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Project description

This project is code directory for our work on cocktail party problem. The project trains and tests an auto-encoder model that is able to separate one spectrogram component from a 'cocktail party' mixture (this is called cocktail party effect). Structurally, the model contains a ResNet-based autoencoder, with multi-layered attention signal projecting on it.

For our project, we are using data from pairs of speakers in LibriVox dataset. See links below:

In our study, we trained our model using pairs: fem1-male2, fem2-male1. You could also train and test using other speaker pairs.

To prepare dataset, please download from the links. You do not need to download all mp3 files, but only selected sections:

  • fem1: section01 section02 section03
  • fem2: section00 section01 section02 section03
  • fem3: section00 section01 section02 section03 section04
  • male1: section01 section02 section03 section04 section05 section06 section07 section09
  • male2: section02 section06

Make sure downloaded mp3s are in the corresponding directories with correct renaming:

  • fem1: dataset/fem1/{ch1, ch2, ch3}.mp3
  • fem2: dataset/fem2/{ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3}.mp3
  • fem3: dataset/fem3/{ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4}.mp3
  • male1: dataset/male1/{ch1, ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch9}.mp3
  • male2: dataset/male2/{ch2, ch6}.mp3

Running tips

1. SpeechEmbedder

For SpeechEmbedder, we trained the model described in If you would like to re-train this speaker embedder model, clone the aforementioned directory to your computer and follow their instructions.

Or, you could directly use .pth file provided:

Create folder pickled/ and place acquired speech_embedder.pth in it.

2. Autoencoder

Training code are all integrated in scripts/ To train everything from scratch, just cd scripts/ and python

Configuration of training plan is hard-coded in scripts/ To configure an autoencoder, you would like to open scripts/, then focus on section 2 in configuration variable train_meta (type 'dict').

Key 'reuse' has three legitimate values: 0,1 and 2. 0 tells the program to train everything from scratch, 1 tells the program to load checkpoint and continue training, and 2 skips this training session.

Key 'test_before_continue' tells the program whether test checkpoint model before training begins or not.

3. Cocktail party!

Similarly, training plan associated with AttentionNet is specified in section 3. if you would like to skip this section, change key 'reuse' to 2. To do everything from scratch, change 'reuse' to 0. To train from previous checkpoint, change it to 1.

Changing model meta-parameters

All model meta-parameter information are configured in Two parts of configuration are coded here: data_meta and model_meta.

data_meta: Choose your interested pair in 'using_speakers', see key 'pairing'.

model_meta: Here, you have the opportunity to disable attentions at layers. This is useful when plotting figures for the model under different attending scenarios. Specifically, edit attend_layers for different model depths (4, 6, 9) and layer_attentions (a sequence of 0 and 1, specifying whether or not the program projects attention signal onto each level in encoder).

Figure 2

Obtain figure 2 by running scripts/ Find the "speaker1, speaker2, mixture, mixture-recovered, speaker1-recovered, speaker2-recovered" hexa-tuple in directory results/phase3/test/sample_?/pair_?/ (for cocktail party task). Check up results/phase2/test/sample_?/ for spectrogram task performance.

To plot spectrograms in Figure 2, copy interested hexa-tuple pair (e.g. results/phase3/test/sample_9/pair_0/) to results/figures/figure2/ (e.g. cp -r results/phase3/test/sample_9/pair_0/ results/figures/figure2/). Go to results/figures/figure2/ then and execute python

Figure 3
AMI scatter and histogram

To run this part, first run scripts/ Be sure to first set variables cumu to True, topdown_scan to True and Type to 'spec'.

Go to file scripts/ and uncomment figure3 part. Then switch to scripts/ and run python cumu. This will give you results/figures/figure3/ami_hist_6.png and results/figures/figure3/ami_scatter_6_mark_legend.png.

AMI barplot

To run this part, first run scripts/ Be sure to first set variables cumu to True, topdown_scan to True and Type to 'spec'.

Go to file scripts/ and uncomment figure3 part. Then run python This will give you results/figures/figure3/bar.png.

Figure 4
AMI scatters

To run this part, first run scripts/ Be sure to first set variables cumu to Fal, topdown_scan to True and Type to 'spec'.

Go to file scripts/ and uncomment figure4/5 part. Then switch to scripts/ and run python cumu. This will give you ami_scatter_*.png under directory results/figures/[model metaparameters]/ and ami_scatter_*_legend.png under directory results/figures/[model metaparamters].

AMI barplots

To run this part, first run scripts/ Be sure to first set variables cumu to True, topdown_scan to True and Type to 'spec'.

Go to file scripts/ and uncomment figure4,5 part. Edit cumu_single to 'cumu'. Then switch to scripts/ and run python This will give you results/barplot_1x_cumu.png and results/barplot_2x_cumu.png.

Figure 5
AMI scatters

To run this part, first run scripts/ Be sure to first set variables cumu to False, topdown_scan to True and Type to 'spec'.

Go to file scripts/ and uncomment figure4/5 part. Then switch to scripts/ and run python single. This will give you ami_scatter_*.png under directory results/figures/figure5/ and ami_scatter_*_legend.png under directory results/figures/figure5/.

AMI barplots

To run this part, first run scripts/ Be sure to first set variables cumu to False, topdown_scan to True and Type to 'spec'.

Go to file scripts/ and uncomment figure4,5 part. Edit cumu_single to 'single'. Then switch to scripts/ and run python This will give you results/figures/figure5/barplot_1x_single.png and results/figures/figure5/barplot_2x_single.png.

Figure 6
  • convert .json files to .mat files Edit code in fig6-code/

    • change json_name_template: create a list containing i) directory location of results/dumped/, plus ii) 'n={}_en={}_resblock_3x3conv_5shortcut', 'de={}' and 'condition_{}-tpdwn_{}_spec_ami.json', then join them with os.sep.
    • change mat_place: create a list containing i) directory to place .mat files, plus ii) 'condition_{}-tpdwn','n={}','en={}_de={}.mat', then join them with os.sep. Run code: python [cumu/single] [4/6/9] [1/2/3] [0/en]. Run all combinations manually.
  • run figure plotting

    • open matlab
    • load script sigmoid_fit.m in matlab
    • run script plot_curves.m line by line in matlab. Change directory names used by load() function in plot_curves.m to file names of the previous step.
    • run script print_to_png.m line by line: first open figure and name the variable name fig, then be sure to change figure name at the last line.

Required libraries

  • python 3.7.1
  • librosa 0.7.1
  • numpy 1.21.4
  • matplotlib 3.1.1
  • pytorch 1.0.1.post2
  • scipy 1.7.3


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