[07:41:26.884700] [info]: LOOT Version: 0.12.0+83f9beed [07:41:26.884700] [info]: LOOT API Version: 0.12.1+47cb6b5a [07:41:26.900327] [debug]: Detecting installed games. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "TES IV: Oblivion" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE + Software\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion + Installed Path [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Failed to get string value. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "TES V: Skyrim" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE + Software\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim + Installed Path [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Failed to get string value. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "TES V: Skyrim Special Edition" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Adding new installed game entry for: Skyrim Special Edition [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "TES V: Skyrim Special Edition" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Setting "TES V: Skyrim Special Edition" game path to: "S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\" [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Initialising load order data for game of type 5 at: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\ [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Setting "TES V: Skyrim Special Edition" game path to: "S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\" [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 3" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE + Software\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout3 + Installed Path [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Failed to get string value. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout: New Vegas" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE + Software\Bethesda Softworks\FalloutNV + Installed Path [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Failed to get string value. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 4" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Adding new installed game entry for: Fallout4 [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 4" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Setting "Fallout 4" game path to: "S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\" [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Initialising load order data for game of type 4 at: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\ [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Setting "Fallout 4" game path to: "S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\" [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Checking if game "Nehrim - At Fate's Edge" is installed. [07:41:26.900327] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE + Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Nehrim - At Fate's Edge_is1 + InstallLocation [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Failed to get string value. [07:41:26.900327] [debug]: Selecting game. [07:41:26.900327] [debug]: Game selected is Fallout 4 [07:41:26.900327] [debug]: Initialising game-specific settings. [07:41:26.900327] [info]: Initialising filesystem-related data for game: Fallout 4 [07:41:27.111902] [debug]: Initialising language settings in UI thread. [07:41:27.158783] [trace]: Attempting to open link: http://loot/ui/index.html [07:41:27.158783] [trace]: Link is to LOOT page, allowing CEF's default handling. [07:41:27.158783] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/index.html [07:41:27.268170] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/css/typography.css [07:41:27.271580] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/css/style.css [07:41:27.272582] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/css/theme.css [07:41:27.272582] [trace]: File C:\Program Files (x86)\LOOT\resources/ui/css/theme.css not found, sending 404. [07:41:27.272582] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js [07:41:27.272582] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/polymer-settings.html [07:41:27.272582] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/apply-shim.html [07:41:27.272582] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/polymer.html [07:41:27.273585] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/custom-style.html [07:41:27.273585] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/editable-table.html [07:41:27.276591] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-dropdown-menu.html [07:41:27.276591] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-message-dialog.html [07:41:27.276591] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-plugin-item.html [07:41:27.277622] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-plugin-card.html [07:41:27.277622] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-plugin-editor.html [07:41:27.277622] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-search-toolbar.html [07:41:27.277622] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer/app-drawer.html [07:41:27.278597] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer-layout/app-drawer-layout.html [07:41:27.278597] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-toolbar/app-toolbar.html [07:41:27.278597] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html [07:41:27.278597] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html [07:41:27.279600] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html [07:41:27.279600] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-icons/image-icons.html [07:41:27.279600] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-list/iron-list.html [07:41:27.279600] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-pages/iron-pages.html [07:41:27.284613] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/web-animations.html [07:41:27.284613] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/animations/fade-in-animation.html [07:41:27.284613] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/animations/fade-out-animation.html [07:41:27.285616] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html [07:41:27.285616] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item-shared-styles.html [07:41:27.285616] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html [07:41:27.285616] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html [07:41:27.285616] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html [07:41:27.286618] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.html [07:41:27.286618] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-checkbox/paper-checkbox.html [07:41:27.286618] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html [07:41:27.286618] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog-scrollable/paper-dialog-scrollable.html [07:41:27.286618] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-icon-item.html [07:41:27.286618] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-menu-button/paper-menu-button.html [07:41:27.287621] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-progress/paper-progress.html [07:41:27.287621] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-toast/paper-toast.html [07:41:27.287621] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-toggle-button/paper-toggle-button.html [07:41:27.287621] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.html [07:41:27.287621] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/marked/lib/marked.js [07:41:27.287621] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/Jed/jed.js [07:41:27.288624] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/jed-gettext-parser/jedGettextParser.js [07:41:27.288624] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/lodash/dist/lodash.core.min.js [07:41:27.288624] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/node_modules/github-api/dist/GitHub.bundle.min.js [07:41:27.288624] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/dialog.js [07:41:27.288624] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/dom.js [07:41:27.288624] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/events.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/plugin.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/game.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/translateStaticText.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/query.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/handlePromiseError.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/filters.js [07:41:27.289626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/state.js [07:41:27.290629] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/translator.js [07:41:27.290629] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/updateExists.js [07:41:27.290629] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/js/initialise.js [07:41:27.299653] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/apply-shim.min.js [07:41:27.299653] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.html [07:41:27.299653] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer-fn.html [07:41:27.300656] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/templatizer-behavior.html [07:41:27.300656] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-bind.html [07:41:27.300656] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-repeat.html [07:41:27.300656] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-if.html [07:41:27.300656] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/array-selector.html [07:41:27.300656] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/mutable-data-behavior.html [07:41:27.301658] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/custom-style-interface.html [07:41:27.301658] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/style-gather.html [07:41:27.303663] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html [07:41:27.303663] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/render-status.html [07:41:27.303663] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-autocomplete/paper-autocomplete.html [07:41:27.303663] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-textarea.html [07:41:27.304666] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html [07:41:27.304666] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-listbox/paper-listbox.html [07:41:27.304666] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item-body.html [07:41:27.304666] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html [07:41:27.304666] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html [07:41:27.304666] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-custom-icons.html [07:41:27.305668] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-menu.html [07:41:27.307674] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.html [07:41:27.307674] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-layout-behavior/app-layout-behavior.html [07:41:27.307674] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-meta/iron-meta.html [07:41:27.307674] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-iconset-svg/iron-iconset-svg.html [07:41:27.309679] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.html [07:41:27.309679] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.html [07:41:27.310682] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-scroll-target-behavior/iron-scroll-target-behavior.html [07:41:27.310682] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selectable.html [07:41:27.312687] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/web-animations-js/web-animations-next-lite.min.js [07:41:27.312687] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation-behavior.html [07:41:27.312687] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item-behavior.html [07:41:27.313690] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/color.html [07:41:27.313690] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/default-theme.html [07:41:27.313690] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/typography.html [07:41:27.313690] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-inky-focus-behavior.html [07:41:27.314692] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-button-behavior.html [07:41:27.315695] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/element-styles/paper-material-styles.html [07:41:27.315695] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-form-element-behavior/iron-form-element-behavior.html [07:41:27.315695] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-input/iron-input.html [07:41:27.315695] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-behavior.html [07:41:27.316698] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-char-counter.html [07:41:27.316698] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-container.html [07:41:27.316698] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-error.html [07:41:27.316698] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-menu-behavior/iron-menubar-behavior.html [07:41:27.316698] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs-icons.html [07:41:27.316698] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tab.html [07:41:27.317700] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-checked-element-behavior.html [07:41:27.317700] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation-runner-behavior.html [07:41:27.317700] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog-behavior/paper-dialog-behavior.html [07:41:27.317700] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog-behavior/paper-dialog-shared-styles.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-control-state.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-dropdown/iron-dropdown.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/shadow.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-menu-button/paper-menu-button-animations.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-range-behavior/iron-range-behavior.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-a11y-announcer/iron-a11y-announcer.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-behavior.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/element-mixin.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/gesture-event-listeners.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/import-href.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/unresolved.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/class.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/templatize.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/boot.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/property-effects.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/mutable-data.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/debounce.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/flush.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/array-splice.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/custom-style-interface.min.js [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/resolve-url.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-autocomplete/paper-autocomplete-suggestions.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-autogrow-textarea/iron-autogrow-textarea.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-button-state.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-validatable-behavior/iron-validatable-behavior.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu-icons.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu-shared-styles.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-menu-behavior/iron-menu-behavior.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-material/paper-material-shared-styles.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selection.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/font-roboto/roboto.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-ripple-behavior.html [07:41:27.320405] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-addon-behavior.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-checked-element-behavior/iron-checked-element-behavior.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animatable-behavior.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-dropdown/iron-dropdown-scroll-manager.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-fit-behavior/iron-fit-behavior.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-manager.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-focusables-helper.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/case-map.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-module.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/gestures.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/flattened-nodes-observer.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/path.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/property-accessors.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/template-stamp.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/async.html [07:41:27.336032] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-multi-selectable.html [07:41:27.336032] [warning]: Blocking load of resource at https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Mono:400,700|Roboto:400,300,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic [07:41:27.351668] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-backdrop.html [07:41:27.445448] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf [07:41:27.445448] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf [07:41:27.592612] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf [07:41:27.762201] [info]: Getting LOOT's supported languages. [07:41:27.762201] [info]: Getting LOOT's supported game types. [07:41:27.762201] [info]: Getting LOOT's detected games. [07:41:27.762201] [info]: Getting LOOT version. [07:41:27.762201] [info]: Getting LOOT settings. [07:41:27.988797] [trace]: Sending progress update: Parsing, merging and evaluating metadata... [07:41:27.988797] [trace]: Scanning for plugins in "S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data" [07:41:27.988797] [trace]: Checking to see if "4 x XP.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.988797] [info]: Found plugin: 4 x XP.esp [07:41:27.988797] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.988797] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.988797] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: ArmorKeywords.esm [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: Armorsmith Extended.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: Assaultron Combatron.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterCompanions - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterCompanions.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: BetterCompanions.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterGenerators.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: BetterGenerators.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.989800] [info]: Found plugin: Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp [07:41:27.989800] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_Pipboy_Skins - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_Pipboy_Skins - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [info]: Found plugin: Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_Workshop.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [info]: Found plugin: Brandons_Workshop.esp [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [info]: Found plugin: CBBE.esp [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4016-Prey - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4016-Prey - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "cceejfo4001-decorationpack - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "cceejfo4001-decorationpack - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [info]: Found plugin: cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [info]: Found plugin: cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.990803] [info]: Found plugin: ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ConcordEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: ConcordEXPANDED.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable Armor Size.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.991805] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Mastery.esp [07:41:27.991805] [trace]: Checking to see if "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [info]: Found plugin: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [info]: Found plugin: CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [info]: Found plugin: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [info]: Found plugin: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DeathclawVariety.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [info]: Found plugin: DeathclawVariety.esp [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.cdx" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [info]: Found plugin: DLCCoast.esm [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.cdx" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.992808] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [info]: Found plugin: DLCNukaWorld.esm [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.cdx" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [info]: Found plugin: DLCRobot.esm [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.cdx" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop01.esm [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop02.esm [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.cdx" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.993812] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop03.esm [07:41:27.993812] [trace]: Checking to see if "Eli_PlantPots.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [info]: Found plugin: Eli_PlantPots.esp [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [info]: Found plugin: Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Animations.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Interface.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Materials.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Misc.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Nvflex.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Startup.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Voices.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 2016-01-10 00-27-18-16 copy.png" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.cdx" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [info]: Found plugin: Fallout4.esm [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "FHLeveledListIntegration.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.994814] [info]: Found plugin: FHLeveledListIntegration.esp [07:41:27.994814] [trace]: Checking to see if "FO4_MergedPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [info]: Found plugin: FO4_MergedPatch.esp [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [info]: Found plugin: GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "GSRM2 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "GSRM2 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "GSRM2.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [info]: Found plugin: GSRM2.esp [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "HagenEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [info]: Found plugin: HagenEXPANDED.esp [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstitWeapPosit - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstitWeapPosit.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [info]: Found plugin: InstitWeapPosit.esp [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.995817] [info]: Found plugin: keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp [07:41:27.995817] [trace]: Checking to see if "keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: LooksMenu.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "More Materials Loot.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: More Materials Loot.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "MoreSpawns_Medium.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: MoreSpawns_Medium.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "MsAbominations - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "MsAbominations.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: MsAbominations.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "MsAutomatronPartsCollection - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "pots.png" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quad_Accelerator - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quad_Accelerator - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quad_Accelerator.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: Quad_Accelerator.esp [07:41:27.996819] [trace]: Checking to see if "ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.996819] [info]: Found plugin: ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "SalemEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: SalemEXPANDED.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: StartMeUp.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: TrueStormsFO4.esm [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "UnbogusPerks.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [info]: Found plugin: UnbogusPerks.esp [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.997820] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Waters.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: Vivid Waters.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "WeaponModFixes-GOTY - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "WeaponModFixes-GOTY - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.998824] [info]: Found plugin: WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:27.998824] [trace]: Checking to see if "4 x XP.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterCompanions.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterGenerators.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "Brandons_Workshop.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:27.999826] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "ConcordEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.000829] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Mastery.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "DeathclawVariety.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.001852] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "Eli_PlantPots.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "FHLeveledListIntegration.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "FO4_MergedPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "GSRM2.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "HagenEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.002861] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstitWeapPosit.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "More Materials Loot.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "MoreSpawns_Medium.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "MsAbominations.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.003863] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quad_Accelerator.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "SalemEXPANDED.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "TrueStormsFO4.esm" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "UnbogusPerks.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.004867] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Waters.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Checking to see if "WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.005870] [info]: Loading 74 plugins using 8 threads, with up to 10 plugins per thread. [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin LooksMenu.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin 4 x XP.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin CBBE.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm to loading group 5 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.005870] [trace]: Adding plugin Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin FO4_MergedPatch.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterGenerators.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Eli_PlantPots.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin FHLeveledListIntegration.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable Armor Size.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin More Materials Loot.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Brandons_Workshop.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Assaultron Combatron.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Vivid Waters.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DeathclawVariety.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Quad_Accelerator.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterCompanions.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin UnbogusPerks.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin InstitWeapPosit.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Mastery.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin TrueStormsFO4.esm to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin ArmorKeywords.esm to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop01.esm to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop02.esm to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin MsAbominations.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Armorsmith Extended.esp to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin HagenEXPANDED.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin StartMeUp.esp to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin SalemEXPANDED.esp to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin MoreSpawns_Medium.esp to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin GSRM2.esp to loading group 2 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin ConcordEXPANDED.esp to loading group 3 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop03.esm to loading group 4 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp to loading group 5 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCRobot.esm to loading group 6 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCNukaWorld.esm to loading group 7 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCCoast.esm to loading group 0 [07:41:28.006872] [trace]: Adding plugin Fallout4.esm to loading group 1 [07:41:28.006872] [debug]: Loading the current load order state. [07:41:28.093074] [trace]: Starting plugin loading. [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading LooksMenu.esp [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading 4 x XP.esp [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.094077] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LooksMenu.esp" is active. [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: 4 x XP.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.094077] [debug]: Checking if plugin "4 x XP.esp" is active. [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.094077] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp" is active. [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading CBBE.esp [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.094077] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is active. [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Loading CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.094077] [trace]: Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.095080] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm" is active. [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.095080] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CBBE.esp" is active. [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.095080] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is active. [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: Loading TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.095080] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp" is active. [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: Loading WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.095080] [trace]: WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.095080] [debug]: Checking if plugin "WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is active. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Loading cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: 4 x XP.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.096082] [debug]: Checking if plugin "cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp" is active. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Loading Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Loading Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Loading FO4_MergedPatch.esp [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.096082] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp" is active. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.096082] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp" is active. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: FO4_MergedPatch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.096082] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FO4_MergedPatch.esp" is active. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.096082] [trace]: Loading LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: Loading Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.097085] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp" is active. [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: Loading BetterGenerators.esp [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.097085] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp" is active. [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.097085] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterGenerators.esp" is active. [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.097085] [trace]: Loading WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.098087] [debug]: Checking if plugin "WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp" is active. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Loading WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Loading Eli_PlantPots.esp [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: FO4_MergedPatch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Loading Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.098087] [debug]: Checking if plugin "WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp" is active. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Eli_PlantPots.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.098087] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Eli_PlantPots.esp" is active. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.098087] [trace]: Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.099090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp" is active. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Loading ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.099090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp" is active. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Loading FHLeveledListIntegration.esp [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.099090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl" is active. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Loading Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: FHLeveledListIntegration.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.099090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FHLeveledListIntegration.esp" is active. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.099090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl" is active. [07:41:28.099090] [trace]: Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.099090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp" is active. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Loading Craftable Armor Size.esp [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Loading More Materials Loot.esp [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Loading Brandons_Workshop.esp [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.100092] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is active. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Brandons_Workshop.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.100092] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Brandons_Workshop.esp" is active. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Loading Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: More Materials Loot.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.100092] [debug]: Checking if plugin "More Materials Loot.esp" is active. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Eli_PlantPots.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Loading VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp [07:41:28.100092] [trace]: Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.100092] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp" is active. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.101095] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp" is active. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: Loading MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.101095] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp" is active. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: Loading CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: FHLeveledListIntegration.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: Loading ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.101095] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp" is active. [07:41:28.101095] [trace]: ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.101095] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl" is active. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Brandons_Workshop.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Loading Assaultron Combatron.esp [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Loading TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Loading SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.102098] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is active. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: More Materials Loot.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.102098] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp" is active. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.102098] [trace]: Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.103101] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp" is active. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Loading CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Loading Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Loading Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.103101] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is active. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Loading TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.103101] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp" is active. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.103101] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is active. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.103101] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp" is active. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Loading Vivid Waters.esp [07:41:28.103101] [trace]: Vivid Waters.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.103101] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Vivid Waters.esp" is active. [07:41:28.104103] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.104103] [trace]: Loading keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp [07:41:28.104103] [trace]: keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.104103] [debug]: Checking if plugin "keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading Quad_Accelerator.esp [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Quad_Accelerator.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Quad_Accelerator.esp" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading BetterCompanions.esp [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading DeathclawVariety.esp [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Vivid Waters.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Loading UnbogusPerks.esp [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: BetterCompanions.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterCompanions.esp" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: DeathclawVariety.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DeathclawVariety.esp" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: UnbogusPerks.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "UnbogusPerks.esp" is active. [07:41:28.105106] [trace]: Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.105106] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp" is active. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: BetterCompanions.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Loading Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.106109] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is active. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Loading InstitWeapPosit.esp [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: InstitWeapPosit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.106109] [debug]: Checking if plugin "InstitWeapPosit.esp" is active. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Quad_Accelerator.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Loading WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Loading Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Loading MsAbominations.esp [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.106109] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp" is active. [07:41:28.106109] [trace]: WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.106109] [debug]: Checking if plugin "WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp" is active. [07:41:28.107111] [trace]: MsAbominations.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.107111] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MsAbominations.esp" is active. [07:41:28.107111] [trace]: UnbogusPerks.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.107111] [trace]: Loading ArmorKeywords.esm [07:41:28.107111] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.107111] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ArmorKeywords.esm" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: DeathclawVariety.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading Crafting Mastery.esp [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading TrueStormsFO4.esm [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: InstitWeapPosit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Crafting Mastery.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Mastery.esp" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TrueStormsFO4.esm" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading SalemEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading HagenEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop01.esm [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: SalemEXPANDED.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SalemEXPANDED.esp" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: HagenEXPANDED.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HagenEXPANDED.esp" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop01.esm" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: MsAbominations.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading ConcordEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading Armorsmith Extended.esp [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Loading StartMeUp.esp [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: ConcordEXPANDED.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ConcordEXPANDED.esp" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.108114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is active. [07:41:28.108114] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.109117] [debug]: Checking if plugin "StartMeUp.esp" is active. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: TrueStormsFO4.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Loading keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: SalemEXPANDED.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Loading DLCNukaWorld.esm [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Crafting Mastery.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop02.esm [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.110119] [debug]: Checking if plugin "keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp" is active. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Loading Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.110119] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is active. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.110119] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop02.esm" is active. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: HagenEXPANDED.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Delev [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Loading GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Loading DLCRobot.esm [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Invent [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Names [07:41:28.110119] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is active. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: ConcordEXPANDED.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.110119] [trace]: GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.111122] [debug]: Checking if plugin "GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp" is active. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.111122] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCRobot.esm" is active. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop03.esm [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.111122] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop03.esm" is active. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: Loading MoreSpawns_Medium.esp [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.111122] [trace]: MoreSpawns_Medium.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.111122] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MoreSpawns_Medium.esp" is active. [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: Loading GSRM2.esp [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: GSRM2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.112125] [debug]: Checking if plugin "GSRM2.esp" is active. [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: Loading DLCCoast.esm [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.112125] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.112125] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [07:41:28.113128] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.113128] [trace]: MoreSpawns_Medium.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.113128] [trace]: Loading Fallout4.esm [07:41:28.113128] [trace]: Fallout4.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [07:41:28.113128] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Fallout4.esm" is active. [07:41:28.114130] [trace]: GSRM2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.114130] [trace]: Fallout4.esm: Plugin loading complete. [07:41:28.114130] [debug]: Preparing to parse masterlist. [07:41:28.114130] [debug]: Parsing metadata list(s). [07:41:28.115133] [debug]: Loading file: C:\Users\Brandon\AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4\masterlist.yaml [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", >=) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", <) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.141202] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.142205] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.143207] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.144211] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCworkshop01.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCworkshop01.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCworkshop01.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCworkshop01.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.145217] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.146216] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.147218] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp") [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" exists. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.148221] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.150226] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and not active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting - DLCRobots Fixes.esp") and checksum("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp", 904389D7) [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting - DLCRobots Fixes.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp". [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp") and checksum("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp", 904389D7) [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp". [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp") and active("DLCCoast.esm") [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200)more)PCDamage\.esp") [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200)more)PCDamage\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Survival((50|25)LESS|Normal|(50|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)EnemyDamage\.esp") [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Survival((50|25)LESS|Normal|(50|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)EnemyDamage\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)(PC|Enemy)Damage\.esp") [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)(PC|Enemy)Damage\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Rainy_(25|50|75|100)\.esp") [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Rainy_(25|50|75|100)\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Ambient|Strong|Hardcore|Deadly) Radiation Storms\.esp") [07:41:28.151229] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Ambient|Strong|Hardcore|Deadly) Radiation Storms\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Higher|Deeper) Female Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish|French|German)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp") [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Higher|Deeper) Female Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish|French|German)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Deeper|Higher) Male Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp") [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Deeper|Higher) Male Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Higher Voice For Curie (\(Japanese\) )?- Type [A-U]\d(-(R|S))?\.esp") [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Higher Voice For Curie (\(Japanese\) )?- Type [A-U]\d(-(R|S))?\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Piper - Type [A-U]\d\.esp") [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Piper - Type [A-U]\d\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For Strong - Type A\d\.esp") [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For Strong - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For Super Mutants - Type A\d\.esp") [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For Super Mutants - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.152231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For Preston - Type A\d\.esp") [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For Preston - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For X6-88 - Type A\d\.esp") [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For X6-88 - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Cait - Type A\d\.esp") [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Cait - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("DeadlyRadstorms_Climate_\d+\.esp") [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "DeadlyRadstorms_Climate_\d+\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("DeadlyRadstorms_Damage_\d+\.esp") [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "DeadlyRadstorms_Damage_\d+\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("NoGunSneakAttackMultiplier.esp", "1.1", <) [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "NoGunSneakAttackMultiplier.esp". [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "NoGunSneakAttackMultiplier.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Freso's TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages for FO4.esp", "0.3", <) [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Freso's TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages for FO4.esp". [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Freso's TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages for FO4.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("DarkerNights.esp", "1.11", <) [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "DarkerNights.esp". [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DarkerNights.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ArmorKeywords.esm") [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ArmorKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.153234] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.154237] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and active("DLC_SK_Patch.esp")) and version("..\Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLC_SK_Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "..\Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "..\Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.155239] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.156242] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.157245] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp". [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.158247] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp". [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.159250] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",55D44FD5) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("Homemaker.esm",55D44FD5) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",A28ED2EC) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",DF136FBA) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",284A031C) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",47E7024C)) and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",A28ED2EC) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.160253] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",284A031C) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.7.9", >=) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",47E7024C) and (version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.9", <=)) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",F8FC29EE) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.7.9", <) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.7.9", <) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.40", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", <) [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.161256] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.49", <) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("AlternateSettlements.esp",D8906B4D) or checksum("AlternateSettlements.esp",5C36EB92)) and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AlternateSettlements.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AlternateSettlements.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AlternateSettlements.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AlternateSettlements.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",8CD7D3C8) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",A66E1F17) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",46A18495) and (version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.5.416.0", <=)) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",8CD7D3C8) or checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",46A18495)) and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.162259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("BuildingBlocks-Foundations.esp",2924F338) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "BuildingBlocks-Foundations.esp". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "BuildingBlocks-Foundations.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.43", >=) [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("BrighterSettlementLights(_(ExtraBrightv1\.1|LessHarsh|LongAndSoft)| - (Extra Bright( v1\.1)?|Less Harsh))?\.esp") [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "BrighterSettlementLights(_(ExtraBrightv1\.1|LessHarsh|LongAndSoft)| - (Extra Bright( v1\.1)?|Less Harsh))?\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("ConstructionLight_\w+\.esp") [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "ConstructionLight_\w+\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.163261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Armorsmith Extended.esp") [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("interface/dialoguemenu.swf", FD1941F1) or checksum("interface/multiactivatemenu.swf", 7A51282D)) and checksum("llamaCompanionHeather.esp", 1FD60CC1) [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "interface/dialoguemenu.swf". [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "interface/dialoguemenu.swf" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "interface/multiactivatemenu.swf". [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "interface/multiactivatemenu.swf" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "llamaCompanionHeather.esp". [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "llamaCompanionHeather.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and not active("llamaCompanionHeather-VIS(-AE)? Patch\.esp") [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("BBS000-F04-(MANDATORY|Ultimate)(-.*)?\.esp") and not active("llamaCompanionHeather-BBS(-AE)? Patch\.esp") [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Armorsmith Extended.esp") and not active("llamaCompanionHeather-((BBS|VIS)-)?AE Patch\.esp") [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp") [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") and checksum("Better Settlement Defence.esp", DB37AB92) [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Better Settlement Defence.esp". [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Better Settlement Defence.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.164263] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCCoast.esm") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9)) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 814AC32F) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B)) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0)) [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("CC's Unique Vault Suit Boxes - Far Harbor Patch.esp") [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CC's Unique Vault Suit Boxes - Far Harbor Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.165266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp", 42D99A6E) [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp". [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CustomizableNeeds.esp") and not checksum("CustomizableNeeds.esp", F2860D72) [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "CustomizableNeeds.esp". [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("EveryonesBestFriend.esp") and not active("EBF_DEFW_Patch.esp") and not active("Give Me That Bottle.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EBF_DEFW_Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Give Me That Bottle.esp") and not active("gmtb_patch.esp") and not active("EveryonesBestFriend.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "gmtb_patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("EveryonesBestFriend.esp") and active("Give Me That Bottle.esp") and not active("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp", "1.0.0", ==) [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp". [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not checksum("CustomizableNeeds.esp", F2860D72) [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "CustomizableNeeds.esp". [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CustomizableNeeds + RealisticAidSideEffects.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds + RealisticAidSideEffects.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CN \+ RASE - .+\.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and not active("CN Only - VIS Patch.esp") [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CN Only - VIS Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.166269] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CustomizableNeeds.esp") and not checksum("CustomizableNeeds.esp", F2860D72) [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "CustomizableNeeds.esp". [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CN Only - .+\.esp") [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("LoreFriendlySurvivalChems(VIS)?\.esp") and not active("CN + RASE - LoreFriendlySurvivalChems(VIS)? Patch\.esp") [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and not active("CN + RASE - VIS Patch.esp") [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CN + RASE - VIS Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Diverse Cats.esp") and checksum("Diverse Cats.esp", ea3b193f) [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Diverse Cats.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Diverse Cats.esp". [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Diverse Cats.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Diverse Cats.esp", ea3b193f) [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Diverse Cats.esp". [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Diverse Cats.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SimSettlements.esm", "2.0.6", <) [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements.esm". [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.167271] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp", "2.0.6", <) [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (version("SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp", "2.0.6", >=) and version("SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp", "2.0.7", <)) and not (version("SimSettlements.esm", "2.0.6", >=) and version("SimSettlements.esm", "2.0.7", <)) [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements.esm". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements.esm". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements.esm" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many_active("ShotLayDown\d+\.esp") [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "ShotLayDown\d+\.esp" is active. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("AGOMBz.esp", "1.0.1_DLC", <) [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "AGOMBz.esp". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Better Settlement Defence.esp") and not (checksum("AGOMBz - Main.ba2", FBBDC389) or checksum("AGOMBz - Main.ba2", 5A4E786E) or checksum("AGOMBz - Main.ba2", F1E405A5)) [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Better Settlement Defence.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AGOMBz - Main.ba2". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz - Main.ba2" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AGOMBz - Main.ba2". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz - Main.ba2" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AGOMBz - Main.ba2". [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz - Main.ba2" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp") and active("LooksMenu1stPersonViewItemsFix.esp") [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "LooksMenu1stPersonViewItemsFix.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp") and active("FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp") [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("MinutemenGeneralOutfitF.esp") and active("Armorsmith Extended.esp") [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "MinutemenGeneralOutfitF.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.168274] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp") [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not active("Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Core.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp") [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Core.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Active check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("Bashed Patch.*\.esp") [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Bashed Patch.*\.esp" exists. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("Smashed Patch.esp") [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Smashed Patch.esp" exists. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Smashed Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../f4se_loader.exe") and version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", ==) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", !=) [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" exists. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.169277] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" exists. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 78374099) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 988580db) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 6a0dbf55)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 95eab074) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c2e4481a) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 89ceec93) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c202af85) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 44af914a) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", ace2ed7e) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 1bf865e4)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.170279] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.170279] [debug]: File loaded successfully. [07:41:28.173287] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.175293] [debug]: Existing repository found, attempting to open it. [07:41:28.176296] [info]: Getting the Git object for the tree at HEAD. [07:41:28.177299] [trace]: Generating hex string for Git object ID. [07:41:28.177299] [trace]: Getting date for Git object. [07:41:28.177299] [trace]: Diffing masterlist HEAD and working copy. [07:41:28.177299] [trace]: Existing repository found, attempting to open it. [07:41:28.178315] [trace]: Getting the tree for the HEAD revision. [07:41:28.179328] [trace]: Performing git diff. [07:41:28.180330] [trace]: Iterating over git diff deltas. [07:41:28.180330] [trace]: Checking diff for: .gitattributes [07:41:28.181333] [trace]: Checking diff for: .gitignore [07:41:28.181333] [trace]: Checking diff for: .travis.yml [07:41:28.181333] [trace]: Checking diff for: CONTRIBUTING.md [07:41:28.181333] [trace]: Checking diff for: LICENSE [07:41:28.181333] [trace]: Checking diff for: README.md [07:41:28.181333] [trace]: Recursively setting write permission on directory: C:/Users/Brandon/AppData/Local/LOOT/Fallout4/.git/ [07:41:28.182336] [trace]: Recursively setting write permission on directory: C:/Users/Brandon/AppData/Local/LOOT/Fallout4/.git/ [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: File check result: true [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("../f4se_loader.exe") and version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: File check result: true [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.183338] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Evaluating condition: not version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", ==) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", !=) [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.184341] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" exists. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: File check result: true [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: File check result: true [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" exists. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: File check result: false [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: File check result: true [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Evaluating condition: ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 78374099) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 988580db) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 6a0dbf55)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 95eab074) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c2e4481a) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 89ceec93) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c202af85) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 44af914a) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", ace2ed7e) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 1bf865e4)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.185320] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.186350] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.188355] [info]: Using message language: en [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Fallout4.esm [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Fallout4.esm's data. [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Fallout4.esm [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Fallout4.esm's data. [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Fallout4.esm [07:41:28.188355] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCRobot.esm's data. [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [07:41:28.188355] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCRobot.esm [07:41:28.206403] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCRobot.esm"): d69027ea [07:41:28.207406] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCRobot.esm's data. [07:41:28.207406] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [07:41:28.207406] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.207406] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [07:41:28.207406] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop01.esm's data. [07:41:28.207406] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [07:41:28.207406] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop01.esm [07:41:28.209408] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop01.esm"): 47bae27e [07:41:28.209408] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop01.esm's data. [07:41:28.209408] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [07:41:28.209408] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.209408] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [07:41:28.209408] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCCoast.esm's data. [07:41:28.209408] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [07:41:28.209408] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCCoast.esm [07:41:28.377833] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCCoast.esm"): f1f28026 [07:41:28.377833] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCCoast.esm's data. [07:41:28.377833] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [07:41:28.377833] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.378835] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [07:41:28.378835] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop02.esm's data. [07:41:28.378835] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [07:41:28.378835] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop02.esm [07:41:28.380867] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop02.esm"): 83abc821 [07:41:28.380867] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop02.esm's data. [07:41:28.380867] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [07:41:28.380867] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.380867] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [07:41:28.380867] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop03.esm's data. [07:41:28.380867] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [07:41:28.380867] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop03.esm [07:41:28.387885] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop03.esm"): e0089fbb [07:41:28.387885] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop03.esm's data. [07:41:28.387885] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [07:41:28.387885] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.387885] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [07:41:28.387885] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCNukaWorld.esm's data. [07:41:28.387885] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [07:41:28.387885] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCNukaWorld.esm [07:41:28.536253] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCNukaWorld.esm"): 43d25c56 [07:41:28.536253] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCNukaWorld.esm's data. [07:41:28.536253] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [07:41:28.536253] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.536253] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl [07:41:28.536253] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl's data. [07:41:28.536253] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccfsvfo4002-midcenturymodern.esl's data. [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern.esl [07:41:28.537256] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl's data. [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to cceejfo4001-decorationpack.esl's data. [07:41:28.537256] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccEEJFO4001-DecorationPack.esl [07:41:28.537256] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl's data. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl's data. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4006-factionws06hrshark.esl [07:41:28.538258] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl's data. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl's data. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4007-factionws07hrflames.esl [07:41:28.538258] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.538258] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp's data. [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", >=) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Version extracted: 2.0.2 [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Version extracted: [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Version check result: true [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", <) [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [07:41:28.539261] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Version extracted: 2.0.2 [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Version check result: false [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp's data. [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [07:41:28.540264] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ArmorKeywords.esm's data. [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [07:41:28.540264] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm [07:41:28.542269] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm"): 602cfd1a [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ArmorKeywords.esm's data. [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [07:41:28.542269] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm's data. [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm's data. [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pipboy_Customization_Framework.esm [07:41:28.542269] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.542269] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4.esm [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4.esm's data. [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4.esm [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4.esm's data. [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TrueStormsFO4.esm [07:41:28.543294] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: InstitWeapPosit.esp [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to InstitWeapPosit.esp's data. [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: InstitWeapPosit.esp [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to InstitWeapPosit.esp's data. [07:41:28.543294] [trace]: Merging metadata for: InstitWeapPosit.esp [07:41:28.544274] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.544274] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [07:41:28.544274] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith Extended.esp's data. [07:41:28.544274] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [07:41:28.544274] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith Extended.esp [07:41:28.546280] [debug]: CRC32("S:\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith Extended.esp"): 232590b7 [07:41:28.546280] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith Extended.esp's data. [07:41:28.546280] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [07:41:28.546280] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp's data. [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp's data. [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [07:41:28.547282] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp's data. [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp's data. [07:41:28.547282] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [07:41:28.548285] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size.esp's data. [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size.esp's data. [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [07:41:28.548285] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: More Materials Loot.esp [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to More Materials Loot.esp's data. [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: More Materials Loot.esp [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to More Materials Loot.esp's data. [07:41:28.548285] [trace]: Merging metadata for: More Materials Loot.esp [07:41:28.548285] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp's data. [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp's data. [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [07:41:28.549288] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FHLeveledListIntegration.esp [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FHLeveledListIntegration.esp's data. [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FHLeveledListIntegration.esp [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FHLeveledListIntegration.esp's data. [07:41:28.549288] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FHLeveledListIntegration.esp [07:41:28.549288] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 4 x XP.esp [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 4 x XP.esp's data. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 4 x XP.esp [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 4 x XP.esp's data. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 4 x XP.esp [07:41:28.550290] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MoreSpawns_Medium.esp [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MoreSpawns_Medium.esp's data. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MoreSpawns_Medium.esp [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MoreSpawns_Medium.esp's data. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MoreSpawns_Medium.esp [07:41:28.550290] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.550290] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CBBE.esp [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CBBE.esp's data. [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CBBE.esp [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CBBE.esp's data. [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CBBE.esp [07:41:28.551293] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp's data. [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp's data. [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Brandons_Pipboy_Skins.esp [07:41:28.551293] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.551293] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Merging metadata for: GlowingSeaEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.552296] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: GSRM2.esp [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to GSRM2.esp's data. [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: GSRM2.esp [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to GSRM2.esp's data. [07:41:28.552296] [trace]: Merging metadata for: GSRM2.esp [07:41:28.552296] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ConcordEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ConcordEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ConcordEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ConcordEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ConcordEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.553298] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SalemEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SalemEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SalemEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SalemEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SalemEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.553298] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.553298] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MsAbominations.esp [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MsAbominations.esp's data. [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MsAbominations.esp [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MsAbominations.esp's data. [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MsAbominations.esp [07:41:28.554301] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HagenEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HagenEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HagenEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HagenEXPANDED.esp's data. [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HagenEXPANDED.esp [07:41:28.554301] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.554301] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DeathclawVariety.esp [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DeathclawVariety.esp's data. [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DeathclawVariety.esp [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DeathclawVariety.esp's data. [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DeathclawVariety.esp [07:41:28.555304] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: UnbogusPerks.esp [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to UnbogusPerks.esp's data. [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: UnbogusPerks.esp [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to UnbogusPerks.esp's data. [07:41:28.555304] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UnbogusPerks.esp [07:41:28.555304] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterCompanions.esp [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterCompanions.esp's data. [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterCompanions.esp [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterCompanions.esp's data. [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterCompanions.esp [07:41:28.556306] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp's data. [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp's data. [07:41:28.556306] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.557309] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp's data. [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp's data. [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Automatron.esp [07:41:28.557309] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery.esp [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery.esp's data. [07:41:28.557309] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery.esp [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery.esp's data. [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Mastery.esp [07:41:28.558312] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp's data. [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp's data. [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.558312] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp [07:41:28.558312] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp's data. [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp's data. [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Mastery - Nuka world.esp [07:41:28.559314] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp's data. [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp's data. [07:41:28.559314] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ReasonableWorkbenchPerks.esp [07:41:28.559314] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Quad_Accelerator.esp [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Quad_Accelerator.esp's data. [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Quad_Accelerator.esp [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Quad_Accelerator.esp's data. [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Quad_Accelerator.esp [07:41:28.560317] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp's data. [07:41:28.560317] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.561324] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp's data. [07:41:28.561324] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CutWeaponModsRestored-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.561324] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.561324] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.561324] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp's data. [07:41:28.561324] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.561324] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp's data. [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.562322] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp's data. [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp's data. [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CWMR-GOTY-Patch-WeaponModFixes-GOTY.esp [07:41:28.562322] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.562322] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp's data. [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp's data. [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Merging metadata for: keke-bu All-in-one Pack_1.1.7.esp [07:41:28.563325] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp's data. [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp's data. [07:41:28.563325] [trace]: Merging metadata for: keke-bu Companions Pack_DLC.esp [07:41:28.563325] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp's data. [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp's data. [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LeverActionReloadOverhaul.esp [07:41:28.564328] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp's data. [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp's data. [07:41:28.564328] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [07:41:28.564328] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.565330] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp [07:41:28.565330] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp's data. [07:41:28.565330] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp [07:41:28.565330] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp's data. [07:41:28.565330] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VC_BetterWorkshopLightsComplete.esp [07:41:28.565330] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.565330] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterGenerators.esp's data. [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterGenerators.esp's data. [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [07:41:28.566333] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FO4_MergedPatch.esp [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FO4_MergedPatch.esp's data. [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FO4_MergedPatch.esp [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FO4_MergedPatch.esp's data. [07:41:28.566333] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FO4_MergedPatch.esp [07:41:28.566333] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp's data. [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp's data. [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WeaponRackFixes-NukaWorld.esp [07:41:28.567336] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp's data. [07:41:28.567336] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp's data. [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WMF-GOTY-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.568338] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp's data. [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp's data. [07:41:28.568338] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WRR-NW-Patch-AWKCR.esp [07:41:28.568338] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp's data. [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp's data. [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Expanded_Combat_Armor.esp [07:41:28.569341] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Vivid Waters.esp [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Waters.esp's data. [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Vivid Waters.esp [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Waters.esp's data. [07:41:28.569341] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Vivid Waters.esp [07:41:28.569341] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp's data. [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp's data. [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Vivid Weathers - FO4.esp [07:41:28.570344] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp's data. [07:41:28.570344] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp's data. [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp [07:41:28.571346] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp's data. [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp's data. [07:41:28.571346] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp [07:41:28.571346] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp's data. [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp's data. [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Vivid Weathers - FO4 - Far Harbor.esp [07:41:28.572349] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp's data. [07:41:28.572349] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp's data. [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp [07:41:28.573352] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp's data. [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp's data. [07:41:28.573352] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp [07:41:28.573352] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp's data. [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp's data. [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Vivid Weathers - Nuka World.esp [07:41:28.574354] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp [07:41:28.574354] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp's data. [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp's data. [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MsAutomatronPartsCollection.esp [07:41:28.575357] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Brandons_Workshop.esp [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Brandons_Workshop.esp's data. [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Brandons_Workshop.esp [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Brandons_Workshop.esp's data. [07:41:28.575357] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Brandons_Workshop.esp [07:41:28.575357] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.576360] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp [07:41:28.576360] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp's data. [07:41:28.576360] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp [07:41:28.576360] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp's data. [07:41:28.576360] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Brandons_BlackOps_Weapons.esp [07:41:28.576360] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.577363] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp [07:41:28.577363] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp's data. [07:41:28.577363] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp [07:41:28.577363] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp's data. [07:41:28.577363] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SoleSurvivor'sWeddingRing.esp [07:41:28.577363] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.577363] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LooksMenu.esp's data. [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LooksMenu.esp's data. [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [07:41:28.578365] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp's data. [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp's data. [07:41:28.578365] [trace]: Merging metadata for: cceejfo4001-decorationpack1.esp [07:41:28.578365] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.579368] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [07:41:28.579368] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Assaultron Combatron.esp's data. [07:41:28.579368] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [07:41:28.579368] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Assaultron Combatron.esp's data. [07:41:28.579368] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [07:41:28.579368] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.579368] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Eli_PlantPots.esp [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Eli_PlantPots.esp's data. [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Eli_PlantPots.esp [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Eli_PlantPots.esp's data. [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Eli_PlantPots.esp [07:41:28.580370] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to StartMeUp.esp's data. [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to StartMeUp.esp's data. [07:41:28.580370] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [07:41:28.581373] [debug]: Getting load order. [07:41:28.606445] [info]: Getting LOOT version.