Ohno, the game has crashed. Report this at: https://discord.gg/yp9ZW7j Copy paste the report below when reporting: ```java Version: pre-alpha build 135 (Client Version: 1105, Jul. 1, 2022 Unstable) Source: mindustry-antigrief/mindustry-client-v7-builds OS: Linux x64 (amd64) Java Version: 17.0.3 Mods: cyber-io:3.4, time-control:0.2, ui-lib:2.16.6 net.liplum.lib.shaders.ShaderCompileException: Can't compile shader shaders/TvStatic.frag #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; precision mediump int; #else #define lowp #define mediump #define highp #endif #define HIGHP uniform float u_time; uniform vec2 u_resolution; uniform vec2 u_offset; varying vec2 v_texCoords; uniform sampler2D u_texture; uint hash(uint x) { x += (x << 10u); x ^= (x >> 6u); x += (x << 3u); x ^= (x >> 11u); x += (x << 15u); return x; } uint hash(uvec3 v) { return hash(v.x ^ hash(v.y) ^ hash(v.z)); } float floatConstruct(uint m) { const uint ieeeMantissa = 0x007FFFFFu;// binary32 mantissa bitmask const uint ieeeOne = 0x3F800000u;// 1.0 in IEEE binary32 m &= ieeeMantissa;// Keep only mantissa bits (fractional part) m |= ieeeOne;// Add fractional part to 1.0 float f = uintBitsToFloat(m);// Range [1:2] return f - 1.0;// Range [0:1] } float random(vec3 v) { return floatConstruct(hash(floatBitsToUint(v))); } void main() { vec2 uv= v_texCoords.xy; vec4 origin = texture2D(u_texture, uv); if (origin.a<0.01){ return; } float res = random(vec3(uv, u_time)); gl_FragColor = vec4(res, res, res, 1.0); } at net.liplum.registries.CioShaders.init(CioShaders.kt:158) at net.liplum.CioMod.lambda-7$lambda-6$lambda-5(CioMod.kt:95) at arc.util.TaskQueue.run(TaskQueue.java:17) at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.loop(SdlApplication.java:156) at arc.backend.sdl.SdlApplication.(SdlApplication.java:45) at mindustry.desktop.DesktopLauncher.main(DesktopLauncher.java:94) Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Failed to compile shader: Fragment shader: 0:17(1): error: syntax error, unexpected NEW_IDENTIFIER, expecting end of file at arc.graphics.gl.Shader.(Shader.java:119) at arc.graphics.gl.Shader.(Shader.java:124) at net.liplum.lib.shaders.TrShader.(TrShader.java:13) at net.liplum.registries.CioShaders.init(CioShaders.kt:36) ... 5 more ```