater or equal then an initial value of a bundled monotone function. +* `OrdinalApprox.gfpApprox`: The ordinal approximation of the greatest fixed point + less or equal then an initial value of a bundled monotone function. ## Main theorems -* `OrdinalApprox.lfpApprox_is_lfp`: The approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.lfp_mem_range_lfpApprox`: The approximation of the least fixed point eventually reaches the least fixed point -* `OrdinalApprox.gfpApprox_is_gfp`: The approximation of +* `OrdinalApprox.gfp_mem_range_gfpApprox`: The approximation of the greatest fixed point eventually reaches the greatest fixed point ## References @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ variable [CompleteLattice α] (f : α →o α) (x : α) open Function fixedPoints Cardinal Order OrderHom set_option linter.unusedVariables false in -/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed points greater then an initial value x -/ +/-- Ordinal approximants of the least fixed point greater then an initial value x -/ def lfpApprox (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := sSup ({ f (lfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } ∪ {x}) termination_by a @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_add_one (h : x ≤ f x) (a : Ordinal) : simp only [Set.mem_setOf_eq] use a -/-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing +/-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed point are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints {a b : Ordinal} (h_init : x ≤ f x) (h_ab : a ≤ b) (h: lfpApprox f x a ∈ fixedPoints f) : lfpApprox f x b = lfpApprox f x a := by @@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ theorem lfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint (h_init : x ≤ f x) : exact lfpApprox_mem_fixedPoints_of_eq f x h_init (h_nab.symm.lt_of_le h_ba) (le_of_lt h_b) (h_fab.symm) -/-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f -/ +/-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are less or equal than every fixed point of f greater + then the initial value -/ theorem lfpApprox_le_of_mem_fixedPoints {a : α} (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (h_le_init : x ≤ a) (i : Ordinal) : lfpApprox f x i ≤ a := by induction i using Ordinal.induction with @@ -211,7 +212,7 @@ theorem lfp_mem_range_lfpApprox : lfp f ∈ Set.range (lfpApprox f ⊥) := by exact lfpApprox_ord_eq_lfp f set_option linter.unusedVariables false in -/-- Ordinal approximants of the greatest fixed points -/ +/-- Ordinal approximants of the greatest fixed point -/ def gfpApprox (a : Ordinal.{u}) : α := sInf ({ f (gfpApprox b) | (b : Ordinal) (h : b < a) } ∪ {x}) termination_by a @@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ theorem gfpApprox_add_one (h : f x ≤ x) (a : Ordinal) : gfpApprox f x (a+1) = f (gfpApprox f x a) := lfpApprox_add_one (OrderHom.dual f) x h a -/-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed points are stabilizing +/-- The ordinal approximants of the least fixed point are stabilizing when reaching a fixed point of f -/ theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints {a b : Ordinal} (h_init : f x ≤ x) (h_ab : a ≤ b) (h: gfpApprox f x a ∈ fixedPoints f) : gfpApprox f x b = gfpApprox f x a := @@ -244,10 +245,11 @@ lemma gfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint (h_init : f x ≤ x) : gfpApprox f x (ord <| succ #α) ∈ fixedPoints f := lfpApprox_ord_mem_fixedPoint (OrderHom.dual f) x h_init -/-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f -/ +/-- Every value of the ordinal approximants are greater or equal than every fixed point of f + that is smaller then the initial value -/ lemma le_gfpApprox_of_mem_fixedPoints {a : α} - (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (h_init_le : a ≤ x) (i : Ordinal) : a ≤ gfpApprox f x i:= - lfpApprox_le_of_mem_fixedPoints (OrderHom.dual f) x h_a h_init_le i + (h_a : a ∈ fixedPoints f) (h_le_init : a ≤ x) (i : Ordinal) : a ≤ gfpApprox f x i:= + lfpApprox_le_of_mem_fixedPoints (OrderHom.dual f) x h_a h_le_init i /-- The greatest fixed point of f is reached after the successor of the domains cardinality -/ theorem gfpApprox_ord_eq_gfp : gfpApprox f ⊤ (ord <| succ #α) = gfp f := From 42293bb3dc2741fd40c02fe603cbc4f0faa18f7a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 15:07:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 29/31] typos and similiar --- Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean index 1f81f3eb24cf1..d1d27315da1e7 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ theorem not_injective_limitation_set : ¬ InjOn g (Iio (ord <| succ #α)) := by intro h_inj have h := lift_mk_le_lift_mk_of_injective <| injOn_iff_injective.1 h_inj have mk_initialSeg_subtype : - #(Iio (ord <| succ #α)) = lift.{u+1, u} (succ #α) := by + #(Iio (ord <| succ #α)) = lift (succ #α) := by simpa only [coe_setOf, card_typein, card_ord] using mk_initialSeg (ord <| succ #α) rw [mk_initialSeg_subtype, lift_lift, lift_le] at h exact not_le_of_lt (Order.lt_succ #α) h @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ theorem gfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints {a b : Ordinal} (h_init : f x ≤ x) (h_ /-- There are distinct ordinals smaller than the successor of the domains cardinals with equal value -/ -theorem exists_grpApprox_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, +theorem exists_gfpApprox_eq_gfpApprox : ∃ a < ord <| succ #α, ∃ b < ord <| succ #α, a ≠ b ∧ gfpApprox f x a = gfpApprox f x b := exists_lfpApprox_eq_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) x From 66dd10c41c3d3b7e9e59d7f56425dd35b6b429d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:49:16 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 30/31] removed init from name --- Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean | 11 +++++------ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean index d1d27315da1e7..29995fd6e23c4 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean @@ -84,12 +84,11 @@ theorem lfpApprox_monotone : Monotone (lfpApprox f x) := by use a' exact ⟨lt_of_lt_of_le h' h, rfl⟩ -theorem init_le_lfpApprox {a : Ordinal}: x ≤ (lfpApprox f x a) := by +theorem le_lfpApprox {a : Ordinal} : x ≤ lfpApprox f x a := by unfold lfpApprox apply le_sSup simp only [exists_prop, Set.union_singleton, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq, true_or] - theorem lfpApprox_add_one (h : x ≤ f x) (a : Ordinal) : lfpApprox f x (a+1) = f (lfpApprox f x a) := by apply le_antisymm @@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_add_one (h : x ≤ f x) (a : Ordinal) : apply And.intro · apply le_trans h apply Monotone.imp f.monotone - exact init_le_lfpApprox f x + exact le_lfpApprox f x · intros a' h apply f.2; apply lfpApprox_monotone; exact h · conv => right; unfold lfpApprox @@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ theorem lfpApprox_eq_of_mem_fixedPoints {a b : Ordinal} (h_init : x ≤ f x) (h_ apply sSup_le simp only [exists_prop, Set.union_singleton, Set.mem_insert_iff, Set.mem_setOf_eq, forall_eq_or_imp, forall_exists_index, and_imp, forall_apply_eq_imp_iff₂] - apply And.intro (init_le_lfpApprox f x) + apply And.intro (le_lfpApprox f x) intro a' ha'b by_cases haa : a' < a · rw [← lfpApprox_add_one f x h_init] @@ -221,8 +220,8 @@ decreasing_by exact h theorem gfpApprox_antitone : Antitone (gfpApprox f x) := lfpApprox_monotone (OrderHom.dual f) x -theorem gfpApprox_le_init {a : Ordinal}: (gfpApprox f x a) ≤ x := - init_le_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) x +theorem gfpApprox_le {a : Ordinal}: (gfpApprox f x a) ≤ x := + le_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) x theorem gfpApprox_add_one (h : f x ≤ x) (a : Ordinal) : gfpApprox f x (a+1) = f (gfpApprox f x a) := From 1d00b4048c63284bae256336845b3e4709ad2b4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ira Fesefeldt Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2024 09:50:54 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 31/31] typo --- Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean index 29995fd6e23c4..97a6f57f2ab46 100644 --- a/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean +++ b/Mathlib/SetTheory/Ordinal/FixedPointApproximants.lean @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ decreasing_by exact h theorem gfpApprox_antitone : Antitone (gfpApprox f x) := lfpApprox_monotone (OrderHom.dual f) x -theorem gfpApprox_le {a : Ordinal}: (gfpApprox f x a) ≤ x := +theorem gfpApprox_le {a : Ordinal}: gfpApprox f x a ≤ x := le_lfpApprox (OrderHom.dual f) x theorem gfpApprox_add_one (h : f x ≤ x) (a : Ordinal) :