Linux 0.01 is the first release of Linux kernel,It is only around 5900 lines of ANSI C, 2500 lines of C headers and 1450 lines of i386 assembler.
This is a good start of leaning Linux kernel.
This git repository contains the original source code linux-0.01.tar.gz.
And include Linux 0.01 remake.
Below is the changelog of Linux 0.01 remake.
- this is the last version
- need gcc-4.x
- use elf binary format instead of a.out, and you have some program working on it
- same version as linux-0.01-1.7, which was just ported to work with gcc-2.x and gcc-3.x
- need gcc 1.4
- few change from official linux-0.01, only some bug fix, + minor change to build it in a linux system instead of minix