diff --git a/data/common/bw b/data/common/bw new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbd6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/common/bw @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# bw + +> A CLI to access and manage a Bitwarden vault. + +- Log in to a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw login` + +- Log out of a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw logout` + +- Search and display items from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw list items --search {{github}}` + +- Display a particular item from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw get item {{github}}` + +- Create a folder in Bitwarden vault: + +`{{echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}} | bw create folder` diff --git a/data/linux/beep b/data/linux/beep index 9a0fa70..bb3127b 100644 --- a/data/linux/beep +++ b/data/linux/beep @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ - Play each new frequency and duration as a distinct beep: -`beep -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}} -n -f {{frequency} -l {{duration}}` +`beep -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}} -n -f {{frequency}} -l {{duration}}` - Play the C major scale: diff --git a/data/linux/bw b/data/linux/bw new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbd6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/linux/bw @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# bw + +> A CLI to access and manage a Bitwarden vault. + +- Log in to a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw login` + +- Log out of a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw logout` + +- Search and display items from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw list items --search {{github}}` + +- Display a particular item from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw get item {{github}}` + +- Create a folder in Bitwarden vault: + +`{{echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}} | bw create folder` diff --git a/data/osx/bw b/data/osx/bw new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbd6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/osx/bw @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# bw + +> A CLI to access and manage a Bitwarden vault. + +- Log in to a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw login` + +- Log out of a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw logout` + +- Search and display items from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw list items --search {{github}}` + +- Display a particular item from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw get item {{github}}` + +- Create a folder in Bitwarden vault: + +`{{echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}} | bw create folder` diff --git a/data/sunos/bw b/data/sunos/bw new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbd6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/sunos/bw @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# bw + +> A CLI to access and manage a Bitwarden vault. + +- Log in to a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw login` + +- Log out of a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw logout` + +- Search and display items from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw list items --search {{github}}` + +- Display a particular item from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw get item {{github}}` + +- Create a folder in Bitwarden vault: + +`{{echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}} | bw create folder` diff --git a/data/windows/bw b/data/windows/bw new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7fbd6bd --- /dev/null +++ b/data/windows/bw @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +# bw + +> A CLI to access and manage a Bitwarden vault. + +- Log in to a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw login` + +- Log out of a Bitwarden user account: + +`bw logout` + +- Search and display items from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw list items --search {{github}}` + +- Display a particular item from Bitwarden vault: + +`bw get item {{github}}` + +- Create a folder in Bitwarden vault: + +`{{echo -n '{"name":"My Folder1"}' | base64}} | bw create folder` diff --git a/data_darwin.go b/data_darwin.go index 12d6825..9e99caf 100644 --- a/data_darwin.go +++ b/data_darwin.go @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package main -var fileNames = []string{"7z", "7za", "7zr", "ab", "ack", "adb", "ag", "airpaste", "airport", "alias", "ansible", "ansible-galaxy", "ansible-playbook", "apachectl", "apg", "apm", "apropos", "ar", "archey", "aria2c", "arp", "as", "asar", "asr", "assimp", "astyle", "at", "atom", "atq", "atrm", "autoflake", "autojump", "autossh", "avrdude", "awk", "aws-s3", "axel", "b2sum", "babel", "badblocks", "banner", "base32", "base64", "basename", "bash", "bashmarks", "bat", "batch", "bc", "beanstalkd", "bedtools", "bg", "blender", 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"base64", "basename", "bash", "bashmarks", "bat", "batch", "bc", "beanstalkd", "bedtools", "beep", "bg", "blender", "bmaptool", "bmon", "boot", "borg", "bosh", "bower", "box", "brew", "browser-sync", "bundle", "bup", "bzip2", "c99", "cabal", "cal", "calc", "calibre-server", "calibredb", "cargo", "case", "cat", "cd", "certbot", "chage", "chattr", "chgrp", "chkconfig", "chmod", "chown", "chroot", "chsh", "cksum", "clang", "clear", "cloc", "cmake", "cmark", "cmp", "cmus", "code", "coffee", "column", "comm", "command", "compgen", "complete", "compose", "composer", "conda", "conky", "consul", "consul-kv", "convert", "convmv", "cordova", "couchdb", "cowsay", "cp", "cpio", "cppcheck", "cppclean", "cpufreq-aperf", "cpufreq-info", "cpufreq-set", "cpuid", "crontab", "cryptsetup", "crystal", "csslint", "csvclean", "csvcut", "csvformat", "csvgrep", "csvlook", "csvpy", "csvsort", "csvstat", "curl", "cut", "darkhttpd", "dash", "datamash", "date", "dbus-daemon", "dc", "dd", "decaffeinate", "deluser", 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