v0.4.1 - 2024-08-16
See code changes.
- [enhance]: remove installation guides from release notes by @stone1100 in #1043
- [bug]: fix cannot flush metric data when server shutdown by @stone1100 in #1044
v0.4.0 - 2024-07-22
See code changes.
- [opt]: reduce memory database memory usage by @stone1100 in #1030
- [opt]: ignore histogram bucket if count<0 by @stone1100 in #1033
- [opt]: opt metric field memory store by @stone1100 in #1035
- [feat]: memory database approximate memory size by @stone1100 in #1036
- [feat]: cleanup memory metric meta/index if not used by @stone1100 in #1037
- [enhance]: add self-monitoring metric/docs by @stone1100 in #1040
- [feat]: add tsdb limits(namespace/metric/field/tag key/series) by @stone1100 in #1041
- [bug]: fix build docker fail by @stone1100 in #1031
- [bug]: miss makezero in slice init by @stone1100 in #1032
- [opt]: ignore histogram bucket if count<0 by @stone1100 in #1033
- [bug]: fix get wrong data from memory database by @stone1100 in #1034
- [bug]: fix wal ack invalid seq msg by @stone1100 in #1038
- [docs]: update architecture image by @stone1100 in #985
- [refactor]: use common lib(logger/timeutil/fileutil) by @stone1100 in #986
- [feat]: remove duplicate agg types by @joyant in #989
- [opt]: succinct trie by @stone1100 in #990
- [bug]: fix nil metadata and refactor lindcli by @joyant in #993
- [bug:#994]: fix not in statement returns an empty result by @joyant in #996
- [feat]: build index on LinDB common kv store by @stone1100 in #997
- [chore]: upgrade go version for ci by @stone1100 in #998
- [feat:#912]: support comparison binary operations by @joyant in #1000
- [feat:#995]: create database by with statement by @joyant in #1002
- [bug]: fix read index data panic after kv store compact by @stone1100 in #1004
- [chore]: disable golangci-lint cache by @stone1100 in #1006
- [feat]: memory database estimate heap size by @stone1100 in #1005
- [refactor]: memory database data loader by @stone1100 in #1009
- [refactor]: only one storage cluster under broker cluster by @kevin6025 in #1008
- [bug:#1012]: fix show metrics returns incorrect results by @joyant in #1013
- [feat:#1001]: support promql by @joyant in #1014
- [enhance:#1007]: reduce goroutine when write too many data families by @joyant in #1016
- [chore]: rebase v0.3.0_bug_fix by @stone1100 in #1025
- [bug:#1019]: fix storage node goes dead when gc pause by @stone1100 in #1026
- [opt]: compress write data by re-use snappy streaming by @stone1100 in #1027
- [docs]: add Japanese README file by @eltociear in #1039
v0.3.1 - 2024-04-21
See code changes.
- [bug]: fix storage panic when write old data point by @stone1100 in #1020
v0.3.0 - 2023-08-29
See code changes.
- [chore]: add style lint by @stone1100 in #977
- [enhance]: add iconfont by @stone1100 in #979
- [feat]: CI support arm64 images by @dongjiang1989 in #981
- [bug]: fix theme color palette setting by @stone1100 in #978
- [bug]: use metric level namespace if set by @stone1100 in #980
- [bug]: fix data explore not support namespace by @stone1100 in #982
- [bug]: fix diff namespace conflict by @stone1100 in #983
v0.2.6 - 2023-04-23
See code changes.
- [feat]: support select *(query all fields) by @stone1100 in #974
- [chore]: build darwin arm64 package by @stone1100 in #975
v0.2.5 - 2023-04-17
See code changes.
- [bug]: darwin package no cpu stats data by @stone1100 in #968
- [bug]: lost web console when build package via github action by @stone1100 in #969
- [bug]: fix build darwin package fail by @stone1100 in #971
v0.2.4 - 2023-04-16
See code changes.
- [enhance]: consume group wait strategy when WAL is empty by @stone1100 in #960
- [chore]: use golangci/golangci-lint-action by @damnever in #956
- [chore]: add twitter badge to readme by @stone1100 in #958
v0.2.3 - 2023-04-03
See code changes.
- docker hub sync github actions
- join file paths
- fix get diff agg result using diff group by interval
v0.2.2 - 2023-03-28
See code changes.
- support auto fill group by time interval based on query range
- read config from env
- print config value when server startup
- support release with a docker image
- print error message when handle http request failure
- add cli tools to docker image
- need to check rollup Interval when memory database refreshing
- check database's intervals if valid
- fix time picker no display last 30 days
- cannot create database if storage not exist
- got unexpected result when async load family data
- fix cannot rollup data for windows
- fix miss some source family data when rollup job
- @Sn0rt made their first contribution in #927
v0.2.1 - 2023-03-04
See code changes.
- database level read/write limit configure
- slow sql
- metric chart show error message if query fail
- fix nil point when parse wrong sql
[v0.2.0]https://github.com/lindb/lindb/releases/tag/v0.2.0) - 2023-01-29
See code changes.
- cross multiple IDCs query;
- configure logic database/broker cluster;
- add root server for cross IDCs;
- explore root's coordinate metadata;
- root self-monitoring;
- view root state;
- view admin UI based env vars;
- de-register broker node when shutdown;
- stop write ahead log too slow;
- refactor query stats metric;
- refactor explain query stats;
- fix directory traversal security issue;
- fix alive/create/expire task metric no data;
v0.1.1 - 2022-12-04
See code changes.
- web admin console support zh_CN;
- add detail doc link for each page;
- recover database metadata from local storage if etcd data lost;
- print version format;
- lind-cli logmsg via file;
- chart's y-axes start with 0 if min value <=0;
- fix delete active wal when not set write ahead time;
[v0.1.0]https://github.com/lindb/lindb/releases/tag/v0.1.0) - 2022-11-22
- Metadata coordinator(database/broker/storage/master etc.);
- Distributed query engine, SQL supported;
- Data supports distributed storage;
- Supports write ahead log;