{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":429611432,"defaultBranch":"develop","name":"litewallet-android","ownerLogin":"litecoin-foundation","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2021-11-18T23:38:01.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/25260674?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1717175044.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"9d99ee131b2a0a6bfee0c3fce6883a8942588997","after":"d6ec1d79c9ee446179476715375eda72827329de","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T02:11:53.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Main (#189)\n\n* changes to keystore\r\n\r\n* firebase integration\r\n\r\n* temporary comment FirebaseCrash logging and reports\r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release v2.4.0] Merge into Dev (#288)\r\n\r\n* update gradle\r\n\r\n* Change the prefix of the build .aab\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* Delete ISSUE_TEMPLATE\r\n\r\n* Create test.md\r\n\r\n* Delete test.md\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Develop (#32)\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\n* [Techdebt/] pdate match firebase events 33 (#48)\r\n\r\n* Added the equivalenmt events\r\n\r\n- updated web link\r\n\r\n* WIP : Should compile\r\n\r\n* Fixed constants\r\n\r\n* Udpaded all Analytics constants\r\n\r\n* Added basic tests\r\n\r\n- This is WIP\r\n- Need to debug the Tests\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fiexd compile bug\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.1] Merge into Develop (#104)\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Main (#30)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Develop (#13)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release] v2.6.1 (#21)\r\n\r\n* version code bump\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Main (#12)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 🥳[Feature] Unstoppable ext update (#11)\r\n\r\n* WIP: DNC\r\n\r\nDropped in the UD code prior to testing\r\n\r\n* Added study link\r\n\r\n* Fix unstoppable domains dependency\r\n\r\n* Updated the UD ext text\r\n\r\nWIP::::Need to refactor once UK and deletion on SV, NL, DA\r\n\r\n* added UK lang\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Create FUNDING.yml\r\n\r\nFor GH Sponsor\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Develop (#32)\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\n* [Techdebt/] pdate match firebase events 33 (#48)\r\n\r\n* Added the equivalenmt events\r\n\r\n- updated web link\r\n\r\n* WIP : Should compile\r\n\r\n* Fixed constants\r\n\r\n* Udpaded all Analytics constants\r\n\r\n* Added basic tests\r\n\r\n- This is WIP\r\n- Need to debug the Tests\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fiexd compile bug\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* renmoved staging\r\n\r\n* moved backup rates\r\n\r\n* code bump\r\n\r\n* Updated test configs\r\n\r\n* Move api resources to central location\r\n\r\n- version code bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Commented out the partial work\r\n\r\n* Feature - donation disclaimer modal (#75)\r\n\r\n* Feature - add donation modal disclaimer\r\n - #60\r\n\r\n* Add missing strings\r\n\r\n* Upgraded AS\r\n\r\n- Reduced donation amount\r\n- Renamed id WIP\r\n\r\n* updated stirings key format\r\n\r\n- updated the donation address\r\n\r\n* code bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release v.2.8.0] Merge into Develop (#124)\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* Delete ISSUE_TEMPLATE\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Develop (#32)\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\n* [Techdebt/] pdate match firebase events 33 (#48)\r\n\r\n* Added the equivalenmt events\r\n\r\n- updated web link\r\n\r\n* WIP : Should compile\r\n\r\n* Fixed constants\r\n\r\n* Udpaded all Analytics constants\r\n\r\n* Added basic tests\r\n\r\n- This is WIP\r\n- Need to debug the Tests\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fiexd compile bug\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.1] Merge into Develop (#104)\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Main (#30)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Develop (#13)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release] v2.6.1 (#21)\r\n\r\n* version code bump\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Main (#12)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 🥳[Feature] Unstoppable ext update (#11)\r\n\r\n* WIP: DNC\r\n\r\nDropped in the UD code prior to testing\r\n\r\n* Added study link\r\n\r\n* Fix unstoppable domains dependency\r\n\r\n* Updated the UD ext text\r\n\r\nWIP::::Need to refactor once UK and deletion on SV, NL, DA\r\n\r\n* added UK lang\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Create FUNDING.yml\r\n\r\nFor GH Sponsor\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Develop (#32)\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\n* [Techdebt/] pdate match firebase events 33 (#48)\r\n\r\n* Added the equivalenmt events\r\n\r\n- updated web link\r\n\r\n* WIP : Should compile\r\n\r\n* Fixed constants\r\n\r\n* Udpaded all Analytics constants\r\n\r\n* Added basic tests\r\n\r\n- This is WIP\r\n- Need to debug the Tests\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fiexd compile bug\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* renmoved staging\r\n\r\n* moved backup rates\r\n\r\n* code bump\r\n\r\n* Updated test configs\r\n\r\n* Move api resources to central location\r\n\r\n- version code bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature - donation disclaimer modal (#75)\r\n\r\n* Feature - add donation modal disclaimer\r\n - #60\r\n\r\n* Add missing strings\r\n\r\n* Upgraded AS\r\n\r\n- Reduced donation amount\r\n- Renamed id WIP\r\n\r\n* updated stirings key format\r\n\r\n- updated the donation address\r\n\r\n* code bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Feature - Show Litecoin Card as Webview (#82)\r\n\r\n* Feature - Show Litecoin Card as Webview\r\n - remove partner api library\r\n - create card frament webview and add to bottom nav\r\n - fixes #58\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\n* Fix UI crash\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* version code bump\r\n\r\n- updated version labels to include the version code\r\n\r\n* Task - Reduce country iso exception (#118)\r\n\r\n- reduce emissions of \"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported ISO 3166 country: en\"\r\n\r\n* made the webview fileprivate (#120)\r\n\r\n- the idea is that it will help evaluate the js callbacks\r\n\r\n* Refactors version name and code to BRConstants (#121)\r\n\r\n* 🐜[Bugfix] Refactor strings files (#122)\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\n* Refactor strings files\r\n\r\nThere were many unused strings and they were removed.\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\n* resolved bad resolution\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.8.1] Merge into Develop (#134)\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.8.0] Merge into Main (#123)\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Develop (#13)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release] v2.6.1 (#21)\r\n\r\n* version code bump\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Main (#12)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 🥳[Feature] Unstoppable ext update (#11)\r\n\r\n* WIP: DNC\r\n\r\nDropped in the UD code prior to testing\r\n\r\n* Added study link\r\n\r\n* Fix unstoppable domains dependency\r\n\r\n* Updated the UD ext text\r\n\r\nWIP::::Need to refactor once UK and deletion on SV, NL, DA\r\n\r\n* added UK lang\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* Create ISSUE_TEMPLATE\r\n\r\n* Delete ISSUE_TEMPLATE\r\n\r\n* Create test.md\r\n\r\n* Delete test.md\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Develop (#32)\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\n* [Techdebt/] pdate match firebase events 33 (#48)\r\n\r\n* Added the equivalenmt events\r\n\r\n- updated web link\r\n\r\n* WIP : Should compile\r\n\r\n* Fixed constants\r\n\r\n* Udpaded all Analytics constants\r\n\r\n* Added basic tests\r\n\r\n- This is WIP\r\n- Need to debug the Tests\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fiexd compile bug\r\n\r\n* Fix - revert FragmentBuy webview test (#72)\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.1] Merge into Develop (#104)\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Main (#30)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Develop (#13)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release] v2.6.1 (#21)\r\n\r\n* version code bump\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.6.0] Merge into Main (#12)\r\n\r\n* Added український language\r\n\r\n- add uk xml file\r\n- removed the nl, sv, da files\r\n- Escaped apostrphes in UK strings file\r\n- Updated language choices\r\n\r\n* 🥳[Feature] Unstoppable ext update (#11)\r\n\r\n* WIP: DNC\r\n\r\nDropped in the UD code prior to testing\r\n\r\n* Added study link\r\n\r\n* Fix unstoppable domains dependency\r\n\r\n* Updated the UD ext text\r\n\r\nWIP::::Need to refactor once UK and deletion on SV, NL, DA\r\n\r\n* added UK lang\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix/crashes v2.6.0 (#17)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Create FUNDING.yml\r\n\r\nFor GH Sponsor\r\n\r\n* 💣🐞[Hotbug fix] sharedprefs fb fix (#19)\r\n\r\n* Added notes\r\n\r\n* Bugfix - add missing pendingIntent flag for android 13\r\n\r\n* Use firebase bom\r\n\r\n* subproject commit\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Disabled FB send, Added Get Tasks\r\n\r\n* Patch to hard code fees\r\n\r\n- Static fees\r\n- Removed the dep\r\n- Turn crashlytics back on/off/on\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Feature/add bitrefill (#28)\r\n\r\n* added bitrefill\r\n\r\n- added kotlin fix\r\n\r\n* Added localizations\r\n\r\n- added logo\r\n\r\n* Added Bitrefill Link\r\n\r\n* hides fiat scollview from Bitrefill\r\n\r\n* Adjusted the padding at the buy tab item view\r\n\r\n* fixe test in Bitrefill detail\r\n\r\n* fied logo and layout\r\n\r\n* bump version and version code\r\n\r\n* Feature/update branding (#29)\r\n\r\n* added new logo\r\n\r\n- reset the layout\r\n\r\n* version code\r\n\r\n* 🚀[ Release v.2.7.0] Merge into Develop (#32)\r\n\r\n* replaced coin logo\r\n\r\n* bump versioncode\r\n\r\n* fixed dep version\r\n\r\n* added Bitrefill web listener\r\n\r\n* [Techdebt/] pdate match firebase events 33 (#48)\r\n\r\n* Added the equivalenmt events\r\n\r\n- updated web link\r\n\r\n* WIP : Should compile\r\n\r\n* Fixed constants\r\n\r\n* Udpaded all Analytics constants\r\n\r\n* Added basic tests\r\n\r\n- This is WIP\r\n- Need to debug the Tests\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fiexd compile bug\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* renmoved staging\r\n\r\n* moved backup rates\r\n\r\n* code bump\r\n\r\n* Updated test configs\r\n\r\n* Move api resources to central location\r\n\r\n- version code bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* Commented out the partial work\r\n\r\n* Add .circleci/config.yml (#74)\r\n\r\n* Feature - donation disclaimer modal (#75)\r\n\r\n* Feature - add donation modal disclaimer\r\n - #60\r\n\r\n* Add missing strings\r\n\r\n* Upgraded AS\r\n\r\n- Reduced donation amount\r\n- Renamed id WIP\r\n\r\n* updated stirings key format\r\n\r\n- updated the donation address\r\n\r\n* code bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Feature - Show Litecoin Card as Webview (#82)\r\n\r\n* Feature - Show Litecoin Card as Webview\r\n - remove partner api library\r\n - create card frament webview and add to bottom nav\r\n - fixes #58\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\n* Fix UI crash\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* version code bump\r\n\r\n- updated version labels to include the version code\r\n\r\n* Task - Reduce country iso exception (#118)\r\n\r\n- reduce emissions of \"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported ISO 3166 country: en\"\r\n\r\n* made the webview fileprivate (#120)\r\n\r\n- the idea is that it will help evaluate the js callbacks\r\n\r\n* Refactors version name and code to BRConstants (#121)\r\n\r\n* 🐜[Bugfix] Refactor strings files (#122)\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\n* Refactor strings files\r\n\r\nThere were many unused strings and they were removed.\r\n\r\n* bump version code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* bump version name and code\r\n\r\n* reset to version name and code\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* 🥳[Feature] Add bech32 to enable ltc1 addresses & false positive rate (Bloom Filter) interface (#137)\r\n\r\n* Patched in the changes from losh11/bech32\r\n\r\n- Pulled in all the changes from loafwallet-core\r\n- From Apr 10, 2022\r\n\r\n* Various development refactors\r\n\r\n- Updated the tx and addressess lookup URLs\r\n- Updated gitignore\r\n- Removed old binaries from project\r\n- Appended timber debug prefix to “timber:” to easily filter in Logcat\r\n- Bump version code\r\n\r\n* Resolved conflicts and merged\r\n\r\nMerge branch 'feature/add-bech32' of https://github.com/litecoin-foundation/litewallet-android into feature/add-bech32-14\r\n- Resolved conflicts\r\n- re-added timber prefix\r\n\r\n* Add logic to retrieve and display seed phrase\r\n\r\n* Added Timber logs\r\n\r\n- added localizations\r\n- version and code bump\r\n- Removed the direct wallet info fetch\r\n- This call caused the app the reset the seed.\r\n- instead we are simply pulling the seed from the keystore\r\n- lean to call for seed\r\n\r\n* Post testing improvement for FP rates\r\n\r\n- The sync period is long in the current configuration\r\n- Spent a few days testing to see if certain false-positives rate for the BloomFilter to adjust the sync time.\r\n- the trade off is: quicker sync = less privacy\r\n\r\nHere are the rates that will be offered:\r\nfpr = 0.00005 , sync 77 mins , anonymous\r\nfpr = 0.00002 , sync 42 mins, semi-private\r\nfpr = 0.00001 , sync 19 mins, low-privacy\r\n\r\n* Added layout for false positive rate\r\n\r\nAdded localizations for false positive\r\nwaiting to add the func fpupdate(double newfalseupdate) in the loafwallet-core\r\nAdding the needed interface\r\n\r\n* Keep build.gradle\r\n\r\n- Restore files\r\n- some jni fixes\r\n- Cleanup\r\n- Signed-off-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* All are compiling added the interface in C and Java\r\n\r\n- updated to the latest [loafwallet-core](https://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-core/tree/master-android)\r\nbranch: master-android\r\ncommit: 63b18b8\r\n\r\n* Updated the gradle to 7.4.2\r\n\r\nbumped code and version\r\n\r\n* Adjusted analytics for sync\r\n\r\n- updated to the latest v1.4.0 loafwallet-core\r\n- updated to the v1.3.0 of loafwallet-core\r\n- Added logging to start collecting the sync times\r\n- updated the loafwallet-core to v1.5.0\r\n\r\n* Included a snackbar to notify users on sync.\r\n\r\n- Included in the Intro Activity\r\n- Included in the Login (Lock) Activity\r\n- Added translations for the snackbar\r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Victor Sima \r\n\r\n* resolved conflcts from rebase from main\r\n\r\n* 🦺[Techdebt] Remove simplex (#148)\r\n\r\n* Removed the localizations\r\n\r\n* remove code\r\n\r\n* Updated the lockscreen 160 (#164)\r\n\r\n* Update Gitignore\r\n\r\n* Updated lockscreen\r\n\r\n* Changed color to white, Added litewallet dark blue color\r\n\r\n* Change layout width to match parent and background to the correct color (#170)\r\n\r\n* Adding a close buttin in the Settings Modal (#166)\r\n\r\n- Should be dismiss to the parent\r\n- Added close buttons\r\n- refactored the onSaveInstances\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* force remove json\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Put announce updates view on create and recreate (#175)\r\n\r\n* Put AnnounceUpdatesViewActivity in button create and restore\r\n\r\n* Added enable on back invoke call on Manifest\r\n\r\n* Added src/main/assets inside fast_follow_asset_pack_01 folder\r\n\r\n* Create Folder src/main/assets\r\n\r\n* delete test file\r\n\r\n* Create directory src/main/assets inside fast_follow_asset_pack_01\r\n\r\n* Rename file to empty_file\r\n\r\n* Added Functionality to button yes language (#178)\r\n\r\n* 🛠️ [Techdebt] Refactor code and inline fees (#179)\r\n\r\n* Removed sensitive data\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* In Progress Refactoring Code\r\n\r\n- Removed cruft\r\n- bump version\r\n- working ops address being generated\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* tieredOps working\r\n\r\n- refactor cleanup\r\n- renaming and refactor…project running!\r\n- created and sent a transaction\r\n- Renamed some code from Bitcoin to Litecoin\r\n- remove whitespace\r\n- created a set to create the intersection\r\n- Filtered out the address as targeted\r\n- added textview for Service Fee\r\n- condensed the inits\r\n- Renamed from iso to more meaningful names\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* More refactor\r\n\r\n- Moved Fee Manager\r\n- Changed the rate polls\r\n- renamed getIso to getIsoSymbol\r\n- Removed saveEvent\r\n- Adjusted hot spot of Amount Edit\r\n- added full names to buttons.\r\n- added extra check before donating\r\n- commented out the new params\r\n- Fixes the Unsopported ISO bug\r\n- Removed old code\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Relabeled Bitcoin to Litecoin in places\r\n\r\n- Cleaned up the detail text in Transaction Item\r\n- updated confirmation label\r\n- Tried hide the keyboard\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* bumped version\r\n\r\nupdated tiers : 1713522152\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Debug of the com.breadwallet.tools.security.AuthManager.authPrompt\r\n\r\n-version bump\r\n-moved google serivces plugin to the bottom per Pusher Suggest\r\n-code bump\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* 🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Develop (#182)\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#122)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* Develop (#155)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump (#158)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 - Simplex (#187)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.21.0 (#193)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.0.0 card v1 (#202)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc nami…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Main (#189)"}},{"before":"f85cda1c4171b99aa4f0b6bcf2139a899dc8a505","after":"a1a600e9098f5e0dd6a2fda1cf8f4a745f9337d9","ref":"refs/heads/release/v2.10.0-20240421","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T20:43:14.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Techdebt/reset contact email refactor (#186)\n\n* Reset contact information\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* updated the tieredFee\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Techdebt/reset contact email refactor (#186)"}},{"before":null,"after":"f85cda1c4171b99aa4f0b6bcf2139a899dc8a505","ref":"refs/heads/release/v2.10.0-20240421","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T17:04:04.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Techdebt/reset contact email refactor (#186)\n\n* Reset contact information\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* updated the tieredFee\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Techdebt/reset contact email refactor (#186)"}},{"before":"28bfbe93ace3bf5496651360c4c1b2789904c28a","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/release/v2.10.0","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T17:02:20.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"7335a8138e6c141eaed52c216b2428a928363fdf","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/techdebt/reset-contact-email-refactor","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T15:41:59.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"904d98b2da6f3b6f015414138d5ce51f35ed1f4c","after":"f85cda1c4171b99aa4f0b6bcf2139a899dc8a505","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T15:41:52.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Techdebt/reset contact email refactor (#186)\n\n* Reset contact information\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* updated the tieredFee\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Techdebt/reset contact email refactor (#186)"}},{"before":null,"after":"7335a8138e6c141eaed52c216b2428a928363fdf","ref":"refs/heads/techdebt/reset-contact-email-refactor","pushedAt":"2024-05-21T11:40:11.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"version bump\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"version bump"}},{"before":"b273cfed5a2d0e672f79ed76ab94ca68b82e269a","after":"9d99ee131b2a0a6bfee0c3fce6883a8942588997","ref":"refs/heads/main","pushedAt":"2024-05-21T08:05:49.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Main (#181)\n\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 - Simplex (#187)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.21.0 (#193)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.0.0 card v1 (#202)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* refacto(FragmentMenu): use lambda + code reformat\r\n\r\n* feature: Replace Customer Email with Zendesk HC\r\n\r\n* [TechDebt] Add issue templates (#208)\r\n\r\n* Add issue templates\r\n\r\n* polished per comments\r\n\r\n* [Bugfix] Header price update occludes the other text (#207)\r\n\r\n* Change the font mixe\r\n\r\n* Set the font to autosizing\r\n\r\n- helps by setting the max width\r\n\r\n* add balance label in header\r\n\r\n* fix error: Attribute autoSizeMinTextSize is only used in API level 26 and higher (current min is 23)\r\n\r\n* fix crash from Firebase: BreadActivity.java line 444\r\nhttps://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-android/issues/211\r\n\r\n* fix crash in RegisterFragment.kt at line 68\r\nhttps://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-android/issues/212\r\n\r\n* PR reviews\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.1.0(636)\r\n\r\n* add card disclaimer dialog\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.1.1(637)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.1.0 (into master) (#227)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit d355738abff612a9ff0a44ddcf5b9ad80a141c0c.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Main (#181)"}},{"before":"df1c7540e787041fa2e7417d1030e2832932b0d8","after":"904d98b2da6f3b6f015414138d5ce51f35ed1f4c","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-05-21T08:05:27.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Develop (#182)\n\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#122)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* Develop (#155)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump (#158)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 - Simplex (#187)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.21.0 (#193)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.0.0 card v1 (#202)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* refacto(FragmentMenu): use lambda + code reformat\r\n\r\n* feature: Replace Customer Email with Zendesk HC\r\n\r\n* [TechDebt] Add issue templates (#208)\r\n\r\n* Add issue templates\r\n\r\n* polished per comments\r\n\r\n* [Bugfix] Header price update occludes the other text (#207)\r\n\r\n* Change the font mixe\r\n\r\n* Set the font to autosizing\r\n\r\n- helps by setting the max width\r\n\r\n* add balance label in header\r\n\r\n* fix error: Attribute autoSizeMinTextSize is only used in API level 26 and higher (current min is 23)\r\n\r\n* fix crash from Firebase: BreadActivity.java line 444\r\nhttps://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-android/issues/211\r\n\r\n* fix crash in RegisterFragment.kt at line 68\r\nhttps://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-android/issues/212\r\n\r\n* PR reviews\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.1.0(636)\r\n\r\n* add card disclaimer dialog\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.1.1(637)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.1.0 (into master) (#227)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fce…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"🚀[Release v.2.10.0-20240421] Merge into Develop (#182)"}},{"before":"7f0a725eb042b403314811b81d0588324c35d090","after":"28bfbe93ace3bf5496651360c4c1b2789904c28a","ref":"refs/heads/release/v2.10.0","pushedAt":"2024-04-23T07:26:16.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"bump code\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"bump code"}},{"before":"bae9c2bb3cd1547c10bf8350722583f161b4b0c3","after":"7f0a725eb042b403314811b81d0588324c35d090","ref":"refs/heads/release/v2.10.0","pushedAt":"2024-04-22T13:32:29.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1640,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"resolved conflicts frm main to release branch\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"resolved conflicts frm main to release branch"}},{"before":null,"after":"bae9c2bb3cd1547c10bf8350722583f161b4b0c3","ref":"refs/heads/release/v2.10.0","pushedAt":"2024-04-22T12:26:53.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"small test to see what happens the fingerprint fail\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"small test to see what happens the fingerprint fail"}},{"before":"0e15d41dc381fde88b92d219d1a058b8078db79a","after":"df1c7540e787041fa2e7417d1030e2832932b0d8","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-22T06:38:20.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"🛠️ [Techdebt] Refactor code and inline fees (#179)\n\n* Removed sensitive data\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* In Progress Refactoring Code\r\n\r\n- Removed cruft\r\n- bump version\r\n- working ops address being generated\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* tieredOps working\r\n\r\n- refactor cleanup\r\n- renaming and refactor…project running!\r\n- created and sent a transaction\r\n- Renamed some code from Bitcoin to Litecoin\r\n- remove whitespace\r\n- created a set to create the intersection\r\n- Filtered out the address as targeted\r\n- added textview for Service Fee\r\n- condensed the inits\r\n- Renamed from iso to more meaningful names\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* More refactor\r\n\r\n- Moved Fee Manager\r\n- Changed the rate polls\r\n- renamed getIso to getIsoSymbol\r\n- Removed saveEvent\r\n- Adjusted hot spot of Amount Edit\r\n- added full names to buttons.\r\n- added extra check before donating\r\n- commented out the new params\r\n- Fixes the Unsopported ISO bug\r\n- Removed old code\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Relabeled Bitcoin to Litecoin in places\r\n\r\n- Cleaned up the detail text in Transaction Item\r\n- updated confirmation label\r\n- Tried hide the keyboard\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* bumped version\r\n\r\nupdated tiers : 1713522152\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n* Debug of the com.breadwallet.tools.security.AuthManager.authPrompt\r\n\r\n-version bump\r\n-moved google serivces plugin to the bottom per Pusher Suggest\r\n-code bump\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"🛠️ [Techdebt] Refactor code and inline fees (#179)"}},{"before":null,"after":"f8b651359e71fa591e4cb9d8fc041b634aff76f9","ref":"refs/heads/redesign-develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-20T15:23:34.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"version and code bump\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"version and code bump"}},{"before":"63ff010e7008d0146e03c8046cf9cab40c3974f5","after":"2597ace2f7643a7cffdd55858a84afb06f3de8b0","ref":"refs/heads/techdebt/refactor-inline-refactor","pushedAt":"2024-04-20T15:16:42.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Debug of the com.breadwallet.tools.security.AuthManager.authPrompt\n\n-version bump\n-moved google serivces plugin to the bottom per Pusher Suggest\n-code bump\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Debug of the com.breadwallet.tools.security.AuthManager.authPrompt"}},{"before":null,"after":"63ff010e7008d0146e03c8046cf9cab40c3974f5","ref":"refs/heads/techdebt/refactor-inline-refactor","pushedAt":"2024-04-19T10:30:40.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"bumped version\n\nupdated tiers : 1713522152\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"bumped version"}},{"before":"c502eeb87c34ae30d67067c0aab6cd9941d0fd8a","after":"0e15d41dc381fde88b92d219d1a058b8078db79a","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-11T18:21:45.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Added Functionality to button yes language (#178)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Added Functionality to button yes language (#178)"}},{"before":null,"after":"ff5e271e4f7ae33dd2fbd07c84e148d4c4e5e977","ref":"refs/heads/pairing","pushedAt":"2024-04-08T14:43:26.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"dumb change\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"dumb change"}},{"before":"b552cdbb819c94d8d5f7c6fdc5a8b004aca8b0d4","after":"c502eeb87c34ae30d67067c0aab6cd9941d0fd8a","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-06T13:05:36.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Put announce updates view on create and recreate (#175)\n\n* Put AnnounceUpdatesViewActivity in button create and restore\r\n\r\n* Added enable on back invoke call on Manifest\r\n\r\n* Added src/main/assets inside fast_follow_asset_pack_01 folder\r\n\r\n* Create Folder src/main/assets\r\n\r\n* delete test file\r\n\r\n* Create directory src/main/assets inside fast_follow_asset_pack_01\r\n\r\n* Rename file to empty_file","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Put announce updates view on create and recreate (#175)"}},{"before":"4e90b21a6766e142020d467455fda626fda48011","after":"b552cdbb819c94d8d5f7c6fdc5a8b004aca8b0d4","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T17:13:20.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"updated the gitignore\n\nadded debug paths\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"updated the gitignore"}},{"before":"74ced665cb81e05b99c54a41bdf5621f1309b452","after":"4e90b21a6766e142020d467455fda626fda48011","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T17:01:40.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"updated the gitignore\n\nSigned-off-by: kcw-grunt ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"updated the gitignore"}},{"before":"6c9f36b64102149251347aa6fca5c1e4a0900e6c","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/techdevbt/prep-newborn-merge","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:36:23.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"a38b868015ec8ebb4feba2d7cf31873b318dd567","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/techdebt/update-loafwallet-core-163","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:36:14.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"1d2681fe27d81a827960a9ea39dfddd0e5f97545","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/techdebt/add-close-buttons","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:36:00.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry 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Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"8b5b56b0032fe87763aacb0954d62a70cc58e32b","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/delete","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:34:34.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}},{"before":"265ee740134347037ac344c5a975f3319416f7c1","after":"74ced665cb81e05b99c54a41bdf5621f1309b452","ref":"refs/heads/develop","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:34:29.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Delete (#174)\n\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 - Simplex (#187)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* Release v1.21.0 (#193)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.0.0 card v1 (#202)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD integration\r\n\r\n* BRButton: disable touch effect when disabled\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: convert to android\r\n\r\n* DynamicDonationFragment: use lambda\r\n\r\n* UDResolution: only resolve LTC domains\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: translation\r\n\r\n* translate “Lookup”\r\n\r\n* rename tryBitcoinURL to tryLitecoinURL\r\n\r\n* add kotlin doc\r\n\r\n* Release v1.20.0 (simplex) (#190)\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: use https for simplex prod URL\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.20.0(630)\r\n\r\n* bump app version 1.21.0(631)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: send view stays after send confirmation disappears\r\n\r\n* remove UD error toasts\r\n\r\n* clear the LTC address before each Lookup\r\n\r\n* show up a confirmation toast if UD resolution is successful\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(632)\r\n\r\n* UD: add Analytics events\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: disable Lookup button until the domain string is at least 4 chars\r\n\r\n* bump version v1.21.0(633)\r\n\r\n* fix build errors\r\n\r\n* Tapping on BuyTab shows up the BuyTabFragment\r\n\r\n* BuyTabFragment: add horizontal divider\r\n\r\n* replace listener with lambda\r\n\r\n* BuyTab: change fiat selector\r\n\r\n* FragmentBuy: add toolbar and show progress while page is loading\r\n\r\n* rename menu tab from “Spend” to “Card”\r\n\r\n* change register view header title\r\n\r\n* register view: change fields order according to iOS\r\n\r\n* register view: remove address2 field\r\n\r\n* login view: handle forgot password\r\n\r\n* tweak login/register views\r\n\r\n* transfer view v1\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi lib\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* Replace “Bread” with “Litewallet”\r\n\r\n* remove empty java class\r\n\r\n* bugFix(Send view): Send with Scan crashes\r\n\r\n* ScanQRActivity: code clean-up\r\n\r\n* login/register views: extract texts into strings resource\r\n\r\n* Buy tab: remove “choose fiat” from partner item view\r\n\r\n* login/register views: localize texts\r\n\r\n* reduce password length from 8 to 6 at least\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(634)\r\n\r\n* bugfix: make sure the market price displays only 2 decimals\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.0.0(635)\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry \r\nCo-authored-by: Ebenezer \r\n\r\n* refacto(FragmentMenu): use lambda + code reformat\r\n\r\n* feature: Replace Customer Email with Zendesk HC\r\n\r\n* [TechDebt] Add issue templates (#208)\r\n\r\n* Add issue templates\r\n\r\n* polished per comments\r\n\r\n* [Bugfix] Header price update occludes the other text (#207)\r\n\r\n* Change the font mixe\r\n\r\n* Set the font to autosizing\r\n\r\n- helps by setting the max width\r\n\r\n* add balance label in header\r\n\r\n* fix error: Attribute autoSizeMinTextSize is only used in API level 26 and higher (current min is 23)\r\n\r\n* fix crash from Firebase: BreadActivity.java line 444\r\nhttps://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-android/issues/211\r\n\r\n* fix crash in RegisterFragment.kt at line 68\r\nhttps://github.com/litecoin-foundation/loafwallet-android/issues/212\r\n\r\n* PR reviews\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.1.0(636)\r\n\r\n* add card disclaimer dialog\r\n\r\n* bump version v2.1.1(637)\r\n\r\n* Release v2.1.0 (into master) (#227)\r\n\r\n* upgraded Gradle\r\n\r\n* upgraded to androidx and synced gradle\r\n\r\n* Reverted test to menu\r\n\r\n* Added brand fonts\r\n\r\n* added color names\r\n\r\n* replaced logo with new logo and added litewallet blue and removed some gradient views\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* gradle sync\r\n\r\n* refactoring views..still need to add version code to launch screen\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\t.idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser\r\n#\t.idea/caches/gradle_models.ser\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* updated per latest gradle\r\n\r\n* added in the version number at login\r\n\r\n* removed superflous L\r\n\r\n* polished header\r\n\r\n* moved version label for intro\r\n\r\n# Conflicts:\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/arm64-v8a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/armeabi-v7a/.ninja_log\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_deps\r\n#\tapp/.cxx/cmake/loafDebug/x86_64/.ninja_log\r\n\r\n* upgrade to 26 min and 29 Android\r\n\r\n* worked in the donate layouts but not functional\r\n\r\n* WIP added buy tab button\r\n\r\n* WIP buy tab\r\n\r\n* WIP added in the buy tab prior to the webview\r\n\r\n* added in webview got Buy Tab\r\n\r\n* comment out the Buy Tab until server is ready\r\n\r\n* update for signing fixed naming\r\n\r\n* updated icons and Litewallet naming\r\n\r\n* added USE Biometric permission\r\n\r\n* moved layout\r\n\r\n* added in the old toolbar and logo but flipper still being debugged\r\n\r\n* WIP debuggin layout of the header toolbar\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* V1.18.1 (#65)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* show up buy button\r\n\r\n* Upgrade dependencies\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality (#67)\r\n\r\n* added donation info and functionality\r\n\r\n* per review comments\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation (#69)\r\n\r\n* Unversionned app/.cxx folder since it s auto\r\n\r\n* Unversionned .idea/caches folder since it is autogenerated\r\n\r\n* Fix layout issue: the price = LTC labels\r\n\r\n* directly set the text size. the system will scale it\r\n\r\n* change ltc price color to white\r\n\r\n* update the btc naming to ltc\r\n\r\n* use meaningful naming\r\n\r\n* remove commented code\r\n\r\n* Fix: text prices should be about 20% smaller\r\n\r\n* price flipper margins should be lower on the bottom\r\n\r\n* Tweak L/$ price labels animation\r\n\r\n* remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\r\n\r\n* Revert \"remove useless attributes clipChildren and clipToPadding\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 0a4fec50b6d4e322ed19315d802f09544b8c60f6.\r\n\r\n* Ea/update fonts (#70)\r\n\r\n* Use BarlowSemiCondensed in lieu of CircularPro (excluding CircularPro-Book)\r\n\r\n* Swap CircularPro-Book.otf for BarlowSemiCondensed-Medium.ttf\r\n\r\n* added circleci and build bump\r\n\r\n* updated cofing.yml v2\r\n\r\n* update config.yml v 3\r\n\r\n* update v4\r\n\r\n* update v6\r\n\r\n* linter error fix for ci, small confirm field polish\r\n\r\n* silence linter on InvalidPackages\r\n\r\n* error fix update gradle\r\n\r\n* turn off abortonError\r\n\r\n* List of partners screen\r\n\r\n* Handle tap on simplex partner item\r\n\r\n* code clean-up\r\n\r\n* refactor the buy URL generation\r\n\r\n* pass choosen currency code to buy fragment\r\n\r\n* Remove horizontal linear layout and base align “choose fiat” with CAD, EUR, JPY and USD\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\n* move constants where they are used\r\n\r\n* respect constant nomenclature\r\n\r\n* make “ltcPriceLbl” same textSize as “ltcAmount”\r\n\r\n* WIP: Login/Register views (#159)\r\n\r\n* Dynamic donation (#118)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* increase donation but height\r\n\r\n* version bump (#121)\r\n\r\n* Fee types (#123)\r\n\r\n* send screen: change donation button\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* redundant string.format call\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation feature\r\n\r\n* localization\r\n\r\n* set fee types color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* move icons to xxx folder\r\n\r\n* set donate/send buttons color to litewallet blue\r\n\r\n* use spinner instead of numberpicker\r\n\r\n* make spinner full width\r\n\r\n* increase margin top of slider\r\n\r\n* increase slider thumb size\r\n\r\n* send screen: tweak ISO but\r\n\r\n* send screen: increase donate button height\r\n\r\n* Fix wrong donation amount\r\n\r\n* add luxury fee’s type\r\n\r\n* set default values\r\n\r\n* dynamic donation: make sure fee is regular\r\n\r\n* add note to refactor later\r\n\r\n* WIP: Timber crashlytics (#124)\r\n\r\n* timber integration + replace Log with Timber\r\n\r\n* Replace all Log with Timber.\r\nIn production environment Timber.e() or Timber.i() will automatically report any crash or message to FirebaseCrashlytics\r\n\r\n* better description\r\n\r\n* Kcw grunt/fbug fixes bugfixes (#126)\r\n\r\n* WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\r\n\r\nWIP removing Firebase Manager code.\r\n\r\nRevert \"WIP working out the cross lang acceptance.\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 4cfbafca0c841df6945216c63959fcede0487470.\r\n\r\nWIP working out the conflicts\r\n\r\nAnalytics working getting more locations.\r\n\r\n* tested all custom events refactored to the standard firebase way\r\n\r\n* removed dev code\r\n\r\n* added Analytics Manager class\r\n\r\n* update per review notes\r\n\r\n* moved the costants and removed enum\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* V1.19.0 (#135)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* version bump and send test checks (#138)\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses (#136)\r\n\r\n* Revert 129 fix intro bug (#131)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen (#129)\r\n\r\n* Barry/fix ltc testnet (#128)\r\n\r\n* Change bitcoin-testnet with litecoin-testnet\r\n\r\n* cleanup\r\n\r\n* Revert \"fix intro screen (#129)\"\r\n\r\nThis reverts commit 68cb7407424a01b49030a3992505f74937ddc8bf.\r\n\r\n* Fix intro bug (#130)\r\n\r\n* fix intro screen\r\n\r\n* fix wrong stroke color\r\n\r\n* add intro message\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* remove globalLayoutListener only if the tree observer is alive\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: mosadialiou \r\n\r\n* update loafwallet core (#132)\r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Hotfix: Users unable to send (#134)\r\n\r\n* Fix: Users unable to send\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\n* use timber instead\r\n\r\n* new donate addresses\r\n\r\n* add ADDRESS_SCHEME key to donation event\r\n\r\n* fix inverted key-value\r\n\r\n* clean up\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump\r\n\r\n* Added Litewallet\r\n\r\n* fix broken link\r\n\r\n* updated README.md (#145)\r\n\r\n* updated README.md\r\n\r\n* added links\r\n\r\n* uodate header image\r\n\r\n* new hdr\r\n\r\n* added donations\r\n\r\n* move donations\r\n\r\n* change link\r\n\r\n* add private link\r\n\r\n* polish link\r\n\r\n* copy edit\r\n\r\n* add indo\r\n\r\n* address\r\n\r\n* fix addresses\r\n\r\n* Bugfix: [UI Alignment] Extra comma in send view (#153)\r\n\r\n* fix extra comma in send view\r\n\r\n* Refactor getReceiver method\r\n\r\n* remove extra linebreak\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* remove dead code\r\n\r\n* reverse check order for perf.\r\n\r\n* Fix: remove “donate to” prepended to the donation account\r\n\r\n* remove “PLATFORM” which is already added by Firebase Analytics\r\n\r\n* to v1.19.3 (612) (#154)\r\n\r\n* use bottom navigation view\r\n\r\n* update buy/spend/receive navigation icons\r\n\r\n* Change send/receive navigation icon names\r\n\r\n* localize history tab title\r\n\r\n* Just “Acheter”\r\n\r\n* Add fonts as resources\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* upgrade grade + dependencies\r\n\r\n* login/register views\r\n\r\n* Replace search icon with menu icon and show up LTC price\r\n\r\n* login/register UX\r\n\r\n* Prevent view not rendering in layout editor\r\n\r\n* code cleanup\r\n\r\n* missing resources\r\n\r\n* reduce toolbar height\r\n\r\n* Specify a material colors for the app\r\n\r\n* Remove unused file\r\n\r\n* Transfer view\r\n\r\n* update litecoin card image\r\n\r\nCo-authored-by: Kerry Washington \r\n\r\n* version bump and upgrade\r\n\r\n* make sure listeners are not NULL\r\n\r\n* make sure to call super\r\n\r\n* remove unused code\r\n\r\n* Move transactions to HistoryFragment\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* Remove fonts in assets folder. Delete BREdit and BRText and use styles\r\n\r\n* Reformat Code: layout files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: anim files\r\n\r\n* Reformat code: animator files\r\n\r\n* code refactor\r\n\r\n* connect login and register views to API\r\n\r\n* make partnerapi as git submodule\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* BRKeystore: remove duplicated entry (FAIL_COUNT_ALIAS)\r\n\r\n* after successful registration, show up a confirmation and send user back to login\r\n\r\n* remove test code\r\n\r\n* add ktlint and format kotlin files\r\n\r\n* update partnerapi\r\n\r\n* fix typo\r\n\r\n* set views Ids\r\n\r\n* Transfer view: add “Logout” button and handle navigation\r\n\r\n* transfer view: add padding bottom to “Transfer” button\r\n\r\n* gradle: code format\r\n\r\n* use default NDK version=21.0.6113669\r\n\r\n* use Timber instead of Log\r\n\r\n* convert BreadActivity to FragmentActivity in order to handle back pressed from fragments\r\n\r\n* handle back button on BuyFragment\r\n\r\n* upgrade firebase libs version to latest\r\n\r\n* Handle AUD, GBP, HKD, IDR, RUB and SGD currencies\r\n\r\n* upgrade gradle/gradle build tool to respectively 6.5 and 4.1.0\r\n\r\n* handle document upload for KYC verification\r\n\r\n* update support/policy/social links\r\n\r\n* update README: replace iOS by Android\r\n\r\n* use zendesk support email address\r\n\r\n* make sure the selected fiat option is always visible\r\n\r\n* setup kotlin\r\n\r\n* cleanup + use timber\r\n\r\n* use androidx fragment\r\n\r\n* update libs\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: IDE convertion to kotlin\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: tweak kotlin conversion\r\n\r\n* FragmentSend: UD inte…","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Delete (#174)"}},{"before":null,"after":"8b5b56b0032fe87763aacb0954d62a70cc58e32b","ref":"refs/heads/delete","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:34:17.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"remove json files","shortMessageHtmlLink":"remove json files"}},{"before":"8b5b56b0032fe87763aacb0954d62a70cc58e32b","after":null,"ref":"refs/heads/delete","pushedAt":"2024-04-05T16:31:01.000Z","pushType":"branch_deletion","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"kcw-grunt","name":"Kerry Washington","path":"/kcw-grunt","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2899463?s=80&v=4"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEXbaEZQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity · litecoin-foundation/litewallet-android"}