with J. Hanika , R. Schwede, and A. Keller.
In A. Keller, S. Heinrich, and H. Niederreiter (eds.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2006, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008.
Abstract: Many experiments in computer graphics imply that the average quality of quasi-Monte Carlo integro-approximation is improved as the minimal distance of the point set grows. While the definition of (t,m,s)-nets in base b guarantees extensive stratification properties, which are best for t=0, sampling points can still lie arbitrarily close together. We remove this degree of freedom, report results of two computer searches for (0,m,2)-nets in base 2 with maximized minimum distance, and present an inferred construction for general m. The findings are especially useful in computer graphics and, unexpectedly, some (0,m,2)-nets with the best minimum distance properties cannot be generated in the classical way using generator matrices.