A short walk-through of pattern rules in Makefile, targetted at people who have a little scripting experience. Notionally, at this point we have:
- Introduced a motivating problem (comparing AirBnB prices in two similar-sized cities in different countries, Toronto and Chicago)
- Talked about the reasons for wanting reproducibility/automation and Make in particular
- Gone through the process of translating a bash script into Make in two steps (literally, then breaking out each output-file individually) and seen the advantage of incremental rebuilds; this introduces
- targets
- dependencies
- order dependencies
- SECONDARY: for keeping intermediate targets
- Multi-line commands; each line is run in a different shell
- Added some canonical targets (clean and all) and introduced PHONY
Now we're taking that and introducing pattern rules for DRY - maintainability and extensibility.
The worked example uses python, with seaborn and pandas, although no python experience is necessary; for our purposes, they are just command line tools we're running. However, you'll have to make sure the modules are installed:
virtualenv make_pattern
source make_pattern/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
and make sure you have GNU, not BSD, Make installed; the precise version shouldn't matter:
$ make -v
GNU Make 3.81