This repository consists of speeches data used in the working paper Political Metaphors in U.S. Governor Speeches (L. Picard & D. Stammbach)
contains 1,296 State of the State speeches from U.S. governors, between 1995 and 2022. Raw text files and metadata are also provided.
contains the code to append all text files, merges it with metadata.csv
, then stores the output in dataset_parsed.csv
. As a preprocessing step, I only delete new lines \n
and tabulations \t
List of variables from dataset_parsed.csv
Variable | Definition |
file_id |
Name of the text file from speeches_raw/ |
state_id |
U.S. State unique identifier (ISO 2-digit) |
state_name |
U.S. State official name |
year |
Year of elocution |
speaker |
Speaker name |
party |
Speaker political party (democratic/republican/other) |
type |
Type of speech (sots/sotu/budg/inaug/other) |
quality |
Transcript quality (as prepared/ocr/quotes/bulletpoints/youtube cc) |
text |
Parsed speech |
source |
URL link |