apiVersion: litmuschaos.io/v1alpha1 description: message: "Kills a container belonging to an application pod \n" kind: ChaosExperiment metadata: name: container-kill version: 0.1.21 spec: definition: scope: Namespaced permissions: - apiGroups: - "" - "apps" - "batch" - "litmuschaos.io" resources: - "jobs" - "pods" - "pods/log" - "events" - "pods/exec" - "chaosengines" - "chaosexperiments" - "chaosresults" verbs: - "create" - "list" - "get" - "update" - "patch" - "delete" image: "litmuschaos/ansible-runner:1.5.0" args: - -c - ansible-playbook ./experiments/generic/container_kill/container_kill_ansible_logic.yml -i /etc/ansible/hosts -vv; exit 0 command: - /bin/bash env: - name: ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK value: 'default' - name: TARGET_CONTAINER value: 'stable-version' # Period to wait before injection of chaos in sec - name: RAMP_TIME value: '' # It supports pumba and containerd - name: LIB value: 'containerd' # provide the chaos interval - name: CHAOS_INTERVAL value: '10' # provide the total chaos duration - name: TOTAL_CHAOS_DURATION value: '20' - name: CONTAINER_PATH value: '/var/run/crio/crio.sock' # LIB_IMAGE can be - gaiaadm/pumba:0.6.5, litmuschaos/container-kill-helper:latest # For pumba image use: gaiaadm/pumba:0.6.5 # For containerd/crio image use: litmuschaos/container-kill-helper:latest - name: LIB_IMAGE value: 'litmuschaos/container-kill-helper:latest' labels: name: container-kill