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Simple cli written in go to update an AWS ECR repository with a given policy

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This repository contains a simple cli written in go to update an AWS ECR repository with a given policy.


ecr-go works by reading all YAML config file(s) (.yaml or .yml), by default in the files/ directory that define a repository and its associated policy.

Example of valid config file:


repositoryName: alma # this is the name of the repository we want to apply the policy to
repositoryPolicyFile: policy.json # this is the policy to apply


    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CrossAccountPull",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
            "Action": [

Usage with docker

If you've build the docker image embedding this cli, you need to pass your aws keys or credentials file to the container:

# Use environment variables
docker run --rm \
  -it \
  -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxx \
  -v "<path to the config directory>:/app/files/"

# Mount your config & credentials files in the container
docker run \
  --rm \
  -it \
  -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
  -v "<path to the config directory>:/app/files/"
  -e AWS_PROFILE=<your profile if needed> \


ecr-go is looking for the following environment variables:

Name Type Default value Description
APPLICATION_NAME string ecr-go Name of the application
CONFIG_DIR string files/ Directory where ecr-go will look for config files
DRY_RUN bool false Enable dry run mode. Accepted values are go bool values: `1
LOG_LEVEL string info Verbosity level. Accepted values are error, info (default) and debug
APPLICATION_VERSION string 0.0.2 Version of ecr-go

Dry Run mode

Running in Dry Run mode will on verify that the yaml files are valid. It will not modify the ECR repository policies.


Simple example

Given the following file tree:

$ tree 
├── ecr-go*
└─── files
     ├── alma-keel.json
     └── alma-keel.yaml

$ cat files/alma-keel.yaml
repositoryName: alma-keel
repositoryPolicyFile: files/alma-keel.json

$ cat files/alma-keel.json
    "Version": "2008-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CrossAccountPull",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": [
            "Action": [

Simply run:

$ ./ecr-go
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	Staring ecr-go v0.1.0
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	Configuration directory is set to files/
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	Running in dry-mode: false
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	Updating repository alma-keel ...
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	Policy updated for repository alma-keel
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info	Repository update completed. Summary:
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info		Number of successful repositories updates: 1
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info			- alma-keel
2021-05-04T23:06:59+02:00	info		Number of failed repositories updates: 0

You can have several yaml files in the files/ directory.

Example with failed policies update

In case of mistake in the configuration (repository name inexistant or insufficient permissions for instance), ecr-go will summarize:

$ ./ecr-go
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Staring ecr-go v0.1.0
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Configuration directory is set to files/
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Running in dry-mode: false
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Updating repository alma-keel ...
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Updating repository alma-2 ...
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Updating repository alma-11 ...
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Updating repository alma-0 ...
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Updating repository alma-1 ...
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	error	Error: An error occured while updating the repository alma-2: "RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-2' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'"
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	error	Error: An error occured while updating the repository alma-0: "RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-0' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'"
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	error	Error: An error occured while updating the repository alma-11: "RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-11' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'"
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Policy updated for repository alma-keel
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	error	Error: An error occured while updating the repository alma-1: "RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-1' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'"
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info	Repository update completed. Summary:
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info		Number of successful repositories updates: 1
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info			- alma-keel
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info		Number of failed repositories updates: 4
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info			- alma-11: RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-11' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info			- alma-1: RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-1' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info			- alma-2: RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-2' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'
2021-05-04T23:08:23+02:00	info			- alma-0: RepositoryNotFoundException: The repository with name 'alma-0' does not exist in the registry with id '000000000000'
exit status 1


From source with go

You need a working go toolchain (It has been developped and tested with go 1.14 and go 1.16 only, but should work with go >= 1.12 ). Refer to the official documentation for more information (or from your Linux/Mac/Windows distribution documentation to install it from your favorite package manager).

# Clone this repository
git clone && cd ecr-go/

# Build from sources. Use the '-o' flag to change the compiled binary name
go build

# Default compiled binary is ecr-go
# You can optionnaly move it somewhere in your $PATH to access it shell wide

From source with docker

If you don't have go installed but have docker, run the following command to build inside a docker container:

# Build from sources inside a docker container. Use the '-o' flag to change the compiled binary name
# Warning: the compiled binary belongs to root:root
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/app -w /app golang:1.14 go build

# Default compiled binary is ecr-go
# You can optionnaly move it somewhere in your $PATH to access it shell wide

From source with docker but built inside a docker image

If you don't want to pollute your computer with another program, with cli comes with its own docker image:

docker build -t ecr-go .


To run the test suite, run the following commands:

# Run the unit tests. Remove the '-v' flag to reduce verbosity
go test -v ./... 

# Get coverage to html format
go test -coverprofile -v /tmp/cover.out ./...
go tool cover -html=/tmp/cover.out -o /tmp/cover.out.html


Simple cli written in go to update an AWS ECR repository with a given policy






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