Supplementary material (inparticular the source code) for "Computing Stable Demers Cartograms" submitted to TVCG and currently under review. We provide scripts to setup and run the project for ease of use. This will be outlined first. Below that you can find a detailed explanation of the usage of our program.
Further, we use CPLEX 12.8 as an LP and ILP solver. CPLEX provides free academic licenses, which is in line for the requirements of the Replicability Stamp. However it is not feasible to automate the installation process. We refer to instruction on the IBM webpage (, explaining how to set up and install CPLEX for java.
First all scripts need to be executed as root and they need to be made executable beforehand.
chmod +x
chmod +x
Then one needs to execute
sudo ./
This will install Java via (, git, unzip and clone this repository
Now it is important that the folder StableDemersLP/code/StableDemers_TVCG/lib, contains the CPLEX shared library, which is system dependent. For example, in the case of Linux and CPLEX 12.8, this is Please copy the appropriate shared library into this folder. For more information, we refer to IBM's information about paths and jars (
Now everything is prepared to run the example execution using:
sudo ./
Note that this loads the data, computes a cartogram and displays it in an interactive GUI, but the instance is hard-coded into For computation of other instances, please refer to the detailed description of usage below.
Detailed Usage:
The usage of the code can be found below.
usage: java -Djava.library.path=[path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/lib -Xmx8192m -jar [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/StableDemers_TVCG.jar [-A ] [-B ] [-C] [-fC1 ] [-fC2 ] [-fC3 ] [-fC4 ] [-fCo ] [-fIt ] [-fMM ] [-fSp ] [-I ] [-L ] [-lpC0] [-lpC1] [-lpC2] [-lpC3 ] [-lpC4 ] [-lpC5 ] [-lpC6 ] [-lpC7 ] [-lpLInf] [-lpMinC ] [-lpNuNA ] [-lpOL ] [-lpOU ] [-lpT ] [-lpWarm] [-N ] [-NoE] [-NoG] [-NoI] [-NoM] [-NoR] [-O ] [-R] [-S ] [-T ] [-W ]
-A,--Approach <arg> The solution method used to
create the cartograms
-B,--BB <arg> The .tsv file containing the
bounding boxes of the map
(for second separation).
Different sets of regions per
layer SHOULD use this method.
-C,--Continent Regions are coloured by
-fC1,--fDisjoint <arg> Enables disjointness force.
True by default. Argument is
the scaling factor.
-fC2,--fOrigin <arg> Enables origin force. False
by default. Argument is the
scaling factor.
-fC3,--fTopology <arg> Enables topology force. True
by default. Argument is the
scaling factor.
-fC4,--fStability <arg> Enables stability force.
False by default. Argument is
the scaling factor.
-fCo,--fCooling <arg> Sets the cooling factor.
Argument is the chosen
-fIt,--fMaximumIterations <arg> Maximal number of iterations
for the force based approach.
-fMM,--fMinimalMovement <arg> Minimal movement distance
necessary to qualify for
change in iteration. Default
is DoubleUtil.EPS, which
should be fine.
-fSp,--fSpeedUp <arg> Enables the usage of speed up
methods for the force
directed approach. Argument
is the chosen method (Options
are 'cross' and 'grid').
-I,--IPE <arg> The .ipe file containing the
map (for second separation).
Only one file can be provided
an needs to contains ALL
-L,--Location <arg> The file containing the
location data.
-lpC0,--lpDisjointILP Enables the Disjointness
constraint (hard constraint)
without fixed directions.
False by default
-lpC1,--lpDisjoint Enables the Disjointness
constraint (hard constraint)
with fixed separation
constraints. True by default
-lpC2,--lpDoubleDisjoint Enables the Double
Disjointness constraint (hard
constraint). False by
default. Works only if an
additional method is provided
to derice secondary
separation relation.
-lpC3,--lpDistance <arg> Enables the Distance
Minimization constraint
(including goal). True by
default. Argument is the
objective function weight,
Factor 1
-lpC4,--lpAngle <arg> Enables the Angle Nuance
constraint (including goal).
False by default. Argument is
the objective function weight
-lpC5,--lpTopology <arg> Enables the Topology
constraint (including goal).
False by default. Argument is
the objective function weight
-lpC6,--lpOrigin <arg> Enables the Origin
Displacement constraint
(including goal). False by
default. Argument is the
objective function weight
-lpC7,--lpStability <arg> Enables the Stability
constraint (including goal).
False by default. Argument is
the objective function weight
-lpLInf,--lpLInfinity Enables the use of the L
Infinity metric to measure
distances. if not set, the
default metric is the L1 norm
-lpMinC,--lpMinimalContact <arg> Length of the minimal contact
between regions. The argument
is the percentage of the edge
length of the smaller region
which is required for contact
-lpNuNA,--lpNuanceNotAdjacentFactor <arg> Factor by which the Nuance
constraint is de-emphasized
for regions pairs which are
not adjacent. Default is 0.1,
which should be fine
-lpOL,--lpObstacleLowerBound <arg> Percentage of the edgelength
(NOT AREA) an obstacle is
allowed to shrink to
-lpOU,--lpObstacleUpperBound <arg> Percentage of the edgelength
(NOT AREA) an obstacle is
allowed to grow to
-lpT,--lpThreads <arg> The number of cplex threads
-lpWarm,--lpMIPWarmStart Enables MIP Warm start. False
by default.
-N,--Normalize <arg> The .tsv file with
information which layers are
in the same category and
should be normalized
together. Should include a
first line which indicates
normalization method, i.e.,
'max' or 'sum'
-NoE,--NoEvaluation The solution is NOT EVALUATED
to a file.
-NoG,--NoGUI The solution is NOT drawn to
a WINDOW. Don't use for
headless mode.
-NoI,--NoImageOutput The solution is NOT drawn to
a FILE. Don't use for
headless mode.
-NoM,--NoModelExport The LP model is NOT EXPORTED
to a file.
-NoR,--NoRegionReport The solution is NOT EXPORTED
to a file.
-O,--Out <arg> The directory in which output
is saved
-R,--Rounding Rounds the output if set
(additional rounded output
-S,--Stabilities <arg> The file containing the
stability information
-T,--Topo <arg> The file containing the
topological data
-W,--Weights <arg> The file containing the
weight data
One example executions is:
java -Djava.library.path=[path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/lib -Xmx8192m -jar [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/StableDemers_TVCG.jar -O [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/testing/outs/ -T [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/data/topo/USA_adjacencies.tsv -L [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/data/locs/USA_locs.tsv -S [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/data/stability/complete-4.tsv -W [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/data/weights/USA/Mixed.tsv -B [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/data/bbs/USA.tsv -N [path_to_project]/code/StableDemers_TVCG/data/norm/Sum-Ind-4.tsv -NoI -NoR -lpC1 -lpC3 1 -lpC7 0.01
It is important that the folder, which -Djava.library.path points to, i.e., code/StableDemers_TVCG/lib, contains the CPLEX shared library, which is system dependent. For example, in the case of Linux and CPLEX 12.8, this is For more information, we refer to IBM's information about paths and jars (