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Looping Audio Converteer 1.3.2 release candidate 1

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@libertyernie libertyernie released this 17 Oct 17:41
· 176 commits to master since this release

New in 1.3.2:

  • Support for looping Ogg Vorbis output has been added. If the input file is looping, the Vorbis output should be as well (if the player knows to look for the LOOPSTART and LOOPLENGTH comments.)
  • You can now adjust encoding parameters for Ogg Vorbis and for MP3.
  • You can now prevent looping metadata from being included in the output even when the original input was looping.

The Windows version comes with binaries of SoX, LAME, madplay, faad, vgmstream (test.exe) and vgm2wav. You will need .NET Framework 4.0 or newer.

The Linux (i686) version comes with vgmstream and vgm2wav binaries built for 32-bit Linux. You will need to install sox, madplay, faad, and lame yourself; if they don't install to /usr/bin, update LoopingAudioConverter.exe.config to reflect the actual path. You will also need Mono (to run LoopingAudioConverter.exe), and the 32-bit versions of libvorbis, libvorbisfile, libmpg123, libao, and zlib.

LoopingAudioConverter.exe is identical in both versions.