© 2017-2021 David Jacobsen / dave.jacobsen@gmail.com
AutoHome is a node.js based home automation controller that runs on a Raspberry Pi (or PC) and utilises a MySensors (www.mysensors.org) radio based (NRF24L01+ 2.4 Ghz) sensor network for sensor data. The controller is connected to a USB/Serially attached MySensors gateway than in turn connects to the sensors via radio. It supports TP-Link, Tuya and Wemo smart switches. The software is currently design to connect to MySensors API 1.5
All files must reside in the same folder:
- index.js - The main node server component
- settings.json - A local settings file read at startup
- dash.html - The main html based dashboard
- make-graph.cmd - Calls rrdtool to generate graphs
- temps.rrd - (In rrdtool directory) temperature log data
- README.md - This file
- sorry.html - Message for geo-blocked users
- cert.js - Cert details for littlepunk.co.nz
- sensor_mappings.xlsx
- graphs.html
- constants.js - Useful constants for autohome.js
From the autohome directory:
npm start
Using 'screen' utility to created a detached sessions that survives Putty exits. Later will setup as a service. Using nodemon to auto restart script when autohome.js is changed.
> screen -S autohome
> npm start [ OLD is: > sudo nodemon --ignore '*.json' --ignore '*.html' autohome.js // check package.json for full command line ]
> { Ctrl-A,D }
> screen -r autohome // at any time to reconnect
> screen -list // to see sessions
Refer to https://y-ax.com/nodejs-app-auto-start-in-server for how to set up on boot.
A MySensors gateway must be connected to a known serial port on the local PC. e.g. COM1 in Windows, or /dev/ttyUSB0 in Raspbian or Linux
Gateway and sensors use Arduino Nano V3 modules
Tested Working:
Node Version 4.5.0 NPM Version 2.15.9
Node Version 14.4.0 NPM Version 6.14.5
Ubuntu 20.04.3
Node Version 16.9.1 NPM Version 7.23.0
The app requires the following node modules:
- express
- bodyparser
- http
- serialport
- socket.io
- tplink-smarthome-api
- tuyapi
- request
- colors
- nodemon
- util
- geoip-lite
- RRDTool (in Windows needs Cygwin installed with defaults as well)
Arduino with USB: Arduino Nano V3, ATmega328, 5V Arduino without USB: ArduinPro Mini, ATmega328, 3V?
- Download latest Raspberry PI OS image from: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspberry-pi-os/
- Unzip the file.
- Use the Win32DiskImager utility to write to an SD card (8 GB+)
- Boot from SD
- Follow the wizard onscreen to:
- Choose your country
- Set password
- Select Wifi network
- Allow it to update software
- Decline restart
- Choose "Preferences"->"Raspberry Pi Configuration" to set to boot to command line, change host name, enable ssh
- Restart
- Then do:
git clone https://github.com/littlepunks/autohome.git
cd autohome
chmod +x autohome-build.sh
- When done type:
npm start (or npm test)
Run: cd ~/ && git clone https://github.com/littlepunks/autohome.git && cd ./autohome && chmod +x autohome-build-ubuntu.sh && ./autohome-build-ubuntu.sh
Refer to sensor_mappings.xlsx for sensor details
All settings are stored in JSON format in settings.json
Entries from the settings file are detailed below with default or example values
port:8080 - TCP port to connect a Web client to.
comport:COM1 or //dev/ttyUSB0 - The local com (serial) port that the MySensors controller is connected to.
baud - The baud rate of the serial connection in bits per second.
sensornodes[] - A array of the MySensor node names.
mailOptions - to/from addresses, subject and message format settings for email alerts
smtpConfig - mail server and authentication settings
weather.externalTempURL - URL for openweathermap.org to get the local weather conditions. You need to register with the website to get a unique id for your location
At startup:
- All node modules are loaded
- Various constant, variables and helper functions are defined
- Settings are read and stored in a controls array
- TP-Link, Tuya and Wemo devices are discovered
- Serial port to the controller is opened
- Web client event handler started
- Web server started
- Regular status check timers are started
- Regular WeatherAPI calls are started
TCP port must be >1024 otherwise root access is required to run the core process
[All] After a restart the controller doesn't always appear as a COM port or ttyUSB device straight away. May require continuous power to gateway or g/w power cycle
[All] Tuya support is patchy. Sometimes can't discover in time, doesn't report external changes. Currently disabled in code.
If Tuya devices offline will sometimes get: (node:855) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: find() timed out. Is the device powered on and the ID or IP correct? at /home/pi/autohome/node_modules/tuyapi/index.js:619:13 at Timeout._onTimeout (/home/pi/autohome/node_modules/p-timeout/index.js:25:13) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7) (Use
node --trace-warnings ...
to show where the warning was created) (node:855) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag--unhandled-rejections=strict
(see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 1) (node:855) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. -
[All] If you get weird node errors after a new build try running 'npm rebuild' (is part of the Ubuntu build script)
- Use helmet module for greater security
- Run npm audit
- Consider using snyk: npm install -g snyk; cd myapp; snyk test; snyk wizard
- Use certbot and Lets Encrypt or https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-node-js-application-for-production-on-ubuntu-16-04
- Use NGINX reverse proxy : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-a-node-js-application-for-production-on-ubuntu-20-04
- sort out https/cert access via littlepunk.co.nz or littlepunk.duckdns.org
- consider using express-limit or express-rate-limit or NGINX rate limiting to stop DDoS
- Move to Highcharts or chart.js and storing the data a different way (JSON, CSV)
- [PI] Move /var/log to RAM to reduce load on SD (refer https://mcuoneclipse.com/2019/04/01/log2ram-extending-sd-card-lifetime-for-raspberry-pi-lorawan-gateway/)
- RRDTOOL to capture motion events
- TPLINK - plug online/offline events should change sensor status to red
- Consider using MY_RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_FEATURE on gateway/repeaters to buffer messages. Needs IRQ (Pin2) connected.
- Updates from switches should be processed and the sensor values updated automatically.
- Record last motion detected for motion sensors. Useful to report on.
- Need "status_check" values for switches (and all oddball sensors)
- Testing setting radio levels on troublesome nodes to/from RF24_PA_MAX/RF24_PA_LOW/RF24_PA_MIN. Using glad wrap/foil around radio module when using an external attenna, trying further away. Checkout https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fsJyOGhNGL9IeZMMSuVwluUpo9he43wcWjM_w6xTL5k/edit#gid=0 for radio capabilities
- How to handle nodes with multiple sensors. Deal with NodeID and SensorID as a unique pair (key). E.g. temp node with multiple sensors
- Alert (email) when more than a "few" sensors are missing too long
- Add 2 way comms (to change update times) to all modules, also add "query" to find out description
- Show IR sensor movement map (security)
- Set the waitInterval on nodes remotely usually a code like W20000. Other letter codes could be used for other tasks. Apply to one or more sensors
- Poll devices on startup
- Displays can be sent to rather than having to poll themselves.
- Combine multiple sensors into one (Laundry - motion, room temp, freezer temp, washing machine action,floor moisture, door part open(drier), door full open)
- For actions such as turning a switch on/off, need to process the ACK message that the sensor sends through to confirm.
- Weather image doesn't resize like the other canvases. Is an image not a canvas, so may need action on a resize event. Or draw image on canvas
- Changing from id's to classes in html to allow duplicate controls. dash.html will then need to iterate over all matching classes
- Show trend arrows, e.g. is the air pressure going up or down since the last reading
- have a page displaying sensor settings and make then adjustable
- Create LCD/OLED/Table console for kitchen
- Separate web page to add/remove controls
- Add a +/- counter control
- Add a +/- control for setting the waitInterval
- Add getting switch status, e.g. is the fan on, or "is anything turned on"
- Rebuild Alexa skill
- replace "colors" npm module with "chalk"
- more granular control of when to send emails, e.g. priority
- Move to database for all data
- Have schedules and structure, e.g. alert on motion when no-one home, or heater on when after 5pm and someone home
- Maybe add a "source" field to controls. e.g. "url:http://weatheraddress" or "sensor,sensorid" or "file:filename"
- Gather all the functions that execute at startup in one place. Maybe wrap with a main()
- Upgrade socket.io to the latest version
- Maybe combine nodemon and forever to cover all eventualities
- Use 'winston-daily-rotate-file' module to manage log files