Lispbuilder, or Common Lisp Application Builder, is an umbrella project that provides cross-platform packages for building large, interactive applications in Common Lisp. The most notable of these is lispbuilder-sdl, a wrapper for SDL, a library commonly used for game development. Other packages provide 3D graphics and animation, networking, text processing, and other miscellaneous functionality.
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Assuming you have a Common Lisp implementation with Quicklisp installed, run the following to install and run a lispbuilder-sdl example.
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev
$ sbcl # or your own Lisp
* (ql:quickload :lispbuilder-sdl-examples)
* (sdl-examples:mandelbrot)
All packages can be installed with Quicklisp. Dependencies which are C/C++ libraries must be installed separately.
- lispbuilder-sdl: SDL game and multimedia library.
- Straightforward event loop, supporting either event polling or event waiting,
- Many graphics drawing primitives,
- Bitmap and vector graphic support,
- Load diverse image types,
- Play samples and stream music including mp3 and OGG,
- Bitmap and True type font support.
- lispbuilder-openrm: OpenRM 3d scene graph
- lispbuilder-cal3d: Cal3d character animation
- lispbuilder-opengl: deprecated, use cl-opengl instead
- Note: OpenGL by itself does not provide windowing support; lispbuilder-sdl can be used with cl-opengl to provide windowing support for OpenGL
- lispbuilder-regex: Regular expression support
- lispbuilder-clawk: Awk in CL
- lispbuilder-lexer: Lex in CL
- lispbuilder-yacc: Yacc in CL
- lispbuilder-net: deprecated, use usocket instead
- lispbuilder-windows: windows.h wrapper