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[mlir][GPUToNVVM] Fix bug in mma elementwise lowering
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The maxf implementation of wmma elementwise op was incorrect as the
operands of the select to check for Nan were swapped.

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ThomasRaoux committed Jun 15, 2022
1 parent 4204361 commit a6f2c22
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Showing 2 changed files with 39 additions and 3 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mlir/lib/Conversion/GPUToNVVM/WmmaOpsToNvvm.cpp
Expand Up @@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static Value createMinMaxF(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value lhs,
loc, lhs.getType(),
return builder.create<LLVM::SelectOp>(loc, isNan, sel, nan);
return builder.create<LLVM::SelectOp>(loc, isNan, nan, sel);

static Value createScalarOp(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
Expand Down
40 changes: 38 additions & 2 deletions mlir/test/Conversion/GPUToNVVM/wmma-ops-to-nvvm.mlir
Expand Up @@ -231,9 +231,45 @@ gpu.module @test_module {
// CHECK: %[[B3:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[3 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[C3:.*]] = llvm.fadd %[[A3]], %[[B3]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[M4:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[C3]], %[[M3]][3 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: llvm.return %[[M4]] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>

// CHECK: %[[M0:.*]] = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[A0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[0 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[B0:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[0 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[CMP0:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "ogt" %[[A0]], %[[B0]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[SEL0:.*]] = %[[CMP0]], %[[A0]], %[[B0]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[CMP1:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "uno" %[[A0]], %[[B0]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[NAN:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0x7E00 : f16) : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[C0:.*]] = %[[CMP1]], %[[NAN]], %[[SEL0]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[M1:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[C0]], %[[M0]][0 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[A1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[1 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[B1:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[1 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[CMP2:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "ogt" %[[A1]], %[[B1]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[SEL1:.*]] = %[[CMP2]], %[[A1]], %[[B1]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[CMP3:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "uno" %[[A1]], %[[B1]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[NAN:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0x7E00 : f16) : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[C1:.*]] = %[[CMP3]], %[[NAN]], %[[SEL1]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[M2:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[C1]], %[[M1]][1 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[A2:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[2 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[B2:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[2 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[CMP4:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "ogt" %[[A2]], %[[B2]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[SEL2:.*]] = %[[CMP4]], %[[A2]], %[[B2]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[CMP5:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "uno" %[[A2]], %[[B2]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[NAN:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0x7E00 : f16) : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[C2:.*]] = %[[CMP5]], %[[NAN]], %[[SEL2]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[M3:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[C2]], %[[M2]][2 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[A3:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[3 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[B3:.*]] = llvm.extractvalue %{{.*}}[3 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
// CHECK: %[[CMP6:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "ogt" %[[A3]], %[[B3]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[SEL3:.*]] = %[[CMP6]], %[[A3]], %[[B3]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[CMP7:.*]] = llvm.fcmp "uno" %[[A3]], %[[B3]] : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[NAN:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant(0x7E00 : f16) : vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[C3:.*]] = %[[CMP7]], %[[NAN]], %[[SEL3]] : vector<2xi1>, vector<2xf16>
// CHECK: %[[M5:.*]] = llvm.insertvalue %[[C3]], %[[M3]][3 : i32] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>

// CHECK: llvm.return %[[M5]] : !llvm.struct<(vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>, vector<2xf16>)>
func.func @gpu_wmma_elementwise(%A : !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">, %B : !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">) ->(!gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">) {
%C = gpu.subgroup_mma_elementwise addf %A, %B : (!gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">, !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">) -> !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">
return %C : !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">
%D = gpu.subgroup_mma_elementwise maxf %C, %B : (!gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">, !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">) -> !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">
return %D : !gpu.mma_matrix<16x16xf16, "COp">

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