diff --git a/compiler-rt/test/profile/instrprof-set-filename.c b/compiler-rt/test/profile/instrprof-set-filename.c index 67bf4482d32f3..e130590325fea 100644 --- a/compiler-rt/test/profile/instrprof-set-filename.c +++ b/compiler-rt/test/profile/instrprof-set-filename.c @@ -17,26 +17,27 @@ // RUN: rm %t.profdata // 3. Test that __llvm_profile_set_filename has higher precedence than // the command line. -// RUN: %clang_profgen=%t.cmd.profraw -o %t.cmd -O3 %s -// RUN: %run %t.cmd %t.profraw +// RUN: %clang_profgen=%t.cmd.profraw -o %t-cmd -O3 %s +// RUN: %run %t-cmd %t.profraw // RUN: llvm-profdata merge -o %t.profdata %t.profraw // RUN: %clang_profuse=%t.profdata -o - -S -emit-llvm %s | FileCheck %s // RUN: rm %t.profraw // RUN: rm %t.profdata // 4. Test that command line has high precedence than the default path -// RUN: %clang_profgen=%t.cmd.profraw -DNO_API -o %t.cmd -O3 %s -// RUN: %run %t.cmd %t.profraw +// RUN: %clang_profgen=%t.cmd.profraw -DNO_API -o %t-cmd -O3 %s +// RUN: %run %t-cmd %t.profraw // RUN: llvm-profdata merge -o %t.cmd.profdata %t.cmd.profraw // RUN: %clang_profuse=%t.cmd.profdata -o - -S -emit-llvm %s | FileCheck %s // RUN: rm %t.cmd.profraw // RUN: rm %t.cmd.profdata // 5. Test that the environment variable has higher precedence than // the command line. -// RUN: env LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=%t.env.profraw %run %t.cmd %t.profraw +// RUN: env LLVM_PROFILE_FILE=%t.env.profraw %run %t-cmd %t.profraw // RUN: llvm-profdata merge -o %t.env.profdata %t.env.profraw // RUN: %clang_profuse=%t.env.profdata -o - -S -emit-llvm %s | FileCheck %s // RUN: rm %t.env.profraw // RUN: rm %t.env.profdata +// RUN: rm %t %t-cmd #ifdef CALL_SHARED extern void func(int);