diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/rotate.ll b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/rotate.ll index 97d20f2a372feb..e57794cf65e134 100644 --- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/rotate.ll +++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/AArch64/rotate.ll @@ -1,11 +1,16 @@ +; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py ; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=aarch64--linux-gnueabihf | FileCheck %s ;; This used to cause a backend crash about not being able to ;; select ROTL. Make sure if generates the basic ushr/shl. define <2 x i64> @testcase(ptr %in) { -; CHECK-LABEL: testcase -; CHECK: ushr {{v[0-9]+}}.2d -; CHECK: shl {{v[0-9]+}}.2d +; CHECK-LABEL: testcase: +; CHECK: // %bb.0: +; CHECK-NEXT: ldr q0, [x0] +; CHECK-NEXT: ushr v1.2d, v0.2d, #8 +; CHECK-NEXT: shl v0.2d, v0.2d, #56 +; CHECK-NEXT: orr v0.16b, v0.16b, v1.16b +; CHECK-NEXT: ret %1 = load <2 x i64>, ptr %in %2 = lshr <2 x i64> %1, %3 = shl <2 x i64> %1,