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feat(library/vm/process): add basic process support
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jroesch authored and leodemoura committed Mar 29, 2017
1 parent 1ffc01f commit dc4086d
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Showing 25 changed files with 1,006 additions and 141 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .clang-format
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

BreakBeforeBraces: 'Attach'

IndentWidth: 4
33 changes: 28 additions & 5 deletions library/system/io.lean
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Luke Nelson, Jared Roesch and Leonardo de Moura
import data.buffer
import system.process

inductive io.error
| other : string → io.error
Expand All @@ -16,9 +17,8 @@ structure io.terminal (m : Type → Type → Type) :=
inductive io.mode
| read | write | read_write | append

structure io.file_system (m : TypeTypeType) :=
structure io.file_system (handle : Type) (m : TypeTypeType) :=
/- Remark: in Haskell, they also provide (Maybe TextEncoding) and NewlineMode -/
(handle : Type)
(read_file : string → bool → m io.error char_buffer)
(mk_file_handle : string → io.mode → bool → m io.error handle)
(is_eof : handle → m io.error bool)
Expand All @@ -36,8 +36,12 @@ class io.interface :=
(monad : Π e, monad (m e))
(catch : Π e₁ e₂ α, m e₁ α → (e₁ → m e₂ α) → m e₂ α)
(fail : Π e α, e → m e α)
-- Primitive Types
(handle : Type)
-- Interface Extensions
(term : io.terminal m)
(fs : io.file_system m)
(fs : io.file_system handle m)
(process : io.process io.error handle m)

variable [io.interface]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ def print_ln {α} [has_to_string α] (s : α) : io unit :=
print s >> put_str "\n"

def handle : Type :=

def mk_file_handle (s : string) (m : mode) (bin : bool := ff) : io handle :=
interface.fs.mk_file_handle s m bin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,4 +141,23 @@ format.print_using (to_fmt a) o
meta definition pp {α : Type} [has_to_format α] (a : α) : io unit :=
format.print (to_fmt a)

/-- Run the external process named by `cmd`, supplied with the arguments `args`.
The process will run to completion with its output captured by a pipe, and
read into `string` which is then returned.
def io.cmd [io.interface] (cmd : string) (args : list string) : io string :=
do let proc : process := {
cmd := cmd,
args := args,
stdout := process.stdio.piped
child ← interface.process^.spawn proc,
let inh := child^.stdin,
let outh := child^.stdout,
let errh := child^.stderr,
buf ← outh 1024,
return buf^.to_string

/-- Lift a monadic `io` action into the `tactic` monad. -/
meta constant tactic.run_io {α : Type} : (Π ioi : io.interface, @io ioi α) → tactic α
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions library/system/process.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

inductive process.stdio
| piped
| inherit
| null

structure process :=
(cmd : string)
/- Add an argument to pass to the process. -/
(args : list string)
/- Configuration for the process's stdin handle. -/
(stdin := stdio.inherit)
/- Configuration for the process's stdout handle. -/
(stdout := stdio.inherit)
/- Configuration for the process's stderr handle. -/
(stderr := stdio.inherit)

structure process.child (handle : Type) :=
(stdin : handle)
(stdout : handle)
(stderr : handle)

structure io.process (err : Type) (handle : Type) (m : TypeTypeType) :=
(spawn : process → m err (process.child handle))
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions library/tools/smt2/builder.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import .syntax

@[reducible] def smt2.builder (α : Type) := state (list smt2.cmd) α

meta def smt2.builder.to_format {α : Type} (build : smt2.builder α) : format :=
format.join $ to_fmt $ (build [])^.snd

meta instance (α : Type) : has_to_format (smt2.builder α) :=
⟨ smt2.builder.to_format ⟩

namespace smt2

namespace builder

def add_command (c : cmd) : builder unit := do
cs ←,
state.write (c :: cs)

def echo (msg : string) : builder unit :=
add_command (cmd.echo msg)

def check_sat : builder unit :=
add_command cmd.check_sat

def pop (n : nat) : builder unit :=
add_command $ cmd.pop n

def push (n : nat) : builder unit :=
add_command $ cmd.push n

def scope {α} (level : nat) (action : builder α) : builder α :=
do push level,
res ← action,
pop level,
return res

def reset : builder unit :=
add_command cmd.reset

def exit' : builder unit :=
add_command cmd.exit_cmd

def declare_const (sym : string) (s : sort) : builder unit :=
add_command $ cmd.declare_const sym s

end builder

end smt2
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions library/tools/smt2/default.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import system.process
import .solvers.z3
import .syntax
import .builder

meta def smt2 [io.interface] (build : smt2.builder unit) : io string :=
do z3 ← z3_instance.start,
io.put_str (to_string $ to_fmt build),
res ← z3^.raw (to_string $ to_fmt build),
io.put_str res,
return res

open tactic
open smt2
open smt2.builder

meta def reflect_prop (e : expr) : tactic (builder unit) :=
do p ← is_prop e,
if p
then do
trace e,
n ← mk_fresh_name,
return $ declare_const (to_string n) "Bool"
else return (return ())

meta def reflect_context : tactic (builder unit) :=
do ls ← local_context,
bs ← monad.mapm reflect_prop ls,
return $ list.foldl (λ (a b : builder unit), a >> b) (return ()) bs

meta def reflect : tactic unit :=
do tgt ← target,
b ← reflect_context,
str ← run_io (λ ioi, @smt2 ioi b),
tactic.trace str,
return ()
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions library/tools/smt2/solvers/z3.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import system.process
import data.buffer

open process

structure z3_instance [io.interface] : Type :=
(process : child io.handle)

def spawn [ioi : io.interface] : process → io (child io.handle) :=

def z3_instance.start [io.interface] : io z3_instance :=
do let proc : process := {
cmd := "z3",
args := ["-smt2", "-in"],
stdin := stdio.piped,
stdout := stdio.piped
}, <$> spawn proc

def z3_instance.raw [io.interface] (z3 : z3_instance) (cmd : string) : io string :=
do let z3_stdin := z3^.process^.stdin,
let z3_stdout := z3^.process^.stdout,
let cs := cmd^.reverse^.to_buffer,
io.fs.write z3_stdin cs,
io.fs.close z3_stdin,
-- need read all
res ← z3_stdout 1024,
return res^.to_string
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions library/tools/smt2/syntax.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
namespace smt2

@[reducible] def symbol : Type := string
@[reducible] def identifier : Type := string

inductive special_constant : Type
| number : int → special_constant
| string : string → special_constant

inductive sort : Type
| id : identifier → sort
| apply : identifier → list sort → sort

instance : has_coe string sort :=
fun str, str ⟩

meta def sort.to_format : sort → format
| ( i) := to_fmt i
| (sort.apply _ _) := "NYI"

meta instance sort_has_to_fmt : has_to_format sort :=
⟨ sort.to_format ⟩

inductive attr : Type

inductive qualified_name : Type
| id : identifier → qualified_name
| qual_id : identifier → sort → qualified_name

inductive term : Type
| qual_id : qualified_name → term
| const : special_constant → term
| apply : qualified_name → list term → term
| letb : list (name × term) → term → term
| forallq : list (symbol × sort) → term → term
| existsq : list (symbol × sort) → term → term
| annotate : term → list attr → term

inductive fun_def : Type
inductive info_flag : Type
inductive keyword : Type
inductive option : Type

inductive cmd : Type
| assert_cmd : term → cmd
| check_sat : cmd
| check_sat_assuming : term → cmd -- not complete
| declare_const : symbol → sort → cmd
| declare_fun : symbol → list sort → cmd
| declare_sort : symbol → nat → cmd
| define_fun : fun_def → cmd
| define_fun_rec : fun_def → cmd
| define_funs_rec : cmd -- not complete
| define_sort : symbol → list symbol → sort → cmd
| echo : string → cmd
| exit_cmd : cmd
| get_assertions : cmd
| get_assignment : cmd
| get_info : info_flag → cmd
| get_model : cmd
| get_option : keyword → cmd
| get_proof : cmd
| get_unsat_assumtpions : cmd
| get_unsat_core : cmd
| get_value : cmd -- not complete
| pop : nat → cmd
| push : nat → cmd
| reset : cmd
| reset_assertions : cmd
| set_info : attr → cmd
| set_logic : symbol → cmd
| set_opt : option → cmd

open cmd

meta def string_lit (s : string) : format :=
format.bracket "\"" "\"" (to_fmt s)

meta def cmd.to_format : cmd → format
| (echo msg) := "(echo " ++ string_lit msg ++ ")\n"
| (declare_const sym srt) := "(declare-const " ++ sym ++ " " ++ to_fmt srt ++ ")"
| _ := "NYI"

meta instance : has_to_format cmd :=
⟨ cmd.to_format ⟩

end smt2
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/library/CMakeLists.txt
Expand Up @@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ add_library(library OBJECT deep_copy.cpp expr_lt.cpp io_state.cpp
mt_task_queue.cpp st_task_queue.cpp
messages.cpp message_builder.cpp module_mgr.cpp comp_val.cpp
documentation.cpp check.cpp arith_instance.cpp parray.cpp)
documentation.cpp check.cpp arith_instance.cpp parray.cpp process.cpp
pipe.cpp handle.cpp)
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions src/library/handle.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Leonardo de Moura & Jared Roesch
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <utility>
#include <stdio.h>

#if defined(LEAN_WINDOWS) && !defined(LEAN_CYGWIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "library/process.h"
#include "library/handle.h"
#include "util/buffer.h"
#include "library/pipe.h"

namespace lean {

void handle::write(buffer<char> & buf) {
auto sz = buf.size();
if (fwrite(, 1, sz, m_file) != sz) {
std::cout << "write_error: " << errno << std::endl;
throw handle_exception("write failed");

void handle::flush() {
if (fflush(m_file) != 0) {
throw handle_exception("flush failed");

handle::~handle() {
if (m_file && m_file != stdin &&
m_file != stderr && m_file != stdout) {

bool handle::is_stdin() {
return m_file == stdin;

bool handle::is_stdout() {
return m_file == stdout;

bool handle::is_stderr() {
return m_file == stderr;

void handle::close() {
if (fclose(m_file) == 0) {
m_file = nullptr;
} else {
throw handle_exception("close failed");

bool handle::is_closed() { return !m_file; }


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