$ npm run check > leon@1.0.0-beta.0 check /opt/leon > babel-node scripts/run-check.js ⠋ --- .: CHECKING :. ➡ /bin/sh -c node --version ✔ v11.10.0 ➡ /bin/sh -c npm --version ✔ 6.8.0 ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv --version ✔ pipenv, version 2018.11.15.dev0 ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv --where ✔ /opt/leon/bridges/python ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv run python --version ✔ Python 3.6.8 ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv run python bridges/python/main.py en leon randomnumber "Give me a random number" ✔ {"package": "leon", "module": "randomnumber", "lang": "en", "input": "Give me a random number", "output": {"type": "end", "code": "success", "speech": 87, "options": {}}} ➡ Classifier state ✔ Found and valid ➡ Amazon Polly TTS ❗ Amazon Polly TTS is not yet configured ➡ Google Cloud TTS/STT ❗ Google Cloud TTS/STT is not yet configured ➡ Watson TTS ❗ Watson TTS is not yet configured ➡ Offline TTS ✔ Found Flite at bin/flite/flite ➡ Watson STT ❗ Watson STT is not yet configured ➡ Offline STT ✔ Found DeepSpeech language model at bin/deepspeech/lm.binary --- .: REPORT :. ➡ Here is the diagnosis about your current setup ✔ Run ✔ Run modules ✔ Reply you by texting ❗ Amazon Polly text-to-speech ❗ Google Cloud text-to-speech ❗ Watson text-to-speech ✔ Offline text-to-speech ❗ Google Cloud speech-to-text ❗ Watson speech-to-text ✔ Offline speech-to-text ✔ Hooray! Leon can run correctly ➡ If you have some yellow warnings, it is all good. It means some entities are not yet configured