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Oleg Levitsky edited this page Jan 23, 2017 · 6 revisions

This is a list of user submitted Stack updater recipes. Each one contains a link to how to use it, package list and distro to use.

Name Packages Distro Author
Laravel 5.2
  • PHP7
  • PHP mongo driver for php-fpm and php-cli
  • PHP mbstring module
  • PHP bz2 module
  • PHP imagick module
  • Memcached + PHP memcached
  • Mysql PHP driver
  • Postgre PHP driver
  • Composer
Debian-like Oleg Levitsky and Max Peshkov
Beanstalkd Beanstalkd Debian-like Oleg Levitsky
  • Node.js
  • Npm
  • Bower
  • Gulp
Debian-like Oleg Levitsky
Rsync Rsync Debian-like Oleg Levitsky
Supervisor Supervisor Debian-like Oleg Levitsky
Memcached + PHP memcache Memcached + PHP memcache Debian-like Oleg Levitsky

If the recipe is in a gist file, you can use the following command python ./updater get GIST_ID, and it will copy all the files in needed place. Be sure to check out the gist's README to see if you need to do any extra configuration.


All contributions are more than welcome; especially new recipes!

The easiest way to share a recipe is to create a gist with the required files. Be sure to include a README with some instructions on how to use it.

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