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Presentation Feedback Tool

Get feedback on your presentations. View the live site:

When searching for "presentation feedback tool" or something similar, I found nothing that allowed me to get feedback on a presentation I am going to give next week. Naturally, I had to create it.

You can use my installation of this software (see link above) for free, or install a version for yourself.



  • MySQL/MariaDB
  • Tested with PHP 5.4 and 7.0, but might work with others
    • For all features to work, PHP's mail() function should work


  1. Place all files in a folder on your website. (You might want to disallow access to the .git folder!)
  2. Modify config.php. (Database setup is automatic, see dbsetup.php for which tables are created.)
  3. Done!


Contributions of any kind are welcome, particularly on the front of design or extra features. It's rather basic right now, though that suits my purposes at the moment.

If there is anyhing you wish to see but cannot make it yourself, let me know (open an issue) and if I have time, I might be able to write it.