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Web worker compatibility problems

Lucas Garron

This document summarizes my main issues with web worker compatibility, from almost 8 years of working with web workers and from building the scrambles library in particular.

Note that I use esbuild and Parcel 2 for developing JS libraries and web apps myself, so I mention them more often in my examples below. I know that other bundlers can solve some of these problems, but I'm not here to discuss bundler tradeoffs.

I'd more like to give an impression of the specific ways that web worker compatibility is currently a mess. To me, it feels a bit like the way that JS module systems themselves were a mess (until recently), although I don't see as much ecosystem motivation for fix these web worker issues.

Motivating example

Suppose you have a task that takes about 1 second of calculations, and you're writing a library for it:

// foo.js

export function calculateFoo(input) {
  // about 1 second of work
// client.js

import { calculateFoo } from "foo.js";

In my case, "about 1 second of calculation" is necessary to generate fair puzzle scrambles for speedcubing. In particular, it can take about a second to generate a fair scramble for 4x4x4. But this document applies to any situation with a non-trivial amount of work, which might include search problems or crypto operations.


When a function will take some time, good pattern is to encourage using a Promises / async pattern:

// foo.js

export async function calculateFoo(input) {
  // about 1 second of work
// client.js

import { calculateFoo } from "foo.js";

However, this is only really useful if calculateFoo() involves waiting (e.g. for a server to respond). It's not useful if calculateFoo() has to do a significant number of calculations, because JavaScript is single-threaded. Unless the implementation goes out of its way to yield during its execution, all JS on the page will be blocked, and the page will appear unresponsive. Even if the implementation yields multiple times per second, the user experience is still not likely to be good.

Web worker

The standard solution is to use a web worker. If you're writing a library that is best run in a web worker, the most responsible thing would be to automatically instantiate the worker inside your code. Here's where the pain begins.

In an ideal world, I think this should be similar to importing a module. Here's a simple "dream syntax" example for how that could look:

// foo.js

import { doHeavyWork } from "./worker.js" as worker; // `as worker` is dream syntax for this

export async function calculateFoo(input) {
  const heavyResult = await doHeavyWork();
// worker.js

export async function doHeavyWork(input) {
  // about 1 second of work

This dream syntax has some edge-case issues, but conceptually it works for a lot of use cases.

However, reality is very far from this. Right now, using a web worker requires rewriting the library to use postMessage. Here's a hacky example:

// foo.js

var worker = new Worker("./worker.js");
let pendingResolve;
worker.addEventListener("message", function (e) {

function calculateFoo(input) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    pendingResolve = resolve;
// worker.js

function doHeavyWork(input) {
  // about 1 second of work

self.addEventListener("message", function (e) {
// client.js

import { calculateFoo } from "./foo.js";


Problem 1: Firefox and Safari don't support module syntax in web workers.

There is standard syntax for instantiating a web worker as an ES6 module:

new Worker("./worker.js", { type: "module" });

This allows using various useful features, such as sharing code with other parts of the codebase.

Chrome implemented this in 2019. As of mid-2021, Safari Technology Preview has support, so this will probably come to WebKit on macOS and iOS soon. Unfortunately, Firefox Bug 1247687 is not showing a lot of activity. I'm not aware of a simple way to test for module worker support before trying to use it — the closest option is to try/catch the worker instantiation and live with an error in the JS console when it fails.

If a site wants to use web workers across all modern browsers, it has to use a "classic" web worker. You can still "import" code instead of loading it all at once, but you have to use the completely different importScripts() which essentially requires communicating with global variables. I think some bundlers have basic support for this, but sharing code across workers and non-workers is definitely not simple. The simplest approach is to keep the worker code separate from non-worker code, but this still causes extra development overhead, is harder to debug, and might cause clients to load a significant amount of "duplicated" code.

Problem 2: Keeping track of an extra entry point

The path for a web worker is referenced using a string inside source code, without any syntax/semantics to indicate that a string specifies a source file.

import { a, b, c } from "./foo.js"; // `foo.js` clearly refers to a file.

const worker = new Worker("./worker.js"); // "./worker.js" is no different from any other string.

This breaks many bundlers/tools unless you install extra plugins and work very carefully. For example, many bundlers will lose track of ./worker.js if it is not defined inline:

// Some (most?) bundlers will no longer understand that the `worker.js` file is referenced here.
const workerPath = "./worker.js";
var worker = new Worker(workerPath);

Note that it's possible to instantiate a worker from a string (via data URL or object URL)), but that requires converting the target worker code to a string and embedding it in the output code. Another option might be to instantiate the worker from a string that calls importScripts("./worker.js"), but this is even more brittle.

This makes it tricky to implement workarounds for the issues below, as well.

Problem 3: Broken worker code will not return an error

Suppose that worker.js contains code, but that code has an issue that breaks its ability to respond to any messages. The worker will be instantiated successfully, but the instantiator will have no way to distinguish a broken worker from one that is taking a long time to respond. It's possible to add a liveness check or timeouts, but this complicates the calling code and requires selecting a timeout that doesn't cause false negatives. (Selecting a flat timeout can be an issue for calculations that fluctuate in running time.)

Problem 4: Messages have to be serialized

Everyone writing web worker code has to select their own way to serialize command and arguments over the wire. The Transferable interface can make this easier, but it doesn't work for everything.

Problem 5 It's not simple to wrap MessagePort in Promise semantics.

The code example above with pendingResolve has various issues:

  • If calculateFoo() is called twice in a row, the first call will never be resolved.
  • If the worker encounters an error, the Promise is never rejected.
  • It assumes that only one function is "exported" from the worker.

It's possible to handle all of these by adding additional a custom protocol on top of the message port, but this requires non-trivial code and there is no web standard for this.

It's also possible to embrace message port semantics instead of trying to wrap existing APIs. However, it is significantly easier to use modules as the conceptual basis for an API instead of requiring every developer to learn something new.

Problem 6: Static analysis and type safety are significantly more difficult.

The previous two problems make it much more difficult to write code that can be statically verified to do the right thing, by either a computer or a human.

Problem 7: Web workers cannot be instantiated cross-origin.

While import runs code in the same origin as its caller, a web worker runs with the origin of its URL. Instantiating a worker whose URL has a different origin from the current page (even if the worker in is instantiated from a library script on the same origin as the worker script) is blocked by most browsers.

CORS does not offer a workaround. As far as I know, there is no way to say "allow another site to instantiate this file as a web worker", either in the caller's origin, or the worker file's origin.

This breaks:

  • flat-file JS development
  • library code on CDNs.

Flat-file JS development is a lost art. I once put a lot of effort into using web workers in flat-file development, but I had to give that up when I started using TypeScript and modules. It's probably a moot point for most devs, but I still feel disappointed. (Running a local development server is not simple for everyone. Unfortunately, it seems that most projects have said "if we have to run a dev server, we might as well use a bundler" with tens of thousands of transitive dependency files. I think we should push the ecosystem away from this in the long term.)

As for library code, this means that our example fails if worker.js and client.js are not on the same site. It's possible to work around this by instantiating an ugly but fairly short "trampoline":


const workerURL = "";
const importSrc = `import "${workerURL}";`;
const blob = new Blob([importSrc], {
  type: "text/javascript",
new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob), { type: "module" });
// ...

Note that this requires the site to allow blob: as a worker-src if they are using CSP.

Also, dynamically generating code is not generally a good idea. If workerURL is not calculated safely, an attacker could easily inject arbitrary code into the trampoline.

Problem 8: Calculating relative paths requires import.meta.url

Notice that the full worker URL is hardcoded inside foo.js in the previous example. This is because the instantiated worker cannot itself compute a URL relative to its instantiator. It would be more flexible to use a relative path.

The "correct" way to compute a relative script path is as follows:

const url = new URL("./worker.js", import.meta.url);

Unfortunately, import.meta.url causes a syntax error for the entire file even if import.meta.url is only used in some code branches. There is no way to transpile this code to ES2017 or earlier. This makes it difficult to publish a library with a CommonJS/UMD build.

The only workaround I know is to place the URL calculation in a separate file that is conditionally imported, and hope that your bundlers don't inline it. But this doesn't solve the issue of instantiating the worker from the non-module version of the code.

Also note that the relative newness of import.meta.url can cause indirect compatibility issues. For example, esbuild doesn't allow import.meta.url when targeting es2017 (the most compatible "modern" version of JS). You have to use es2020, but this will no longer transpile other syntax (??=) that will cause a syntax error in some browsers. There are ways around this with most bundlers, but it's possible that a developer would not notice this if they only develop in a single browser.

Problem 9: node doesn't support relative paths

Suppose you want your library to work in node (as well as the browsers) and publish the following two files in the same folder:

const worker = new Worker("./worker.js"));

While this doesn't work for the cross-origin example I mentioned, this will work for same-origin code in browsers directly, and most bundlers have a way to handle it.

However, node does not support relative file imports like this. If you want to support node, you have to calculate the path:

import { Worker } from "worker_threads";
import { join } from "path";

const worker = new Worker(join(__dirname, "worker.js"));

If you run this through a transpiler, some bundlers will no longer recognize worker.js as a relative file path. Some will recognize it if you use __dirname + "/worker.js" instead, but this may break Windows compatibility.

In addition, if you want to publish a version of your code that works in both node and browsers, then you have to be careful that the node-specific imports are not used in the browser, e.g. like this:

// foo.js

async function newWorker() {
  if (typeof Worker === "undefined") {
    return new Worker("./worker.js")
  } else {
    return (await import("./foo-node.js")).newNodeWorker(__dirname, "./worker.js"):
// foo-node.js
import { Worker } from "worker_threads";
import { resolve } from "path";

export function newNodeWorker(dir, file) {
  const worker = new Worker(resolve(dir, file));

You'll also have to make sure your bundler doesn't inline foo-node.js into foo.js.

Depending on your bundler, or any assumptions you can make about the bundlers/environments used by the code that calls your library, you may be able to simplify some of this. However, this kind of code is often handled differently based on bundler heuristics and/or plugins. Some bundlers (e.g. snowpack) will emit errors even if the node imports are in code paths unused by any browser.

It's also possible to build different versions of your code for browsers and node, but the relevant package.json for this (main/module/browser/exports) have significant compatibility issues. Also, many libraries already publish CJS/ESM and/or raw/minified/bundled-dependency versions of their code, so this can contribute to an explosion in the number of builds for a library, which can in turn bloat the package size.

Problem 10: node workers differ from browsers

node workers actually do not have the same semantics as browser workers. Depending on the MessagePort features you use, you may need extra code to treat browser workers and node workers as similar. For example, see node-adapter.ts in the comlink library.

(Note that comlink currently does not publish module exports or sub-path package.json to automatically specify which version of the adapter to use for CJS/ESM. This means that you also need your code/build system/bundler to switch between two of the build files manually.)

Problem 11: TypeScript development often requires an extra wrapper

Suppose you maintain a library using TypeScript source code. The most natural would be to write the worker source in TypeScript as well:

// foo.ts

const worker = new Worker("./foo.ts");
// worker.ts

// ...

As described above, there are various issues with worker source file paths. However, TypeScript adds an additional level of complexity. I've found that in practice I usually need to use a .js file as the worker entry point in order to maximize compatibility with various tools.

This is a fairly minor issue, but unless you're diligent about using .js file as a pure stub wrapper for typed files, it can mask type issues in your code. As described above, this doesn't always show up as an error, and can be annoying to debug.

Problem 12: Many bundlers break with workers

Bundlers often require plugins to work with workers, which can be under-maintaned and undersupported. Even bundlers that claim built-in support have various issues, and custom file name heuristics can make it a hassle to try out different bundlers.

I personally use Parcel 2, which is fairly featureful, but still fails if any code is shared between the main thread and a worker or any code in the worker source code uses import(). Both of these bugs are directly triggered by workarounds for some of the problems I've desribed above.

I don't want to blame any bundler maintainers, because I know they have a hard job. But I have yet to find a bundler that makes workers significantly less of a pain.


I'm aware of three libraries that attempt to solve solve some of the problems I describe below:

  • comlink is the first library I learned of. I have to work around some issues with it, but I am still using it to address problems 3, 4, and 9.
  • web-worker. This covers some node compatibility issues, but still requires using postMessage.
  • threads.js looks like a promising alternative to comlink. However, I can't use it because it's completely incompatible with Parcel 2.

What next?

I would really love to see something that gets us closer to the dream syntax I mentioned above:

import { a, b, c } from "./worker.js" as worker;


const worker = import("./worker.js", { type: "module", worker: "dedicated" });

This would require standardization around things like:

  • Making all the imported functions return Promises, either by requiring the module implementation to return Promises, or by wrapping in a Promise on the calling side.
  • How to pass data and errors.

The libraries I mentioned do a fairly good job of papering over all this already. If it weren't for file path issues and syntax compatibility, it would almost be possible to polyfill such a worker. But in practice, this would probably need to be standardized as part of ECMAScript and web APIs.

For now, it would be nice if a library author could instantiate a worker a single way in their source code, and have bundlers convert that into code that is compatible with CJS/ESM/node/browser environments without any special work on behalf of the author.

State of web worker compatibility in Jan. 2023

Out-of-the-box support for the following syntax is implemented in all modern browser engines (Chrome stable, Safari Technology Preview, Firefox Nightly) as of this month! 😻🥳

// main.js
const worker = new Worker(import.meta.resolve("./worker.js"), {type: "module"})
worker.addEventListener("message", console.log)

// worker.js



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