[03:34:09.201026] [info]: LOOT Version: 0.13.0+cd7889c0 [03:34:09.201436] [info]: LOOT API Version: 0.13.5+cf9f9556 [03:34:09.201458] [debug]: Detecting installed games. [03:34:09.201487] [trace]: Checking if game "TES IV: Oblivion" is installed. [03:34:09.201543] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion, Installed Path [03:34:09.201578] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.201594] [trace]: Checking if game "TES V: Skyrim" is installed. [03:34:09.201623] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim, Installed Path [03:34:09.201974] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.201988] [trace]: Checking if game "TES V: Skyrim Special Edition" is installed. [03:34:09.202019] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim Special Edition, Installed Path [03:34:09.202040] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.202048] [trace]: Checking if game "TES V: Skyrim VR" is installed. [03:34:09.202071] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\Skyrim VR, Installed Path [03:34:09.202089] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.202096] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 3" is installed. [03:34:09.202118] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout3, Installed Path [03:34:09.202134] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.202142] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout: New Vegas" is installed. [03:34:09.202163] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\FalloutNV, Installed Path [03:34:09.202179] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.202186] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 4" is installed. [03:34:09.202230] [trace]: Adding new installed game entry for: Fallout4 [03:34:09.202239] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 4" is installed. [03:34:09.202289] [info]: Attempting to create a game handle with game path "C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\" and local path "" [03:34:09.202352] [info]: Initialising load order data for game of type 4 at: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\ [03:34:09.202571] [trace]: Checking if game "Fallout 4 VR" is installed. [03:34:09.202601] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout 4 VR, Installed Path [03:34:09.202622] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.202630] [trace]: Checking if game "Nehrim - At Fate's Edge" is installed. [03:34:09.202654] [trace]: Getting string for registry key, subkey and value: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Nehrim - At Fate's Edge_is1, InstallLocation [03:34:09.202677] [info]: Failed to get string value. [03:34:09.202685] [debug]: Game selected is Fallout 4 [03:34:09.202690] [debug]: Initialising game-specific settings. [03:34:09.202695] [info]: Initialising filesystem-related data for game: Fallout 4 [03:34:09.228728] [debug]: Initialising language settings in UI thread. [03:34:09.241619] [info]: Attempting to open link: http://loot/ui/index.html [03:34:09.241648] [trace]: Link is to LOOT page, allowing CEF's default handling. [03:34:09.242091] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/index.html [03:34:09.398274] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/css/typography.css [03:34:09.399296] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/css/style.css [03:34:09.399716] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/css/theme.css [03:34:09.399764] [trace]: File C:\Program Files (x86)\LOOT\resources/ui/css/theme.css not found, sending 404. [03:34:09.399888] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js [03:34:09.400099] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/polymer-settings.html [03:34:09.401889] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/apply-shim.html [03:34:09.402214] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/polymer.html [03:34:09.402444] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/custom-style.html [03:34:09.402612] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/editable-table-rows.html [03:34:09.402798] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer/app-drawer.html [03:34:09.404690] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-drawer-layout/app-drawer-layout.html [03:34:09.404902] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-toolbar/app-toolbar.html [03:34:09.405041] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout.html [03:34:09.405183] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-icon/iron-icon.html [03:34:09.405316] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html [03:34:09.405463] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-icons/image-icons.html [03:34:09.405601] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-list/iron-list.html [03:34:09.405735] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-pages/iron-pages.html [03:34:09.405864] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/web-animations.html [03:34:09.406015] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/animations/fade-in-animation.html [03:34:09.406148] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/animations/fade-out-animation.html [03:34:09.410053] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item-shared-styles.html [03:34:09.410273] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-button/paper-button.html [03:34:09.410420] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html [03:34:09.410569] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs.html [03:34:09.410706] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-checkbox/paper-checkbox.html [03:34:09.410843] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog/paper-dialog.html [03:34:09.410976] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog-scrollable/paper-dialog-scrollable.html [03:34:09.411115] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-icon-button/paper-icon-button.html [03:34:09.411251] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item.html [03:34:09.411384] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-icon-item.html [03:34:09.411525] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-menu-button/paper-menu-button.html [03:34:09.411675] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-progress/paper-progress.html [03:34:09.411811] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-toast/paper-toast.html [03:34:09.411947] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-toggle-button/paper-toggle-button.html [03:34:09.412085] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tooltip/paper-tooltip.html [03:34:09.412226] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/polymer-element.html [03:34:09.412359] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-material/paper-material.html [03:34:09.412495] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/elements/loot-custom-icons.html [03:34:09.412626] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-listbox/paper-listbox.html [03:34:09.412797] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.html [03:34:09.412937] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item-body.html [03:34:09.413071] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html [03:34:09.413202] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/app.bundle.js [03:34:09.437492] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/color.html [03:34:09.438187] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/default-theme.html [03:34:09.438497] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/typography.html [03:34:09.438648] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-button-behavior.html [03:34:09.439943] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/element-styles/paper-material-styles.html [03:34:09.440193] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-form-element-behavior/iron-form-element-behavior.html [03:34:09.440410] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-input/iron-input.html [03:34:09.440564] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-behavior.html [03:34:09.440933] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-char-counter.html [03:34:09.443080] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-container.html [03:34:09.443345] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-error.html [03:34:09.443530] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-menu-behavior/iron-menubar-behavior.html [03:34:09.443686] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-resizable-behavior/iron-resizable-behavior.html [03:34:09.443836] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tabs-icons.html [03:34:09.443991] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-tabs/paper-tab.html [03:34:09.444172] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-checked-element-behavior.html [03:34:09.444334] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation-runner-behavior.html [03:34:09.444488] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog-behavior/paper-dialog-behavior.html [03:34:09.444648] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dialog-behavior/paper-dialog-shared-styles.html [03:34:09.444798] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-inky-focus-behavior.html [03:34:09.444951] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-item/paper-item-behavior.html [03:34:09.448784] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-a11y-keys-behavior/iron-a11y-keys-behavior.html [03:34:09.449011] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-control-state.html [03:34:09.449176] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-dropdown/iron-dropdown.html [03:34:09.449335] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-styles/shadow.html [03:34:09.449510] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-menu-button/paper-menu-button-animations.html [03:34:09.449680] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-range-behavior/iron-range-behavior.html [03:34:09.449817] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-a11y-announcer/iron-a11y-announcer.html [03:34:09.449952] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-behavior.html [03:34:09.450088] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/element-mixin.html [03:34:09.450229] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.html [03:34:09.450369] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-material/paper-material-shared-styles.html [03:34:09.450534] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-iconset-svg/iron-iconset-svg.html [03:34:09.450667] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-menu-behavior/iron-menu-behavior.html [03:34:09.450804] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-behaviors/iron-button-state.html [03:34:09.450943] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-validatable-behavior/iron-validatable-behavior.html [03:34:09.451086] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu-icons.html [03:34:09.451234] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu-shared-styles.html [03:34:09.451415] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/apply-shim.min.js [03:34:09.451559] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/legacy-element-mixin.html [03:34:09.456774] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer-fn.html [03:34:09.457005] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/templatizer-behavior.html [03:34:09.457208] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-bind.html [03:34:09.457368] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-repeat.html [03:34:09.457649] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-if.html [03:34:09.457806] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/array-selector.html [03:34:09.457963] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/mutable-data-behavior.html [03:34:09.458119] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/custom-style-interface.html [03:34:09.458497] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/style-gather.html [03:34:09.458686] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-autocomplete/paper-autocomplete.html [03:34:09.458861] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-textarea.html [03:34:09.459015] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.html [03:34:09.459185] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/app-layout/app-layout-behavior/app-layout-behavior.html [03:34:09.459392] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-meta/iron-meta.html [03:34:09.459559] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-scroll-target-behavior/iron-scroll-target-behavior.html [03:34:09.459700] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selectable.html [03:34:09.459862] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/web-animations-js/web-animations-next-lite.min.js [03:34:09.460274] [warning]: Chromium console message: Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports is deprecated, and is planned to be removed in M65, around March 2018. Please refer to https://goo.gl/EGXzpw for possible migration paths. [03:34:09.465199] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animation-behavior.html [03:34:09.483616] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/font-roboto/roboto.html [03:34:09.486270] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-fit-behavior/iron-fit-behavior.html [03:34:09.487044] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-manager.html [03:34:09.487247] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-scroll-manager.html [03:34:09.487400] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-focusables-helper.html [03:34:09.488421] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/boot.html [03:34:09.488639] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/settings.html [03:34:09.488818] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/mixin.html [03:34:09.488995] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/resolve-url.html [03:34:09.489166] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/elements/dom-module.html [03:34:09.490952] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/property-effects.html [03:34:09.491182] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/properties-mixin.html [03:34:09.491355] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-multi-selectable.html [03:34:09.491527] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-behaviors/paper-ripple-behavior.html [03:34:09.491711] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/gesture-event-listeners.html [03:34:09.491881] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/dir-mixin.html [03:34:09.492071] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/import-href.html [03:34:09.492250] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/render-status.html [03:34:09.492411] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/unresolved.html [03:34:09.492564] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.html [03:34:09.492737] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/legacy/class.html [03:34:09.492896] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/templatize.html [03:34:09.496116] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/mutable-data.html [03:34:09.496343] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/debounce.html [03:34:09.496566] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/flush.html [03:34:09.496726] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/array-splice.html [03:34:09.496879] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/shadycss/custom-style-interface.min.js [03:34:09.497076] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-autocomplete/paper-autocomplete-suggestions.html [03:34:09.497237] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-autogrow-textarea/iron-autogrow-textarea.html [03:34:09.497380] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-selector/iron-selection.html [03:34:09.497516] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/paper-input/paper-input-addon-behavior.html [03:34:09.497652] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-checked-element-behavior/iron-checked-element-behavior.html [03:34:09.497795] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/neon-animation/neon-animatable-behavior.html [03:34:09.498093] [warning]: Blocking load of resource at https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto+Mono:400,700|Roboto:400,300,300italic,400italic,500,500italic,700,700italic [03:34:09.500753] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-dropdown/iron-dropdown-scroll-manager.html [03:34:09.512521] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/flattened-nodes-observer.html [03:34:09.513235] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/iron-overlay-behavior/iron-overlay-backdrop.html [03:34:09.513415] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/path.html [03:34:09.513560] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/case-map.html [03:34:09.514408] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/property-accessors.html [03:34:09.514598] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/template-stamp.html [03:34:09.514754] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/async.html [03:34:09.516045] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/mixins/properties-changed.html [03:34:09.516233] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/bower_components/polymer/lib/utils/gestures.html [03:34:09.663344] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf [03:34:09.663910] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf [03:34:09.664696] [info]: Handling request to URL: http://loot/ui/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf [03:34:09.958208] [info]: Getting LOOT's supported languages. [03:34:09.958356] [info]: Getting LOOT's supported game types. [03:34:09.958406] [info]: Getting LOOT's detected games. [03:34:09.958440] [info]: Getting LOOT's version. [03:34:09.958468] [info]: Getting LOOT's settings. [03:34:10.378467] [trace]: Sending progress update: Parsing, merging and evaluating metadata... [03:34:10.378545] [debug]: Loading the current load order state. [03:34:10.395020] [trace]: Scanning for plugins in C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data [03:34:10.395162] [trace]: Checking to see if "10SPECIAL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395264] [info]: Found plugin: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:10.395289] [trace]: Checking to see if "300%pipboy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395342] [info]: Found plugin: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:10.395368] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395390] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395410] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395468] [info]: Found plugin: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:10.395488] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395544] [info]: Found plugin: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:10.395570] [trace]: Checking to see if "500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395618] [info]: Found plugin: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:10.395642] [trace]: Checking to see if "AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395696] [info]: Found plugin: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:10.395714] [trace]: Checking to see if "AAF.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395763] [info]: Found plugin: AAF.esm [03:34:10.395780] [trace]: Checking to see if "AAF.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395794] [trace]: Checking to see if "AerysNPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395842] [info]: Found plugin: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:10.395866] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395887] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395906] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.395959] [info]: Found plugin: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:10.395983] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396040] [info]: Found plugin: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:10.396064] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396113] [info]: Found plugin: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:10.396132] [trace]: Checking to see if "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396183] [info]: Found plugin: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:10.396208] [trace]: Checking to see if "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396256] [info]: Found plugin: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:10.396274] [trace]: Checking to see if "Atomic Lust.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396319] [info]: Found plugin: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:10.396342] [trace]: Checking to see if "Auto Loot - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396357] [trace]: Checking to see if "Auto Loot.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396404] [info]: Found plugin: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:10.396422] [trace]: Checking to see if "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396469] [info]: Found plugin: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:10.396489] [trace]: Checking to see if "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396538] [info]: Found plugin: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:10.396556] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396610] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396632] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396681] [info]: Found plugin: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:10.396705] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396754] [info]: Found plugin: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:10.396774] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterGenerators.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396820] [info]: Found plugin: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:10.396845] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptions.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396893] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:10.396912] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.396960] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:10.396978] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397026] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:10.397044] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397091] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:10.397108] [trace]: Checking to see if "bifurious.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397153] [info]: Found plugin: bifurious.esp [03:34:10.397176] [trace]: Checking to see if "BottelingWater - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397191] [trace]: Checking to see if "BottelingWater.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397237] [info]: Found plugin: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:10.397254] [trace]: Checking to see if "BuildPaStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397298] [info]: Found plugin: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:10.397315] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight2000.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397359] [info]: Found plugin: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:10.397383] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397430] [info]: Found plugin: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:10.397448] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397463] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397509] [info]: Found plugin: CBBE.esp [03:34:10.397528] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397544] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397559] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397575] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397589] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397603] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397617] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397689] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397713] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4016-Prey - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397733] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4016-Prey - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397748] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397763] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397777] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397791] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397806] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397820] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397840] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397854] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397868] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397924] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:10.397942] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397957] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397972] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.397986] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398000] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398015] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398034] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398085] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:10.398108] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398124] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398192] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398247] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:10.398270] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398285] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398299] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398359] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:10.398382] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398397] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398410] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398458] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:10.398480] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398495] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398537] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398584] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:10.398607] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398622] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398637] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398683] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:10.398706] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398729] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398749] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398811] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:10.398829] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398844] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398858] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398873] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398887] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398913] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398953] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398969] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.398988] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399036] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:10.399053] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399067] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399086] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399132] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:10.399149] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399164] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399178] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399222] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:10.399239] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399254] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399267] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399313] [info]: Found plugin: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:10.399350] [trace]: Checking to see if "CheatTerminal - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399365] [trace]: Checking to see if "CheatTerminal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399410] [info]: Found plugin: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:10.399434] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399479] [info]: Found plugin: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:10.399496] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleaningStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399544] [info]: Found plugin: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:10.399589] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleanInstitute.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399660] [info]: Found plugin: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:10.399694] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clear Underwater View.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399738] [info]: Found plugin: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:10.399755] [trace]: Checking to see if "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399798] [info]: Found plugin: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:10.399816] [trace]: Checking to see if "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399864] [info]: Found plugin: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:10.399881] [trace]: Checking to see if "ConvenientStores.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399923] [info]: Found plugin: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:10.399941] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.399985] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:10.400024] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400071] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:10.400090] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400133] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:10.400149] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbench.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400194] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:10.400211] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400255] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:10.400275] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400319] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:10.400336] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400380] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:10.400398] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400441] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:10.400459] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400503] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:10.400520] [trace]: Checking to see if "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400621] [info]: Found plugin: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:10.400639] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400654] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400667] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400709] [info]: Found plugin: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:10.400727] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400770] [info]: Found plugin: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:10.400788] [trace]: Checking to see if "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400833] [info]: Found plugin: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:10.400849] [trace]: Checking to see if "d3d11.dll" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400863] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400906] [info]: Found plugin: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:10.400924] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_mcm - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400938] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.400980] [info]: Found plugin: def_mcm.esp [03:34:10.400996] [trace]: Checking to see if "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401038] [info]: Found plugin: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:10.401055] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401069] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401082] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401096] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401109] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401162] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401212] [info]: Found plugin: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:10.401231] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401244] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401259] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401274] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401287] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401299] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401349] [info]: Found plugin: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:10.401368] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401382] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401395] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401410] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401423] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401435] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401482] [info]: Found plugin: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:10.401500] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401515] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401545] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401573] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401598] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401669] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:10.401687] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401702] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401715] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401759] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:10.401777] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401792] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401807] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401821] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401860] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401889] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401951] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:10.401972] [trace]: Checking to see if "doubleperkbonus - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.401986] [trace]: Checking to see if "doubleperkbonus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402030] [info]: Found plugin: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:10.402049] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402063] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402077] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402121] [info]: Found plugin: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:10.402138] [trace]: Checking to see if "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402154] [trace]: Checking to see if "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402200] [info]: Found plugin: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:10.402216] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Cat Cages.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402260] [info]: Found plugin: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:10.402278] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402322] [info]: Found plugin: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:10.402338] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easy Lockpick.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402380] [info]: Found plugin: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:10.402397] [trace]: Checking to see if "EasyLockpicking.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402439] [info]: Found plugin: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:10.402456] [trace]: Checking to see if "Empties - VISFar.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402499] [info]: Found plugin: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:10.402535] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402551] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402593] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402648] [info]: Found plugin: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:10.402673] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Animations.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402688] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402704] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Interface.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402733] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Materials.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402802] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402820] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402833] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Misc.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402847] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Nvflex.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402860] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402874] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402899] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Startup.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402913] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402927] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402968] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402982] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.402996] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403010] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403024] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403038] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403052] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403065] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Voices.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403077] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403090] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403178] [info]: Found plugin: Fallout4.esm [03:34:10.403197] [trace]: Checking to see if "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403313] [info]: Found plugin: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:10.403331] [trace]: Checking to see if "female preset v1.0.json" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403358] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403420] [info]: Found plugin: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:10.403437] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403482] [info]: Found plugin: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:10.403499] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemMutieBETA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403584] [info]: Found plugin: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:10.403631] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403680] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:10.403721] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403774] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:10.403794] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403843] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:10.403861] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403911] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4.esp [03:34:10.403931] [trace]: Checking to see if "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.403978] [info]: Found plugin: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:10.403996] [trace]: Checking to see if "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404043] [info]: Found plugin: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:10.404060] [trace]: Checking to see if "FutaFEV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404109] [info]: Found plugin: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:10.404128] [trace]: Checking to see if "galacticzone-repaird.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404187] [info]: Found plugin: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:10.404210] [trace]: Checking to see if "Give Me That Bottle - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404227] [trace]: Checking to see if "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404275] [info]: Found plugin: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:10.404297] [trace]: Checking to see if "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404346] [info]: Found plugin: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:10.404363] [trace]: Checking to see if "Glowing Eyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404410] [info]: Found plugin: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:10.404441] [trace]: Checking to see if "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404486] [info]: Found plugin: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:10.404507] [trace]: Checking to see if "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404580] [info]: Found plugin: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:10.404609] [trace]: Checking to see if "HoloTime_2 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404623] [trace]: Checking to see if "HoloTime_2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404668] [info]: Found plugin: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:10.404687] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404732] [info]: Found plugin: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:10.404749] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404794] [info]: Found plugin: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:10.404810] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hotkeys.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404824] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBoSA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404867] [info]: Found plugin: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:10.404886] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404930] [info]: Found plugin: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:10.404948] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.404992] [info]: Found plugin: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:10.405010] [trace]: Checking to see if "HouseDress1Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405051] [info]: Found plugin: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:10.405069] [trace]: Checking to see if "HUDFramework - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405083] [trace]: Checking to see if "HUDFramework.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405125] [info]: Found plugin: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:10.405142] [trace]: Checking to see if "Idiot Slut.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405185] [info]: Found plugin: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:10.405230] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_Automatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405276] [info]: Found plugin: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:10.405293] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoFuel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405334] [info]: Found plugin: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:10.405351] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoQuest.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405393] [info]: Found plugin: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:10.405412] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Corpses ReadMe.txt" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405427] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405441] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405456] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405501] [info]: Found plugin: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:10.405519] [trace]: Checking to see if "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405591] [info]: Found plugin: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:10.405609] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immortal Cats 2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405652] [info]: Found plugin: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:10.405673] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstantVendorsReset.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405715] [info]: Found plugin: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:10.405733] [trace]: Checking to see if "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405777] [info]: Found plugin: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:10.405799] [trace]: Checking to see if "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405844] [info]: Found plugin: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:10.405861] [trace]: Checking to see if "JetPackDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405903] [info]: Found plugin: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:10.405920] [trace]: Checking to see if "JINA Valentine.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.405961] [info]: Found plugin: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:10.405978] [trace]: Checking to see if "KSHairdos.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406020] [info]: Found plugin: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:10.406037] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406086] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:10.406104] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406151] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:10.406168] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406212] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:10.406229] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406271] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:10.406288] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406332] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:10.406349] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406393] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:10.406410] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406453] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:10.406487] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406555] [info]: Found plugin: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:10.406589] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406632] [info]: Found plugin: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:10.406651] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406666] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406712] [info]: Found plugin: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:10.406729] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406770] [info]: Found plugin: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:10.406787] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406801] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406816] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406859] [info]: Found plugin: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:10.406879] [trace]: Checking to see if "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406924] [info]: Found plugin: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:10.406948] [trace]: Checking to see if "MeanMachineEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.406991] [info]: Found plugin: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:10.407015] [trace]: Checking to see if "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407060] [info]: Found plugin: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:10.407077] [trace]: Checking to see if "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407121] [info]: Found plugin: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:10.407137] [trace]: Checking to see if "mso_sms - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407153] [trace]: Checking to see if "mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407196] [info]: Found plugin: mso_sms.esp [03:34:10.407216] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407230] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407243] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-AE Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407288] [info]: Found plugin: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:10.407305] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407349] [info]: Found plugin: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:10.407366] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407409] [info]: Found plugin: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:10.407424] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407468] [info]: Found plugin: NAC.esm [03:34:10.407506] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407563] [trace]: Checking to see if "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407636] [info]: Found plugin: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:10.407656] [trace]: Checking to see if "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407699] [info]: Found plugin: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:10.407716] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - Automatron.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407761] [info]: Found plugin: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:10.407779] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407824] [info]: Found plugin: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:10.407841] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407884] [info]: Found plugin: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:10.407900] [trace]: Checking to see if "NSA All-in-One.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.407960] [info]: Found plugin: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:10.407977] [trace]: Checking to see if "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408038] [info]: Found plugin: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:10.408071] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408143] [info]: Found plugin: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:10.408172] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaVictoryFix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408214] [info]: Found plugin: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:10.408230] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408244] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408256] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408299] [info]: Found plugin: NVUMP.esp [03:34:10.408317] [trace]: Checking to see if "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408360] [info]: Found plugin: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:10.408376] [trace]: Checking to see if "PA-Quick Animations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408420] [info]: Found plugin: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:10.408436] [trace]: Checking to see if "Passthrough.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408477] [info]: Found plugin: Passthrough.esp [03:34:10.408493] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408536] [info]: Found plugin: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:10.408578] [trace]: Checking to see if "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408639] [info]: Found plugin: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:10.408657] [trace]: Checking to see if "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408753] [info]: Found plugin: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:10.408786] [trace]: Checking to see if "PrimeArmor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408844] [info]: Found plugin: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:10.408861] [trace]: Checking to see if "ProfGood.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408906] [info]: Found plugin: ProfGood.esp [03:34:10.408922] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pug.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.408968] [info]: Found plugin: Pug.esp [03:34:10.408987] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409036] [info]: Found plugin: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:10.409055] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409105] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:10.409160] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409215] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:10.409235] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409285] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:10.409304] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409351] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:10.409377] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409427] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:10.409447] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409513] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:10.409544] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409621] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:10.409642] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409693] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:10.409711] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409781] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:10.409803] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409849] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:10.409866] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409910] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:10.409927] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.409971] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:10.409988] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410033] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:10.410051] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410095] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:10.410115] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410160] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:10.410181] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410229] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:10.410251] [trace]: Checking to see if "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410265] [trace]: Checking to see if "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410307] [info]: Found plugin: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:10.410324] [trace]: Checking to see if "Repaired Roofs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410366] [info]: Found plugin: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:10.410382] [trace]: Checking to see if "RILF.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410424] [info]: Found plugin: RILF.esp [03:34:10.410463] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410527] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:10.410571] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410631] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:10.410649] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410734] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:10.410754] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410800] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:10.410820] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410864] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:10.410887] [trace]: Checking to see if "SaveManager - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410901] [trace]: Checking to see if "SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410944] [info]: Found plugin: SaveManager.esp [03:34:10.410962] [trace]: Checking to see if "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.410979] [trace]: Checking to see if "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411027] [info]: Found plugin: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:10.411044] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411088] [info]: Found plugin: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:10.411105] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411119] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411162] [info]: Found plugin: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:10.411179] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411199] [trace]: Checking to see if "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411241] [info]: Found plugin: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:10.411258] [trace]: Checking to see if "SettlementKeywords - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411278] [trace]: Checking to see if "SettlementKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411322] [info]: Found plugin: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:10.411341] [trace]: Checking to see if "settlersnoendlessgratitude - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411356] [trace]: Checking to see if "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411401] [info]: Found plugin: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:10.411417] [trace]: Checking to see if "Shino Poses.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411460] [info]: Found plugin: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:10.411479] [trace]: Checking to see if "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411493] [trace]: Checking to see if "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411565] [info]: Found plugin: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:10.411587] [trace]: Checking to see if "Sneaky Kills - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411625] [trace]: Checking to see if "Sneaky Kills.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411670] [info]: Found plugin: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:10.411694] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaning.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411738] [info]: Found plugin: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:10.411759] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaning.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411776] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411821] [info]: Found plugin: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:10.411838] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411856] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01- Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411870] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411917] [info]: Found plugin: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:10.411936] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.411951] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412054] [info]: Found plugin: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:10.412074] [trace]: Checking to see if "Stashable Caps.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412117] [info]: Found plugin: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:10.412138] [trace]: Checking to see if "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412182] [info]: Found plugin: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:10.412205] [trace]: Checking to see if "Tao's Catsuits Readme.txt" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412219] [trace]: Checking to see if "tao_catsuit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412264] [info]: Found plugin: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:10.412281] [trace]: Checking to see if "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412325] [info]: Found plugin: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:10.412348] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412393] [info]: Found plugin: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:10.412410] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412455] [info]: Found plugin: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:10.412474] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412548] [info]: Found plugin: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:10.412593] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheyWantThatAss.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412635] [info]: Found plugin: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:10.412656] [trace]: Checking to see if "TurretStands.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412698] [info]: Found plugin: TurretStands.esp [03:34:10.412714] [trace]: Checking to see if "UMD - A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412756] [info]: Found plugin: UMD - A.esp [03:34:10.412777] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412823] [info]: Found plugin: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:10.412862] [trace]: Checking to see if "uncappedsettlementsurplus - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412879] [trace]: Checking to see if "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412924] [info]: Found plugin: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:10.412942] [trace]: Checking to see if "unique unique names.png" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412956] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412970] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.412984] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413027] [info]: Found plugin: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:10.413049] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unlimited Sprint.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413093] [info]: Found plugin: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:10.413112] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413128] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413143] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413197] [info]: Found plugin: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:10.413217] [trace]: Checking to see if "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413268] [info]: Found plugin: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:10.413288] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413333] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:10.413353] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413397] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:10.413417] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413461] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:10.413478] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413550] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:10.413568] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413612] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:10.413629] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413673] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:10.413694] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413737] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:10.413757] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413799] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:10.413818] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413862] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:10.413879] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413922] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:10.413941] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.413986] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:10.414021] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414068] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.414086] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414129] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.414147] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414191] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.414208] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414251] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.414269] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414313] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.414330] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414373] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:10.414390] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414435] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:10.414452] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414512] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:10.414542] [trace]: Checking to see if "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414585] [info]: Found plugin: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:10.414602] [trace]: Checking to see if "VegetableStarchBuilder.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414616] [trace]: Checking to see if "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414659] [info]: Found plugin: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:10.414685] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414702] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414716] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414762] [info]: Found plugin: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:10.414778] [trace]: Checking to see if "WaterAnywhere.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414820] [info]: Found plugin: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:10.414840] [trace]: Checking to see if "weightless bodies and objects.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414883] [info]: Found plugin: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:10.414901] [trace]: Checking to see if "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.414943] [info]: Found plugin: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:10.414961] [trace]: Checking to see if "Wireless Power.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415004] [info]: Found plugin: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:10.415040] [trace]: Checking to see if "workShopDashButton.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415084] [info]: Found plugin: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:10.415101] [trace]: Checking to see if "XXXMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415142] [info]: Found plugin: XXXMags.esp [03:34:10.415171] [trace]: Checking to see if "10SPECIAL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415264] [trace]: Checking to see if "300%pipboy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415344] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415427] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415539] [trace]: Checking to see if "500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415624] [trace]: Checking to see if "AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415714] [trace]: Checking to see if "AAF.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415795] [trace]: Checking to see if "AerysNPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415876] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.415958] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416043] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416124] [trace]: Checking to see if "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416212] [trace]: Checking to see if "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416294] [trace]: Checking to see if "Atomic Lust.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416373] [trace]: Checking to see if "Auto Loot.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416453] [trace]: Checking to see if "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416569] [trace]: Checking to see if "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416675] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416767] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416848] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterGenerators.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.416934] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptions.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417046] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417136] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417225] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417313] [trace]: Checking to see if "bifurious.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417391] [trace]: Checking to see if "BottelingWater.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417471] [trace]: Checking to see if "BuildPaStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417577] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight2000.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417653] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417732] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417809] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417889] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.417971] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418060] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418146] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418229] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418309] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418388] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418469] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418581] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418661] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418750] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418841] [trace]: Checking to see if "CheatTerminal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.418921] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419002] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleaningStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419082] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleanInstitute.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419162] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clear Underwater View.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419242] [trace]: Checking to see if "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419328] [trace]: Checking to see if "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419414] [trace]: Checking to see if "ConvenientStores.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419523] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419665] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419804] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.419928] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbench.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420021] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420108] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420190] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420272] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420360] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420443] [trace]: Checking to see if "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420551] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420637] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420720] [trace]: Checking to see if "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420802] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420880] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.420959] [trace]: Checking to see if "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421037] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421125] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421210] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421293] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421372] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421451] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421569] [trace]: Checking to see if "doubleperkbonus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421649] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421728] [trace]: Checking to see if "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421808] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Cat Cages.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421887] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.421965] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easy Lockpick.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422048] [trace]: Checking to see if "EasyLockpicking.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422132] [trace]: Checking to see if "Empties - VISFar.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422211] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422289] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422387] [trace]: Checking to see if "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422493] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422616] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422699] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemMutieBETA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422778] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422858] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.422945] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423032] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423115] [trace]: Checking to see if "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423196] [trace]: Checking to see if "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423275] [trace]: Checking to see if "FutaFEV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423360] [trace]: Checking to see if "galacticzone-repaird.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423448] [trace]: Checking to see if "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423585] [trace]: Checking to see if "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423666] [trace]: Checking to see if "Glowing Eyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423744] [trace]: Checking to see if "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423824] [trace]: Checking to see if "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423903] [trace]: Checking to see if "HoloTime_2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.423983] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424064] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424161] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBoSA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424244] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424326] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424408] [trace]: Checking to see if "HouseDress1Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424490] [trace]: Checking to see if "HUDFramework.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424613] [trace]: Checking to see if "Idiot Slut.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424732] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_Automatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424861] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoFuel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.424939] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoQuest.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425018] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425100] [trace]: Checking to see if "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425209] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immortal Cats 2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425288] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstantVendorsReset.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425367] [trace]: Checking to see if "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425447] [trace]: Checking to see if "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425599] [trace]: Checking to see if "JetPackDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425737] [trace]: Checking to see if "JINA Valentine.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.425886] [trace]: Checking to see if "KSHairdos.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426035] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426170] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426275] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426375] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426489] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426609] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426748] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426849] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.426955] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427110] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427272] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427377] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427496] [trace]: Checking to see if "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427626] [trace]: Checking to see if "MeanMachineEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427706] [trace]: Checking to see if "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427789] [trace]: Checking to see if "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427873] [trace]: Checking to see if "mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.427955] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-AE Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428043] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428132] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428218] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428297] [trace]: Checking to see if "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428384] [trace]: Checking to see if "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428493] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - Automatron.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428647] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428842] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.428936] [trace]: Checking to see if "NSA All-in-One.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429017] [trace]: Checking to see if "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429100] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429183] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaVictoryFix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429262] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429344] [trace]: Checking to see if "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429426] [trace]: Checking to see if "PA-Quick Animations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429564] [trace]: Checking to see if "Passthrough.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429644] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429724] [trace]: Checking to see if "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429813] [trace]: Checking to see if "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429891] [trace]: Checking to see if "PrimeArmor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.429970] [trace]: Checking to see if "ProfGood.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430048] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pug.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430125] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430237] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430321] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430405] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430517] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430615] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430717] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430800] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430884] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.430976] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431064] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431154] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431238] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431322] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431406] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431547] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431634] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431719] [trace]: Checking to see if "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431807] [trace]: Checking to see if "Repaired Roofs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431887] [trace]: Checking to see if "RILF.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.431967] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432051] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432138] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432225] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432313] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432395] [trace]: Checking to see if "SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432504] [trace]: Checking to see if "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432588] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432674] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432760] [trace]: Checking to see if "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432845] [trace]: Checking to see if "SettlementKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.432926] [trace]: Checking to see if "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433015] [trace]: Checking to see if "Shino Poses.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433095] [trace]: Checking to see if "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433182] [trace]: Checking to see if "Sneaky Kills.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433267] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaning.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433352] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433433] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433580] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433686] [trace]: Checking to see if "Stashable Caps.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433767] [trace]: Checking to see if "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433846] [trace]: Checking to see if "tao_catsuit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.433927] [trace]: Checking to see if "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434014] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434096] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434182] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434295] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheyWantThatAss.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434375] [trace]: Checking to see if "TurretStands.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434484] [trace]: Checking to see if "UMD - A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434563] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434645] [trace]: Checking to see if "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434733] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434815] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unlimited Sprint.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.434897] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435009] [trace]: Checking to see if "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435096] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435177] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435258] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435338] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435420] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435559] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435641] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435724] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435805] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435884] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.435969] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436051] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436136] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436218] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436299] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436379] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436498] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436580] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436662] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436744] [trace]: Checking to see if "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436823] [trace]: Checking to see if "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436904] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.436988] [trace]: Checking to see if "WaterAnywhere.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.437065] [trace]: Checking to see if "weightless bodies and objects.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.437146] [trace]: Checking to see if "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.437226] [trace]: Checking to see if "Wireless Power.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.437305] [trace]: Checking to see if "workShopDashButton.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.437383] [trace]: Checking to see if "XXXMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.437526] [info]: Loading 243 plugins using 4 threads, with up to 61 plugins per thread. [03:34:10.437536] [trace]: Adding plugin LooksMenu.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437543] [trace]: Adding plugin Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437550] [trace]: Adding plugin Screen Flicker Killer.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437556] [trace]: Adding plugin Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437563] [trace]: Adding plugin CarryWeight2000.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437569] [trace]: Adding plugin CarryWeight200Strength.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437576] [trace]: Adding plugin InstantVendorsReset.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437582] [trace]: Adding plugin 10SPECIAL.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437590] [trace]: Adding plugin LongerPowerLinesInf.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437597] [trace]: Adding plugin Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437604] [trace]: Adding plugin JetPackDrain0.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437610] [trace]: Adding plugin Unlimited Sprint.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437617] [trace]: Adding plugin PowerArmorDrain0.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437623] [trace]: Adding plugin FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437630] [trace]: Adding plugin FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437636] [trace]: Adding plugin One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437643] [trace]: Adding plugin VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437649] [trace]: Adding plugin 300%pipboy.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437656] [trace]: Adding plugin Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437662] [trace]: Adding plugin Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437669] [trace]: Adding plugin EasyLockpicking.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437675] [trace]: Adding plugin Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437681] [trace]: Adding plugin NoAffinityCooldown.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437687] [trace]: Adding plugin Easier Cat Cages.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437694] [trace]: Adding plugin DIFR - VIS Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437700] [trace]: Adding plugin Easy Lockpick.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437707] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437713] [trace]: Adding plugin BuildPaStation.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437720] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437726] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437733] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437739] [trace]: Adding plugin CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437745] [trace]: Adding plugin IFT_NoFuel.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437752] [trace]: Adding plugin def_mcm.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437758] [trace]: Adding plugin weightless bodies and objects.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437764] [trace]: Adding plugin TurretStands.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437770] [trace]: Adding plugin AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437779] [trace]: Adding plugin CBBE.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437785] [trace]: Adding plugin Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437792] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437799] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437805] [trace]: Adding plugin doubleperkbonus.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437811] [trace]: Adding plugin ProfGood.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437818] [trace]: Adding plugin Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437824] [trace]: Adding plugin IFT_NoQuest.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437830] [trace]: Adding plugin Stashable Caps.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437836] [trace]: Adding plugin PA-Quick Animations.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437842] [trace]: Adding plugin MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437849] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437855] [trace]: Adding plugin Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437861] [trace]: Adding plugin GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437869] [trace]: Adding plugin BottelingWater.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437875] [trace]: Adding plugin No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437882] [trace]: Adding plugin HouseDress1Fix.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437890] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437898] [trace]: Adding plugin Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437905] [trace]: Adding plugin NukaVictoryFix.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437911] [trace]: Adding plugin 500%NoShadows.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437917] [trace]: Adding plugin ExtendedHairColors.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437923] [trace]: Adding plugin HUDFramework.esm to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437930] [trace]: Adding plugin LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437936] [trace]: Adding plugin WaterAnywhere.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437942] [trace]: Adding plugin IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437948] [trace]: Adding plugin CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437955] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437961] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437967] [trace]: Adding plugin Atomic Lust.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437973] [trace]: Adding plugin power armor quick enter and exit.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.437979] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterGenerators.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.437985] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.437992] [trace]: Adding plugin Passthrough.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.437998] [trace]: Adding plugin bifurious.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438004] [trace]: Adding plugin RILF.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438010] [trace]: Adding plugin DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438016] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438023] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438029] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438036] [trace]: Adding plugin MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438043] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438050] [trace]: Adding plugin NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438057] [trace]: Adding plugin FemMutieBETA.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438063] [trace]: Adding plugin SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438070] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438076] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438082] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC-AE Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438088] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438095] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438101] [trace]: Adding plugin TheyWantThatAss.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438107] [trace]: Adding plugin Idiot Slut.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438113] [trace]: Adding plugin JINA Valentine.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438120] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438126] [trace]: Adding plugin Repaired Roofs.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438132] [trace]: Adding plugin Wireless Power.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438138] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438144] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438150] [trace]: Adding plugin MeanMachineEyes.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438156] [trace]: Adding plugin SuperNaturalEyes.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438163] [trace]: Adding plugin CleaningStation.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438169] [trace]: Adding plugin Bashed Patch, 0.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438176] [trace]: Adding plugin HoloTime_2.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438182] [trace]: Adding plugin Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438189] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438195] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438201] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438207] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModificationMisc.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438213] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438220] [trace]: Adding plugin settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438226] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438232] [trace]: Adding plugin Clear Underwater View.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438239] [trace]: Adding plugin NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438245] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438251] [trace]: Adding plugin PrimeArmor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438272] [trace]: Adding plugin More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438280] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438287] [trace]: Adding plugin tao_catsuit.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438293] [trace]: Adding plugin FutaFEV.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438301] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438307] [trace]: Adding plugin ConvenientStores.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438314] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438320] [trace]: Adding plugin UMD - A.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438327] [trace]: Adding plugin CleanInstitute.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438333] [trace]: Adding plugin Better Vendor Stalls.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438340] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438346] [trace]: Adding plugin Institute NIRA Vendor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438352] [trace]: Adding plugin Clean Water - Crystal.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438358] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438365] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC-NukaWorld.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438371] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC-FarHarbor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438377] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438384] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438390] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438396] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438403] [trace]: Adding plugin Glowing Eyes.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438409] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438416] [trace]: Adding plugin companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438436] [trace]: Adding plugin SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438442] [trace]: Adding plugin Immortal Cats 2.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438448] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable Armor Size.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438454] [trace]: Adding plugin SaveManager.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438460] [trace]: Adding plugin NQAS - VaultTec.esl to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438466] [trace]: Adding plugin Sneaky Kills.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438472] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438479] [trace]: Adding plugin Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438485] [trace]: Adding plugin mso_sms.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438492] [trace]: Adding plugin VegetableStarchBuilder.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438499] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438505] [trace]: Adding plugin Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438511] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438518] [trace]: Adding plugin NQAS - Automatron.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438524] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438530] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438537] [trace]: Adding plugin TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438543] [trace]: Adding plugin workShopDashButton.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438549] [trace]: Adding plugin IFT_Automatron.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438555] [trace]: Adding plugin CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438561] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbench.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438567] [trace]: Adding plugin AAF.esm to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438574] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438580] [trace]: Adding plugin HotMamaBoSA.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438586] [trace]: Adding plugin SpringCleaning.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438592] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438598] [trace]: Adding plugin Pug.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438604] [trace]: Adding plugin Assaultron Combatron.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438611] [trace]: Adding plugin Shino Poses.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438617] [trace]: Adding plugin 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438623] [trace]: Adding plugin ImmersiveFastTravel.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438629] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438636] [trace]: Adding plugin KSHairdos.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438642] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438649] [trace]: Adding plugin Empties - VISFar.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438656] [trace]: Adding plugin Better Cooking Stations.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438663] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438670] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438677] [trace]: Adding plugin SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438683] [trace]: Adding plugin uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438689] [trace]: Adding plugin NSA All-in-One.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438695] [trace]: Adding plugin Give Me That Bottle.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438702] [trace]: Adding plugin HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438708] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438714] [trace]: Adding plugin Loot Detector.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438720] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438726] [trace]: Adding plugin HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438732] [trace]: Adding plugin SettlementKeywords.esm to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438739] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification2LM.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438745] [trace]: Adding plugin FemaleSynths - Core.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438751] [trace]: Adding plugin TheEyesOfBeauty.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438757] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438763] [trace]: Adding plugin def_inv_scrap_en.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438770] [trace]: Adding plugin The Sanctuary Bridge.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438776] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438783] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438790] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438796] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438802] [trace]: Adding plugin FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438809] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438814] [trace]: Adding plugin UniqueUniques.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438821] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438827] [trace]: Adding plugin CROSS_Cybernetics.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438833] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438839] [trace]: Adding plugin Auto Loot.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438846] [trace]: Adding plugin Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438852] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438859] [trace]: Adding plugin Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438866] [trace]: Adding plugin VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438873] [trace]: Adding plugin galacticzone-repaird.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438880] [trace]: Adding plugin Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438886] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438893] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438900] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438907] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438913] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438920] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438927] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438933] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438939] [trace]: Adding plugin LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438945] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438951] [trace]: Adding plugin NVUMP.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438958] [trace]: Adding plugin XXXMags.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438964] [trace]: Adding plugin StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438970] [trace]: Adding plugin ArmorKeywords.esm to loading group 3 [03:34:10.438977] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop01.esm to loading group 0 [03:34:10.438984] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop02.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:10.438990] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.438997] [trace]: Adding plugin The Eyes Of Beauty.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.439004] [trace]: Adding plugin Armorsmith Extended.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.439010] [trace]: Adding plugin ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:10.439017] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptions.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.439023] [trace]: Adding plugin AerysNPCs.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.439030] [trace]: Adding plugin DP_CaravanShotgun.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.439037] [trace]: Adding plugin ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:10.439043] [trace]: Adding plugin StartMeUp.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.439049] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC.esm to loading group 3 [03:34:10.439056] [trace]: Adding plugin CheatTerminal.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.439063] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop03.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:10.439069] [trace]: Adding plugin Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.439075] [trace]: Adding plugin Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.439083] [trace]: Adding plugin Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:10.439090] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCRobot.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:10.439096] [trace]: Adding plugin AA FusionCityRising.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:10.439103] [trace]: Adding plugin 3DNPC_FO4.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:10.439109] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCNukaWorld.esm to loading group 0 [03:34:10.439116] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCCoast.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:10.439122] [trace]: Adding plugin Fallout4.esm to loading group 2 [03:34:10.439129] [trace]: Starting plugin loading. [03:34:10.439279] [trace]: Loading LooksMenu.esp [03:34:10.439427] [trace]: Loading Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:10.439512] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.439527] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LooksMenu.esp" is active. [03:34:10.439550] [trace]: Loading Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:10.439607] [trace]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.439620] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" is active. [03:34:10.439657] [trace]: Loading Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:10.439725] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.439744] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" is active. [03:34:10.439804] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.439819] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" is active. [03:34:10.442346] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.442385] [trace]: Loading CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:10.442509] [trace]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.442533] [trace]: Loading CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:10.442546] [trace]: CarryWeight2000.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.442559] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CarryWeight2000.esp" is active. [03:34:10.442653] [trace]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.442666] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" is active. [03:34:10.443918] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.443940] [trace]: Loading 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:10.444051] [trace]: 10SPECIAL.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.444065] [debug]: Checking if plugin "10SPECIAL.esp" is active. [03:34:10.444073] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.444095] [trace]: Loading InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:10.444211] [trace]: InstantVendorsReset.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.444224] [debug]: Checking if plugin "InstantVendorsReset.esp" is active. [03:34:10.446198] [trace]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.446218] [trace]: Loading Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:10.446330] [trace]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.446342] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" is active. [03:34:10.446669] [trace]: CarryWeight2000.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.446689] [trace]: Loading LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:10.446801] [trace]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.446813] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" is active. [03:34:10.447675] [trace]: InstantVendorsReset.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.447695] [trace]: Loading JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:10.447802] [trace]: JetPackDrain0.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.447814] [debug]: Checking if plugin "JetPackDrain0.esp" is active. [03:34:10.448143] [trace]: 10SPECIAL.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.448163] [trace]: Loading Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:10.448272] [trace]: Unlimited Sprint.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.448289] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unlimited Sprint.esp" is active. [03:34:10.449804] [trace]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.449827] [trace]: Loading FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:10.449937] [trace]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.449949] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" is active. [03:34:10.450884] [trace]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.450906] [trace]: Loading PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:10.451012] [trace]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.451025] [debug]: Checking if plugin "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" is active. [03:34:10.451262] [trace]: JetPackDrain0.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.451283] [trace]: Loading FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:10.451395] [trace]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.451407] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" is active. [03:34:10.452382] [trace]: Unlimited Sprint.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.452403] [trace]: Loading One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:10.452512] [trace]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.452526] [debug]: Checking if plugin "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" is active. [03:34:10.453473] [trace]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.453492] [trace]: Loading 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:10.453598] [trace]: 300%pipboy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.453610] [debug]: Checking if plugin "300%pipboy.esp" is active. [03:34:10.455107] [trace]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.455129] [trace]: Loading VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:10.455188] [trace]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.455207] [trace]: Loading Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:10.455244] [trace]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.455256] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" is active. [03:34:10.455316] [trace]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.455328] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" is active. [03:34:10.456032] [trace]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.456053] [trace]: Loading Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:10.456162] [trace]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.456174] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" is active. [03:34:10.457149] [trace]: 300%pipboy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.457167] [trace]: Loading Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:10.457279] [trace]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.457293] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" is active. [03:34:10.459504] [trace]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.459526] [trace]: Loading NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:10.459639] [trace]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.459653] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" is active. [03:34:10.459998] [trace]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.460021] [trace]: Loading EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:10.460134] [trace]: EasyLockpicking.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.460146] [debug]: Checking if plugin "EasyLockpicking.esp" is active. [03:34:10.460764] [trace]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.460789] [trace]: Loading Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:10.460903] [trace]: Easier Cat Cages.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.460954] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Easier Cat Cages.esp" is active. [03:34:10.460976] [trace]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.460998] [trace]: Loading Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:10.461106] [trace]: Easy Lockpick.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.461118] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Easy Lockpick.esp" is active. [03:34:10.463421] [trace]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.463444] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:10.463558] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.463574] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" is active. [03:34:10.464575] [trace]: Easy Lockpick.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.464593] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:10.464703] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.464719] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is active. [03:34:10.464828] [trace]: EasyLockpicking.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.464848] [trace]: Loading DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:10.464962] [trace]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.464974] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.464991] [trace]: Easier Cat Cages.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.465012] [trace]: Loading BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:10.465126] [trace]: BuildPaStation.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.465141] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BuildPaStation.esp" is active. [03:34:10.467061] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.467081] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:10.467195] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.467210] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" is active. [03:34:10.468180] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.468200] [trace]: Loading def_mcm.esp [03:34:10.468308] [trace]: def_mcm.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.468321] [debug]: Checking if plugin "def_mcm.esp" is active. [03:34:10.469057] [trace]: BuildPaStation.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.469079] [trace]: Loading CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:10.469195] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.469207] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" is active. [03:34:10.469449] [trace]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.469470] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:10.469504] [trace]: def_mcm.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.469522] [trace]: Loading CBBE.esp [03:34:10.469586] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.469602] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" is active. [03:34:10.469631] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.469644] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CBBE.esp" is active. [03:34:10.470025] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.470047] [trace]: Loading doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:10.470153] [trace]: doubleperkbonus.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.470164] [debug]: Checking if plugin "doubleperkbonus.esp" is active. [03:34:10.470663] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.470686] [trace]: Loading weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:10.470799] [trace]: weightless bodies and objects.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.470812] [debug]: Checking if plugin "weightless bodies and objects.esp" is active. [03:34:10.471846] [trace]: doubleperkbonus.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.471864] [trace]: Loading Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:10.471970] [trace]: Stashable Caps.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.471982] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Stashable Caps.esp" is active. [03:34:10.472853] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.472876] [trace]: Loading TurretStands.esp [03:34:10.472987] [trace]: TurretStands.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.472999] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TurretStands.esp" is active. [03:34:10.473233] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.473255] [trace]: Loading IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:10.473366] [trace]: IFT_NoFuel.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.473379] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IFT_NoFuel.esp" is active. [03:34:10.474305] [trace]: weightless bodies and objects.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.474326] [trace]: Loading Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:10.474438] [trace]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.474452] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" is active. [03:34:10.475806] [trace]: Stashable Caps.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.475828] [trace]: Loading Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:10.475941] [trace]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.475954] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" is active. [03:34:10.477019] [trace]: IFT_NoFuel.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.477039] [trace]: Loading AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:10.477155] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.477168] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is active. [03:34:10.477388] [trace]: TurretStands.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.477409] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:10.477517] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.477532] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" is active. [03:34:10.478113] [trace]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.478132] [trace]: Loading ProfGood.esp [03:34:10.478239] [trace]: ProfGood.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.478250] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ProfGood.esp" is active. [03:34:10.479664] [trace]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.479684] [trace]: Loading HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:10.479793] [trace]: HouseDress1Fix.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.479805] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HouseDress1Fix.esp" is active. [03:34:10.480590] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.480610] [trace]: Loading Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:10.480718] [trace]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.480730] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" is active. [03:34:10.481796] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.481817] [trace]: Loading Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:10.481884] [trace]: ProfGood.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.481902] [trace]: Loading PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:10.481925] [trace]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.481940] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" is active. [03:34:10.482014] [trace]: PA-Quick Animations.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.482026] [debug]: Checking if plugin "PA-Quick Animations.esp" is active. [03:34:10.483499] [trace]: HouseDress1Fix.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.483519] [trace]: Loading 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:10.483629] [trace]: 500%NoShadows.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.483642] [debug]: Checking if plugin "500%NoShadows.esp" is active. [03:34:10.484381] [trace]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.484401] [trace]: Loading IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:10.484509] [trace]: IFT_NoQuest.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.484521] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IFT_NoQuest.esp" is active. [03:34:10.486301] [trace]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.486321] [trace]: Loading MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:10.486438] [trace]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.486450] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" is active. [03:34:10.486630] [trace]: PA-Quick Animations.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.486649] [trace]: Loading GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:10.486757] [trace]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.486769] [debug]: Checking if plugin "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" is active. [03:34:10.487334] [trace]: 500%NoShadows.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.487355] [trace]: Loading WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:10.487463] [trace]: WaterAnywhere.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.487475] [debug]: Checking if plugin "WaterAnywhere.esp" is active. [03:34:10.488130] [trace]: IFT_NoQuest.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.488149] [trace]: Loading Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:10.488257] [trace]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.488269] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" is active. [03:34:10.490547] [trace]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.490571] [trace]: Loading BottelingWater.esp [03:34:10.490680] [trace]: BottelingWater.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.490695] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BottelingWater.esp" is active. [03:34:10.491022] [trace]: BottelingWater.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.491039] [trace]: Loading Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:10.491143] [trace]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.491155] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" is active. [03:34:10.491318] [trace]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.491339] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:10.491454] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.491468] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" is active. [03:34:10.491939] [trace]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.491961] [trace]: Loading No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:10.492076] [trace]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.492089] [debug]: Checking if plugin "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" is active. [03:34:10.492161] [trace]: WaterAnywhere.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.492182] [trace]: Loading Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:10.492356] [trace]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.492373] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" is active. [03:34:10.494698] [trace]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.494718] [trace]: Loading HUDFramework.esm [03:34:10.494822] [trace]: HUDFramework.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.494835] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HUDFramework.esm" is active. [03:34:10.495086] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.495110] [trace]: Loading ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:10.495216] [trace]: ExtendedHairColors.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.495229] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ExtendedHairColors.esp" is active. [03:34:10.495725] [trace]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.495748] [trace]: Loading NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:10.495855] [trace]: NukaVictoryFix.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.495867] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NukaVictoryFix.esp" is active. [03:34:10.496567] [trace]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.496590] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:10.496703] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.496715] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" is active. [03:34:10.496848] [trace]: HUDFramework.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.496866] [trace]: Loading CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:10.496892] [trace]: ExtendedHairColors.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.496913] [trace]: Loading IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:10.496977] [trace]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.496991] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" is active. [03:34:10.497024] [trace]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.497036] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.499490] [trace]: NukaVictoryFix.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.499511] [trace]: Loading LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:10.499617] [trace]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.499629] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" is active. [03:34:10.500616] [trace]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.500636] [trace]: Loading power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:10.500746] [trace]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.500761] [debug]: Checking if plugin "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" is active. [03:34:10.500874] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.500894] [trace]: Loading DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:10.500904] [trace]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.500932] [trace]: Loading Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:10.501013] [trace]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.501026] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is active. [03:34:10.501044] [trace]: Atomic Lust.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.501057] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Atomic Lust.esp" is active. [03:34:10.502762] [trace]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.502782] [trace]: Loading MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:10.502898] [trace]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.502913] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" is active. [03:34:10.503200] [trace]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.503223] [trace]: Loading Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:10.503337] [trace]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.503350] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is active. [03:34:10.504249] [trace]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.504268] [trace]: Loading bifurious.esp [03:34:10.504375] [trace]: bifurious.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.504387] [debug]: Checking if plugin "bifurious.esp" is active. [03:34:10.505031] [trace]: Atomic Lust.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.505051] [trace]: Loading Passthrough.esp [03:34:10.505157] [trace]: Passthrough.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.505169] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Passthrough.esp" is active. [03:34:10.506677] [trace]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.506698] [trace]: Loading SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:10.506811] [trace]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.506823] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" is active. [03:34:10.507780] [trace]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.507799] [trace]: Loading BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:10.507898] [trace]: bifurious.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.507913] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.507925] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterGenerators.esp" is active. [03:34:10.507942] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:10.508057] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.508069] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" is active. [03:34:10.509052] [trace]: Passthrough.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.509071] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.509192] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.509204] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.510733] [trace]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.510755] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.510882] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.510894] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.511660] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.511680] [trace]: Loading NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:10.511788] [trace]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.511799] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" is active. [03:34:10.511969] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.511988] [trace]: Loading RILF.esp [03:34:10.512096] [trace]: RILF.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.512109] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RILF.esp" is active. [03:34:10.513121] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.513145] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:10.513263] [trace]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.513276] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" is active. [03:34:10.514430] [trace]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.514451] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:10.514570] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.514582] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" is active. [03:34:10.515100] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.515124] [trace]: Loading JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:10.515255] [trace]: JINA Valentine.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.515268] [debug]: Checking if plugin "JINA Valentine.esp" is active. [03:34:10.516046] [trace]: RILF.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.516067] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:10.516181] [trace]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.516192] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" is active. [03:34:10.516292] [trace]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.516313] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:10.516428] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.516441] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" is active. [03:34:10.517210] [trace]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.517232] [trace]: Loading FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:10.517339] [trace]: FemMutieBETA.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.517351] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FemMutieBETA.esp" is active. [03:34:10.518661] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.518684] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:10.518800] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.518816] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" is active. [03:34:10.519319] [trace]: JINA Valentine.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.519341] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:10.519467] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.519481] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" is active. [03:34:10.520620] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.520643] [trace]: Loading TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:10.520761] [trace]: TheyWantThatAss.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.520775] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TheyWantThatAss.esp" is active. [03:34:10.520954] [trace]: FemMutieBETA.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.520973] [trace]: Loading NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:10.521085] [trace]: NAC-AE Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.521096] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC-AE Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.522839] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.522861] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:10.522978] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.522993] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" is active. [03:34:10.523212] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.523232] [trace]: Loading CleaningStation.esp [03:34:10.523343] [trace]: CleaningStation.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.523357] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CleaningStation.esp" is active. [03:34:10.525004] [trace]: NAC-AE Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.525025] [trace]: Loading Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:10.525038] [trace]: TheyWantThatAss.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.525058] [trace]: Loading Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:10.525138] [trace]: Idiot Slut.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.525150] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Idiot Slut.esp" is active. [03:34:10.525173] [trace]: Repaired Roofs.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.525190] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Repaired Roofs.esp" is active. [03:34:10.527129] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.527147] [trace]: CleaningStation.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.527164] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:10.527178] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:10.527292] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.527305] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.527319] [trace]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.527333] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" is active. [03:34:10.528616] [trace]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.528639] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:10.528762] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.528775] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.529060] [trace]: Idiot Slut.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.529080] [trace]: Loading Wireless Power.esp [03:34:10.529188] [trace]: Wireless Power.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.529200] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Wireless Power.esp" is active. [03:34:10.529611] [trace]: Repaired Roofs.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.529632] [trace]: Loading MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:10.529742] [trace]: MeanMachineEyes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.529754] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MeanMachineEyes.esp" is active. [03:34:10.531144] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.531168] [trace]: Loading Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:10.531284] [trace]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.531299] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is active. [03:34:10.532676] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.532698] [trace]: Loading NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:10.532811] [trace]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.532823] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" is active. [03:34:10.533913] [trace]: Wireless Power.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.533936] [trace]: Loading SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:10.534049] [trace]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.534061] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" is active. [03:34:10.534525] [trace]: MeanMachineEyes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.534546] [trace]: Loading HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:10.534661] [trace]: HoloTime_2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.534677] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HoloTime_2.esp" is active. [03:34:10.535132] [trace]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.535153] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:10.535277] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.535290] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" is active. [03:34:10.537255] [trace]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.537294] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:10.537451] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.537464] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" is active. [03:34:10.537828] [trace]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.537860] [trace]: Loading Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:10.538007] [trace]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.538023] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" is active. [03:34:10.541362] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.541389] [trace]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.541407] [trace]: Loading ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:10.541418] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:10.541570] [trace]: ConvenientStores.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.541585] [trace]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.541598] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" is active. [03:34:10.541615] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ConvenientStores.esp" is active. [03:34:10.542107] [trace]: HoloTime_2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.542131] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:10.542318] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.542336] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" is active. [03:34:10.545108] [trace]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.545144] [trace]: Loading Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:10.545303] [trace]: Clear Underwater View.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.545315] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Clear Underwater View.esp" is active. [03:34:10.545622] [trace]: ConvenientStores.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.545645] [trace]: Loading Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:10.545764] [trace]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.545779] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" is active. [03:34:10.545979] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.546005] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:10.546143] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.546156] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:10.547951] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.547977] [trace]: Loading settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:10.548094] [trace]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.548109] [debug]: Checking if plugin "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" is active. [03:34:10.548955] [trace]: Clear Underwater View.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.548980] [trace]: Loading More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:10.549104] [trace]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.549117] [debug]: Checking if plugin "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" is active. [03:34:10.549975] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.549997] [trace]: Loading PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:10.550114] [trace]: PrimeArmor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.550126] [debug]: Checking if plugin "PrimeArmor.esp" is active. [03:34:10.550637] [trace]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.550663] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:10.550782] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.550794] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" is active. [03:34:10.551311] [trace]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.551332] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:10.551463] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.551479] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" is active. [03:34:10.552918] [trace]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.552940] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:10.553054] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.553066] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is active. [03:34:10.553788] [trace]: PrimeArmor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.553809] [trace]: Loading FutaFEV.esp [03:34:10.553922] [trace]: FutaFEV.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.553936] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FutaFEV.esp" is active. [03:34:10.555284] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.555308] [trace]: Loading tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:10.555407] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.555428] [trace]: tao_catsuit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.555443] [debug]: Checking if plugin "tao_catsuit.esp" is active. [03:34:10.555459] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:10.555572] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.555586] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" is active. [03:34:10.556666] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.556688] [trace]: Loading CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:10.556805] [trace]: CleanInstitute.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.556819] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CleanInstitute.esp" is active. [03:34:10.557595] [trace]: FutaFEV.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.557617] [trace]: Loading UMD - A.esp [03:34:10.557732] [trace]: UMD - A.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.557744] [debug]: Checking if plugin "UMD - A.esp" is active. [03:34:10.559999] [trace]: tao_catsuit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.560038] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:10.560206] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.560220] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.561328] [trace]: UMD - A.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.561352] [trace]: Loading Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:10.561476] [trace]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.561488] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" is active. [03:34:10.561600] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.561629] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:10.561753] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.561766] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" is active. [03:34:10.562776] [trace]: CleanInstitute.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.562798] [trace]: Loading Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:10.562916] [trace]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.562938] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" is active. [03:34:10.565006] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.565026] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:10.565086] [trace]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.565109] [trace]: Loading NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:10.565148] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.565164] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" is active. [03:34:10.565231] [trace]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.565247] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" is active. [03:34:10.566006] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.566032] [trace]: Loading Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:10.566150] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.566163] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is active. [03:34:10.566489] [trace]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.566510] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:10.566620] [trace]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.566632] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" is active. [03:34:10.567252] [trace]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.567272] [trace]: Loading Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:10.567377] [trace]: Glowing Eyes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.567389] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Glowing Eyes.esp" is active. [03:34:10.569241] [trace]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.569261] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:10.569373] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.569385] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" is active. [03:34:10.569690] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.569712] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:10.569831] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.569847] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" is active. [03:34:10.569967] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.569988] [trace]: Loading NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:10.570099] [trace]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.570113] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" is active. [03:34:10.570923] [trace]: Glowing Eyes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.570945] [trace]: Loading Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:10.571064] [trace]: Immortal Cats 2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.571076] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Immortal Cats 2.esp" is active. [03:34:10.573293] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.573315] [trace]: Loading SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:10.573426] [trace]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.573440] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" is active. [03:34:10.573885] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.573913] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:10.574026] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.574038] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" is active. [03:34:10.574857] [trace]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.574883] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:10.575006] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.575019] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" is active. [03:34:10.575583] [trace]: Immortal Cats 2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.575606] [trace]: Loading Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:10.575723] [trace]: Sneaky Kills.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.575738] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Sneaky Kills.esp" is active. [03:34:10.576622] [trace]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.576642] [trace]: Loading NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:10.576755] [trace]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.576768] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" is active. [03:34:10.578252] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.578274] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:10.578422] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.578435] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:10.579047] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.579069] [trace]: Loading companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:10.579183] [trace]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.579198] [debug]: Checking if plugin "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" is active. [03:34:10.579232] [trace]: Sneaky Kills.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.579251] [trace]: Loading VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:10.579364] [trace]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.579376] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" is active. [03:34:10.580638] [trace]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.580657] [trace]: Loading mso_sms.esp [03:34:10.580764] [trace]: mso_sms.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.580776] [debug]: Checking if plugin "mso_sms.esp" is active. [03:34:10.581977] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.581999] [trace]: Loading IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:10.582113] [trace]: IFT_Automatron.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.582126] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IFT_Automatron.esp" is active. [03:34:10.583010] [trace]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.583032] [trace]: Loading NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:10.583142] [trace]: NQAS - Automatron.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.583153] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NQAS - Automatron.esl" is active. [03:34:10.583177] [trace]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.583197] [trace]: Loading SaveManager.esp [03:34:10.583306] [trace]: SaveManager.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.583318] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SaveManager.esp" is active. [03:34:10.583427] [trace]: mso_sms.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.583445] [trace]: Loading Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:10.583552] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.583564] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is active. [03:34:10.585962] [trace]: IFT_Automatron.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.585983] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:10.586107] [trace]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.586119] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" is active. [03:34:10.586594] [trace]: SaveManager.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.586613] [trace]: Loading Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:10.586724] [trace]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.586740] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" is active. [03:34:10.586784] [trace]: NQAS - Automatron.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.586807] [trace]: Loading workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:10.586847] [trace]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.586866] [trace]: Loading Pug.esp [03:34:10.586921] [trace]: workShopDashButton.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.586933] [debug]: Checking if plugin "workShopDashButton.esp" is active. [03:34:10.586974] [trace]: Pug.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.586990] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Pug.esp" is active. [03:34:10.587842] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.587864] [trace]: Loading TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:10.587990] [trace]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.588002] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" is active. [03:34:10.589165] [trace]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.589185] [trace]: Loading Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:10.589298] [trace]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.589312] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" is active. [03:34:10.590571] [trace]: workShopDashButton.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.590591] [trace]: Loading AAF.esm [03:34:10.590696] [trace]: AAF.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.590710] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AAF.esm" is active. [03:34:10.591201] [trace]: Pug.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.591221] [trace]: Loading ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:10.591336] [trace]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.591348] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" is active. [03:34:10.592277] [trace]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.592298] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:10.592409] [trace]: Crafting Workbench.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.592420] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbench.esp" is active. [03:34:10.593740] [trace]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.593762] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:10.593877] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.593889] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:10.594149] [trace]: AAF.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.594167] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:10.594279] [trace]: LegendaryModification.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.594291] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification.esp" is active. [03:34:10.594981] [trace]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.595003] [trace]: Loading Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:10.595118] [trace]: Empties - VISFar.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.595131] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Empties - VISFar.esp" is active. [03:34:10.596267] [trace]: Crafting Workbench.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.596286] [trace]: Loading SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:10.596397] [trace]: SpringCleaning.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.596411] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SpringCleaning.esp" is active. [03:34:10.597734] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.597751] [trace]: LegendaryModification.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.597767] [trace]: Loading CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:10.597780] [trace]: Loading 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:10.597885] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.597897] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is active. [03:34:10.597912] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.597928] [debug]: Checking if plugin "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" is active. [03:34:10.598715] [trace]: Empties - VISFar.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.598737] [trace]: Loading SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:10.598852] [trace]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.598864] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.600416] [trace]: SpringCleaning.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.600435] [trace]: Loading Shino Poses.esp [03:34:10.600541] [trace]: Shino Poses.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.600553] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Shino Poses.esp" is active. [03:34:10.601378] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.601398] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:10.601510] [trace]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.601522] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" is active. [03:34:10.602545] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.602564] [trace]: Loading HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:10.602673] [trace]: HotMamaBoSA.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.602685] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HotMamaBoSA.esp" is active. [03:34:10.603021] [trace]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.603041] [trace]: Loading HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:10.603153] [trace]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.603166] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" is active. [03:34:10.604907] [trace]: Shino Poses.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.604926] [trace]: Loading KSHairdos.esp [03:34:10.605003] [trace]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.605023] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:10.605036] [trace]: KSHairdos.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.605048] [debug]: Checking if plugin "KSHairdos.esp" is active. [03:34:10.605136] [trace]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.605147] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" is active. [03:34:10.607429] [trace]: HotMamaBoSA.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.607450] [trace]: Loading Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:10.607565] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.607578] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is active. [03:34:10.608483] [trace]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.608504] [trace]: Loading HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:10.608619] [trace]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.608632] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" is active. [03:34:10.608645] [trace]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.608665] [trace]: Loading Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:10.608775] [trace]: Give Me That Bottle.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.608786] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is active. [03:34:10.609593] [trace]: KSHairdos.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.609613] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:10.609726] [trace]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.609738] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" is active. [03:34:10.610739] [trace]: Give Me That Bottle.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.610758] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:10.610865] [trace]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.610877] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" is active. [03:34:10.612003] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.612024] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:10.612152] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.612167] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is active. [03:34:10.613607] [trace]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.613627] [trace]: Loading TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:10.613738] [trace]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.613752] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" is active. [03:34:10.614345] [trace]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.614361] [trace]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.614377] [trace]: Loading NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:10.614391] [trace]: Loading FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:10.614497] [trace]: NSA All-in-One.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.614509] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NSA All-in-One.esp" is active. [03:34:10.614523] [trace]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.614535] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" is active. [03:34:10.616146] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.616169] [trace]: Loading Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:10.616287] [trace]: Better Cooking Stations.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.616302] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Better Cooking Stations.esp" is active. [03:34:10.616549] [trace]: Better Cooking Stations.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.616568] [trace]: Loading uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:10.616681] [trace]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.616694] [debug]: Checking if plugin "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" is active. [03:34:10.618046] [trace]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.618066] [trace]: Loading The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:10.618174] [trace]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.618186] [debug]: Checking if plugin "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" is active. [03:34:10.618535] [trace]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.618556] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:10.618668] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.618680] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" is active. [03:34:10.618975] [trace]: NSA All-in-One.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.618998] [trace]: Loading Loot Detector.esp [03:34:10.619109] [trace]: Loot Detector.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.619121] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Loot Detector.esp" is active. [03:34:10.619828] [trace]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.619848] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:10.619956] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.619968] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.621680] [trace]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.621701] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.621816] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.621828] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.622511] [trace]: Loot Detector.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.622532] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:10.622648] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.622661] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" is active. [03:34:10.623406] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.623426] [trace]: Loading FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:10.623540] [trace]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.623553] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" is active. [03:34:10.624312] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.624332] [trace]: Loading SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:10.624441] [trace]: SettlementKeywords.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.624456] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SettlementKeywords.esm" is active. [03:34:10.625388] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.625407] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:10.625522] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.625534] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" is active. [03:34:10.627305] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.627327] [trace]: Loading def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:10.627436] [trace]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.627449] [debug]: Checking if plugin "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" is active. [03:34:10.627859] [trace]: SettlementKeywords.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.627877] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:10.627988] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.628001] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" is active. [03:34:10.628061] [trace]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.628076] [trace]: Loading CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:10.628244] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.628259] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" is active. [03:34:10.629871] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.629892] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.630028] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.630040] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.630293] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.630314] [trace]: Loading Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:10.630431] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.630445] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.631660] [trace]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.631679] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:10.631796] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.631809] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.632204] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.632227] [trace]: Loading Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:10.632355] [trace]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.632370] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" is active. [03:34:10.634366] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.634578] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.634597] [trace]: Loading Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:10.634613] [trace]: Loading galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:10.634724] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.634737] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" is active. [03:34:10.634755] [trace]: galacticzone-repaird.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.634767] [debug]: Checking if plugin "galacticzone-repaird.esp" is active. [03:34:10.637326] [trace]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.637351] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:10.637480] [trace]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.637493] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" is active. [03:34:10.638760] [trace]: galacticzone-repaird.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.638791] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:10.638939] [trace]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.638952] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" is active. [03:34:10.639824] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.639854] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:10.639907] [trace]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.639931] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:10.639994] [trace]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.640006] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" is active. [03:34:10.640057] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.640069] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.641065] [trace]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.641103] [trace]: Loading Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:10.641275] [trace]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.641289] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" is active. [03:34:10.641627] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.641657] [trace]: Loading UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:10.641786] [trace]: UniqueUniques.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.641802] [debug]: Checking if plugin "UniqueUniques.esp" is active. [03:34:10.644301] [trace]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.644338] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:10.644506] [trace]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.644520] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" is active. [03:34:10.644959] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.644983] [trace]: Loading NVUMP.esp [03:34:10.645107] [trace]: NVUMP.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.645125] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NVUMP.esp" is active. [03:34:10.646141] [trace]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.646162] [trace]: Loading XXXMags.esp [03:34:10.646272] [trace]: XXXMags.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.646284] [debug]: Checking if plugin "XXXMags.esp" is active. [03:34:10.647365] [trace]: UniqueUniques.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.647387] [trace]: Loading Auto Loot.esp [03:34:10.647505] [trace]: Auto Loot.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.647520] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Auto Loot.esp" is active. [03:34:10.647747] [trace]: Auto Loot.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.647765] [trace]: Loading VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:10.647917] [trace]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.647932] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" is active. [03:34:10.648834] [trace]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.648855] [trace]: Loading Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:10.648921] [trace]: NVUMP.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.648943] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:10.648970] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.648984] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" is active. [03:34:10.649079] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.649091] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop01.esm" is active. [03:34:10.650683] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.650704] [trace]: Loading Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:10.650821] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.650834] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is active. [03:34:10.651111] [trace]: XXXMags.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.651130] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:10.651243] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.651255] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop02.esm" is active. [03:34:10.651851] [trace]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.651871] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:10.651983] [trace]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.651995] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" is active. [03:34:10.652903] [trace]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.652923] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:10.653034] [trace]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.653046] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" is active. [03:34:10.653080] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.653102] [trace]: Loading ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:10.653185] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.653203] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:10.653227] [trace]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.653240] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" is active. [03:34:10.653327] [trace]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.653339] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" is active. [03:34:10.654027] [trace]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.654045] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:10.654154] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.654166] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.654394] [trace]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.654414] [trace]: Loading ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:10.654479] [trace]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.654499] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:10.654513] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.654533] [trace]: Loading DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:10.654545] [trace]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.654557] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:10.654613] [trace]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.654626] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" is active. [03:34:10.654652] [trace]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.654694] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" is active. [03:34:10.655509] [trace]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.655528] [trace]: Loading LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:10.655637] [trace]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.655649] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is active. [03:34:10.656316] [trace]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.656338] [trace]: Loading CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:10.656472] [trace]: CheatTerminal.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.656489] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CheatTerminal.esp" is active. [03:34:10.657608] [trace]: CheatTerminal.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.657630] [trace]: Loading Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:10.657779] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.657805] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Delev [03:34:10.657815] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Invent [03:34:10.657828] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Names [03:34:10.657836] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:10.659854] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.659896] [trace]: Loading ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:10.660066] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.660084] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ArmorKeywords.esm" is active. [03:34:10.660123] [trace]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.660150] [trace]: Loading StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:10.660276] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.660292] [trace]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.660306] [debug]: Checking if plugin "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" is active. [03:34:10.660320] [trace]: Loading The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:10.660450] [trace]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.660468] [debug]: Checking if plugin "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" is active. [03:34:10.661199] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.661225] [trace]: Loading DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:10.661364] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.661376] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is active. [03:34:10.662102] [trace]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.662125] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:10.662260] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.662272] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop03.esm" is active. [03:34:10.662706] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.663937] [trace]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.663959] [trace]: Loading Femout4.esp [03:34:10.664025] [trace]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.664046] [trace]: Loading AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:10.664085] [trace]: Femout4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.664098] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4.esp" is active. [03:34:10.664168] [trace]: AerysNPCs.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.664180] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AerysNPCs.esp" is active. [03:34:10.664274] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.664294] [trace]: Loading DLCRobot.esm [03:34:10.664478] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.664492] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCRobot.esm" is active. [03:34:10.665914] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.665975] [trace]: Loading DLCCoast.esm [03:34:10.666121] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.666133] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [03:34:10.667337] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.667658] [trace]: AerysNPCs.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.667678] [trace]: Loading NAC.esm [03:34:10.667811] [trace]: NAC.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.667826] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC.esm" is active. [03:34:10.668028] [trace]: Femout4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.668048] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:10.668162] [trace]: BetterModDescriptions.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.668174] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptions.esp" is active. [03:34:10.670016] [trace]: NAC.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.670036] [trace]: Loading Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:10.670164] [trace]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.670177] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is active. [03:34:10.671891] [trace]: BetterModDescriptions.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.671922] [trace]: Loading StartMeUp.esp [03:34:10.672038] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.672053] [debug]: Checking if plugin "StartMeUp.esp" is active. [03:34:10.672793] [trace]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.672831] [trace]: Loading 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:10.672983] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.672997] [debug]: Checking if plugin "3DNPC_FO4.esp" is active. [03:34:10.673093] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.675303] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.675339] [trace]: Loading Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:10.675556] [trace]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.675574] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" is active. [03:34:10.679411] [trace]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.679445] [trace]: Loading AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:10.679610] [trace]: AA FusionCityRising.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.679638] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AA FusionCityRising.esp" is active. [03:34:10.683442] [trace]: AA FusionCityRising.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.683462] [trace]: Loading Fallout4.esm [03:34:10.683609] [trace]: Fallout4.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:10.683621] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Fallout4.esm" is active. [03:34:10.685598] [trace]: Fallout4.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:10.685868] [debug]: Preparing to parse masterlist. [03:34:10.685904] [debug]: Parsing metadata list(s). [03:34:10.685955] [debug]: Loading file: C:\Users\Jinarra\AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4\masterlist.yaml [03:34:10.721407] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", >=) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.721467] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:10.721480] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.721492] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.721503] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.721511] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.721522] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.721560] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", <) [03:34:10.721584] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:10.721594] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.721645] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.721712] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.721737] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.721746] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.721757] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.721795] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.721818] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.721827] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.721837] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.721874] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.721897] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.721906] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.721915] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.721958] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.721980] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.721990] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.721999] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722032] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.722053] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.722062] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.722072] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722107] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.722129] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.722138] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.722148] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722187] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.722209] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.722217] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.722227] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722264] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.722285] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.722294] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.722303] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722339] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.722390] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.722414] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.722424] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722494] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.722516] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.722527] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.722604] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.722626] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.722636] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.722662] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.722711] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.722721] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.722731] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.722739] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.722746] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.722791] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.722814] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.722825] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.722868] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.722891] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.722901] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.722942] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.722965] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.722975] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723016] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723038] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723048] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723090] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723113] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723128] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723171] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723195] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723205] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723246] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723268] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723278] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723319] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723342] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723352] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723384] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723406] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723416] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723457] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723479] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723489] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723529] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723551] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723561] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723601] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723622] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723632] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723675] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723697] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723707] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723748] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723769] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723780] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723822] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723844] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723855] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723903] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.723926] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.723937] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.723982] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.724003] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.724014] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.724055] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.724077] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.724177] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.724228] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.724251] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.724262] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.724303] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.724325] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.724335] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.724408] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.724445] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.724468] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.724826] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.724901] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.724923] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.725029] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.725067] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.725081] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.725192] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.725226] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.725280] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.725376] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.725405] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.725432] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.725498] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.725535] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.725545] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.725677] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") [03:34:10.725784] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.725811] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726035] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCworkshop01.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") [03:34:10.726092] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.726115] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726125] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCworkshop01.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.726148] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726156] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.726165] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726311] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCworkshop01.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") [03:34:10.726334] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.726344] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726407] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCworkshop01.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.726417] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726425] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.726434] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.726480] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.726503] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.726535] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.726548] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.726562] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.726583] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.726600] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.726614] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.726669] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.726696] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.726711] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.726736] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.726809] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.726831] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.726844] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.726856] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.726926] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.726948] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.726962] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.726974] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727004] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.727024] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727037] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727048] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727082] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp") and version("ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp", "9.1", <) [03:34:10.727104] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.727114] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.727123] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.727131] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.727142] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.727150] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.727161] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:10.727169] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.727178] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.727211] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.727232] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727257] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727270] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.727288] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727301] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727313] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727349] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.727370] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727383] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727395] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727408] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.727426] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727440] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727453] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727585] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.727619] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727632] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727647] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.727660] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.727678] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.727692] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.727703] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728255] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.728277] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728290] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.728301] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728314] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.728332] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728345] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.728392] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728534] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.728556] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728571] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.728596] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728627] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.728649] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728663] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.728674] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728706] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.728726] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728740] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.728752] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728783] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.728803] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728816] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.728827] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.728960] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.728981] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.728995] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.729006] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729019] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.729037] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729050] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.729062] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729200] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:10.729221] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729234] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.729245] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729259] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:10.729279] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729292] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.729303] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729342] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp") [03:34:10.729363] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729373] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.729382] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729417] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp") [03:34:10.729437] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729447] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.729455] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729491] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp") [03:34:10.729510] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729520] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion-VanillaWeight.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.729528] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.729561] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp") [03:34:10.729581] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" exists. [03:34:10.729590] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-DLCVersion.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.729599] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.732119] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and not active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting - DLCRobots Fixes.esp") and checksum("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp", 904389D7) [03:34:10.732149] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.732160] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732170] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.732179] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732189] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting - DLCRobots Fixes.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.732198] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732207] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp". [03:34:10.732215] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.732253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp") and checksum("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp", 904389D7) [03:34:10.732277] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.732287] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732296] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.732303] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732313] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.732321] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732331] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp". [03:34:10.732338] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.732495] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp") and active("DLCCoast.esm") [03:34:10.732525] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrapper Corpse Highlighting DLC Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.732535] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732546] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.732555] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.732795] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200)more)PCDamage\.esp") [03:34:10.732822] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200)more)PCDamage\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.732845] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.732926] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Survival((50|25)LESS|Normal|(50|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)EnemyDamage\.esp") [03:34:10.732952] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Survival((50|25)LESS|Normal|(50|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)EnemyDamage\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.732972] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.733012] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)(PC|Enemy)Damage\.esp") [03:34:10.733036] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Survival((90|75|65|50|25|10)LESS|Normal|(10|20|30|40|50|60|70|80|90|100|150|200|250|300|350|400|450|500)more)(PC|Enemy)Damage\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.733059] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.733081] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.733142] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Rainy_(25|50|75|100)\.esp") [03:34:10.733167] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Rainy_(25|50|75|100)\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.733180] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.733244] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Ambient|Strong|Hardcore|Deadly) Radiation Storms\.esp") [03:34:10.733269] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Ambient|Strong|Hardcore|Deadly) Radiation Storms\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.733283] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.733362] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Higher|Deeper) Female Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish|French|German)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp") [03:34:10.733387] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Higher|Deeper) Female Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish|French|German)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.733408] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.733679] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Deeper|Higher) Male Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp") [03:34:10.733705] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Deeper|Higher) Male Protagonist Voice (\((Japanese|Spanish)\) )?- Type [A-U]\d?\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.733727] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.733912] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Higher Voice For Curie (\(Japanese\) )?- Type [A-U]\d(-(R|S))?\.esp") [03:34:10.733937] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Higher Voice For Curie (\(Japanese\) )?- Type [A-U]\d(-(R|S))?\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.733956] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734048] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Piper - Type [A-U]\d\.esp") [03:34:10.734071] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Piper - Type [A-U]\d\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734086] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734186] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For Strong - Type A\d\.esp") [03:34:10.734209] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For Strong - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734222] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734286] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For Super Mutants - Type A\d\.esp") [03:34:10.734309] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For Super Mutants - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734323] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734415] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For Preston - Type A\d\.esp") [03:34:10.734467] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For Preston - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734480] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734543] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("Deeper Voice For X6-88 - Type A\d\.esp") [03:34:10.734578] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "Deeper Voice For X6-88 - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734590] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734654] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Cait - Type A\d\.esp") [03:34:10.734677] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "(Higher|Deeper) Voice For Cait - Type A\d\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734690] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734773] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("DeadlyRadstorms_Climate_\d+\.esp") [03:34:10.734795] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "DeadlyRadstorms_Climate_\d+\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734808] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734868] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("DeadlyRadstorms_Damage_\d+\.esp") [03:34:10.734893] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "DeadlyRadstorms_Damage_\d+\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.734905] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.734969] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("NoGunSneakAttackMultiplier.esp", "1.1", <) [03:34:10.735002] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "NoGunSneakAttackMultiplier.esp". [03:34:10.735013] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "NoGunSneakAttackMultiplier.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.735022] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.735065] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Freso's TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages for FO4.esp", "0.3", <) [03:34:10.735091] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Freso's TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages for FO4.esp". [03:34:10.735101] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Freso's TTYM - Think to Yourself Messages for FO4.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.735110] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.735266] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("DarkerNights.esp", "1.11", <) [03:34:10.735292] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "DarkerNights.esp". [03:34:10.735302] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DarkerNights.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.735311] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.735390] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ArmorKeywords.esm") [03:34:10.735415] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ArmorKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735425] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.735595] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.735622] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735633] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.735642] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.735650] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735658] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.735694] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.735716] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735726] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.735735] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.735743] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735751] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.735782] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.735805] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735816] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.735825] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.735833] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735841] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.735883] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.735905] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735915] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.735924] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.735931] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.735939] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.735973] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.735994] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736004] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736013] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736020] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736028] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736059] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736080] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736090] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736099] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736106] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736114] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736151] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736173] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736183] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736192] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736199] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736207] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736258] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736268] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736284] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736292] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736323] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736344] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736384] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736394] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736402] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736411] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736456] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736478] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736488] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736497] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736504] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736512] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736544] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736581] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736592] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736621] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736645] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736653] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736681] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and active("DLC_SK_Patch.esp")) and version("..\Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.736701] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736710] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736720] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLC_SK_Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.736728] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736737] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "..\Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.736745] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "..\Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.736755] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736788] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736809] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736819] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736828] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736836] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736843] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736881] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736902] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736912] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.736921] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.736928] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.736936] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.736969] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.736990] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737000] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737009] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737017] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737024] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737057] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737078] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737088] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737096] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737104] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737112] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737145] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737167] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737176] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737185] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737193] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737200] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737237] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737259] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737268] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737277] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737285] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737294] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737326] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737347] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737356] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737365] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737373] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737381] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737412] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737433] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737443] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737452] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737459] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737467] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737497] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737517] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737527] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737536] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737544] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737552] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737594] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737616] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737625] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737634] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737641] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737649] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737678] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737698] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737708] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737716] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737723] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737731] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737761] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737782] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737791] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737800] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737807] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737815] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737844] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737866] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737875] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737884] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737891] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737899] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.737928] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.737950] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737959] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.737968] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.737976] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.737985] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738015] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738037] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738046] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738055] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738062] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738069] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738099] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738120] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738130] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738138] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738146] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738153] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738184] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738205] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738214] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738223] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738230] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738238] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738274] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738296] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738306] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738314] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738321] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738329] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738394] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738447] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738470] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738493] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738513] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738533] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738578] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738599] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738612] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738621] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738645] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738653] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738711] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738744] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738754] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738763] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738770] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738777] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738807] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738828] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738837] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738846] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738854] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738863] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738894] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738914] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738923] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.738932] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.738939] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.738947] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.738977] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.738996] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739006] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739014] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739022] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739029] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739059] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739079] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739089] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739097] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739104] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739112] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739141] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739161] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739171] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739179] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739187] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739194] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739224] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739244] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739253] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739262] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739269] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739277] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739306] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739327] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739336] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739345] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739352] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739359] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739390] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739409] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739419] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739427] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739434] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739442] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739472] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739492] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739501] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739510] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739541] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739551] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739581] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739602] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739615] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739641] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739648] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739669] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739712] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739732] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739741] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739750] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739757] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739765] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739797] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739818] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739827] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739836] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739843] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739850] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739880] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("SettlementKeywords.esm") and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.739900] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739910] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.739919] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.739926] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.739933] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.739964] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.739984] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.739992] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740000] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740036] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740056] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740065] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740073] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.740082] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp". [03:34:10.740089] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Bunker Disabler.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.740097] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740125] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740145] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740154] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740162] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740192] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740212] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740220] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740228] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.740238] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp". [03:34:10.740245] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.740253] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740283] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740304] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740313] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740321] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740365] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740403] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740426] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740447] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.740457] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp". [03:34:10.740464] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Greenhouse Disabler.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.740489] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740555] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) [03:34:10.740589] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.740619] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740663] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.740681] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.740690] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.740701] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.740710] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.740717] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.740727] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.740886] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740910] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740919] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740927] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.740956] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.740976] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.740985] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.740993] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.741025] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.741045] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.741054] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741061] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.741072] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp". [03:34:10.741079] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.741087] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.741116] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.741136] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.741145] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741153] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.741198] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.741218] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.741227] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741235] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.741258] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp". [03:34:10.741266] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.741274] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.741308] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741344] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741431] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741469] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741491] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741500] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741535] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741555] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741565] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741595] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741618] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741627] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741667] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741688] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741697] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741727] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741747] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741756] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741786] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741806] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741815] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741846] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.741866] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.741875] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.741901] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.741921] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.741930] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.741940] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.741948] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.741956] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.741965] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.741983] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.742004] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.742013] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.742039] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.742059] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.742068] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742076] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.742085] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.742092] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742101] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.742119] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.742139] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.742149] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.742174] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.742193] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.742201] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742210] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.742219] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.742226] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742234] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.742253] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.742273] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.742282] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.742308] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.742328] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.742337] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742366] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.742392] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.742400] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742409] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.742443] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.742503] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.742526] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.742553] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.742573] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.742582] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742607] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.742617] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.742638] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742661] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.742728] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Snap'n Build.esm") [03:34:10.742794] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Snap'n Build.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.742805] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.742835] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",55D44FD5) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.742862] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.742873] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.742899] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.742920] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.742943] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.742971] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("Homemaker.esm",55D44FD5) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",A28ED2EC) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",DF136FBA) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",284A031C) or checksum("Homemaker.esm",47E7024C)) and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.743007] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743016] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743039] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743047] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743057] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743064] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743074] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743081] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743091] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743098] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743110] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.743118] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743127] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.743142] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",A28ED2EC) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.743163] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743172] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743183] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.743191] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.743201] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.743218] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",284A031C) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.7.9", >=) [03:34:10.743239] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743249] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743262] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.743284] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.743295] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.743325] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",47E7024C) and (version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.9", <=)) [03:34:10.743347] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743356] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743369] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.743378] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.743389] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.743398] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.743407] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.743416] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.743432] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Homemaker.esm",F8FC29EE) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.7.9", <) [03:34:10.743508] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743548] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743610] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.743619] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.743642] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.743658] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.7.9", <) [03:34:10.743680] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743689] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743709] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.743718] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.743724] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.743733] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.743747] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", <) [03:34:10.743767] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743776] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743783] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.743830] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [03:34:10.743866] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.743875] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743896] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.743938] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.743974] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.743983] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.743994] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.744002] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744011] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744026] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.40", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", <) [03:34:10.744047] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.744056] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.744064] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744073] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.744081] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744090] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.744104] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.49", <) [03:34:10.744125] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.744160] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.744169] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.744226] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("AlternateSettlements.esp",D8906B4D) or checksum("AlternateSettlements.esp",5C36EB92)) and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.744265] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AlternateSettlements.esp". [03:34:10.744276] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AlternateSettlements.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744299] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AlternateSettlements.esp". [03:34:10.744307] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AlternateSettlements.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744318] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.744326] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.744347] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744461] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.744484] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.744494] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744504] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.744513] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.744521] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744529] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744559] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",8CD7D3C8) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", >=) [03:34:10.744590] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [03:34:10.744605] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744616] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.744624] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744647] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744674] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",A66E1F17) [03:34:10.744694] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [03:34:10.744703] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744718] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",46A18495) and (version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.5.416.0", <=)) [03:34:10.744752] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [03:34:10.744773] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744785] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.744806] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744828] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744836] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.744844] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.744865] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.744879] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",8CD7D3C8) or checksum("Minutemenoverhaul.esp",46A18495)) and version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.744899] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [03:34:10.744908] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744917] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Minutemenoverhaul.esp". [03:34:10.744925] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Minutemenoverhaul.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.744934] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.744942] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.744950] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.744986] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [03:34:10.745007] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.745016] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745024] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745038] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.745058] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.745067] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745076] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.745084] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.745091] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745100] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745126] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [03:34:10.745147] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.745155] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745163] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745177] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.745195] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.745203] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745212] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.745220] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.745228] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745236] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745262] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [03:34:10.745282] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.745291] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745299] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745312] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.745329] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.745337] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745346] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.745355] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.745362] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745370] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745395] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.745416] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.745425] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745434] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745459] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.0", >=) [03:34:10.745479] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.745488] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745496] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745509] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.745527] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.745536] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745545] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.745553] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.745560] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745569] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745597] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [03:34:10.745633] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.745642] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745663] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745676] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.745694] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.745702] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745712] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.745721] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.745728] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745737] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745764] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("BuildingBlocks-Foundations.esp",2924F338) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:10.745785] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "BuildingBlocks-Foundations.esp". [03:34:10.745794] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "BuildingBlocks-Foundations.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.745805] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.745812] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.745820] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745846] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("Homemaker.esm", "1.50", >=) [03:34:10.745866] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Homemaker.esm". [03:34:10.745875] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Homemaker.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745883] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.745909] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.43", >=) [03:34:10.745930] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:10.745938] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.745946] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.746052] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("BrighterSettlementLights(_(ExtraBrightv1\.1|LessHarsh|LongAndSoft)| - (Extra Bright( v1\.1)?|Less Harsh))?\.esp") [03:34:10.746078] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "BrighterSettlementLights(_(ExtraBrightv1\.1|LessHarsh|LongAndSoft)| - (Extra Bright( v1\.1)?|Less Harsh))?\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.746096] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.746286] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many("ConstructionLight_\w+\.esp") [03:34:10.746308] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "ConstructionLight_\w+\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.746321] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.746797] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Armorsmith Extended.esp") [03:34:10.746824] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.746835] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.746914] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (checksum("interface/dialoguemenu.swf", FD1941F1) or checksum("interface/multiactivatemenu.swf", 7A51282D)) and checksum("llamaCompanionHeather.esp", 1FD60CC1) [03:34:10.746938] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "interface/dialoguemenu.swf". [03:34:10.746948] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "interface/dialoguemenu.swf" is safe. [03:34:10.746961] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "interface/multiactivatemenu.swf". [03:34:10.746968] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "interface/multiactivatemenu.swf" is safe. [03:34:10.746980] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "llamaCompanionHeather.esp". [03:34:10.746987] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "llamaCompanionHeather.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747021] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and not active("llamaCompanionHeather-VIS(-AE)? Patch\.esp") [03:34:10.747045] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.747056] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747070] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.747081] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747114] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("BBS000-F04-(MANDATORY|Ultimate)(-.*)?\.esp") and not active("llamaCompanionHeather-BBS(-AE)? Patch\.esp") [03:34:10.747140] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.747153] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747166] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.747176] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747209] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Armorsmith Extended.esp") and not active("llamaCompanionHeather-((BBS|VIS)-)?AE Patch\.esp") [03:34:10.747232] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747243] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747258] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.747269] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747385] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp") [03:34:10.747409] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747419] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747450] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp") and checksum("Better Settlement Defence.esp", DB37AB92) [03:34:10.747471] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747481] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747490] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Better Settlement Defence.esp". [03:34:10.747497] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Better Settlement Defence.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747523] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:10.747543] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747552] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747575] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747584] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747597] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:10.747615] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747624] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747634] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747641] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747664] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:10.747682] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747690] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747700] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747708] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747736] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:10.747754] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747763] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747773] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747780] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747848] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCCoast.esm") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9)) [03:34:10.747869] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.747879] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747889] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747896] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747906] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.747913] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.747949] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 814AC32F) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B)) [03:34:10.747973] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.747985] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.747994] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.748003] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748015] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.748023] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748038] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0)) [03:34:10.748061] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.748072] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748082] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.748090] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748100] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:10.748107] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748163] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("CC's Unique Vault Suit Boxes - Far Harbor Patch.esp") [03:34:10.748186] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.748196] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748207] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CC's Unique Vault Suit Boxes - Far Harbor Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748215] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748694] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp", 42D99A6E) [03:34:10.748722] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp". [03:34:10.748732] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SurvivalOptions_GiveMeThatBottlePatch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748791] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CustomizableNeeds.esp") and not checksum("CustomizableNeeds.esp", F2860D72) [03:34:10.748816] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748826] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748836] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "CustomizableNeeds.esp". [03:34:10.748843] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748881] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("EveryonesBestFriend.esp") and not active("EBF_DEFW_Patch.esp") and not active("Give Me That Bottle.esp") [03:34:10.748902] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748912] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748922] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EBF_DEFW_Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748930] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748940] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.748948] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.748983] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Give Me That Bottle.esp") and not active("gmtb_patch.esp") and not active("EveryonesBestFriend.esp") [03:34:10.749005] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749015] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749024] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "gmtb_patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749032] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749041] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749049] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749085] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("EveryonesBestFriend.esp") and active("Give Me That Bottle.esp") and not active("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp") [03:34:10.749107] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "EveryonesBestFriend.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749116] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749125] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749133] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749143] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749151] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749231] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp") [03:34:10.749257] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749268] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749350] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp") [03:34:10.749375] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749385] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749428] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp", "1.0.0", ==) [03:34:10.749453] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp". [03:34:10.749462] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DEF_WIDGETS_SURVIVAL1 - EBF+GMTB patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749471] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.749510] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not checksum("CustomizableNeeds.esp", F2860D72) [03:34:10.749533] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "CustomizableNeeds.esp". [03:34:10.749542] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749571] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CustomizableNeeds + RealisticAidSideEffects.esp") [03:34:10.749594] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds + RealisticAidSideEffects.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749604] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749618] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CN \+ RASE - .+\.esp") [03:34:10.749649] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.749661] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749698] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and not active("CN Only - VIS Patch.esp") [03:34:10.749722] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.749734] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749744] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CN Only - VIS Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749756] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749794] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CustomizableNeeds.esp") and not checksum("CustomizableNeeds.esp", F2860D72) [03:34:10.749817] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749827] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749837] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "CustomizableNeeds.esp". [03:34:10.749845] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CustomizableNeeds.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.749865] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("CN Only - .+\.esp") [03:34:10.749888] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.749900] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749935] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("LoreFriendlySurvivalChems(VIS)?\.esp") and not active("CN + RASE - LoreFriendlySurvivalChems(VIS)? Patch\.esp") [03:34:10.749962] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.749974] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.749989] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.750001] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.750035] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and not active("CN + RASE - VIS Patch.esp") [03:34:10.750060] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.750071] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.750081] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "CN + RASE - VIS Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.750090] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.750620] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Diverse Cats.esp") and checksum("Diverse Cats.esp", ea3b193f) [03:34:10.750648] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Diverse Cats.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.750659] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.750668] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Diverse Cats.esp". [03:34:10.750675] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Diverse Cats.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.750713] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: checksum("Diverse Cats.esp", ea3b193f) [03:34:10.750736] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Diverse Cats.esp". [03:34:10.750746] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Diverse Cats.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.750842] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SimSettlements.esm", "2.0.6", <) [03:34:10.750866] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements.esm". [03:34:10.750875] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.750884] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.750926] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp", "2.0.6", <) [03:34:10.750950] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp". [03:34:10.750959] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.750968] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.750982] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: (version("SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp", "2.0.6", >=) and version("SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp", "2.0.7", <)) and not (version("SimSettlements.esm", "2.0.6", >=) and version("SimSettlements.esm", "2.0.7", <)) [03:34:10.751003] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp". [03:34:10.751013] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751021] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.751031] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp". [03:34:10.751039] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements_XPAC_IndustrialRevolution.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751047] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.751057] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements.esm". [03:34:10.751065] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.751072] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.751081] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SimSettlements.esm". [03:34:10.751088] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SimSettlements.esm" is safe. [03:34:10.751096] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.751189] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: many_active("ShotLayDown\d+\.esp") [03:34:10.751212] [trace]: Checking to see if more than one file matching the regex "ShotLayDown\d+\.esp" is active. [03:34:10.751224] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.751300] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("AGOMBz.esp", "1.0.1_DLC", <) [03:34:10.751322] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "AGOMBz.esp". [03:34:10.751331] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751340] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.751353] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Better Settlement Defence.esp") and not (checksum("AGOMBz - Main.ba2", FBBDC389) or checksum("AGOMBz - Main.ba2", 5A4E786E) or checksum("AGOMBz - Main.ba2", F1E405A5)) [03:34:10.751373] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Better Settlement Defence.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751383] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.751393] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AGOMBz - Main.ba2". [03:34:10.751401] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz - Main.ba2" is safe. [03:34:10.751411] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AGOMBz - Main.ba2". [03:34:10.751418] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz - Main.ba2" is safe. [03:34:10.751427] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "AGOMBz - Main.ba2". [03:34:10.751434] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "AGOMBz - Main.ba2" is safe. [03:34:10.751532] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp") and active("LooksMenu1stPersonViewItemsFix.esp") [03:34:10.751556] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751566] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.751586] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "LooksMenu1stPersonViewItemsFix.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751595] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.751610] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp") and active("FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp") [03:34:10.751632] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751642] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.751651] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "FirstPersonViewableItemsExpanded.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751659] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.751747] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("MinutemenGeneralOutfitF.esp") and active("Armorsmith Extended.esp") [03:34:10.751772] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "MinutemenGeneralOutfitF.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751782] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.751791] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.751799] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753387] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: active("Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp") [03:34:10.753418] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753430] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753446] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not active("Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Core.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp") and active("Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp") [03:34:10.753469] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753479] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753488] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Core.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753496] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753505] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753513] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753522] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753530] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753539] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753547] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753556] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753564] [trace]: Active check result: false [03:34:10.753724] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("Bashed Patch.*\.esp") [03:34:10.753748] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Bashed Patch.*\.esp" exists. [03:34:10.753760] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:10.753770] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.753822] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("Smashed Patch.esp") [03:34:10.753844] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Smashed Patch.esp" exists. [03:34:10.753854] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Smashed Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:10.753862] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.753922] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.753942] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.753951] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.753962] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.753971] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.753979] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.753988] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.754020] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("../f4se_loader.exe") and version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.754040] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:10.754049] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754059] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.754068] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:10.754075] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754085] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.754113] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: not version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.754134] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:10.754143] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754152] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.754173] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", ==) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", !=) [03:34:10.754193] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:10.754201] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754211] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.754219] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.754226] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754235] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.754282] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [03:34:10.754303] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" exists. [03:34:10.754312] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754322] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.754331] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:10.754338] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754361] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.754408] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: file("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [03:34:10.754457] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" exists. [03:34:10.754466] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754476] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.754484] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:10.754492] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754501] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.754522] [trace]: Testing condition syntax: ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 78374099) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 988580db) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 6a0dbf55)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 95eab074) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c2e4481a) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 89ceec93) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c202af85) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 44af914a) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", ace2ed7e) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 1bf865e4)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) [03:34:10.754546] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754578] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754603] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754611] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754622] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754629] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754641] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.754648] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754658] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.754667] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754675] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754686] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.754694] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754702] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.754712] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754720] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754733] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.754740] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754749] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.754759] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754766] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754777] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754785] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754795] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754803] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754813] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754820] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754831] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.754838] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.754850] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.754857] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.754866] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.754914] [debug]: File loaded successfully. [03:34:10.759995] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:10.762075] [info]: Attempting to open Git repository at: C:\Users\Jinarra\AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4 [03:34:10.762546] [trace]: Getting the Git object for HEAD. [03:34:10.763211] [trace]: Generating hex string for Git object ID. [03:34:10.763316] [trace]: Getting the Git reference for HEAD. [03:34:10.763425] [trace]: Getting commit for ID. [03:34:10.763447] [trace]: Diffing masterlist HEAD and working copy. [03:34:10.763571] [trace]: Existing repository found, attempting to open it. [03:34:10.763925] [trace]: Getting the tree for the HEAD revision. [03:34:10.764321] [trace]: Performing git diff. [03:34:10.765123] [trace]: Iterating over git diff deltas. [03:34:10.765244] [trace]: Checking diff for: .gitattributes [03:34:10.765362] [trace]: Checking diff for: .gitignore [03:34:10.765450] [trace]: Checking diff for: .travis.yml [03:34:10.765543] [trace]: Checking diff for: CONTRIBUTING.md [03:34:10.765745] [trace]: Checking diff for: LICENSE [03:34:10.765808] [trace]: Checking diff for: README.md [03:34:10.765820] [trace]: Recursively setting write permission on directory: C:/Users/Jinarra/AppData/Local/LOOT/Fallout4/.git/ [03:34:10.766885] [trace]: Recursively setting write permission on directory: C:/Users/Jinarra/AppData/Local/LOOT/Fallout4/.git/ [03:34:10.767778] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.767821] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:10.767832] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.767913] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:10.767927] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.767936] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.768021] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.768235] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.768254] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.768269] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("../f4se_loader.exe") and version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.768293] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:10.768303] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.768354] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:10.768367] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:10.768375] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.768462] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.768668] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.768698] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.768713] [trace]: Evaluating condition: not version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [03:34:10.768739] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:10.768749] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.768825] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.768960] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.768976] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.768989] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", ==) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", !=) [03:34:10.769015] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:10.769025] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.769097] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.769231] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.769246] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.769256] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.769264] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.769339] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.769527] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.769543] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:10.769558] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [03:34:10.769610] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" exists. [03:34:10.769621] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.769677] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:10.769690] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:10.769698] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.769742] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:10.769758] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [03:34:10.769781] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" exists. [03:34:10.769791] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.769831] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:10.769842] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:10.769850] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.769893] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:10.769911] [trace]: Evaluating condition: ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 78374099) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 988580db) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 6a0dbf55)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 95eab074) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c2e4481a) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 89ceec93) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c202af85) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 44af914a) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", ace2ed7e) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 1bf865e4)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) [03:34:10.769949] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.769959] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.770000] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.770010] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.770047] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.770057] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.770094] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.770104] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.770175] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.770423] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.770441] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.770467] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.770476] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.770551] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.770561] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.770635] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.770854] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.770870] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.770882] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.770890] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.770934] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.770945] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.771018] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.771204] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.771220] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.771232] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.771241] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.771283] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.771294] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.771331] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.771341] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.771376] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.771386] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.771421] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:10.771431] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:10.771468] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:10.771478] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:10.771550] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:10.771767] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:10.771784] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:10.779791] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:10.779963] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:10.780114] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:10.780124] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Fallout4.esm's data. [03:34:10.780153] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:10.780291] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:10.780431] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:10.780727] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCRobot.esm [03:34:10.815160] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCRobot.esm"): d69027ea [03:34:10.815234] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:10.815244] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCRobot.esm's data. [03:34:10.815390] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:10.815554] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:10.815705] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:10.815885] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:10.818400] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop01.esm"): 47bae27e [03:34:10.818462] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:10.818471] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop01.esm's data. [03:34:10.818548] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:10.818697] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:10.818837] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:10.819015] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCCoast.esm [03:34:11.149767] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCCoast.esm"): f1f28026 [03:34:11.149852] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:11.149863] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCCoast.esm's data. [03:34:11.150011] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.150190] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:11.150347] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:11.150547] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:11.153352] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop02.esm"): 83abc821 [03:34:11.153388] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:11.153396] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop02.esm's data. [03:34:11.153484] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.153656] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:11.153806] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:11.154005] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:11.167206] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop03.esm"): e0089fbb [03:34:11.167272] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:11.167281] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop03.esm's data. [03:34:11.167409] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.167644] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:11.167799] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:11.168012] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:11.448498] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCNukaWorld.esm"): 43d25c56 [03:34:11.448571] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:11.448582] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCNukaWorld.esm's data. [03:34:11.448720] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.448929] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:11.449085] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:11.449239] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:11.449247] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl's data. [03:34:11.449311] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.449447] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:11.449590] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:11.449742] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:11.449750] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl's data. [03:34:11.449841] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.450006] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:11.450143] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:11.450289] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:11.450296] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl's data. [03:34:11.450355] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.450492] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:11.450630] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:11.450777] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:11.450785] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl's data. [03:34:11.450843] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.450991] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:11.451129] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:11.451279] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:11.451288] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm's data. [03:34:11.451344] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.451490] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:11.451626] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:11.451772] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:11.451780] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl's data. [03:34:11.451837] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.451981] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:11.452117] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:11.452260] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:11.452268] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl's data. [03:34:11.452324] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.452472] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:11.452609] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:11.452755] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:11.452780] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl's data. [03:34:11.452851] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.453002] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:11.453141] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:11.453287] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:11.453295] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl's data. [03:34:11.453351] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.453506] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:11.453643] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:11.453789] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:11.453797] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl's data. [03:34:11.453854] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.454010] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:11.454147] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:11.454291] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:11.454299] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl's data. [03:34:11.454355] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.454516] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:11.454653] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:11.454799] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:11.454806] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl's data. [03:34:11.454863] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.455028] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:11.455173] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:11.455355] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:11.457855] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm"): 602cfd1a [03:34:11.457929] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:11.461013] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm"): 602cfd1a [03:34:11.461094] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:11.461117] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ArmorKeywords.esm's data. [03:34:11.461517] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.461826] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:11.461981] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:11.462129] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:11.462167] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:11.462178] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:11.462227] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:11.462799] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SettlementKeywords.esm"): 3f153235 [03:34:11.462820] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:11.462829] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:11.462923] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:11.463135] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:11.463153] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:11.463168] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.40", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", <) [03:34:11.463194] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:11.463203] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:11.463267] [trace]: Version extracted: 1.56 [03:34:11.463277] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:11.463286] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:11.463294] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:11.463367] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:11.463555] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:11.463571] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:11.463587] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.49", <) [03:34:11.463612] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:11.463621] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:11.463684] [trace]: Version extracted: 1.56 [03:34:11.463694] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:11.463717] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:11.463724] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SettlementKeywords.esm's data. [03:34:11.463805] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.463995] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:11.464148] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:11.464296] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", >=) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:11.464324] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:11.464334] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.464499] [trace]: Version extracted: 2.0.4 [03:34:11.464511] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:11.464521] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:11.464529] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:11.464607] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:11.464829] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:11.464845] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:11.464860] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", <) [03:34:11.464885] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:11.464895] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.465059] [trace]: Version extracted: 2.0.4 [03:34:11.465071] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:11.465093] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:11.465100] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp's data. [03:34:11.465413] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.465615] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:11.465752] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:11.465891] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:11.465900] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AAF.esm's data. [03:34:11.465971] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.466137] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:11.466277] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:11.466453] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HUDFramework.esm [03:34:11.466508] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HUDFramework.esm"): 67dbde61 [03:34:11.466536] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:11.466544] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HUDFramework.esm's data. [03:34:11.466597] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.466810] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:11.466943] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:11.467080] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:11.467088] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC.esm's data. [03:34:11.467186] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.467354] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:11.467490] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:11.467633] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:11.467640] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl's data. [03:34:11.467699] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.467868] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:11.468001] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:11.468142] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:11.468150] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NQAS - VaultTec.esl's data. [03:34:11.468234] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.468408] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:11.468541] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:11.468683] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:11.468691] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NQAS - Automatron.esl's data. [03:34:11.468800] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.468974] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:11.469108] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:11.469249] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:11.469257] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CleaningStation.esp's data. [03:34:11.469382] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.469560] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:11.469699] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:11.469869] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:11.469876] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Clean Water - Crystal.esp's data. [03:34:11.469969] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.470151] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:11.470288] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:11.470432] [trace]: Merging metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:11.470440] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp's data. [03:34:11.470494] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.470678] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.470815] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.470958] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.470966] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AA FusionCityRising.esp's data. [03:34:11.471135] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.471322] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:11.471461] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:11.471607] [trace]: Merging metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:11.471615] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp's data. [03:34:11.471669] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.471899] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:11.472035] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:11.472178] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:11.472186] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to PA-Quick Animations.esp's data. [03:34:11.472239] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.472432] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.472573] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.472751] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.477261] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith Extended.esp"): 232590b7 [03:34:11.477346] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.477355] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith Extended.esp's data. [03:34:11.477530] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.477795] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:11.477943] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:11.478088] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:11.478096] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp's data. [03:34:11.478381] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.478590] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:11.478727] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:11.478866] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:11.478874] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Idiot Slut.esp's data. [03:34:11.478930] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.479132] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:11.479270] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:11.479415] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:11.479423] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp's data. [03:34:11.479724] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.479935] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:11.480072] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:11.480216] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:11.480224] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NukaVictoryFix.esp's data. [03:34:11.480303] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.480514] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:11.480652] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:11.480797] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:11.480804] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp's data. [03:34:11.480942] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.481157] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:11.481292] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:11.481432] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:11.481440] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 10SPECIAL.esp's data. [03:34:11.481494] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.481711] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:11.481849] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:11.481989] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:11.481997] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Auto Loot.esp's data. [03:34:11.482224] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.482454] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:11.482591] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:11.482737] [trace]: Merging metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:11.482745] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to EasyLockpicking.esp's data. [03:34:11.482800] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.483026] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.483171] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.483351] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.484228] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\UniqueUniques.esp"): 1ac3385e [03:34:11.484259] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.484267] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to UniqueUniques.esp's data. [03:34:11.484391] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.484644] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:11.484785] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:11.484931] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:11.484940] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp's data. [03:34:11.485070] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.485301] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:11.485438] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:11.485581] [trace]: Merging metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:11.485589] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to JINA Valentine.esp's data. [03:34:11.485668] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.485991] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:11.486124] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:11.486261] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:11.486269] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Pug.esp's data. [03:34:11.486420] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.486659] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:11.486797] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:11.486941] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:11.486949] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp's data. [03:34:11.487105] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.487347] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:11.487484] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:11.487668] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:11.487676] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BuildPaStation.esp's data. [03:34:11.487784] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.488024] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:11.488159] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:11.488302] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:11.488310] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp's data. [03:34:11.488364] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.488605] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.488764] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.488906] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.488914] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size.esp's data. [03:34:11.488970] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.489213] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:11.489345] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:11.489485] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:11.489494] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification.esp's data. [03:34:11.489574] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.489848] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:11.489981] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:11.490121] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:11.490129] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification2LM.esp's data. [03:34:11.490208] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.490457] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:11.490590] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:11.490838] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:11.490863] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp's data. [03:34:11.490986] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.491306] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:11.491563] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:11.491825] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:11.491844] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModificationMisc.esp's data. [03:34:11.491993] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.492417] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:11.492563] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:11.492804] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:11.492812] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp's data. [03:34:11.492989] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.493486] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.493688] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.493907] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.493929] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp's data. [03:34:11.494200] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.494564] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:11.494787] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:11.494932] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:11.494940] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp's data. [03:34:11.495154] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.495431] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:11.495566] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:11.495734] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:11.495742] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterGenerators.esp's data. [03:34:11.495793] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.496059] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:11.496200] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:11.496376] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:11.496646] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbench.esp"): 445fbdcc [03:34:11.496700] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:11.496711] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbench.esp's data. [03:34:11.496789] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.497076] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:11.497220] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:11.497398] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:11.497527] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp"): f7a6f4dd [03:34:11.497555] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:11.497563] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp's data. [03:34:11.497694] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.497997] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:11.498143] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:11.498321] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:11.498390] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp"): 1e937201 [03:34:11.498417] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:11.498425] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp's data. [03:34:11.498525] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.498878] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:11.499026] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:11.499205] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:11.499262] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp"): c2186c6d [03:34:11.499289] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:11.499297] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp's data. [03:34:11.499417] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.499743] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:11.499891] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:11.500070] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:11.500139] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp"): fc643692 [03:34:11.500166] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:11.500174] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp's data. [03:34:11.500272] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.500578] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:11.500815] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:11.501001] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:11.501087] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp"): c567fe75 [03:34:11.501115] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:11.501122] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp's data. [03:34:11.501221] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.501531] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:11.501703] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:11.501845] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:11.501854] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Easier Cat Cages.esp's data. [03:34:11.501934] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.502227] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:11.502363] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:11.502505] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:11.502513] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp's data. [03:34:11.502605] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.502939] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:11.503076] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:11.503219] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:11.503226] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp's data. [03:34:11.503326] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.503682] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:11.503831] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:11.503975] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:11.503982] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp's data. [03:34:11.504035] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.504335] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:11.504470] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:11.504668] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:11.504676] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VegetableStarchBuilder.esp's data. [03:34:11.504753] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.505057] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:11.505193] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:11.505337] [trace]: Merging metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:11.505345] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to workShopDashButton.esp's data. [03:34:11.505396] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.505730] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:11.505866] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:11.506009] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:11.506016] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp's data. [03:34:11.506069] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.506384] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:11.506521] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:11.506753] [trace]: Merging metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:11.506775] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to InstantVendorsReset.esp's data. [03:34:11.506820] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.507550] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:11.507732] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:11.507880] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:11.507888] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CarryWeight2000.esp's data. [03:34:11.507906] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.508351] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:11.508493] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:11.508686] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:11.508708] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CarryWeight200Strength.esp's data. [03:34:11.508754] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.509172] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:11.509315] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:11.509471] [trace]: Merging metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:11.509480] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to JetPackDrain0.esp's data. [03:34:11.509500] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.509994] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:11.510214] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:11.510468] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:11.510477] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to PowerArmorDrain0.esp's data. [03:34:11.510526] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.511069] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:11.511219] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:11.511374] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:11.511382] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp's data. [03:34:11.511473] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.511885] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:11.512030] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:11.512183] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:11.512190] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Easy Lockpick.esp's data. [03:34:11.512248] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.512622] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:11.512763] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:11.512969] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:11.512978] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp's data. [03:34:11.513075] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.513461] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:11.513635] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:11.513789] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:11.513797] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BottelingWater.esp's data. [03:34:11.513971] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.514331] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:11.514477] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:11.514675] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:11.514683] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp's data. [03:34:11.514854] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.515229] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:11.515371] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:11.515517] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:11.515525] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 300%pipboy.esp's data. [03:34:11.515610] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.515968] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:11.516113] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:11.516266] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:11.516274] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 500%NoShadows.esp's data. [03:34:11.516329] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.516727] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:11.516904] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:11.517064] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:11.517085] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp's data. [03:34:11.517143] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.517520] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:11.517693] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:11.517844] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:11.517855] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LongerPowerLinesInf.esp's data. [03:34:11.517912] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.518275] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.518416] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.518594] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.518602] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Loot Detector.esp's data. [03:34:11.518657] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.519022] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:11.519164] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:11.519314] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:11.519323] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TheyWantThatAss.esp's data. [03:34:11.519482] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.519852] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:11.519996] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:11.520146] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:11.520155] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NoAffinityCooldown.esp's data. [03:34:11.520247] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.520658] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:11.520830] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:11.520997] [trace]: Merging metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:11.521019] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp's data. [03:34:11.521116] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.521711] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:11.522151] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:11.522379] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\StartMeUp.esp [03:34:11.529047] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\StartMeUp.esp"): e2861fa [03:34:11.529117] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:11.529127] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to StartMeUp.esp's data. [03:34:11.529427] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.529890] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:11.530061] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:11.530227] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:11.530235] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Sneaky Kills.esp's data. [03:34:11.530295] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.530693] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:11.530852] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:11.531020] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:11.531028] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unlimited Sprint.esp's data. [03:34:11.531115] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.531521] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:11.531685] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:11.531856] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:11.531864] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp's data. [03:34:11.531923] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.532326] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:11.532471] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:11.532625] [trace]: Merging metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:11.532633] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to KSHairdos.esp's data. [03:34:11.532690] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.533080] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:11.533232] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:11.533390] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:11.533398] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ExtendedHairColors.esp's data. [03:34:11.533455] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.533855] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:11.534007] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:11.534166] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:11.534174] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp's data. [03:34:11.534266] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.534674] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:11.534825] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:11.534982] [trace]: Merging metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:11.534991] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp's data. [03:34:11.535047] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.535454] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.535625] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.535788] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:11.535825] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.535836] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.535885] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.536288] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.536309] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.536318] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.536360] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.536739] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.536766] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:11.536779] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:11.536788] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:11.536800] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("DLCCoast.esm") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9)) [03:34:11.536830] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:11.536841] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [03:34:11.536849] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:11.536860] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.536868] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.536909] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.537283] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.537304] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.537314] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.537353] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.537734] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.537759] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 814AC32F) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B)) [03:34:11.537793] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:11.540315] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:11.540346] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:11.540359] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.540367] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.540411] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.540858] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.540884] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.540893] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.540934] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.541354] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.541490] [trace]: Evaluating condition: not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0)) [03:34:11.541562] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:11.545052] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:11.545113] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:11.545131] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.545140] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.545212] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.545632] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.545656] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:11.545665] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.545705] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.546068] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:11.546119] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.546127] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Give Me That Bottle.esp's data. [03:34:11.546223] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.546739] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:11.546899] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:11.547057] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:11.547065] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CleanInstitute.esp's data. [03:34:11.547180] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.547616] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:11.547765] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:11.547923] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:11.547931] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp's data. [03:34:11.547987] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.548393] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:11.548688] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:11.548843] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:11.548851] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Immortal Cats 2.esp's data. [03:34:11.548934] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.549342] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:11.549505] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:11.549678] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:11.549686] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp's data. [03:34:11.549771] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.550186] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:11.550343] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:11.550536] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:11.550665] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Better Vendor Stalls.esp"): 9196c900 [03:34:11.550694] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:11.550702] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Better Vendor Stalls.esp's data. [03:34:11.550845] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.551278] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:11.551432] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:11.551625] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:11.551633] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Assaultron Combatron.esp's data. [03:34:11.551714] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.552134] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:11.552280] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:11.552431] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:11.552439] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RILF.esp's data. [03:34:11.552560] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.553000] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:11.553152] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:11.553314] [trace]: Merging metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:11.553322] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to galacticzone-repaird.esp's data. [03:34:11.553402] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.553857] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:11.554010] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:11.554173] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:11.554181] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Glowing Eyes.esp's data. [03:34:11.554235] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.554690] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:11.554844] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:11.555009] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:11.555017] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp's data. [03:34:11.555071] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.555537] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:11.555693] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:11.555857] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:11.555865] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SuperNaturalEyes.esp's data. [03:34:11.555920] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.556353] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:11.556603] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:11.556799] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:11.556808] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ProfGood.esp's data. [03:34:11.556880] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.557364] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:11.557550] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:11.557777] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:11.557786] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FemaleSynths - Core.esp's data. [03:34:11.557852] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.558437] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:11.558697] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:11.558927] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:11.558940] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp's data. [03:34:11.559167] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.559961] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:11.560212] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:11.560788] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:11.560805] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AerysNPCs.esp's data. [03:34:11.561054] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.561536] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:11.561698] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:11.561864] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:11.561872] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Empties - VISFar.esp's data. [03:34:11.561954] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.562406] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:11.562593] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:11.562761] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:11.562769] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp's data. [03:34:11.562824] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.563302] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:11.563472] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:11.563647] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:11.563655] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HotMamaBoSA.esp's data. [03:34:11.563710] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.564152] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:11.564310] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:11.564481] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:11.564489] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp's data. [03:34:11.564569] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.565029] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:11.565189] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:11.565359] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:11.565367] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp's data. [03:34:11.565481] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.565943] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:11.566104] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:11.566271] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:11.566279] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp's data. [03:34:11.566335] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.566804] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:11.566964] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:11.567132] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:11.567140] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp's data. [03:34:11.567195] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.567692] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:11.567858] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:11.568035] [trace]: Merging metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:11.568043] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to The Sanctuary Bridge.esp's data. [03:34:11.568098] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.568572] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:11.568741] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:11.568956] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:11.568968] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp's data. [03:34:11.569026] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.569533] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:11.569707] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:11.569895] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:11.569903] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HouseDress1Fix.esp's data. [03:34:11.569959] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.570444] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:11.570610] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:11.570786] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:11.570794] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp's data. [03:34:11.570850] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.571325] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.571509] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.571671] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.571679] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 3DNPC_FO4.esp's data. [03:34:11.571838] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.572308] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:11.572473] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:11.572652] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:11.572660] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp's data. [03:34:11.572792] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.573275] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:11.573464] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:11.573628] [trace]: Merging metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:11.573636] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to bifurious.esp's data. [03:34:11.573691] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.574165] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:11.574331] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:11.574539] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:11.574562] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TurretStands.esp's data. [03:34:11.574636] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.575183] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:11.575349] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:11.575669] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:11.575701] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp's data. [03:34:11.575892] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.576731] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:11.576979] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:11.577312] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:11.577320] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp's data. [03:34:11.577508] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.578465] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:11.578668] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:11.578851] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:11.578860] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NSA All-in-One.esp's data. [03:34:11.579050] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.579569] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:11.579740] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:11.579918] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:11.579926] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Repaired Roofs.esp's data. [03:34:11.580018] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.580521] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:11.580688] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:11.580865] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:11.580873] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp's data. [03:34:11.580930] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.581435] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:11.581603] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:11.581776] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:11.581784] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SpringCleaning.esp's data. [03:34:11.581862] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.582367] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:11.582531] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:11.582699] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:11.582707] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Passthrough.esp's data. [03:34:11.582764] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.583262] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:11.583434] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:11.583606] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:11.583615] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WaterAnywhere.esp's data. [03:34:11.583671] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.584177] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:11.584309] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:11.584451] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:11.584459] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Wireless Power.esp's data. [03:34:11.584512] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.585015] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:11.585148] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:11.585289] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:11.585297] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp's data. [03:34:11.585355] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.585896] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:11.586030] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:11.586170] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:11.586178] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.586232] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.586748] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:11.586882] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:11.587023] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:11.587031] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Screen Flicker Killer.esp's data. [03:34:11.587106] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.587626] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:11.587759] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:11.587900] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:11.587908] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp's data. [03:34:11.587984] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.588511] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:11.588644] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:11.588785] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:11.588792] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Stashable Caps.esp's data. [03:34:11.588848] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.589411] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:11.589587] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:11.589724] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:11.589731] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to UMD - A.esp's data. [03:34:11.589786] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.590417] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:11.590564] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:11.590732] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:11.590740] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.590943] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.591703] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:11.591931] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:11.592086] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.592120] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:11.592135] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:11.594921] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:11.594953] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:11.594961] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.595066] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.595705] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:11.595857] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:11.596004] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp") and version("ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp", "9.1", <) [03:34:11.596036] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:11.596048] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCRobot.esm" is active. [03:34:11.596057] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:11.596065] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:11.596073] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [03:34:11.596080] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:11.596091] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.596099] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:11.596115] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:11.596126] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:11.596133] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.596166] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:11.596178] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:11.596202] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:11.596209] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp's data. [03:34:11.596330] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.596896] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:11.597049] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:11.597197] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.597209] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:11.597233] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:11.597247] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:11.600005] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:11.600037] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:11.600045] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp's data. [03:34:11.600162] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.600736] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:11.600900] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:11.601114] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:11.601122] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.601259] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.601862] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:11.602018] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:11.602254] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:11.602262] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp's data. [03:34:11.602466] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.603042] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:11.603192] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:11.603341] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.603363] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:11.603370] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.603457] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.604032] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:11.604182] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:11.604331] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.604381] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:11.604388] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.604475] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.605061] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:11.605220] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:11.605508] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.605520] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:11.605540] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:11.605547] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp's data. [03:34:11.605635] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.606245] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:11.606437] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:11.606583] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.606594] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:11.606614] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:11.606620] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp's data. [03:34:11.606676] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.607269] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:11.607447] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:11.607594] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:11.607607] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:11.607627] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:11.607634] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp's data. [03:34:11.607716] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.608324] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.608572] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.608749] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.608757] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.608893] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.609654] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.609891] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.610135] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.610142] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.610301] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.611263] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.611443] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.611585] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.611593] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.611705] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.612310] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.612468] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.612608] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.612616] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.612716] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.613328] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.613461] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.613602] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:11.613610] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:11.613688] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.614278] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:11.614482] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:11.614719] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:11.614727] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp's data. [03:34:11.614868] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.615514] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:11.615648] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:11.615787] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:11.615795] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp's data. [03:34:11.615914] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.616700] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:11.616834] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:11.616973] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:11.616980] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp's data. [03:34:11.617119] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.617886] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:11.618021] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:11.618163] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:11.618170] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp's data. [03:34:11.618222] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.618850] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:11.618983] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:11.619124] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:11.619131] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Clear Underwater View.esp's data. [03:34:11.619184] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.619784] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:11.619917] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:11.620058] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:11.620065] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp's data. [03:34:11.620241] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.620880] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:11.621013] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:11.621154] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:11.621161] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp's data. [03:34:11.621215] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.621857] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:11.621990] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:11.622130] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:11.622138] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DP_CaravanShotgun.esp's data. [03:34:11.622192] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.622801] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:11.622930] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:11.623066] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:11.623074] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NVUMP.esp's data. [03:34:11.623461] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.624059] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:11.624194] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:11.624337] [trace]: Merging metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:11.624345] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp's data. [03:34:11.624530] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.625223] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:11.625458] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:11.625647] [trace]: Merging metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:11.625656] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp's data. [03:34:11.625861] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.626665] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:11.626855] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:11.627050] [trace]: Merging metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:11.627072] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to doubleperkbonus.esp's data. [03:34:11.627204] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.628148] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:11.628292] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:11.628436] [trace]: Merging metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:11.628443] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to weightless bodies and objects.esp's data. [03:34:11.628516] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.629157] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.629321] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.629493] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.629680] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\mso_sms.esp"): f295b038 [03:34:11.629709] [trace]: Merging metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.629717] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to mso_sms.esp's data. [03:34:11.629771] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.630403] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:11.630539] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:11.630681] [trace]: Merging metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:11.630689] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to power armor quick enter and exit.esp's data. [03:34:11.630849] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.631506] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:11.631640] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:11.631779] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:11.631787] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptions.esp's data. [03:34:11.631889] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.632529] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.632664] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.632806] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.632813] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp's data. [03:34:11.632893] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.633560] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.633695] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.633837] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.633845] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp's data. [03:34:11.633947] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.634621] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.634755] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.634897] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:11.634905] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp's data. [03:34:11.634984] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.635660] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:11.635792] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:11.635932] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:11.635940] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ConvenientStores.esp's data. [03:34:11.636024] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.636682] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:11.636832] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:11.636993] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:11.637002] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp's data. [03:34:11.637152] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.637862] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:11.637995] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:11.638158] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CBBE.esp [03:34:11.638209] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CBBE.esp"): 5caf6c6d [03:34:11.638264] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:11.638271] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CBBE.esp's data. [03:34:11.638322] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.639114] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:11.639276] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:11.639525] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:11.639533] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CheatTerminal.esp's data. [03:34:11.639607] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.640435] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:11.640565] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:11.640699] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:11.640707] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to PrimeArmor.esp's data. [03:34:11.640760] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.641538] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:11.641681] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:11.641816] [trace]: Merging metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:11.641823] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to tao_catsuit.esp's data. [03:34:11.641980] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.642840] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:11.642976] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:11.643145] [trace]: Merging metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:11.643154] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to The Eyes Of Beauty.esp's data. [03:34:11.643445] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.644406] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:11.644594] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:11.644788] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:11.644813] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TheEyesOfBeauty.esp's data. [03:34:11.645116] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.645879] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:11.646014] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:11.646153] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:11.646160] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Better Cooking Stations.esp's data. [03:34:11.646290] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.647122] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:11.647326] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:11.647642] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:11.647664] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ImmersiveFastTravel.esp's data. [03:34:11.647786] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.648765] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:11.648900] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:11.649041] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:11.649049] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IFT_Automatron.esp's data. [03:34:11.649155] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.649859] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:11.649990] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:11.650127] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:11.650135] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IFT_NoFuel.esp's data. [03:34:11.650217] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.650880] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:11.651011] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:11.651148] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:11.651156] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IFT_NoQuest.esp's data. [03:34:11.651271] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.651942] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:11.652073] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:11.652225] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:11.652246] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Shino Poses.esp's data. [03:34:11.652298] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.652966] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:11.653095] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:11.653261] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:11.653269] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LooksMenu.esp's data. [03:34:11.653287] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.653954] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:11.654085] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:11.654226] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:11.654233] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp's data. [03:34:11.654403] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.655094] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:11.655260] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:11.655405] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:11.655412] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp's data. [03:34:11.655574] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.656267] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:11.656403] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:11.656543] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:11.656550] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp's data. [03:34:11.656603] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.657341] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:11.657475] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:11.657617] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:11.657625] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp's data. [03:34:11.657789] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.658737] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:11.658881] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:11.659026] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:11.659034] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp's data. [03:34:11.659097] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.659841] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:11.659976] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:11.660116] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:11.660124] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp's data. [03:34:11.660264] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.660974] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:11.661107] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:11.661276] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:11.661284] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MeanMachineEyes.esp's data. [03:34:11.661340] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.662302] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:11.662436] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:11.662577] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:11.662585] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Institute NIRA Vendor.esp's data. [03:34:11.662666] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.663408] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:11.663540] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:11.663678] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:11.663685] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Atomic Lust.esp's data. [03:34:11.663739] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.664496] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:11.664626] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:11.664763] [trace]: Merging metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:11.664771] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to XXXMags.esp's data. [03:34:11.664823] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.665654] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.665785] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.665922] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.665929] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SaveManager.esp's data. [03:34:11.665982] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.666698] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.666828] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.666965] [trace]: Merging metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.666973] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to def_mcm.esp's data. [03:34:11.667059] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.668063] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.668199] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.668341] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.668348] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp's data. [03:34:11.668403] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.669130] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:11.669292] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:11.669473] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:11.669498] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DIFR - VIS Patch.esp's data. [03:34:11.669636] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.670364] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.670498] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.670639] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.670647] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp's data. [03:34:11.670925] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.671716] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:11.671851] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:11.671993] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:11.672000] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp's data. [03:34:11.672081] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.672876] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:11.673009] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:11.673177] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:11.673185] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp's data. [03:34:11.673265] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.674284] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:11.674437] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:11.674621] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:11.674629] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC-FarHarbor.esp's data. [03:34:11.674787] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.675967] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:11.676158] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:11.676360] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:11.676370] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC-NukaWorld.esp's data. [03:34:11.676642] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.678002] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:11.678194] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:11.678345] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:11.678353] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC-AE Patch.esp's data. [03:34:11.678558] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.679427] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:11.679570] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:11.679720] [trace]: Merging metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:11.679728] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp's data. [03:34:11.679915] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.680699] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:11.680834] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:11.680975] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:11.680984] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HoloTime_2.esp's data. [03:34:11.681082] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.681906] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.682078] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.684469] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.685290] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp"): d87e0f88 [03:34:11.685326] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:11.685334] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp's data. [03:34:11.685649] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.686616] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:11.686650] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:11.686787] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:11.686818] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:11.686954] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:11.686962] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp's data. [03:34:11.687256] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.688169] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.688201] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.688358] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.688387] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.688646] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.688653] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp's data. [03:34:11.688859] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.689852] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.689883] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.690040] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.690070] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.690357] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:11.690365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp's data. [03:34:11.690553] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.691535] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.691595] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.691825] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.691859] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.692235] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:11.692244] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp's data. [03:34:11.692469] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.693703] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.693749] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.694028] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.694062] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.694521] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:11.694544] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp's data. [03:34:11.694799] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.696275] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.696312] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.696544] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.696574] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.696839] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:11.696847] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp's data. [03:34:11.697039] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.698097] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.698131] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.698292] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.698324] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.698590] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:11.698598] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp's data. [03:34:11.698783] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.699687] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.699736] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.699909] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.699944] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.700216] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:11.700227] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp's data. [03:34:11.700485] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.701341] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.701372] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.701557] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.701586] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.701851] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:11.701859] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp's data. [03:34:11.702033] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.702886] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.702917] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.703078] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.703108] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.703373] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:11.703381] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp's data. [03:34:11.703557] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.704415] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.704448] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.704608] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.704639] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.704905] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:11.704913] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp's data. [03:34:11.705083] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.705981] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:11.706013] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:11.706173] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:11.706205] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:11.706470] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:11.706478] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp's data. [03:34:11.706658] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.707589] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.707658] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.707886] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.707920] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.708367] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:11.708406] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp's data. [03:34:11.708733] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.710234] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:11.710312] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:11.710578] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:11.710614] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:11.710878] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:11.710886] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp's data. [03:34:11.711106] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.712010] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.712050] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.712208] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.712238] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.712498] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:11.712506] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp's data. [03:34:11.712705] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.713683] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:11.713821] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:11.713963] [trace]: Merging metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:11.713971] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to def_inv_scrap_en.esp's data. [03:34:11.714027] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.714844] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:11.714980] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:11.715150] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:11.715158] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CROSS_Cybernetics.esp's data. [03:34:11.715212] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.716128] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:11.716265] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:11.716408] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:11.716416] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp's data. [03:34:11.716498] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.717355] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:11.717487] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:11.717638] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:11.717646] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FutaFEV.esp's data. [03:34:11.717758] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.718630] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:11.718792] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:11.718933] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:11.718941] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4.esp's data. [03:34:11.719118] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.720071] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:11.720211] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:11.720357] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:11.720365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp's data. [03:34:11.720470] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.721329] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.721501] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.721647] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:11.721654] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp's data. [03:34:11.721735] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.722595] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:11.722741] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:11.722889] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:11.722897] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp's data. [03:34:11.722980] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.723889] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:11.724042] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:11.724188] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:11.724196] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FemMutieBETA.esp's data. [03:34:11.724253] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.725396] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:11.725665] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:11.725821] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:11.725830] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp's data. [03:34:11.725923] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.727147] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:11.727440] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:11.727474] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:11.727679] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:11.727708] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("Smashed Patch.esp") [03:34:11.727769] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Smashed Patch.esp" exists. [03:34:11.727780] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Smashed Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:11.727878] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:11.727906] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:11.727914] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Bashed Patch, 0.esp's data. [03:34:11.728058] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:11.813693] [info]: Getting LOOT's version. [03:34:13.301068] [debug]: Updating and parsing masterlist. [03:34:13.302109] [debug]: Setting up checkout options. [03:34:13.302125] [debug]: Using remote URL https://github.com/loot/fallout4.git and branch v0.13 [03:34:13.302132] [debug]: Setting up checkout options uUsing branch v0.13 and filename masterlist.yaml. [03:34:13.302139] [trace]: Checking for Git repository at: C:\Users\Jinarra\AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4 [03:34:13.302272] [info]: Attempting to open Git repository at: C:\Users\Jinarra\AppData\Local\LOOT\Fallout4 [03:34:13.302619] [info]: Setting URL for remote origin to https://github.com/loot/fallout4.git [03:34:13.302640] [trace]: Fetching updates from remote. [03:34:13.627142] [trace]: Received 0 of 0 objects in 0 bytes. [03:34:13.627178] [debug]: Checking if branch v0.13 is up to date and checked out without edits [03:34:13.627628] [trace]: Existing repository found, attempting to open it. [03:34:13.627950] [trace]: Getting the tree for the HEAD revision. [03:34:13.628474] [trace]: Performing git diff. [03:34:13.629269] [trace]: Iterating over git diff deltas. [03:34:13.629381] [trace]: Checking diff for: .gitattributes [03:34:13.629517] [trace]: Checking diff for: .gitignore [03:34:13.629713] [trace]: Checking diff for: .travis.yml [03:34:13.629814] [trace]: Checking diff for: CONTRIBUTING.md [03:34:13.630012] [trace]: Checking diff for: LICENSE [03:34:13.630082] [trace]: Checking diff for: README.md [03:34:13.630098] [trace]: Recursively setting write permission on directory: C:/Users/Jinarra/AppData/Local/LOOT/Fallout4/.git/ [03:34:13.631140] [info]: Local branch and masterlist file are already up to date. [03:34:13.631160] [trace]: Recursively setting write permission on directory: C:/Users/Jinarra/AppData/Local/LOOT/Fallout4/.git/ [03:34:13.633174] [info]: Beginning sorting operation. [03:34:13.633213] [trace]: Sending progress update: Sorting load order... [03:34:13.633237] [trace]: Scanning for plugins in C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data [03:34:13.633387] [trace]: Checking to see if "10SPECIAL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633488] [info]: Found plugin: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:13.633508] [trace]: Checking to see if "300%pipboy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633558] [info]: Found plugin: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:13.633576] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633591] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633604] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633654] [info]: Found plugin: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:13.633671] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633723] [info]: Found plugin: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.633741] [trace]: Checking to see if "500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633785] [info]: Found plugin: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:13.633803] [trace]: Checking to see if "AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633852] [info]: Found plugin: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:13.633869] [trace]: Checking to see if "AAF.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633916] [info]: Found plugin: AAF.esm [03:34:13.633931] [trace]: Checking to see if "AAF.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.633944] [trace]: Checking to see if "AerysNPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634033] [info]: Found plugin: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:13.634063] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634078] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634091] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634138] [info]: Found plugin: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:13.634155] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634205] [info]: Found plugin: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:13.634223] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634269] [info]: Found plugin: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:13.634287] [trace]: Checking to see if "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634331] [info]: Found plugin: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:13.634348] [trace]: Checking to see if "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634395] [info]: Found plugin: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:13.634411] [trace]: Checking to see if "Atomic Lust.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634455] [info]: Found plugin: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:13.634472] [trace]: Checking to see if "Auto Loot - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634486] [trace]: Checking to see if "Auto Loot.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634531] [info]: Found plugin: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:13.634549] [trace]: Checking to see if "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634594] [info]: Found plugin: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:13.634611] [trace]: Checking to see if "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634657] [info]: Found plugin: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:13.634674] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634726] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634741] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634789] [info]: Found plugin: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:13.634806] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634852] [info]: Found plugin: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:13.634868] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterGenerators.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.634912] [info]: Found plugin: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:13.634930] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptions.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635005] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:13.635023] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635110] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.635129] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635176] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.635193] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635239] [info]: Found plugin: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.635256] [trace]: Checking to see if "bifurious.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635299] [info]: Found plugin: bifurious.esp [03:34:13.635316] [trace]: Checking to see if "BottelingWater - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635330] [trace]: Checking to see if "BottelingWater.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635372] [info]: Found plugin: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:13.635389] [trace]: Checking to see if "BuildPaStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635432] [info]: Found plugin: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:13.635449] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight2000.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635490] [info]: Found plugin: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:13.635507] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635550] [info]: Found plugin: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:13.635568] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635582] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635624] [info]: Found plugin: CBBE.esp [03:34:13.635642] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635656] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635670] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635684] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635697] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635711] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635725] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635784] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635799] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4016-Prey - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635813] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4016-Prey - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635827] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635841] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635854] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635868] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635882] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black) - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635902] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black) - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635916] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635929] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.635942] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636007] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:13.636037] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636051] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636064] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636078] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636092] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636106] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636120] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636169] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:13.636186] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636200] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636261] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636312] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:13.636329] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636343] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636356] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636402] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:13.636419] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636434] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636447] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636491] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:13.636508] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636522] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636535] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636580] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:13.636597] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636612] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636625] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636668] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:13.636685] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636700] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636713] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636758] [info]: Found plugin: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:13.636775] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636790] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636804] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636824] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636838] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636852] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636890] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636905] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636918] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.636968] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:13.636986] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637000] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637013] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637061] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:13.637078] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637092] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637107] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637154] [info]: Found plugin: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:13.637172] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637186] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor - textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637201] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637248] [info]: Found plugin: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:13.637265] [trace]: Checking to see if "CheatTerminal - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637279] [trace]: Checking to see if "CheatTerminal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637324] [info]: Found plugin: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:13.637342] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637388] [info]: Found plugin: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:13.637404] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleaningStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637450] [info]: Found plugin: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:13.637467] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleanInstitute.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637512] [info]: Found plugin: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:13.637529] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clear Underwater View.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637575] [info]: Found plugin: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:13.637592] [trace]: Checking to see if "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637636] [info]: Found plugin: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:13.637654] [trace]: Checking to see if "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637702] [info]: Found plugin: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:13.637719] [trace]: Checking to see if "ConvenientStores.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637765] [info]: Found plugin: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:13.637788] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637833] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:13.637867] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637913] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:13.637931] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.637974] [info]: Found plugin: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:13.638006] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbench.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638069] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:13.638087] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638132] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:13.638149] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638193] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:13.638211] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638255] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:13.638273] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638317] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:13.638340] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638385] [info]: Found plugin: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:13.638403] [trace]: Checking to see if "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638446] [info]: Found plugin: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:13.638464] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638478] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638491] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638533] [info]: Found plugin: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:13.638552] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638597] [info]: Found plugin: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:13.638615] [trace]: Checking to see if "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638658] [info]: Found plugin: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:13.638674] [trace]: Checking to see if "d3d11.dll" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638689] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638731] [info]: Found plugin: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:13.638750] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_mcm - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638764] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638806] [info]: Found plugin: def_mcm.esp [03:34:13.638823] [trace]: Checking to see if "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638865] [info]: Found plugin: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:13.638883] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638897] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638911] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638924] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638937] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.638990] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639046] [info]: Found plugin: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:13.639063] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639077] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639091] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639104] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639117] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639130] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639180] [info]: Found plugin: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:13.639198] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639212] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639225] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639239] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639251] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639263] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639312] [info]: Found plugin: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:13.639329] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639343] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639356] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639369] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639382] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639427] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:13.639443] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639458] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639471] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639514] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:13.639531] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639545] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639558] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639571] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03 - Voices_en.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639609] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639626] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639674] [info]: Found plugin: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:13.639694] [trace]: Checking to see if "doubleperkbonus - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639708] [trace]: Checking to see if "doubleperkbonus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639752] [info]: Found plugin: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:13.639769] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639783] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639797] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639842] [info]: Found plugin: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:13.639860] [trace]: Checking to see if "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639874] [trace]: Checking to see if "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639917] [info]: Found plugin: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:13.639934] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Cat Cages.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.639993] [info]: Found plugin: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:13.640023] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640066] [info]: Found plugin: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:13.640082] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easy Lockpick.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640124] [info]: Found plugin: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:13.640142] [trace]: Checking to see if "EasyLockpicking.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640183] [info]: Found plugin: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:13.640200] [trace]: Checking to see if "Empties - VISFar.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640244] [info]: Found plugin: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:13.640265] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640280] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640294] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640335] [info]: Found plugin: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:13.640359] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Animations.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640373] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Geometry.csg" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640387] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Interface.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640400] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Materials.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640450] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Meshes.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640466] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - MeshesExtra.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640479] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Misc.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640493] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Nvflex.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640507] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Shaders.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640520] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Sounds.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640533] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Startup.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640546] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures1.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640559] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures2.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640572] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures3.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640585] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures4.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640598] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures5.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640610] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures6.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640623] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures7.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640636] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures8.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640649] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Textures9.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640662] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4 - Voices.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640678] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.cdx" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640694] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640754] [info]: Found plugin: Fallout4.esm [03:34:13.640772] [trace]: Checking to see if "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640821] [info]: Found plugin: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:13.640839] [trace]: Checking to see if "female preset v1.0.json" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640854] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640899] [info]: Found plugin: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:13.640945] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.640991] [info]: Found plugin: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:13.641008] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemMutieBETA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641053] [info]: Found plugin: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:13.641070] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641114] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.641150] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641199] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:13.641216] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641262] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:13.641293] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641368] [info]: Found plugin: Femout4.esp [03:34:13.641398] [trace]: Checking to see if "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641442] [info]: Found plugin: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:13.641480] [trace]: Checking to see if "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641564] [info]: Found plugin: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:13.641580] [trace]: Checking to see if "FutaFEV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641624] [info]: Found plugin: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:13.641641] [trace]: Checking to see if "galacticzone-repaird.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641693] [info]: Found plugin: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:13.641711] [trace]: Checking to see if "Give Me That Bottle - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641731] [trace]: Checking to see if "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641776] [info]: Found plugin: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:13.641795] [trace]: Checking to see if "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641839] [info]: Found plugin: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:13.641860] [trace]: Checking to see if "Glowing Eyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641904] [info]: Found plugin: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:13.641921] [trace]: Checking to see if "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.641966] [info]: Found plugin: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:13.642000] [trace]: Checking to see if "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642098] [info]: Found plugin: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:13.642147] [trace]: Checking to see if "HoloTime_2 - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642187] [trace]: Checking to see if "HoloTime_2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642289] [info]: Found plugin: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:13.642335] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642411] [info]: Found plugin: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:13.642456] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642544] [info]: Found plugin: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:13.642572] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hotkeys.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642601] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBoSA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642659] [info]: Found plugin: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:13.642676] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642734] [info]: Found plugin: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:13.642751] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642799] [info]: Found plugin: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:13.642819] [trace]: Checking to see if "HouseDress1Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642862] [info]: Found plugin: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:13.642881] [trace]: Checking to see if "HUDFramework - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642898] [trace]: Checking to see if "HUDFramework.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.642956] [info]: Found plugin: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:13.642985] [trace]: Checking to see if "Idiot Slut.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643028] [info]: Found plugin: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:13.643075] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_Automatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643123] [info]: Found plugin: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:13.643140] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoFuel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643183] [info]: Found plugin: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:13.643199] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoQuest.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643243] [info]: Found plugin: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:13.643260] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Corpses ReadMe.txt" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643275] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643289] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643303] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643348] [info]: Found plugin: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:13.643367] [trace]: Checking to see if "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643412] [info]: Found plugin: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:13.643431] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immortal Cats 2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643476] [info]: Found plugin: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:13.643499] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstantVendorsReset.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643542] [info]: Found plugin: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:13.643558] [trace]: Checking to see if "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643602] [info]: Found plugin: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:13.643630] [trace]: Checking to see if "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643674] [info]: Found plugin: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:13.643693] [trace]: Checking to see if "JetPackDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643737] [info]: Found plugin: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:13.643756] [trace]: Checking to see if "JINA Valentine.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643800] [info]: Found plugin: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:13.643817] [trace]: Checking to see if "KSHairdos.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643861] [info]: Found plugin: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:13.643884] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.643952] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:13.643984] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644075] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:13.644093] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644139] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:13.644157] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644201] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:13.644218] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644264] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:13.644281] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644328] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:13.644345] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644390] [info]: Found plugin: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:13.644430] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644506] [info]: Found plugin: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:13.644524] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644567] [info]: Found plugin: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:13.644584] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644599] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644643] [info]: Found plugin: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:13.644660] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644703] [info]: Found plugin: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:13.644719] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644733] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector - Textures.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644747] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644791] [info]: Found plugin: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:13.644812] [trace]: Checking to see if "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644857] [info]: Found plugin: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:13.644879] [trace]: Checking to see if "MeanMachineEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.644922] [info]: Found plugin: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:13.644987] [trace]: Checking to see if "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645034] [info]: Found plugin: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:13.645051] [trace]: Checking to see if "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645095] [info]: Found plugin: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:13.645112] [trace]: Checking to see if "mso_sms - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645125] [trace]: Checking to see if "mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645169] [info]: Found plugin: mso_sms.esp [03:34:13.645187] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645201] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645214] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-AE Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645258] [info]: Found plugin: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:13.645275] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645320] [info]: Found plugin: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:13.645336] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645381] [info]: Found plugin: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:13.645396] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645441] [info]: Found plugin: NAC.esm [03:34:13.645497] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645532] [trace]: Checking to see if "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645582] [info]: Found plugin: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:13.645603] [trace]: Checking to see if "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645647] [info]: Found plugin: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:13.645664] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - Automatron.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645709] [info]: Found plugin: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:13.645727] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645771] [info]: Found plugin: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:13.645788] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645832] [info]: Found plugin: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:13.645849] [trace]: Checking to see if "NSA All-in-One.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645893] [info]: Found plugin: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:13.645910] [trace]: Checking to see if "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.645998] [info]: Found plugin: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:13.646018] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646105] [info]: Found plugin: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:13.646122] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaVictoryFix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646168] [info]: Found plugin: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:13.646186] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646201] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646214] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646264] [info]: Found plugin: NVUMP.esp [03:34:13.646282] [trace]: Checking to see if "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646327] [info]: Found plugin: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:13.646345] [trace]: Checking to see if "PA-Quick Animations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646389] [info]: Found plugin: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:13.646414] [trace]: Checking to see if "Passthrough.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646457] [info]: Found plugin: Passthrough.esp [03:34:13.646474] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646518] [info]: Found plugin: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:13.646536] [trace]: Checking to see if "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646612] [info]: Found plugin: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:13.646642] [trace]: Checking to see if "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646686] [info]: Found plugin: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:13.646706] [trace]: Checking to see if "PrimeArmor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646752] [info]: Found plugin: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:13.646772] [trace]: Checking to see if "ProfGood.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646816] [info]: Found plugin: ProfGood.esp [03:34:13.646831] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pug.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646877] [info]: Found plugin: Pug.esp [03:34:13.646896] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.646977] [info]: Found plugin: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:13.646996] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647059] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.647118] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647170] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:13.647194] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647243] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:13.647267] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647315] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:13.647333] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647381] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:13.647400] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647473] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:13.647496] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647542] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:13.647562] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647610] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:13.647628] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647673] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:13.647691] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647734] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:13.647754] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647798] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:13.647821] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647866] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:13.647883] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.647944] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:13.647994] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648053] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:13.648071] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648117] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:13.648135] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648183] [info]: Found plugin: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:13.648210] [trace]: Checking to see if "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648224] [trace]: Checking to see if "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648269] [info]: Found plugin: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:13.648291] [trace]: Checking to see if "Repaired Roofs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648336] [info]: Found plugin: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:13.648353] [trace]: Checking to see if "RILF.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648397] [info]: Found plugin: RILF.esp [03:34:13.648439] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648488] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:13.648506] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648554] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:13.648572] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648618] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:13.648635] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648682] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:13.648700] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648745] [info]: Found plugin: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:13.648763] [trace]: Checking to see if "SaveManager - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648777] [trace]: Checking to see if "SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648822] [info]: Found plugin: SaveManager.esp [03:34:13.648840] [trace]: Checking to see if "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648855] [trace]: Checking to see if "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.648904] [info]: Found plugin: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:13.648936] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649006] [info]: Found plugin: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:13.649022] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649037] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649081] [info]: Found plugin: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:13.649098] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649118] [trace]: Checking to see if "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649160] [info]: Found plugin: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:13.649178] [trace]: Checking to see if "SettlementKeywords - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649191] [trace]: Checking to see if "SettlementKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649235] [info]: Found plugin: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:13.649255] [trace]: Checking to see if "settlersnoendlessgratitude - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649270] [trace]: Checking to see if "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649316] [info]: Found plugin: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:13.649333] [trace]: Checking to see if "Shino Poses.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649376] [info]: Found plugin: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:13.649393] [trace]: Checking to see if "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649407] [trace]: Checking to see if "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649451] [info]: Found plugin: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:13.649468] [trace]: Checking to see if "Sneaky Kills - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649504] [trace]: Checking to see if "Sneaky Kills.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649578] [info]: Found plugin: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:13.649598] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaning.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649642] [info]: Found plugin: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:13.649658] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaning.ini" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649673] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649718] [info]: Found plugin: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:13.649736] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01 - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649751] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01- Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649764] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649811] [info]: Found plugin: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:13.649829] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649858] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.649953] [info]: Found plugin: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:13.649971] [trace]: Checking to see if "Stashable Caps.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650028] [info]: Found plugin: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:13.650047] [trace]: Checking to see if "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650091] [info]: Found plugin: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:13.650112] [trace]: Checking to see if "Tao's Catsuits Readme.txt" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650126] [trace]: Checking to see if "tao_catsuit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650170] [info]: Found plugin: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:13.650187] [trace]: Checking to see if "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650232] [info]: Found plugin: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:13.650252] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650297] [info]: Found plugin: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:13.650314] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650359] [info]: Found plugin: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:13.650375] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650419] [info]: Found plugin: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:13.650436] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheyWantThatAss.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650480] [info]: Found plugin: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:13.650498] [trace]: Checking to see if "TurretStands.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650540] [info]: Found plugin: TurretStands.esp [03:34:13.650564] [trace]: Checking to see if "UMD - A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650608] [info]: Found plugin: UMD - A.esp [03:34:13.650626] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650671] [info]: Found plugin: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:13.650707] [trace]: Checking to see if "uncappedsettlementsurplus - main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650723] [trace]: Checking to see if "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650769] [info]: Found plugin: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:13.650787] [trace]: Checking to see if "unique unique names.png" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650802] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques - Main.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650817] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650830] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650875] [info]: Found plugin: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:13.650896] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unlimited Sprint.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.650971] [info]: Found plugin: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:13.650988] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651003] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651017] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651082] [info]: Found plugin: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:13.651100] [trace]: Checking to see if "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651151] [info]: Found plugin: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:13.651169] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651214] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:13.651232] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651276] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:13.651293] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651338] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:13.651371] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651427] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:13.651452] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651496] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:13.651514] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651559] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:13.651576] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651620] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:13.651638] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651681] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:13.651698] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651742] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:13.651759] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651803] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:13.651820] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.651893] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:13.651954] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652016] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.652039] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652086] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.652109] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652155] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.652177] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652222] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.652260] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652337] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.652387] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652536] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:13.652570] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652657] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:13.652691] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652797] [info]: Found plugin: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:13.652823] [trace]: Checking to see if "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652882] [info]: Found plugin: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:13.652904] [trace]: Checking to see if "VegetableStarchBuilder.BA2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652921] [trace]: Checking to see if "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.652968] [info]: Found plugin: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:13.652992] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity - Main.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653007] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity - Textures.ba2" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653023] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653073] [info]: Found plugin: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:13.653096] [trace]: Checking to see if "WaterAnywhere.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653141] [info]: Found plugin: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:13.653159] [trace]: Checking to see if "weightless bodies and objects.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653203] [info]: Found plugin: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:13.653236] [trace]: Checking to see if "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653354] [info]: Found plugin: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:13.653426] [trace]: Checking to see if "Wireless Power.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653544] [info]: Found plugin: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:13.653623] [trace]: Checking to see if "workShopDashButton.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653676] [info]: Found plugin: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:13.653694] [trace]: Checking to see if "XXXMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.653741] [info]: Found plugin: XXXMags.esp [03:34:13.653775] [debug]: Loading the current load order state. [03:34:13.670752] [trace]: Checking to see if "10SPECIAL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.670907] [trace]: Checking to see if "300%pipboy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671010] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671096] [trace]: Checking to see if "3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671186] [trace]: Checking to see if "500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671266] [trace]: Checking to see if "AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671351] [trace]: Checking to see if "AAF.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671432] [trace]: Checking to see if "AerysNPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671514] [trace]: Checking to see if "ArmorKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671598] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671684] [trace]: Checking to see if "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671764] [trace]: Checking to see if "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671844] [trace]: Checking to see if "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.671926] [trace]: Checking to see if "Atomic Lust.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672005] [trace]: Checking to see if "Auto Loot.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672087] [trace]: Checking to see if "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672169] [trace]: Checking to see if "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672261] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Cooking Stations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672345] [trace]: Checking to see if "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672426] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterGenerators.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672512] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptions.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672595] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672676] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672757] [trace]: Checking to see if "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672838] [trace]: Checking to see if "bifurious.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.672975] [trace]: Checking to see if "BottelingWater.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673054] [trace]: Checking to see if "BuildPaStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673132] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight2000.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673209] [trace]: Checking to see if "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673288] [trace]: Checking to see if "CBBE.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673366] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673447] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673529] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673609] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673689] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673769] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673848] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.673927] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674008] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674089] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674171] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674251] [trace]: Checking to see if "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674334] [trace]: Checking to see if "CheatTerminal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674415] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674496] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleaningStation.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674605] [trace]: Checking to see if "CleanInstitute.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674715] [trace]: Checking to see if "Clear Underwater View.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674823] [trace]: Checking to see if "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.674946] [trace]: Checking to see if "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675032] [trace]: Checking to see if "ConvenientStores.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675112] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675194] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675274] [trace]: Checking to see if "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675355] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbench.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675436] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675517] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675600] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675682] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675764] [trace]: Checking to see if "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675848] [trace]: Checking to see if "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.675961] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676112] [trace]: Checking to see if "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676222] [trace]: Checking to see if "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676310] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676418] [trace]: Checking to see if "def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676498] [trace]: Checking to see if "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676578] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCCoast.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676664] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676751] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCRobot.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.676956] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop01.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677055] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop02.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677136] [trace]: Checking to see if "DLCworkshop03.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677219] [trace]: Checking to see if "doubleperkbonus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677317] [trace]: Checking to see if "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677467] [trace]: Checking to see if "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677612] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Cat Cages.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677722] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677808] [trace]: Checking to see if "Easy Lockpick.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.677947] [trace]: Checking to see if "EasyLockpicking.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.678084] [trace]: Checking to see if "Empties - VISFar.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.678261] [trace]: Checking to see if "ExtendedHairColors.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.678436] [trace]: Checking to see if "Fallout4.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.678643] [trace]: Checking to see if "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.678778] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.678907] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679098] [trace]: Checking to see if "FemMutieBETA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679257] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679410] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679523] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679623] [trace]: Checking to see if "Femout4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679735] [trace]: Checking to see if "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679824] [trace]: Checking to see if "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.679917] [trace]: Checking to see if "FutaFEV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680054] [trace]: Checking to see if "galacticzone-repaird.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680184] [trace]: Checking to see if "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680296] [trace]: Checking to see if "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680426] [trace]: Checking to see if "Glowing Eyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680510] [trace]: Checking to see if "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680635] [trace]: Checking to see if "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680721] [trace]: Checking to see if "HoloTime_2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680802] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.680947] [trace]: Checking to see if "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681029] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBoSA.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681110] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681200] [trace]: Checking to see if "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681289] [trace]: Checking to see if "HouseDress1Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681369] [trace]: Checking to see if "HUDFramework.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681449] [trace]: Checking to see if "Idiot Slut.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681528] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_Automatron.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681611] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoFuel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681690] [trace]: Checking to see if "IFT_NoQuest.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681769] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681889] [trace]: Checking to see if "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.681970] [trace]: Checking to see if "Immortal Cats 2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682053] [trace]: Checking to see if "InstantVendorsReset.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682132] [trace]: Checking to see if "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682220] [trace]: Checking to see if "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682303] [trace]: Checking to see if "JetPackDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682382] [trace]: Checking to see if "JINA Valentine.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682462] [trace]: Checking to see if "KSHairdos.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682541] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682629] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682713] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682794] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.682923] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683010] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683094] [trace]: Checking to see if "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683180] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683265] [trace]: Checking to see if "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683345] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683454] [trace]: Checking to see if "LooksMenu.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683617] [trace]: Checking to see if "Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683727] [trace]: Checking to see if "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683815] [trace]: Checking to see if "MeanMachineEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683897] [trace]: Checking to see if "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.683978] [trace]: Checking to see if "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684064] [trace]: Checking to see if "mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684143] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-AE Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684225] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684306] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684387] [trace]: Checking to see if "NAC.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684467] [trace]: Checking to see if "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684552] [trace]: Checking to see if "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684632] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - Automatron.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684713] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684800] [trace]: Checking to see if "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.684916] [trace]: Checking to see if "NSA All-in-One.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685003] [trace]: Checking to see if "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685147] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685231] [trace]: Checking to see if "NukaVictoryFix.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685313] [trace]: Checking to see if "NVUMP.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685399] [trace]: Checking to see if "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685482] [trace]: Checking to see if "PA-Quick Animations.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685564] [trace]: Checking to see if "Passthrough.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685644] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685723] [trace]: Checking to see if "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685806] [trace]: Checking to see if "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685889] [trace]: Checking to see if "PrimeArmor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.685970] [trace]: Checking to see if "ProfGood.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686049] [trace]: Checking to see if "Pug.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686129] [trace]: Checking to see if "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686216] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686299] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686382] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686467] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686549] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686631] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686713] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686795] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686911] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.686993] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687075] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687156] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687238] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687320] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687402] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687574] [trace]: Checking to see if "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687675] [trace]: Checking to see if "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687760] [trace]: Checking to see if "Repaired Roofs.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687842] [trace]: Checking to see if "RILF.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.687923] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688008] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688095] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688177] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688261] [trace]: Checking to see if "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688344] [trace]: Checking to see if "SaveManager.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688427] [trace]: Checking to see if "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688513] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688596] [trace]: Checking to see if "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688678] [trace]: Checking to see if "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688758] [trace]: Checking to see if "SettlementKeywords.esm" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688840] [trace]: Checking to see if "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.688924] [trace]: Checking to see if "Shino Poses.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689005] [trace]: Checking to see if "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689087] [trace]: Checking to see if "Sneaky Kills.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689169] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaning.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689250] [trace]: Checking to see if "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689334] [trace]: Checking to see if "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689420] [trace]: Checking to see if "StartMeUp.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689504] [trace]: Checking to see if "Stashable Caps.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689584] [trace]: Checking to see if "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689665] [trace]: Checking to see if "tao_catsuit.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689748] [trace]: Checking to see if "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689832] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689915] [trace]: Checking to see if "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.689999] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690081] [trace]: Checking to see if "TheyWantThatAss.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690161] [trace]: Checking to see if "TurretStands.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690242] [trace]: Checking to see if "UMD - A.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690321] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690406] [trace]: Checking to see if "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690489] [trace]: Checking to see if "UniqueUniques.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690571] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unlimited Sprint.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690651] [trace]: Checking to see if "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690745] [trace]: Checking to see if "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690834] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.690918] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691001] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691085] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691170] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691255] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691339] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691449] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691559] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691642] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691724] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691807] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.691930] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692016] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692131] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692214] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692299] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692383] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692470] [trace]: Checking to see if "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692554] [trace]: Checking to see if "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692637] [trace]: Checking to see if "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692719] [trace]: Checking to see if "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692805] [trace]: Checking to see if "WaterAnywhere.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.692915] [trace]: Checking to see if "weightless bodies and objects.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.693000] [trace]: Checking to see if "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.693083] [trace]: Checking to see if "Wireless Power.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.693172] [trace]: Checking to see if "workShopDashButton.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.693259] [trace]: Checking to see if "XXXMags.esp" is a valid plugin. [03:34:13.693344] [info]: Loading 243 plugins using 4 threads, with up to 61 plugins per thread. [03:34:13.693354] [trace]: Adding plugin LooksMenu.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693362] [trace]: Adding plugin Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693369] [trace]: Adding plugin Screen Flicker Killer.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693375] [trace]: Adding plugin Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693382] [trace]: Adding plugin CarryWeight2000.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693389] [trace]: Adding plugin CarryWeight200Strength.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693395] [trace]: Adding plugin InstantVendorsReset.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693402] [trace]: Adding plugin 10SPECIAL.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693408] [trace]: Adding plugin LongerPowerLinesInf.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693415] [trace]: Adding plugin Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693421] [trace]: Adding plugin JetPackDrain0.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693428] [trace]: Adding plugin Unlimited Sprint.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693434] [trace]: Adding plugin PowerArmorDrain0.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693441] [trace]: Adding plugin FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693448] [trace]: Adding plugin FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693455] [trace]: Adding plugin One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693461] [trace]: Adding plugin VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693468] [trace]: Adding plugin 300%pipboy.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693475] [trace]: Adding plugin Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693481] [trace]: Adding plugin Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693488] [trace]: Adding plugin EasyLockpicking.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693496] [trace]: Adding plugin Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693503] [trace]: Adding plugin NoAffinityCooldown.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693510] [trace]: Adding plugin Easier Cat Cages.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693516] [trace]: Adding plugin DIFR - VIS Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693523] [trace]: Adding plugin Easy Lockpick.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693529] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693536] [trace]: Adding plugin BuildPaStation.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693543] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693551] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693558] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693565] [trace]: Adding plugin CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693571] [trace]: Adding plugin IFT_NoFuel.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693577] [trace]: Adding plugin def_mcm.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693583] [trace]: Adding plugin weightless bodies and objects.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693590] [trace]: Adding plugin TurretStands.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693596] [trace]: Adding plugin AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693603] [trace]: Adding plugin CBBE.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693610] [trace]: Adding plugin Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693617] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693624] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693630] [trace]: Adding plugin doubleperkbonus.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693637] [trace]: Adding plugin ProfGood.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693643] [trace]: Adding plugin Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693650] [trace]: Adding plugin IFT_NoQuest.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693656] [trace]: Adding plugin Stashable Caps.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693662] [trace]: Adding plugin PA-Quick Animations.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693668] [trace]: Adding plugin MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693675] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693681] [trace]: Adding plugin Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693688] [trace]: Adding plugin GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693694] [trace]: Adding plugin BottelingWater.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693702] [trace]: Adding plugin No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693709] [trace]: Adding plugin HouseDress1Fix.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693716] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693724] [trace]: Adding plugin Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693731] [trace]: Adding plugin NukaVictoryFix.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693737] [trace]: Adding plugin 500%NoShadows.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693744] [trace]: Adding plugin ExtendedHairColors.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693750] [trace]: Adding plugin HUDFramework.esm to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693757] [trace]: Adding plugin LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693763] [trace]: Adding plugin WaterAnywhere.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693770] [trace]: Adding plugin IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693776] [trace]: Adding plugin CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693783] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693790] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693797] [trace]: Adding plugin Atomic Lust.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693803] [trace]: Adding plugin power armor quick enter and exit.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693810] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterGenerators.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693816] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693822] [trace]: Adding plugin Passthrough.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693829] [trace]: Adding plugin bifurious.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693835] [trace]: Adding plugin RILF.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693842] [trace]: Adding plugin DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693848] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693856] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693862] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693869] [trace]: Adding plugin MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693877] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693884] [trace]: Adding plugin NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693892] [trace]: Adding plugin FemMutieBETA.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693898] [trace]: Adding plugin SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693919] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693939] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693945] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC-AE Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.693952] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.693958] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.693965] [trace]: Adding plugin TheyWantThatAss.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.693986] [trace]: Adding plugin Idiot Slut.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694005] [trace]: Adding plugin JINA Valentine.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694012] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694018] [trace]: Adding plugin Repaired Roofs.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694025] [trace]: Adding plugin Wireless Power.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694031] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694038] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694044] [trace]: Adding plugin MeanMachineEyes.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694051] [trace]: Adding plugin SuperNaturalEyes.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694057] [trace]: Adding plugin CleaningStation.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694063] [trace]: Adding plugin Bashed Patch, 0.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694070] [trace]: Adding plugin HoloTime_2.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694076] [trace]: Adding plugin Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694083] [trace]: Adding plugin ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694090] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694096] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694103] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModificationMisc.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694109] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694116] [trace]: Adding plugin settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694122] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694129] [trace]: Adding plugin Clear Underwater View.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694135] [trace]: Adding plugin NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694142] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694148] [trace]: Adding plugin PrimeArmor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694154] [trace]: Adding plugin More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694162] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694169] [trace]: Adding plugin tao_catsuit.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694176] [trace]: Adding plugin FutaFEV.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694184] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694190] [trace]: Adding plugin ConvenientStores.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694197] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694204] [trace]: Adding plugin UMD - A.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694210] [trace]: Adding plugin CleanInstitute.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694217] [trace]: Adding plugin Better Vendor Stalls.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694223] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694229] [trace]: Adding plugin Institute NIRA Vendor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694236] [trace]: Adding plugin Clean Water - Crystal.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694242] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694250] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC-NukaWorld.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694257] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC-FarHarbor.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694263] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694269] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694276] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694282] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694289] [trace]: Adding plugin Glowing Eyes.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694295] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694302] [trace]: Adding plugin companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694310] [trace]: Adding plugin SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694317] [trace]: Adding plugin Immortal Cats 2.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694324] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable Armor Size.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694331] [trace]: Adding plugin SaveManager.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694338] [trace]: Adding plugin NQAS - VaultTec.esl to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694346] [trace]: Adding plugin Sneaky Kills.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694352] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694359] [trace]: Adding plugin Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694365] [trace]: Adding plugin mso_sms.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694372] [trace]: Adding plugin VegetableStarchBuilder.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694379] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694386] [trace]: Adding plugin Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694393] [trace]: Adding plugin Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694400] [trace]: Adding plugin NQAS - Automatron.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694406] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694413] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694420] [trace]: Adding plugin TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694426] [trace]: Adding plugin workShopDashButton.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694432] [trace]: Adding plugin IFT_Automatron.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694439] [trace]: Adding plugin CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694445] [trace]: Adding plugin Crafting Workbench.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694452] [trace]: Adding plugin AAF.esm to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694458] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694464] [trace]: Adding plugin HotMamaBoSA.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694471] [trace]: Adding plugin SpringCleaning.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694477] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694483] [trace]: Adding plugin Pug.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694490] [trace]: Adding plugin Assaultron Combatron.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694496] [trace]: Adding plugin Shino Poses.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694503] [trace]: Adding plugin 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694510] [trace]: Adding plugin ImmersiveFastTravel.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694517] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694523] [trace]: Adding plugin KSHairdos.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694530] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694537] [trace]: Adding plugin Empties - VISFar.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694545] [trace]: Adding plugin Better Cooking Stations.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694552] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694560] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694566] [trace]: Adding plugin SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694573] [trace]: Adding plugin uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694579] [trace]: Adding plugin NSA All-in-One.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694586] [trace]: Adding plugin Give Me That Bottle.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694592] [trace]: Adding plugin HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694598] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694605] [trace]: Adding plugin Loot Detector.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694611] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694618] [trace]: Adding plugin HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694624] [trace]: Adding plugin SettlementKeywords.esm to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694630] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification2LM.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694637] [trace]: Adding plugin FemaleSynths - Core.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694643] [trace]: Adding plugin TheEyesOfBeauty.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694650] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694656] [trace]: Adding plugin def_inv_scrap_en.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694662] [trace]: Adding plugin The Sanctuary Bridge.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694669] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694675] [trace]: Adding plugin Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694682] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694688] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694695] [trace]: Adding plugin FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694701] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694708] [trace]: Adding plugin UniqueUniques.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694714] [trace]: Adding plugin LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694721] [trace]: Adding plugin CROSS_Cybernetics.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694728] [trace]: Adding plugin RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694734] [trace]: Adding plugin Auto Loot.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694741] [trace]: Adding plugin Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694747] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694753] [trace]: Adding plugin Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694760] [trace]: Adding plugin VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694766] [trace]: Adding plugin galacticzone-repaird.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694772] [trace]: Adding plugin Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694778] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694786] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694793] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694799] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694807] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694814] [trace]: Adding plugin ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694835] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694854] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694861] [trace]: Adding plugin LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694867] [trace]: Adding plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694873] [trace]: Adding plugin NVUMP.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694880] [trace]: Adding plugin XXXMags.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694886] [trace]: Adding plugin StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694893] [trace]: Adding plugin ArmorKeywords.esm to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694899] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop01.esm to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694905] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop02.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694911] [trace]: Adding plugin Femout4.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694918] [trace]: Adding plugin The Eyes Of Beauty.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694925] [trace]: Adding plugin Armorsmith Extended.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694931] [trace]: Adding plugin ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694952] [trace]: Adding plugin BetterModDescriptions.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694958] [trace]: Adding plugin AerysNPCs.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.694978] [trace]: Adding plugin DP_CaravanShotgun.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.694985] [trace]: Adding plugin ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp to loading group 1 [03:34:13.694991] [trace]: Adding plugin StartMeUp.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.694999] [trace]: Adding plugin NAC.esm to loading group 3 [03:34:13.695005] [trace]: Adding plugin CheatTerminal.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.695011] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCworkshop03.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:13.695032] [trace]: Adding plugin Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.695052] [trace]: Adding plugin Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.695058] [trace]: Adding plugin Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp to loading group 0 [03:34:13.695065] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCRobot.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:13.695072] [trace]: Adding plugin AA FusionCityRising.esp to loading group 2 [03:34:13.695078] [trace]: Adding plugin 3DNPC_FO4.esp to loading group 3 [03:34:13.695085] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCNukaWorld.esm to loading group 0 [03:34:13.695091] [trace]: Adding plugin DLCCoast.esm to loading group 1 [03:34:13.695098] [trace]: Adding plugin Fallout4.esm to loading group 2 [03:34:13.695390] [trace]: Starting plugin loading. [03:34:13.695623] [trace]: Loading LooksMenu.esp [03:34:13.695724] [trace]: Loading Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:13.695838] [trace]: Loading Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:13.695902] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.695917] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LooksMenu.esp [03:34:13.695936] [trace]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.695954] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:13.695975] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LooksMenu.esp"): f0d55578 [03:34:13.695989] [trace]: Loading Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:13.696009] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.696023] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:13.696035] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp"): 193547fd [03:34:13.696054] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.696064] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.696072] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Screen Flicker Killer.esp"): bca1819a [03:34:13.696090] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LooksMenu.esp" is active. [03:34:13.696120] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.696134] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:13.696181] [trace]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.696198] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.696206] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.696214] [trace]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.696227] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" is active. [03:34:13.696249] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp"): bca1819a [03:34:13.696269] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" is active. [03:34:13.696282] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.696292] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.696301] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" is active. [03:34:13.698525] [trace]: LooksMenu.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.698549] [trace]: Loading CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:13.698662] [trace]: CarryWeight2000.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.698675] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:13.698722] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CarryWeight2000.esp"): 5c09cd6a [03:34:13.698742] [trace]: CarryWeight2000.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.698751] [trace]: CarryWeight2000.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.698758] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CarryWeight2000.esp" is active. [03:34:13.699064] [trace]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.699085] [trace]: Loading CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:13.699197] [trace]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.699210] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:13.699257] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CarryWeight200Strength.esp"): c63fb016 [03:34:13.699276] [trace]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.699285] [trace]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.699293] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" is active. [03:34:13.699818] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.699841] [trace]: Loading InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:13.699871] [trace]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.699891] [trace]: Loading 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:13.699962] [trace]: InstantVendorsReset.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.699977] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:13.700005] [trace]: 10SPECIAL.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.700018] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:13.700025] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\InstantVendorsReset.esp"): 36a3d7ce [03:34:13.700045] [trace]: InstantVendorsReset.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.700054] [trace]: InstantVendorsReset.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.700062] [debug]: Checking if plugin "InstantVendorsReset.esp" is active. [03:34:13.700071] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\10SPECIAL.esp"): da0f609b [03:34:13.700091] [trace]: 10SPECIAL.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.700099] [trace]: 10SPECIAL.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.700108] [debug]: Checking if plugin "10SPECIAL.esp" is active. [03:34:13.702265] [trace]: CarryWeight2000.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.702287] [trace]: Loading LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:13.702399] [trace]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.702411] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:13.702458] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LongerPowerLinesInf.esp"): 8dba9d9a [03:34:13.702477] [trace]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.702486] [trace]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.702494] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" is active. [03:34:13.702851] [trace]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.702871] [trace]: Loading Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:13.702983] [trace]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.702996] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:13.703043] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp"): 5a55b8 [03:34:13.703062] [trace]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.703072] [trace]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.703079] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" is active. [03:34:13.703535] [trace]: InstantVendorsReset.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.703557] [trace]: Loading JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:13.703595] [trace]: 10SPECIAL.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.703615] [trace]: Loading Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:13.703669] [trace]: JetPackDrain0.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.703682] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:13.703725] [trace]: Unlimited Sprint.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.703738] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:13.703753] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\JetPackDrain0.esp"): 4bd2ed62 [03:34:13.703773] [trace]: JetPackDrain0.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.703782] [trace]: JetPackDrain0.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.703790] [debug]: Checking if plugin "JetPackDrain0.esp" is active. [03:34:13.703806] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Unlimited Sprint.esp"): 906ff29c [03:34:13.703825] [trace]: Unlimited Sprint.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.703835] [trace]: Unlimited Sprint.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.703844] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unlimited Sprint.esp" is active. [03:34:13.706002] [trace]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.706022] [trace]: Loading PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:13.706131] [trace]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.706143] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:13.706188] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\PowerArmorDrain0.esp"): 7541abcb [03:34:13.706207] [trace]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.706216] [trace]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.706224] [debug]: Checking if plugin "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" is active. [03:34:13.706566] [trace]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.706586] [trace]: Loading FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:13.706695] [trace]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.706708] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:13.706758] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp"): 8723eced [03:34:13.706778] [trace]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.706787] [trace]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.706795] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" is active. [03:34:13.707302] [trace]: JetPackDrain0.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.707324] [trace]: Loading FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:13.707337] [trace]: Unlimited Sprint.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.707356] [trace]: Loading One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:13.707436] [trace]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.707450] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:13.707496] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp"): 191ad890 [03:34:13.707514] [trace]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.707523] [trace]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.707531] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" is active. [03:34:13.707789] [trace]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.707805] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:13.707858] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp"): cadd044c [03:34:13.707877] [trace]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.707886] [trace]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.707896] [debug]: Checking if plugin "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" is active. [03:34:13.709690] [trace]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.709709] [trace]: Loading VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:13.709823] [trace]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.709837] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:13.709884] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp"): 46c29947 [03:34:13.709904] [trace]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.709913] [trace]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.709920] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" is active. [03:34:13.710261] [trace]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.710281] [trace]: Loading 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:13.710388] [trace]: 300%pipboy.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.710400] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\300%pipboy.esp [03:34:13.710446] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\300%pipboy.esp"): 6ade6af4 [03:34:13.710465] [trace]: 300%pipboy.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.710474] [trace]: 300%pipboy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.710481] [debug]: Checking if plugin "300%pipboy.esp" is active. [03:34:13.711003] [trace]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.711023] [trace]: Loading Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:13.711136] [trace]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.711149] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:13.711196] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp"): 274ad28e [03:34:13.711215] [trace]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.711225] [trace]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.711232] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" is active. [03:34:13.711422] [trace]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.711444] [trace]: Loading Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:13.711557] [trace]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.711571] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:13.711619] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp"): dc6a5fe4 [03:34:13.711638] [trace]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.711647] [trace]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.711655] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" is active. [03:34:13.713409] [trace]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.713429] [trace]: Loading EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:13.713541] [trace]: EasyLockpicking.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.713554] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:13.713601] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\EasyLockpicking.esp"): bed7f0f2 [03:34:13.713620] [trace]: EasyLockpicking.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.713629] [trace]: EasyLockpicking.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.713637] [debug]: Checking if plugin "EasyLockpicking.esp" is active. [03:34:13.714008] [trace]: 300%pipboy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.714026] [trace]: Loading Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:13.714139] [trace]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.714152] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:13.714198] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp"): aa4bf44c [03:34:13.714217] [trace]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.714227] [trace]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.714237] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" is active. [03:34:13.714665] [trace]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.714687] [trace]: Loading NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:13.714801] [trace]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.714814] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:13.714861] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NoAffinityCooldown.esp"): 2f7fd3de [03:34:13.714879] [trace]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.714889] [trace]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.714898] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" is active. [03:34:13.715120] [trace]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.715142] [trace]: Loading Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:13.715253] [trace]: Easier Cat Cages.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.715266] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:13.715313] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Easier Cat Cages.esp"): 938e0aca [03:34:13.715333] [trace]: Easier Cat Cages.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.715342] [trace]: Easier Cat Cages.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.715349] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Easier Cat Cages.esp" is active. [03:34:13.717099] [trace]: EasyLockpicking.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.717120] [trace]: Loading DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:13.717233] [trace]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.717246] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:13.717293] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DIFR - VIS Patch.esp"): 8690af2a [03:34:13.717311] [trace]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.717320] [trace]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.717328] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.717743] [trace]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.717765] [trace]: Loading Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:13.717877] [trace]: Easy Lockpick.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.717890] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:13.717937] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Easy Lockpick.esp"): 2cfd0ad1 [03:34:13.717956] [trace]: Easy Lockpick.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.717965] [trace]: Easy Lockpick.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.717973] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Easy Lockpick.esp" is active. [03:34:13.718331] [trace]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.718349] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:13.718584] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.718601] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:13.718648] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp"): f41c6468 [03:34:13.718667] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.718676] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.718685] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" is active. [03:34:13.718795] [trace]: Easier Cat Cages.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.718814] [trace]: Loading BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:13.718923] [trace]: BuildPaStation.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.718937] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:13.718984] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BuildPaStation.esp"): e75929d3 [03:34:13.719003] [trace]: BuildPaStation.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.719012] [trace]: BuildPaStation.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.719021] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BuildPaStation.esp" is active. [03:34:13.720850] [trace]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.720870] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:13.720986] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.720999] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:13.721046] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp"): cb4353bd [03:34:13.721064] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.721073] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.721083] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" is active. [03:34:13.721468] [trace]: Easy Lockpick.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.721487] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:13.721600] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.721613] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:13.721659] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp"): b23cb16d [03:34:13.721680] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.721689] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.721698] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is active. [03:34:13.722234] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.722256] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:13.722369] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.722386] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:13.722435] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp"): 2855d428 [03:34:13.722454] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.722463] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.722472] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" is active. [03:34:13.722582] [trace]: BuildPaStation.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.722602] [trace]: Loading CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:13.722718] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.722731] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:13.722780] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp"): 6422a673 [03:34:13.722798] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.722807] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.722814] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" is active. [03:34:13.724607] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.724629] [trace]: Loading IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:13.724743] [trace]: IFT_NoFuel.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.724756] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:13.724804] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IFT_NoFuel.esp"): 1d718cf3 [03:34:13.724823] [trace]: IFT_NoFuel.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.724832] [trace]: IFT_NoFuel.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.724839] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IFT_NoFuel.esp" is active. [03:34:13.725230] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.725251] [trace]: Loading def_mcm.esp [03:34:13.725362] [trace]: def_mcm.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.725375] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\def_mcm.esp [03:34:13.725422] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\def_mcm.esp"): f9050c3e [03:34:13.725440] [trace]: def_mcm.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.725449] [trace]: def_mcm.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.725458] [debug]: Checking if plugin "def_mcm.esp" is active. [03:34:13.726247] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.726269] [trace]: Loading weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:13.726382] [trace]: weightless bodies and objects.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.726396] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:13.726473] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\weightless bodies and objects.esp"): 1d16f458 [03:34:13.726493] [trace]: weightless bodies and objects.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.726503] [trace]: weightless bodies and objects.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.726511] [debug]: Checking if plugin "weightless bodies and objects.esp" is active. [03:34:13.726701] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.726717] [trace]: def_mcm.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.726734] [trace]: Loading TurretStands.esp [03:34:13.726745] [trace]: Loading CBBE.esp [03:34:13.726852] [trace]: TurretStands.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.726865] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TurretStands.esp [03:34:13.726880] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.726894] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CBBE.esp [03:34:13.726913] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TurretStands.esp"): c5ecef44 [03:34:13.726933] [trace]: TurretStands.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.726942] [trace]: TurretStands.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.726950] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TurretStands.esp" is active. [03:34:13.726964] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CBBE.esp"): 5caf6c6d [03:34:13.726983] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.726993] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.727002] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CBBE.esp" is active. [03:34:13.727383] [trace]: CBBE.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.727400] [trace]: Loading doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:13.727503] [trace]: doubleperkbonus.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.727515] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:13.727564] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\doubleperkbonus.esp"): 26e4ef4b [03:34:13.727583] [trace]: doubleperkbonus.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.727593] [trace]: doubleperkbonus.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.727601] [debug]: Checking if plugin "doubleperkbonus.esp" is active. [03:34:13.728277] [trace]: IFT_NoFuel.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.728295] [trace]: Loading AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:13.728410] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.728422] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:13.728470] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp"): 1f972fd3 [03:34:13.728488] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.728498] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.728506] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" is active. [03:34:13.729252] [trace]: doubleperkbonus.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.729271] [trace]: Loading Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:13.729379] [trace]: Stashable Caps.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.729392] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:13.729440] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Stashable Caps.esp"): 142d484e [03:34:13.729458] [trace]: Stashable Caps.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.729468] [trace]: Stashable Caps.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.729475] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Stashable Caps.esp" is active. [03:34:13.729959] [trace]: weightless bodies and objects.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.729981] [trace]: Loading Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:13.730093] [trace]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.730107] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:13.730157] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp"): ea3d0dc5 [03:34:13.730177] [trace]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.730186] [trace]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.730196] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" is active. [03:34:13.730472] [trace]: TurretStands.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.730492] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:13.730605] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.730619] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:13.730669] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp"): 9e138721 [03:34:13.730690] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.730699] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.730710] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" is active. [03:34:13.732009] [trace]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.732030] [trace]: Loading Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:13.732145] [trace]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.732158] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:13.732209] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp"): a898f6b8 [03:34:13.732228] [trace]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.732237] [trace]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.732245] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" is active. [03:34:13.733148] [trace]: Stashable Caps.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.733168] [trace]: Loading Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:13.733276] [trace]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.733288] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:13.733340] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp"): c1443ac9 [03:34:13.733358] [trace]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.733367] [trace]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.733375] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" is active. [03:34:13.733647] [trace]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.733668] [trace]: Loading ProfGood.esp [03:34:13.733780] [trace]: ProfGood.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.733792] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ProfGood.esp [03:34:13.733843] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ProfGood.esp"): 26a3d6a5 [03:34:13.733862] [trace]: ProfGood.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.733871] [trace]: ProfGood.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.733879] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ProfGood.esp" is active. [03:34:13.734177] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.734197] [trace]: Loading Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:13.734307] [trace]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.734321] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:13.734369] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp"): b08a51af [03:34:13.734395] [trace]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.734412] [trace]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.734420] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" is active. [03:34:13.735707] [trace]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.735728] [trace]: Loading IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:13.735839] [trace]: IFT_NoQuest.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.735851] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:13.735900] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IFT_NoQuest.esp"): 6ebe48f2 [03:34:13.735918] [trace]: IFT_NoQuest.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.735928] [trace]: IFT_NoQuest.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.735967] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IFT_NoQuest.esp" is active. [03:34:13.736990] [trace]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.737009] [trace]: Loading HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:13.737122] [trace]: HouseDress1Fix.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.737136] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:13.737186] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HouseDress1Fix.esp"): d17be704 [03:34:13.737204] [trace]: HouseDress1Fix.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.737215] [trace]: HouseDress1Fix.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.737223] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HouseDress1Fix.esp" is active. [03:34:13.737477] [trace]: ProfGood.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.737498] [trace]: Loading PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:13.737615] [trace]: PA-Quick Animations.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.737628] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:13.737680] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\PA-Quick Animations.esp"): 80a74951 [03:34:13.737698] [trace]: PA-Quick Animations.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.737708] [trace]: PA-Quick Animations.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.737716] [debug]: Checking if plugin "PA-Quick Animations.esp" is active. [03:34:13.738211] [trace]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.738232] [trace]: Loading MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:13.738343] [trace]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.738357] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:13.738408] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp"): 52cd48ac [03:34:13.738428] [trace]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.738437] [trace]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.738445] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" is active. [03:34:13.739543] [trace]: IFT_NoQuest.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.739562] [trace]: Loading Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:13.739681] [trace]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.739694] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:13.739746] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp"): cdb2fd55 [03:34:13.739765] [trace]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.739775] [trace]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.739783] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" is active. [03:34:13.740884] [trace]: HouseDress1Fix.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.740906] [trace]: Loading 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:13.741017] [trace]: 500%NoShadows.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.741030] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:13.741082] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\500%NoShadows.esp"): 92ca8336 [03:34:13.741102] [trace]: 500%NoShadows.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.741111] [trace]: 500%NoShadows.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.741118] [debug]: Checking if plugin "500%NoShadows.esp" is active. [03:34:13.741483] [trace]: PA-Quick Animations.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.741505] [trace]: Loading GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:13.741623] [trace]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.741637] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:13.741749] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp"): 9b031db7 [03:34:13.741775] [trace]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.741787] [trace]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.741795] [debug]: Checking if plugin "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" is active. [03:34:13.741951] [trace]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.741970] [trace]: Loading BottelingWater.esp [03:34:13.742077] [trace]: BottelingWater.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.742089] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BottelingWater.esp [03:34:13.742139] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BottelingWater.esp"): f4399a02 [03:34:13.742159] [trace]: BottelingWater.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.742169] [trace]: BottelingWater.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.742178] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BottelingWater.esp" is active. [03:34:13.742586] [trace]: BottelingWater.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.742606] [trace]: Loading Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:13.742718] [trace]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.742731] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:13.742780] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp"): 3b8fc8 [03:34:13.742798] [trace]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.742808] [trace]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.742815] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" is active. [03:34:13.743251] [trace]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.743272] [trace]: Loading No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:13.743389] [trace]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.743403] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:13.743454] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp"): 50f030ef [03:34:13.743475] [trace]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.743484] [trace]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.743492] [debug]: Checking if plugin "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" is active. [03:34:13.744538] [trace]: 500%NoShadows.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.744559] [trace]: Loading WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:13.744667] [trace]: WaterAnywhere.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.744680] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:13.744733] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\WaterAnywhere.esp"): 925626f7 [03:34:13.744752] [trace]: WaterAnywhere.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.744761] [trace]: WaterAnywhere.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.744769] [debug]: Checking if plugin "WaterAnywhere.esp" is active. [03:34:13.745533] [trace]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.745556] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:13.745674] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.745687] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:13.745740] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp"): 550480cf [03:34:13.745758] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.745768] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.745780] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" is active. [03:34:13.746275] [trace]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.746297] [trace]: Loading HUDFramework.esm [03:34:13.746411] [trace]: HUDFramework.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.746426] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HUDFramework.esm [03:34:13.746478] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HUDFramework.esm"): 67dbde61 [03:34:13.746497] [trace]: HUDFramework.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.746505] [trace]: HUDFramework.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.746513] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HUDFramework.esm" is active. [03:34:13.746964] [trace]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.746985] [trace]: Loading NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:13.747094] [trace]: NukaVictoryFix.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.747106] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:13.747158] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NukaVictoryFix.esp"): 6b6ce61a [03:34:13.747176] [trace]: NukaVictoryFix.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.747185] [trace]: NukaVictoryFix.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.747193] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NukaVictoryFix.esp" is active. [03:34:13.748225] [trace]: WaterAnywhere.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.748245] [trace]: Loading Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:13.748361] [trace]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.748374] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:13.748430] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp"): 4a06371e [03:34:13.748448] [trace]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.748458] [trace]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.748468] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" is active. [03:34:13.748718] [trace]: HUDFramework.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.748739] [trace]: Loading CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:13.748856] [trace]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.748869] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:13.748924] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp"): 29ff9f97 [03:34:13.748943] [trace]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.748953] [trace]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.748962] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" is active. [03:34:13.749227] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.749249] [trace]: Loading ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:13.749363] [trace]: ExtendedHairColors.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.749376] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:13.749430] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ExtendedHairColors.esp"): 85cf0833 [03:34:13.749448] [trace]: ExtendedHairColors.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.749458] [trace]: ExtendedHairColors.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.749465] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ExtendedHairColors.esp" is active. [03:34:13.750642] [trace]: NukaVictoryFix.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.750662] [trace]: Loading LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:13.750775] [trace]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.750788] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:13.750840] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp"): 8ebc4033 [03:34:13.750860] [trace]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.750869] [trace]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.750876] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" is active. [03:34:13.751101] [trace]: ExtendedHairColors.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.751122] [trace]: Loading IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:13.751234] [trace]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.751248] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:13.751301] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp"): 2777a0a3 [03:34:13.751321] [trace]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.751330] [trace]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.751337] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.751957] [trace]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.751977] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:13.752094] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.752107] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:13.752165] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp"): c2186c6d [03:34:13.752184] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.752195] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.752202] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" is active. [03:34:13.752502] [trace]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.752522] [trace]: Loading power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:13.752638] [trace]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.752652] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:13.752708] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\power armor quick enter and exit.esp"): c71d7a1f [03:34:13.752728] [trace]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.752737] [trace]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.752747] [debug]: Checking if plugin "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" is active. [03:34:13.754390] [trace]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.754409] [trace]: Loading Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.754526] [trace]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.754538] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.754591] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp"): 480002db [03:34:13.754610] [trace]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.754622] [trace]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.754629] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is active. [03:34:13.754822] [trace]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.754846] [trace]: Loading Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:13.754961] [trace]: Atomic Lust.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.754974] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:13.755029] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Atomic Lust.esp"): 354f0766 [03:34:13.755050] [trace]: Atomic Lust.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.755061] [trace]: Atomic Lust.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.755069] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Atomic Lust.esp" is active. [03:34:13.755700] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.755720] [trace]: Loading DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:13.755831] [trace]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.755845] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:13.755905] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp"): c2c3aee4 [03:34:13.755924] [trace]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.755934] [trace]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.755941] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" is active. [03:34:13.756209] [trace]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.756230] [trace]: Loading bifurious.esp [03:34:13.756341] [trace]: bifurious.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.756354] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\bifurious.esp [03:34:13.756412] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\bifurious.esp"): 8b8d10e5 [03:34:13.756430] [trace]: bifurious.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.756440] [trace]: bifurious.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.756448] [debug]: Checking if plugin "bifurious.esp" is active. [03:34:13.757495] [trace]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.757514] [trace]: Loading MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:13.757629] [trace]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.757643] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:13.757704] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp"): d681c7b9 [03:34:13.757723] [trace]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.757732] [trace]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.757741] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" is active. [03:34:13.758084] [trace]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.758104] [trace]: Loading BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:13.758218] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.758231] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:13.758287] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterGenerators.esp"): a89dd15b [03:34:13.758305] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.758314] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.758322] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterGenerators.esp" is active. [03:34:13.758799] [trace]: Atomic Lust.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.758821] [trace]: Loading Passthrough.esp [03:34:13.758938] [trace]: Passthrough.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.758950] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Passthrough.esp [03:34:13.759009] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Passthrough.esp"): 9e68d7b5 [03:34:13.759028] [trace]: Passthrough.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.759037] [trace]: Passthrough.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.759045] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Passthrough.esp" is active. [03:34:13.760093] [trace]: bifurious.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.760115] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.760233] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.760246] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.760308] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp"): f4013e62 [03:34:13.760329] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.760338] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.760346] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" is active. [03:34:13.761274] [trace]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.761295] [trace]: Loading SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:13.761422] [trace]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.761435] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:13.761502] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp"): 7b676b9f [03:34:13.761522] [trace]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.761532] [trace]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.761540] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" is active. [03:34:13.761823] [trace]: BetterGenerators.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.761841] [trace]: Loading RILF.esp [03:34:13.761954] [trace]: RILF.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.761967] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RILF.esp [03:34:13.762024] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RILF.esp"): a223356 [03:34:13.762044] [trace]: RILF.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.762053] [trace]: RILF.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.762061] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RILF.esp" is active. [03:34:13.762777] [trace]: Passthrough.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.762797] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.762914] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.762927] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.762986] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp"): 92ac7281 [03:34:13.763005] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.763014] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.763021] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.763999] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.764021] [trace]: Loading NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:13.764146] [trace]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.764160] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:13.764226] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp"): 5fff542a [03:34:13.764245] [trace]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.764254] [trace]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.764264] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" is active. [03:34:13.765131] [trace]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.765151] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.765273] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.765287] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.765359] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp"): c2c7797 [03:34:13.765380] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.765390] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.765398] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.765532] [trace]: RILF.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.765552] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:13.765674] [trace]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.765687] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:13.765749] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl"): a9553100 [03:34:13.765768] [trace]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.765778] [trace]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.765785] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" is active. [03:34:13.766511] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.766533] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:13.766659] [trace]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.766673] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:13.766725] [trace]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.766738] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl"): 5a4e5142 [03:34:13.766751] [trace]: Loading FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:13.766762] [trace]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.766772] [trace]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.766780] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" is active. [03:34:13.766864] [trace]: FemMutieBETA.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.766876] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:13.766940] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FemMutieBETA.esp"): 337a61a9 [03:34:13.766959] [trace]: FemMutieBETA.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.766968] [trace]: FemMutieBETA.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.766975] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FemMutieBETA.esp" is active. [03:34:13.767781] [trace]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.767801] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:13.767927] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.767941] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:13.767957] [trace]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.767976] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:13.768011] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp"): 1e937201 [03:34:13.768030] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.768041] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.768050] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" is active. [03:34:13.768124] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.768137] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:13.768206] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp"): fc643692 [03:34:13.768225] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.768237] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.768246] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" is active. [03:34:13.768999] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.769020] [trace]: Loading JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:13.769131] [trace]: JINA Valentine.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.769144] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:13.769220] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\JINA Valentine.esp"): 6a63e541 [03:34:13.769238] [trace]: JINA Valentine.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.769247] [trace]: JINA Valentine.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.769254] [debug]: Checking if plugin "JINA Valentine.esp" is active. [03:34:13.770740] [trace]: FemMutieBETA.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.770761] [trace]: Loading NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:13.770880] [trace]: NAC-AE Patch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.770892] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:13.770962] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC-AE Patch.esp"): 7feef12c [03:34:13.770982] [trace]: NAC-AE Patch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.770991] [trace]: NAC-AE Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.770999] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC-AE Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.771698] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.771721] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:13.771795] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.771815] [trace]: Loading TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:13.771841] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.771855] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:13.771929] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp"): 6f523d01 [03:34:13.771946] [trace]: TheyWantThatAss.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.771960] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:13.771973] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.771982] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.771993] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" is active. [03:34:13.772035] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TheyWantThatAss.esp"): ff1af63e [03:34:13.772054] [trace]: TheyWantThatAss.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.772064] [trace]: TheyWantThatAss.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.772074] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TheyWantThatAss.esp" is active. [03:34:13.772859] [trace]: JINA Valentine.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.772879] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:13.773010] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.773023] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:13.773107] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp"): 9cd5a9c1 [03:34:13.773126] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.773136] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.773147] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" is active. [03:34:13.774449] [trace]: NAC-AE Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.774474] [trace]: Loading Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:13.774631] [trace]: Idiot Slut.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.774645] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:13.774722] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Idiot Slut.esp"): 91029f3f [03:34:13.774742] [trace]: Idiot Slut.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.774751] [trace]: Idiot Slut.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.774759] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Idiot Slut.esp" is active. [03:34:13.775626] [trace]: TheyWantThatAss.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.775643] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.775659] [trace]: Loading Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:13.775670] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:13.775783] [trace]: Repaired Roofs.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.775797] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:13.775808] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.775821] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:13.775879] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Repaired Roofs.esp"): 3312ff11 [03:34:13.775898] [trace]: Repaired Roofs.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.775907] [trace]: Repaired Roofs.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.775917] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Repaired Roofs.esp" is active. [03:34:13.775946] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp"): 470f40a1 [03:34:13.775967] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.775977] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.775986] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" is active. [03:34:13.776761] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.776781] [trace]: Loading CleaningStation.esp [03:34:13.776920] [trace]: CleaningStation.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.776933] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CleaningStation.esp [03:34:13.777019] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CleaningStation.esp"): a8cab23b [03:34:13.777038] [trace]: CleaningStation.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.777050] [trace]: CleaningStation.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.777061] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CleaningStation.esp" is active. [03:34:13.778622] [trace]: Idiot Slut.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.778644] [trace]: Loading Wireless Power.esp [03:34:13.778769] [trace]: Wireless Power.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.778782] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Wireless Power.esp [03:34:13.778867] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Wireless Power.esp"): d20e46a2 [03:34:13.778886] [trace]: Wireless Power.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.778896] [trace]: Wireless Power.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.778903] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Wireless Power.esp" is active. [03:34:13.779467] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.779486] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:13.779590] [trace]: Repaired Roofs.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.779610] [trace]: Loading MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:13.779738] [trace]: MeanMachineEyes.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.779751] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:13.779835] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\MeanMachineEyes.esp"): e8d97ad4 [03:34:13.779855] [trace]: MeanMachineEyes.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.779868] [trace]: MeanMachineEyes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.779877] [debug]: Checking if plugin "MeanMachineEyes.esp" is active. [03:34:13.780868] [trace]: CleaningStation.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.780888] [trace]: Loading ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:13.781012] [trace]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.781025] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:13.781113] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl"): 46cb130b [03:34:13.781132] [trace]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.781142] [trace]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.781153] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" is active. [03:34:13.781589] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.781603] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:13.781686] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp"): 6b51a929 [03:34:13.781705] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.781717] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.781725] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.782061] [trace]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.782081] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:13.782205] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.782217] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:13.782270] [trace]: Wireless Power.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.782290] [trace]: Loading SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:13.782311] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp"): b51087de [03:34:13.782330] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.782340] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.782348] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.782437] [trace]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.782452] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:13.782538] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SuperNaturalEyes.esp"): 74742c2c [03:34:13.782561] [trace]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.782573] [trace]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.782580] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" is active. [03:34:13.783572] [trace]: MeanMachineEyes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.783594] [trace]: Loading HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:13.783721] [trace]: HoloTime_2.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.783734] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:13.783820] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HoloTime_2.esp"): b4a9daf [03:34:13.783839] [trace]: HoloTime_2.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.783849] [trace]: HoloTime_2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.783858] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HoloTime_2.esp" is active. [03:34:13.785337] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.785358] [trace]: Loading Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:13.785482] [trace]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.785498] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:13.785586] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Bashed Patch, 0.esp"): 62aab77c [03:34:13.785605] [trace]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.785614] [trace]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.785624] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" is active. [03:34:13.785827] [trace]: HoloTime_2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.785846] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:13.785958] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.785970] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:13.786026] [trace]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.786045] [trace]: Loading Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:13.786060] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp"): 572ea927 [03:34:13.786079] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.786089] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.786096] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" is active. [03:34:13.786166] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.786184] [trace]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.786198] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:13.786213] [trace]: Loading NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:13.786284] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp"): 1a1417f1 [03:34:13.786304] [trace]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.786315] [trace]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.786326] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" is active. [03:34:13.786338] [trace]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.786351] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:13.786452] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl"): 934963ce [03:34:13.786471] [trace]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.786480] [trace]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.786488] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" is active. [03:34:13.789647] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.789667] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:13.789790] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.789804] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:13.789822] [trace]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.789843] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:13.789898] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp"): 1e652cd1 [03:34:13.789911] [trace]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.789927] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.789938] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.789945] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:13.789974] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:13.789988] [trace]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.790003] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:13.790095] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModificationMisc.esp"): becba1f0 [03:34:13.790112] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.790126] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:13.790139] [trace]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.790151] [trace]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.790158] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" is active. [03:34:13.790214] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp"): c567fe75 [03:34:13.790234] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.790247] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.790255] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" is active. [03:34:13.790328] [trace]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.790348] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:13.790483] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.790497] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:13.793749] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp"): 188d01c [03:34:13.793798] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.793815] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.793824] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" is active. [03:34:13.796097] [trace]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.796140] [trace]: Loading Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:13.796335] [trace]: Clear Underwater View.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.796349] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:13.796456] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Clear Underwater View.esp"): bc4e7387 [03:34:13.796476] [trace]: Clear Underwater View.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.796486] [trace]: Clear Underwater View.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.796550] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Clear Underwater View.esp" is active. [03:34:13.797643] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.797676] [trace]: Loading ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:13.797840] [trace]: ConvenientStores.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.797855] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:13.797983] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ConvenientStores.esp"): f9a1bc58 [03:34:13.798002] [trace]: ConvenientStores.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.798013] [trace]: ConvenientStores.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.798023] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ConvenientStores.esp" is active. [03:34:13.798860] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.798886] [trace]: Loading settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:13.799012] [trace]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.799026] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:13.799122] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp"): 22f85935 [03:34:13.799145] [trace]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.799155] [trace]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.799165] [debug]: Checking if plugin "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" is active. [03:34:13.799649] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.799676] [trace]: Loading PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:13.799822] [trace]: PrimeArmor.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.799835] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:13.799941] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\PrimeArmor.esp"): f8cfceb4 [03:34:13.799961] [trace]: PrimeArmor.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.799971] [trace]: PrimeArmor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.799980] [debug]: Checking if plugin "PrimeArmor.esp" is active. [03:34:13.800381] [trace]: Clear Underwater View.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.800402] [trace]: Loading More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:13.800538] [trace]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.800551] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:13.800660] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp"): 55a1429c [03:34:13.800680] [trace]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.800689] [trace]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.800697] [debug]: Checking if plugin "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" is active. [03:34:13.801867] [trace]: ConvenientStores.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.801889] [trace]: Loading Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:13.802031] [trace]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.802044] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:13.802114] [trace]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.802138] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:13.802171] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Better Vendor Stalls.esp"): 9196c900 [03:34:13.802192] [trace]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.802203] [trace]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.802213] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" is active. [03:34:13.802284] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.802298] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:13.802403] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp"): 32a75cf6 [03:34:13.802422] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.802433] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.802443] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" is active. [03:34:13.803495] [trace]: PrimeArmor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.803516] [trace]: Loading FutaFEV.esp [03:34:13.803669] [trace]: FutaFEV.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.803684] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FutaFEV.esp [03:34:13.803801] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FutaFEV.esp"): 87589738 [03:34:13.803821] [trace]: FutaFEV.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.803832] [trace]: FutaFEV.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.803842] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FutaFEV.esp" is active. [03:34:13.804442] [trace]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.804468] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:13.804606] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.804620] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:13.804742] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp"): 7b5e3c05 [03:34:13.804761] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.804771] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.804779] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is active. [03:34:13.805768] [trace]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.805789] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:13.805963] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.805976] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:13.806066] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.806088] [trace]: Loading tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:13.806115] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp"): f7a6f4dd [03:34:13.806135] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.806150] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.806158] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" is active. [03:34:13.806244] [trace]: tao_catsuit.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.806256] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:13.806365] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\tao_catsuit.esp"): cfdd827a [03:34:13.806383] [trace]: tao_catsuit.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.806396] [trace]: tao_catsuit.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.806406] [debug]: Checking if plugin "tao_catsuit.esp" is active. [03:34:13.807454] [trace]: FutaFEV.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.807477] [trace]: Loading UMD - A.esp [03:34:13.807723] [trace]: UMD - A.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.807739] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\UMD - A.esp [03:34:13.807870] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\UMD - A.esp"): 9d53df4c [03:34:13.807927] [trace]: UMD - A.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.807941] [trace]: UMD - A.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.807950] [debug]: Checking if plugin "UMD - A.esp" is active. [03:34:13.808664] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.808689] [trace]: Loading CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:13.808827] [trace]: CleanInstitute.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.808841] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:13.808969] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CleanInstitute.esp"): 71016518 [03:34:13.808988] [trace]: CleanInstitute.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.808998] [trace]: CleanInstitute.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.809008] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CleanInstitute.esp" is active. [03:34:13.809674] [trace]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.809697] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:13.809845] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.809858] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:13.809998] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 1dd98e57 [03:34:13.810019] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.810031] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.810041] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" is active. [03:34:13.810833] [trace]: tao_catsuit.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.810855] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:13.811002] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.811016] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:13.811142] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp"): 2415e068 [03:34:13.811162] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.811173] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.811181] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.811544] [trace]: UMD - A.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.811565] [trace]: Loading Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:13.811702] [trace]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.811715] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:13.811849] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Institute NIRA Vendor.esp"): 742fc351 [03:34:13.811869] [trace]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.811880] [trace]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.811887] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" is active. [03:34:13.812733] [trace]: CleanInstitute.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.812752] [trace]: Loading Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:13.812887] [trace]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.812900] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:13.813035] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Clean Water - Crystal.esp"): dcc5af8f [03:34:13.813054] [trace]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.813064] [trace]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.813073] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" is active. [03:34:13.813468] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.813489] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.813633] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.813647] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.813792] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp"): e22620a2 [03:34:13.813812] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.813823] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.813831] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" is active. [03:34:13.814627] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.814648] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:13.814803] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.814816] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:13.814946] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp"): bf164f43 [03:34:13.814965] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.814978] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.814988] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" is active. [03:34:13.815521] [trace]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.815543] [trace]: Loading NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:13.815687] [trace]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.815700] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:13.815835] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC-FarHarbor.esp"): 852ed244 [03:34:13.815856] [trace]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.815866] [trace]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.815875] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" is active. [03:34:13.816834] [trace]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.816855] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:13.817022] [trace]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.817035] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:13.817173] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl"): 78471202 [03:34:13.817193] [trace]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.817208] [trace]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.817216] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" is active. [03:34:13.817239] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.817259] [trace]: Loading Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:13.817427] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.817443] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:13.817610] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Craftable Armor Size.esp"): d581d0b6 [03:34:13.817631] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.817645] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.817653] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable Armor Size.esp" is active. [03:34:13.817872] [trace]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.817896] [trace]: Loading Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:13.818053] [trace]: Glowing Eyes.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.818067] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:13.818210] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Glowing Eyes.esp"): d7212f86 [03:34:13.818231] [trace]: Glowing Eyes.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.818243] [trace]: Glowing Eyes.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.818251] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Glowing Eyes.esp" is active. [03:34:13.818986] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.819008] [trace]: Loading NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:13.819138] [trace]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.819151] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:13.819286] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC-NukaWorld.esp"): b8a870a2 [03:34:13.819305] [trace]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.819316] [trace]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.819325] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" is active. [03:34:13.819430] [trace]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.819453] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:13.819586] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.819599] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:13.819743] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp"): e0e3d4 [03:34:13.819761] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.819806] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.819816] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" is active. [03:34:13.821502] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.821523] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:13.821690] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.821704] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:13.821749] [trace]: Glowing Eyes.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.821770] [trace]: Loading Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:13.821879] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp"): 403b98f0 [03:34:13.821899] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.821914] [trace]: Immortal Cats 2.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.821928] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:13.821943] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.821954] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" is active. [03:34:13.822081] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Immortal Cats 2.esp"): 2605f3a5 [03:34:13.822101] [trace]: Immortal Cats 2.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.822112] [trace]: Immortal Cats 2.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.822120] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Immortal Cats 2.esp" is active. [03:34:13.822980] [trace]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.823002] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.823152] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.823166] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:13.823305] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp"): d982440f [03:34:13.823325] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.823337] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.823346] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" is active. [03:34:13.823768] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.823789] [trace]: Loading SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:13.823949] [trace]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.823964] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:13.824117] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp"): 31849700 [03:34:13.824137] [trace]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.824151] [trace]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.824160] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" is active. [03:34:13.825568] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.825590] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:13.825749] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.825765] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:13.825951] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp"): e6e63a89 [03:34:13.825971] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.825988] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.825997] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" is active. [03:34:13.826547] [trace]: Immortal Cats 2.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.826569] [trace]: Loading Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:13.826735] [trace]: Sneaky Kills.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.826749] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:13.826918] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Sneaky Kills.esp"): f5c84050 [03:34:13.826937] [trace]: Sneaky Kills.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.826950] [trace]: Sneaky Kills.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.826957] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Sneaky Kills.esp" is active. [03:34:13.827019] [trace]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.827040] [trace]: Loading companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:13.827167] [trace]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.827181] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:13.827332] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp"): 74421b95 [03:34:13.827352] [trace]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.827361] [trace]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.827371] [debug]: Checking if plugin "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" is active. [03:34:13.827457] [trace]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.827477] [trace]: Loading NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:13.827589] [trace]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.827601] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:13.827768] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NQAS - VaultTec.esl"): db7ad516 [03:34:13.827787] [trace]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.827795] [trace]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.827803] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" is active. [03:34:13.829568] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.829590] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:13.829741] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.829757] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:13.829968] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp"): 2cca829c [03:34:13.829988] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.829999] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.830006] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:13.830583] [trace]: Sneaky Kills.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.830603] [trace]: Loading VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:13.830720] [trace]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.830733] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:13.830910] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\VegetableStarchBuilder.esp"): 228fb9fb [03:34:13.830930] [trace]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.830939] [trace]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.830947] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" is active. [03:34:13.831013] [trace]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.831037] [trace]: Loading SaveManager.esp [03:34:13.831173] [trace]: SaveManager.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.831186] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SaveManager.esp [03:34:13.831349] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SaveManager.esp"): 2e7cc9d9 [03:34:13.831368] [trace]: SaveManager.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.831379] [trace]: SaveManager.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.831387] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SaveManager.esp" is active. [03:34:13.831800] [trace]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.831820] [trace]: Loading mso_sms.esp [03:34:13.831967] [trace]: mso_sms.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.831980] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\mso_sms.esp [03:34:13.832151] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\mso_sms.esp"): f295b038 [03:34:13.832170] [trace]: mso_sms.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.832181] [trace]: mso_sms.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.832190] [debug]: Checking if plugin "mso_sms.esp" is active. [03:34:13.833464] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.833484] [trace]: Loading IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:13.833600] [trace]: IFT_Automatron.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.833613] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:13.833843] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\IFT_Automatron.esp"): fcfe74e [03:34:13.833862] [trace]: IFT_Automatron.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.833871] [trace]: IFT_Automatron.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.833879] [debug]: Checking if plugin "IFT_Automatron.esp" is active. [03:34:13.834172] [trace]: SaveManager.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.834191] [trace]: Loading Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:13.834322] [trace]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.834336] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:13.834506] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp"): 7fabaeb2 [03:34:13.834527] [trace]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.834538] [trace]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.834548] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" is active. [03:34:13.834868] [trace]: mso_sms.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.834886] [trace]: Loading Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:13.835071] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.835084] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:13.835218] [trace]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.835237] [trace]: Loading NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:13.835276] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp"): 24acab0a [03:34:13.835296] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.835312] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.835320] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" is active. [03:34:13.835353] [trace]: NQAS - Automatron.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.835367] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:13.835581] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NQAS - Automatron.esl"): b0de357b [03:34:13.835609] [trace]: NQAS - Automatron.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.835619] [trace]: NQAS - Automatron.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.835627] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NQAS - Automatron.esl" is active. [03:34:13.836617] [trace]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.836637] [trace]: Loading Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:13.836781] [trace]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.836794] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:13.836973] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp"): e9f20003 [03:34:13.836994] [trace]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.837006] [trace]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.837015] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" is active. [03:34:13.837384] [trace]: IFT_Automatron.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.837405] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:13.837587] [trace]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.837600] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:13.837843] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl"): d417ebf5 [03:34:13.837863] [trace]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.837878] [trace]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.837886] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" is active. [03:34:13.838573] [trace]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.838591] [trace]: Loading Pug.esp [03:34:13.838728] [trace]: Pug.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.838740] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Pug.esp [03:34:13.839005] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Pug.esp"): 2a41596d [03:34:13.839026] [trace]: Pug.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.839037] [trace]: Pug.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.839047] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Pug.esp" is active. [03:34:13.839304] [trace]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.839325] [trace]: Loading TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:13.839457] [trace]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.839472] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:13.839693] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp"): 155d561e [03:34:13.839712] [trace]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.839722] [trace]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.839729] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" is active. [03:34:13.839908] [trace]: NQAS - Automatron.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.839933] [trace]: Loading workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:13.840140] [trace]: workShopDashButton.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.840153] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:13.840383] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\workShopDashButton.esp"): db2b28e3 [03:34:13.840396] [trace]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.840412] [trace]: workShopDashButton.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.840426] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:13.840439] [trace]: workShopDashButton.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.840447] [debug]: Checking if plugin "workShopDashButton.esp" is active. [03:34:13.840575] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.840590] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:13.840812] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp"): 7ab58e09 [03:34:13.840831] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.840842] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.840850] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:13.842462] [trace]: Pug.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.842481] [trace]: Loading ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:13.842618] [trace]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.842631] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:13.842953] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ImmersiveFastTravel.esp"): 10ab4fd7 [03:34:13.842973] [trace]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.842983] [trace]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.842991] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" is active. [03:34:13.844173] [trace]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.844193] [trace]: Loading Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:13.844428] [trace]: Crafting Workbench.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.844442] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:13.844648] [trace]: workShopDashButton.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.844668] [trace]: Loading AAF.esm [03:34:13.844679] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Crafting Workbench.esp"): 445fbdcc [03:34:13.844699] [trace]: Crafting Workbench.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.844722] [trace]: Crafting Workbench.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.844730] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Crafting Workbench.esp" is active. [03:34:13.844860] [trace]: AAF.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.844874] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AAF.esm [03:34:13.845114] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AAF.esm"): f4a6844 [03:34:13.845133] [trace]: AAF.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.845145] [trace]: AAF.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.845156] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AAF.esm" is active. [03:34:13.845236] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.845257] [trace]: Loading CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:13.845498] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.845512] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:13.845747] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp"): edf82513 [03:34:13.845767] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.845787] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.845795] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" is active. [03:34:13.846465] [trace]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.846485] [trace]: Loading Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:13.846689] [trace]: Empties - VISFar.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.846702] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:13.847036] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Empties - VISFar.esp"): fe4c81b2 [03:34:13.847056] [trace]: Empties - VISFar.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.847070] [trace]: Empties - VISFar.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.847077] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Empties - VISFar.esp" is active. [03:34:13.848626] [trace]: AAF.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.848647] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:13.848860] [trace]: LegendaryModification.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.848875] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:13.849062] [trace]: Crafting Workbench.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.849083] [trace]: Loading SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:13.849133] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification.esp"): fad3e99d [03:34:13.849154] [trace]: LegendaryModification.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.849172] [trace]: LegendaryModification.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.849179] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification.esp" is active. [03:34:13.849278] [trace]: SpringCleaning.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.849291] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:13.849541] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SpringCleaning.esp"): 2001514d [03:34:13.849560] [trace]: SpringCleaning.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.849576] [trace]: SpringCleaning.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.849586] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SpringCleaning.esp" is active. [03:34:13.850230] [trace]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.850253] [trace]: Loading HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:13.850385] [trace]: HotMamaBoSA.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.850400] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:13.850464] [trace]: Empties - VISFar.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.850482] [trace]: Loading SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:13.850650] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HotMamaBoSA.esp"): 4279a239 [03:34:13.850665] [trace]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.850680] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:13.850696] [trace]: HotMamaBoSA.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.850706] [trace]: HotMamaBoSA.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.850714] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HotMamaBoSA.esp" is active. [03:34:13.851038] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp"): 650c2052 [03:34:13.851058] [trace]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.851071] [trace]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.851079] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.852859] [trace]: LegendaryModification.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.852880] [trace]: Loading 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:13.853064] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.853078] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:13.853398] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp"): 388932a3 [03:34:13.853419] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.853431] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.853439] [debug]: Checking if plugin "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" is active. [03:34:13.853723] [trace]: SpringCleaning.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.853743] [trace]: Loading Shino Poses.esp [03:34:13.853971] [trace]: Shino Poses.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.853985] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Shino Poses.esp [03:34:13.854293] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Shino Poses.esp"): 73c52451 [03:34:13.854313] [trace]: Shino Poses.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.854332] [trace]: Shino Poses.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.854341] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Shino Poses.esp" is active. [03:34:13.854513] [trace]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.854536] [trace]: Loading HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:13.854685] [trace]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.854698] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:13.855042] [trace]: HotMamaBoSA.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.855062] [trace]: Loading Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:13.855104] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp"): f9c31e9c [03:34:13.855124] [trace]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.855134] [trace]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.855142] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" is active. [03:34:13.855293] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.855307] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:13.855614] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Assaultron Combatron.esp"): cadb750f [03:34:13.855634] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.855653] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.855662] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Assaultron Combatron.esp" is active. [03:34:13.856815] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.856835] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:13.856971] [trace]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.856984] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:13.857316] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp"): f1e8c71a [03:34:13.857335] [trace]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.857345] [trace]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.857363] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" is active. [03:34:13.858282] [trace]: Shino Poses.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.858302] [trace]: Loading KSHairdos.esp [03:34:13.858520] [trace]: KSHairdos.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.858534] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\KSHairdos.esp [03:34:13.858550] [trace]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.858569] [trace]: Loading HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:13.858730] [trace]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.858743] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:13.858863] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\KSHairdos.esp"): d4aeb274 [03:34:13.858884] [trace]: KSHairdos.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.858901] [trace]: KSHairdos.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.858909] [debug]: Checking if plugin "KSHairdos.esp" is active. [03:34:13.859258] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp"): 7d6473e2 [03:34:13.859277] [trace]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.859287] [trace]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.859294] [debug]: Checking if plugin "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" is active. [03:34:13.860085] [trace]: Assaultron Combatron.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.860108] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.860305] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.860318] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.860646] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp"): 7efe66e [03:34:13.860666] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.860682] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.860693] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" is active. [03:34:13.861090] [trace]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.861111] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:13.861387] [trace]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.861402] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:13.861742] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp"): 3b7718b1 [03:34:13.861763] [trace]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.861793] [trace]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.861801] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" is active. [03:34:13.862714] [trace]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.862734] [trace]: Loading TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:13.862812] [trace]: KSHairdos.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.862831] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:13.862971] [trace]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.862985] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:13.863065] [trace]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.863078] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:13.863326] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp"): 9fe82c2d [03:34:13.863347] [trace]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.863357] [trace]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.863365] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" is active. [03:34:13.863758] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\TheEyesOfBeauty.esp"): 5b4d499 [03:34:13.863784] [trace]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.863813] [trace]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.863824] [debug]: Checking if plugin "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" is active. [03:34:13.864444] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.864468] [trace]: Loading Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:13.864674] [trace]: Better Cooking Stations.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.864687] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:13.865024] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Better Cooking Stations.esp"): c65e5de [03:34:13.865044] [trace]: Better Cooking Stations.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.865062] [trace]: Better Cooking Stations.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.865071] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Better Cooking Stations.esp" is active. [03:34:13.865254] [trace]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.865277] [trace]: Loading Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:13.865323] [trace]: Better Cooking Stations.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.865342] [trace]: Loading uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:13.865477] [trace]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.865491] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:13.865503] [trace]: Give Me That Bottle.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.865517] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:13.865872] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp"): ef7290ec [03:34:13.865891] [trace]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.865905] [trace]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.865916] [debug]: Checking if plugin "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" is active. [03:34:13.865927] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Give Me That Bottle.esp"): 77879f09 [03:34:13.865948] [trace]: Give Me That Bottle.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.865966] [trace]: Give Me That Bottle.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.865974] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is active. [03:34:13.867203] [trace]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.867222] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:13.867260] [trace]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.867281] [trace]: Loading NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:13.867461] [trace]: NSA All-in-One.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.867474] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:13.867619] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.867635] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:13.867852] [trace]: Give Me That Bottle.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.867870] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NSA All-in-One.esp"): 13e0ae6c [03:34:13.867884] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:13.867897] [trace]: NSA All-in-One.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.867909] [trace]: NSA All-in-One.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.867917] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NSA All-in-One.esp" is active. [03:34:13.868159] [trace]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.868174] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:13.868448] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp"): c8416e6b [03:34:13.868468] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.868496] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.868504] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" is active. [03:34:13.868615] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp"): d3dc0df2 [03:34:13.868636] [trace]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.868665] [trace]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.868673] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" is active. [03:34:13.869146] [trace]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.869167] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:13.869380] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.869394] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:13.869803] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp"): 19f1d156 [03:34:13.869823] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.869839] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.869847] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.871824] [trace]: NSA All-in-One.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.871843] [trace]: Loading Loot Detector.esp [03:34:13.871964] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.871984] [trace]: Loading FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:13.872039] [trace]: Loot Detector.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.872055] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Loot Detector.esp [03:34:13.872099] [trace]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.872119] [trace]: Loading FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:13.872294] [trace]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.872309] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:13.872421] [trace]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.872434] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:13.872478] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Loot Detector.esp"): 1d41a20 [03:34:13.872498] [trace]: Loot Detector.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.872513] [trace]: Loot Detector.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.872521] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Loot Detector.esp" is active. [03:34:13.873085] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FemaleSynths - Core.esp"): d865aab5 [03:34:13.873105] [trace]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.873130] [trace]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.873138] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" is active. [03:34:13.873194] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp"): ca0b3684 [03:34:13.873215] [trace]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.873237] [trace]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.873246] [debug]: Checking if plugin "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" is active. [03:34:13.873433] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.873455] [trace]: Loading SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:13.873928] [trace]: SettlementKeywords.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.873942] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:13.874504] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\SettlementKeywords.esm"): 3f153235 [03:34:13.874525] [trace]: SettlementKeywords.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.874576] [trace]: SettlementKeywords.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.874586] [debug]: Checking if plugin "SettlementKeywords.esm" is active. [03:34:13.875080] [trace]: Loot Detector.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.875103] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:13.875387] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.875403] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:13.875965] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification2LM.esp"): 92702aa2 [03:34:13.875984] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.876013] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.876021] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" is active. [03:34:13.876623] [trace]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.876646] [trace]: Loading The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:13.876744] [trace]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.876765] [trace]: Loading CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:13.876826] [trace]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.876840] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:13.877211] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.877224] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:13.877490] [trace]: SettlementKeywords.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.877509] [trace]: Loading Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:13.877647] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\The Sanctuary Bridge.esp"): edea1bb9 [03:34:13.877669] [trace]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.877683] [trace]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.877691] [debug]: Checking if plugin "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" is active. [03:34:13.877802] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.877816] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:13.878175] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CROSS_Cybernetics.esp"): ae67a839 [03:34:13.878195] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.878234] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.878242] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" is active. [03:34:13.878528] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp"): 6e122d3d [03:34:13.878549] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.878569] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.878579] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" is active. [03:34:13.879452] [trace]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.879473] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.879859] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.879874] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.880903] [trace]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.880924] [trace]: Loading def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:13.880953] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp"): d853a47c [03:34:13.880975] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.881002] [trace]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.881017] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.881026] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.881040] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.881300] [trace]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.881313] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:13.881425] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.881439] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.882092] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\def_inv_scrap_en.esp"): ad87fae9 [03:34:13.882113] [trace]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.882137] [trace]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.882145] [debug]: Checking if plugin "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" is active. [03:34:13.882316] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp"): ae64fec [03:34:13.882335] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.882364] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.882372] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.882486] [trace]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.882507] [trace]: Loading Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:13.882856] [trace]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.882871] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:13.883694] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp"): d87e0f88 [03:34:13.883714] [trace]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.883736] [trace]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.883747] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" is active. [03:34:13.884600] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.884622] [trace]: Loading Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:13.884888] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.884902] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:13.885717] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.885737] [trace]: Loading LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:13.886114] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.886128] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:13.886290] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp"): 1edd0903 [03:34:13.886312] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.886325] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.886333] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" is active. [03:34:13.886838] [trace]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.886859] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.887067] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp"): eea2a328 [03:34:13.887089] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.887139] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.887148] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" is active. [03:34:13.887181] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.887196] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:13.887703] [trace]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.887724] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:13.887875] [trace]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.887889] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:13.888034] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp"): 8a4f4c0d [03:34:13.888054] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.888077] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.888086] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.888783] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp"): 16cf775e [03:34:13.888803] [trace]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.888815] [trace]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.888823] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" is active. [03:34:13.889976] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.889999] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:13.890124] [trace]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.890137] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:13.891648] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl"): 7375d89e [03:34:13.891689] [trace]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.891703] [trace]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.891711] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" is active. [03:34:13.892031] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.892054] [trace]: Loading UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:13.892331] [trace]: UniqueUniques.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.892345] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:13.892577] [trace]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.892600] [trace]: Loading Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:13.892684] [trace]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.892705] [trace]: Loading RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:13.892867] [trace]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.892881] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:13.892987] [trace]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.893003] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:13.893281] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\UniqueUniques.esp"): 1ac3385e [03:34:13.893303] [trace]: UniqueUniques.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.893323] [trace]: UniqueUniques.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.893333] [debug]: Checking if plugin "UniqueUniques.esp" is active. [03:34:13.893855] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp"): 9b3e3585 [03:34:13.893878] [trace]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.893889] [trace]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.893897] [debug]: Checking if plugin "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" is active. [03:34:13.895257] [trace]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.895296] [trace]: Loading Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:13.895701] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.895717] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:13.896677] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp"): 69340fd9 [03:34:13.896711] [trace]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.896735] [trace]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.896744] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" is active. [03:34:13.896820] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp"): 1e42f34c [03:34:13.896845] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.896869] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.896880] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.900578] [trace]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.900615] [trace]: Loading XXXMags.esp [03:34:13.900671] [trace]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.900693] [trace]: Loading galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:13.900722] [trace]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.900748] [trace]: Loading Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:13.901005] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.901020] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:13.901073] [trace]: XXXMags.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.901087] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\XXXMags.esp [03:34:13.901552] [trace]: UniqueUniques.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.901573] [trace]: Loading Auto Loot.esp [03:34:13.901840] [trace]: Auto Loot.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.901853] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Auto Loot.esp [03:34:13.902212] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp"): d82f2b7e [03:34:13.902236] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.902248] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.902256] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" is active. [03:34:13.902840] [trace]: galacticzone-repaird.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.902854] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:13.902903] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Auto Loot.esp"): eb53e9c3 [03:34:13.902923] [trace]: Auto Loot.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.902939] [trace]: Auto Loot.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.902950] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Auto Loot.esp" is active. [03:34:13.903152] [trace]: Auto Loot.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.903169] [trace]: Loading VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:13.903525] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\XXXMags.esp"): c2a56b9f [03:34:13.903550] [trace]: XXXMags.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.903571] [trace]: XXXMags.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.903579] [debug]: Checking if plugin "XXXMags.esp" is active. [03:34:13.903748] [trace]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.903762] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:13.904209] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\galacticzone-repaird.esp"): fceda4f5 [03:34:13.904232] [trace]: galacticzone-repaird.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.904399] [trace]: galacticzone-repaird.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.904408] [debug]: Checking if plugin "galacticzone-repaird.esp" is active. [03:34:13.904995] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp"): e47bd98a [03:34:13.905015] [trace]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.905063] [trace]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.905073] [debug]: Checking if plugin "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" is active. [03:34:13.905498] [trace]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.905518] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:13.905641] [trace]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.905656] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:13.906978] [trace]: XXXMags.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.906998] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:13.907107] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl"): a771d2a7 [03:34:13.907127] [trace]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.907137] [trace]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.907145] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" is active. [03:34:13.907908] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.907924] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:13.907961] [trace]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.907984] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:13.908133] [trace]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.908146] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:13.908898] [trace]: galacticzone-repaird.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.908918] [trace]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.908935] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:13.908948] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:13.909077] [trace]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.909090] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:13.909105] [trace]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.909117] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:13.909638] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl"): 9d008b97 [03:34:13.909662] [trace]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.909672] [trace]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.909680] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" is active. [03:34:13.910354] [trace]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.910372] [trace]: Loading LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:13.910542] [trace]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.910557] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:13.910606] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl"): c00cb57c [03:34:13.910628] [trace]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.910639] [trace]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.910647] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" is active. [03:34:13.910802] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop02.esm"): 83abc821 [03:34:13.910817] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl"): d690e561 [03:34:13.910834] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.910843] [trace]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.910856] [trace]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.910865] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" is active. [03:34:13.910917] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.910926] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop02.esm" is active. [03:34:13.911376] [trace]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.911396] [trace]: Loading ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:13.911545] [trace]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.911559] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:13.911695] [trace]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.911715] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:13.912208] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.912222] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:13.912264] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp"): 7e126ac5 [03:34:13.912289] [trace]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.912304] [trace]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.912312] [debug]: Checking if plugin "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" is active. [03:34:13.912402] [trace]: DLCworkshop02.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.912425] [trace]: Loading ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:13.913044] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl"): ff8254bf [03:34:13.913066] [trace]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.913077] [trace]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.913085] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" is active. [03:34:13.913724] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp"): da173780 [03:34:13.913748] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.913779] [trace]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.913794] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.913803] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.913817] [trace]: Loading ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:13.914520] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.914534] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:13.914578] [trace]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.914594] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:13.916018] [trace]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.916039] [trace]: Loading StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:13.916291] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp"): 191c9620 [03:34:13.916313] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.916363] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.916371] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.916732] [trace]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.916748] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:13.917338] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.917361] [trace]: Loading NVUMP.esp [03:34:13.917950] [trace]: NVUMP.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.917964] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NVUMP.esp [03:34:13.918543] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm"): 5d82b4dd [03:34:13.918576] [trace]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.918913] [trace]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.918922] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" is active. [03:34:13.919386] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp"): 8b879b1d [03:34:13.919413] [trace]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.919452] [trace]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.919473] [trace]: Loading ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:13.919484] [trace]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.919493] [debug]: Checking if plugin "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" is active. [03:34:13.919777] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NVUMP.esp"): 5139c49f [03:34:13.919798] [trace]: NVUMP.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.919837] [trace]: NVUMP.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.919850] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NVUMP.esp" is active. [03:34:13.919964] [trace]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.919984] [trace]: Loading ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:13.920564] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.920613] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:13.921888] [trace]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.921904] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:13.922175] [trace]: NVUMP.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.922196] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:13.922598] [trace]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.922618] [trace]: Loading Femout4.esp [03:34:13.923030] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.923045] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:13.923209] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ArmorKeywords.esm"): 602cfd1a [03:34:13.923232] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.923303] [trace]: Femout4.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.923317] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4.esp [03:34:13.923329] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.923340] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ArmorKeywords.esm" is active. [03:34:13.923484] [trace]: ArmorKeywords.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.923504] [trace]: Loading The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:13.924617] [trace]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.924631] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:13.925818] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop01.esm"): 47bae27e [03:34:13.925842] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.925912] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.925921] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop01.esm" is active. [03:34:13.926557] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Femout4.esp"): db7e478a [03:34:13.926584] [trace]: Femout4.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.926614] [trace]: Femout4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.926623] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Femout4.esp" is active. [03:34:13.927165] [trace]: DLCworkshop01.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.927185] [trace]: Loading Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:13.927549] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp"): d8938613 [03:34:13.927572] [trace]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.927687] [trace]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.927696] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" is active. [03:34:13.927711] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\The Eyes Of Beauty.esp"): a7244941 [03:34:13.927734] [trace]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.927857] [trace]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.927869] [debug]: Checking if plugin "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" is active. [03:34:13.928236] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.928251] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:13.930256] [trace]: Femout4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.930275] [trace]: Loading BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:13.931378] [trace]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.931399] [trace]: Loading DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:13.931492] [trace]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.931512] [trace]: Loading AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:13.931551] [trace]: BetterModDescriptions.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.931566] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:13.931951] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Armorsmith Extended.esp"): 232590b7 [03:34:13.931979] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.932056] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.932066] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Armorsmith Extended.esp" is active. [03:34:13.932174] [trace]: AerysNPCs.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.932188] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:13.935054] [trace]: Armorsmith Extended.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.935074] [trace]: Loading DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:13.935246] [trace]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.935259] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:13.935519] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\BetterModDescriptions.esp"): 340ce2c0 [03:34:13.935541] [trace]: BetterModDescriptions.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.935607] [trace]: BetterModDescriptions.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.935616] [debug]: Checking if plugin "BetterModDescriptions.esp" is active. [03:34:13.936446] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.936461] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:13.937415] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AerysNPCs.esp"): 9122ac47 [03:34:13.937439] [trace]: AerysNPCs.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.937459] [trace]: AerysNPCs.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.937467] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AerysNPCs.esp" is active. [03:34:13.939156] [trace]: BetterModDescriptions.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.939179] [trace]: Loading StartMeUp.esp [03:34:13.940583] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.940598] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\StartMeUp.esp [03:34:13.940637] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DP_CaravanShotgun.esp"): 963fa9ca [03:34:13.940661] [trace]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.940677] [trace]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.940684] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" is active. [03:34:13.940751] [trace]: AerysNPCs.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.940771] [trace]: Loading NAC.esm [03:34:13.942108] [trace]: NAC.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.942124] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC.esm [03:34:13.942234] [trace]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.942255] [trace]: Loading CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:13.943541] [trace]: CheatTerminal.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.943555] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:13.946863] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\StartMeUp.esp"): e2861fa [03:34:13.946887] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.946963] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.946975] [debug]: Checking if plugin "StartMeUp.esp" is active. [03:34:13.949145] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCworkshop03.esm"): e0089fbb [03:34:13.949172] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.949608] [trace]: StartMeUp.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.949629] [trace]: Loading Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:13.949698] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.949706] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCworkshop03.esm" is active. [03:34:13.950016] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\NAC.esm"): 417137fe [03:34:13.950040] [trace]: NAC.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.950103] [trace]: NAC.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.950114] [debug]: Checking if plugin "NAC.esm" is active. [03:34:13.951212] [trace]: DLCworkshop03.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.951232] [trace]: Loading DLCRobot.esm [03:34:13.951795] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\CheatTerminal.esp"): 65ad5a89 [03:34:13.951822] [trace]: CheatTerminal.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.951896] [trace]: CheatTerminal.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.951907] [debug]: Checking if plugin "CheatTerminal.esp" is active. [03:34:13.952374] [trace]: NAC.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.952393] [trace]: Loading Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:13.952612] [trace]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.952627] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:13.952824] [trace]: CheatTerminal.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.952846] [trace]: Loading Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:13.956725] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.956742] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:13.957131] [trace]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.957146] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:13.969840] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp"): 63ece29c [03:34:13.969886] [trace]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.970070] [trace]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.970084] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" is active. [03:34:13.970419] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:13.970435] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCRobot.esm [03:34:13.973424] [trace]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.973452] [trace]: Loading AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:13.974674] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp"): f6cfea33 [03:34:13.974702] [trace]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.975027] [trace]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.975040] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" is active. [03:34:13.978122] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp"): c7ec2840 [03:34:13.978155] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:13.978357] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:13.978377] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Delev [03:34:13.978387] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Invent [03:34:13.978400] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Extracted Bash Tag: Names [03:34:13.978408] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is active. [03:34:13.978418] [trace]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.978443] [trace]: Loading 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:13.981286] [trace]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:13.981312] [trace]: Loading DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:14.008956] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCRobot.esm"): d69027ea [03:34:14.009010] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:14.010791] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:14.010807] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCRobot.esm" is active. [03:34:14.012099] [trace]: DLCRobot.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:14.012125] [trace]: Loading DLCCoast.esm [03:34:14.015908] [trace]: AA FusionCityRising.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:14.015936] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.016708] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Caching CRC value. [03:34:14.016726] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.065668] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\AA FusionCityRising.esp"): 792063f3 [03:34:14.065718] [trace]: AA FusionCityRising.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:14.070136] [trace]: AA FusionCityRising.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:14.070161] [debug]: Checking if plugin "AA FusionCityRising.esp" is active. [03:34:14.073615] [trace]: AA FusionCityRising.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:14.073644] [trace]: Loading Fallout4.esm [03:34:14.073816] [trace]: Fallout4.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:14.073830] [debug]: Checking if plugin "Fallout4.esm" is active. [03:34:14.075426] [trace]: Fallout4.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:14.085186] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\3DNPC_FO4.esp"): bcbc3b1b [03:34:14.085229] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:14.088437] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:14.088468] [debug]: Checking if plugin "3DNPC_FO4.esp" is active. [03:34:14.088629] [trace]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:14.104288] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:14.104319] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:14.146117] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Caching CRC value. [03:34:14.146150] [trace]: Calculating CRC for: C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCCoast.esm [03:34:14.393901] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCNukaWorld.esm"): 43d25c56 [03:34:14.393987] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:14.407915] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:14.407954] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCNukaWorld.esm" is active. [03:34:14.409514] [trace]: DLCNukaWorld.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:14.482102] [debug]: CRC32("C:\vidya\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\DLCCoast.esm"): f1f28026 [03:34:14.482151] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Counting override FormIDs. [03:34:14.495933] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Attempting to extract Bash Tags from the description. [03:34:14.495968] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [03:34:14.497490] [trace]: DLCCoast.esm: Plugin loading complete. [03:34:14.497758] [info]: Merging masterlist, userlist into plugin list, evaluating conditions and checking for install validity. [03:34:14.504721] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:14.504870] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:14.504891] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "10SPECIAL.esp" [03:34:14.504905] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:14.505030] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:14.505042] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "300%pipboy.esp" [03:34:14.505051] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:14.505177] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:14.505188] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" [03:34:14.505198] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.505321] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.505332] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "3DNPC_FO4.esp" [03:34:14.505341] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:14.505466] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:14.505478] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "500%NoShadows.esp" [03:34:14.505487] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.505613] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.505624] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "AA FusionCityRising.esp" [03:34:14.505638] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin AAF.esm [03:34:14.505901] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:14.505943] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "AAF.esm" [03:34:14.505965] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:14.506197] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:14.506208] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "AerysNPCs.esp" [03:34:14.506217] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:14.506349] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:14.506368] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ArmorKeywords.esm" [03:34:14.506378] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:14.506504] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:14.506516] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" [03:34:14.506525] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.506675] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.506705] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Armorsmith Extended.esp" [03:34:14.506728] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:14.506855] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:14.506866] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" [03:34:14.506875] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:14.507001] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:14.507013] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Assaultron Combatron.esp" [03:34:14.507021] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:14.507146] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:14.507158] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Atomic Lust.esp" [03:34:14.507168] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Auto Loot.esp [03:34:14.507290] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:14.507301] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Auto Loot.esp" [03:34:14.507312] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:14.507497] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:14.507509] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" [03:34:14.507520] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:14.507672] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:14.507689] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:14.507700] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("Smashed Patch.esp") [03:34:14.507713] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" [03:34:14.507723] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:14.507852] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:14.507864] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Better Cooking Stations.esp" [03:34:14.507875] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:14.508008] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:14.508022] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" [03:34:14.508033] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:14.508158] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:14.508169] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BetterGenerators.esp" [03:34:14.508178] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:14.508303] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:14.508315] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BetterModDescriptions.esp" [03:34:14.508327] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.508456] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.508468] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" [03:34:14.508477] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.508604] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.508615] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" [03:34:14.508624] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.508838] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.508850] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" [03:34:14.508859] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin bifurious.esp [03:34:14.509069] [trace]: Merging metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:14.509109] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "bifurious.esp" [03:34:14.509118] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BottelingWater.esp [03:34:14.509316] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:14.509330] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BottelingWater.esp" [03:34:14.509340] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:14.509466] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:14.509480] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "BuildPaStation.esp" [03:34:14.509490] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:14.509632] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:14.509658] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CarryWeight2000.esp" [03:34:14.509680] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:14.509810] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:14.509822] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" [03:34:14.509832] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CBBE.esp [03:34:14.509959] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:14.509976] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CBBE.esp" [03:34:14.509986] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:14.510143] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:14.510156] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" [03:34:14.510165] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:14.510292] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:14.510304] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" [03:34:14.510314] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:14.510514] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:14.510542] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" [03:34:14.510552] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:14.510741] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:14.510757] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" [03:34:14.510767] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:14.510956] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:14.510982] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" [03:34:14.510992] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:14.511136] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:14.511177] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" [03:34:14.511187] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:14.511375] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:14.511417] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" [03:34:14.511427] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:14.511622] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:14.511649] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" [03:34:14.511659] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:14.511859] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:14.511883] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" [03:34:14.511892] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:14.512021] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:14.512033] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" [03:34:14.512043] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:14.512202] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:14.512229] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" [03:34:14.512253] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:14.512466] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:14.512479] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" [03:34:14.512490] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:14.512634] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:14.512663] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CheatTerminal.esp" [03:34:14.512687] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:14.512827] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:14.512841] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" [03:34:14.512850] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CleaningStation.esp [03:34:14.513037] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:14.513061] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CleaningStation.esp" [03:34:14.513069] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:14.513239] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:14.513268] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CleanInstitute.esp" [03:34:14.513277] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:14.513510] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:14.513524] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Clear Underwater View.esp" [03:34:14.513534] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:14.513750] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:14.513764] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" [03:34:14.513774] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:14.514034] [trace]: Merging metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:14.514048] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" [03:34:14.514058] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:14.514203] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:14.514215] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ConvenientStores.esp" [03:34:14.514224] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:14.514352] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:14.514366] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" [03:34:14.514376] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.514517] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.514541] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Craftable Armor Size.esp" [03:34:14.514550] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:14.514752] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:14.514764] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" [03:34:14.514774] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:14.514907] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:14.514924] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Crafting Workbench.esp" [03:34:14.514934] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:14.515072] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:14.515086] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" [03:34:14.515096] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:14.515231] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:14.515245] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" [03:34:14.515255] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:14.515394] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:14.515425] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" [03:34:14.515448] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:14.515663] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:14.515681] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" [03:34:14.515691] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:14.515878] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:14.515893] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" [03:34:14.515902] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:14.516029] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:14.516039] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" [03:34:14.516049] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:14.516175] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:14.516186] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" [03:34:14.516195] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:14.516324] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:14.516335] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" [03:34:14.516346] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:14.516472] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:14.516483] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" [03:34:14.516492] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:14.516627] [trace]: Merging metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:14.516653] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" [03:34:14.516677] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.516843] [trace]: Merging metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.516856] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "def_mcm.esp" [03:34:14.516867] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:14.516994] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:14.517005] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" [03:34:14.517014] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DLCCoast.esm [03:34:14.517143] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:14.517163] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DLCCoast.esm" [03:34:14.517174] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:14.517306] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:14.517347] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DLCNukaWorld.esm" [03:34:14.517358] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DLCRobot.esm [03:34:14.517486] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:14.517500] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DLCRobot.esm" [03:34:14.517510] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:14.517664] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:14.517680] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DLCworkshop01.esm" [03:34:14.517690] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:14.517826] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:14.517849] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DLCworkshop02.esm" [03:34:14.517860] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:14.517998] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:14.518031] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DLCworkshop03.esm" [03:34:14.518043] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:14.518174] [trace]: Merging metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:14.518186] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "doubleperkbonus.esp" [03:34:14.518195] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:14.518325] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:14.518337] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" [03:34:14.518346] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.518521] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.518533] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" [03:34:14.518542] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:14.518672] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:14.518683] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Easier Cat Cages.esp" [03:34:14.518692] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:14.518823] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:14.518834] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" [03:34:14.518843] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:14.518974] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:14.518985] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Easy Lockpick.esp" [03:34:14.518994] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:14.519123] [trace]: Merging metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:14.519134] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "EasyLockpicking.esp" [03:34:14.519144] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:14.519273] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:14.519285] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Empties - VISFar.esp" [03:34:14.519294] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:14.519425] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:14.519437] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ExtendedHairColors.esp" [03:34:14.519449] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Fallout4.esm [03:34:14.519665] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:14.519677] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Fallout4.esm" [03:34:14.519686] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:14.519818] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:14.519829] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" [03:34:14.519839] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:14.519996] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:14.520008] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" [03:34:14.520017] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:14.520147] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:14.520158] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" [03:34:14.520168] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:14.520298] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:14.520309] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "FemMutieBETA.esp" [03:34:14.520318] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.520449] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.520460] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" [03:34:14.520470] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:14.520603] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:14.520615] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" [03:34:14.520625] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:14.520758] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:14.520773] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" [03:34:14.520783] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Femout4.esp [03:34:14.520911] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:14.520922] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Femout4.esp" [03:34:14.520931] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:14.521063] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:14.521074] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" [03:34:14.521084] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:14.521213] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:14.521224] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" [03:34:14.521233] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin FutaFEV.esp [03:34:14.521360] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:14.521371] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "FutaFEV.esp" [03:34:14.521380] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:14.521584] [trace]: Merging metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:14.521609] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "galacticzone-repaird.esp" [03:34:14.521618] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.521763] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.521776] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:14.521787] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:14.521798] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:14.521809] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:14.521823] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("DLCCoast.esm") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9)) [03:34:14.521850] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 814AC32F) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B)) [03:34:14.521874] [trace]: Evaluating condition: not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0)) [03:34:14.521888] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Give Me That Bottle.esp" [03:34:14.521898] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:14.522030] [trace]: Merging metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:14.522041] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" [03:34:14.522050] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:14.522181] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:14.522192] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Glowing Eyes.esp" [03:34:14.522201] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:14.522332] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:14.522344] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" [03:34:14.522353] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:14.522485] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:14.522497] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" [03:34:14.522506] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:14.522634] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:14.522645] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "HoloTime_2.esp" [03:34:14.522654] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:14.522786] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:14.522797] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" [03:34:14.522807] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:14.522941] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:14.522954] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" [03:34:14.522963] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:14.523092] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:14.523103] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "HotMamaBoSA.esp" [03:34:14.523113] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:14.523246] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:14.523258] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" [03:34:14.523267] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:14.523401] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:14.523415] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" [03:34:14.523425] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:14.523592] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:14.523604] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "HouseDress1Fix.esp" [03:34:14.523618] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin HUDFramework.esm [03:34:14.523759] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:14.523774] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "HUDFramework.esm" [03:34:14.523785] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:14.523919] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:14.523931] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Idiot Slut.esp" [03:34:14.523941] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:14.524078] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:14.524090] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "IFT_Automatron.esp" [03:34:14.524099] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:14.524231] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:14.524243] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "IFT_NoFuel.esp" [03:34:14.524252] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:14.524384] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:14.524396] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "IFT_NoQuest.esp" [03:34:14.524406] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:14.524546] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:14.524558] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" [03:34:14.524568] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:14.524817] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:14.524832] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" [03:34:14.524842] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:14.524985] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:14.524998] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Immortal Cats 2.esp" [03:34:14.525008] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:14.525152] [trace]: Merging metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:14.525165] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "InstantVendorsReset.esp" [03:34:14.525174] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:14.525323] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:14.525335] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" [03:34:14.525345] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:14.525491] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:14.525503] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" [03:34:14.525514] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:14.525664] [trace]: Merging metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:14.525676] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "JetPackDrain0.esp" [03:34:14.525686] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:14.525838] [trace]: Merging metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:14.525851] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "JINA Valentine.esp" [03:34:14.525861] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin KSHairdos.esp [03:34:14.526010] [trace]: Merging metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:14.526023] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "KSHairdos.esp" [03:34:14.526033] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:14.526191] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:14.526204] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" [03:34:14.526213] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.526367] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.526379] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" [03:34:14.526389] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:14.526612] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:14.526630] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" [03:34:14.526643] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:14.526857] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:14.526871] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModification.esp" [03:34:14.526882] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:14.527052] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:14.527066] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" [03:34:14.527076] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:14.527242] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:14.527256] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" [03:34:14.527266] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:14.527399] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:14.527427] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" [03:34:14.527449] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:14.527644] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:14.527658] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" [03:34:14.527668] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:14.527821] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:14.527834] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" [03:34:14.527844] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:14.527976] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:14.527989] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" [03:34:14.527998] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin LooksMenu.esp [03:34:14.528124] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:14.528135] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "LooksMenu.esp" [03:34:14.528144] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.528273] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.528285] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Loot Detector.esp" [03:34:14.528311] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:14.528486] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:14.528499] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" [03:34:14.528509] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:14.528694] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:14.528707] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "MeanMachineEyes.esp" [03:34:14.528716] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:14.528869] [trace]: Merging metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:14.528897] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" [03:34:14.528907] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:14.529057] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:14.529071] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" [03:34:14.529081] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.529213] [trace]: Merging metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.529228] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "mso_sms.esp" [03:34:14.529238] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:14.529368] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:14.529385] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NAC-AE Patch.esp" [03:34:14.529396] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:14.529566] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:14.529584] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" [03:34:14.529595] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:14.529758] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:14.529800] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" [03:34:14.529823] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NAC.esm [03:34:14.529978] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:14.529991] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NAC.esm" [03:34:14.530000] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:14.530134] [trace]: Merging metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:14.530146] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" [03:34:14.530156] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:14.530284] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:14.530296] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" [03:34:14.530305] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:14.530433] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:14.530445] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NQAS - Automatron.esl" [03:34:14.530454] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:14.530585] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:14.530596] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" [03:34:14.530606] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:14.530733] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:14.530744] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" [03:34:14.530754] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:14.530882] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:14.530893] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NSA All-in-One.esp" [03:34:14.530903] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:14.531035] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:14.531047] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" [03:34:14.531057] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:14.531190] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:14.531204] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" [03:34:14.531213] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:14.531343] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:14.531354] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NukaVictoryFix.esp" [03:34:14.531365] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin NVUMP.esp [03:34:14.531523] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:14.531535] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "NVUMP.esp" [03:34:14.531544] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:14.531684] [trace]: Merging metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:14.531695] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" [03:34:14.531705] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:14.531834] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:14.531845] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "PA-Quick Animations.esp" [03:34:14.531856] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Passthrough.esp [03:34:14.531983] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:14.531994] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Passthrough.esp" [03:34:14.532003] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:14.532133] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:14.532144] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" [03:34:14.532153] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:14.532282] [trace]: Merging metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:14.532294] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" [03:34:14.532303] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:14.532432] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:14.532444] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" [03:34:14.532453] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:14.532579] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:14.532608] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "PrimeArmor.esp" [03:34:14.532629] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ProfGood.esp [03:34:14.532755] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:14.532766] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ProfGood.esp" [03:34:14.532775] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Pug.esp [03:34:14.532900] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:14.532910] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Pug.esp" [03:34:14.532919] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:14.533051] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:14.533062] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" [03:34:14.533072] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.533096] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.533252] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.533366] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" [03:34:14.533380] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.533404] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.533559] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.533674] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" [03:34:14.533687] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.533711] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.533866] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.533979] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" [03:34:14.533992] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.534017] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.534171] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.534286] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" [03:34:14.534300] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.534324] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.534517] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.534694] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" [03:34:14.534709] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.534735] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.534926] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.535042] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" [03:34:14.535055] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.535079] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.535233] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.535345] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" [03:34:14.535358] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.535387] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.535635] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.535776] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" [03:34:14.535789] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.535812] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.535966] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.536079] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" [03:34:14.536094] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.536118] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.536272] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.536384] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" [03:34:14.536396] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.536421] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.536577] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.536690] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" [03:34:14.536703] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:14.536728] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:14.536883] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:14.536996] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" [03:34:14.537010] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.537033] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.537186] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.537299] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" [03:34:14.537312] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:14.537336] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:14.537491] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:14.537669] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" [03:34:14.537685] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:14.537712] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:14.537839] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:14.537852] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" [03:34:14.537862] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:14.538016] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:14.540207] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" [03:34:14.540240] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:14.540374] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:14.540385] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" [03:34:14.540394] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:14.540524] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:14.540535] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Repaired Roofs.esp" [03:34:14.540544] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin RILF.esp [03:34:14.540672] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:14.540683] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "RILF.esp" [03:34:14.540692] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:14.540822] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:14.540834] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" [03:34:14.540843] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:14.540975] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:14.540987] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" [03:34:14.540996] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:14.541127] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:14.541139] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" [03:34:14.541148] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:14.541281] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:14.541293] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" [03:34:14.541303] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:14.541463] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:14.541474] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" [03:34:14.541484] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.541627] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.541640] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SaveManager.esp" [03:34:14.541663] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:14.541949] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:14.541991] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" [03:34:14.542001] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:14.542291] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:14.542314] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" [03:34:14.542327] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:14.542499] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:14.542515] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" [03:34:14.542526] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:14.542710] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:14.542724] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" [03:34:14.542734] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:14.542874] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:14.542887] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:14.542899] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.40", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", <) [03:34:14.542909] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.49", <) [03:34:14.542923] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SettlementKeywords.esm" [03:34:14.542933] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:14.543067] [trace]: Merging metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:14.543080] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" [03:34:14.543090] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Shino Poses.esp [03:34:14.543218] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:14.543231] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Shino Poses.esp" [03:34:14.543242] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:14.543374] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:14.543386] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" [03:34:14.543396] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:14.543526] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:14.543538] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Sneaky Kills.esp" [03:34:14.543548] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:14.543705] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:14.543717] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SpringCleaning.esp" [03:34:14.543726] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:14.543861] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:14.543874] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" [03:34:14.543883] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:14.544049] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:14.544063] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" [03:34:14.544073] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin StartMeUp.esp [03:34:14.544263] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:14.544285] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "StartMeUp.esp" [03:34:14.544296] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:14.544430] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:14.544443] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Stashable Caps.esp" [03:34:14.544453] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:14.544622] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:14.544634] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" [03:34:14.544644] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:14.544776] [trace]: Merging metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:14.544788] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "tao_catsuit.esp" [03:34:14.544797] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:14.544966] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:14.544994] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" [03:34:14.545018] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:14.545152] [trace]: Merging metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:14.545164] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" [03:34:14.545174] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:14.545309] [trace]: Merging metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:14.545321] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" [03:34:14.545331] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:14.545650] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:14.545682] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" [03:34:14.545695] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:14.545898] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:14.545947] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "TheyWantThatAss.esp" [03:34:14.545958] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin TurretStands.esp [03:34:14.546130] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:14.546143] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "TurretStands.esp" [03:34:14.546166] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin UMD - A.esp [03:34:14.546430] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:14.546480] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "UMD - A.esp" [03:34:14.546491] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:14.546695] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:14.546718] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" [03:34:14.546729] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:14.546882] [trace]: Merging metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:14.546894] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" [03:34:14.546904] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.547056] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.547100] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "UniqueUniques.esp" [03:34:14.547112] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:14.547257] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:14.547269] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Unlimited Sprint.esp" [03:34:14.547279] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:14.547468] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:14.547496] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", >=) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:14.547523] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", <) [03:34:14.547538] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" [03:34:14.547549] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:14.547697] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:14.547709] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" [03:34:14.547719] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:14.547880] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:14.547907] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" [03:34:14.547918] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:14.548088] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:14.548103] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.548116] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" [03:34:14.548126] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:14.548295] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:14.548307] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp") and version("ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp", "9.1", <) [03:34:14.548322] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" [03:34:14.548332] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:14.548510] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:14.548522] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.548532] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:14.548545] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" [03:34:14.548556] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:14.548734] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:14.548794] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" [03:34:14.548805] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:14.548988] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:14.549081] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" [03:34:14.549093] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:14.549277] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:14.549289] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.549305] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" [03:34:14.549318] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:14.549461] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:14.549472] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.549484] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" [03:34:14.549494] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:14.549698] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:14.549834] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.549844] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:14.549856] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" [03:34:14.549869] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:14.550009] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:14.550020] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.550030] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:14.550041] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" [03:34:14.550051] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:14.550194] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:14.550205] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:14.550215] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:14.550227] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" [03:34:14.550236] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550368] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550380] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" [03:34:14.550389] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550568] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550581] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" [03:34:14.550591] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550769] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550781] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" [03:34:14.550791] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550936] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.550948] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" [03:34:14.550958] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.551089] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.551101] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" [03:34:14.551110] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:14.551255] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:14.551354] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" [03:34:14.551366] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:14.551546] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:14.551559] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" [03:34:14.551568] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:14.551714] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:14.551725] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" [03:34:14.551735] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:14.551866] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:14.551878] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" [03:34:14.551887] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:14.552017] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:14.552028] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" [03:34:14.552038] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:14.552167] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:14.552179] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" [03:34:14.552192] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:14.552322] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:14.552334] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "WaterAnywhere.esp" [03:34:14.552344] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:14.552477] [trace]: Merging metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:14.552496] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "weightless bodies and objects.esp" [03:34:14.552509] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:14.552672] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:14.552684] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" [03:34:14.552694] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin Wireless Power.esp [03:34:14.552823] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:14.552835] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "Wireless Power.esp" [03:34:14.552846] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:14.552975] [trace]: Merging metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:14.552987] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "workShopDashButton.esp" [03:34:14.552996] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin XXXMags.esp [03:34:14.553122] [trace]: Merging metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:14.553133] [trace]: Getting and evaluating metadata for plugin "XXXMags.esp" [03:34:14.553188] [info]: Sorting groups according to their load after data [03:34:14.553208] [trace]: Group "DLC" directly loads after groups "" [03:34:14.553217] [trace]: Group "Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative" directly loads after groups "Fixes" [03:34:14.553225] [trace]: Group "Texture Overhauls" directly loads after groups "DLC" [03:34:14.553234] [trace]: Group "Lighting" directly loads after groups "Scrap Everything" [03:34:14.553242] [trace]: Group "Underrides" directly loads after groups "Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative" [03:34:14.553250] [trace]: Group "Fixes" directly loads after groups "Texture Overhauls" [03:34:14.553259] [trace]: Group "Scrap Corpse Highlighting" directly loads after groups "Underrides" [03:34:14.553267] [trace]: Group "default" directly loads after groups "Scrap Corpse Highlighting" [03:34:14.553275] [trace]: Group "Scrap Everything" directly loads after groups "default" [03:34:14.553282] [trace]: Group "Alternate Start" directly loads after groups "Lighting" [03:34:14.553291] [trace]: Group "Dynamic Patches" directly loads after groups "Alternate Start" [03:34:14.553297] [trace]: Checking for cycles in the group graph [03:34:14.553311] [trace]: Group "DLC" transitively loads after groups "" [03:34:14.553322] [trace]: Group "Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative" transitively loads after groups "Fixes, Texture Overhauls, DLC" [03:34:14.553330] [trace]: Group "Texture Overhauls" transitively loads after groups "DLC" [03:34:14.553346] [trace]: Group "Lighting" transitively loads after groups "Scrap Everything, default, Scrap Corpse Highlighting, Underrides, Fixes, Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative, DLC, Texture Overhauls" [03:34:14.553359] [trace]: Group "Underrides" transitively loads after groups "Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative, DLC, Fixes, Texture Overhauls" [03:34:14.553368] [trace]: Group "Fixes" transitively loads after groups "Texture Overhauls, DLC" [03:34:14.553382] [trace]: Group "Scrap Corpse Highlighting" transitively loads after groups "Underrides, Fixes, Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative, DLC, Texture Overhauls" [03:34:14.553396] [trace]: Group "default" transitively loads after groups "Scrap Corpse Highlighting, Underrides, Fixes, Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative, DLC, Texture Overhauls" [03:34:14.553411] [trace]: Group "Scrap Everything" transitively loads after groups "default, Scrap Corpse Highlighting, Underrides, Fixes, Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative, DLC, Texture Overhauls" [03:34:14.553456] [trace]: Group "Alternate Start" transitively loads after groups "Texture Overhauls, Lighting, Scrap Everything, Scrap Corpse Highlighting, default, Fixes, Underrides, DLC, Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative" [03:34:14.553472] [trace]: Group "Dynamic Patches" transitively loads after groups "Alternate Start, Texture Overhauls, Lighting, Scrap Everything, Scrap Corpse Highlighting, default, Fixes, Underrides, Vault-Tec Historical Preservation Initiative, DLC" [03:34:14.553882] [trace]: Plugin "10SPECIAL.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553894] [trace]: Plugin "300%pipboy.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553903] [trace]: Plugin "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553913] [trace]: Plugin "3DNPC_FO4.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553922] [trace]: Plugin "500%NoShadows.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553931] [trace]: Plugin "AA FusionCityRising.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553940] [trace]: Plugin "AAF.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553949] [trace]: Plugin "AerysNPCs.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553958] [trace]: Plugin "ArmorKeywords.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553967] [trace]: Plugin "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553976] [trace]: Plugin "Armorsmith Extended.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553985] [trace]: Plugin "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.553995] [trace]: Plugin "Assaultron Combatron.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554004] [trace]: Plugin "Atomic Lust.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554012] [trace]: Plugin "Auto Loot.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554021] [trace]: Plugin "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554031] [trace]: Plugin "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" belongs to group "Dynamic Patches", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554139] [trace]: Plugin "Better Cooking Stations.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554150] [trace]: Plugin "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554159] [trace]: Plugin "BetterGenerators.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554168] [trace]: Plugin "BetterModDescriptions.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554177] [trace]: Plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554186] [trace]: Plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554195] [trace]: Plugin "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554204] [trace]: Plugin "bifurious.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554213] [trace]: Plugin "BottelingWater.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554222] [trace]: Plugin "BuildPaStation.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554231] [trace]: Plugin "CarryWeight2000.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554240] [trace]: Plugin "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554249] [trace]: Plugin "CBBE.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554259] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554268] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554277] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554286] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554295] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554304] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554313] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554322] [trace]: Plugin "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554331] [trace]: Plugin "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554340] [trace]: Plugin "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554349] [trace]: Plugin "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554358] [trace]: Plugin "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554367] [trace]: Plugin "CheatTerminal.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554376] [trace]: Plugin "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554385] [trace]: Plugin "CleaningStation.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554394] [trace]: Plugin "CleanInstitute.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554403] [trace]: Plugin "Clear Underwater View.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554412] [trace]: Plugin "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554421] [trace]: Plugin "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554430] [trace]: Plugin "ConvenientStores.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554439] [trace]: Plugin "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554448] [trace]: Plugin "Craftable Armor Size.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554457] [trace]: Plugin "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554466] [trace]: Plugin "Crafting Workbench.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554476] [trace]: Plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554487] [trace]: Plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554497] [trace]: Plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554506] [trace]: Plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554515] [trace]: Plugin "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554524] [trace]: Plugin "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554533] [trace]: Plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554542] [trace]: Plugin "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554551] [trace]: Plugin "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554560] [trace]: Plugin "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554572] [trace]: Plugin "def_mcm.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554582] [trace]: Plugin "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554592] [trace]: Plugin "DLCCoast.esm" belongs to group "DLC", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554599] [trace]: Plugin "DLCNukaWorld.esm" belongs to group "DLC", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554606] [trace]: Plugin "DLCRobot.esm" belongs to group "DLC", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554613] [trace]: Plugin "DLCworkshop01.esm" belongs to group "DLC", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554620] [trace]: Plugin "DLCworkshop02.esm" belongs to group "DLC", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554627] [trace]: Plugin "DLCworkshop03.esm" belongs to group "DLC", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554633] [trace]: Plugin "doubleperkbonus.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554642] [trace]: Plugin "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554651] [trace]: Plugin "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554661] [trace]: Plugin "Easier Cat Cages.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554670] [trace]: Plugin "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554679] [trace]: Plugin "Easy Lockpick.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554687] [trace]: Plugin "EasyLockpicking.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554696] [trace]: Plugin "Empties - VISFar.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554705] [trace]: Plugin "ExtendedHairColors.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554714] [trace]: Plugin "Fallout4.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554723] [trace]: Plugin "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554732] [trace]: Plugin "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554741] [trace]: Plugin "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554750] [trace]: Plugin "FemMutieBETA.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554759] [trace]: Plugin "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554768] [trace]: Plugin "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554777] [trace]: Plugin "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554786] [trace]: Plugin "Femout4.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554795] [trace]: Plugin "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554804] [trace]: Plugin "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554812] [trace]: Plugin "FutaFEV.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554821] [trace]: Plugin "galacticzone-repaird.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554830] [trace]: Plugin "Give Me That Bottle.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554839] [trace]: Plugin "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554849] [trace]: Plugin "Glowing Eyes.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554858] [trace]: Plugin "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554867] [trace]: Plugin "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554877] [trace]: Plugin "HoloTime_2.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554886] [trace]: Plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554896] [trace]: Plugin "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554904] [trace]: Plugin "HotMamaBoSA.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554913] [trace]: Plugin "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554922] [trace]: Plugin "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554931] [trace]: Plugin "HouseDress1Fix.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554940] [trace]: Plugin "HUDFramework.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554949] [trace]: Plugin "Idiot Slut.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554958] [trace]: Plugin "IFT_Automatron.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554967] [trace]: Plugin "IFT_NoFuel.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554987] [trace]: Plugin "IFT_NoQuest.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.554997] [trace]: Plugin "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555006] [trace]: Plugin "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555015] [trace]: Plugin "Immortal Cats 2.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555024] [trace]: Plugin "InstantVendorsReset.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555033] [trace]: Plugin "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555041] [trace]: Plugin "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555050] [trace]: Plugin "JetPackDrain0.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555059] [trace]: Plugin "JINA Valentine.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555068] [trace]: Plugin "KSHairdos.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555077] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555086] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555095] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555104] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModification.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555113] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555122] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555131] [trace]: Plugin "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555140] [trace]: Plugin "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555149] [trace]: Plugin "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555158] [trace]: Plugin "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555167] [trace]: Plugin "LooksMenu.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555176] [trace]: Plugin "Loot Detector.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555185] [trace]: Plugin "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555193] [trace]: Plugin "MeanMachineEyes.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555203] [trace]: Plugin "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555213] [trace]: Plugin "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555222] [trace]: Plugin "mso_sms.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555231] [trace]: Plugin "NAC-AE Patch.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555240] [trace]: Plugin "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555248] [trace]: Plugin "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555257] [trace]: Plugin "NAC.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555266] [trace]: Plugin "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555275] [trace]: Plugin "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555284] [trace]: Plugin "NQAS - Automatron.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555293] [trace]: Plugin "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555301] [trace]: Plugin "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555310] [trace]: Plugin "NSA All-in-One.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555319] [trace]: Plugin "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555328] [trace]: Plugin "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555337] [trace]: Plugin "NukaVictoryFix.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555346] [trace]: Plugin "NVUMP.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555355] [trace]: Plugin "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555364] [trace]: Plugin "PA-Quick Animations.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555373] [trace]: Plugin "Passthrough.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555382] [trace]: Plugin "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555391] [trace]: Plugin "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555400] [trace]: Plugin "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555423] [trace]: Plugin "PrimeArmor.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555445] [trace]: Plugin "ProfGood.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555454] [trace]: Plugin "Pug.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555477] [trace]: Plugin "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555502] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555526] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555548] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555557] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555566] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555575] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555584] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555594] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555604] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555613] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555622] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555646] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555655] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555677] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555686] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555695] [trace]: Plugin "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555704] [trace]: Plugin "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555724] [trace]: Plugin "Repaired Roofs.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555734] [trace]: Plugin "RILF.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555743] [trace]: Plugin "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555752] [trace]: Plugin "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555761] [trace]: Plugin "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555771] [trace]: Plugin "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555780] [trace]: Plugin "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555788] [trace]: Plugin "SaveManager.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555797] [trace]: Plugin "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555806] [trace]: Plugin "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" belongs to group "Scrap Everything", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555906] [trace]: Plugin "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555917] [trace]: Plugin "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555926] [trace]: Plugin "SettlementKeywords.esm" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555935] [trace]: Plugin "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555944] [trace]: Plugin "Shino Poses.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555953] [trace]: Plugin "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555962] [trace]: Plugin "Sneaky Kills.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555971] [trace]: Plugin "SpringCleaning.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555980] [trace]: Plugin "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555989] [trace]: Plugin "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.555998] [trace]: Plugin "StartMeUp.esp" belongs to group "Alternate Start", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556089] [trace]: Plugin "Stashable Caps.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556100] [trace]: Plugin "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556110] [trace]: Plugin "tao_catsuit.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556120] [trace]: Plugin "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556129] [trace]: Plugin "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556138] [trace]: Plugin "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556147] [trace]: Plugin "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556156] [trace]: Plugin "TheyWantThatAss.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556164] [trace]: Plugin "TurretStands.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556173] [trace]: Plugin "UMD - A.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556182] [trace]: Plugin "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556191] [trace]: Plugin "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556201] [trace]: Plugin "UniqueUniques.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556210] [trace]: Plugin "Unlimited Sprint.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556219] [trace]: Plugin "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" belongs to group "Fixes", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556228] [trace]: Plugin "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556237] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556246] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556255] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556264] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556273] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556282] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556291] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556299] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556308] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556317] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556326] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556335] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556344] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556353] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556362] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556371] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556380] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556390] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556399] [trace]: Plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556408] [trace]: Plugin "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556417] [trace]: Plugin "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556426] [trace]: Plugin "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556435] [trace]: Plugin "WaterAnywhere.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556444] [trace]: Plugin "weightless bodies and objects.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556453] [trace]: Plugin "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556462] [trace]: Plugin "Wireless Power.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556471] [trace]: Plugin "workShopDashButton.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556483] [trace]: Plugin "XXXMags.esp" belongs to group "default", setting after group plugins [03:34:14.556575] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:14.556685] [info]: Fetched existing load order: [03:34:14.556692] [info]: Fallout4.esm [03:34:14.556699] [info]: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:14.556705] [info]: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:14.556711] [info]: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:14.556717] [info]: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:14.556723] [info]: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:14.556729] [info]: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:14.556735] [info]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:14.556741] [info]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:14.556747] [info]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:14.556753] [info]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:14.556760] [info]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:14.556766] [info]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:14.556772] [info]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:14.556778] [info]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:14.556784] [info]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:14.556790] [info]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:14.556796] [info]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:14.556802] [info]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:14.556808] [info]: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:14.556814] [info]: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:14.556820] [info]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:14.556826] [info]: AAF.esm [03:34:14.556833] [info]: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:14.556838] [info]: NAC.esm [03:34:14.556845] [info]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:14.556851] [info]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:14.556857] [info]: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:14.556863] [info]: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:14.556869] [info]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:14.556875] [info]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:14.556881] [info]: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.556888] [info]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:14.556894] [info]: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:14.556900] [info]: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.556906] [info]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:14.556912] [info]: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:14.556918] [info]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:14.556924] [info]: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:14.556931] [info]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:14.556937] [info]: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:14.556943] [info]: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:14.556949] [info]: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:14.556955] [info]: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.556961] [info]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:14.556968] [info]: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:14.556974] [info]: Pug.esp [03:34:14.556980] [info]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:14.556986] [info]: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:14.556993] [info]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:14.556999] [info]: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.557006] [info]: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:14.557012] [info]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:14.557018] [info]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:14.557024] [info]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:14.557030] [info]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:14.557036] [info]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.557042] [info]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:14.557049] [info]: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:14.557055] [info]: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:14.557061] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:14.557067] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:14.557073] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:14.557079] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:14.557085] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:14.557092] [info]: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:14.557098] [info]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:14.557104] [info]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:14.557110] [info]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:14.557116] [info]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:14.557122] [info]: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:14.557128] [info]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:14.557135] [info]: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:14.557140] [info]: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:14.557147] [info]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:14.557153] [info]: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:14.557159] [info]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:14.557165] [info]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:14.557171] [info]: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:14.557177] [info]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:14.557183] [info]: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:14.557189] [info]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:14.557195] [info]: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:14.557201] [info]: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:14.557207] [info]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:14.557213] [info]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:14.557219] [info]: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.557225] [info]: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:14.557231] [info]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:14.557238] [info]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:14.557243] [info]: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:14.557250] [info]: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:14.557256] [info]: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:14.557262] [info]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:14.557268] [info]: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:14.557274] [info]: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:14.557280] [info]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:14.557286] [info]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:14.557292] [info]: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.557298] [info]: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:14.557304] [info]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:14.557311] [info]: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:14.557316] [info]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:14.557323] [info]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:14.557329] [info]: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:14.557335] [info]: RILF.esp [03:34:14.557341] [info]: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:14.557347] [info]: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:14.557353] [info]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:14.557359] [info]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:14.557365] [info]: ProfGood.esp [03:34:14.557371] [info]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:14.557377] [info]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:14.557383] [info]: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:14.557389] [info]: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:14.557395] [info]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:14.557401] [info]: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:14.557407] [info]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:14.557413] [info]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:14.557419] [info]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:14.557426] [info]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:14.557432] [info]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:14.557439] [info]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:14.557445] [info]: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:14.557452] [info]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:14.557457] [info]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.557463] [info]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:14.557469] [info]: bifurious.esp [03:34:14.557478] [info]: TurretStands.esp [03:34:14.557485] [info]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:14.557491] [info]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:14.557512] [info]: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:14.557532] [info]: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:14.557538] [info]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:14.557544] [info]: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:14.557550] [info]: Passthrough.esp [03:34:14.557556] [info]: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:14.557562] [info]: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:14.557568] [info]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:14.557574] [info]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:14.557580] [info]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:14.557599] [info]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:14.557605] [info]: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:14.557612] [info]: UMD - A.esp [03:34:14.557618] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:14.557624] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:14.557643] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:14.557661] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:14.557668] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:14.557673] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:14.557679] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:14.557685] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:14.557691] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:14.557697] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:14.557703] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:14.557709] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.557715] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.557721] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.557727] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.557733] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:14.557738] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:14.557745] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:14.557750] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:14.557756] [info]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:14.557763] [info]: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:14.557768] [info]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:14.557774] [info]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:14.557780] [info]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:14.557786] [info]: NVUMP.esp [03:34:14.557792] [info]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:14.557798] [info]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:14.557804] [info]: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:14.557810] [info]: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:14.557816] [info]: mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.557822] [info]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:14.557828] [info]: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:14.557834] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.557840] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.557845] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:14.557852] [info]: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:14.557857] [info]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:14.557863] [info]: CBBE.esp [03:34:14.557870] [info]: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:14.557875] [info]: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:14.557882] [info]: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:14.557887] [info]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:14.557893] [info]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:14.557900] [info]: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:14.557905] [info]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:14.557911] [info]: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:14.557917] [info]: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:14.557923] [info]: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:14.557982] [info]: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:14.557992] [info]: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:14.557998] [info]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:14.558005] [info]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:14.558011] [info]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:14.558018] [info]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:14.558024] [info]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:14.558030] [info]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:14.558049] [info]: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:14.558055] [info]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:14.558061] [info]: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:14.558066] [info]: XXXMags.esp [03:34:14.558073] [info]: SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.558079] [info]: def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.558084] [info]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.558091] [info]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:14.558096] [info]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:14.558103] [info]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:14.558123] [info]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:14.558129] [info]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:14.558136] [info]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:14.558142] [info]: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:14.558161] [info]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:14.558168] [info]: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:14.558173] [info]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:14.558180] [info]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:14.558186] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.558192] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:14.558198] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:14.558204] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:14.558210] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:14.558216] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:14.558222] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:14.558228] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:14.558234] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:14.558240] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:14.558246] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:14.558252] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:14.558258] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:14.558265] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:14.558271] [info]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:14.558276] [info]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:14.558297] [info]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:14.558303] [info]: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:14.558309] [info]: Femout4.esp [03:34:14.558328] [info]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:14.558334] [info]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:14.558340] [info]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:14.558346] [info]: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:14.558352] [info]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:14.558358] [info]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:14.558364] [info]: Adding edges to plugin graph. [03:34:14.558384] [debug]: Adding non-overlap edges. [03:34:14.558391] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558397] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.558413] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558491] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558521] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558529] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558536] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558552] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558582] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558590] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558648] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558656] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558664] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558672] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558679] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558687] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558701] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558754] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558787] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558797] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558806] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558814] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558855] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.558910] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.558951] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.558959] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.558966] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.558973] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.558983] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.558992] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559059] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559066] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559074] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559081] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559089] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559121] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559129] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559136] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559143] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559151] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559158] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559171] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559195] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559226] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559236] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559244] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559252] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559290] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.559338] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.559386] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.559394] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.559401] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559408] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.559419] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559552] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559627] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559705] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559713] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559734] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559760] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559768] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559776] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559783] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559791] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559798] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559843] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559904] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559927] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559936] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559956] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.559995] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.560018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.560057] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.560105] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.560117] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.560123] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.560130] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.560136] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560142] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.560151] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560197] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560204] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560218] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560226] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560233] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560247] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560254] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560262] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560285] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560293] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560300] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560307] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560314] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560321] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560356] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560384] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560393] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560403] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560411] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560447] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.560535] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.560568] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.560575] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.560582] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560600] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.560608] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560617] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560666] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560673] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560681] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560688] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560695] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560702] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560710] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560717] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560741] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560764] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560772] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560792] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560800] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560808] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560836] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560888] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560929] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560939] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560946] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560954] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.560992] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.561026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.561052] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.561085] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.561092] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.561099] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561105] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.561113] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561121] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561171] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561186] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561244] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561252] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561273] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561306] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561314] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561321] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561329] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561336] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561344] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561370] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561421] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561500] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561511] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561520] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561531] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561595] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.561658] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.561693] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.561700] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.561707] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.561713] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.561720] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.561728] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.561736] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.561744] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.561751] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.561759] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.561767] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.561774] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.561796] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.561804] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.561812] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.561833] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.561840] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.561848] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.561871] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.561892] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.561900] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.561908] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.561917] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.561925] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.561933] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.561953] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.561977] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.561998] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.562008] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.562016] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.562024] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.562031] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.562040] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.562060] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.562068] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.562089] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.562096] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.562104] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.562111] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.562119] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.562127] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.562134] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.562142] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.562151] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.562159] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.562167] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.562175] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.562183] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.562190] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.562198] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.562207] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.562214] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.562222] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.562230] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.562237] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.562245] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.562252] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.562260] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.562267] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.562275] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.562282] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.562290] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.562298] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.562305] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.562313] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.562320] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.562328] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.562336] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.562343] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.562350] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.562358] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.562366] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.562374] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.562381] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.562389] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.562397] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.562404] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.562412] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.562420] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.562427] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.562435] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.562443] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.562451] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.562458] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.562468] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.562475] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.562483] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.562491] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.562513] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.562536] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.562556] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.562565] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.562575] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.562599] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.562618] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.562626] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.562635] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.562643] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.562651] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.562659] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.562667] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.562675] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.562683] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.562691] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.562699] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.562707] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.562716] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.562724] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.562732] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.562755] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.562777] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.562799] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.562807] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.562816] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.562824] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.562833] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.562841] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.562850] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.562859] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.562880] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.562901] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.562909] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.562917] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.562938] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.562947] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.562955] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.562964] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.562973] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.562981] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.562989] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.562998] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.563006] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.563015] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.563023] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.563031] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.563040] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.563048] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.563057] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.563067] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.563076] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.563098] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.563107] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.563128] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.563137] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.563146] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.563156] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.563167] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.563177] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.563185] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.563194] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.563203] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.563225] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.563234] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.563243] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.563252] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.563274] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.563283] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.563292] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.563352] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.563361] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.563370] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.563379] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.563388] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.563397] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.563405] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.563427] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.563435] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.563445] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.563485] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.563494] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.563517] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.563527] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.563543] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.563559] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.563569] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.563591] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.563600] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.563609] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.563617] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.563627] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.563637] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.563659] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.563670] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.563680] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.563689] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.563698] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.563707] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.563715] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.563724] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.563745] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.563754] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.563762] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.563770] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.563779] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.563801] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.563810] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.563835] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.563846] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.563855] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.563864] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.563885] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.563894] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.563903] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.563911] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.563932] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.563940] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.563949] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.563957] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.563965] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.563973] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.563981] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.563989] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.563997] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.564004] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.564048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.564056] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.564062] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.564069] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564075] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.564083] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564105] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564134] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564157] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564186] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564211] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564218] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564225] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564232] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564240] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564246] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564283] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564312] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564321] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564329] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564337] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564373] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564395] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564421] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.564521] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.564529] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.564535] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.564541] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.564549] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.564557] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.564565] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.564572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.564580] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.564587] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.564594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.564602] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.564610] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.564617] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.564625] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.564632] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.564640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.564647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.564655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.564663] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.564670] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.564677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.564684] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.564692] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.564701] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.564709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.564717] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.564726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.564734] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.564741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.564749] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.564757] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.564764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.564772] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.564780] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.564787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.564795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.564802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.564810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.564817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.564825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.564833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.564840] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.564848] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.564855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.564863] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.564871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.564878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.564886] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.564894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.564902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.564909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.564916] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.564924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.564931] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.564939] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.564947] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.564954] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.564962] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.564970] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.564977] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.564985] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.564993] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.565000] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.565008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.565016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.565025] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.565032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.565040] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.565047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.565055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.565063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.565071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.565078] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.565086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.565093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.565101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.565109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.565116] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.565124] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.565132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.565139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.565147] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.565155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.565162] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.565170] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.565178] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.565185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.565193] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.565200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.565208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.565216] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.565223] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.565231] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.565239] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.565246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.565254] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.565262] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.565270] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.565278] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.565286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.565294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.565301] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.565309] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.565317] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.565324] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.565333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.565341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.565363] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.565372] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.565392] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.565400] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.565408] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.565416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.565438] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.565447] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.565458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.565480] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.565488] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.565495] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.565503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.565511] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.565519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.565526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.565534] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.565542] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.565550] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.565557] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.565565] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.565572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.565580] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.565588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.565596] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.565604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.565612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.565619] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.565627] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.565635] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.565643] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.565652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.565659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.565667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.565675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.565683] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.565691] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.565699] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.565707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.565715] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.565724] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.565732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.565739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.565747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.565755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.565763] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.565771] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.565779] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.565787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.565795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.565803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.565811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.565819] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.565826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.565834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.565842] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.565849] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.565857] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.565865] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.565873] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.565881] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.565888] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.565896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.565904] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.565912] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.565920] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.565928] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.565935] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.565943] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.565951] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.565959] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.565967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.565975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.565982] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.565990] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.565998] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.566006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.566014] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.566022] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.566030] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.566038] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.566046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.566055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.566063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.566071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.566079] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.566086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.566094] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.566103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.566111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.566118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.566126] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.566135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.566143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.566151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.566159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.566167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.566175] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.566182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.566190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.566199] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.566207] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.566214] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.566224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.566230] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.566266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.566294] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.566321] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.566351] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.566398] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.566441] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.566463] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.566470] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.566489] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566496] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.566517] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566536] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566551] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566558] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566565] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566608] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566625] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566633] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566671] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566678] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566686] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566693] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566700] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566707] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566742] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566770] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566779] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566787] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566795] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566830] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.566876] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.567010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.567017] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.567023] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.567030] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567036] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.567056] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567077] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567099] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567113] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567128] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567158] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567166] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567173] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567181] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567189] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567196] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567231] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567259] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567268] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567276] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567283] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567318] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.567363] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.567416] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.567437] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.567460] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567481] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.567527] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567542] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567585] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567593] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567614] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567621] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567643] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567651] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567703] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567712] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567732] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567739] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567747] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567754] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567790] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567819] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567828] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567836] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567844] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567880] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.567929] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.567962] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.567969] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.567976] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.567982] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.568001] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568009] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568031] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568038] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568053] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568060] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568082] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568106] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568114] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568122] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568129] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568136] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568144] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568180] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568208] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568218] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568225] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568233] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568269] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568291] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.568317] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.568371] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.568378] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.568385] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568391] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.568409] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568417] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568424] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568432] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568439] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568448] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568455] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568464] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568472] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568479] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568486] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568494] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568517] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568528] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568536] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568544] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568552] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568559] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568572] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568594] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568622] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568632] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568639] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568647] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568682] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.568729] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.568762] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.568769] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.568775] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568781] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.568798] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568806] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568835] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568850] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568857] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568865] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568903] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568911] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568918] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568925] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568933] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568940] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.568975] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569003] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569012] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569020] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569028] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569064] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.569111] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.569186] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.569193] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.569200] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569206] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.569223] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569231] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569239] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569253] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569268] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569276] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569283] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569291] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569298] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569330] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569338] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569345] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569352] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569360] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569367] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569381] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569403] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569479] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569489] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569513] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569520] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569584] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.569687] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.569725] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.569732] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.569739] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569745] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.569761] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569784] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569792] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569813] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569835] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569842] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569850] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569857] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569865] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569896] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569903] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569911] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569919] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569926] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569933] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569969] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.569997] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570006] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570014] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570022] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570057] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570104] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.570188] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.570195] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.570201] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.570278] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570285] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.570300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570308] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570316] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570331] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570345] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570353] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570376] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570383] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570407] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570415] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570423] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570431] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570460] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570468] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570504] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570532] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570542] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570550] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570558] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570593] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.570641] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.570674] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.570681] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.570687] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570694] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.570708] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570716] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570724] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570738] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570746] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570761] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570768] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570775] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570790] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570814] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570822] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570830] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570837] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570845] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570852] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570888] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570917] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570926] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570934] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570942] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.570978] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.571000] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.571026] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.571115] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.571122] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.571129] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571135] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.571150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571157] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571165] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571173] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571180] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571187] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571209] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571217] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571255] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571263] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571271] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571278] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571285] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571293] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571329] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571357] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571367] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571374] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571382] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571448] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571470] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.571495] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.571528] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.571535] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.571542] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571548] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.571562] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571585] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571592] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571599] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571607] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571630] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571638] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571669] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571677] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571685] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571692] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571700] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571707] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571743] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571772] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571781] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571789] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571797] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571833] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.571881] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.571956] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.571963] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.571970] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.571976] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.571990] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.571997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572020] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572035] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572066] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572073] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572097] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572105] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572113] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572121] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572129] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572137] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572173] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572202] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572212] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572220] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572228] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572264] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572313] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.572391] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572447] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572454] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.572461] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.572467] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572473] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.572486] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572494] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572501] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572508] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572516] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572523] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572531] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572538] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572546] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572553] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572593] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572601] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572608] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572616] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572623] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572631] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572667] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572696] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572706] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572715] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572723] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572759] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572807] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.572893] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572900] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.572907] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.572914] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572920] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.572931] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572943] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572953] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572961] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572968] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572990] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.572998] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573014] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573046] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573053] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573061] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573068] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573076] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573084] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573120] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573148] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573157] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573165] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573173] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573210] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573231] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573257] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.573336] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.573343] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.573350] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.573356] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573362] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.573374] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573381] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573396] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573418] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573426] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573436] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573443] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573451] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573497] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573505] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573513] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573521] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573529] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573549] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573585] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573613] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573623] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573631] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573639] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573674] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.573721] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.573754] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.573761] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.573768] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573774] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.573785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573793] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573800] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573808] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573816] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573823] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573831] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573838] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573845] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573853] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573860] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573869] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573893] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573901] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573909] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573916] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573924] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573931] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573944] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573967] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.573995] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.574005] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.574012] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.574020] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.574056] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.574077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.574103] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.574135] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.574142] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.574149] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574155] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.574165] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574173] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574180] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574188] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574218] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574233] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574272] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574280] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574288] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574296] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574303] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574311] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574348] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574377] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574436] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574453] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574463] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574502] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.574568] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.574636] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.574644] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.574652] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574659] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.574669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574686] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574694] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574702] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574710] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574719] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574727] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574735] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574777] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574800] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574842] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574852] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574860] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574869] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574877] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574885] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574900] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574924] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574956] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574966] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574974] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.574982] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.575021] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.575046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.575076] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.575083] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.575090] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.575096] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575103] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.575112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575128] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575160] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575186] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575227] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575236] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575244] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575251] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575259] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575267] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575281] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575304] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575335] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575345] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575355] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575364] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575418] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.575527] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.575551] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.575559] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.575567] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575574] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.575596] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575628] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575651] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575666] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575674] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575683] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575708] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575716] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575724] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575732] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575740] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575747] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575785] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575814] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575824] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575832] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575840] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575879] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.575927] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.575966] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.575973] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.575980] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.575986] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.575995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.576004] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.576013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.576021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.576029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.576037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.576046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.576054] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.576062] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.576070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.576077] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.576085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.576093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.576101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.576110] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.576118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.576126] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.576134] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.576142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.576150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.576158] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.576166] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.576174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.576182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.576190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.576198] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.576206] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.576214] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.576222] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.576230] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.576238] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.576246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.576253] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.576262] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.576312] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.576323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.576331] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.576339] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.576347] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.576355] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.576363] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.576371] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.576379] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.576387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.576395] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.576403] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.576411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.576419] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.576428] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.576446] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.576454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.576462] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.576470] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.576478] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.576486] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.576494] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.576503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.576511] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.576519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.576527] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.576535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.576543] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.576551] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.576559] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.576568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.576576] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.576584] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.576592] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.576600] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.576608] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.576617] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.576625] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.576634] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.576642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.576665] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.576688] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.576697] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.576706] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.576714] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.576723] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.576732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.576740] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.576748] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.576757] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.576765] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.576774] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.576794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.576803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.576811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.576819] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.576828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.576836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.576846] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.576854] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.576862] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.576871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.576879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.576887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.576896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.576904] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.576913] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.576922] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.576930] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.576938] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.576946] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.576954] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.576963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.576971] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.576979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.576988] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.576997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.577005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.577013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.577022] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.577032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.577040] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.577049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.577057] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.577066] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.577075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.577083] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.577092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.577100] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.577109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.577117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.577126] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.577134] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.577142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.577150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.577159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.577167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.577176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.577184] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.577192] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.577200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.577209] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.577217] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.577225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.577234] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.577242] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.577251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.577259] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.577268] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.577276] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.577285] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.577293] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.577301] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.577309] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.577318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.577326] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.577334] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.577343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.577352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.577361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.577369] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.577378] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.577387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.577395] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.577404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.577413] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.577421] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.577431] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.577456] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.577465] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.577488] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.577498] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.577507] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.577517] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.577529] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.577539] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.577549] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.577558] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.577568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.577578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.577587] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.577597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.577607] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.577616] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.577626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.577636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.577646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.577655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.577663] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.577673] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.577695] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.577703] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.577712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.577719] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.577794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.577803] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.577811] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.577817] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.577824] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.577834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.577855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.577864] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.577872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.577879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.577887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.577896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.577904] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.577926] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.577948] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.577956] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.577964] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.577972] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.577980] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.577988] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.577996] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.578016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.578024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.578032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.578040] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.578048] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.578056] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.578064] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.578071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.578080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.578088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.578095] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.578103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.578111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.578119] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.578127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.578135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.578143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.578151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.578159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.578168] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.578176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.578185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.578193] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.578201] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.578209] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.578217] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.578225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.578233] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.578240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.578248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.578271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.578293] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.578314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.578323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.578331] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.578352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.578360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.578369] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.578377] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.578397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.578405] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.578413] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.578422] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.578431] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.578439] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.578448] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.578455] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.578463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.578471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.578479] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.578502] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.578525] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.578546] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.578555] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.578563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.578572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.578581] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.578589] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.578597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.578607] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.578616] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.578637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.578644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.578667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.578688] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.578696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.578704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.578713] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.578722] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.578730] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.578739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.578747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.578755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.578764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.578773] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.578781] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.578789] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.578798] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.578806] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.578814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.578837] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.578846] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.578856] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.578865] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.578888] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.578924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.578945] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.578968] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.578979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.579002] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.579024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.579033] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.579042] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.579052] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.579074] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.579112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.579134] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.579158] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.579169] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.579192] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.579214] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.579223] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.579232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.579241] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.579250] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.579271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.579294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.579316] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.579325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.579334] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.579343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.579352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.579360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.579381] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.579404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.579431] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.579440] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.579449] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.579473] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.579482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.579510] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.579537] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.579546] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.579569] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.579578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.579587] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.579595] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.579616] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.579637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.579645] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.579653] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.579661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.579669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.579679] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.579688] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.579696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.579704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.579712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.579720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.579729] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.579737] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.579745] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.579768] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.579789] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.579797] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.579805] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.579814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.579822] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.579831] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.579839] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.579847] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.579856] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.579864] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.579872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.579880] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.579889] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.579899] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.579907] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.579915] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.579924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.579932] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.579940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.579949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.579957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.579965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.579973] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.579981] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.579989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.579998] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.580007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.580016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.580023] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.580066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.580074] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.580081] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.580087] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.580094] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.580103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.580111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.580120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.580127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.580135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.580143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.580151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.580159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.580166] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.580174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.580182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.580189] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.580197] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.580205] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.580213] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.580220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.580228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.580236] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.580243] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.580251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.580259] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.580266] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.580274] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.580282] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.580290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.580297] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.580305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.580313] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.580321] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.580328] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.580336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.580343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.580351] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.580360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.580368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.580376] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.580384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.580391] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.580399] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.580407] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.580415] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.580422] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.580430] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.580438] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.580447] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.580454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.580477] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.580498] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.580505] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.580513] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.580521] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.580529] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.580536] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.580544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.580552] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.580560] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.580567] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.580575] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.580583] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.580590] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.580598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.580606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.580614] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.580622] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.580630] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.580637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.580646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.580653] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.580661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.580669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.580677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.580685] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.580693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.580707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.580715] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.580723] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.580731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.580739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.580747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.580755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.580763] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.580771] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.580778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.580786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.580794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.580802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.580810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.580817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.580825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.580833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.580841] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.580849] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.580858] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.580866] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.580874] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.580881] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.580889] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.580897] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.580905] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.580913] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.580920] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.580928] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.580936] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.580944] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.580951] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.580959] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.580967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.580975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.580983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.580991] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.580999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.581007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.581016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.581024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.581033] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.581041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.581049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.581056] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.581064] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.581072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.581081] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.581089] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.581097] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.581105] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.581112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.581120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.581128] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.581136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.581144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.581152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.581160] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.581168] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.581176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.581183] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.581192] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.581200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.581208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.581216] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.581224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.581231] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.581239] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.581247] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.581256] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.581264] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.581271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.581279] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.581287] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.581295] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.581303] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.581311] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.581320] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.581328] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.581336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.581344] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.581352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.581360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.581367] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.581375] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.581384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.581392] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.581400] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.581408] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.581416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.581424] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.581432] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.581441] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.581449] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.581457] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.581465] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.581473] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.581482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.581490] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.581498] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.581506] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.581514] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.581522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.581530] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.581538] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.581547] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.581555] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.581563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.581571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.581579] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.581587] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.581595] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.581604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.581613] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.581619] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.581652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.581659] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.581665] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.581672] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.581678] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.581686] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.581694] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.581703] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.581710] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.581718] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.581726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.581733] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.581741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.581749] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.581756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.581764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.581772] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.581779] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.581787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.581795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.581802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.581810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.581818] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.581826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.581833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.581841] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.581849] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.581856] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.581864] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.581872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.581879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.581887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.581895] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.581902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.581910] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.581917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.581925] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.581932] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.581940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.581949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.581957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.581965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.581972] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.581980] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.581988] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.581995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.582003] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.582011] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.582019] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.582026] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.582034] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.582041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.582049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.582057] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.582064] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.582072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.582080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.582088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.582095] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.582103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.582111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.582118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.582126] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.582134] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.582141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.582149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.582157] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.582164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.582172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.582179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.582187] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.582195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.582203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.582210] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.582218] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.582226] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.582234] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.582242] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.582249] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.582257] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.582422] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.582433] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.582443] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.582465] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.582486] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.582509] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.582518] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.582526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.582534] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.582543] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.582567] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.582593] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.582601] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.582623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.582646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.582667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.582675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.582684] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.582692] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.582712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.582720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.582728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.582736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.582758] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.582779] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.582787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.582795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.582803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.582811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.582819] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.582827] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.582835] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.582843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.582851] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.582859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.582868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.582876] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.582884] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.582892] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.582902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.582910] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.582918] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.582941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.582950] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.582975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.582983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.583006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.583027] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.583035] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.583056] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.583064] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.583072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.583079] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.583087] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.583095] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.583103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.583111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.583119] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.583127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.583135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.583143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.583151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.583159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.583167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.583176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.583183] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.583191] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.583200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.583207] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.583215] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.583224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.583232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.583240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.583248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.583256] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.583264] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.583271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.583280] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.583288] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.583296] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.583304] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.583312] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.583320] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.583329] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.583337] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.583345] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.583353] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.583361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.583369] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.583378] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.583386] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.583394] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.583402] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.583425] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.583448] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.583469] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.583510] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.583555] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.583579] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.583601] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.583622] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.583631] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.583640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.583649] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.583658] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.583666] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.583675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.583683] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.583692] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.583700] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.583709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.583732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.583751] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.583818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.583825] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.583834] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.583854] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.583860] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.583868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.583877] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.583886] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.583894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.583901] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.583909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.583917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.583925] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.583933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.583940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.583948] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.583956] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.583964] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.583971] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.583979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.583987] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.583995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.584003] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.584010] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.584018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.584026] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.584033] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.584042] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.584049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.584057] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.584065] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.584073] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.584080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.584088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.584096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.584103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.584111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.584119] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.584127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.584135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.584142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.584150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.584159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.584167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.584175] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.584182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.584190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.584198] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.584206] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.584213] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.584221] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.584229] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.584237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.584244] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.584252] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.584260] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.584268] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.584276] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.584283] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.584291] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.584299] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.584307] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.584315] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.584323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.584330] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.584338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.584346] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.584353] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.584361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.584369] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.584377] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.584385] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.584393] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.584400] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.584408] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.584416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.584440] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.584460] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.584468] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.584476] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.584484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.584492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.584500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.584512] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.584522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.584530] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.584538] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.584546] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.584554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.584562] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.584570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.584577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.584585] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.584593] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.584601] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.584609] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.584617] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.584626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.584634] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.584642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.584650] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.584657] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.584666] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.584674] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.584682] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.584690] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.584698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.584706] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.584713] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.584721] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.584729] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.584737] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.584746] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.584754] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.584762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.584770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.584778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.584786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.584794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.584803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.584811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.584820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.584828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.584836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.584844] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.584852] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.584861] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.584869] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.584877] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.584885] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.584893] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.584900] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.584908] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.584917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.584925] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.584933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.584941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.584949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.584957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.584965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.584973] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.584981] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.584989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.584997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.585005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.585013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.585021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.585029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.585037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.585045] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.585053] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.585061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.585069] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.585077] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.585085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.585093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.585101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.585109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.585117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.585125] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.585134] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.585143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.585151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.585159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.585167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.585176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.585184] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.585207] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.585215] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.585237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.585245] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.585253] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.585261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.585269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.585277] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.585285] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.585294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.585302] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.585310] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.585318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.585326] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.585334] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.585343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.585351] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.585377] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.585401] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.585409] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.585433] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.585455] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.585463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.585484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.585506] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.585513] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.585547] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.585555] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.585561] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.585568] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.585574] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.585586] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.585595] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.585604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.585626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.585646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.585654] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.585676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.585696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.585704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.585712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.585720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.585741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.585749] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.585756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.585764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.585771] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.585779] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.585787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.585794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.585802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.585810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.585817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.585825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.585833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.585841] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.585848] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.585856] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.585864] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.585871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.585879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.585887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.585894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.585902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.585910] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.585918] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.585925] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.585933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.585941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.585949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.585957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.585965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.585973] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.585981] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.585989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.585997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.586005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.586012] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.586020] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.586028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.586035] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.586043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.586051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.586059] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.586067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.586075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.586082] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.586090] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.586098] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.586106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.586113] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.586121] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.586129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.586136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.586144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.586152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.586159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.586167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.586175] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.586183] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.586191] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.586199] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.586206] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.586214] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.586222] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.586230] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.586238] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.586246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.586253] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.586261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.586269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.586277] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.586285] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.586294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.586302] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.586309] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.586317] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.586325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.586333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.586340] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.586348] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.586356] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.586382] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.586391] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.586399] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.586407] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.586431] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.586439] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.586460] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.586468] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.586476] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.586484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.586492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.586500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.586508] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.586516] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.586523] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.586532] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.586540] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.586548] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.586556] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.586564] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.586572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.586580] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.586588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.586597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.586605] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.586613] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.586621] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.586629] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.586638] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.586647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.586655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.586663] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.586671] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.586679] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.586687] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.586696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.586704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.586712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.586720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.586728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.586736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.586744] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.586752] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.586760] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.586768] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.586777] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.586785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.586793] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.586801] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.586809] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.586817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.586825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.586833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.586841] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.586849] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.586857] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.586865] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.586873] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.586881] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.586889] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.586896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.586905] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.586913] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.586921] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.586929] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.586937] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.586960] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.586968] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.586990] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.586998] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.587007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.587015] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.587023] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.587031] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.587039] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.587047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.587055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.587063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.587071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.587079] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.587088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.587096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.587104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.587112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.587120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.587128] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.587136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.587144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.587152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.587161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.587169] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.587177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.587185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.587193] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.587201] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.587209] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.587216] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.587248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.587255] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.587262] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.587268] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.587274] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.587282] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.587290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.587299] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.587306] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.587315] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.587323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.587331] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.587339] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.587346] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.587365] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.587374] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.587397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.587404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.587427] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.587451] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.587471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.587491] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.587499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.587507] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.587514] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.587522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.587530] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.587537] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.587545] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.587553] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.587561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.587581] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.587589] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.587597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.587605] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.587612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.587620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.587628] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.587636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.587644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.587652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.587660] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.587668] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.587675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.587683] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.587691] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.587699] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.587707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.587715] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.587724] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.587733] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.587740] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.587748] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.587756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.587764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.587772] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.587780] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.587788] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.587796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.587804] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.587812] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.587819] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.587827] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.587835] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.587843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.587851] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.587859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.587867] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.587875] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.587882] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.587891] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.587898] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.587906] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.587914] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.587922] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.587930] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.587938] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.587946] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.587955] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.587963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.587971] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.587979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.587987] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.587995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.588003] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.588011] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.588019] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.588027] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.588035] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.588043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.588052] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.588060] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.588068] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.588076] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.588084] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.588092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.588100] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.588109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.588117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.588125] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.588133] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.588141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.588149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.588158] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.588166] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.588174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.588182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.588190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.588198] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.588206] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.588214] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.588222] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.588230] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.588239] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.588247] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.588255] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.588263] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.588272] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.588280] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.588288] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.588296] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.588305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.588313] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.588321] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.588329] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.588338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.588346] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.588385] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.588396] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.588404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.588412] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.588420] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.588429] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.588437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.588446] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.588454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.588462] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.588470] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.588479] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.588487] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.588495] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.588503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.588511] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.588519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.588528] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.588536] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.588544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.588552] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.588560] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.588569] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.588577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.588585] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.588593] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.588601] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.588609] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.588618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.588626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.588634] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.588642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.588651] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.588659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.588667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.588676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.588684] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.588693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.588701] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.588709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.588719] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.588728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.588736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.588745] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.588753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.588761] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.588770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.588778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.588787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.588795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.588804] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.588812] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.588820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.588829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.588837] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.588846] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.588854] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.588863] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.588871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.588879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.588887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.588896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.588904] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.588912] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.588921] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.588927] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.588961] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.588968] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.588975] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.588982] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.588988] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.588996] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.589004] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.589014] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.589021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.589029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.589037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.589045] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.589053] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.589062] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.589070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.589078] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.589086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.589094] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.589102] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.589110] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.589118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.589125] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.589133] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.589141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.589149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.589161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.589170] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.589179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.589186] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.589195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.589202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.589210] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.589218] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.589226] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.589234] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.589242] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.589250] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.589257] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.589265] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.589273] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.589281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.589289] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.589297] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.589305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.589313] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.589320] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.589328] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.589336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.589344] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.589352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.589360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.589368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.589377] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.589385] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.589393] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.589401] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.589409] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.589416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.589425] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.589433] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.589456] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.589476] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.589484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.589492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.589499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.589507] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.589515] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.589523] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.589531] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.589538] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.589546] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.589554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.589562] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.589570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.589578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.589586] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.589594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.589602] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.589610] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.589618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.589626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.589634] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.589642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.589650] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.589658] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.589666] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.589674] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.589682] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.589689] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.589697] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.589706] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.589714] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.589723] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.589731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.589739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.589747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.589756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.589764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.589772] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.589780] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.589789] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.589796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.589804] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.589813] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.589820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.589828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.589836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.589844] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.589852] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.589860] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.589868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.589876] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.589884] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.589892] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.589901] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.589909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.589917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.589925] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.589933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.589942] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.589950] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.589958] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.589966] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.589974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.589983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.589991] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.589999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.590008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.590017] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.590025] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.590033] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.590041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.590049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.590057] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.590065] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.590073] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.590081] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.590089] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.590097] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.590106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.590114] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.590122] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.590130] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.590138] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.590146] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.590154] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.590162] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.590170] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.590178] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.590186] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.590194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.590203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.590211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.590219] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.590227] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.590235] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.590243] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.590251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.590259] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.590267] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.590275] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.590284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.590292] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.590300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.590308] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.590316] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.590324] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.590333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.590342] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.590350] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.590359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.590367] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.590375] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.590383] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.590392] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.590401] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.590409] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.590417] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.590426] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.590434] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.590442] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.590450] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.590459] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.590467] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.590475] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.590484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.590492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.590500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.590508] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.590517] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.590525] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.590533] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.590540] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.590573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.590580] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.590586] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.590593] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.590599] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.590607] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.590615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.590624] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.590632] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.590639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.590647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.590656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.590665] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.590673] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.590680] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.590688] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.590696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.590704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.590712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.590720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.590728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.590735] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.590743] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.590751] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.590759] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.590767] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.590775] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.590878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.590887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.590895] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.590903] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.590911] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.590919] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.590927] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.590934] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.590942] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.590950] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.590958] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.590966] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.590974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.590981] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.590989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.590997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.591005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.591013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.591020] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.591028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.591036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.591045] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.591053] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.591061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.591070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.591077] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.591085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.591093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.591101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.591109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.591117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.591125] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.591133] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.591141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.591149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.591156] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.591164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.591172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.591180] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.591188] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.591196] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.591204] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.591212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.591220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.591228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.591236] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.591244] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.591252] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.591261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.591269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.591277] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.591285] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.591293] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.591301] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.591309] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.591318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.591326] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.591334] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.591343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.591351] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.591359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.591368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.591376] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.591383] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.591400] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.591424] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.591433] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.591454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.591462] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.591470] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.591479] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.591487] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.591495] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.591503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.591511] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.591518] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.591526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.591535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.591543] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.591551] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.591558] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.591566] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.591574] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.591582] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.591590] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.591598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.591606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.591615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.591623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.591631] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.591639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.591647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.591656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.591664] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.591673] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.591682] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.591690] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.591698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.591706] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.591714] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.591722] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.591731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.591739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.591747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.591755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.591762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.591771] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.591779] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.591787] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.591795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.591803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.591812] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.591820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.591827] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.591836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.591844] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.591852] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.591859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.591867] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.591876] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.591948] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.591957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.591966] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.591974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.591982] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.591991] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.591999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.592007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.592016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.592024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.592033] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.592042] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.592051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.592059] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.592067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.592075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.592084] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.592092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.592100] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.592108] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.592117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.592125] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.592133] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.592141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.592149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.592158] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.592166] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.592174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.592182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.592191] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.592199] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.592207] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.592216] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.592224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.592232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.592240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.592249] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.592257] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.592265] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.592273] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.592281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.592290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.592298] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.592307] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.592316] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.592323] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.592360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.592367] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.592374] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.592381] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.592387] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.592395] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.592403] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.592414] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.592422] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.592429] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.592437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.592445] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.592453] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.592476] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.592497] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.592505] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.592527] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.592535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.592556] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.592564] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.592572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.592580] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.592602] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.592623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.592631] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.592639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.592647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.592655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.592663] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.592672] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.592680] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.592687] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.592696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.592704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.592712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.592720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.592729] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.592737] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.592746] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.592754] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.592762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.592770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.592778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.592786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.592794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.592802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.592810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.592818] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.592826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.592834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.592842] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.592850] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.592858] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.592866] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.592874] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.592882] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.592891] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.592899] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.592907] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.592916] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.592924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.592932] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.592940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.592948] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.592956] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.592964] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.592972] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.592980] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.592988] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.592996] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.593005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.593013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.593020] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.593028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.593037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.593046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.593055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.593063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.593071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.593080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.593088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.593097] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.593105] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.593114] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.593122] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.593130] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.593138] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.593146] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.593154] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.593163] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.593171] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.593179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.593187] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.593195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.593203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.593212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.593220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.593229] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.593237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.593245] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.593253] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.593261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.593269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.593278] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.593286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.593294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.593302] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.593310] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.593318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.593327] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.593334] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.593344] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.593352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.593395] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.593420] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.593428] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.593450] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.593473] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.593481] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.593491] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.593513] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.593522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.593530] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.593539] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.593548] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.593557] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.593566] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.593587] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.593595] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.593604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.593612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.593620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.593629] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.593637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.593646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.593654] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.593662] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.593671] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.593679] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.593687] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.593695] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.593704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.593712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.593721] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.593765] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.593775] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.593784] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.593792] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.593800] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.593809] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.593817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.593825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.593833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.593842] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.593850] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.593863] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.593874] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.593882] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.593890] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.593899] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.593908] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.593916] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.593924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.593933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.593941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.593950] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.593959] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.593967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.593976] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.593984] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.593993] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.594001] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.594009] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.594018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.594026] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.594035] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.594043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.594052] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.594061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.594069] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.594078] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.594087] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.594096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.594104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.594113] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.594121] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.594129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.594138] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.594147] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.594155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.594164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.594172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.594179] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.594222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.594229] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.594236] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.594243] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.594249] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.594258] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.594266] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.594276] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.594284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.594292] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.594300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.594308] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.594317] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.594325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.594333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.594341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.594349] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.594357] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.594365] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.594373] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.594383] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.594391] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.594415] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.594437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.594446] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.594454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.594463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.594471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.594492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.594515] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.594523] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.594531] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.594539] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.594547] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.594555] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.594563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.594571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.594579] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.594588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.594596] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.594604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.594612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.594620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.594628] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.594636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.594644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.594652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.594660] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.594669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.594677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.594685] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.594693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.594701] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.594709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.594718] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.594726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.594734] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.594743] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.594751] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.594759] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.594768] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.594777] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.594785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.594794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.594802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.594810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.594818] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.594826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.594834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.594843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.594851] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.594859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.594867] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.594876] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.594884] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.594892] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.594901] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.594909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.594917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.594926] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.594934] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.594942] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.594950] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.594958] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.594966] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.594974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.594982] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.594991] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.594999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.595008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.595016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.595024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.595032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.595041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.595049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.595058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.595067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.595077] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.595086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.595094] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.595102] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.595110] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.595119] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.595127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.595135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.595144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.595152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.595161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.595169] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.595177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.595200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.595208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.595217] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.595225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.595234] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.595255] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.595278] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.595287] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.595296] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.595306] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.595328] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.595336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.595345] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.595354] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.595362] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.595371] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.595393] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.595417] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.595439] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.595462] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.595484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.595493] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.595501] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.595509] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.595518] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.595526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.595535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.595544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.595552] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.595561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.595569] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.595578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.595586] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.595594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.595602] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.595610] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.595619] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.595627] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.595636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.595644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.595652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.595661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.595669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.595677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.595685] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.595693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.595702] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.595710] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.595718] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.595726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.595734] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.595743] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.595751] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.595759] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.595768] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.595776] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.595785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.595794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.595803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.595811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.595820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.595828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.595836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.595845] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.595853] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.595862] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.595871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.595879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.595888] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.595896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.595905] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.595915] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.595924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.595947] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.595956] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.595977] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.595986] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.595995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.596004] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.596012] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.596021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.596030] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.596036] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.596081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.596088] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.596095] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.596102] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.596108] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.596136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.596145] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.596155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.596177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.596200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.596222] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.596230] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.596238] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.596246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.596254] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.596261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.596269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.596278] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.596286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.596294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.596303] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.596311] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.596319] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.596327] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.596335] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.596344] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.596352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.596360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.596368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.596377] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.596386] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.596394] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.596402] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.596411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.596436] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.596458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.596468] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.596477] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.596487] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.596497] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.596506] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.596516] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.596526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.596536] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.596545] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.596554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.596563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.596665] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.596693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.596714] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.596722] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.596731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.596738] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.596747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.596755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.596763] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.596772] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.596780] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.596788] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.596796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.596804] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.596812] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.596821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.596829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.596838] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.596846] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.596854] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.596862] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.596870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.596878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.596957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.596967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.596975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.596983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.596991] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.597000] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.597008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.597017] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.597025] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.597034] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.597043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.597051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.597060] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.597068] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.597076] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.597085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.597092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.597126] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.597136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.597144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.597152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.597161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.597169] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.597177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.597185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.597194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.597202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.597211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.597220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.597228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.597237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.597245] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.597253] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.597261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.597269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.597278] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.597286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.597294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.597303] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.597311] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.597319] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.597327] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.597336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.597344] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.597353] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.597362] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.597371] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.597379] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.597388] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.597397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.597406] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.597415] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.597424] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.597450] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.597471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.597480] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.597488] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.597497] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.597505] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.597514] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.597522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.597531] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.597539] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.597547] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.597556] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.597564] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.597573] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.597581] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.597590] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.597598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.597606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.597615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.597623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.597631] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.597640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.597648] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.597656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.597665] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.597674] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.597683] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.597691] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.597699] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.597707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.597715] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.597724] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.597733] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.597741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.597750] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.597758] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.597766] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.597774] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.597783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.597791] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.597800] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.597809] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.597818] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.597826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.597834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.597843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.597851] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.597859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.597868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.597876] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.597884] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.597893] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.597901] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.597910] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.597919] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.597928] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.597936] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.597945] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.597954] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.597963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.597971] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.597980] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.597989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.597997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.598006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.598014] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.598023] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.598031] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.598039] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.598046] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.598089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.598096] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.598103] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.598110] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598116] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.598141] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598150] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598158] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598165] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598173] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598181] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598194] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598218] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598247] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598257] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598265] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598273] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598310] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.598357] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.598390] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.598398] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.598405] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598411] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.598434] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598442] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598450] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598458] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598465] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598473] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598511] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598540] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598550] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598558] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598566] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598602] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.598650] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.598683] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.598690] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.598696] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598703] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.598738] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598746] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598755] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598763] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598771] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598779] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598798] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598835] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598882] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598894] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598903] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598912] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.598973] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.599007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.599049] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.599082] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.599089] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.599095] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599102] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.599122] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599130] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599138] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599146] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599153] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599160] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599197] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599225] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599235] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599243] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599251] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599286] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.599333] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.599366] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.599374] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.599381] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599387] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.599409] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599417] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599424] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599432] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599439] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599447] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599483] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599512] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599522] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599529] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599538] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599573] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599595] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.599621] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.599654] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.599661] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.599668] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599674] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.599694] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599702] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599710] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599718] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599725] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599733] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599746] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599769] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599798] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599808] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599816] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599824] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599860] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.599908] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.599941] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.599948] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.599955] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.599961] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.599980] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.599989] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.599997] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600005] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600013] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600021] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600059] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600089] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600098] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600115] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600152] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.600200] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.600234] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.600241] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.600248] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600254] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.600272] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600280] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600288] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600295] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600303] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600311] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600346] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600375] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600385] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600393] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600401] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600437] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.600499] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.600545] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.600552] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.600558] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600564] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.600583] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600591] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600598] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600606] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600614] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600655] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600672] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600696] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600726] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600736] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600744] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600752] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600789] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.600838] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.600872] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.600879] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.600885] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600892] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.600909] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600917] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600925] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600932] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600940] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600947] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.600981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601005] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601034] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601044] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601052] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601060] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601096] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601118] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.601144] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.601177] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.601184] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.601191] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601197] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.601214] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601221] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601229] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601237] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601244] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601252] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601288] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601317] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601328] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601336] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601344] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601414] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601452] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.601492] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.601557] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.601564] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.601570] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601577] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.601593] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601601] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601608] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601616] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601624] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601631] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601668] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601696] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601706] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601714] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601722] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601758] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.601806] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.601845] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.601852] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.601858] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601865] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.601880] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601888] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601896] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601904] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601912] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601919] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601933] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601956] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601985] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.601995] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602003] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602011] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602048] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602098] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.602156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.602198] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.602205] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.602211] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602218] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.602232] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602240] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602248] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602256] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602263] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602271] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602308] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602336] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602346] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602354] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602362] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602400] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602422] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602448] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.602504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.602510] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.602517] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.602523] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602530] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.602544] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602552] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602560] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602567] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602575] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602582] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602596] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602619] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602648] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602658] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602666] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602675] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602711] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602761] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.602818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.602852] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.602859] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.602865] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602872] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.602885] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602893] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602901] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602909] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602916] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602924] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602961] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.602990] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603000] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603008] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603016] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603053] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603075] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603101] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.603158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.603170] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.603177] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.603183] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603190] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.603203] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603211] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603219] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603227] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603234] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603242] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603256] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603280] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603309] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603319] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603327] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603336] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603373] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603397] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603424] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.603480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.603492] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.603499] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.603506] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603512] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.603524] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603532] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603540] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603547] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603555] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603563] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603599] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603628] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603637] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603645] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603653] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603689] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.603737] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.603770] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.603777] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.603783] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603790] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.603801] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603809] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603817] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603824] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603832] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603840] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603876] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603904] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603914] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603922] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603930] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603966] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.603988] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.604013] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.604046] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.604053] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.604060] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604066] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.604077] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604086] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604094] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604102] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604110] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604118] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604155] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604184] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604194] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604202] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604210] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604247] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604296] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.604353] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.604361] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.604367] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.604374] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604381] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.604391] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604399] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604407] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604415] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604422] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604430] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604467] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604496] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604506] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604514] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604522] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604558] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604580] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.604606] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.604639] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.604646] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.604653] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604659] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.604668] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604676] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604684] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604692] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604700] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604708] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604745] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604773] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604783] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604792] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604800] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604835] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.604883] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.604916] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.604923] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.604929] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604935] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.604944] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604952] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604960] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604967] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604975] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604982] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.604996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605018] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605047] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605056] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605064] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605073] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605108] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605130] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.605155] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.605188] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.605195] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.605201] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605207] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.605216] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605223] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605231] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605239] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605247] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605254] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605291] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605319] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605329] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605337] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605345] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605381] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605403] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605429] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.605488] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605496] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.605503] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.605509] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DLCCoast.esm". [03:34:14.605515] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.605524] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.605532] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.605540] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.605548] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.605555] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.605564] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.605571] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.605579] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.605587] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.605595] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.605603] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.605611] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.605619] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.605627] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.605635] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.605642] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.605650] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.605658] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.605666] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.605674] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.605682] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.605690] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.605698] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.605705] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.605713] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.605721] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.605729] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.605737] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.605745] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.605753] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.605760] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.605769] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.605777] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.605785] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.605793] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.605801] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.605809] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.605817] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.605825] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.605833] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.605841] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.605849] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.605858] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.605867] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.605875] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.605883] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.605891] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.605899] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.605907] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.605915] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.605922] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.605931] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.605939] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.605947] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.605954] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.605962] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.605970] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.605979] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.605987] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.605995] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.606003] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.606011] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.606019] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.606027] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.606035] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.606043] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.606051] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.606059] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.606068] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.606076] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.606084] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.606092] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.606100] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.606109] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.606117] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.606125] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.606133] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.606141] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.606149] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.606157] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.606165] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.606172] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.606181] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.606189] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.606197] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.606206] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.606215] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.606223] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.606231] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.606239] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.606248] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.606256] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.606264] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.606272] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.606281] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.606289] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.606297] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.606305] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.606314] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.606322] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.606330] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.606338] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.606346] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.606368] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.606386] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.606413] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.606435] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.606458] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.606479] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.606488] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.606496] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.606504] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.606513] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.606521] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.606529] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.606537] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.606546] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.606554] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.606562] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.606571] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.606579] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.606587] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.606595] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.606603] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.606611] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.606619] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.606629] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.606638] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.606646] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.606654] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.606663] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.606671] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.606679] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.606688] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.606696] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.606704] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.606712] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.606721] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.606729] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.606737] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.606746] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.606754] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.606762] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.606771] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.606779] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.606787] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.606795] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.606804] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.606812] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.606820] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.606828] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.606837] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.606845] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.606853] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.606862] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.606870] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.606878] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.606887] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.606895] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.606903] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.606912] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.606920] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.606928] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.606935] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.606969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DLCCoast.esm". [03:34:14.606976] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.606982] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.607011] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DLCCoast.esm". [03:34:14.607043] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DLCCoast.esm". [03:34:14.607051] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.607057] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.607066] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.607074] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.607082] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.607090] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.607098] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.607106] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.607114] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.607122] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.607130] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.607138] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.607146] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.607154] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.607162] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.607170] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.607178] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.607186] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.607194] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.607202] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.607210] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.607218] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.607226] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.607234] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.607242] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.607250] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.607258] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.607266] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.607274] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.607282] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.607291] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.607298] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.607307] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.607315] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.607323] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.607331] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.607339] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.607347] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.607355] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.607363] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.607372] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.607380] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.607388] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.607397] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.607405] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.607413] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.607421] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.607429] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.607438] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.607533] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.607544] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.607553] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.607561] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.607569] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.607590] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.607612] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.607620] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.607641] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.607650] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.607658] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.607666] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.607675] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.607683] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.607703] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.607711] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.607718] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.607727] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.607735] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.607743] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.607751] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.607760] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.607768] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.607775] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.607783] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.607791] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.607799] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.607808] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.607816] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.607823] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.607831] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.607839] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.607847] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.607855] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.607863] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.607872] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.607880] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.607889] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.607897] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.607906] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.607914] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.607937] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.607945] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.607979] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.608005] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.608013] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.608034] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.608042] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.608051] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.608059] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.608068] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.608090] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.608099] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.608107] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.608128] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.608136] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.608144] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.608153] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.608161] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.608169] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.608177] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.608185] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.608193] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.608201] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.608209] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.608217] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.608226] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.608234] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.608242] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.608250] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.608258] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.608266] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.608274] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.608282] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.608290] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.608299] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.608308] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.608317] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.608325] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.608333] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.608341] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.608349] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.608357] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.608365] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.608375] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.608397] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.608405] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.608429] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.608450] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.608471] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.608479] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.608487] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.608496] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.608520] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.608543] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.608564] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.608586] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.608595] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.608705] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.608714] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.608723] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.608731] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.608739] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.608748] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.608757] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.608766] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.608774] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.608782] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.608790] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.608799] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.608807] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.608815] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.608823] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.608832] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.608855] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.608877] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.608885] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.608939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.608946] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.608953] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.608998] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.609039] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.609068] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.609099] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.609131] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.609139] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DLCRobot.esm". [03:34:14.609145] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.609153] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.609161] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.609169] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.609176] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.609184] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.609192] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.609200] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.609207] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.609215] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.609223] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.609231] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.609238] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.609246] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.609254] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.609262] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.609270] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.609277] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.609285] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.609293] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.609301] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.609308] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.609316] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.609324] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.609331] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.609339] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.609347] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.609355] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.609363] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.609372] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.609394] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.609402] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.609422] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.609430] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.609438] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.609446] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.609569] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.609581] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.609589] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.609597] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.609605] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.609613] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.609621] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.609629] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.609636] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.609644] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.609652] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.609660] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.609668] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.609676] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.609684] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.609692] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.609700] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.609707] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.609716] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.609723] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.609731] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.609739] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.609747] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.609755] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.609762] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.609771] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.609779] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.609786] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.609794] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.609802] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.609809] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.609818] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.609826] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.609835] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.609843] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.609851] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.609859] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.609866] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.609874] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.609882] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.609890] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.609898] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.609905] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.609913] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.609922] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.609930] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.609938] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.609946] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.609954] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.609962] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.609970] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.609978] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.609986] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.609994] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.610002] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.610010] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.610018] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.610026] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.610033] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.610041] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.610049] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.610058] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.610066] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.610073] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.610082] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.610089] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.610097] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.610105] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.610113] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.610121] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.610129] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.610137] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.610145] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.610153] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.610161] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.610169] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.610177] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.610185] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.610193] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.610201] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.610209] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.610217] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.610225] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.610233] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.610240] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.610249] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.610257] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.610265] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.610273] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.610281] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.610289] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.610297] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.610305] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.610313] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.610321] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.610329] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.610337] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.610345] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.610353] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.610361] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.610370] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.610393] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.610414] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.610422] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.610430] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.610438] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.610446] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.610454] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.610462] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.610470] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.610478] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.610486] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.610495] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.610503] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.610511] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.610519] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.610527] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.610535] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.610543] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.610551] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.610559] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.610567] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.610575] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.610583] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.610591] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.610600] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.610608] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.610616] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.610623] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.610658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DLCRobot.esm". [03:34:14.610665] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.610671] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.610677] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop01.esm". [03:34:14.610684] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.610692] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.610700] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.610708] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.610715] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.610723] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.610731] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.610739] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.610746] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.610754] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.610762] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.610770] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.610777] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.610785] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.610793] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.610801] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.610808] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.610816] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.610824] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.610832] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.610839] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.610847] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.610855] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.610863] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.610871] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.610878] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.610886] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.610894] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.610902] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.610910] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.610917] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.610925] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.610933] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.610941] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.610949] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.610956] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.610964] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.610972] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.610980] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.610988] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.610996] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.611004] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.611011] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.611019] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.611027] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.611034] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.611042] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.611050] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.611059] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.611066] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.611074] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.611082] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.611090] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.611098] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.611106] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.611113] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.611121] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.611129] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.611137] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.611145] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.611152] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.611160] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.611168] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.611176] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.611184] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.611191] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.611199] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.611207] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.611215] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.611224] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.611232] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.611239] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.611248] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.611256] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.611264] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.611272] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.611279] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.611287] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.611296] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.611304] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.611312] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.611320] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.611328] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.611336] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.611344] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.611352] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.611361] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.611369] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.611392] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.611400] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.611427] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.611435] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.611444] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.611452] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.611460] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.611468] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.611476] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.611484] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.611492] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.611500] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.611508] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.611516] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.611524] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.611532] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.611540] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.611548] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.611556] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.611564] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.611587] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.611607] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.611616] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.611624] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.611632] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.611655] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.611663] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.611671] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.611679] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.611688] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.611709] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.611718] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.611725] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.611734] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.611742] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.611749] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.611757] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.611765] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.611773] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.611781] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.611789] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.611797] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.611805] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.611813] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.611822] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.611829] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.611838] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.611846] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.611854] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.611862] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.611870] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.611879] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.611887] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.611895] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.611903] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.611911] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.611919] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.611927] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.611935] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.611944] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.611952] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.611960] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.611969] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.611977] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.611985] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.611993] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.612001] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.612009] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.612017] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.612026] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.612035] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.612043] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.612051] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.612059] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.612067] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.612075] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.612082] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.612115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DLCworkshop01.esm". [03:34:14.612122] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.612128] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.612157] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DLCworkshop01.esm". [03:34:14.612164] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:14.612170] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.612178] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.612186] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.612194] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.612201] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.612209] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.612216] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.612224] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.612232] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.612240] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.612247] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.612255] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.612263] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.612271] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.612278] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.612286] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.612294] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.612301] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.612309] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.612317] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.612324] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.612333] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.612340] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.612348] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.612356] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.612364] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.612371] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.612379] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.612387] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.612395] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.612403] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.612412] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.612420] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.612428] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.612436] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.612444] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.612451] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.612459] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.612467] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.612475] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.612482] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.612490] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.612498] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.612506] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.612513] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.612521] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.612529] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.612537] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.612544] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.612553] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.612560] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.612568] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.612576] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.612583] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.612591] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.612599] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.612607] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.612615] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.612622] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.612630] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.612638] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.612646] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.612654] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.612662] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.612669] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.612677] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.612685] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.612693] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.612701] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.612710] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.612717] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.612725] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.612733] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.612742] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.612750] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.612758] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.612766] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.612774] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.612783] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.612790] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.612798] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.612806] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.612813] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.612822] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.612829] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.612837] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.612845] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.612853] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.612861] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.612869] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.612877] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.612886] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.612894] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.612901] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.612909] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.612917] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.612925] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.612933] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.612941] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.612950] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.612958] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.612965] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.612973] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.612981] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.612989] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.612997] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.613005] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.613014] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.613022] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.613030] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.613038] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.613046] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.613054] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.613063] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.613071] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.613079] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.613087] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.613095] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.613103] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.613111] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.613119] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.613127] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.613136] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.613144] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.613152] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.613159] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.613168] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.613176] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.613184] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.613192] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.613200] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.613208] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.613216] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.613224] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.613232] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.613240] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.613248] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.613257] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.613265] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.613273] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.613281] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.613289] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.613297] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.613305] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.613313] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.613321] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.613330] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.613338] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.613346] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.613355] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.613363] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.613385] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.613407] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.613416] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.613424] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.613432] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.613440] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.613448] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.613457] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.613465] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.613473] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.613481] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.613489] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.613497] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.613503] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.613536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:14.613543] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.613549] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.613577] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:14.613606] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:14.613636] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:14.613643] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.613649] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.613657] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.613665] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.613672] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.613680] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.613688] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.613695] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.613703] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.613710] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.613718] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.613726] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.613734] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.613741] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.613749] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.613756] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.613765] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.613772] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.613780] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.613788] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.613795] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.613803] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.613810] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.613818] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.613827] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.613835] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.613843] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.613851] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.613858] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.613866] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.613874] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.613882] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.613889] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.613897] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.613905] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.613913] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.613921] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.613928] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.613936] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.613944] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.613952] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.613959] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.613967] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.613975] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.613983] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.613991] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.613999] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.614006] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.614014] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.614022] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.614030] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.614038] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.614046] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.614053] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.614061] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.614069] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.614077] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.614085] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.614093] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.614100] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.614108] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.614116] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.614124] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.614132] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.614140] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.614147] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.614155] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.614164] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.614172] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.614180] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.614189] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.614197] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.614205] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.614213] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.614221] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.614229] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.614237] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.614244] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.614252] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.614260] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.614268] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.614276] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.614284] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.614291] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.614299] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.614307] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.614315] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.614323] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.614331] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.614339] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.614347] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.614356] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.614364] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.614387] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.614409] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.614417] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.614425] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.614433] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.614441] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.614449] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.614457] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.614465] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.614473] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.614481] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.614489] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.614497] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.614505] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.614514] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.614522] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.614530] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.614538] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.614546] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.614554] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.614562] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.614570] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.614578] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.614586] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.614594] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.614602] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.614610] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.614618] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.614626] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.614634] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.614642] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.614649] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.614657] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.614665] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.614673] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.614681] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.614689] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.614697] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.614705] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.614713] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.614721] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.614729] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.614737] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.614746] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.614753] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.614761] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.614769] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.614778] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.614786] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.614795] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.614803] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.614811] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.614819] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.614828] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.614836] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.614844] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.614853] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.614861] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.614869] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.614877] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.614885] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.614893] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.614901] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.614910] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.614918] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.614925] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.614934] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.614942] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.614950] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.614958] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.614966] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.614974] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.614980] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.615013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.615020] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.615027] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.615054] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.615083] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.615113] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.615144] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.615151] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615157] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.615171] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615193] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615221] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615231] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615239] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615247] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615282] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.615328] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.615361] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.615382] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.615403] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615409] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.615421] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615444] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615492] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615503] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615511] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615519] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615554] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.615600] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.615633] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.615640] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.615646] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615652] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.615664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615687] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615715] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615725] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615733] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615740] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615776] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.615822] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.615855] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.615861] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.615868] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615874] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.615885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615908] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615936] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615945] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615953] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615961] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.615996] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.616017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.616042] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.616098] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.616104] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.616111] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616117] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.616128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616150] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616178] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616188] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616196] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616204] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616239] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.616286] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.616319] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.616326] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.616333] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616339] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.616350] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616372] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616400] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616410] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616418] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616425] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616460] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.616506] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.616538] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.616544] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.616551] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616557] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.616566] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616589] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616617] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616626] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616634] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616642] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616677] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616698] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.616723] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.616755] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.616761] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.616768] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616774] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.616783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616805] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616833] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616843] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616850] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616858] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616893] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616914] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.616939] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.616991] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.616998] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.617004] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617011] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.617019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617041] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617069] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617079] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617086] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617094] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617130] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617152] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.617177] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.617209] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.617216] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.617222] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Fallout4.esm". [03:34:14.617228] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.617236] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.617244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.617252] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.617260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.617268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.617276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.617284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.617292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.617299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.617307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.617315] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.617323] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.617331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.617339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.617347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.617355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.617377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.617399] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.617407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.617415] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.617423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.617431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.617439] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.617447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.617455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.617463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.617470] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.617478] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.617486] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.617494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.617502] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.617509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.617517] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.617525] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.617533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.617541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.617549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.617557] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.617566] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.617574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.617583] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.617591] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.617600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.617607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.617615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.617623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.617631] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.617639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.617647] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.617655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.617663] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.617671] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.617679] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.617687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.617695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.617703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.617711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.617719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.617727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.617736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.617744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.617752] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.617760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.617768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.617776] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.617784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.617792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.617800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.617808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.617816] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.617824] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.617831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.617840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.617848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.617875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.617885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.617893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.617901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.617909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.617917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.617926] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.617934] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.617943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.617952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.617960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.617968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.617976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.617984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.617993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.618001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.618009] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.618017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.618024] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.618032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.618041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.618049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.618057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.618065] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.618073] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.618081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.618090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.618098] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.618106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.618114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.618122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.618130] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.618138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.618146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.618155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.618163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.618171] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.618179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.618187] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.618194] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.618202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.618211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.618219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.618227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.618235] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.618243] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.618251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.618259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.618267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.618275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.618283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.618292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.618301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.618310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.618318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.618326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.618335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.618344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.618352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.618360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.618382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.618403] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.618412] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.618420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.618428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.618451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.618472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.618480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.618488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.618497] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.618505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.618513] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.618521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.618530] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.618538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.618546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.618554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.618562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.618570] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.618578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.618585] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.618591] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.618597] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.618604] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618610] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.618633] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618661] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618671] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618679] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618687] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618723] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.618771] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.618803] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.618810] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.618817] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618822] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.618844] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618873] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618882] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618890] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618898] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618933] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.618979] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.619012] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.619018] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.619025] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619031] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.619052] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619080] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619090] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619098] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619141] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619187] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.619245] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.619252] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.619258] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.619265] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619271] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.619291] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619320] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619329] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619338] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619346] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619427] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.619513] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.619575] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.619596] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.619614] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619635] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.619682] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619802] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619813] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619836] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619856] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619947] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.619997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.620064] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.620156] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.620175] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.620181] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.620202] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620208] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.620255] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620326] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620351] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620373] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620381] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620418] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620495] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.620544] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.620552] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.620570] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.620577] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620583] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.620631] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620690] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620711] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620720] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620728] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620791] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620838] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.620923] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.620929] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.620936] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.620942] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.620948] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.620966] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.620994] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.621003] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.621011] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.621019] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.621054] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.621075] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.621100] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.621245] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.621252] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.621258] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621264] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.621282] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621315] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621326] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621334] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621365] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621415] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.621462] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.621495] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.621501] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.621508] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621514] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.621531] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621559] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621568] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621577] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621584] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621619] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621641] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.621666] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.621698] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.621705] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.621711] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621717] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.621733] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621761] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621770] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621778] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621786] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621821] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.621867] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.621899] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.621905] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.621912] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.621918] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.621934] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.621962] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.621972] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.621980] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.621988] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.622023] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.622045] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.622070] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.622124] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.622131] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.622137] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622143] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.622158] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622187] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622197] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622205] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622213] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622248] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.622295] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.622348] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.622355] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.622362] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622368] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.622383] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622411] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622420] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622428] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622436] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622472] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622493] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.622519] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.622551] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.622558] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.622564] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622570] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.622584] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622612] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622621] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622629] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622637] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622672] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622693] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.622718] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.622750] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.622757] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.622763] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622769] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.622782] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622810] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622820] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622828] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622836] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622871] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.622918] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.622950] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.622956] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.622963] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.622969] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.622983] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623011] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623021] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623029] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623037] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623073] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.623119] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.623173] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.623180] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.623186] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623192] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.623204] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623232] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623242] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623250] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623258] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623293] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.623340] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.623433] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.623439] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.623446] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623452] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.623463] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623492] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623502] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623510] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623518] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623553] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.623600] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.623654] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.623661] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.623667] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623673] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.623684] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623713] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623722] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623731] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623739] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623775] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623796] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.623822] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.623854] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.623860] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.623867] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623874] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.623884] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623912] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623922] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623930] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623938] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623973] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.623994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.624019] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.624051] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.624058] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.624065] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624071] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.624081] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624109] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624216] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624225] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624233] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624269] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624291] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.624331] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.624378] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.624385] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.624392] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624398] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.624408] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624437] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624447] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624455] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624464] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624512] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.624602] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.624666] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.624674] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.624681] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624687] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.624696] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624739] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624764] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624785] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624806] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624841] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.624888] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.624921] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.624928] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.624934] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.624942] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.624951] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.624974] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.624982] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.624991] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.625012] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.625020] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.625028] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.625036] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.625044] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.625052] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.625060] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.625068] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.625076] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.625084] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.625092] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.625100] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.625108] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.625116] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.625124] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.625132] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.625140] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.625148] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.625156] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.625164] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.625172] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.625181] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.625188] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.625197] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.625205] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.625214] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.625222] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.625230] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.625238] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.625246] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.625255] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.625263] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.625272] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.625280] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.625288] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.625295] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.625304] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.625326] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.625336] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.625346] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.625368] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.625389] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.625411] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.625419] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.625428] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.625436] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.625445] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.625454] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.625463] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.625472] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.625481] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.625489] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.625498] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.625507] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.625516] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.625525] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.625534] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.625542] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.625551] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.625560] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.625569] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.625592] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.625615] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.625624] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.625633] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.625642] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.625650] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.625659] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.625681] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.625704] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.625726] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.625735] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.625744] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.625754] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.625764] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.625773] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.625783] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.625793] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.625803] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.625812] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.625821] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.625830] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.625839] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.625849] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.625859] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.625869] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.625879] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.625888] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.625898] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.625907] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.625917] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.625926] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.625935] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.625945] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.625954] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.625964] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.625974] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.625984] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.625993] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.626002] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.626012] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.626021] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.626032] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.626041] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.626051] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.626060] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.626069] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.626079] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.626088] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.626097] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.626107] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.626116] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.626125] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.626134] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.626143] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.626153] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.626164] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.626175] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.626185] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.626194] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.626203] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.626212] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.626222] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.626231] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.626240] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.626248] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.626255] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.626304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.626313] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.626320] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.626327] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626333] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.626368] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626379] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626389] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626397] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626440] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626466] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.626495] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.626534] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.626542] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.626549] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626556] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.626586] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626597] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626605] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626615] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626654] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626679] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626705] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.626783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.626815] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.626822] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.626829] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626835] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.626865] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626876] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626884] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626893] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626932] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626956] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.626983] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.627056] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.627064] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.627071] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.627111] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627121] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.627149] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627160] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627169] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627177] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627214] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627238] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627264] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.627338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.627346] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.627352] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.627359] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627366] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.627394] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627405] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627414] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627423] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627462] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627485] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.627512] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.627548] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.627555] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.627562] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627568] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.627595] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627605] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627614] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627623] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627660] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.627709] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.627743] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.627750] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.627757] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627763] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.627789] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627800] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627809] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627817] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627854] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.627904] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.627965] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.627972] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.627980] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.627986] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.628012] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.628022] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.628032] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.628041] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.628080] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.628103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.628130] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.628137] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.628144] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.628151] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628157] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.628182] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628192] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628201] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628210] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628248] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.628300] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.628360] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.628368] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.628376] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628382] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.628407] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628420] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628429] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628438] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628477] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628502] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628530] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.628607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.628616] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.628623] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.628630] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628636] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.628661] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628672] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628681] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628690] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628729] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.628821] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.628828] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.628835] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.628842] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.628848] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.628871] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.628881] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.628890] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.628899] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.628959] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.628986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.629013] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.629049] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.629056] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.629063] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629069] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.629091] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629102] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629111] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629120] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629157] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.629205] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.629240] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.629248] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.629254] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629261] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.629283] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629294] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629303] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629312] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629350] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629401] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.629512] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629592] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629644] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.629674] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.629681] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.629688] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629695] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.629716] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629726] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629735] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629744] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629782] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629832] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.629936] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.629994] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.630001] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.630008] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630014] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.630035] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630047] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630055] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630064] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630102] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630125] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630151] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.630233] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.630261] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.630269] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.630275] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630282] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.630302] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630312] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630321] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630330] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630367] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.630417] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.630451] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.630458] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.630465] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630471] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.630490] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630500] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630509] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630517] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630555] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630606] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.630686] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.630693] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.630700] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.630707] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630713] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.630731] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630742] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630751] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630759] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630797] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630820] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630847] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.630931] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.630944] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.630950] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.630958] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.630965] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.630983] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.630994] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.631003] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.631012] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.631050] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.631072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.631099] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.631180] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.631187] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.631193] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.631200] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631206] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.631224] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631234] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631243] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631251] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631290] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631313] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.631340] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.631374] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.631381] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.631387] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631394] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.631410] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631420] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631429] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631438] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631475] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631498] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.631524] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.631558] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.631565] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.631572] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631578] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.631594] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631604] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631613] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631621] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631660] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631696] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.631736] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.631769] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.631776] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.631783] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631790] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.631805] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631815] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631823] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631832] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631868] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.631915] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.631922] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.631928] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.631935] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.631941] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.631954] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.631964] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.631973] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.631981] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.632018] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.632040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.632065] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.632098] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.632105] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.632112] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632118] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.632131] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632141] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632149] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632158] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632195] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.632243] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.632277] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.632284] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.632291] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632311] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.632324] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632334] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632356] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632365] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632402] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632436] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.632462] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.632494] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.632500] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.632507] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632513] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.632524] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632534] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632542] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632552] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632589] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.632637] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.632669] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.632676] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.632682] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632688] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.632699] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632709] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632717] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632725] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632761] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.632808] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.632841] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.632847] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.632854] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632860] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.632870] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632880] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632888] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632896] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632931] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.632977] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.633009] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.633016] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.633022] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633029] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.633038] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633048] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633056] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633064] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633099] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633121] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633145] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.633232] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.633239] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.633246] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.633252] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633258] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.633267] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633276] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633285] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633308] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633384] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633405] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.633430] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.633524] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.633532] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.633538] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633544] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.633553] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633562] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633570] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633579] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633614] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633635] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.633660] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.633755] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.633762] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.633768] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.633775] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.633783] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.633791] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.633800] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.633808] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.633816] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.633824] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.633832] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.633840] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.633848] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.633856] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.633864] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.633872] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.633880] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.633888] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.633895] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.633903] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.633912] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.633920] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.633928] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.633936] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.633944] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.633952] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.633960] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.633968] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.633976] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.633984] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.633992] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.634000] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.634008] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.634016] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.634025] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.634034] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.634043] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.634051] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.634059] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.634067] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.634075] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.634083] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.634091] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.634099] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.634107] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.634115] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.634123] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.634132] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.634140] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.634148] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.634156] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.634164] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.634172] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.634180] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.634188] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.634196] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.634205] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.634213] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.634221] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.634229] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.634237] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.634245] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.634253] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.634261] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.634269] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.634277] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.634285] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.634293] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.634302] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.634310] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.634318] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.634326] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.634335] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.634344] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.634352] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.634360] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.634368] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.634377] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.634385] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.634394] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.634403] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.634411] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.634419] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.634427] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.634435] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.634444] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.634452] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.634460] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.634468] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.634476] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.634484] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.634493] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.634501] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.634509] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.634518] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.634526] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.634534] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.634542] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.634551] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.634559] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.634567] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.634573] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.634606] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.634613] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.634619] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.634625] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.634632] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.634642] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.634650] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.634659] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.634697] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.634720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.634746] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.634778] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.634785] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.634791] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.634798] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.634806] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.634815] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.634823] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.634859] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.634882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.634907] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.634940] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.634947] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.634953] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.634959] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.634969] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.634977] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.634986] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.634994] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.635002] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.635010] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.635019] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.635027] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.635035] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.635044] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.635052] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.635060] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.635068] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.635077] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.635085] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.635094] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.635102] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.635111] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.635119] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.635127] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.635136] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.635144] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.635153] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.635161] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.635170] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.635178] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.635187] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.635195] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.635203] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.635212] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.635220] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.635229] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.635237] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.635246] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.635255] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.635264] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.635272] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.635281] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.635289] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.635298] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.635306] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.635329] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.635338] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.635346] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.635368] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.635376] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.635385] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.635393] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.635401] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.635410] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.635418] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.635427] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.635435] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.635444] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.635452] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.635460] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.635469] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.635477] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.635485] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.635494] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.635502] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.635510] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.635519] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.635527] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.635535] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.635544] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.635553] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.635561] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.635569] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.635578] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.635586] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.635595] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.635604] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.635614] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.635623] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.635631] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.635640] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.635648] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.635657] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.635665] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.635674] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.635682] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.635691] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.635700] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.635708] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.635717] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.635725] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.635734] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.635743] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.635751] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.635759] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.635768] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.635776] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.635785] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.635793] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - Automatron.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.635799] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.635833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.635862] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.635869] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.635875] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.635881] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.635887] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.635896] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.635905] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.635913] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.635922] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.635930] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.635938] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.635947] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.635955] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.635963] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.635972] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.635981] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.635990] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.635998] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.636006] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.636014] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.636023] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.636031] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.636040] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.636048] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.636057] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.636065] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.636074] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.636082] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.636091] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.636099] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.636107] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.636116] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.636124] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.636133] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.636141] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.636150] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.636158] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.636166] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.636175] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.636183] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.636192] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.636200] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.636209] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.636217] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.636226] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.636234] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.636242] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.636251] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.636259] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.636267] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.636277] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.636285] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.636294] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.636311] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.636319] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.636328] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.636336] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.636345] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.636353] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.636361] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.636369] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.636378] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.636386] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.636394] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.636402] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.636411] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.636419] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.636427] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.636436] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.636444] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.636453] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.636462] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.636470] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.636478] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.636487] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.636495] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.636504] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.636512] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.636521] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.636529] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.636538] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.636546] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.636554] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.636563] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.636572] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.636580] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.636590] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.636599] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.636608] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.636616] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.636625] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.636633] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.636642] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.636650] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.636659] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.636667] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.636676] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.636684] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.636693] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.636701] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.636707] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.636740] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.636747] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.636753] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.636760] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.636766] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.636775] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.636783] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.636791] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.636800] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.636808] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.636816] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.636824] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.636832] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.636841] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.636849] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.636857] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.636865] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.636873] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.636881] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.636890] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.636898] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.636906] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.636915] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.636923] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.636931] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.636970] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.636980] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.636989] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.636997] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.637006] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.637014] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.637022] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.637031] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.637039] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.637048] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.637056] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.637064] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.637073] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.637081] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.637089] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.637097] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.637106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.637114] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.637122] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.637131] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.637139] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.637148] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.637156] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.637165] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.637173] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.637181] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.637190] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.637198] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.637206] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.637215] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.637223] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.637232] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.637240] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.637248] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.637256] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.637265] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.637273] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.637281] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.637291] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.637300] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.637323] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.637345] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.637354] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.637362] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.637371] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.637379] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.637387] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.637396] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.637404] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.637413] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.637421] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.637430] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.637438] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.637447] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.637455] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.637463] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.637472] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.637480] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.637489] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.637497] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.637506] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.637515] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.637523] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.637532] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.637540] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.637549] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.637558] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.637566] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.637574] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.637583] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.637591] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.637600] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.637608] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.637616] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.637625] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.637631] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.637666] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.637701] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.637708] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.637714] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.637721] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.637727] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.637762] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.637784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.637809] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.637929] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.637936] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.637942] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.637948] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.637983] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.638005] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.638031] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638085] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.638092] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.638098] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.638105] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.638140] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.638162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.638187] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638266] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.638273] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.638280] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.638286] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.638350] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.638372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.638397] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638451] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.638458] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.638464] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.638470] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.638503] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.638524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.638549] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638602] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.638609] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.638615] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.638621] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.638654] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.638676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.638702] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638734] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.638741] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.638747] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.638753] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.638785] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.638807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.638832] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638864] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.638872] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.638879] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.638885] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.638916] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.638938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.638963] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.638995] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639002] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639008] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.639014] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639044] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.639066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.639091] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639123] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639130] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639136] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.639143] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639173] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.639195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.639221] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639253] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639260] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639266] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.639272] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639319] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.639356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.639381] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639387] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639393] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639400] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.639406] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639434] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.639456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.639481] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639513] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639520] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639526] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.639532] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639560] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.639582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.639606] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639638] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639645] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639651] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.639657] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639684] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.639706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.639730] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639763] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639770] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639776] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.639782] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639810] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.639833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.639859] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.639940] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.639946] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.639953] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.639959] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.639986] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.640008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.640034] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.640072] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.640084] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.640157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.640164] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.640723] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.640992] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.641016] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.641073] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.641122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.641149] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.641192] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.641217] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.641319] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.641326] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.641842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.641939] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.641946] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.641975] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.641998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.642079] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.642125] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.642133] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.642206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.642213] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.642782] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.642905] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.642912] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.642939] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.642962] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.642988] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.643045] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.643055] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.643129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.643137] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.643596] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.643691] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.643698] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.643725] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.643748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.643774] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.643828] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.643835] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.643909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.643916] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.644371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.644479] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.644487] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.644512] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.644536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.644562] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.644649] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.644656] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.644744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.644752] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.645241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.645437] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.645457] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.645482] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.645507] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.645533] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.645619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.645626] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.645699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.645706] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.646303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.646427] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646435] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.646506] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646602] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.646729] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646798] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646870] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646878] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.646951] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.646957] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.647576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.647883] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.647910] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.647980] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.648036] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.648065] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.648146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.648153] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.648259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.648267] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.648757] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.648853] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.648860] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.648887] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.648912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.648940] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.649014] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.649021] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.649095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.649102] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.649577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.649670] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.649677] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.649700] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.649722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.649748] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.649833] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.649840] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.649913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.649920] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.650347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.650443] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.650451] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.650472] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.650494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.650520] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.650609] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.650682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.650689] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.651089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.651183] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.651189] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.651209] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.651231] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.651265] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.651387] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.651400] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.651473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.651480] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.651880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.651973] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.651980] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.651999] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.652022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.652047] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.652150] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.652157] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.652230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.652237] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.652639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.652732] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.652739] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.652757] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.652780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.652806] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.652845] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.652918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.652925] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.652932] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.652938] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.652955] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.652978] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.653004] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.653160] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.653167] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.653372] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.654352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.654532] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.654606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.654792] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.655341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.655860] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.656162] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.656387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.656476] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.656676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.656770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.656870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.657086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.657359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.657581] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.657805] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.658088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.658319] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.658549] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.658695] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.658702] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.658720] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.658742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.658768] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.658802] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.658809] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.658816] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.658822] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.658838] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.658860] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.658884] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.658917] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.658925] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.658932] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.658939] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.658954] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.658976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.659001] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.659056] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.659063] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.659070] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.659075] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.659090] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.659112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.659137] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.659331] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.659338] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.659345] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.659365] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.659395] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.659444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.659483] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.659663] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.659671] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.659677] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.659684] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.659698] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.659720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.659747] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.659781] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.659788] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.659795] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.659800] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.659813] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.659836] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.659861] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660011] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660019] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660026] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.660032] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660045] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.660068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.660094] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660127] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660134] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660141] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.660147] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660158] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.660180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.660207] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660240] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660247] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660253] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.660259] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660272] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.660295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.660322] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660355] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660362] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660368] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.660375] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660385] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.660431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.660473] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660599] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660607] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660614] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.660620] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660630] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.660652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.660677] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660710] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660717] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660724] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.660730] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660738] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.660761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.660786] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.660846] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.660854] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.660861] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.660882] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.660904] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.660925] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.660934] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.660955] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.660963] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.660972] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.660980] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.660989] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.660997] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.661005] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.661014] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.661022] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.661031] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.661039] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.661048] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.661056] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.661064] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.661073] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.661081] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.661091] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.661100] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.661109] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.661119] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.661128] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.661151] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.661160] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.661181] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.661190] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.661199] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.661208] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.661232] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.661254] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.661264] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.661287] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.661297] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.661306] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.661315] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.661326] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.661335] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.661344] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.661354] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.661364] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.661373] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.661383] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.661393] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.661403] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.661412] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.661421] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.661430] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.661452] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.661462] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.661469] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.661535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.661543] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.661561] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.661568] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.661575] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.661599] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.661627] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.661660] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.661668] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.661674] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.661681] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.661729] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.661755] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.661788] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.661810] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.661829] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.661836] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.661858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.661897] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.661930] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.661937] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.661943] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.661949] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.661969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.661994] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662027] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662034] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662040] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.662047] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.662091] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662124] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662131] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662137] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.662144] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.662218] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662267] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662274] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662281] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.662300] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.662386] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662448] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662456] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662462] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.662469] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662487] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.662512] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662558] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662565] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662572] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.662578] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662595] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.662620] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662653] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662659] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662666] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.662672] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.662715] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662748] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662755] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662761] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.662767] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.662808] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.662848] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.662855] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.662861] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.662868] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.662883] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.662939] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663013] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663021] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663028] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.663034] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.663088] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663122] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663128] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663135] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.663141] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.663223] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663271] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663279] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663286] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.663292] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.663345] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663378] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663385] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663392] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.663398] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663411] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.663436] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663485] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663492] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663513] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.663532] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663560] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.663601] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663638] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663659] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663666] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.663673] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663685] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.663728] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663777] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663785] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663792] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.663798] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663810] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.663877] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.663914] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.663922] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.663942] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.663948] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.663959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.663998] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.664047] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.664067] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.664074] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.664080] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.664090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.664115] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.664148] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.664155] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.664161] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.664167] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.664176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.664201] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.664235] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.664256] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.664276] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664282] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.664290] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.664299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.664322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.664344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.664353] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.664362] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.664370] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.664379] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.664387] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.664396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.664404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.664412] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.664421] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.664430] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.664438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.664447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.664455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.664464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.664473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.664482] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.664492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.664501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.664510] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.664518] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.664527] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.664536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.664545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.664553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.664562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.664568] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.664607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Fallout4.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664637] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664668] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664698] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664729] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664762] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664791] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.664798] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.664804] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.664810] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.664816] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.664842] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.665150] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665156] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665163] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.665168] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665193] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665227] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665234] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665240] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.665246] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665269] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665302] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665308] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665315] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.665321] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665344] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665382] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665389] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665395] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.665401] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665423] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665462] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665469] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665475] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.665542] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665568] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665602] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665609] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665616] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.665622] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665643] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665675] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665682] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665688] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.665694] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665715] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665747] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665754] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665761] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.665767] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665786] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665819] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665826] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.665832] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.665838] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.665857] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.665889] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.665896] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.666456] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.666576] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.666583] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.666601] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.666634] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.666641] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.666647] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.666653] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.666671] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.666709] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.666716] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.666723] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.666728] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.666746] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.666806] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.666813] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.666820] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.666826] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.666843] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.666899] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.666906] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.666913] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.666919] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.666935] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.666993] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.667001] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.667007] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.667013] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.667028] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.667088] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.667095] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.667101] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.667109] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.667124] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.667183] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.667189] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.667196] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.667202] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.667217] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.667319] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.667326] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.667402] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.667854] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.667860] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.667874] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.667955] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.667962] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.667968] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.667974] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.667987] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668089] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668096] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668102] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.668108] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668120] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668153] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668159] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668166] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.668172] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668183] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668271] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668291] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668298] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.668303] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668329] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668420] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668427] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668433] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.668439] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668449] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668481] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668488] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668494] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.668500] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668510] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668542] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668549] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668555] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.668562] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668571] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668602] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668609] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668615] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.668621] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668629] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668661] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668668] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668674] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.668682] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668689] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668721] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668728] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668735] [trace]: Adding specific edges to vertex for "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.668741] [trace]: Adding edges for master flag differences. [03:34:14.668747] [trace]: Adding in-edges for masters. [03:34:14.668779] [trace]: Adding in-edges for requirements. [03:34:14.668786] [trace]: Adding in-edges for 'load after's. [03:34:14.668792] [trace]: Adding hardcoded plugin edges. [03:34:14.668799] [debug]: Getting implicitly active plugins. [03:34:14.669315] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.669358] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.669368] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.669377] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.669386] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.669395] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.669404] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.669413] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.669422] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.669432] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.669441] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.669450] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.669459] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.669561] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.669618] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.669633] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.669643] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.669724] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.669852] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.669863] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.669901] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.669911] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.669920] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.669929] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.669938] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.669948] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.669957] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.669966] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.669975] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.669984] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.669993] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.670003] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.670106] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.670164] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.670177] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.670186] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.670195] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.670308] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.670435] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.670479] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.670489] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.670498] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.670507] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.670516] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.670525] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.670534] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.670543] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.670552] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.670562] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.670571] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.670580] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.670690] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.670753] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.670766] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.670775] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.670785] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.670868] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.671004] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.671045] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.671055] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.671064] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.671073] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.671082] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.671091] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.671100] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.671109] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.671118] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.671128] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.671137] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.671146] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.671248] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.671306] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.671320] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.671329] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.671338] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.671420] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.671550] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.671592] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.671601] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.671610] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.671619] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.671629] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.671638] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.671647] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.671656] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.671665] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.671674] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.671684] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.671693] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.671793] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.671851] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.671864] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.671873] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.671956] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.672083] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.672123] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.672133] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.672142] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.672151] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.672160] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.672169] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.672178] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.672187] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.672197] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.672206] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.672230] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.672253] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.672355] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.672413] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.672426] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.672435] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.672445] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.672525] [trace]: Adding edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.672699] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4001-PipBoy(Black).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.672786] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4002-PipBoy(Blue).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.672871] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4003-PipBoy(Camo01).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.672957] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4004-PipBoy(Camo02).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673043] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4006-PipBoy(Chrome).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673128] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4012-PipBoy(Red).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673215] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4014-PipBoy(White).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673301] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4005-BlueCamo.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673387] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4016-Prey.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673473] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4018-GaussRiflePrototype.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673560] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4019-ChineseStealthArmor.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673646] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4020-PowerArmorSkin(Black).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673733] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4022-PowerArmorSkin(Camo01).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673819] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4023-PowerArmorSkin(Camo02).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673904] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4025-PowerArmorSkin(Chrome).esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.673990] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4033-PowerArmorSkinWhite.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674075] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4024-PACamo03.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674162] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4038-HorseArmor.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674305] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4041-DoomMarineArmor.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674391] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4042-BFG.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674477] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4044-HellfirePowerArmor.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674557] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccFSVFO4001-ModularMilitaryBackpack.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674651] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccFSVFO4002-MidCenturyModern.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674745] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccFRSFO4001-HandmadeShotgun.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674854] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccEEJFO4001-DecorationPack.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674934] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccRZRFO4001-TunnelSnakes.esm" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.674967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.674977] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.675017] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.675028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.675037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.675046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.675055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.675064] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.675073] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.675083] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.675092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.675101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.675111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.675242] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.675332] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.675360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.675384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.675406] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.675559] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.675604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.675770] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccFSVFO4003-Slocum.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.675854] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4001-FactionWS01Army.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.675939] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4002-FactionWS02ACat.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.675976] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.675988] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.676028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.676039] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.676049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.676058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.676067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.676076] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.676086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.676097] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.676106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.676116] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.676274] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.676346] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.676361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.676370] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.676380] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.676462] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.676507] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.676646] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4004-FactionWS04Gun.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.676730] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4005-FactionWS05HRPink.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.676813] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4006-FactionWS06HRShark.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.676895] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4007-FactionWS07HRFlames.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.676978] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4008-FactionWS08Inst.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.677059] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4009-FactionWS09MM.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.677143] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4010-FactionWS10RR.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.677254] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4011-FactionWS11VT.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.677337] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4012-FactionAS01ACat.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.677374] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.677385] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.677425] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.677437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.677463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.677485] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.677495] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.677504] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.677513] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.677526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.677535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.677667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.677727] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.677741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.677750] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.677759] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.677843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.677888] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.678124] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4014-FactionAS03Gun.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.678194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.678220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.678302] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.678313] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.678323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.678332] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.678341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.678350] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.678359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.678373] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.678475] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.678534] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.678548] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.678557] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.678566] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.678649] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.678693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.678944] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4016-FactionAS05HRShark.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679029] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4017-FactionAS06Inst.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679170] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4018-FactionAS07MM.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679297] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4019-FactionAS08Nuk.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679455] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4020-FactionAS09RR.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679590] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4021-FactionAS10HRFlames.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679756] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4022-FactionAS11VT.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679870] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGCAFO4023-FactionAS12Army.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.679978] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccAWNFO4001-BrandedAttire.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.680019] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.680030] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.680070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.680082] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.680091] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.680100] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.680109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.680117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.680126] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.680295] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.680355] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.680368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.680378] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.680387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.680472] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.680516] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.680650] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccSWKFO4002-PipNuka.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.680731] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccSWKFO4003-PipQuan.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.680765] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.680775] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.680814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.680827] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.680836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.680845] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.680854] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.680863] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.680970] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.681028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.681041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.681051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.681060] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.681142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.681194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.681335] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4051-DgBox.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.681373] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.681384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.681426] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.681440] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.681449] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.681458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.681467] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.681584] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.681647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.681661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.681670] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.681680] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.681764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.681812] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.681952] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4053-DgGoldR.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.682039] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4054-DgGreatD.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.682074] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.682085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.682124] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.682139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.682149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.682158] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.682335] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.682393] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.682406] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.682416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.682425] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.682508] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.682551] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.682690] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4056-DgLabB.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.682776] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4057-DgLabY.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.682861] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4058-DGLabC.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.682898] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.682909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.682947] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.682964] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.682974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.683081] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.683139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.683152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.683162] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.683173] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.683256] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.683300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.683389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.683400] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.683438] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.683456] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.683563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.683621] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.683675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.683689] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.683699] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.683781] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.683825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.683917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.683928] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.683967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.684084] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.684143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.684156] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.684166] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.684175] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.684302] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.684345] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.684427] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.684438] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.684585] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.684644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.684657] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.684667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.684676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.684758] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.684801] [trace]: Adding edge from "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" to "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.684933] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccRZRFO4004-PipInst.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685019] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4062-PipPat.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685098] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccRZRFO4003-PipOver.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685178] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccFRSFO4002-AntimaterielRifle.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685257] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccEEJFO4002-Nuka.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685336] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccYGPFO4001-PipCruiser.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685422] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4072-PipGrog.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685509] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4073-PipMMan.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685595] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4074-PipInspect.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685681] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4075-PipShroud.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685766] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4076-PipMystery.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685851] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4071-PipArc.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.685935] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4079-PipVim.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686021] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4078-PipReily.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686106] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4077-PipRocket.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686207] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4070-PipAbra.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686306] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4008-PipGrn.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686391] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4015-PipYell.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686477] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4009-PipOran.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686561] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4011-PipPurp.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686648] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4021-PowerArmorSkinBlue.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686733] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4027-PowerArmorSkinGreen.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686819] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4034-PowerArmorSkinYellow.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686905] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4028-PowerArmorSkinOrange.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.686991] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4031-PowerArmorSkinRed.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687077] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4030-PowerArmorSkinPurple.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687163] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4032-PowerArmorSkinTan.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687249] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4029-PowerArmorSkinPink.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687329] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGRCFO4001-PipGreyTort.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687408] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccGRCFO4002-PipGreenVim.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687493] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4013-PipTan.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687580] [trace]: Skipping adding harcoded plugin edges for "ccBGSFO4010-PipPnk.esl" as it is not installed. [03:34:14.687596] [trace]: Adding group edges. [03:34:14.687603] [trace]: Checking group edges for "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.687882] [trace]: Checking group edges for "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.688148] [trace]: Checking group edges for "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.688439] [trace]: Checking group edges for "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.688703] [trace]: Checking group edges for "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.688965] [trace]: Checking group edges for "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.689257] [trace]: Checking group edges for "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.689795] [trace]: Checking group edges for "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:14.690066] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.690626] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:14.690898] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.691211] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.691569] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:14.691831] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:14.692094] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:14.692499] [trace]: Checking group edges for "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:14.692808] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.706486] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:14.706770] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:14.707037] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:14.707305] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:14.707573] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.707851] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.708258] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:14.708520] [trace]: Checking group edges for "bifurious.esp". [03:34:14.708780] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:14.709040] [trace]: Checking group edges for "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:14.709376] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:14.709689] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:14.709957] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CBBE.esp". [03:34:14.710278] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:14.710422] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.711302] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:14.711472] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.712873] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:14.713027] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.714204] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:14.714331] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.715218] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:14.715335] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.716226] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:14.716344] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.717175] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:14.717291] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.718059] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:14.718205] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.719109] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:14.719227] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.720299] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:14.720418] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.721477] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:14.721595] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.722591] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:14.722708] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.723666] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.723946] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:14.724270] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:14.724552] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:14.724898] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:14.725262] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:14.725626] [trace]: Checking group edges for "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:14.725895] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:14.726220] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:14.726488] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.726752] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:14.727013] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:14.727354] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:14.727688] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:14.728052] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:14.728374] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:14.728692] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:14.729099] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:14.729538] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:14.729974] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:14.730295] [trace]: Checking group edges for "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:14.730555] [trace]: Checking group edges for "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:14.730816] [trace]: Checking group edges for "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.731107] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.731385] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DLCCoast.esm". [03:34:14.731392] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:14.731399] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DLCRobot.esm". [03:34:14.731406] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DLCworkshop01.esm". [03:34:14.731412] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:14.731419] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:14.731425] [trace]: Checking group edges for "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:14.731687] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.731949] [trace]: Checking group edges for "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.732255] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:14.732519] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:14.732778] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:14.733037] [trace]: Checking group edges for "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:14.733323] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:14.733583] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:14.733842] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Fallout4.esm". [03:34:14.733971] [trace]: Skipping edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734071] [trace]: Skipping edge from "DLCworkshop01.esm" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734172] [trace]: Skipping edge from "DLCCoast.esm" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734260] [trace]: Skipping edge from "DLCworkshop02.esm" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734343] [trace]: Skipping edge from "DLCNukaWorld.esm" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734430] [trace]: Skipping edge from "DLCworkshop03.esm" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734512] [trace]: Skipping edge from "DLCRobot.esm" to "Fallout4.esm" as it would create a cycle. [03:34:14.734550] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:14.734824] [trace]: Checking group edges for "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:14.735121] [trace]: Checking group edges for "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:14.735384] [trace]: Checking group edges for "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:14.735645] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.735906] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:14.736169] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:14.736431] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Femout4.esp". [03:34:14.736692] [trace]: Checking group edges for "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:14.736952] [trace]: Checking group edges for "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:14.737257] [trace]: Checking group edges for "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:14.737516] [trace]: Checking group edges for "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:14.737778] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.738039] [trace]: Checking group edges for "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:14.738299] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:14.738560] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:14.738820] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:14.739108] [trace]: Checking group edges for "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:14.739369] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:14.739630] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:14.739890] [trace]: Checking group edges for "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:14.740345] [trace]: Checking group edges for "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:14.741013] [trace]: Checking group edges for "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:14.741388] [trace]: Checking group edges for "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:14.741801] [trace]: Checking group edges for "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.742421] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:14.742702] [trace]: Checking group edges for "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:14.742971] [trace]: Checking group edges for "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:14.743252] [trace]: Checking group edges for "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:14.743574] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.743940] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:14.744285] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.744633] [trace]: Checking group edges for "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:14.745044] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:14.745532] [trace]: Checking group edges for "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:14.745856] [trace]: Checking group edges for "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.746213] [trace]: Checking group edges for "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:14.746478] [trace]: Checking group edges for "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:14.746739] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:14.746999] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.747289] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:14.747549] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:14.747821] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:14.748086] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:14.748348] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:14.748609] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:14.748886] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:14.749176] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:14.749462] [trace]: Checking group edges for "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:14.749724] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.749984] [trace]: Checking group edges for "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:14.750248] [trace]: Checking group edges for "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:14.750511] [trace]: Checking group edges for "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:14.750770] [trace]: Checking group edges for "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:14.751057] [trace]: Checking group edges for "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.751318] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:14.751578] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:14.751837] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:14.752097] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.752643] [trace]: Checking group edges for "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:14.752913] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:14.753206] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.753737] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.754265] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.754791] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:14.755092] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:14.755356] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:14.755621] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:14.755882] [trace]: Checking group edges for "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.756144] [trace]: Checking group edges for "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:14.756404] [trace]: Checking group edges for "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:14.756664] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:14.756924] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.757221] [trace]: Checking group edges for "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:14.757569] [trace]: Checking group edges for "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:14.757833] [trace]: Checking group edges for "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:14.758238] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:14.758581] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.758894] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:14.759164] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.759428] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.759693] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:14.759970] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:14.760305] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:14.760569] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:14.761005] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:14.761270] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:14.761631] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:14.762082] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:14.762574] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.762856] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:14.763172] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.763432] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:14.763690] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:14.763961] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.764263] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:14.764524] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:14.764827] [trace]: Checking group edges for "RILF.esp". [03:34:14.765094] [trace]: Checking group edges for "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.765354] [trace]: Checking group edges for "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.765738] [trace]: Checking group edges for "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.766054] [trace]: Checking group edges for "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.766315] [trace]: Checking group edges for "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.766575] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:14.766864] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:14.767126] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.780429] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:14.780708] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:14.780970] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.781514] [trace]: Checking group edges for "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:14.781785] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:14.782080] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:14.782343] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:14.782604] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:14.782864] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.783151] [trace]: Checking group edges for "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:14.783409] [trace]: Checking group edges for "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.797108] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:14.797385] [trace]: Checking group edges for "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:14.797646] [trace]: Checking group edges for "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:14.797951] [trace]: Checking group edges for "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.798210] [trace]: Checking group edges for "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:14.798468] [trace]: Checking group edges for "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.798727] [trace]: Checking group edges for "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:14.799015] [trace]: Checking group edges for "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:14.799274] [trace]: Checking group edges for "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:14.799532] [trace]: Checking group edges for "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:14.799791] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:14.800077] [trace]: Checking group edges for "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:14.800337] [trace]: Checking group edges for "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.800598] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:14.800858] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:14.801320] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:14.801589] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.801877] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.802154] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:14.802433] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:14.802707] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.803012] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:14.803290] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.803563] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:14.803837] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:14.804137] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:14.804409] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:14.804679] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.804982] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.805255] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.805529] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.805800] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:14.806102] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.806375] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:14.806646] [trace]: Checking group edges for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:14.806918] [trace]: Checking group edges for "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:14.807181] [trace]: Checking group edges for "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.807443] [trace]: Checking group edges for "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:14.807707] [trace]: Checking group edges for "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:14.808032] [trace]: Checking group edges for "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:14.808351] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:14.808611] [trace]: Checking group edges for "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:14.808898] [trace]: Checking group edges for "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:14.809264] [trace]: Checking group edges for "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.809573] [trace]: Adding group edges that don't individually introduce cycles. [03:34:14.809614] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:14.809640] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.809680] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809689] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809696] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809704] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809711] [trace]: Adding edge from "StartMeUp.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809718] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809733] [trace]: Adding edge from "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809740] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809747] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809761] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809776] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809783] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809790] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809798] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809806] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809836] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809843] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809863] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809870] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809878] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809897] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809912] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809919] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809926] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809933] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809940] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809947] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809961] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809976] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.809998] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810012] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810020] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810027] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810035] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810042] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810049] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810056] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810063] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810078] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810085] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810093] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810099] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810106] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810115] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810145] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810152] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810159] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810166] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810181] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810189] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810204] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810240] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810247] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810254] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810261] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810269] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810276] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810283] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810290] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810305] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810319] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810326] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810340] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810362] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810370] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810377] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemMutieBETA.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810391] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810397] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810412] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810419] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810426] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810433] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810447] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810454] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810470] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810493] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810500] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810507] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810529] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810536] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810543] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810550] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810557] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810564] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810571] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810578] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810585] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810592] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810599] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810606] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810614] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810621] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810628] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810635] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810657] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810665] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810673] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810699] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810706] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810721] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810728] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810735] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810744] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810758] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810765] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810772] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810779] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810793] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810800] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810838] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810873] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810896] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810923] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810966] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810973] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810980] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810988] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.810995] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811002] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811025] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811039] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811061] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811081] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811088] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811096] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811103] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811110] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811117] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811124] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811131] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811145] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811168] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811218] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811233] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811267] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811274] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811288] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811296] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811303] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811310] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811340] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811347] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811354] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811361] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811369] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811391] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811398] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:14.811999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:14.812211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:14.812243] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:14.812260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:14.812277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:14.812760] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812770] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812785] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812827] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812834] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812844] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812864] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812886] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812903] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812911] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812932] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812952] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812974] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.812981] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813040] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813062] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813089] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813120] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813141] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813149] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813179] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813246] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813267] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813275] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813291] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813298] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813307] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813318] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813326] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813333] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813341] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813348] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813371] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813392] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813400] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813408] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813416] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813423] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813430] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813437] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813448] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813482] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813489] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813497] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813504] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813526] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813540] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813555] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813570] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813577] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813584] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813592] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813600] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813608] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813615] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813622] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813636] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813660] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813667] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813674] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813699] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813706] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813713] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813720] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemMutieBETA.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813756] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813763] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813784] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813805] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813837] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813845] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813867] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813880] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813895] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813902] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813925] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813933] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813942] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813949] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813956] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813978] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813985] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.813999] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814013] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814020] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814027] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814035] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814041] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814048] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814056] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814062] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814069] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814077] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814084] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814091] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814098] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814113] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814120] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814129] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814142] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814156] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814163] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814170] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814178] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814192] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814199] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814213] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814221] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814235] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814242] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814249] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814257] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814316] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814323] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814330] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814337] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814344] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814351] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814358] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814365] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814373] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814381] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814404] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814413] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814436] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814443] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814464] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814471] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814479] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814501] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814523] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814531] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814551] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814572] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814598] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814668] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814682] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814690] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814697] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814704] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814711] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814718] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814733] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814740] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814748] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814769] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814776] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814785] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814793] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814801] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814851] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814858] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:14.814889] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:14.814956] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.814964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.814971] [trace]: Adding edge from "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.814978] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.814987] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.814995] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815010] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815024] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815032] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815039] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815047] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815054] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815061] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815076] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815083] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815089] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815096] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815124] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815131] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815145] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815152] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815158] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815165] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815172] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815186] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815208] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815215] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815222] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815236] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815243] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815250] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815258] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815265] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815272] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815278] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815285] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815293] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815300] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815315] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815322] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815329] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815336] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815342] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815352] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815362] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815369] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815376] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815383] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815389] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815396] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815403] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815417] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815438] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815445] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815458] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815472] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815479] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815486] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815492] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815500] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815507] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815528] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815543] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815550] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815557] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815563] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815572] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815586] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815592] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815599] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815606] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemMutieBETA.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815626] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815640] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815647] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815653] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815660] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815674] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815681] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815697] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815718] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815724] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815732] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815746] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815753] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815760] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815767] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815780] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815787] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815801] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815815] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815822] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815906] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815930] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815950] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815957] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815964] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815971] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815978] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815985] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.815998] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816005] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816012] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816019] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816026] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816034] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816045] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816059] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816066] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816073] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816079] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816093] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816100] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816121] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816142] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816183] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816220] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816227] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816234] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816241] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816248] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816254] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816261] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816276] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816297] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816304] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816335] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816347] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816354] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816361] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816368] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816375] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816382] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816395] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816402] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816423] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816430] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816444] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816451] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816464] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816478] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816498] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816505] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816512] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816518] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816533] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816541] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816548] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816555] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816561] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816569] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816582] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816589] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:14.816983] [debug]: Adding overlap edges. [03:34:14.816992] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:14.818971] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:14.820350] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.820946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:14.821136] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.825562] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.840544] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.852140] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.875562] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:14.877566] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.899192] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.905293] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.913701] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.914697] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.915465] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.916209] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.916982] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.922043] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.922823] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.924583] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.926371] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.931655] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.933733] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:14.949532] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:14.954176] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:14.954187] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.955748] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.955810] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:14.956082] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.962731] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:14.966232] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:14.969002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.974607] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:14.981973] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:14.984080] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:14.986373] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:14.986657] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:14.986933] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:14.987209] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:14.987515] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:14.989491] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:14.989803] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:14.990338] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:14.990727] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:14.992022] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:14.998463] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.000148] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.000158] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "AAF.esm". [03:34:15.000165] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "AAF.esm": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.000171] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.001614] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.001668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.001739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.002014] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.002038] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.002199] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.002231] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.002255] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.002280] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.002302] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.002380] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.002405] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.002431] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.002599] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.003072] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ArmorKeywords.esm". [03:34:15.003283] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:15.003395] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.004973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.005099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.005180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.005420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.005660] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.005770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.005813] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.005884] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.007198] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.007412] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.008402] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.008600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.008977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.009712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.010660] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.011018] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.013407] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.013604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.014043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.014174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.014234] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.014557] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.014724] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.014835] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.014922] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.014971] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.015281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.015652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.015736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.015790] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.015917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.016358] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.016417] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.016766] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.016814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.016872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.016925] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.016979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.017066] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.017164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.017312] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.017388] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.017447] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.017503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.017602] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.017700] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.017753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.017809] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.017907] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.017984] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.019692] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.019702] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Atomic Lust.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.019709] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.021824] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.022000] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Bashed Patch, 0.esp". [03:34:15.022047] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.023455] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.023499] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.023630] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.023850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.023881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.023929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.024104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.024132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.024172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.024340] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.024360] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Better Vendor Stalls.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.024367] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.026455] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.026814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.026833] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.029016] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.029081] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.030330] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.030416] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.030465] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.030518] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.031122] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.031955] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.032154] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.032301] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.034286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.034386] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.035980] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.036293] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.036503] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.038599] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.038614] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "BottelingWater.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.038621] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.038627] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "BuildPaStation.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.038633] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.038640] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "CarryWeight2000.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.038646] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.038652] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "CarryWeight200Strength.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.038659] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.040853] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl". [03:34:15.040870] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.040877] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl". [03:34:15.040884] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.040890] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl". [03:34:15.041000] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl". [03:34:15.041081] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl". [03:34:15.041162] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl". [03:34:15.041249] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl". [03:34:15.041331] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl". [03:34:15.041412] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl". [03:34:15.041515] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl". [03:34:15.041590] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl". [03:34:15.041670] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm". [03:34:15.041739] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.042629] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.043310] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.043775] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.044126] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.044170] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.044241] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.044279] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.044327] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.044547] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.044642] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.044809] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.044976] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.045751] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.045762] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:15.047980] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.048612] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CleaningStation.esp". [03:34:15.048621] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "CleaningStation.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.048628] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.050329] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.050659] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.052397] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.054012] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.055357] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.055367] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "ConvenientStores.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.055374] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.057239] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.059978] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.062683] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.062732] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Crafting Workbench.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.062755] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.062775] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.062782] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.062803] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.062822] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.062829] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.062836] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.062843] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.062863] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.062870] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.062877] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.065920] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.065940] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.065947] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.066130] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.068153] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.069633] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.069792] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.070065] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.070097] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.070171] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.070813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.071016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.071100] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.071228] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.071236] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "def_mcm.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.071242] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.071437] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DLCCoast.esm". [03:34:15.071502] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DLCNukaWorld.esm". [03:34:15.071566] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DLCRobot.esm". [03:34:15.071628] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop01.esm". [03:34:15.071692] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop02.esm". [03:34:15.071757] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop03.esm". [03:34:15.071821] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.071828] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "doubleperkbonus.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.071834] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072240] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072301] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072324] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072345] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072364] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072386] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072427] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072456] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072502] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072535] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072663] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.072671] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.072677] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.072683] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.072808] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.072815] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.072821] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.074204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.074633] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.077097] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.079521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.079844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.079963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.080417] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.080452] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.080511] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.080609] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.080677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.080703] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.080710] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "ExtendedHairColors.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.080716] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Fallout4.esm". [03:34:15.080722] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Fallout4.esm": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.080744] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.080750] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.080769] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.082680] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.083643] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.085782] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.086506] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.088929] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.089641] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.090849] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.091405] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.093807] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.096085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.096939] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.096949] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.096956] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.097120] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.099104] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.104772] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:15.108286] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.110366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.110584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.110882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.110914] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.110961] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.111046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.111127] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.113709] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.113726] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Glowing Eyes.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.113733] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.115554] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.117002] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.117013] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "HoloTime_2.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.117040] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.118707] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.120565] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.121970] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.122315] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.123981] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.126413] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.129168] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:15.129202] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "HUDFramework.esm": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.129210] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:15.131963] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.134507] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.136117] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.137626] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.138341] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.138414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.138457] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.138540] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.138548] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.140143] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140487] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.140539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.140565] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140585] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.140605] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.140625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.140659] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140694] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140739] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140769] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140919] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.140926] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.140948] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "InstantVendorsReset.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.140955] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.143050] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.143232] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.143256] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.143386] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.143424] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.145309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.145352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.145423] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.145430] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "JetPackDrain0.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.145437] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.145776] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.145786] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "KSHairdos.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.145792] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.146877] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.148582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.148660] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.150893] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.152721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.152849] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.154967] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.155180] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.156831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.156946] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.158477] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.158711] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.158719] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.158725] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.161269] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.161290] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "LooksMenu.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.161297] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.161303] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Loot Detector.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.161310] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.164677] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.164711] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "MeanMachineEyes.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.164718] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:15.166889] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.168706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.168726] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.168733] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "mso_sms.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.168739] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.170368] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.171976] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.173548] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NAC.esm". [03:34:15.173699] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:15.173791] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:15.175693] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.177977] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:15.178122] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:15.178331] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:15.178517] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.181286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.181423] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:15.183351] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.183363] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.183370] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:15.184780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:15.184821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:15.184862] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186087] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186124] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186153] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186182] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186211] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186315] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186356] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186432] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186497] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186864] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.186885] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.189358] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:15.190977] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:15.191327] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.194032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.194094] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.196573] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:15.198619] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.198631] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "PowerArmorDrain0.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.198637] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.198644] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "PrimeArmor.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.198650] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.200293] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.200640] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.200664] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.200713] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.200759] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.200865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.200942] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.200972] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:15.202691] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.203507] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.204906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.204942] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.205024] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.205286] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.205498] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.205676] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.205903] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.207529] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.207556] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.207588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.207674] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.208279] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.208485] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.208665] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.209407] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.210026] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.212792] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.213490] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.215501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.215608] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.217691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.217751] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.217774] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.217793] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.219341] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.219350] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "RILF.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.219357] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219675] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219698] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219720] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.219741] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219803] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219832] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219875] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.219905] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.220024] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.220032] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.220620] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.220646] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.220674] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.220736] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.220773] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.220828] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.220871] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.221088] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.221096] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221440] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.221464] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221501] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221533] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221579] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221611] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221779] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.221836] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.221843] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222176] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222212] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222246] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222289] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222319] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222459] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.222466] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.222855] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.222891] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.222937] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.222970] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.223101] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.223144] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.223151] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.223157] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "SaveManager.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.223163] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.225107] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp". [03:34:15.225192] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.225201] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.225207] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.225213] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.225222] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:15.225461] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.227887] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.227937] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Shino Poses.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.227957] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.230598] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.230715] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.232903] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.234727] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.235036] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.235086] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.235123] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.235206] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.235214] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.236652] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.236731] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.237101] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.237209] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.237216] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "StartMeUp.esp". [03:34:15.237279] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.237286] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "Stashable Caps.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.237293] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.237299] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "SuperNaturalEyes.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.237305] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.237312] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "tao_catsuit.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.237318] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.237879] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.237887] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.237894] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.237900] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.238376] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.238513] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.238564] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.238571] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.238577] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.238584] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.240244] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.240254] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "TurretStands.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.240260] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.242020] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.242090] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.242151] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.242334] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.242346] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.242353] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.243255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.243429] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.243498] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.243505] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.246227] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:15.246341] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.251505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.251582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.251681] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.251767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.251839] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.251947] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.252062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.252268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.252345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.252419] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.252520] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.252548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.252642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.252750] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.252779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.252852] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.252921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.253001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.253185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.253296] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.255478] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.255539] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.255559] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.257911] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.260487] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.260538] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.260572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.260614] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.263129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.263172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.263203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.263228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.263264] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.265252] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.267427] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.269769] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.272317] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.273949] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.276176] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.279047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.279094] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.279141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.279185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.279222] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.282032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.282078] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.282111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.282142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.282177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.282243] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.282465] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.284734] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.284769] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.284799] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.284834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.284893] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.287166] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.287201] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.287237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.287300] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.287784] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.289357] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.290918] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.293074] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.295464] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.295831] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.299579] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.301475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.301495] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.303108] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.305069] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.306837] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.306850] [trace]: Skipping vertex for "workShopDashButton.esp": the plugin contains no override records. [03:34:15.306856] [trace]: Adding overlap edges to vertex for "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.307851] [debug]: Adding tie-break edges. [03:34:15.307860] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "10SPECIAL.esp" [03:34:15.307886] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.307908] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.307941] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.307962] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.308053] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.308110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.308169] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.308189] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.308207] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.308226] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.308249] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.308267] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.308285] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.308322] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.308341] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.308359] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.308377] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.308394] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.308411] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.308428] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.308445] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.308466] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.308508] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.308574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.308625] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.308646] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.308691] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.308709] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.308758] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.308778] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.308796] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.308815] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.308833] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.308853] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.308871] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.308889] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.308908] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.308939] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.308957] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.308977] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.309037] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.309056] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.309075] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.309103] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.309122] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.309148] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.309169] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.309188] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.309214] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.309233] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.309252] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.309270] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.309288] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.309311] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.309328] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.309347] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.309367] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.309385] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.309404] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.309423] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.309442] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.309461] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.309509] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.309529] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.309549] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.309569] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.309592] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.309610] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.309628] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.309646] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.309664] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.309683] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.309701] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.309719] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.309737] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.309755] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.309774] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.309792] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.309851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.309870] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.309888] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.309907] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.309926] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.309946] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.309967] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.309985] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.310003] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.310023] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.310041] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.310059] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.310077] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.310096] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.310115] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.310133] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.310156] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.310174] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.310193] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.310224] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.310244] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.310261] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.310294] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.310327] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.310346] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.310363] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.310395] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.310455] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.310476] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.310522] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.310556] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.310576] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.310607] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.310664] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.310684] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.310703] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.310809] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.310897] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.310920] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.310952] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.311023] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.311043] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.311062] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.311101] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.311121] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.311139] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.311158] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.311219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "10SPECIAL.esp". [03:34:15.311239] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.311259] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.311279] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.311298] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.311317] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.311337] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.311356] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.311376] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.311396] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.311415] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.311435] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.311480] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.311526] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.311559] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.311583] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.311622] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.311641] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.311660] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.311718] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.311763] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.311791] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.311825] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.311845] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.311867] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.311888] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.311906] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.311939] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.311971] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.312017] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.312085] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.312107] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.312125] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.312157] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.312195] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.312238] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.312257] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.312289] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.312320] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.312339] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.312358] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.312394] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.312413] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.312432] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.312451] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.312470] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.312502] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.312536] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.312558] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.312576] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.312655] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.312681] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.312721] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.312746] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.312782] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.312807] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.312831] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.312876] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.312900] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.312923] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.312974] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.313005] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.313050] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.313073] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.313097] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.313126] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.313145] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.313164] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.313182] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.313200] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.313219] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.313237] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.313257] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.313275] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.313298] [trace]: Adding edge from "10SPECIAL.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.313306] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "300%pipboy.esp" [03:34:15.313323] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.313348] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.313366] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.313406] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.313455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313525] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.313544] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.313573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313590] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.313612] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.313629] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.313662] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313699] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.313718] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.313735] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.313753] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.313786] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313818] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313849] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313882] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313900] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.313925] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.313957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.313988] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314008] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.314041] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.314076] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314095] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.314115] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.314150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314327] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314362] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314442] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314509] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.314542] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.314562] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.314581] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.314608] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.314627] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.314653] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.314673] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.314692] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.314717] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.314757] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314876] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314900] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.314919] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.314959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.314979] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.314998] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.315018] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.315037] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.315056] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.315076] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.315119] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.315138] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.315157] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.315176] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.315199] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.315217] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.315234] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.315280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315345] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.315364] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.315382] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.315401] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.315419] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.315438] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.315458] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.315504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315524] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.315542] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.315560] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.315579] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.315598] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.315618] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.315663] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315682] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.315700] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.315745] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315792] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.315838] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315883] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.315955] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316000] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316043] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316087] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316107] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.316126] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.316146] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.316165] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.316184] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.316202] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.316221] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.316268] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316287] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.316306] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.316326] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.316344] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.316363] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.316412] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316430] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.316450] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.316534] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316583] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316603] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.316622] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.316669] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316689] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.316708] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.316776] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316796] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.316817] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.316892] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.316914] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.316934] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.316954] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.316973] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.316993] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.317012] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.317031] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.317051] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.317070] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.317090] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.317108] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.317127] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.317146] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.317164] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.317187] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.317213] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.317231] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.317250] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.317268] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.317287] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.317312] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.317333] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.317353] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.317373] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.317393] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.317411] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.317430] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.317449] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.317467] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.317486] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.317504] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.317522] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.317540] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.317564] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.317619] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.317639] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.317658] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.317677] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.317696] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.317716] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.317739] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.317759] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.317777] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.317796] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.317814] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.317834] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.317852] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.317906] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.317962] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.317988] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.318014] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.318039] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.318063] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.318089] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.318114] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.318160] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.318185] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.318209] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.318259] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.318290] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.318336] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.318361] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.318385] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.318413] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.318432] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.318557] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.318579] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.318598] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.318618] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.318704] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "300%pipboy.esp". [03:34:15.318731] [trace]: Adding edge from "300%pipboy.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.318738] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" [03:34:15.318758] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318777] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318796] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318877] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.318896] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318916] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.318973] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319010] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.319030] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.319049] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.319066] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.319086] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319104] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319123] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319143] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319201] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.319230] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.319270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319295] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319317] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319336] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.319359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319378] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.319396] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.319419] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319442] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319487] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319531] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319615] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.319634] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.319653] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.319672] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.319715] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.319756] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.319775] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.319820] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319846] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319896] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319920] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319944] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.319993] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320016] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320035] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.320055] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.320074] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.320093] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.320133] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.320160] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320179] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.320204] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320255] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320348] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.320374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320399] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320424] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320450] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320474] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320499] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320542] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.320561] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.320580] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.320599] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.320618] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.320665] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320685] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.320704] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.320731] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320758] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320784] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320810] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320837] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320883] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320909] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320937] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.320963] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321008] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321034] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321054] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.321080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321106] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321125] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.321151] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321170] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.321188] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.321207] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.321226] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.321245] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.321273] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321301] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321320] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.321349] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321377] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321405] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321425] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.321468] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321525] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321545] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.321588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321677] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321724] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.321753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.321842] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.321861] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.321880] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.321912] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.321946] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.321966] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.322010] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.322042] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.322061] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.322080] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.322099] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.322117] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.322135] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.322206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.322225] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.322256] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.322275] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.322299] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.322319] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.322338] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.322358] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.322378] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.322396] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.322414] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.322432] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.322467] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.322498] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.322517] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.322554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.322573] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.322640] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.322659] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.322695] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.322714] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.322767] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.322818] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.322855] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.322873] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.322892] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.322911] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.322930] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.322992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.323399] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.323498] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.323518] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.323538] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.323557] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.323613] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp". [03:34:15.323637] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.323644] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "3DNPC_FO4.esp" [03:34:15.323744] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.323789] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.323829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.323870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.323936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.323957] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.323997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324036] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324078] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.324120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324176] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324218] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.324239] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.324258] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.324277] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.324320] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324362] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324404] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324461] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324507] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.324554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324609] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324667] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324689] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.324733] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324756] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.324777] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.324835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324920] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.324963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325050] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325223] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325258] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.325306] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.325342] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.325389] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.325482] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.325530] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.325600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325735] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325905] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325947] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.325968] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.325988] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.326009] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.326053] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.326098] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326119] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.326163] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326261] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326483] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.326551] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326634] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326676] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326717] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326788] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.326893] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.326915] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.326937] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.326972] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.327029] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327050] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.327070] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.327115] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327158] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327202] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327245] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327287] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327367] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327411] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327454] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327539] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327634] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327719] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327755] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.327825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327909] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.327956] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.328057] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328106] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.328139] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.328160] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.328180] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.328227] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.328315] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328366] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328388] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.328478] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328549] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328608] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328665] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328709] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328729] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.328785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328879] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328900] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.328943] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.328984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.329019] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.329053] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.329073] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.329092] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.329112] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.329131] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.329150] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.329169] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.329188] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.329206] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.329225] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.329243] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.329262] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.329304] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.329374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.329395] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.329456] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.329506] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.329538] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.329557] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.329575] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.329594] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.329613] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.329631] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.329676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.329695] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.329713] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.329758] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.329777] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.329797] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.329816] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.329861] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.329880] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.329899] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.329918] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.329937] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.329981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.330464] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.330512] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.330531] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.330551] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.330570] [trace]: Adding edge from "3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.330635] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.330643] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "500%NoShadows.esp" [03:34:15.330721] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.330804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.330876] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.330896] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.330945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.330991] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.331033] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.331077] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.331126] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331167] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.331187] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.331206] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.331224] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.331274] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331322] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331372] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331420] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331455] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.331511] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.331574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331622] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331666] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.331686] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.331735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331755] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.331775] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.331824] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331873] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.331969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332064] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332226] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.332246] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.332266] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.332285] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.332335] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.332354] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.332402] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.332438] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.332471] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.332519] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.332571] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332728] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332774] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.332818] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.332872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.332917] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.332962] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.332982] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.333002] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.333022] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.333042] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.333087] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.333133] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.333152] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.333198] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.333244] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.333288] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.333332] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.333415] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.333498] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.333518] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.333563] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.333607] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.333651] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.333696] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.333740] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.333783] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.333838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.333859] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.333878] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.333897] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.333918] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.333937] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.333959] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.334015] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334035] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.334055] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.334111] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334194] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.334250] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334306] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334398] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334482] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334537] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334592] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334637] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.334682] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.334703] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.334748] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.334792] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.334812] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.334869] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.334890] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.334910] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.334930] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.334949] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.334968] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.335026] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.335071] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.335092] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.335194] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.335251] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.335286] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.335345] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.335402] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.335436] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.335527] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.335547] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.335593] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.335699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.335742] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.335763] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.335783] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.335804] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.335838] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.335883] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.335902] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.335921] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.335940] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.335959] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.335978] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.335996] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.336016] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.336035] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.336077] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.336127] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.336174] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.336193] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.336239] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.336259] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.336284] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.336306] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.336326] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.336346] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.336366] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.336384] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.336402] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.336449] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.336468] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.336486] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.336504] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.336550] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.336569] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.336593] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.336656] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.336675] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.336721] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.336741] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.336759] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.336779] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.336801] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.336820] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.336866] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.336884] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.336904] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.336923] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.336942] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.337027] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.337116] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.337165] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.337214] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.337262] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.337309] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.337359] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.337421] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.337507] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.337554] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.337602] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.337690] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.337741] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.337813] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.337862] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.337912] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.337960] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.338006] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.338113] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.338134] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.338155] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.338176] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.338262] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.338288] [trace]: Adding edge from "500%NoShadows.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.338295] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "AA FusionCityRising.esp" [03:34:15.338648] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.338755] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.338896] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.338917] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.338936] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.338954] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.339115] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.339163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.339206] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.339253] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.339310] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.339329] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.339693] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.339715] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.339734] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.339753] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.339803] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.339856] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.340184] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.340204] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.340223] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.340242] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.340286] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.340502] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.340712] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.340732] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.340750] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.340770] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.340789] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.340862] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.340882] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.341063] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.341338] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.341468] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.341562] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.341612] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.341636] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.341658] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.341679] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.341700] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.341815] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.342104] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.342248] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.342373] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.342425] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.342446] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.342468] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.342501] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.342533] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.342553] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.342573] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.342592] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.342611] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.342631] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.342650] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.342669] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.342714] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.342798] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.342846] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.342866] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.342885] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.342904] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.342939] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.342970] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.342989] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.343035] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.343058] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.343106] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.343126] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.343145] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.343190] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.343209] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.343229] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.343248] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.344103] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.344140] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.344174] [trace]: Adding edge from "AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.344318] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "AAF.esm" [03:34:15.344490] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:15.344651] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:15.344783] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:15.344965] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:15.345110] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:15.345243] [trace]: Adding edge from "AAF.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:15.345468] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "AAF.esm". [03:34:15.345496] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "AerysNPCs.esp" [03:34:15.345638] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.345676] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.345772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.345839] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.345885] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.345983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346035] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346080] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.346101] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.346121] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.346162] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.346216] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346266] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346317] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346367] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346402] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.346456] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.346519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346569] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346619] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346639] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.346689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346709] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.346729] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.346784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.346984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347201] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.347222] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.347243] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.347263] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.347316] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.347336] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.347402] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.347436] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.347456] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.347508] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.347561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347614] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347719] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347768] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.347820] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347874] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347926] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.347947] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.347967] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.347987] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.348041] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.348090] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.348109] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.348165] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348257] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348491] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.348540] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.348594] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348614] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.348634] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.348654] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.348675] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.348697] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.348751] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348772] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.348826] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348880] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348933] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.348987] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349078] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349132] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349184] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349237] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349310] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349360] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.349396] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.349462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349517] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349537] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.349589] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349609] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.349629] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.349649] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.349669] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.349688] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.349743] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349799] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349819] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.349874] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349929] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.349982] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350002] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.350057] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350110] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350130] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.350184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350258] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350279] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.350366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350465] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.350499] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.350533] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.350552] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.350572] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.350593] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.350613] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.350632] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.350651] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.350670] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.350689] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.350708] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.350726] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.350745] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.350788] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.350841] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.350898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350917] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.350974] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.350995] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.351020] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.351042] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.351062] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.351082] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.351102] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.351121] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.351140] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.351158] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.351177] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.351195] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.351214] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.351273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.351292] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.351316] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.351389] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.351422] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.351478] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.351498] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.351553] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.351578] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.351597] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.351653] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.351673] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.351692] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.351712] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.351731] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.351823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.351914] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.351966] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.352017] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.352067] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.352117] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.352169] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.352219] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.352292] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.352342] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.352452] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.352570] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.352624] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.352698] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.352748] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.352798] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.352847] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.352909] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.353008] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.353029] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.353050] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.353069] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.353150] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "AerysNPCs.esp". [03:34:15.353176] [trace]: Adding edge from "AerysNPCs.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.353183] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ArmorKeywords.esm" [03:34:15.353336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:15.353488] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:15.353603] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:15.353719] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:15.353888] [trace]: Adding edge from "ArmorKeywords.esm" to "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:15.353912] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" [03:34:15.354164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.354289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.354435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.354455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.354475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.354493] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.354692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.354719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.354769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.354819] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.354873] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.354940] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.354960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.355374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.355410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.355444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.355463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.355505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.355545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.355564] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.355815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.355973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.355995] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.356015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.356034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.356054] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.356073] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.356121] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.356141] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.356223] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.356434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.356484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.356532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.356580] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.356628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.356674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.356753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.356774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.356793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.356812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.356832] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.356853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.356919] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.357015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.357159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.357546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.357611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.357699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.357755] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.357774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.357794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.357814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.357833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.357852] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.357922] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.358015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.358211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.358299] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp". [03:34:15.358320] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.358467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.358563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.358684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.358791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.358812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.358832] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.358866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.358886] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.358918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.358937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.358956] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.358975] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.358994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.359012] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.359030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.359049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.359067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.359110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.359163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.359215] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.359241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.359262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.359284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.359305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.359324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.359343] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.359389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.359435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.359454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.359472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.359503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.359554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.359579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.359658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.359709] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.359728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.359747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.359769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.359788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.359838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.359857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.359875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.359894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.359915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.360353] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.360424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.360444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.360463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.360585] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.360593] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Armorsmith Extended.esp" [03:34:15.360857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.360880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.361010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.361089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.361135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.361203] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.361287] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.361308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.361330] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.361367] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.361418] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.361549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.361657] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.361769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.361918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.361967] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.361996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.362108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.362281] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.362440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.362490] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.362639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.362677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.362712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.362812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.362897] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.363008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.363094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.363176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.363258] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.363339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.363422] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.363503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.363524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.363546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.363567] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.363587] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.363647] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.363668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.363726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.363748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.363769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.363826] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.363909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.363990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.364071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.364151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.364200] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.364266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.364347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.364427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.364451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.364473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.364494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.364514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.364534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.364584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.364605] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.364673] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.364723] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.364789] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.364854] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.364938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.365020] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.365041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.365091] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.365139] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.365187] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.365235] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.365282] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.365387] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:15.365408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.365429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.365450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.365471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.365492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.365514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.365598] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.365619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.365639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.365722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.365772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.365838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.365922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.366004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.366026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.366111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.366193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.366273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.366355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.366461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.366527] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.366577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.366599] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.366666] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.366732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.366753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.366863] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.366884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.366906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.366927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.366948] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.367059] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.367128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.367150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.367217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:15.367301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.367402] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:15.367424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.367492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.367602] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.367624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.367691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.367808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.367830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.367881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.367983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:15.368027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.368049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.368071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.368092] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.368113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.368133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.368153] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.368173] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.368193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.368212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.368233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.368254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.368274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.368318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.368409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.368479] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.368499] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.368569] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.368590] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.368617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.368639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.368660] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.368682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.368702] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.368721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.368741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.368760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.368780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.368799] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.368819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.368890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.368910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.368936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.369024] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.369044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.369114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.369134] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.369153] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.369174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.369197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.369217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.369286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.369306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.369326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.369347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.369396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.369419] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.369488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.369548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.369607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.369665] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.369722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.369778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.369835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.369891] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.369946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.370002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.370056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.370161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.370217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.370276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.370415] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.370542] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.370651] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.370708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.370765] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.370833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.370854] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.370937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.370959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.370981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.371002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.371086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.371167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.371194] [trace]: Adding edge from "Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.371201] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" [03:34:15.371531] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.371785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.371808] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.371829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.371850] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.372008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.372038] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.372161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.372280] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.372342] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.372431] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.372452] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.372801] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.372823] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.372843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.372864] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.372926] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.372948] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.372969] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.373029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.373293] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.373314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.373335] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.373370] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.373508] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.373528] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.373577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.373788] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.373958] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.373979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.373998] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.374018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.374590] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.374726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.374860] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.374985] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.375037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.375059] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.375080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.375202] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.375528] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.375728] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.375933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.376051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.376074] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.376097] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.376119] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.376139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.376160] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.376194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.376228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.376247] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.376267] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.376287] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.376322] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.376408] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.376556] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.376584] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.376606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.376626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.376648] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.376668] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.376722] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.376742] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.376762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.376781] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.376800] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.376977] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.377047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.377143] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.377198] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.377356] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.377376] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.377544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.377710] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.377828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.377992] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.378055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.378271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.378484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.378508] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Assaultron Combatron.esp" [03:34:15.378657] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.378786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.378924] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.378981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.379049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379131] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.379231] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.379252] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.379299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.379425] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379496] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379565] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379643] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.379693] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.379760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379824] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379889] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.379973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.379994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.380042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.380108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380237] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380585] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.380669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.380690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.380713] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.380734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.380793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.380814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.380870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.380892] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.380912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.380969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.381036] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.381102] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.381167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.381232] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.381280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.381387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.381453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.381519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.381568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.381589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.381611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.381631] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.381652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.381712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.381762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.381783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.381851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.381965] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.382032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.382100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.382168] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.382189] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.382239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.382288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.382364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.382414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.382488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.382621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.382718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.382739] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.382759] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.382778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.382799] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.382821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.382924] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.382945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.382965] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.383036] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383142] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383211] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383280] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383391] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383460] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383527] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383594] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383682] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.383754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.383821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383888] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.383977] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.383997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.384018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.384039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.384059] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.384079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.384148] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384216] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384238] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.384381] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384450] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.384539] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384607] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.384694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384782] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.384853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.384954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.384997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.385020] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.385041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.385061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.385081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.385101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.385121] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.385141] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.385160] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.385179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.385198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.385218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.385237] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.385256] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.385299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.385360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.385429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.385449] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.385517] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.385538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.385565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.385586] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.385607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.385628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.385648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.385667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.385687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.385706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.385726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.385744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.385763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.385838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.385858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.385884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.385957] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.385978] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.386046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.386067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.386169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.386199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.386219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.386358] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.386379] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.386400] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.386420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.386440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.386550] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.386655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.386713] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.386771] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.386827] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.386883] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.386940] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.386996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.387076] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.387132] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.387188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.387300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.387359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.387450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.387506] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.387560] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.387616] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.387688] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.387797] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.387819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.387840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.387861] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.387955] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Assaultron Combatron.esp". [03:34:15.387983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Assaultron Combatron.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.387990] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Atomic Lust.esp" [03:34:15.388013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388033] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388073] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388093] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388112] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388132] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388150] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388169] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388188] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388206] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388224] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388243] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388260] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388279] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388302] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388413] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388432] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388486] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.388578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388806] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388896] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388914] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.388960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389006] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.389098] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.389159] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389240] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.389388] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389452] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389567] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389612] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389630] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389713] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389732] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389765] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.389796] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.389841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.389887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.389919] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.390000] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390048] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.390085] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390105] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390124] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.390219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390258] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390293] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390337] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390369] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390407] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390427] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390446] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.390485] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390524] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390543] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.390581] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390600] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390619] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390638] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390658] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390677] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390696] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390715] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390734] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390753] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390810] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390832] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390852] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390872] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390891] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390910] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390930] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390949] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390969] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.390988] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.391025] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.391044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.391065] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391085] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391126] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391146] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391166] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391186] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391219] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391253] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391375] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391430] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391451] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391472] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391590] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.391610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.391629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.391648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.391683] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.391715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.391735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.391767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.391785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.391804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.391823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.391849] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.391868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.391969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.391995] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392020] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392046] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392083] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392106] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392130] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392153] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392173] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.392197] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392243] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392283] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392370] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392394] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392428] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392451] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392473] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392519] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392541] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392563] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392585] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392608] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392647] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392683] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392705] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392728] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Atomic Lust.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.392770] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392793] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392816] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392869] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392918] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392964] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.392987] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393010] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393034] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393086] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393170] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393268] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393306] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393342] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393365] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393411] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393433] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393456] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393479] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393503] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393526] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393600] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Atomic Lust.esp". [03:34:15.393658] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Auto Loot.esp" [03:34:15.393997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.394046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.394125] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.394218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.394299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.394354] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.394393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.394447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.394617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.394736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.394908] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.394998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.395028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.395096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.395227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.395443] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.395607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.395654] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.395788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.395827] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.395871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.395987] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.396077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.396167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.396275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.396378] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.396466] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.396552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.396638] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.396724] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.396753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.396776] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.396797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.396823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.396884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.396905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.396964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.396994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.397020] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.397079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.397170] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.397360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.397520] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.397762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.397858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.398003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.398120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.398203] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.398284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.398306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.398327] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.398348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.398369] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.398448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.398501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.398522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.398593] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.398645] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.398720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.398790] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.398880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.398968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.398990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.399045] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.399097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.399147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.399199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.399264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.399314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.399468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.399496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.399523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.399549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.399571] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.399597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.399625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.399719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.399747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.399768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.399858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.399909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.399985] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.400074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.400164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.400191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.400312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.400402] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.400491] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.400581] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.400664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.400739] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.400790] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.400819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.400894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.400969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.400997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.401099] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.401127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.401154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.401175] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.401195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.401215] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.401356] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.401434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.401462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.401629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.401732] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.401762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.401841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.401944] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.401971] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.402046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.402159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.402188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.402256] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.402309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.402426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Auto Loot.esp". [03:34:15.402472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.402494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.402515] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.402536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.402556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.402576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.402597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.402616] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.402636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.402655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.402674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.402694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.402713] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.402732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.402777] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.402840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.402913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.402940] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.403011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.403040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.403073] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.403101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.403128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.403155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.403176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.403200] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.403225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.403277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.403302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.403326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.403352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.403435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.403461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.403508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.403617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.403644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.403715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.403743] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.403769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.403795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.403825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.403851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.403931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.403957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.403983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.404004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.404030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.404058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.404138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.404262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.404364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.404424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.404484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.404542] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.404601] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.404658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.404741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.404800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.404856] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.404973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.405034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.405127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.405184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.405270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.405329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.405405] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.405433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.405523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.405552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.405579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.405606] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.405700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.405791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.405825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Auto Loot.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.405832] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" [03:34:15.405986] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.406064] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.406140] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406192] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.406220] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.406276] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.406327] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.406406] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406483] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406558] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406633] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406661] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.406696] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.406771] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406847] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406923] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.406950] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.407025] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407046] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.407074] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.407150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407399] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407810] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.407927] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.407963] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.408013] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.408054] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.408131] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.408153] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.408216] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.408288] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.408344] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.408458] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.408553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.408726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.408809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.408888] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.408941] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.409019] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.409096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.409166] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.409234] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.409270] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.409291] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.409312] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.409333] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.409413] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.409469] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.409491] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.409564] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.409698] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.409770] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.409850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.409929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.409978] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.410030] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.410124] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.410189] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.410242] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.410294] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.410346] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.410430] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.410476] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.410531] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.410559] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.410620] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.410649] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.410781] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.410823] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.410844] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.410926] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411044] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411124] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411265] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411470] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411604] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411738] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.411820] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412042] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412140] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.412174] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.412276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412359] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412402] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.412521] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412552] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.412580] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.412602] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.412660] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.412696] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.412778] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412856] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.412885] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.413025] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413104] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413133] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.413229] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413364] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413394] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.413488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413594] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413637] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.413687] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.413830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.413957] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.413982] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.414072] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.414124] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.414147] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.414168] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.414211] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.414261] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.414307] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.414327] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.414348] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.414442] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.414553] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.414574] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.414634] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.414697] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.414770] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.414798] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.414868] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.414897] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.414931] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.414959] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.414986] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.415015] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.415037] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.415065] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.415090] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.415114] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.415140] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.415165] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.415190] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.415333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.415359] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.415391] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.415503] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.415530] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.415602] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.415628] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.415696] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.415728] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.415754] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.415836] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.415863] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.415890] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.415911] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.415937] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.416055] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.416163] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.416253] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.416314] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.416373] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.416430] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.416489] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.416546] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.416631] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.416690] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.416749] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.416867] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.416930] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.417026] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.417085] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.417143] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.417217] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.417309] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.417426] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.417455] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.417483] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.417509] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.417623] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp". [03:34:15.417657] [trace]: Adding edge from "AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.417665] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Bashed Patch, 0.esp" [03:34:15.417717] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Better Cooking Stations.esp" [03:34:15.417793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.417838] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.417882] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418027] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418070] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418112] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418154] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418294] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418336] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.418496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418580] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418662] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418826] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.418875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.418898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.418946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.419084] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419211] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419254] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419336] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419378] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419399] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.419420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.419441] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.419460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.419553] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.419618] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419660] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419787] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.419850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419891] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419933] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.419975] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420017] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420058] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.420154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.420180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.420202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.420228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.420307] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.420355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.420400] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420444] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420487] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420530] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420573] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420648] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420691] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420733] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420774] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420816] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420857] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420899] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.420927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.420970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421012] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.421082] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.421185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.421206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.421250] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421293] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421410] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421451] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421523] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421566] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421680] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421721] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421793] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.421915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.421937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.421959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.421980] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.422000] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.422022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.422042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.422063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.422083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.422103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.422122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.422142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.422162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.422182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.422228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.422306] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.422335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.422369] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.422397] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.422423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.422451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.422472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.422604] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.422631] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.422676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.422786] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.422867] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423076] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423166] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.423273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423403] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423447] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423490] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423534] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423663] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423833] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423877] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423920] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.423963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424050] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424093] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424258] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424411] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424455] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Better Cooking Stations.esp". [03:34:15.424489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Cooking Stations.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.424496] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" [03:34:15.424690] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.424743] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.424771] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.424798] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.424824] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.424910] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.424992] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425074] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425153] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.425247] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.425448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425534] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425642] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425671] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.425749] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.425801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.425881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.425960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426380] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426458] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.426565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.426588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.426609] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.426636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.426701] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.426723] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.426786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.426818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.426861] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.426939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.427052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.427134] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.427242] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.427322] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.427393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.427504] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.427600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.427685] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.427740] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.427763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.427784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.427806] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.427827] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.427912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.427969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.427991] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.428107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.428274] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.428429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.428535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.428613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.428635] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.428731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.428814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.428869] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.428936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.429032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.429114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.429335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.429477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.429534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.429589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.429672] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.429727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.429952] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.429983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.430004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.430087] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430233] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430312] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430390] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430516] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430593] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430668] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430744] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430844] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.430898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.430927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.431006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431083] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.431238] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.431308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.431329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.431350] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.431370] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.431453] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431533] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.431696] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431777] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.431883] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431960] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.431989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.432067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.432194] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.432223] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.432275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.432384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.432431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.432453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.432474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.432495] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.432516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.432536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.432556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.432576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.432596] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.432616] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.432636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.432655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.432675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.432694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.432739] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.432803] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.432877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.432905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.432977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.433006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.433040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.433069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.433096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.433123] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.433143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.433197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.433221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.433245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.433270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.433295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.433320] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.433409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.433435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.433467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.433551] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.433577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.433651] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.433679] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.433742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.433773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.433799] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.433882] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.433909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.433935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.433956] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.433981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.434100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.434239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.434302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.434363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.434424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.434483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.434544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.434603] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.434689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.434749] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.434808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.434928] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.434990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.435085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.435144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.435231] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.435290] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.435370] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.435489] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.435518] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.435546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.435574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.435679] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Better Vendor Stalls.esp". [03:34:15.435712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Better Vendor Stalls.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.435720] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BetterGenerators.esp" [03:34:15.435900] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.435927] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.435953] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.435978] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.436083] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.436225] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.436334] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.436427] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.436456] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.436492] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.436590] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.436685] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.436798] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.436826] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.436921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.436942] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.436970] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.437065] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.437187] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.437280] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.437376] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.437469] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.437561] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.437653] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.437746] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.437837] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.437866] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.437888] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.437909] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.437935] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.437998] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.438019] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.438079] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.438108] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.438134] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.438253] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.438476] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.438666] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.438761] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.438887] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.438971] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.439065] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.439150] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.439216] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.439237] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.439258] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.439279] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.439299] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.439366] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.439421] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.439441] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.439515] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.439569] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.439656] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.439728] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.439826] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.439922] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.439944] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.439997] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.440048] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.440099] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.440180] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.440230] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.440280] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.440388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.440417] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.440444] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.440470] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.440491] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.440518] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.440546] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.440651] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.440678] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.440699] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.440883] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.441027] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.441148] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.441294] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.441559] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.441681] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.441787] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.441894] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.442058] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.442176] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.442233] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.442264] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.442351] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.442436] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.442466] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.442576] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.442606] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.442628] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.442650] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.442672] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.442784] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.442897] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.442944] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.443172] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.443280] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.443310] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.443452] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.443602] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.443645] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.443732] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.443856] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.443887] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.443943] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.444130] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.444193] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.444228] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.444251] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.444272] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.444308] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.444343] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.444378] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.444442] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.444478] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.444513] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.444534] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.444553] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.444573] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.444593] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.444640] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.444780] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.444875] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.444918] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.444996] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.445027] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.445089] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.445132] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.445200] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.445235] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.445259] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.445302] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.445357] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.445411] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.445466] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.445522] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.445549] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.445697] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.445739] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.445813] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.446020] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.446079] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.446175] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.446230] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.446257] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.446284] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.446316] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.446343] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.446434] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.446461] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.446488] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.446510] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.446535] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.446690] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.446808] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.446874] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.446938] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.446998] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.447060] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.447122] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.447228] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.447316] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.447377] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.447436] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.447556] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.447634] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.447735] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.447797] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.447858] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.447919] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.448008] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.448037] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.448155] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "BetterGenerators.esp". [03:34:15.448185] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.448214] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.448242] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.448345] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.448380] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterGenerators.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.448387] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptions.esp" [03:34:15.448731] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.448857] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.448895] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.449054] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.449205] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.449301] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.449331] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.449564] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.449586] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.449679] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.449702] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.449768] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.449889] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.450118] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.450140] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.450159] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.450180] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.450343] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.450422] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.450597] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.450800] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.450829] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.450855] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.450876] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.450904] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.450987] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.451008] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.451284] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.451371] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.451533] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.451623] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.451646] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.451667] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.451821] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.452204] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.452426] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.452493] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.452636] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.452659] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.452680] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.452701] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.452722] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.452742] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.452763] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.452783] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.452804] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.452824] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.452844] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.452864] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.452884] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.452905] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.452953] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.453021] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.453197] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.453232] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.453261] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.453289] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.453318] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.453339] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.453519] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.453771] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.453840] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.453908] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.454045] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.454318] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.454765] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptions.esp". [03:34:15.455569] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptions.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.455577] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" [03:34:15.455648] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455677] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455704] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455730] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455756] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455781] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455806] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455832] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.455866] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.455897] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455927] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455956] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.455986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456035] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.456061] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.456090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456121] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456237] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456293] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456321] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456349] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456370] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.456390] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.456419] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456479] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.456536] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456640] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456696] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456752] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456808] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456836] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456856] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.456876] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.456896] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.456915] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.456967] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.456996] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457016] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.457044] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457101] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457240] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.457268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457296] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457325] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457353] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457381] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457410] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457463] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.457488] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.457513] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.457533] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.457559] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.457623] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457649] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.457669] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.457699] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457728] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457758] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457788] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457818] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457847] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457876] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457920] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457950] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.457992] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458017] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.458062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458148] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458189] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.458221] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458266] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458325] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458347] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.458383] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.458416] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.458447] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458479] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458511] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458542] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458587] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458633] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458719] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458777] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458839] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458870] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458901] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.458927] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.458957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459057] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.459080] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.459127] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.459148] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.459168] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.459189] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.459221] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.459241] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.459260] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.459279] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.459298] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.459318] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.459337] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.459416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459485] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459512] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.459544] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.459572] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.459598] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.459625] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.459645] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.459680] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459750] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459786] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459812] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.459837] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.459873] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.459935] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460015] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460131] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460200] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.460341] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.460491] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.460580] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460670] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460759] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460808] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.460870] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.460973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461608] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461643] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461719] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461844] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461913] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.461989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462053] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462246] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462327] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462391] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462453] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462605] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462695] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462727] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.462735] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" [03:34:15.462864] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462905] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462956] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.462981] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463034] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463060] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463099] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.463186] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.463241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463296] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463351] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463417] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463528] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.463553] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.463608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463671] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.463991] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464012] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.464032] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.464061] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464135] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.464193] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464323] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464350] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464458] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464485] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464504] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.464524] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.464543] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.464562] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.464613] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464643] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464663] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.464691] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464745] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464827] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464847] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.464875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464930] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464957] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.464984] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465012] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465065] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.465117] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.465141] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.465161] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.465187] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.465240] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465266] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.465285] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.465315] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465344] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465373] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465403] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465431] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465460] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465489] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465518] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465545] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465575] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465603] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465633] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465658] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.465687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465717] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465742] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.465773] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465803] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465832] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465853] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.465873] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.465892] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.465923] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465953] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.465984] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466041] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466071] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466124] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466153] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466240] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466269] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466294] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.466323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466380] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466420] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.466440] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.466460] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.466479] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.466499] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.466518] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.466538] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.466558] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.466577] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.466596] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.466615] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.466634] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.466654] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.466730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466793] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.466820] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.466851] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.466879] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.466904] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.466931] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.466951] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.466985] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467100] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467139] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.467165] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.467199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467232] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467294] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467362] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467387] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.467445] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.467501] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.467536] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467571] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467605] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467626] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.467660] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467788] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467823] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467857] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467890] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467923] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.467991] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468218] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468317] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468350] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468383] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468431] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468547] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468626] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468688] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468801] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.468832] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.468839] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" [03:34:15.468966] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469020] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469099] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469137] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469174] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469200] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.469234] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.469271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469307] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469344] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469380] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469437] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.469463] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.469500] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469537] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469790] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469826] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469846] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.469866] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.469903] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.469961] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.470027] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470258] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470330] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470367] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470404] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470441] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470461] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.470482] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.470502] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.470521] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.470583] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470621] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470641] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.470678] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470716] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470752] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470789] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470861] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470882] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.470919] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.470992] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471027] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471065] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471100] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471136] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471163] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.471189] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.471214] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.471234] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.471261] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.471328] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471355] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.471375] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.471413] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471450] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471488] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471524] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471561] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471618] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471662] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471705] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471745] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471786] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471827] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471854] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.471895] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471935] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.471965] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.472006] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472047] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472117] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472137] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.472158] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.472181] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.472221] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472259] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472297] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472370] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472406] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472554] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472591] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472640] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472712] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472747] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472774] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.472811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.472921] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.472942] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.472962] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.472982] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.473002] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.473023] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.473044] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.473063] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.473083] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.473102] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.473121] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.473141] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.473160] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.473245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473324] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473351] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.473383] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.473411] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.473436] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.473464] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.473484] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.473523] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473638] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473664] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.473690] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.473728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473765] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473834] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473908] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.473934] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.473995] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.474054] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.474122] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474160] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474197] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474218] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.474257] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474414] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474493] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474559] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474635] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474672] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474818] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474898] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.474959] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475130] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475171] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475423] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475464] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475564] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475603] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475642] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475680] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475756] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp". [03:34:15.475789] [trace]: Adding edge from "BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.475797] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "bifurious.esp" [03:34:15.475919] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.475960] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476002] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476057] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476125] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.476165] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.476235] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476289] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476359] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476414] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.476457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476481] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.476509] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.476553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476595] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476900] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476951] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.476989] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.477011] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.477041] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.477080] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.477148] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.477219] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.477274] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.477385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477579] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477739] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477778] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477799] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.477820] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.477841] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.477860] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.477927] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.477970] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.477991] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.478068] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478152] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478326] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.478379] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478460] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478500] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478557] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478614] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478699] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.478726] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.478753] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.478776] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.478804] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.478937] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.478993] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.479016] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.479083] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479137] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479177] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479246] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479287] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479359] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479399] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479439] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479479] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479542] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479670] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479712] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.479753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479793] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.479820] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.479861] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480008] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.480075] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.480096] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.480116] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.480136] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.480180] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480225] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480269] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.480312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480353] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480395] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480422] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.480464] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480506] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480545] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.480589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480654] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480681] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.480723] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.480845] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.480866] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.480887] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.480907] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.480927] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.480947] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.480968] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.480988] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.481007] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.481027] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.481047] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.481080] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.481113] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.481208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.481250] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.481296] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.481324] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.481357] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.481386] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.481412] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.481440] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.481460] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.481502] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.481543] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.481583] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.481624] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.481651] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.481677] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.481724] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.481764] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.481850] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.481891] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.481936] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.481963] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.482032] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.482100] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.482145] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.482185] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.482225] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.482246] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.482286] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.482364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.483026] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.483114] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.483156] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.483197] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.483237] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.483307] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "bifurious.esp". [03:34:15.483340] [trace]: Adding edge from "bifurious.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.483347] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BottelingWater.esp" [03:34:15.483637] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.483749] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.483857] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.483886] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.483925] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.484034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484140] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484232] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.484277] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.484382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484405] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.484434] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.484574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484782] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.484991] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.485093] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.485194] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.485294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.485400] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.485446] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.485469] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.485491] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.485534] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.485603] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.485626] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.485694] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.485739] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.485767] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.485834] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.485946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.486051] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.486154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.486256] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.486319] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.486410] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.486516] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.486595] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.486655] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.486678] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.486699] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.486721] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.486742] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.486826] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.486888] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.486910] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.486991] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.487051] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.487146] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.487223] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.487332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.487438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.487461] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.487521] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.487579] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.487638] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.487696] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.487753] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.487811] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.487921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.487951] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.488017] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.488047] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.488069] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.488098] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.488128] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.488243] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.488272] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.488294] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.488404] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.488552] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.488661] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.488767] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.488942] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.489050] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.489157] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.489263] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.489361] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.489452] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.489514] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.489544] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.489637] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.489729] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.489758] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.489868] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.489912] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.489955] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.489977] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.489999] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.490021] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.490166] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.490261] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.490307] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.490492] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.490599] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.490629] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.490721] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.490827] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.490872] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.490964] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.491097] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.491128] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.491188] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.491346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.491402] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.491426] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.491448] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.491469] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.491491] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.491512] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.491534] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.491554] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.491575] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.491595] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.491615] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.491635] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.491655] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.491675] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.491731] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.491803] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.491883] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.491926] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.492006] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.492075] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.492110] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.492140] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.492196] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.492225] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.492247] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.492290] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.492332] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.492373] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.492414] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.492442] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.492468] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.492572] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.492616] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.492649] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.492768] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.492813] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.492894] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.492929] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.492958] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.492985] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.493022] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.493049] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.493151] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.493195] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.493236] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.493258] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.493300] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.493453] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.493675] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.493762] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.493836] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.493907] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.493980] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.494053] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.494121] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.494221] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.494290] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.494413] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.494581] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.494654] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.494761] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.494828] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.494896] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.494996] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.495153] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.495396] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.495448] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.495493] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.495536] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.495784] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "BottelingWater.esp". [03:34:15.495832] [trace]: Adding edge from "BottelingWater.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.495842] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "BuildPaStation.esp" [03:34:15.496408] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.496560] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.496592] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.496647] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.496797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.496926] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.497042] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.497101] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.497230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.497254] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.497283] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.497413] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.497539] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.497650] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.497761] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.497868] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.497976] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.498084] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.498192] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.498299] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.498344] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.498393] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.498420] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.498464] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.498535] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.498558] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.498627] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.498672] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.498700] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.498768] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.498882] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.498993] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.499103] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.499256] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.499349] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.499457] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.499538] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.499598] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.499620] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.499642] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.499664] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.499685] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.499771] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.499832] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.499854] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.499936] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.499998] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.500093] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.500171] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.500286] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.500397] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.500420] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.500481] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.500541] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.500598] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.500658] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.500716] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.500773] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.500907] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.500938] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.500966] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.500994] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.501017] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.501045] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.501075] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.501195] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.501224] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.501246] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.501362] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.501512] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.501641] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.501769] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.501812] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.501943] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.502072] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.502197] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.502322] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.502423] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.502515] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.502576] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.502606] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.502698] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.502791] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.502821] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.502958] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.503004] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.503048] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.503071] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.503094] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.503115] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.503256] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.503352] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.503398] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.503610] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.503745] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.503775] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.503870] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.504005] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.504050] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.504145] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.504282] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.504313] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.504374] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.504558] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.504614] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.504637] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.504659] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.504681] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.504702] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.504723] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.504744] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.504766] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.504787] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.504807] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.504827] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.504847] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.504867] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.504887] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.504944] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.505017] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.505100] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.505143] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.505223] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.505254] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.505289] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.505320] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.505349] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.505379] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.505401] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.505444] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.505487] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.505527] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.505568] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.505596] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.505623] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.505724] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.505767] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.505799] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.505920] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.505964] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.506046] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.506076] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.506104] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.506131] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.506164] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.506191] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.506293] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.506336] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.506379] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.506402] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.506444] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.506594] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.506721] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.506792] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.506862] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.506930] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.507005] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.507074] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.507142] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.507238] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.507307] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.507374] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.507512] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.507584] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.507701] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.507769] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.507837] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.507918] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.508162] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.508206] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.508384] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "BuildPaStation.esp". [03:34:15.508471] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.508516] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.508559] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.508735] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.508862] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.508898] [trace]: Adding edge from "BuildPaStation.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.508905] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CarryWeight2000.esp" [03:34:15.509230] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.509261] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.509300] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.509414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.509523] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.509614] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.509659] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.509798] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.509849] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.509878] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.510044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.510951] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.511142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.511187] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.511210] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.511231] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.511291] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.511457] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.511507] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.511602] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.511650] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.511697] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.511827] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.511993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.512162] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.512359] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.512675] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.512880] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.513083] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.513162] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.513220] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.513243] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.513265] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.513286] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.513307] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.513391] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.513451] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.513473] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.513552] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.513611] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.513703] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.513780] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.513891] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.514030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.514054] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.514112] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.514170] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.514225] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.514284] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.514340] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.514396] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.514513] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.514542] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.514571] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.514598] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.514620] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.514647] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.514675] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.514797] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.514826] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.514847] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.514975] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.515133] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.515248] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.515362] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.515539] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.515650] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.515761] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.515871] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.515968] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.516057] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.516116] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.516146] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.516237] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.516325] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.516355] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.516466] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.516510] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.516552] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.516574] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.516595] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.516616] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.516735] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.516829] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.516874] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.517101] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.517212] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.517242] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.517332] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.517443] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.517487] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.517578] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.517712] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.517742] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.517801] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.517962] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.518016] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.518038] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.518060] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.518081] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.518103] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.518124] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.518144] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.518165] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.518186] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.518206] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.518226] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.518245] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.518265] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.518285] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.518340] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.518410] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.518492] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.518534] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.518614] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.518644] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.518679] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.518708] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.518735] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.518764] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.518786] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.518828] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.518869] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.518909] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.518949] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.519005] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.519032] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.519131] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.519172] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.519205] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.519328] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.519371] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.519450] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.519478] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.519506] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.519533] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.519565] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.519591] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.519690] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.519733] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.519775] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.519797] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.519838] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.520011] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.520130] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.520198] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.520266] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.520333] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.520399] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.520465] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.520531] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.520624] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.520690] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.520755] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.520889] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.520987] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.521092] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.521158] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.521225] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.521292] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.521385] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.521551] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.521596] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.521639] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.521680] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.521827] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CarryWeight2000.esp". [03:34:15.521862] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight2000.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.521870] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" [03:34:15.522070] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.522107] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.522224] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.522334] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.522427] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.522471] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.522581] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.522604] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.522633] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.522741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.522847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.522984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523091] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523298] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523401] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523506] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.523654] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.523676] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.523698] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.523740] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.523808] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.523830] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.523897] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.523956] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.523997] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.524064] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.524177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.524284] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.524390] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.524529] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.524648] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.524780] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.524858] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.524918] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.524955] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.524990] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.525011] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.525032] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.525117] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.525176] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.525197] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.525279] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.525339] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.525430] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.525508] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.525617] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.525728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.525752] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.525812] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.525869] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.525927] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.526040] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.526138] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.526216] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.526332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.526363] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.526406] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.526446] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.526468] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.526495] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.526524] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.526644] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.526673] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.526696] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.526807] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.527025] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.527139] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.527250] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.527429] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.527542] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.527669] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.527808] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.527925] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.528017] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.528077] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.528106] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.528255] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.528430] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.528460] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.528600] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.528645] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.528687] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.528709] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.528730] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.528751] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.528871] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.529067] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.529116] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.529428] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.529542] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.529573] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.529767] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.530011] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.530114] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.530259] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.530598] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.530679] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.530746] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.530955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.531013] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.531036] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.531058] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.531079] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.531101] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.531122] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.531143] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.531164] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.531185] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.531205] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.531226] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.531246] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.531266] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.531286] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.531341] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.531414] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.531496] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.531538] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.531619] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.531649] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.531684] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.531713] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.531744] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.531774] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.531796] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.531840] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.531882] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.531923] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.531965] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.531993] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.532019] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.532118] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.532160] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.532193] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.532317] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.532361] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.532441] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.532471] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.532498] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.532526] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.532558] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.532585] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.532682] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.532725] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.532767] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.532789] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.532830] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.533009] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.533131] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.533200] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.533267] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.533331] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.533396] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.533463] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.533528] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.533620] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.533688] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.533752] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.533888] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.533958] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.534101] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.534171] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.534239] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.534305] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.534398] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.534564] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.534608] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.534652] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.534693] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.534838] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CarryWeight200Strength.esp". [03:34:15.534876] [trace]: Adding edge from "CarryWeight200Strength.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.534884] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CBBE.esp" [03:34:15.534967] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.534998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535028] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535058] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535135] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.535164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535436] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535457] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.535477] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.535504] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535563] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.535619] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535774] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535886] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535912] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.535932] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.535951] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.535971] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.535990] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.536041] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536070] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536089] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.536116] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536170] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536224] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536270] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.536297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536323] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536350] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536376] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536403] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536429] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536481] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.536506] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.536530] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.536550] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.536575] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.536626] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536652] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.536671] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.536701] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536729] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536758] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536787] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536815] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536844] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536883] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536912] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536940] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536968] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.536996] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537023] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537052] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537077] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.537105] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537135] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537162] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.537191] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537219] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537249] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537269] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.537289] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.537308] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.537337] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537366] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537396] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537452] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537480] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537531] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537560] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537645] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537673] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537698] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.537727] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.537823] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.537843] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.537863] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.537882] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.537901] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.537920] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.537939] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.537958] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.537977] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.537995] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.538014] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.538033] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.538052] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.538128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538190] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538216] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.538247] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.538274] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.538299] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.538327] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.538347] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.538380] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538480] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538505] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.538530] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.538563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538596] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538657] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538723] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.538748] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.538806] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.538861] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.538927] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539004] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539091] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539139] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.539226] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539365] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539521] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539609] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539708] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539742] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539774] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539807] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539840] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539875] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539908] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.539973] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540039] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540137] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540170] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540202] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540264] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540299] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540331] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540397] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540429] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CBBE.esp". [03:34:15.540459] [trace]: Adding edge from "CBBE.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.540466] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl" [03:34:15.540548] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl" [03:34:15.540615] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl" [03:34:15.540685] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl" [03:34:15.540755] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl" [03:34:15.540828] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl" [03:34:15.540965] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl" [03:34:15.541052] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl" [03:34:15.541126] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl" [03:34:15.541194] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl" [03:34:15.541263] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl" [03:34:15.541347] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm" [03:34:15.541445] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CheatTerminal.esp" [03:34:15.541566] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541597] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541626] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541704] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.541732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541789] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541816] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.541939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542005] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542060] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542087] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542135] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.542167] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.542194] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542251] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.542308] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542490] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542517] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542601] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542628] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542648] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.542668] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.542688] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.542708] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.542757] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542786] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542806] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.542834] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542936] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542962] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.542989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543035] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.543063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543117] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543144] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543171] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543198] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543250] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.543275] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.543299] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.543319] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.543345] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.543374] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543399] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.543419] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.543450] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543479] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543508] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543538] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543568] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543626] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543683] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543714] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543760] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543804] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543834] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543880] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543926] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.543967] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.543997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544040] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544066] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.544097] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544128] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544158] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544206] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.544241] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.544274] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.544322] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544355] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544390] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544422] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544466] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544497] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544527] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544557] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544650] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544680] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544718] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.544748] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.544848] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.544885] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.544932] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.544968] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.545001] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.545047] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.545067] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.545088] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.545109] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.545129] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.545148] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.545168] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.545202] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.545326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545419] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545441] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.545472] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545607] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545663] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.545692] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.545740] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545799] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545922] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.545963] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.546007] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546047] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.546074] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.546106] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546139] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546171] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546204] [trace]: Adding edge from "CheatTerminal.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.546235] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546388] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546420] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546452] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546513] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546575] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546606] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546668] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546700] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546733] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546795] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546825] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546888] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546946] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.546990] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547021] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547076] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547108] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547139] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547200] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547231] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CheatTerminal.esp". [03:34:15.547239] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" [03:34:15.547472] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Clean Water - Crystal.esp". [03:34:15.547574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.547725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.547748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.547790] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.547929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.548064] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.548185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.548307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.548426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.548545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.548665] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.548782] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.548929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.548977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.548999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.549021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.549066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.549138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.549160] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.549230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.549279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.549307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.549378] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.549508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.549619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.549731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.549843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.549906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.550000] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.550108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.550189] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.550248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.550271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.550292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.550314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.550334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.550514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.550562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.550624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.550646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.550731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.550793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.550919] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.551001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.551115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.551239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.551262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.551324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.551384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.551444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.551503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.551561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.551618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.551812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:15.551853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.551881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.551909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.551931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.551959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.551989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.552128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.552158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.552179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.552298] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.552361] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.552460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.552603] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.552744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.552788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.552962] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.553103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.553241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.553381] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.553490] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.553588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.553654] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.553684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.553784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.553883] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.553913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.554098] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:15.554149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.554197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.554220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.554242] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.554262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.554456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:15.554558] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.554638] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.554725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:15.554888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.555189] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:15.555225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.555340] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.555576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:15.555622] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.555719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.555901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:15.556017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.556048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.556110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.556139] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.556300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:15.556357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.556395] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.556418] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.556454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.556503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.556551] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.556573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.556606] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.556627] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.556647] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.556667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.556687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.556708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.556728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.556786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.556916] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.556999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.557043] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.557124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.557154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.557193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.557222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.557250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.557279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.557300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.557344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.557386] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.557427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.557483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.557511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.557539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.557644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.557689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.557727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.557894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.557941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.558026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.558056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.558105] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.558134] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.558170] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.558198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.558299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.558344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.558387] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.558409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.558451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.558482] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.558582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.558786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.558920] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.559035] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.559120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.559191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.559288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.559363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.559433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.559621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.559699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.559772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.559845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.560014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.560088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.560164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.560331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.560408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.560499] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.560588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.560676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.560776] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.560811] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.561093] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.561181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.561241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.561286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.561430] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.561557] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.561598] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clean Water - Crystal.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.561605] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CleaningStation.esp" [03:34:15.561778] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.561859] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.562149] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.562173] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.562215] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.562416] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.562595] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.562821] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.563063] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.563267] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.563468] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.563741] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.563861] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.563979] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.564024] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.564046] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.564068] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.564112] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.564183] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.564205] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.564275] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.564324] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.564351] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.564450] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.564648] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.564761] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.564875] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.564988] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.565053] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.565146] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.565255] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.565335] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.565394] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.565417] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.565439] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.565460] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.565481] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.565657] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.565704] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.565767] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.565789] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.565874] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.565936] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.566033] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.566113] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.566226] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.566351] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.566374] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.566435] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.566496] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.566556] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.566615] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.566672] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.566730] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.566902] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:15.566932] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.566960] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.566988] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.567010] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.567038] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.567067] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.567199] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.567228] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.567250] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.567365] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.567427] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.567521] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.567673] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.567815] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.567861] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.568004] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.568142] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.568276] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.568412] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.568519] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.568614] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.568677] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.568707] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.568809] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.568907] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.568937] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.569123] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp". [03:34:15.569172] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.569218] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.569240] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.569263] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.569285] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.569479] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:15.569579] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.569628] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.569712] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:15.569846] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.570010] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:15.570041] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.570140] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.570322] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:15.570371] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.570470] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.570659] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:15.570780] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.570811] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.570875] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.570905] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.571072] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:15.571129] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.571153] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.571175] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.571197] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.571219] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.571240] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.571295] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.571318] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.571340] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.571360] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.571380] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.571400] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.571421] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.571441] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.571502] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.571577] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.571662] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.571707] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.571793] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.571825] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.571865] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.571895] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.571924] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.571954] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.571976] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.572021] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.572064] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.572106] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.572149] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.572177] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.572206] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.572310] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.572355] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.572393] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.572530] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.572576] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.572661] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.572690] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.572727] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.572755] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.572794] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.572822] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.572924] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.572969] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.573013] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.573037] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.573080] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.573111] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.573213] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.573388] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.573465] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.573538] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.573613] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.573685] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.573756] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.573829] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.573900] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.574085] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.574161] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.574233] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.574304] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.574472] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.574547] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.574623] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.574828] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.574935] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.575022] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.575096] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.575171] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.575270] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.575301] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.575460] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.575508] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.575555] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.575600] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.575742] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.575872] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.575913] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleaningStation.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.575921] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CleanInstitute.esp" [03:34:15.576146] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.576252] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.576275] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.576319] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.576423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.576522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.576618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.576712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.576857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.576997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.577091] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.577185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.577280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.577327] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.577350] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.577372] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.577417] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.577504] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.577527] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.577624] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.577676] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.577719] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.577863] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.577974] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.578127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.578254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.578392] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.578470] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.578567] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.578704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.578785] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.578873] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.578896] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.578917] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.578939] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.578960] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.579055] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.579119] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.579141] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.579224] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.579383] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.579464] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.579558] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.579653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.579678] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.579741] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.579830] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.579889] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.579948] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.580005] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.580062] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.580159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.580189] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.580216] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.580243] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.580265] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.580295] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.580393] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.580421] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.580442] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.580539] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.580672] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.580787] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.580894] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581041] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581133] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581224] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581318] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581434] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581495] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.581525] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.581617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581710] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581749] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.581873] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.581918] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.581962] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.581984] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.582006] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.582027] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.582126] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.582221] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.582268] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.582431] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.582524] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.582553] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.582647] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.582745] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.582818] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.582912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.583033] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.583062] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.583124] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.583251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.583306] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.583343] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.583378] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.583399] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.583420] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.583441] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.583461] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.583481] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.583501] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.583522] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.583541] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.583560] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.583580] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.583599] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.583658] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.583731] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.583878] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.584002] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.584247] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.584336] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.584435] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.584522] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.584578] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.584608] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.584630] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.584675] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.584719] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.584793] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.584877] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.584932] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.584961] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.585068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.585112] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.585150] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.585250] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.585294] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.585376] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.585405] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.585441] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.585469] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.585504] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.585532] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.585633] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.585677] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.585720] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.585742] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.585786] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.585928] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.586051] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.586122] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.586193] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.586261] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.586330] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.586398] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.586467] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.586564] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.586634] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.586701] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.586870] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.586942] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.587051] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.587120] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.587189] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.587259] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.587356] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.587492] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.587538] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.587582] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.587624] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.587749] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CleanInstitute.esp". [03:34:15.587821] [trace]: Adding edge from "CleanInstitute.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.587829] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Clear Underwater View.esp" [03:34:15.587963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.587986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.588024] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.588066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588226] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588423] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.588465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.588505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.588564] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.588633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.588661] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.588728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588770] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588811] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588851] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588930] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.588970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589009] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589049] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.589090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.589111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.589131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.589196] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589237] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589257] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.589299] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589378] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589418] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589517] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.589556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589596] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589635] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589674] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589712] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589751] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.589845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.589871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.589897] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.589918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.589944] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.590015] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.590061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.590103] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590143] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590183] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590223] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590262] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590328] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590369] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590408] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590475] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590606] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590688] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590716] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.590786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590853] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.590896] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.590951] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591048] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591091] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.591142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.591165] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.591186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.591245] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591289] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591334] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591436] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591497] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.591614] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591688] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591828] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591905] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.591934] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.591974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592050] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592093] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.592114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.592135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.592155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.592175] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.592195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.592216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.592235] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.592255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.592276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.592295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.592315] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.592335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.592429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592516] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.592581] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.592626] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.592695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.592761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.592798] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.592853] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.592960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593036] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.593080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.593108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.593166] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593210] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593300] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593386] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.593525] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.593646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.593723] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593806] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593848] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.593870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.593911] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.593986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594146] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594216] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594287] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594455] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594541] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594628] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594742] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.594941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595235] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595291] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595335] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595424] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595467] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.595551] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595594] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595650] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Clear Underwater View.esp". [03:34:15.595700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Clear Underwater View.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.595708] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" [03:34:15.595947] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.595989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.596154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.596300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.596429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.596561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.596690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.596881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.597008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.597136] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.597262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.597312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.597335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.597357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.597401] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.597475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.597496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.597568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.597615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.597643] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.597715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.597879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.597998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.598116] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.598292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.598394] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.598508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.598591] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.598653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.598675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.598697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.598718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.598754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.598864] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.598929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.598950] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.599035] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.599097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.599199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.599280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.599399] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.599529] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.599552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.599615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.599676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.599738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.599855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.599915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.599975] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.600137] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.600167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.600196] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.600222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.600244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.600273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.600302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.600444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.600474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.600495] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.600619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.600683] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.600784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.600930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.601072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.601116] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.601264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.601408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.601545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.601682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.601819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.601918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.601981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.602011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.602110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.602206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.602236] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.602391] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.602441] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.602485] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.602508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.602530] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.602551] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.602716] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.602817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.602868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.603114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.603268] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.603299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.603400] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.603554] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.603605] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.603705] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.603884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.603915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.603979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.604007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.604169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp". [03:34:15.604227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.604250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.604271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.604292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.604314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.604334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.604355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.604376] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.604396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.604431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.604465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.604500] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.604548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.604581] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.604641] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.604716] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.604801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.604848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.604931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.604961] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.605000] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.605030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.605058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.605087] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.605109] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.605157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.605204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.605249] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.605292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.605321] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.605348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.605459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.605506] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.605543] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.605682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.605760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.605845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.605874] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.605910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.605939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.605975] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.606003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.606108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.606157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.606202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.606225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.606267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.606451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.606636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.606710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.606781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.606852] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.606921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.606993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.607064] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.607163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.607234] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.607304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.607446] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.607521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.607630] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.607717] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.607845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.607917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.608052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.608108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.608287] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:15.608337] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.608382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.608457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.608737] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.608943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.608983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.609005] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" [03:34:15.609063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609121] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609283] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609304] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.609325] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.609345] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609391] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609413] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609465] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609485] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609506] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609603] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609663] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609798] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609817] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609836] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.609855] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.609874] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.609894] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.609941] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609962] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.609982] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.610002] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610042] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610120] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.610140] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610160] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610179] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610199] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610219] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610239] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610282] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610302] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610322] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610391] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610458] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610479] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610500] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610522] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610544] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610567] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610589] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610623] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610644] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610668] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610704] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610727] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610773] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610793] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610813] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610834] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610854] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610922] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610942] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.610978] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611011] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611032] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611052] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611086] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611129] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611149] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611172] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611212] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611233] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611253] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611273] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611293] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611380] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611415] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611435] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611496] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611564] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.611638] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.611659] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.611729] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.611750] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.611769] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.611800] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.611819] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.611838] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.611856] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.611875] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.611896] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.611915] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.611934] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.612006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612052] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612075] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612098] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612121] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612142] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612194] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612244] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612291] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612358] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612379] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612415] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612538] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612580] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612611] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612680] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612706] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612731] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612757] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612795] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612848] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612873] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612901] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612952] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.612987] [trace]: Adding edge from "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.613027] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613065] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613102] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613167] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613226] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613309] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613345] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613390] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613427] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613595] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613617] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613663] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613747] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613770] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613792] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613814] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613836] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613901] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613923] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp". [03:34:15.613930] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ConvenientStores.esp" [03:34:15.614061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614257] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614368] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614434] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614468] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.614515] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.614566] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.614773] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614864] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.614976] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615121] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615156] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.615197] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.615217] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.615237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.615301] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615339] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.615396] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615469] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615596] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.615633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615732] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615768] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615804] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615839] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.615903] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.615928] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.615954] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.615980] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.616007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.616069] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.616120] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.616159] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616195] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616232] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616270] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616306] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616341] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616378] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616415] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616487] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616524] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616560] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616596] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.616675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616753] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616782] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.616820] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616857] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616892] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.616917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.616941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.616965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.617003] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617039] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617077] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617150] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617186] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617248] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617285] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617321] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617392] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617428] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617455] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.617491] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617614] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.617635] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.617656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.617676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.617696] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.617716] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.617736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.617757] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.617776] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.617796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.617815] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.617835] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.617855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.617943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.617984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618023] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618054] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.618093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.618122] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.618150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.618179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.618204] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.618244] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618323] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618362] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618390] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.618445] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.618512] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618550] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618622] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618661] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618728] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.618818] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.618879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.618918] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618956] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.618994] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.619055] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619229] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619267] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619343] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619380] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619418] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619455] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619530] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619605] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619682] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619721] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619758] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619834] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619909] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.619979] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.620017] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.620055] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.620092] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.620128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.620165] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ConvenientStores.esp". [03:34:15.620202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ConvenientStores.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.620209] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" [03:34:15.620554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.620725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.620867] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.621003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.621140] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.621279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.621447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.621588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.621642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.621666] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.621688] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.621736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.621815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.621843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.621920] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.621969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.621998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.622074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.622219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.622346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.622516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.622791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.622899] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.623020] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.623110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.623176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.623199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.623221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.623244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.623265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.623360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.623428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.623450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.623542] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.623609] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.623718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.623808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.623936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.624070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.624094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.624162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.624229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.624295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.624361] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.624455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.624534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.624744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.624794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.624838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.624868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.624898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.624931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.624963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.625115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.625147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.625174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.625304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.625480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.625635] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.625815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.625863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.626023] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.626209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.626372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.626568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.626709] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.626815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.626883] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.626916] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.627071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.627191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.627223] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.627387] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.627441] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.627491] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.627520] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.627562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.627589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.627902] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.628080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.628140] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.628620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.629035] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.629109] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.629256] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.629420] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.629473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.629581] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.629775] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.629808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.629875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.630083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.630144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.630168] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.630191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.630213] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.630234] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.630255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.630276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.630297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.630332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.630353] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.630386] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.630406] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.630426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.630446] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.630511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.630589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.630753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.630863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.631023] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.631055] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.631097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.631128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.631170] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.631216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.631242] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.631304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.631351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.631397] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.631443] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.631472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.631499] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.631614] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.631691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.631730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.631877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.631928] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.632016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.632046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.632084] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.632113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.632150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.632179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.632289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.632338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.632386] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.632409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.632454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.632618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.632756] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.632833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.632908] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.632982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.633055] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.633131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.633204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.633309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.633384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.633458] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.633610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.633716] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.633831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.633906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.633980] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.634053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.634158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.634188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.634351] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp". [03:34:15.634431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.634533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.634594] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.634748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.634884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.634925] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.634934] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Craftable Armor Size.esp" [03:34:15.635251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.635384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.635513] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.635678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.635823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.635953] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.636081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.636133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.636156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.636178] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.636224] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.636301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.636329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.636404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.636453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.636482] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.636557] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.636697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.636819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.636941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.637111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.637216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.637333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.637421] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.637486] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.637524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.637559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.637580] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.637602] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.637694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.637760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.637782] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.637870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.637933] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.638038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.638124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.638249] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.638396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.638433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.638579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.638714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.638806] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.638871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.639012] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.639105] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.639263] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.639294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.639323] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.639352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.639378] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.639408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.639438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.639578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.639610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.639636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.639761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.639922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.640071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:15.640220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.640266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.640420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:15.640569] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:15.640743] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:15.640905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:15.641019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.641124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.641192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.641223] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.641331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.641449] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.641480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.641675] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.641767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.641829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.641857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.641885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.641912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.642140] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.642252] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.642309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.642571] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.642756] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.642793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.642903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.643065] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.643147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.643283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.643453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.643486] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.643568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.643795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.643859] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.643883] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.643906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.643956] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.644006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.644028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.644078] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.644101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.644135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.644156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.644177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.644211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.644232] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.644297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.644377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.644469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.644520] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.644612] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.644645] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.644728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.644773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.644802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.644834] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.644875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.644980] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.645042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.645104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.645157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.645188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.645217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.645381] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.645484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.645538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.645815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.645867] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.645984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.646015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.646052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.646082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.646120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.646148] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.646259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.646310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.646359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.646381] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.646426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.646597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.646735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.646812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.646887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.646961] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.647034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.647107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.647181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.647284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.647360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.647434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.647615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.647715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.647848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.647925] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.648001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.648077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.648186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.648219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.648387] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.648441] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.648489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.648540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.648727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:15.648866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.648908] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.648916] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" [03:34:15.649284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.649423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.649561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.649738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.649872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.650008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.650061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.650084] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.650107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.650155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.650232] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.650260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.650336] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.650389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.650419] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.650494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.650638] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.650763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.650887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.651054] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.651161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.651283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.651372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.651439] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.651462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.651485] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.651508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.651530] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.651627] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.651697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.651721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.651811] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.651877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.651984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.652071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.652196] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.652333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.652357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.652424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.652492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.652558] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.652624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.652687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.652751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.652895] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.652927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.652956] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.652986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.653014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.653044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.653075] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.653222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.653253] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.653280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.653408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.653575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.653736] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.653876] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.654087] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.654228] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.654365] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.654503] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.654623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.654734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.654802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.654834] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.654945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.655054] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.655088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.655231] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.655283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.655332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.655361] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.655387] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.655414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.655570] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.655684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.655741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.655989] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.656132] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.656164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.656274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.656417] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.656474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.656595] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.656752] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.656785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.656855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.657052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.657117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.657141] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.657164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.657186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.657208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.657229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.657251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.657276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.657300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.657321] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.657342] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.657363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.657384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.657404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.657469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.657570] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.657690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.657741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.657830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.657863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.657904] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.657935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.657977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.658009] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.658049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.658100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.658161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.658207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.658252] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.658280] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.658308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.658419] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.658468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.658505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.658699] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.658778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.658880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.658910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.658947] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.658992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.659041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.659083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.659225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.659276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.659324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.659346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.659390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.659573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.659715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.659791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.659865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.659939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.660013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.660090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.660164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.660267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.660342] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.660429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.660670] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.660748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.660862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.660935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.661008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.661080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.661185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.661376] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.661428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.661474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.661523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.661693] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp". [03:34:15.661735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.661742] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbench.esp" [03:34:15.661983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.662006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.662027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.662072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.662149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.662175] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.662248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.662297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.662325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.662398] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.662544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.662666] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.662788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.662955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.663057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.663173] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.663259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.663324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.663352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.663374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.663396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.663417] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.663508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.663575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.663597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.663685] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.663750] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.663856] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.663941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.664066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.664205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.664228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.664294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.664357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.664420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.664483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.664545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.664606] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.664758] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.664789] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.664818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.664846] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.664872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.664901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.664931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.665074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.665103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.665130] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.665255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.665418] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.665563] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.665706] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.665916] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.666057] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.666199] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.666336] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.666450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.666554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.666621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.666652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.666754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.666855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.666885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.667030] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.667081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.667127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.667154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.667181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.667206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.667359] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.667464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.667519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.667822] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.667963] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.667994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.668096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.668238] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.668289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.668404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.668633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.668663] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.668727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.668918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.668977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.668999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.669021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.669042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.669062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.669083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.669103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.669123] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.669144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.669163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.669183] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.669202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.669221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.669242] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.669303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.669378] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.669462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.669512] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.669623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.669653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.669692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.669721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.669749] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.669778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.669803] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.669852] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.669898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.669943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.669986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.670014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.670041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.670149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.670196] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.670234] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.670375] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.670424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.670510] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.670539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.670575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.670603] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.670640] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.670667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.670777] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.670825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.670872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.670894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.670937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.671095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.671218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.671292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.671365] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.671437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.671533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.671620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.671691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.671793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.671866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.671936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.672082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.672158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.672269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.672341] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.672467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.672632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.672735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.672764] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.672914] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Crafting Workbench.esp". [03:34:15.672964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.673010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.673058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.673225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.673264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbench.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.673271] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" [03:34:15.673628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.673763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.673894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.673945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.673967] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.673988] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.674033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.674108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.674149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.674237] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.674284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.674314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.674387] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.674556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.674704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.674898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.675116] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.675247] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.675363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.675449] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.675532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.675568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.675590] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.675612] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.675633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.675726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.675792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.675813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.675900] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.675963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.676067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.676151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.676274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.676441] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.676478] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.676576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.676641] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.676704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.676768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.676830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.676921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.677186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.677218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.677260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.677288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.677315] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.677345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.677375] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.677565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.677627] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.677656] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.677882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.678103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.678261] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.678522] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.678987] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.679129] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.679267] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.679460] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.679577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.679678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.679744] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.679775] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.679877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.679979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.680009] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.680153] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.680204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.680250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.680277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.680304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.680329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.680577] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.680731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.680792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.681172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.681318] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.681351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.681454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.681645] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.681736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.681841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.681992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.682026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.682095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.682289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.682349] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.682373] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.682395] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.682416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.682438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.682459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.682483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.682532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.682552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.682572] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.682592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.682612] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.682632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.682652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.682716] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.682794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.682913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.682963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.683052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.683083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.683123] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.683154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.683182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.683213] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.683239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.683288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.683335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.683382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.683429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.683459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.683502] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.683627] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.683676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.683714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.683863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.683914] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.684002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.684033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.684069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.684099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.684135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.684164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.684275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.684326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.684388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.684410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.684498] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.684709] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.684839] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.684915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.684988] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.685061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.685136] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.685210] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.685283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.685388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.685461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.685561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.685710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.685788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.685900] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.686010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.686087] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.686161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.686267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.686297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.686451] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp". [03:34:15.686539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.686586] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.686636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.686836] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.686877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.686885] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" [03:34:15.687228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.687369] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.687563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.687613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.687636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.687658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.687704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.687781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.687807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.687882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.687930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.687959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.688032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.688175] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.688297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.688505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.688751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.688864] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.688989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.689078] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.689144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.689167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.689188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.689211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.689234] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.689328] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.689395] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.689416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.689534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.689599] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.689707] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.689794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.689921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.690059] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.690082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.690149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.690214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.690278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.690342] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.690404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.690481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.690650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.690681] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.690710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.690738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.690764] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.690794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.690839] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.690986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.691017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.691044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.691174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.691425] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.691619] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.691769] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.692019] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.692168] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.692313] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.692459] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.692692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.692801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.692871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.692904] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.693012] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.693117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.693149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.693309] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.693361] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.693410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.693438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.693481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.693520] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.693685] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.693796] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.693853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.694213] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.694429] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.694494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.694695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.694898] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.694996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.695161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.695338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.695371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.695440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.695778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.695842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.695894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.695969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.696017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.696041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.696080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.696102] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.696123] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.696145] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.696169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.696191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.696212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.696245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.696317] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.696459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.696587] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.696721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.696827] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.696920] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.696952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.697030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.697077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.697106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.697136] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.697163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.697213] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.697262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.697308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.697354] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.697382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.697410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.697552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.697615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.697654] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.697808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.697861] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.697951] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.697982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.698021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.698051] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.698088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.698117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.698233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.698287] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.698337] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.698362] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.698409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.698592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.698730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.698810] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.698887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.698964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.699040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.699117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.699192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.699300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.699377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.699453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.699607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.699687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.699805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.699881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.699958] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.700032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.700141] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.700172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.700335] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp". [03:34:15.700428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.700477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.700583] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.700817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.700859] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.700867] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" [03:34:15.701209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.701354] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.701407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.701439] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.701463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.701512] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.701592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.701620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.701695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.701748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.701778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.701855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.702004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.702129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.702253] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.702469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.702578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.702699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.702788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.702856] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.702880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.702902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.702923] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.702945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.703040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.703107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.703128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.703219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.703286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.703394] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.703513] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.703666] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.703808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.703832] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.703901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.703965] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.704029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.704092] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.704155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.704218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.704382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.704431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.704474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.704545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.704613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.704642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.704673] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.704847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.704878] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.704904] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.705030] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.705193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.705338] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.705482] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.705691] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.705835] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.705975] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.706117] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.706230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.706333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.706400] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.706432] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.706539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.706643] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.706674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.706821] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.706874] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.706922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.706950] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.706977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.707002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.707161] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.707269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.707325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.707677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.707819] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.707851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.708013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.708181] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.708233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.708336] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.708605] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.708678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.708779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.708996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.709062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.709087] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.709110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.709133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.709156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.709178] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.709200] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.709221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.709243] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.709264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.709285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.709305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.709326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.709346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.709429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.709523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.709615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.709666] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.709755] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.709787] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.709831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.709865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.709910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.709968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.709997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.710050] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.710110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.710157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.710204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.710233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.710276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.710435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.710499] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.710538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.710698] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.710764] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.710925] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.710970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.711036] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.711079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.711129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.711159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.711269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.711319] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.711367] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.711389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.711464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.711717] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.711915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.711995] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.712073] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.712182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.712288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.712452] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.712612] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.712845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.712963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.713132] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.713303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.713437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.713618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.713692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.713766] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.713838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.713943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.713974] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.714127] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp". [03:34:15.714179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.714225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.714273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.714496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.714563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.714571] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" [03:34:15.714903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.714954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.714977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.714998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.715043] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.715119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.715146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.715220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.715271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.715300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.715373] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.715517] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.715640] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.715762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.715927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.716031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.716177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.716264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.716329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.716352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.716374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.716421] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.716468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.716562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.716628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.716649] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.716738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.716803] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.716910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.716996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.717119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.717256] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.717279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.717345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.717410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.717475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.717539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.717615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.717678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.717828] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.717860] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.717890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.717919] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.717946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.717976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.718007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.718155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.718187] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.718215] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.718344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.718537] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.718683] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.718827] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.719038] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.719177] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.719320] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.719461] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.719573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.719676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.719743] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.719775] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.719881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.719987] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.720019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.720166] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.720219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.720266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.720294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.720321] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.720348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.720537] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.720647] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.720703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.720950] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.721092] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.721124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.721233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.721377] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.721431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.721539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.721695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.721727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.721795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.721991] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.722054] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.722078] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.722101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.722123] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.722145] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.722166] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.722187] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.722209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.722229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.722250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.722270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.722291] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.722311] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.722331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.722412] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.722505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.722597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.722648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.722736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.722769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.722809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.722841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.722871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.722902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.722929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.722979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.723027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.723074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.723120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.723151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.723180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.723296] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.723346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.723387] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.723541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.723594] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.723684] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.723715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.723753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.723783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.723820] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.723850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.723963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.724013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.724062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.724085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.724131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.724293] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.724480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.724601] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.724728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.724836] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.724943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.725023] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.725100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.725219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.725297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.725376] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.725536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.725618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.725738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.725814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.725894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.725971] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.726082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.726113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.726273] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp". [03:34:15.726327] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.726393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.726457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.726634] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.726677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.726685] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" [03:34:15.726930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.726954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.726976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.727022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.727100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.727127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.727204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.727253] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.727283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.727360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.727511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.727648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.727770] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.727936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.728039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.728159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.728248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.728313] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.728335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.728358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.728407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.728429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.728522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.728588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.728610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.728699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.728765] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.728899] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.728985] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.729109] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.729248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.729271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.729338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.729431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.729493] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.729556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.729618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.729680] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.729828] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.729859] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.729888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.729917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.729944] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.729972] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.730003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.730150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.730179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.730206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.730330] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.730516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.730660] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.730800] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.731006] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.731184] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.731325] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.731501] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.731613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.731714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.731782] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.731813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.731919] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.732023] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.732054] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.732198] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.732250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.732297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.732324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.732350] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.732377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.732555] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.732659] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.732713] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.732955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.733095] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.733127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.733230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.733373] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.733424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.733528] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.733679] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.733710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.733777] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.733972] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.734033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.734057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.734080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.734101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.734122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.734143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.734164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.734185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.734206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.734226] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.734246] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.734266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.734286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.734306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.734371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.734478] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.734568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.734618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.734706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.734737] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.734778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.734809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.734838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.734868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.734894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.734944] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.734992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.735039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.735085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.735114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.735143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.735255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.735304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.735343] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.735492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.735544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.735633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.735663] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.735701] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.735730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.735767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.735796] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.735905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.735955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.736003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.736026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.736070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.736229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.736359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.736464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.736539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.736613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.736686] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.736762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.736834] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.736939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.737013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.737085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.737238] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.737316] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.737460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.737535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.737620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.737691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.737793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.737823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.737968] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp". [03:34:15.738018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.738064] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.738112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.738279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.738319] [trace]: Adding edge from "Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.738326] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" [03:34:15.738532] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.738554] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.738599] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.738663] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.738736] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.738764] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.738838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.738884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.738929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.738973] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739059] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739145] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739188] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739208] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.739228] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.739248] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.739268] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.739353] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.739424] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739444] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.739491] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739581] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739733] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.739776] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739863] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739907] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739950] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.739994] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740037] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740065] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.740092] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.740118] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.740142] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.740169] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.740246] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740274] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.740298] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.740359] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740461] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740505] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740550] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740595] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740667] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740711] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740755] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740799] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740895] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740940] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.740968] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.741014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741088] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741116] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.741161] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741218] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.741259] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.741285] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.741310] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.741348] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.741436] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741481] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741527] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.741572] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741617] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741662] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741689] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.741735] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741780] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741824] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.741870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741942] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.741970] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.742016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.742101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.742143] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.742163] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.742183] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.742203] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.742222] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.742241] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.742260] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.742279] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.742298] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.742317] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.742352] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.742400] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.742434] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.742539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.742603] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.742683] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.742714] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.742783] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.742840] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.742911] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.742968] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.742994] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.743084] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.743145] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.743193] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.743237] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.743267] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.743294] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.743375] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.743422] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.743519] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.743567] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.743618] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.743647] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.743722] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.743795] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.743846] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.743896] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.743943] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.743965] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.744008] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.744092] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.745029] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.745169] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.745219] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.745262] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.745309] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.745386] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp". [03:34:15.745424] [trace]: Adding edge from "CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.745432] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" [03:34:15.745487] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745509] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745530] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745580] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745646] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745693] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745725] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745764] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745807] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745826] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745875] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.745971] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746005] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746037] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.746083] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.746116] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.746136] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.746181] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746202] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746221] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.746241] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746314] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746412] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746458] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746525] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746547] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746569] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746592] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746654] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746715] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746735] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746897] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.746980] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747016] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747036] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747084] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747120] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747153] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747188] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747228] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747263] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747284] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747317] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747366] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747411] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747442] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747461] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747499] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747518] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747539] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747557] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747576] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747595] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747626] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747646] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747669] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747688] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747712] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747751] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747771] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747790] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747810] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747831] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747889] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747909] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747928] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747948] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747967] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.747987] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748166] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748393] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748412] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748432] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748452] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748471] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748491] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748511] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748531] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748550] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748570] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748591] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748630] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748669] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748688] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748708] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748747] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748766] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748785] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748804] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748823] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748842] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748863] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748883] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748902] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748921] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.748941] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748960] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.748979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749000] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749020] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749038] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749077] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749116] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749193] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749252] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749291] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749311] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749330] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749350] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749369] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749388] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749407] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749426] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749445] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749464] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749522] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749541] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics.esp". [03:34:15.749548] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" [03:34:15.749603] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749623] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749642] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749661] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749682] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749701] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749720] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749756] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749792] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749810] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749828] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749866] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749883] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.749902] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.749920] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.749938] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.749957] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.750004] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750024] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750043] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.750062] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750101] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750139] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750177] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750233] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750252] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750272] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750291] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750311] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750331] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750365] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750397] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750434] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750472] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750491] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750510] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750529] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750548] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750567] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750586] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750605] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750624] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750643] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750662] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750681] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750700] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750719] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750737] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750756] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750775] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750841] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750864] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750883] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750901] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750920] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750939] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750959] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750978] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.750999] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751018] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751038] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751076] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751095] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751114] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751132] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751151] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751207] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751226] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751244] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751263] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751281] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751320] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751415] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751490] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751528] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751587] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751607] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751626] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751645] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751664] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751682] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751702] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751720] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751740] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751759] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751777] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751796] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751852] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751890] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751908] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751927] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751945] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751964] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.751983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752001] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752020] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752038] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752057] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752076] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752095] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752114] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752132] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752151] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752171] [trace]: Adding edge from "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.752191] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752210] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752249] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752288] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752307] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752375] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752394] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752413] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752530] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752579] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752599] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752631] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752650] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752689] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752708] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752726] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752745] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752764] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752783] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752803] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752821] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752841] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752859] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752934] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752956] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752976] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp". [03:34:15.752983] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" [03:34:15.753166] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.753246] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.753276] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.753379] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753497] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753542] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753586] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753630] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753720] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753763] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753784] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.753804] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.753825] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.753845] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.753915] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753959] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.753980] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.754024] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754111] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754153] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754262] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.754306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754378] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754421] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754463] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754506] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754549] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754621] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.754650] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.754678] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.754705] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.754734] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.754810] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754839] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.754865] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.754909] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754953] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.754996] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755039] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755083] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755153] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755196] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755239] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755282] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755376] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755420] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755449] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.755493] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755536] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755565] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.755609] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755652] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755696] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.755722] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.755747] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.755772] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.755817] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755862] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755907] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755951] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.755994] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756037] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756067] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.756110] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756154] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756243] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756314] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756343] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.756387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756514] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.756537] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.756559] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.756580] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.756602] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.756624] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.756645] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.756666] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.756686] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.756707] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.756728] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.756749] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.756770] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.756868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756916] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756961] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.756991] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.757031] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.757062] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.757090] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.757120] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.757146] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.757193] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757348] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.757390] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.757418] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.757465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757510] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757594] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757641] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757685] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757714] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.757785] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.757853] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.757916] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.757975] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758035] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758070] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.758115] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.758190] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758268] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758330] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758434] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758480] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758660] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758705] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758750] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758840] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758884] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758929] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.758974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759017] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759062] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759151] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759233] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759278] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759342] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.759445] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759606] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp". [03:34:15.759675] [trace]: Adding edge from "CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.759683] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" [03:34:15.760253] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.760422] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.760504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.760584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.760662] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.760741] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.760872] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.761042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.761135] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.761221] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.761245] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.761314] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.761349] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.761574] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.761655] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.761735] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.761840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.762001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.762135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.762643] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.762965] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763140] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763345] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763490] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763590] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763817] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763909] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.763988] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764092] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764170] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764248] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764436] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764516] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764619] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764850] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.764933] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765136] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765214] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765358] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765436] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765635] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765711] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.765927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.766286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.766438] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.766841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.766999] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.767122] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.767431] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.767538] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_inv_scrap_en.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.767697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.767780] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.767859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.767936] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768090] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768168] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768351] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768426] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768808] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768883] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.768960] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.769037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.769113] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.769228] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.769452] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.769531] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "def_inv_scrap_en.esp". [03:34:15.769565] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "def_mcm.esp" [03:34:15.769679] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769706] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769758] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769832] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769925] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769947] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.769967] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.769986] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.770005] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.770024] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.770072] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770096] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770115] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.770138] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770160] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770183] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770272] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.770310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770373] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770396] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770418] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770440] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770486] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770509] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770531] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770555] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.770579] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770602] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770625] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770649] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770672] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.770695] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770718] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770741] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770766] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770790] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770813] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770837] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770860] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770883] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770906] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770929] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770951] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770975] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.770998] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771043] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771067] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771090] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771112] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771135] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771158] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.771182] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.771205] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.771230] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771255] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771295] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771363] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771387] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771411] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771434] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771458] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771528] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771551] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771575] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771622] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771645] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.771687] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.771708] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.771728] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.771749] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.771769] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.771789] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.771811] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.771833] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.771853] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.771872] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.771892] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.771912] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.771986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772012] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772037] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772061] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772086] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772111] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772135] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772159] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772183] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772208] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772232] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772256] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772297] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772404] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772442] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772479] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772517] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772569] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772699] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772750] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772814] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772879] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772931] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.772995] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773061] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773098] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773121] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773141] [trace]: Adding edge from "def_mcm.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.773166] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773190] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773324] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773348] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773372] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773398] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773423] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773447] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773495] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773543] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773567] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773591] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773664] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773688] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773712] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773735] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773759] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773782] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773807] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773830] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773853] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773925] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773949] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.773955] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" [03:34:15.774650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.774799] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.774945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775062] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775349] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775431] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.775454] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.775488] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.775508] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.775629] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.775718] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775824] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.775988] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.776069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.776094] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.776428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.776543] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.776777] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.776868] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777008] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777124] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777207] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777291] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777464] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777587] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777681] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777848] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.777975] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.778060] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.778431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.778672] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.778831] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.778946] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.778988] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.779014] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.779104] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779186] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779421] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779501] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779616] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779699] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779894] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.779972] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.780153] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.780218] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.780244] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.780267] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.780289] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.780312] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.780337] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.780361] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.780383] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.780404] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.780425] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.780447] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.780468] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.780489] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.780510] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.780579] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.780664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.780782] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.781293] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.781460] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.781580] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.781834] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.781928] [trace]: Adding edge from "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.782082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782221] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782304] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782549] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782721] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782801] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782880] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.782986] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783066] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783146] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783414] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783493] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783650] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783735] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783814] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.783933] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.784126] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.784206] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "DIFR - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.784254] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DLCCoast.esm" [03:34:15.784322] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DLCNukaWorld.esm" [03:34:15.784388] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DLCRobot.esm" [03:34:15.784451] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop01.esm" [03:34:15.784516] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop02.esm" [03:34:15.784582] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DLCworkshop03.esm" [03:34:15.784647] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "doubleperkbonus.esp" [03:34:15.784954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785092] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785136] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785181] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785300] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785343] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785364] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.785384] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.785405] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.785425] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.785495] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785541] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785562] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.785606] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785694] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785737] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785845] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.785890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785934] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.785977] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786019] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786061] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786103] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786177] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.786206] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.786236] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.786262] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.786291] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.786367] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786396] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.786422] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.786467] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786511] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786555] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786599] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786642] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786713] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786757] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786800] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786843] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786886] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786928] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.786971] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787000] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.787043] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787087] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787117] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.787161] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787204] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787278] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.787304] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.787330] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.787354] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.787400] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787445] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787491] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787579] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787623] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787697] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787742] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787899] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.787929] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.787975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788102] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.788125] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.788147] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.788168] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.788189] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.788211] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.788233] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.788281] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.788317] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.788339] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.788400] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.788435] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.788455] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.788555] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788604] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788650] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788680] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.788721] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.788751] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.788780] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.788810] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.788837] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.788884] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788929] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.788974] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789019] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789049] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.789078] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.789122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789167] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789279] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789368] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789397] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.789466] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.789533] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.789578] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789624] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789669] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789690] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.789735] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789885] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789930] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.789975] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790107] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790266] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790396] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790439] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790483] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790527] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790670] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790812] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790856] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.790927] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.791009] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.791053] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.791097] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.791143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.791211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.791298] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "doubleperkbonus.esp". [03:34:15.791365] [trace]: Adding edge from "doubleperkbonus.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.791373] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" [03:34:15.791802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.791832] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.791860] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.791888] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.791953] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.791983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792038] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792064] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792084] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.792104] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.792124] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.792143] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.792193] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792236] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792284] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.792355] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792461] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792486] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792542] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792589] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.792616] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792668] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792694] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792751] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792790] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.792845] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.792871] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.792897] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.792921] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.792951] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.792979] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793006] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.793030] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.793059] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793087] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793116] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793145] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793173] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793230] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793288] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793321] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793364] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793392] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793419] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793447] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793474] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793501] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.793529] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793557] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793583] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.793613] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793641] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793704] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.793729] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.793753] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.793785] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793816] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793849] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793878] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793907] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793937] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793966] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.793996] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794154] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794211] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.794254] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794282] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794313] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794356] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.794377] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.794398] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.794419] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.794440] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.794461] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.794482] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.794502] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.794550] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.794587] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.794608] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.794656] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.794678] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.794831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794864] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794895] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794936] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.794967] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.794998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795118] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.795146] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.795178] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795209] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795269] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795296] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.795369] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795425] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.795478] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.795509] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795540] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795570] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795591] [trace]: Adding edge from "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.795702] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795811] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795844] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795875] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795906] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.795953] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796026] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796074] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796108] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796230] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796276] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796310] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796463] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796510] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796586] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796721] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796779] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796828] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796885] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.796954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.797001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.797048] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "DP_CaravanShotgun.esp". [03:34:15.797069] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" [03:34:15.797807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.797894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.797979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798062] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798287] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798368] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798428] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.798451] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.798472] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.798493] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.798630] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.798719] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798830] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.798996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.799079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.799104] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.799404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.799520] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.799671] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.799726] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.799813] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.799934] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800017] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800101] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800255] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800338] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800420] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800502] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800585] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800667] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.800900] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801015] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801119] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.801147] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.801172] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.801263] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801347] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801556] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801638] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801760] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801843] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.801965] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.802049] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.802130] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.802358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.802423] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.802447] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.802471] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.802494] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.802516] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.802538] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.802560] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.802582] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.802605] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.802627] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.802648] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.802669] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.802690] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.802761] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.802848] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.802935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.803061] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.803530] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.803697] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.803821] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804103] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804230] [trace]: Adding edge from "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.804395] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804532] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804702] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.804951] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805035] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805312] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805396] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805477] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805559] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805642] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805725] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805805] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.805969] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.806051] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.806203] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.806411] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.806495] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.806536] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Easier Cat Cages.esp" [03:34:15.806875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.807016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.807196] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.807315] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.807451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.807551] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.807624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.807647] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.807668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.807689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.807710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.807809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.807882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.807932] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.808074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.808147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.808341] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.808469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.808630] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.808836] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:15.808876] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.808952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.809026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.809097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.809201] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.809327] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.809410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.809579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.809611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.809642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.809673] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.809700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.809746] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.809812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.810011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:15.810044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.810072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.810301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.810618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.810825] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.811123] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.811363] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.811520] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.811734] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.811961] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.812207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.812382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.812492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.812553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.812758] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.812888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.812922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.813111] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.813199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.813305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.813333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.813359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.813385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.813555] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.813674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.813736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.814008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:15.814178] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.814229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.814349] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.814507] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.814565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.814681] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.814848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:15.814881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.814956] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.815178] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.815261] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.815286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.815311] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.815333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.815359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.815383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.815405] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.815427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.815448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.815469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.815490] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.815511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.815532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.815553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.815624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.815711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.815811] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.815867] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.815967] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.816004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.816047] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.816083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.816117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.816154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.816183] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.816238] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.816291] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.816342] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.816392] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.816422] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.816451] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.816576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.816632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.816673] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.816837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:15.816893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.816993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.817025] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.817065] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.817096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.817136] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.817182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.817325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.817390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.817444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.817467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.817516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.817687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.817829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.817916] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.818003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.818088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.818201] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.818286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.818372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.818575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.818700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.818784] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.818961] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.819052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.819214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.819299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.819385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.819473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.819591] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.819628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.819793] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Easier Cat Cages.esp". [03:34:15.819851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.819902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.819955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.820145] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:15.820247] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Cat Cages.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.820270] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" [03:34:15.820849] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.821017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.821159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.821307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.821407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.821480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.821502] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.821525] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.821547] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.821568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.821669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.821741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.821763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.821865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.821938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.822056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.822155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.822295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.822437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.822462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.822536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.822608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.822678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.822751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.822821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.822890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.823038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.823071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.823102] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.823132] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.823188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.823219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.823255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.823412] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.823443] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.823471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.823617] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.823789] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.823930] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.824071] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.824305] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.824444] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.824599] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.824795] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.824922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.825038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.825113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.825161] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.825383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.825543] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.825576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.825760] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.825844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.825894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.825922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.825949] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.825976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.826129] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.826248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.826308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.826551] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.826694] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.826732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.826849] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.826991] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.827048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.827212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.827428] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.827489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.827577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.827808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.827904] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.827930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.827954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.827977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.828000] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.828022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.828045] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.828067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.828089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.828111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.828133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.828156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.828177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.828198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.828269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.828356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.828456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.828510] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.828611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.828650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.828693] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.828730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.828764] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.828801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.828830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.828885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.828938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.828989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.829039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.829070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.829099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.829255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.829309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.829350] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.829501] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.829557] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.829657] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.829689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.829730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.829761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.829801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.829831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.829958] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.830022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.830076] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.830098] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.830179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.830349] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.830493] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.830582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.830669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.830753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.830838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.830925] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.831011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.831142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.831271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.831356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.831534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.831625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.831755] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.831841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.831928] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.832015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.832162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.832356] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.832414] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.832463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.832518] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.832693] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp". [03:34:15.832737] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.832745] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Easy Lockpick.esp" [03:34:15.833025] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.833148] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.833285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.833385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.833457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.833480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.833502] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.833523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.833543] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.833643] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.833718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.833740] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.833841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.833913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.834031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.834165] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.834308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.834450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.834475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.834549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.834621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.834692] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.834764] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.834835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.834903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.835049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.835081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.835112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.835142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.835169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.835199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.835236] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.835387] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.835420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.835447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.835592] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.835765] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.835908] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.836049] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.836297] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.836467] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.836676] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.836815] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.836941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.837057] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.837132] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.837165] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.837286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.837403] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.837436] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.837578] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.837636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.837686] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.837714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.837742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.837769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.837920] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.838040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.838114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.838364] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.838504] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.838541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.838658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.838797] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.838854] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.838970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.839142] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.839176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.839250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.839439] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.839506] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.839531] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.839555] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.839578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.839600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.839623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.839644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.839667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.839689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.839710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.839731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.839752] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.839773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.839794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.839866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.839954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.840055] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.840126] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.840237] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.840274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.840317] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.840353] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.840421] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.840460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.840489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.840544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.840597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.840647] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.840697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.840728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.840757] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.840882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.840937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.840979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.841188] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.841244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.841430] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.841464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.841507] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.841566] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.841633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.841663] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.841819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.841885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.841940] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.841963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.842014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.842222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.842371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.842519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.842620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.842706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.842792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.842878] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.842964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.843109] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.843211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.843326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.843518] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.843608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.843848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.843979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.844080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.844199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.844332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.844626] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.844685] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.844778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.844900] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.845176] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Easy Lockpick.esp". [03:34:15.845265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Easy Lockpick.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.845287] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "EasyLockpicking.esp" [03:34:15.847651] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.847771] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.847905] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.848006] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.848080] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.848103] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.848124] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.848145] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.848166] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.848266] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.848340] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.848361] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.848518] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.848632] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.848750] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.848847] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.848985] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.849148] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.849222] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.849294] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.849364] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.849435] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.849505] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.849573] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.849720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.849752] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.849782] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.849812] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.849839] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.849869] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.849907] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.850048] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.850079] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.850247] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:15.850367] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.850744] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:15.851440] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.851559] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.851634] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.851667] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.851788] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.851906] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.851938] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.852090] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.852146] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.852196] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.852224] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.852252] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.852278] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.852458] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.852632] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.852692] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.853031] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.853099] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.853217] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.853355] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.853411] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.853527] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.853681] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.853755] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.853790] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:15.853936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "EasyLockpicking.esp". [03:34:15.854003] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.854027] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.854052] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.854103] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.854140] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.854162] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.854198] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.854220] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.854242] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.854264] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.854286] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.854308] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.854330] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.854351] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.854424] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.854510] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.854692] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.854776] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.854876] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.854913] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.854957] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.854994] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.855029] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.855100] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.855129] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.855185] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.855238] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.855290] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.855341] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.855371] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.855401] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.855528] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.855584] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.855625] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.855804] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.855906] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.855937] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.855978] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.856008] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.856049] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.856079] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.856204] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.856267] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.856321] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.856343] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.856393] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.856431] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.856553] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.856705] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.856792] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.856879] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.856968] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.857069] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.857179] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.857266] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.857384] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.857472] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.857557] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.857736] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.857829] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.858025] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.858156] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.858242] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.858327] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.858451] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.858488] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:15.858714] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.858766] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.858820] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.859178] [trace]: Adding edge from "EasyLockpicking.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.859199] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Empties - VISFar.esp" [03:34:15.859528] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.859624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.859702] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.859778] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.859800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.859822] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.859843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.859863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.859959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.860080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.860116] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.860206] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.860283] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.860358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.860434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.860509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.860533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.860608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.860683] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.860756] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.860858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.860959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.861032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.861114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.861146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.861176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.861205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.861232] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.861262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.861493] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.861537] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.861592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.861698] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.861775] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.861851] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.861926] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862003] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862219] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862306] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862595] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862698] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.862783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.862857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.862970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863120] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.863301] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.863444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.863471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.863497] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.863522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.863606] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863709] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.863843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863918] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.863998] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.864137] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864212] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.864340] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864446] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.864551] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864661] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.864725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.864750] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.864773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.864795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.864818] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.864840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.864862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.864884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.864906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.864927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.864948] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.864969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.864990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.865119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.865320] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.865443] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.865650] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.865742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.865838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.865918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.865993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.866070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.866112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.866166] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.866275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.866368] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.866432] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.866463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.866493] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.866576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.866629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.866669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.866748] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.866801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.866878] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.866909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.866976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.867040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.867085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.867164] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.867225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.867277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.867300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.867349] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.867465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.867893] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.868011] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.868066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.868115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.868222] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Empties - VISFar.esp". [03:34:15.868265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Empties - VISFar.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.868272] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ExtendedHairColors.esp" [03:34:15.868713] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.868817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.868897] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.868919] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.868941] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.868962] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.868983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.869112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.869186] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.869208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.869314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.869387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.869508] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.869609] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.869729] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.869849] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.869874] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.869949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.870022] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.870092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.870162] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.870231] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.870300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.870425] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.870457] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.870487] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.870517] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.870545] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.870575] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.870611] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.870739] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.870770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.870797] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.870921] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871111] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871232] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871353] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871529] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871650] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871771] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.871890] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.872039] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.872113] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.872146] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.872269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.872389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.872421] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.872542] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.872598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.872647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.872675] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.872702] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.872728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.872857] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.872981] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.873070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.873272] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.873394] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.873432] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.873551] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.873669] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.873725] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.873844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.873998] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.874031] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.874111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.874270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.874336] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.874361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.874385] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.874407] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.874430] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.874453] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.874475] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.874496] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.874518] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.874540] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.874576] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.874597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.874631] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.874652] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.874753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.874841] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.874944] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.874999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.875147] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.875212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.875284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.875337] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.875386] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.875436] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.875466] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.875549] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.875604] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.875657] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.875711] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.875742] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.875772] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.875911] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.875968] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.876068] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.876209] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.876264] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.876365] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.876397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.876437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.876468] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.876507] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.876536] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.876668] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.876760] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.876829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.876853] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.876918] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.877150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.877303] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.877478] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.877638] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.877739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.877826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.877914] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.878003] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.878195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.878309] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.878466] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.878707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.878955] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.879179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.879290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.879413] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.879504] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.879696] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.879866] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.879924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.879977] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.880031] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.880191] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ExtendedHairColors.esp". [03:34:15.880236] [trace]: Adding edge from "ExtendedHairColors.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.880244] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Fallout4.esm" [03:34:15.880342] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" [03:34:15.880664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.880746] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.880769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.880792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.880813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.880834] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.880933] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.881053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.881088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.881193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.881267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.881389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.881490] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.881630] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.881767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.881792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.881867] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.881946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.882018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.882089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.882159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.882228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.882374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.882406] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.882437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.882467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.882495] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.882526] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.882565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.882720] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.882751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.882778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.882921] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.883127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.883265] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.883402] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.883605] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.883742] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.883879] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.884018] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.884149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:15.884270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:15.884345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.884393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.884603] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.884751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:15.884785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.885051] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.885108] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.885158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.885186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.885213] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.885239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.885389] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.885516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:15.885575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.885805] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.885943] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.885981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.886104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:15.886242] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.886299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.886423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:15.886594] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.886629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.886712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.886896] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.886993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.887018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.887043] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.887066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.887088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.887111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.887133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.887155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.887177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.887198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.887220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.887242] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.887263] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.887284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.887358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.887448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.887553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.887608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.887711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.887749] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.887792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.887829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.887863] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.887900] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.887931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.887987] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.888040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.888092] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.888142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.888174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.888204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.888338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:15.888409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.888492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.888704] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.888760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.888862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.888895] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.888952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.888995] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.889035] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.889065] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.889198] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:15.889262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.889317] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.889339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.889389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.889566] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:15.889714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.889803] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.889893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.889983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.890070] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.890159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.890247] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.890364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.890453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.890540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.890721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.890828] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.890994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.891086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.891177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.891285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.891483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:15.891693] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.891751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.891801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.891855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.892120] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp". [03:34:15.892166] [trace]: Adding edge from "Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.892174] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" [03:34:15.892344] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.892367] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.892388] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.892408] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.892481] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.892570] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.892591] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.892697] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.892856] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.893002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.893104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.893204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.893230] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.893302] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.893416] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.893516] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.893602] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.893701] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.893801] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.893939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.893971] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.894002] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.894031] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.894059] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.894090] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.894247] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.894281] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.894349] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.894525] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.894692] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.894836] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.894974] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.895200] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.895373] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.895504] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.895636] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.895840] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.895959] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.896021] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.896167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.896294] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.896326] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.896482] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.896538] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.896587] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.896615] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.896642] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.896668] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.896776] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.896876] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897001] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.897116] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897217] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897359] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897396] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.897497] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897611] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897667] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.897771] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897913] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.897946] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.898153] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.898222] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.898246] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.898270] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.898294] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.898317] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.898340] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.898366] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.898390] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.898412] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.898434] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.898455] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.898477] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.898499] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.898521] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.898595] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.898687] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.898795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.898852] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.898962] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.899001] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.899046] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.899085] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.899120] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.899160] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.899194] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.899251] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.899307] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.899360] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.899414] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.899477] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.899508] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.899621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.899677] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.899719] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.899827] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.899883] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.899991] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.900028] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.900136] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.900213] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.900253] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.900380] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.900445] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.900503] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.900527] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.900579] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.900726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.900879] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.900973] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.901066] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.901155] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.901248] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.901340] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.901430] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.901546] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.901636] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.901726] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.901914] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.902011] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.902148] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.902240] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.902331] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.902436] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.902583] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.902728] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.902814] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.902896] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.902991] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.903128] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "FemaleSynths - Core.esp". [03:34:15.903172] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - Core.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.903180] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" [03:34:15.903504] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.903528] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.903549] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.903569] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.903660] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.903737] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.903758] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.903841] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.903977] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.904059] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.904139] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.904220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.904244] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.904317] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.904389] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.904461] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.904534] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.904605] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.904675] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.904757] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.904789] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.904820] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.904850] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.904880] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.904911] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.905033] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905062] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.905146] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905226] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905306] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905386] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905465] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905584] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905663] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905742] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905820] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905927] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.905999] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.906032] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.906113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906192] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906225] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.906305] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906359] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.906408] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.906437] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.906463] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.906490] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.906575] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906657] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906715] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.906796] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906879] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906960] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.906997] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.907078] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.907158] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.907213] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.907293] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.907402] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.907435] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.907515] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.907642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.907709] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.907734] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.907758] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.907781] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.907805] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.907828] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.907866] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.907896] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.907952] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.907993] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.908022] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.908048] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.908073] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.908097] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.908187] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.908382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.908471] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.908570] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.908609] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.908655] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.908694] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.908730] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.908768] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.908802] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.908861] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.908946] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.909013] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.909067] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.909098] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.909128] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.909215] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.909283] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.909324] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.909422] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.909517] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.909630] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.909674] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.909748] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.909791] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.909848] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.909979] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.910068] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.910122] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.910144] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.910193] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.910313] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.911695] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.911833] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.911931] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.912011] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.912117] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.912261] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp". [03:34:15.912317] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.912324] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "FemMutieBETA.esp" [03:34:15.912403] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912425] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912446] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912466] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912486] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912506] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912526] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912545] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912588] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912696] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912753] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912772] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912791] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912810] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912831] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912849] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912868] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912888] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912953] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.912986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913018] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913037] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913057] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913088] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913107] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913126] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913146] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913166] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913184] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913204] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913224] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913243] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913262] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913281] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913299] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913318] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913337] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913375] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913393] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913412] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913430] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913448] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913467] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913486] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913505] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913527] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913546] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913567] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913585] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913604] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913624] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913643] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913662] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913681] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913737] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913755] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913774] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913792] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913809] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913886] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913904] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913978] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.913997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914109] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914165] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914183] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914201] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914220] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914239] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914258] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914277] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914295] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914314] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914370] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914407] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914471] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914519] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914564] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914647] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914665] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914695] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914714] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914732] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914751] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914769] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914787] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914805] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914824] [trace]: Adding edge from "FemMutieBETA.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.914843] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914862] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914916] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.914986] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915042] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915098] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915175] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915213] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915270] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915289] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915341] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915364] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915384] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915402] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915421] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915458] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915476] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915495] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "FemMutieBETA.esp". [03:34:15.915501] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" [03:34:15.915559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.915579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915599] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915618] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915637] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915656] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915675] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915713] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915750] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915788] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915806] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915844] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915863] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915882] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915900] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915939] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915958] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915978] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.915998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916035] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916054] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916091] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916109] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916128] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916147] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916166] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916185] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916203] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916222] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916242] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916261] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916280] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916299] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916317] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916336] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916354] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916373] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916391] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916410] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916429] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916448] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916466] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916485] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916503] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916522] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916542] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916561] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916582] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916618] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916637] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916656] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916675] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916695] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916714] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916751] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916770] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916788] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916807] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916864] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916883] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916950] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.916987] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917025] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917232] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917251] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917270] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917289] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917308] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917327] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917346] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917365] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917403] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917423] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917442] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917461] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917499] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917517] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917537] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917556] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917586] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917605] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917624] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917643] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917662] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917681] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917701] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917720] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917739] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917759] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.917778] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917797] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917857] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917897] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917916] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917935] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917955] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.917994] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918013] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918091] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918112] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918151] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918171] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918210] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918229] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918248] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918267] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918286] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918306] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918364] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918383] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.918390] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" [03:34:15.918442] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918462] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918481] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918500] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918519] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918557] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918596] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918614] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918634] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918672] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918691] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918711] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918729] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918748] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918788] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918808] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918827] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918846] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918866] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918904] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918924] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918943] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918962] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918980] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.918999] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919019] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919038] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919057] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919076] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919095] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919114] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919134] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919153] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919172] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919191] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919210] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919247] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919266] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919285] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919304] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919323] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919342] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919361] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919380] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919401] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919420] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919441] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919480] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919500] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919519] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919538] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919557] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919595] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919614] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919634] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919652] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919672] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919709] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919729] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919824] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919920] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919958] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.919996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920015] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920072] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920091] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920171] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920193] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920212] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920231] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920251] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920270] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920328] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920366] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920404] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920423] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920442] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920480] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920499] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920518] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920537] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920555] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920574] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920593] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920611] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920630] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920649] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.920668] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920687] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920745] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920842] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920863] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920882] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920921] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920960] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.920999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921037] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921056] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921076] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921095] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921114] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921132] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921152] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921171] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921190] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921210] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921248] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921268] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp". [03:34:15.921275] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" [03:34:15.921328] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921349] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921369] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921389] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921428] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921507] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921527] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921547] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921566] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921585] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921605] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921625] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921645] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921665] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921684] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921703] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921723] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921742] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921782] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921821] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921840] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921860] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921879] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921899] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921919] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921938] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921958] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921978] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.921997] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922017] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922037] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922056] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922075] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922095] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922133] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922153] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922173] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922192] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922212] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922231] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922251] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922270] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922291] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922311] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922332] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922371] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922390] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922409] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922428] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922448] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922485] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922552] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922571] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922591] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922610] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922648] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922707] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922765] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922824] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922864] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922974] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.922993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923051] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923071] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923090] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923110] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923129] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923149] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923168] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923188] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923247] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923285] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923324] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923344] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923363] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923402] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923421] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923439] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923458] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923478] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923497] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923516] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923535] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923554] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.923592] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923611] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923672] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923692] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923711] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923750] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923770] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923790] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923849] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923889] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923929] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923969] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.923988] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924047] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924066] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924086] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924106] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924125] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924163] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924183] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924203] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp". [03:34:15.924210] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Femout4.esp" [03:34:15.927798] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.928406] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.929189] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.929715] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.931424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Femout4.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.932192] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Femout4.esp". [03:34:15.933076] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" [03:34:15.933391] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933415] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.933473] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933529] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933584] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933748] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933772] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.933842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933908] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.933962] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934016] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934069] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934124] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934210] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.934241] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.934270] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.934298] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.934329] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.934416] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934449] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.934475] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.934530] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934585] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934640] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934694] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934748] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934857] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934912] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.934966] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935021] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935102] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935160] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935192] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.935245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935299] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935330] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.935384] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935439] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935488] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.935515] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.935542] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.935569] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.935624] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935679] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935734] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935788] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935869] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935922] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.935958] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.936012] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936065] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936118] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936257] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936288] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.936341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936486] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.936510] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.936532] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.936554] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.936576] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.936597] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.936618] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.936639] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.936660] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.936681] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.936706] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.936728] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.936748] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.936889] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.936946] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937002] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937039] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.937083] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.937121] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.937156] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.937193] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.937223] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.937281] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937442] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.937473] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.937503] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.937558] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937612] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937712] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937766] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937848] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.937878] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.937959] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.938035] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.938090] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938144] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938198] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938220] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.938271] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.938356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938443] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938608] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938662] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938746] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938801] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938885] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.938994] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939048] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939103] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939157] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939265] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939320] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939375] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939429] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939540] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939642] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939697] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939747] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.939816] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939940] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp". [03:34:15.939983] [trace]: Adding edge from "FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.939990] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" [03:34:15.940308] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.940401] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.940484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.940566] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.940646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.940727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.940837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.940875] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.940957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941122] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941205] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941299] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941395] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941529] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.941565] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.941599] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.941631] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.941663] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.941778] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.941829] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.941870] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.941963] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942054] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942130] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942206] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942282] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942395] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942470] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942544] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942619] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942719] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942807] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.942854] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.942998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943128] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943174] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.943249] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943307] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.943359] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.943388] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.943415] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.943442] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.943524] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943601] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943662] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.943739] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943857] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943961] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.943998] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.944074] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.944180] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.944265] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.944356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.944471] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.944504] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.944582] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.944690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.944759] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.944784] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.944837] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.944860] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.944882] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.944919] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.944942] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.944994] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.945031] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.945054] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.945089] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.945111] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.945146] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.945169] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.945250] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.945380] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.945470] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.945551] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.945589] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.945635] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.945674] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.945710] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.945748] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.945807] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.945896] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.945957] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.946028] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.946085] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.946118] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.946150] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.946233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.946292] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.946409] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.946485] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.946607] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.946640] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.946706] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.946854] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.946948] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.947014] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.947100] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.947167] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.947248] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.947379] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.948469] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.948582] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.948639] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.948690] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.948747] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.948884] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp". [03:34:15.948930] [trace]: Adding edge from "FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.948937] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "FutaFEV.esp" [03:34:15.949040] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949085] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949148] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949168] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949189] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949229] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949249] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949269] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949288] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949330] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949349] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949368] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949407] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949446] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949484] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949505] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949526] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949545] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949565] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949584] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949604] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949624] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949643] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949662] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949682] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949701] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949720] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949739] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949759] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949826] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949845] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949865] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949884] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949904] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949923] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949942] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949962] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.949983] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950002] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950023] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950061] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950081] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950100] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950147] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950167] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950186] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950225] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950244] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950263] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950282] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950320] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950340] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950413] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950528] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950637] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950657] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950737] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950758] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950790] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950810] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950848] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950868] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950888] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950907] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950927] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950946] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950965] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.950985] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951023] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951043] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951082] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951102] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951121] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951140] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951160] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951199] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951217] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951236] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951255] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951273] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951292] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951311] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951331] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951350] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951369] [trace]: Adding edge from "FutaFEV.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.951389] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951408] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951467] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951486] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951506] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951525] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951583] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951602] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951621] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951697] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951716] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951735] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951754] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951789] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951916] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951961] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.951993] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952039] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952085] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952178] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952225] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952272] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "FutaFEV.esp". [03:34:15.952279] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "galacticzone-repaird.esp" [03:34:15.952854] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.952973] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.953090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.953208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.953233] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.953315] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.953394] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.953510] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.953594] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.953675] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.953752] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.953902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.953935] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.953968] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.954000] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.954028] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.954061] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.954221] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.954255] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.954284] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.954405] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.954563] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.954681] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.954827] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.954993] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955109] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955224] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955339] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955481] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955561] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.955595] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.955712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955857] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.955891] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.956008] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.956068] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.956120] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.956149] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.956177] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.956204] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.956329] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.956448] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.956512] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.956631] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.956748] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.956824] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.956944] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.957065] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.957127] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.957246] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.957396] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.957431] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.957539] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.957700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.957803] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.957830] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.957855] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.957879] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.957902] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.957926] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.957949] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.957972] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.957994] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.958017] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.958053] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.958076] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.958111] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.958145] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.958225] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.958325] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.958443] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.958503] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.958640] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.958694] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.958741] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.958824] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.958877] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.958935] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.959006] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.959150] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.959210] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.959284] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.959357] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.959393] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.959438] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.959568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.959627] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.959671] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.959850] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.959911] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.960028] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.960062] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.960136] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.960181] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.960212] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.960338] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.960451] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.960608] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.960644] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.960700] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.960879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.961039] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.961140] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.961240] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.961338] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.961435] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.961532] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.961628] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.961786] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.961886] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.961983] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.962189] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.962294] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.962438] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.962538] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.962636] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.962750] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.962883] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.963044] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.963107] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.963162] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.963220] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.963375] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "galacticzone-repaird.esp". [03:34:15.963422] [trace]: Adding edge from "galacticzone-repaird.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.963430] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Give Me That Bottle.esp" [03:34:15.964182] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.964316] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.964396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.964420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.964498] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.964576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.964653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.964745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.964835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.964913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.964998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.965063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.965094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.965122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.965154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.965193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.965282] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.965394] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965477] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965557] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965638] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965720] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965871] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.965954] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966035] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966117] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966225] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.966337] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.966463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966603] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966637] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.966727] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.966855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.966907] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.966936] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.966964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.966991] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.967080] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967164] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.967308] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967392] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967473] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.967594] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967675] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.967844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967958] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.967992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.968158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.968228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.968254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.968277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.968300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.968322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.968345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.968367] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.968404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.968453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.968475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.968538] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.968572] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.968593] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.968672] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.968805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.968903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.968952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.968992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.969029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.969068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.969098] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.969158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.969216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.969273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.969326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.969358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.969389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.969477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.969535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.969579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.969667] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.969739] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.969843] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.969886] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.969918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.969960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.969990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.970080] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.970147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.970205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.970227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.970281] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.970431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.970996] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.971122] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.971183] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.971235] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.971293] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.971409] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.971455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.971462] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" [03:34:15.971845] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.971989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.972129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.972155] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.972236] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.972317] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.972424] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.972574] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.972655] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.972747] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.972890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.972925] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.972958] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.972990] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.973019] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.973052] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.973092] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.973243] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.973277] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.973307] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.973446] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.973622] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.973814] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.973949] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.974154] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.974290] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.974457] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.974752] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.975111] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.975203] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.975239] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.975378] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.975512] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.975547] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.975684] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.975803] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.975872] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.975901] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.975945] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.975986] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.976135] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.976273] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.976343] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.976797] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.977119] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.977172] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.977352] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.977514] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.977579] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.977842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.978131] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.978171] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.978299] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.978651] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.978807] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.978860] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.978887] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.978940] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.979019] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.979083] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.979137] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.979162] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.979186] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.979210] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.979232] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.979255] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.979276] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.979313] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.979500] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.979668] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.979858] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.979949] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.980078] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:15.980120] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.980195] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.980268] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.980309] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.980349] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.980380] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.980441] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.980500] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.980558] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.980615] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.980647] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.980685] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.980894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.980955] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.981001] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.981147] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.981209] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.981327] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.981361] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.981405] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:15.981438] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.981481] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.981513] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.981661] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.981732] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.981791] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.981814] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.981869] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.982064] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.982231] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.982335] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.982438] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.982539] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.982638] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.982743] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.982842] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.982974] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.983074] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.983175] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.983384] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.983490] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.983635] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.983779] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.983879] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.983979] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.984119] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.984299] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.984362] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.984415] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.984547] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.984753] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp". [03:34:15.984801] [trace]: Adding edge from "GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.984808] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Glowing Eyes.esp" [03:34:15.985228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.985347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.985372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.985454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.985534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.985612] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.985693] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.985772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.985850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.985970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.986004] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.986036] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.986067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.986095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.986127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.986288] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.986322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.986351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.986472] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.986628] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.986756] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.986877] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987044] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987162] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987280] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987396] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987543] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:15.987660] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:15.987778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987892] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.987925] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:15.988040] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.988102] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:15.988155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.988184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:15.988212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:15.988239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:15.988364] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.988480] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.988544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:15.988663] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.988780] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.988897] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.988937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:15.989054] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.989170] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.989231] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:15.989346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.989496] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.989531] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:15.989623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:15.989806] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.989880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:15.989905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:15.989930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:15.989953] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:15.989976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:15.989998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:15.990021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:15.990044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:15.990066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:15.990088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:15.990110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.990133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:15.990155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:15.990176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:15.990254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:15.990357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:15.990550] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:15.990613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:15.990739] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.990781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:15.990828] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:15.990869] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:15.990907] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:15.990947] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:15.990977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:15.991038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:15.991096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:15.991154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:15.991224] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:15.991271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:15.991302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:15.991459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.991519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:15.991564] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:15.991722] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.991848] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:15.992111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:15.992182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:15.992352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:15.992413] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:15.992459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:15.992588] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.992676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:15.992767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:15.992805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:15.992862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:15.993046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.993257] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.993359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.993459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:15.993559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:15.993673] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.993835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:15.993966] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:15.994150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:15.994266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:15.994393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:15.994653] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.994762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.995024] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:15.995184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.995298] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:15.995399] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:15.995521] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.995741] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.995804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:15.995901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:15.996029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:15.996216] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Glowing Eyes.esp". [03:34:15.996292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Glowing Eyes.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:15.996300] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" [03:34:15.997247] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.997358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:15.997447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:15.997531] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:15.997625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:15.997743] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:15.997825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:15.997905] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:15.998094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.998130] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:15.998164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:15.998197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:15.998227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:15.998260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:15.998302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:15.998500] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.998535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:15.998565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:15.998747] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.998954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:15.999132] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.999308] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.999546] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.999722] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:15.999895] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.000066] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.000225] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.000371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.000456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.000523] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.000676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.000820] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.000855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.001030] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.001094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.001150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.001181] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.001211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.001239] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.001426] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.001575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.001644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.001937] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.002114] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.002155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.002305] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.002508] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.002601] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.002779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.002990] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.003027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.003124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.003348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.003425] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.003452] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.003477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.003501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.003524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.003549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.003574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.003597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.003619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.003643] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.003665] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.003687] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.003709] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.003731] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.003811] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.003917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.004040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.004104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.004236] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.004278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.004325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.004366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.004405] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.004445] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.004509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.004573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.004635] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.004694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.004752] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.004785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.004817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.004982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.005046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.005094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.005284] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.005348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.005469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.005504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.005549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.005583] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.005628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.005662] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.005825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.005897] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.005959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.005983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.006039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.006250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.006417] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.006522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.006626] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.006761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.006865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.006968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.007068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.007204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.007307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.007409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.007655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.007834] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.007990] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.008129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.008296] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.008412] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.008567] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.008872] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.008966] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.009034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.009095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.009309] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp". [03:34:16.009359] [trace]: Adding edge from "Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.009367] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" [03:34:16.009911] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.010029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.010111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.010219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.010328] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.010464] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.010654] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.010993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.011071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.011132] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.011179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.011221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.011254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.011295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.011515] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.011550] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.011580] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.011885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.012229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.012525] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.012820] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.013092] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.013321] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.013648] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.013891] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.014075] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.014218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.014301] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.014335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.014567] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.014733] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.014768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.014969] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.015033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.015087] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.015117] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.015146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.015173] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.015391] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.015539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.015608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.015957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.016152] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.016193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.016338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.016538] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.016603] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.016760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.016981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.017018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.017113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.017361] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.017437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.017463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.017488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.017511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.017535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.017559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.017582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.017629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.017652] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.017675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.017698] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.017720] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.017742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.017765] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.017846] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.017952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.018077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.018140] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.018274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.018316] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.018364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.018406] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.018445] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.018515] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.018546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.018610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.018670] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.018729] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.018786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.018821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.018853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.019017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.019081] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.019129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.019348] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.019413] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.019540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.019575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.019622] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.019656] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.019702] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.019734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.019898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.019971] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.020034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.020058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.020113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.020323] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.020492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.020597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.020703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.020807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.020910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.021013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.021115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.021251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.021354] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.021456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.021703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.021813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.021965] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.022069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.022173] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.022278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.022433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.022476] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.022700] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp". [03:34:16.022767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.022825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.022888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.023146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.023197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.023205] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "HoloTime_2.esp" [03:34:16.023334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023360] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023383] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023406] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023428] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023450] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023495] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023517] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023538] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023581] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023602] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023623] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023665] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023686] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023706] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023727] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023748] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023769] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023789] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023810] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023830] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023851] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023871] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023892] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023912] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023932] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023952] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.023993] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024014] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024034] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024056] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024076] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024097] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024117] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024138] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024159] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024180] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024202] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024243] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024264] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024284] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024305] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024325] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024386] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024407] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024427] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024447] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024467] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.024532] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.024554] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.024592] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.024673] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.024710] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.024758] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.024783] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.024806] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.024829] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.024852] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.024874] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.024896] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.024918] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.025014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025041] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025068] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025094] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025120] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025146] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025173] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025200] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025225] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025250] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025330] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025354] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025378] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025404] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025429] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025453] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025479] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025529] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025557] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025582] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025607] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025631] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025656] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025681] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025705] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025730] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025750] [trace]: Adding edge from "HoloTime_2.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.025775] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025800] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025854] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025880] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025904] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025929] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025954] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.025979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026004] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026080] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026154] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026229] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026255] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026280] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026330] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026356] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026380] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026406] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026430] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026455] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026479] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026531] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026557] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "HoloTime_2.esp". [03:34:16.026565] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" [03:34:16.027060] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.027152] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.027238] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.027323] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.027407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.027511] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.027563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.027625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.027658] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.027700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.027732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.027852] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.027885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.027913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.027996] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.028106] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.028254] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.028351] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.028542] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.028741] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.028905] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029066] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029168] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029303] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029419] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.029456] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.029562] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029693] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.029813] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.029874] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.029927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.029958] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.029986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.030014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.030105] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030188] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.030337] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030418] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030502] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.030652] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030735] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.030876] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.030993] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.031028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.031111] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.031226] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.031299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.031324] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.031347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.031371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.031394] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.031417] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.031440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.031462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.031484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.031508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.031531] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.031552] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.031596] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.031631] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.031710] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.031825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.031886] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.031969] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.032010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.032056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.032098] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.032135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.032176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.032207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.032267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.032327] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.032385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.032440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.032472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.032504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.032591] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.032651] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.032696] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.032782] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.032841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.032926] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.032960] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.033028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.033072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.033104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.033191] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.033259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.033318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.033340] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.033394] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.033514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.034474] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.034625] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.034686] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.034738] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.034797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.034912] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp". [03:34:16.034959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.034967] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" [03:34:16.035346] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.035430] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.035511] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.035593] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.035675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.035708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.035741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.035772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.035801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.035834] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.035949] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.035982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.036011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.036094] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036175] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036255] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036336] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036487] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036650] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036731] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036810] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036890] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.036998] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.037078] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.037112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.037193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.037274] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.037309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.037391] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.037450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.037503] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.037532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.037561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.037617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.037704] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.037785] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.037846] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.037927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038007] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038088] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.038208] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038287] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.038470] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038668] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038703] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.038814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.038997] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.039069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.039095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.039119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.039143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.039165] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.039188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.039211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.039233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.039255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.039277] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.039299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.039322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.039344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.039366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.039445] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.039579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.039655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.039739] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.039779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.039825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.039866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.039903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.039944] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.039975] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.040037] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.040096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.040154] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.040208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.040241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.040273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.040370] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.040461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.040533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.040644] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.040730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.040903] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.040939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.041010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.041056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.041088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.041175] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.041259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.041331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.041368] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.041438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.041591] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.042771] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.042899] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.042962] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.043016] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.043076] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.043192] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp". [03:34:16.043240] [trace]: Adding edge from "Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.043248] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "HotMamaBoSA.esp" [03:34:16.043750] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.043846] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.043937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.043970] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.044003] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.044034] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.044063] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.044096] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.044220] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.044253] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.044281] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.044422] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.044544] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.044636] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.044752] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.044868] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045025] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045142] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045242] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045326] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045456] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045580] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.045629] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.045741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045826] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.045861] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.045947] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.046006] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.046060] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.046089] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.046122] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.046195] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.046345] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.046473] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.046587] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.046695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.046798] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.046971] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.047109] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.047338] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.047524] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.047631] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.047727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.047870] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.047907] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.048002] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.048137] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.048216] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.048243] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.048268] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.048292] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.048316] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.048340] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.048363] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.048386] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.048409] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.048432] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.048455] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.048478] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.048501] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.048524] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.048639] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.048773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.048840] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.048935] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.048977] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.049026] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.049068] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.049106] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.049150] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.049184] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.049248] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.049308] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.049366] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.049426] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.049460] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.049492] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.049588] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.049648] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.049696] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.049788] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.049850] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.049939] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.049973] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.050044] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.050090] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.050123] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.050217] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.050287] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.050349] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.050372] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.050428] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.050587] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.051657] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.051785] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.051849] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.051903] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.051964] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.052088] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "HotMamaBoSA.esp". [03:34:16.052136] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBoSA.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.052144] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" [03:34:16.052577] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.052661] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.052755] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.052790] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.052823] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.052855] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.052885] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.052918] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.053049] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053083] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.053113] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.053207] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053299] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053389] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053479] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053568] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053699] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053789] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053878] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.053966] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.054083] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.054164] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.054199] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.054288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.054378] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.054413] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.054537] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.054621] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.054703] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.054733] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.054762] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.054790] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.054886] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.054975] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055039] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.055129] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055218] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055307] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055348] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.055571] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055679] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055742] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.055860] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.055987] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.056024] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.056115] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.056244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.056319] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.056383] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.056410] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.056449] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.056500] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.056538] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.056561] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.056585] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.056607] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.056658] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.056680] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.056703] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.056725] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.056747] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.056830] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.056963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.057027] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.057120] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.057162] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.057210] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.057252] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.057291] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.057331] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.057363] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.057427] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.057488] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.057590] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.057665] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.057726] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.057760] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.057862] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.057928] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.057979] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.058081] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.058147] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.058271] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.058309] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.058404] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.058479] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.058542] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.058670] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.058756] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.058817] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.058841] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.058897] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.059034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.060140] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.060278] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.060342] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.060424] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.060515] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.060691] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp". [03:34:16.060742] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.060750] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" [03:34:16.061214] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.061322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.061385] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.061445] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.061498] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.061553] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.061586] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.061814] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.061849] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.061879] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.061998] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062167] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062302] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062409] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062542] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062719] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062806] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062893] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.062980] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063097] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063182] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.063218] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.063306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063390] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063425] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.063540] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063601] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.063655] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.063685] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.063713] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.063741] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.063836] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063922] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.063987] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.064074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064161] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064247] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064287] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.064373] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064458] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064576] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.064662] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064782] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.064817] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.064902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.065022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.065095] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.065120] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.065143] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.065166] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.065189] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.065212] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.065234] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.065257] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.065279] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.065300] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.065322] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.065345] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.065367] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.065389] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.065469] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.065592] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.065652] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.065740] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.065780] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.065826] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.065866] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.065903] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.065942] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.065973] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.066034] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.066092] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.066150] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.066204] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.066236] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.066267] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.066357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.066415] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.066569] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.066763] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.066828] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.066918] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.066953] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.067028] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.067075] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.067108] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.067198] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.067267] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.067326] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.067348] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.067403] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.067528] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.068622] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.068746] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.068808] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.068862] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.068923] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.069044] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp". [03:34:16.069091] [trace]: Adding edge from "HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.069099] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "HouseDress1Fix.esp" [03:34:16.069440] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.069477] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.069509] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.069540] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.069568] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.069601] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.069717] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.069751] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.069778] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.069861] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.069941] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070020] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070101] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070179] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070296] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070375] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070525] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070710] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070819] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070939] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.070973] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.071052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071130] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071164] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.071243] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071302] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.071354] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.071383] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.071411] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.071440] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.071557] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071636] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071697] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.071777] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071857] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071936] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.071977] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.072057] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.072137] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.072197] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.072274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.072387] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.072449] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.072611] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.072723] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.072794] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.072819] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.072842] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.072865] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.072888] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.072910] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.072932] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.072955] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.072977] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.072998] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.073020] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.073041] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.073062] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.073083] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.073162] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.073278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.073339] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.073422] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.073463] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.073510] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.073549] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.073586] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.073626] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.073657] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.073718] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.073777] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.073835] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.073889] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.073922] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.073953] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.074038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.074097] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.074213] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.074273] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.074354] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.074402] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.074544] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.074689] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.074856] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.074976] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.075055] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.075080] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.075136] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.075268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.076317] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.076501] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.076607] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.076813] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.076915] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.077143] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "HouseDress1Fix.esp". [03:34:16.077217] [trace]: Adding edge from "HouseDress1Fix.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.077239] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "HUDFramework.esm" [03:34:16.077836] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:16.078238] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:16.078813] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:16.079303] [trace]: Adding edge from "HUDFramework.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:16.079899] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "HUDFramework.esm". [03:34:16.079931] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Idiot Slut.esp" [03:34:16.080294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.080331] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.080390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.080437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.080501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.080546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.080791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.080828] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.080858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.081059] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.081162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.081320] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.081578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.081829] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.081885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.082151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.082413] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.082767] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.083013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.083182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.083335] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.083424] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.083461] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.083619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.083772] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.083807] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.084106] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:16.084172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.084229] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.084259] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.084289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.084318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.084809] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:16.084979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.085052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.085188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:16.085407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.085727] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:16.085769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.085928] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.086218] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Idiot Slut.esp". [03:34:16.086284] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.086487] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.086754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.086791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.086894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.086935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.087358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:16.087472] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.087499] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.087524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.087549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.087574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.087609] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.087633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.087656] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.087679] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.087706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.087730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.087752] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.087775] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.087797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.087878] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.087994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.088125] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.088190] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.088329] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.088373] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.088439] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.088497] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.088558] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.088600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.088633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.088726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.088815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.088875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.088935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.088970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.089003] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.089180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.089245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.089294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.089574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.089641] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.089775] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.089812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.089858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.089893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.089939] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.089973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.090144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.090219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.090282] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.090306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.090363] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.090407] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.090608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.090945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.091207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.091326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.091524] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.091696] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.091808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.091921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.092032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.092192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.092304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.092416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.092938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.093079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.093201] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.093507] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.093632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.093781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.093943] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.094086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.094254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.094297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.094730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:16.094817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.094890] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.094954] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.095226] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.095460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.095526] [trace]: Adding edge from "Idiot Slut.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.095534] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "IFT_Automatron.esp" [03:34:16.095868] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.095902] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.095932] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.095965] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.095998] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096058] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.096088] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.096123] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096156] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096190] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096237] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096270] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096305] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096340] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096373] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096406] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096453] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096500] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096545] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096604] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096636] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.096668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096702] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096759] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.096808] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096840] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096872] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.096899] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.096926] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.096952] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.096992] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097025] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097062] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097127] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097160] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097191] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097222] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097256] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097350] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097381] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097412] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097443] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097507] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097560] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.097585] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.097606] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.097629] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.097651] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.097673] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.097696] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.097719] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.097741] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.097763] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.097784] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.097806] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.097827] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.097921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.097988] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098119] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.098153] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098187] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098253] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098283] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.098313] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.098346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098378] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098412] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098486] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098565] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098597] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098628] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098660] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098691] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098723] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098771] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098815] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098847] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098867] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_Automatron.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.098899] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098931] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.098964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099031] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099064] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099097] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099160] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099193] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099227] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099259] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099290] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099322] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099353] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099385] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099418] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099450] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099515] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099547] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099610] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099643] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099673] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099707] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099738] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099770] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099865] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "IFT_Automatron.esp". [03:34:16.099896] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "IFT_NoFuel.esp" [03:34:16.100114] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.100143] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.100174] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100204] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100233] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.100260] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.100291] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100321] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100351] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100382] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100428] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100471] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100502] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100553] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100583] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100613] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100644] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100673] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100702] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100732] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.100762] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100793] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100821] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.100853] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100883] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100913] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.100940] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.100966] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.100992] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.101025] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101056] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101088] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101149] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101235] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101279] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101337] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101382] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101459] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101490] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101534] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101564] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101654] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.101700] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.101723] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.101745] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.101766] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.101788] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.101809] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.101830] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.101851] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.101872] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.101893] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.101915] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.101938] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.101960] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.102053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102086] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102118] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102249] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.102282] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102314] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102394] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102453] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.102523] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.102571] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102603] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102636] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102669] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102747] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102778] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102809] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102842] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102873] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102904] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102936] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102966] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.102998] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103018] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoFuel.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.103050] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103081] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103243] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103274] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103337] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103384] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103428] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103458] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103489] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103520] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103552] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103584] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103616] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103647] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103740] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103771] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103802] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103832] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103864] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103895] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103926] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.103987] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.104018] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "IFT_NoFuel.esp". [03:34:16.104049] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "IFT_NoQuest.esp" [03:34:16.104256] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.104288] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104318] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104348] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.104404] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.104435] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104497] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104527] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104557] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104587] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104616] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104673] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104702] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104732] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104762] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104791] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104820] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104849] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104878] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.104908] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104938] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.104967] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.104998] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105027] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105205] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105235] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.105262] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.105290] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.105324] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105355] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105390] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105451] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105483] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105513] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105543] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105574] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105604] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105634] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105663] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105693] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105722] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105751] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105811] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.105859] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.105883] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.105905] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.105927] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.105949] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.105970] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.105991] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.106013] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.106035] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.106056] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.106076] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.106097] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.106118] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.106208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106272] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106418] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.106495] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106527] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106591] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106621] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.106651] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.106683] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106714] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106745] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106804] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106866] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106897] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106927] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106958] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.106988] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107019] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107049] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107080] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107110] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107130] [trace]: Adding edge from "IFT_NoQuest.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.107161] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107191] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107222] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107349] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107381] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107441] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107472] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107503] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107533] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107624] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107687] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107718] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107748] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107809] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107840] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107873] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107904] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107937] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.107970] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.108001] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.108033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.108064] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.108095] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "IFT_NoQuest.esp". [03:34:16.108129] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" [03:34:16.108287] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108316] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108343] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108371] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108430] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108457] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108486] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108515] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108556] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108582] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108610] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108655] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108696] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108723] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108750] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108777] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108804] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108860] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108944] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.108971] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109000] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109026] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109052] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109079] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.109106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.109133] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.109168] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109199] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109232] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109262] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109290] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109320] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109349] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109377] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109408] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109491] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109520] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109547] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109574] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109630] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.109683] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.109707] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.109729] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.109751] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.109773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.109795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.109817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.109838] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.109860] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.109882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.109903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.109924] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.109945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.110035] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110066] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110095] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110124] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110153] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110182] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110210] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110239] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110267] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110296] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110341] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110419] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110448] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110478] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110538] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110568] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110601] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110630] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110660] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110689] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110717] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110786] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110854] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110882] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110913] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110942] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110970] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.110991] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.111019] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111082] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111193] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111249] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111277] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111304] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111334] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111362] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111444] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111473] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111528] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111556] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111584] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111611] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111640] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111667] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111697] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111723] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111750] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111777] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111832] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp". [03:34:16.111841] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" [03:34:16.112182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112223] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.112314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.112353] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112402] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112439] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112492] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112557] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112607] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112646] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112702] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112739] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112774] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112824] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112877] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112941] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.112989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.113031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113104] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.113189] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113225] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113259] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113287] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.113314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.113340] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.113417] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113455] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113498] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113536] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113573] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113638] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113674] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113709] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113745] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113780] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113850] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113884] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113919] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.113981] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114050] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114108] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.114132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.114155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.114179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.114203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.114226] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.114248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.114272] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.114293] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.114315] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.114338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.114361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.114386] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.114549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114684] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.114923] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.114974] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115052] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115084] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.115116] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.115153] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115189] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115224] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115263] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115298] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115335] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115400] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115434] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115468] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115503] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115538] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115575] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115610] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115646] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115668] [trace]: Adding edge from "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.115705] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115740] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115776] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115858] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115929] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.115965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116001] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116105] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116175] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116211] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116279] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116380] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116430] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116491] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116542] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116577] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116660] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116695] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116759] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116806] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116855] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116904] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.116966] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.117015] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ImmersiveFastTravel.esp". [03:34:16.117062] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Immortal Cats 2.esp" [03:34:16.118309] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.118373] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.118418] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118492] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118535] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118577] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118620] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118661] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118704] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118745] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118815] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118856] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118928] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.118994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.119038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119079] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119111] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.119154] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119247] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.119276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.119303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.119350] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119392] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119470] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119513] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119556] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119598] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119640] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119716] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119792] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119830] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.119930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.119994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.120017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.120040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.120062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.120084] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.120106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.120127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.120149] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.120170] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.120191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.120212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.120233] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.120255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.120489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.120642] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.120675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.120721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.120876] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.120920] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.120957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.120994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.121037] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.121120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Immortal Cats 2.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.121195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.121886] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.121958] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.122120] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Immortal Cats 2.esp". [03:34:16.122129] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "InstantVendorsReset.esp" [03:34:16.122584] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.122615] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.122866] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.123087] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.123309] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.123525] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.123808] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.124028] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.124244] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.124542] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.124808] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.125038] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.125135] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.125172] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.125343] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.125504] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.125541] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.125767] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.125840] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.125900] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.125932] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.125962] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.125992] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.126236] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.126455] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.126604] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.127080] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.127300] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.127373] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.127543] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.127817] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.127914] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.128082] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.128336] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.128424] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.128577] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.128970] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.129058] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.129087] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.129113] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.129138] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.129163] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.129188] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.129212] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.129250] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.129275] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.129314] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.129338] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.129363] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.129407] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.129458] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.129553] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.129676] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.129815] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.129883] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.130029] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.130076] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.130129] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.130175] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.130218] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.130262] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.130296] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.130392] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.130488] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.130555] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.130647] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.130682] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.130716] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.130899] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.130968] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.131020] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.131254] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.131327] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.131466] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.131510] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.131560] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.131599] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.131647] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.131687] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.131865] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.131942] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.132010] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.132034] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.132095] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.132326] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.132566] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.132710] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.132829] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.132945] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.133060] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.133177] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.133293] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.133442] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.133557] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.133674] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.133916] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.134038] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.134200] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.134318] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.134435] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.134583] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.134776] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.135051] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.135122] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.135183] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.135250] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.135519] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "InstantVendorsReset.esp". [03:34:16.135575] [trace]: Adding edge from "InstantVendorsReset.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.135583] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" [03:34:16.135794] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.135830] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.135863] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.135895] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.135927] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.135959] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.135989] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136020] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136051] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136082] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136113] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136143] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136174] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136204] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136235] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136266] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136305] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136336] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136366] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136396] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136426] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.136522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.136549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.136581] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136612] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136645] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136675] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136705] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136735] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136765] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136821] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136851] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136880] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136939] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136968] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.136998] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137027] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137061] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137092] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137139] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.137162] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.137184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.137205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.137227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.137248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.137269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.137291] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.137313] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.137334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.137355] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.137377] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.137398] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.137458] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137521] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137551] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137581] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137611] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137642] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137672] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137701] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.137731] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137822] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137853] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137882] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137942] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.137972] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138002] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138061] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138092] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138122] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138151] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138181] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138211] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138241] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138270] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138301] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138321] [trace]: Adding edge from "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.138351] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138380] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138410] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138442] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138501] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138531] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138590] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138649] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138679] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138738] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138824] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138854] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138883] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138912] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138942] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.138971] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139001] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139030] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139059] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139088] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139118] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139242] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Institute NIRA Vendor.esp". [03:34:16.139278] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" [03:34:16.139412] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139439] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139467] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139494] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139520] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139546] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139573] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139599] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139626] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139652] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139678] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139704] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139730] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139755] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139807] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139832] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139858] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139883] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139908] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139934] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.139959] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.139985] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.140014] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140041] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140070] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140124] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140151] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140177] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140204] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140232] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140257] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140339] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140365] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140391] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140418] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140443] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140539] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.140606] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.140629] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.140650] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.140672] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.140724] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.140749] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.140774] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.140800] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.140821] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.140842] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.140863] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.140884] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.140905] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.140992] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141050] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141077] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141105] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141132] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141159] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141186] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141214] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141242] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141358] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141413] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141471] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141512] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141539] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141567] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141595] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141652] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141679] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141706] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141733] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141763] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141793] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141821] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141848] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141875] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141897] [trace]: Adding edge from "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.141924] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141951] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.141981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142015] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142070] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142099] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142184] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142239] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142268] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142352] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142380] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142408] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142464] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142495] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142551] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142601] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142632] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142660] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142691] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142719] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142748] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142803] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142886] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142915] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp". [03:34:16.142922] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "JetPackDrain0.esp" [03:34:16.143766] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.144000] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.144214] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.144563] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.144819] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.145029] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.145297] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.145535] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.145766] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.145957] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.145995] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.146171] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.146368] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.146407] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.146679] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.146751] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.146812] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.146870] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.146901] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.146957] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.147224] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.147395] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.147473] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.147815] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.148027] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.148074] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.148243] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.148588] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.148659] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.148830] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.149077] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.149121] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.149229] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.149492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.149578] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.149604] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.149630] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.149655] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.149679] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.149703] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.149727] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.149753] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.149778] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.149802] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.149824] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.149847] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.149870] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.149893] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.149983] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.150103] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.150246] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.150344] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.150549] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.150596] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.150651] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.150723] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.150766] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.150811] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.150844] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.150913] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.150980] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.151045] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.151107] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.151142] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.151177] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.151373] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.151444] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.151497] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.151730] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.151803] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.151943] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.151986] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.152037] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.152078] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.152128] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.152167] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.152345] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.152425] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.152527] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.152552] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.152625] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.152880] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.153069] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.153190] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.153308] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.153425] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.153539] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.153654] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.153768] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.153923] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.154041] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.154157] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.154405] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.154562] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.154728] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.154859] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.154989] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.155107] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.155280] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.155545] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.155618] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.155679] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.155747] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.156013] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "JetPackDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.156069] [trace]: Adding edge from "JetPackDrain0.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.156077] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "JINA Valentine.esp" [03:34:16.158431] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.159107] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.159161] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.159281] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.159401] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.159471] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.159530] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.159562] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.159592] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.159621] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.159742] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.159859] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.159968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.160135] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.160184] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.160496] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.160669] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.160937] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.161067] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.161113] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.161322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "JINA Valentine.esp". [03:34:16.161428] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.161457] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.161482] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.161508] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.161532] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.161556] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.161579] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.161602] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.161625] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.161648] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.161671] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.161693] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.161715] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.161737] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.161907] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.162162] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.162263] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.162319] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.162544] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.162660] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.162772] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.162835] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.162941] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.163032] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.163099] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.163195] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.163231] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.163265] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.163385] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.163438] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.163581] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.163665] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.163717] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.163756] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.163805] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.163843] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.163965] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.164033] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.164056] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.164116] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.165426] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.165555] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.165614] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.165680] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.165874] [trace]: Adding edge from "JINA Valentine.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.165883] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "KSHairdos.esp" [03:34:16.166395] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.166600] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.166856] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.167026] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.167191] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.167359] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.167560] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.167656] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.167694] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.167868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.168032] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.168070] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.168239] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.168309] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.168369] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.168400] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.168430] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.168473] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.168666] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.168862] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.168937] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.169197] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.169367] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.169413] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.169578] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.169743] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.169814] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.169982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.170189] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.170235] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.170345] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.170581] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.170692] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.170719] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.170743] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.170767] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.170791] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.170815] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.170837] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.170860] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.170883] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.170905] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.170928] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.170950] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.170972] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.170994] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.171083] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.171207] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.171350] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.171418] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.171570] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.171617] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.171671] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.171717] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.171760] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.171805] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.171839] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.171907] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.171972] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.172038] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.172099] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.172134] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.172168] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.172351] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.172420] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.172503] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.172705] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.172776] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.172916] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.172959] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.173010] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.173050] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.173099] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.173138] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.173320] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.173399] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.173466] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.173490] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.173551] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.173769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.173953] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.174073] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.174193] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.174339] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.174512] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.174662] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.174902] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.175093] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.175223] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.175348] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.175608] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.175735] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.175906] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.176026] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.176149] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.176299] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.176507] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.176768] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.176896] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.176960] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.177058] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.177291] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "KSHairdos.esp". [03:34:16.177348] [trace]: Adding edge from "KSHairdos.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.177356] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" [03:34:16.178297] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.178685] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.178994] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.179254] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.179356] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.179395] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.179576] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.179740] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.179780] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.180067] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.180141] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.180204] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.180237] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.180267] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.180297] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.180632] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.180812] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.180893] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.181314] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.181594] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.181642] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.181818] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.182100] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.182175] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.182377] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.182690] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.182735] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.182943] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.183492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.183581] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.183609] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.183635] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.183659] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.183684] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.183709] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.183736] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.183761] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.183785] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.183808] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.183832] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.183855] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.183878] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.183902] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.183994] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.184116] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.184286] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.184355] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.184588] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.184636] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.184691] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.184738] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.184781] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.184827] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.184861] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.184932] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.184999] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.185065] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.185129] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.185180] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.185228] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.185416] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.185486] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.185541] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.185792] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.185865] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.186008] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.186052] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.186103] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.186144] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.186223] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.186265] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.186463] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.186584] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.186665] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.186717] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.186792] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.187029] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.187212] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.187331] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.187452] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.187569] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.187686] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.187805] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.187926] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.188082] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.188232] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.188351] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.188632] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.188814] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.188983] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.189102] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.189224] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.189345] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.189520] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.189567] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.189854] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp". [03:34:16.189928] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.189990] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.190059] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.190386] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.190657] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.190714] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.190722] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" [03:34:16.191672] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.191953] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.192254] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.192496] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.192730] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.192873] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.192912] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.193092] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.193342] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.193382] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.193793] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.193870] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.193933] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.193964] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.193995] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.194025] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.194366] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.194572] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.194654] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.195121] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.195402] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.195451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.195680] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.195991] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.196065] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.196310] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.196694] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.196813] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.196991] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.197406] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.197497] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.197525] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.197552] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.197577] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.197602] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.197627] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.197651] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.197675] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.197699] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.197722] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.197745] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.197768] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.197791] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.197880] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.198003] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.198147] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.198217] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.198368] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.198415] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.198487] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.198548] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.198591] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.198636] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.198670] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.198739] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.198805] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.198900] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.198969] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.199004] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.199039] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.199228] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.199299] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.199352] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.199599] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.199672] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.199812] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.199855] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.199906] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.199948] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.199998] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.200037] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.200226] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.200305] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.200374] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.200399] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.200478] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.200765] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.200892] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.201012] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.201150] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.201281] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.201400] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.201520] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.201638] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.201793] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.201912] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.202033] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.202287] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.202451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.202711] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.202833] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.202953] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.203074] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.203250] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.203297] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.203593] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.203666] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.203729] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.203797] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.204087] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.204320] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.204378] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.204386] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" [03:34:16.207609] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.207669] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.207727] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.207920] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.208186] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.208277] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.208376] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.208405] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.208432] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.208496] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.208677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.208823] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.208864] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.208982] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.209292] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.209478] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.209536] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.209560] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.209584] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.209609] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.209631] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.209653] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.209674] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.209696] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.209717] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.209739] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.209759] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.209780] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.209801] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.210033] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.210129] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.210176] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.210232] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.210278] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.210323] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.210488] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.210551] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.210737] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.210893] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.210942] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.210993] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.211091] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.211143] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.211343] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.212557] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.212694] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp". [03:34:16.213023] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.213032] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification.esp" [03:34:16.213964] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.214177] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.214348] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.214442] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.214482] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.214657] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.214816] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.214853] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.215191] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.215264] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.215327] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.215358] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.215388] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.215417] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.215729] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.215903] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.215978] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.216386] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.216673] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.216719] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.216891] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.217211] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.217283] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.217451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.217697] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.217740] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.217850] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.218236] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.218323] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.218349] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.218375] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.218399] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.218423] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.218447] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.218470] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.218493] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.218515] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.218538] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.218560] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.218581] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.218603] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.218693] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.218813] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.218950] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.219018] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.219194] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.219240] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.219293] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.219338] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.219380] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.219424] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.219457] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.219524] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.219591] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.219656] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.219717] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.219752] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.219785] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.219970] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.220041] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.220093] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.220334] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.220405] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.220545] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.220586] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.220636] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.220675] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.220724] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.220763] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.220944] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.221022] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.221105] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.221143] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.221203] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.221455] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.221578] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.221695] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.221812] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.221930] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.222049] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.222167] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.222283] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.222435] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.222554] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.222674] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.222919] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.223041] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.223237] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.223354] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.223473] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.223590] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.223763] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.223808] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.224107] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModification.esp". [03:34:16.224179] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.224240] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.224307] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.224604] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.224900] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.224956] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.224964] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" [03:34:16.225957] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.226146] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.226320] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.226415] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.226453] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.226626] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.226785] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.226822] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.227171] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.227279] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.227354] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.227385] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.227415] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.227443] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.227889] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.228134] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.228215] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.228717] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.229238] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.229316] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.229621] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.229974] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.230077] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.230281] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.230530] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.230573] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.230683] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.231029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.231116] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.231143] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.231168] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.231192] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.231216] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.231239] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.231262] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.231285] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.231307] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.231329] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.231351] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.231373] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.231395] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.231417] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.231506] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.231628] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.231767] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.231835] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.231981] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.232026] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.232108] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.232154] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.232197] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.232242] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.232275] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.232344] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.232409] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.232474] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.232539] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.232607] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.232645] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.232829] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.232897] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.232949] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.233228] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.233301] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.233441] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.233483] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.233533] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.233574] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.233623] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.233662] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.233844] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.233924] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.233991] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.234015] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.234105] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.234348] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.234540] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.234660] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.234779] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.234896] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.235013] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.235130] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.235245] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.235398] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.235516] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.235632] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.235877] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.236001] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.236196] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.236312] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.236427] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.236542] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.236713] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.236758] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.237050] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LM.esp". [03:34:16.237122] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.237184] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.237251] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.237536] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.237769] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.237824] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LM.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.237831] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" [03:34:16.238634] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.238820] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.238989] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.239111] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.239148] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.239318] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.239476] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.239513] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.239798] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.239869] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.239929] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.239960] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.239990] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.240020] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.240354] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.240526] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.240600] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.240982] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.241320] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.241393] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.241606] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.241883] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.241957] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.242245] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.242578] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.242626] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.242739] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.243127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.243215] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.243242] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.243268] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.243292] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.243317] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.243340] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.243364] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.243386] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.243409] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.243432] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.243455] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.243477] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.243500] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.243522] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.243611] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.243730] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.243868] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.243937] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.244172] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.244234] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.244303] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.244363] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.244405] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.244454] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.244489] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.244559] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.244670] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.244777] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.244901] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.244938] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.244999] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.245188] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.245257] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.245309] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.245679] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.245794] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.245935] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.246022] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.246115] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.246199] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.246304] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.246374] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.246609] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.246701] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.246768] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.246792] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.246868] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.247124] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.247325] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.247444] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.247563] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.247682] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.247799] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.247917] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.248063] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.248232] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.248350] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.248468] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.248712] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.248838] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.249009] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.249127] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.249246] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.249363] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.249535] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.249581] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.249880] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp". [03:34:16.249953] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.250049] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.250130] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.250409] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.250635] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.250691] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.250699] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" [03:34:16.251349] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.251519] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.251612] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.251649] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.251818] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.251979] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.252046] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.252336] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.252408] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.252468] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.252499] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.252529] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.252557] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.252854] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.253054] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.253129] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.253509] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.253787] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.253833] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.254006] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.254287] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.254360] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.254533] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.254780] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.254823] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.254932] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.255303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.255390] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.255417] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.255442] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.255466] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.255491] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.255514] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.255538] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.255560] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.255583] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.255606] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.255628] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.255650] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.255673] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.255761] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.255881] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.256019] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.256088] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.256236] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.256281] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.256334] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.256379] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.256421] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.256466] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.256498] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.256566] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.256633] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.256698] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.256761] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.256796] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.256829] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.257049] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.257118] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.257171] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.257418] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.257489] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.257632] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.257673] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.257723] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.257762] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.257811] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.257850] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.258275] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.258408] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.258511] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.258538] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.258619] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.259036] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.259167] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.259285] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.259404] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.259523] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.259640] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.259759] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.259875] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.260039] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.260160] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.260279] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.260614] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.260739] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.261024] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.261198] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.261328] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.261451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.261699] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.261771] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.262275] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp". [03:34:16.262451] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.262546] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.262646] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.262961] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.263250] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.263304] [trace]: Adding edge from "LegendaryModificationMisc.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.263312] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" [03:34:16.264435] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.264525] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.264723] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.264818] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.264850] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.264879] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.264907] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.265103] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.265454] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.265633] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.265678] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.265892] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.266142] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.266186] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.266466] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.266550] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.266577] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.266601] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.266625] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.266649] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.266672] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.266695] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.266718] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.266740] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.266762] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.266787] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.266811] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.266833] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.266854] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.266943] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.267062] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.267208] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.267261] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.267305] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.267347] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.267391] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.267422] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.267587] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.267622] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.267655] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.267953] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.268067] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.268145] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.268220] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.268344] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.268410] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.268993] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.269298] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.269561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.270011] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.270117] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.270354] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.270539] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp". [03:34:16.270593] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.270600] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" [03:34:16.271086] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.271124] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.271300] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.271462] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.271500] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.271673] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.271742] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.271805] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.271836] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.271866] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.271903] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.272087] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.272257] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.272331] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.272596] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.272769] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.272814] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.272988] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.273159] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.273228] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.273400] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.273607] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.273650] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.273758] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.274018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.274099] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.274126] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.274151] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.274174] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.274197] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.274221] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.274244] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.274266] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.274289] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.274311] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.274333] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.274356] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.274378] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.274400] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.274486] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.274634] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.274811] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.274878] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.275178] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.275255] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.275309] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.275353] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.275395] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.275439] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.275500] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.275582] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.275649] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.275714] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.275778] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.275813] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.275846] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.276041] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.276109] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.276161] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.276347] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.276417] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.276555] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.276596] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.276645] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.276685] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.276733] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.276771] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.277033] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.277112] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.277193] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.277230] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.277306] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.277567] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.277840] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.278033] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.278163] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.278278] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.278394] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.278593] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.278720] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.278975] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.279139] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.279307] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.279727] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.279882] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.280143] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.280258] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.280370] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.280483] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.280654] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.280942] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.281011] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.281070] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.281135] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.281352] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp". [03:34:16.281405] [trace]: Adding edge from "LongerPowerLinesInf.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.281412] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" [03:34:16.281839] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.281935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.282024] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.282074] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.282182] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.282275] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.282374] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.282417] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.282446] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.282488] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.282613] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.282703] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.282773] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.282878] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283022] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283109] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283151] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.283237] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283324] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283387] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.283477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283603] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283644] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.283731] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.283928] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.283953] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.283976] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.283998] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.284020] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.284043] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.284064] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.284086] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.284108] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.284130] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.284151] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.284172] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.284192] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.284213] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.284298] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.284423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.284489] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.284578] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.284620] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.284671] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.284714] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.284767] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.284823] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.284869] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.284962] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.285024] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.285086] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.285145] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.285179] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.285212] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.285302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.285365] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.285413] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.285502] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.285565] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.285653] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.285692] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.285763] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.285810] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.285848] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.286010] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.286086] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.286151] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.286174] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.286245] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.286368] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.287679] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.287832] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.287900] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.287958] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.288037] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.288175] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp". [03:34:16.288227] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.288234] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "LooksMenu.esp" [03:34:16.288492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.288526] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.288558] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.288591] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.288623] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.288681] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.288736] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.288762] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.288929] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.289032] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289117] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289209] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289297] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289385] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289473] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289547] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289634] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289707] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289855] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289913] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289943] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.289973] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290032] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290085] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.290108] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.290130] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.290151] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.290173] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.290194] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.290216] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.290237] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.290258] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.290279] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.290300] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.290321] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.290341] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.290435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290500] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290635] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.290667] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290699] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290763] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290793] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290824] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.290856] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290917] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.290993] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291055] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291174] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291205] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291265] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291298] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291342] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291373] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291406] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291439] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291486] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291522] [trace]: Adding edge from "LooksMenu.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.291558] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291594] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291791] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291824] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291934] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291966] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.291997] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292030] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292121] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292188] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292265] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292296] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292328] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292391] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292424] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292455] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292490] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292521] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292552] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292583] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292653] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "LooksMenu.esp". [03:34:16.292688] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Loot Detector.esp" [03:34:16.293420] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.293475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.293685] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.293756] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.293817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.293876] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.293921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.293976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.294250] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.294425] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.294501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.294870] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.295116] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.295178] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.295474] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.295720] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.295792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.296048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.296268] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.296312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.296423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.296637] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.296722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.296749] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.296773] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.296797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.296821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.296844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.296868] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.296891] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.296913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.296935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.296957] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.296979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.297001] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.297089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.297214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.297357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.297427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.297578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.297625] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.297680] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.297725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.297769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.297814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.297847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.297945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.298010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.298076] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.298140] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.298176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.298209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.298397] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.298466] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.298518] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.298701] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.298771] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.298940] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.298981] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.299031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.299071] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.299121] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.299159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.299343] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.299423] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.299490] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.299514] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.299575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.299803] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.300019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.300138] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.300258] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.300376] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.300492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.300611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.300728] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.300884] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.301002] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.301120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.301370] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.301496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.301664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.301782] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.301938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.302056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.302227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.302450] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.302522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.302584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.302651] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.302909] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.302963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Loot Detector.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.302971] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" [03:34:16.303423] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.303599] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.303672] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.303733] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.303763] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.303792] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.303821] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.304028] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.304192] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.304265] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.304513] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.304673] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.304718] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.304882] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.305044] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.305114] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.305279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.305478] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.305521] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.305632] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.305835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.305946] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.305972] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.305998] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.306022] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.306045] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.306069] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.306092] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.306114] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.306136] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.306159] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.306180] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.306203] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.306224] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.306246] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.306334] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.306456] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.306596] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.306667] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.306818] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.306865] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.306920] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.306965] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.307007] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.307051] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.307083] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.307152] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.307219] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.307285] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.307347] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.307383] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.307417] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.307593] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.307663] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.307715] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.307959] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.308083] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.308250] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.308293] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.308343] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.308383] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.308431] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.308470] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.308646] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.308727] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.308793] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.308817] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.308907] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.309216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.309435] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.309555] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.309675] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.309793] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.309938] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.310057] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.310172] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.310330] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.310450] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.310570] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.310823] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.310976] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.311211] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.311329] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.311475] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.311680] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.311925] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.312141] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.312213] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.312357] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.312452] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.312790] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp". [03:34:16.312859] [trace]: Adding edge from "MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.312867] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "MeanMachineEyes.esp" [03:34:16.313288] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313327] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313360] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313414] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.313440] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.313467] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.313505] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313537] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313573] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313604] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313636] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313669] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313699] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313730] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313762] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313889] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313924] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313958] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.313992] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314026] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314062] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314116] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.314142] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.314167] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.314192] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.314214] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.314235] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.314257] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.314278] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.314298] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.314319] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.314340] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.314361] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.314381] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.314473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314505] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314539] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314572] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314603] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314633] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314663] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314693] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314722] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.314753] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314814] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314874] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314932] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314962] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.314993] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315022] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315052] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315084] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315144] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315174] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315203] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315233] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315262] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315292] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315322] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315351] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315380] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315401] [trace]: Adding edge from "MeanMachineEyes.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.315430] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315460] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315491] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315585] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315616] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315646] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315707] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315737] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315767] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315841] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315890] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315920] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315951] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.315981] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316011] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316101] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316130] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316160] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316190] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316221] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316251] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316280] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316369] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "MeanMachineEyes.esp". [03:34:16.316400] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" [03:34:16.316537] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.316598] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.316627] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.316655] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.316683] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.317106] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp". [03:34:16.317286] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.317363] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.317511] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:16.317760] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.318125] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:16.318173] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.318354] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.318736] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:16.318810] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.319004] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.319377] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:16.319599] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.319644] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.319756] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.319802] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.320188] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:16.320275] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.320302] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.320326] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.320350] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.320374] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.320396] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.320419] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.320442] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.320465] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.320487] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.320510] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.320531] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.320553] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.320575] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.320665] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.320790] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.320964] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.321035] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.321187] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.321233] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.321288] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.321335] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.321377] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.321423] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.321455] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.321525] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.321592] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.321658] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.321720] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.321757] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.321791] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.322006] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.322076] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.322128] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.322376] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.322450] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.322590] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.322633] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.322684] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.322724] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.322774] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.322841] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.323025] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.323105] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.323173] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.323197] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.323260] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.323307] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.323491] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.323861] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.323991] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.324113] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.324234] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.324356] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.324477] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.324624] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.324801] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.325340] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.325560] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.325686] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.325864] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.326212] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.326341] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.326470] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.326828] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.326960] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.327127] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.327263] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.327382] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.327645] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.327721] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.328338] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:16.328482] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.328586] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.328731] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.329139] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.329586] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.329697] [trace]: Adding edge from "More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.329705] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" [03:34:16.330359] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.330390] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.330418] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.330446] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.330548] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.330614] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.330683] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.330750] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.330817] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.330885] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.330928] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.330994] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.331066] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.331131] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.331197] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.331304] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.331344] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.331412] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.331534] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.331584] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.331609] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.331631] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.331653] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.331676] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.331698] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.331721] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.331743] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.331764] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.331824] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.331845] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.331866] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.331887] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.332021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.332089] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.332159] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.332202] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.332254] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.332297] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.332338] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.332382] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.332414] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.332481] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.332546] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.332611] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.332672] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.332707] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.332741] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.332839] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.332905] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.333031] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.333097] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.333167] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.333206] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.333307] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.333399] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.333470] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.333540] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.333606] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.333628] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.333687] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.333821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.334853] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.334983] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.335049] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.335107] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.335172] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.335247] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp". [03:34:16.335297] [trace]: Adding edge from "MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.335304] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "mso_sms.esp" [03:34:16.335715] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.335744] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.335786] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.335902] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336051] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336207] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336470] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336609] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336781] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336867] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.336991] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.337101] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.337221] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.337300] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.337412] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.337568] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.337617] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.337640] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.337664] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.337686] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.337707] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.337729] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.337778] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.337800] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.337821] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.337843] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.337864] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.337885] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.338008] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338126] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338168] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.338219] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.338263] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.338304] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.338346] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.338377] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.338437] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338494] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338551] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338610] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338644] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.338677] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.338735] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338792] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338893] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.338951] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339007] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339046] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.339132] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.339213] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.339271] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339328] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339384] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339406] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.339462] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339549] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339839] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.339951] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340007] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340063] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340174] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340230] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340342] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340398] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340510] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340567] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340679] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340736] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340838] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340895] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.340952] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.341007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.341063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.341119] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.341168] [trace]: Adding edge from "mso_sms.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.341175] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NAC-AE Patch.esp" [03:34:16.341413] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341442] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341500] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341528] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341557] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341611] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341638] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341663] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341689] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341715] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341835] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341876] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341941] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.341983] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342021] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342108] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.342132] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.342153] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.342175] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.342196] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.342217] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.342239] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.342275] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.342309] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.342330] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.342351] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.342372] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.342393] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.342480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342507] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342550] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342576] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342603] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342630] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342656] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342683] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342709] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342748] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342829] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342855] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342880] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342907] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342932] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342958] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.342985] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343011] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343036] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343061] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343086] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343114] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343139] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343164] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343191] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343217] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343242] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343262] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-AE Patch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.343287] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343312] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343338] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343367] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343392] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343417] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343443] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343468] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343494] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343544] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343694] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343791] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343882] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343908] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343936] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.343961] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344017] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344043] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344069] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344122] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344178] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344216] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "NAC-AE Patch.esp". [03:34:16.344225] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" [03:34:16.344435] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.344483] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344538] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344582] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344649] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344707] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344735] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344790] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344817] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344846] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344937] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344964] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.344990] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345015] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345113] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.345135] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.345156] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.345177] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.345198] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.345218] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.345239] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.345290] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.345338] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.345372] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.345418] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.345439] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.345460] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.345576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345632] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345715] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345784] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345823] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345850] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345876] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345905] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.345948] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346052] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346082] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346125] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346184] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346249] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346318] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346358] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346386] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346411] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346438] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346463] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346488] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346513] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346539] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346564] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346591] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346617] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346642] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346662] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-FarHarbor.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.346689] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346714] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346833] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346860] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346885] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346911] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346937] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.346990] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347015] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347066] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347144] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347169] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347195] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347222] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347249] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347275] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347326] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347353] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347378] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347406] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347432] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347457] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347509] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347537] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347562] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "NAC-FarHarbor.esp". [03:34:16.347569] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" [03:34:16.347803] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347831] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347861] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347913] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347940] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347965] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.347991] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348017] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348093] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348119] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348144] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348169] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348265] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.348287] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.348308] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.348328] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.348349] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.348370] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.348390] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.348412] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.348433] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.348453] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.348473] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.348494] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.348514] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.348599] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348627] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348653] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348679] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348704] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348730] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348784] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348810] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348835] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348861] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348886] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348912] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348938] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.348988] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349039] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349064] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349090] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349140] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349164] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349189] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349214] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349239] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349264] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349289] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349313] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349338] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349357] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC-NukaWorld.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.349382] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349407] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349486] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349512] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349538] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349614] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349664] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349690] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349716] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349767] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349792] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349817] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349843] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349893] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349918] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349943] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349969] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.349993] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350019] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350044] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350069] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350095] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350146] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350171] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "NAC-NukaWorld.esp". [03:34:16.350178] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NAC.esm" [03:34:16.350684] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:16.351123] [trace]: Adding edge from "NAC.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:16.351553] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NAC.esm". [03:34:16.351579] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" [03:34:16.351892] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.351973] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.352129] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:16.352386] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.352765] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:16.352814] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.352999] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.353374] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "PA-Quick Animations.esp". [03:34:16.353452] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.353655] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.354063] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "power armor quick enter and exit.esp". [03:34:16.354294] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.354339] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.354456] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.354502] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.354857] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:16.354948] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.354975] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.355000] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.355024] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.355048] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.355072] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.355095] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.355119] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.355142] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.355165] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.355187] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.355209] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.355232] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.355254] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.355350] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.355479] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.355628] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.355702] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.355889] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.355937] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.355993] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.356040] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.356084] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.356131] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.356164] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.356236] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.356305] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.356373] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.356437] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.356475] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.356510] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.356702] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.356775] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.356830] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.357086] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.357159] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.357308] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.357351] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.357403] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.357444] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.357495] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.357535] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.357848] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.357959] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.358064] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.358090] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.358173] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.358223] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.358423] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.358858] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.359011] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.359144] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.359272] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.359400] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.359526] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.359652] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.359807] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.360198] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.360328] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.360458] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.360587] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.360999] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.361134] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.361329] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.361809] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.361946] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.362158] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.362328] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.362471] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.362773] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.362824] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.363219] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:16.363327] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.363419] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.363491] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.363856] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.364111] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.364170] [trace]: Adding edge from "No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.364178] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" [03:34:16.364710] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.364993] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.365173] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.365221] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.365401] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.365582] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.365659] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.365842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.366064] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.366109] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.366225] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.366443] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.366533] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.366560] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.366585] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.366609] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.366632] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.366656] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.366679] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.366703] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.366725] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.366747] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.366769] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.366829] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.366854] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.366877] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.367001] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.367130] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.367291] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.367377] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.367534] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.367582] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.367636] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.367686] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.367729] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.367776] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.367809] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.367882] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.367950] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.368018] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.368082] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.368119] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.368155] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.368347] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.368418] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.368472] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.368663] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.368736] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.368883] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.368927] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.368979] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.369020] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.369072] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.369112] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.369309] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.369394] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.369465] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.369489] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.369554] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.369786] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.369979] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.370106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.370230] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.370354] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.370475] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.370598] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.370721] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.370882] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.371006] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.371127] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.371394] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.371525] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.371731] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.371854] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.371976] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.372100] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.372284] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.372516] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.372592] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.372657] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.372728] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.372963] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "NoAffinityCooldown.esp". [03:34:16.373021] [trace]: Adding edge from "NoAffinityCooldown.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.373029] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NQAS - Automatron.esl" [03:34:16.373513] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:16.373957] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:16.374399] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NQAS - Automatron.esl". [03:34:16.374426] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" [03:34:16.374948] [trace]: Adding edge from "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:16.375407] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl". [03:34:16.375433] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NQAS - VaultTec.esl" [03:34:16.376088] [trace]: Adding edge from "SettlementKeywords.esm" to "NQAS - VaultTec.esl". [03:34:16.376128] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NSA All-in-One.esp" [03:34:16.376698] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.376774] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.376846] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.376892] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.376964] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.377036] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.377106] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.377182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.377297] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.377341] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.377413] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.377542] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.377595] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.377623] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.377677] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.377712] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.377735] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.377759] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.377781] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.377804] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.377840] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.377886] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.377908] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.377929] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.377978] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.378147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.378219] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.378293] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.378340] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.378449] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.378509] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.378567] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.378647] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.378695] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.378781] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.378850] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.378918] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.378987] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.379024] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.379059] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.379150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.379232] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.379409] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.379508] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.379582] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.379669] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.379800] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.379944] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.380022] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.380110] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.380232] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.380268] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.380344] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.380529] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.381590] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.381815] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.381991] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.382066] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.382134] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.382246] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "NSA All-in-One.esp". [03:34:16.382298] [trace]: Adding edge from "NSA All-in-One.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.382306] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" [03:34:16.388297] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:16.388345] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.388588] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:16.388663] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.388952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.389069] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.389115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.389268] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp". [03:34:16.389356] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.389382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.389406] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.389430] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.389453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.389477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.389500] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.389522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.389545] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.389567] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.389591] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.389613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.389634] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.389656] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.389752] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.389881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.390027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.390099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.390221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.390276] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.390322] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.390366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.390411] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.390445] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.390516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.390587] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.390655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.390719] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.390756] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.390791] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.390994] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.391049] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.391274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.391454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.391497] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.391550] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.391611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.391704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.391771] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.392031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.392131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.392155] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.392221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.392271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.392617] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.392763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.392892] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.393018] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.393143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.393299] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.393426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.393598] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.393730] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.393910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.394219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.394396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.394631] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.394758] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.394885] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.395053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.395227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.395621] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.395691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.395801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.396250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.396259] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" [03:34:16.397200] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.397249] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.397434] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.397703] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.397778] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.397980] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.398254] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.398299] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.398418] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.398796] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.398891] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.398919] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.398945] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.398970] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.399007] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.399045] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.399069] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.399105] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.399130] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.399154] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.399177] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.399199] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.399221] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.399243] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.399338] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.399466] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.399690] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.399764] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.399925] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.399972] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.400028] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.400075] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.400121] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.400168] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.400202] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.400274] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.400344] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.400412] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.400478] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.400516] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.400553] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.400752] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.400827] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.400882] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.401144] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.401219] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.401365] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.401409] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.401461] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.401502] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.401558] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.401654] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.401857] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.401944] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.402014] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.402038] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.402104] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.402347] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.402539] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.402668] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.402793] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.402918] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.403043] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.403170] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.403294] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.403456] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.403584] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.403707] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.403970] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.404102] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.404277] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.404401] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.404525] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.404651] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.404833] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.404879] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.405140] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp". [03:34:16.405215] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.405280] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.405350] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.405657] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.405716] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.405724] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NukaVictoryFix.esp" [03:34:16.406098] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.406292] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.406669] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:16.406745] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.406954] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.407260] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.407306] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.407423] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.407470] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.407921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NukaVictoryFix.esp". [03:34:16.408029] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.408082] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.408121] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.408158] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.408182] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.408230] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.408253] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.408276] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.408298] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.408320] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.408341] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.408363] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.408384] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.408406] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.408501] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.408730] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.408974] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.409048] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.409238] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.409287] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.409343] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.409391] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.409435] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.409482] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.409515] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.409620] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.409692] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.409761] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.409830] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.409868] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.409903] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.410108] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.410181] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.410235] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.410511] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.410619] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.410782] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.410853] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.410919] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.410976] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.411041] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.411093] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.411302] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.411443] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.411603] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.411656] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.411724] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.411785] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.411979] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.412114] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.412352] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.412535] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.412730] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.412913] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.413176] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.413386] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.413711] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.413851] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.413976] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.414152] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.414287] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.414411] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.414535] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.414662] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.414787] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.414978] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.415028] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.415379] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:16.415455] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.415521] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.415620] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.415926] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.416179] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.416238] [trace]: Adding edge from "NukaVictoryFix.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.416246] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "NVUMP.esp" [03:34:16.416802] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.416875] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.416917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.416959] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417038] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417077] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.417118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417158] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417199] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417247] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.417270] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.417293] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.417315] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.417337] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.417360] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.417381] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.417402] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.417424] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.417445] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.417466] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.417487] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.417509] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.417639] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417681] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417723] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417756] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.417797] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417877] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.417946] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.417981] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.418022] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418064] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418106] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418146] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418184] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.418224] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418261] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.418299] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.418339] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418379] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418418] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418440] [trace]: Adding edge from "NVUMP.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.418515] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418654] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418694] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418734] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418773] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418814] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418853] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418892] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418931] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.418972] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419011] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419050] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419089] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419129] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419168] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419207] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419245] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419285] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419324] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419363] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419402] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419441] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419480] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419748] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "NVUMP.esp". [03:34:16.419756] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" [03:34:16.420679] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.420756] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.420941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.421160] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.421205] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.421320] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.421579] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.421670] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.421697] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.421721] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.421745] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.421768] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.421791] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.421814] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.421837] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.421860] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.421882] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.421903] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.421924] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.421945] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.421966] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.422062] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.422190] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.422336] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.422408] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.422621] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.422671] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.422727] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.422774] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.422819] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.422867] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.422900] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.422971] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.423042] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.423111] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.423176] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.423213] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.423248] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.423440] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.423527] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.423594] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.423786] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.423859] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.424005] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.424048] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.424100] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.424140] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.424219] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.424259] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.424467] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.424568] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.424683] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.424734] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.424828] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.425088] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.425281] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.425459] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.425681] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.425850] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.425975] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.426103] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.426231] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.426401] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.426530] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.426657] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.426928] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.427064] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.427244] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.427371] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.427512] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.427690] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.427923] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.428194] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.428285] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.428390] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.428474] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.428800] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp". [03:34:16.428859] [trace]: Adding edge from "One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.428867] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "PA-Quick Animations.esp" [03:34:16.429169] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.429491] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.429860] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.429919] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.430079] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.430126] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.430560] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp". [03:34:16.430651] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.430678] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.430704] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.430728] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.430752] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.430776] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.430800] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.430823] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.430846] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.430869] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.430891] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.430954] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.430982] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.431007] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.431107] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.431235] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.431381] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.431454] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.431666] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.431715] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.431772] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.431820] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.431865] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.431913] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.431946] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.432018] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.432088] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.432157] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.432227] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.432265] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.432316] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.432528] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.432600] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.432656] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.432923] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.432998] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.433147] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.433191] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.433245] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.433286] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.433337] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.433377] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.433641] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.433727] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.433799] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.433824] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.433890] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.433940] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.434130] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.434495] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.434629] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.434756] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.434923] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.435049] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.435172] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.435297] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.435420] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.435853] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.435981] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.436109] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.436234] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.436591] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.436726] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.436859] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.437214] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.437348] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.437506] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.437660] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.437786] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.437968] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.438017] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.438370] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:16.438448] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.438515] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.438587] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.438896] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.439151] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.439210] [trace]: Adding edge from "PA-Quick Animations.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.439218] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Passthrough.esp" [03:34:16.439824] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.439935] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.439976] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.440045] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.440167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.440217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.440241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.440264] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.440286] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.440307] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.440330] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.440353] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.440375] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.440396] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.440417] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.440437] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.440462] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.440483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.440620] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.440690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.440763] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.440823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.440882] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.440934] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.440982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.441033] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.441067] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.441144] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.441219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.441333] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.441431] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.441554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.441608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.441694] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.441772] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.441915] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.441989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.442062] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.442103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.442208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.442304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.442377] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.442450] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.442533] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.442584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.442690] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.442797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.444116] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.444266] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.444339] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.444405] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.444508] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.444590] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Passthrough.esp". [03:34:16.444645] [trace]: Adding edge from "Passthrough.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.444666] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" [03:34:16.445675] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.445722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.445841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.446244] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.446372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.446427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.446481] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.446521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.446561] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.446586] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.446623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.446660] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.446698] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.446733] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.446756] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.446779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.446800] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.446871] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.446984] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.447170] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.447326] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.447408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.447602] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.447650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.447706] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.447754] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.447798] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.447845] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.447879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.447958] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.448027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.448096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.448169] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.448208] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.448243] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.448442] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.448522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.448577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.448791] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.448865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.449014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.449058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.449110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.449151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.449202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.449242] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.449486] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.449575] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.449646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.449669] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.449734] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.449979] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.450176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.450304] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.450430] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.450555] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.450680] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.450805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.450927] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.451093] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.451220] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.451344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.451576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.451709] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.451891] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.452017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.452142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.452267] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.452455] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.452704] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.452781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.452847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.452918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.453171] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp". [03:34:16.453230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.453238] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" [03:34:16.455540] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.455738] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.455764] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.455787] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.455810] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.455833] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.455856] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.455878] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.455901] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.455923] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.455944] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.455966] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.455988] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.456009] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.456030] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.456125] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.456253] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.456418] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.456475] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.456521] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.456564] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.456611] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.456644] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.456840] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.456876] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.457144] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.457228] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.457312] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.457627] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.458317] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.459799] [trace]: Adding edge from "power armor quick enter and exit.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.459820] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" [03:34:16.460756] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.460897] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.461209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.461305] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.461333] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.461358] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.461383] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.461436] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.461486] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.461510] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.461534] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.461557] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.461580] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.461603] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.461625] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.461648] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.461683] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.461811] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.461954] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.462105] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.462227] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.462516] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.462565] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.462623] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.462671] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.462716] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.462763] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.462797] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.462876] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.463004] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.463086] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.463189] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.463298] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.463361] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.463710] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.463808] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.463894] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.464227] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.464301] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.464539] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.464582] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.464634] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.464674] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.464725] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.464764] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.464966] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.465051] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.465120] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.465144] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.465207] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.465479] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.465673] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.465794] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.465916] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.466036] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.466157] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.466279] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.466421] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.466640] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.466764] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.466884] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.467142] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.467271] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.467470] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.467591] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.467730] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.467854] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.468040] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.468323] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.468402] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.468497] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.468568] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.468856] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "PowerArmorDrain0.esp". [03:34:16.468914] [trace]: Adding edge from "PowerArmorDrain0.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.468922] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "PrimeArmor.esp" [03:34:16.469263] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.469302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.469342] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.469391] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.469415] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.469437] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.469458] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.469480] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.469501] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.469522] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.469544] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.469565] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.469585] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.469606] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.469627] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.469648] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.469747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.469787] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.469825] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.469963] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.470002] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470116] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470151] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.470183] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.470221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470258] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470294] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470331] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470368] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470405] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470470] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.470506] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470544] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.470582] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470618] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.470657] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470695] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470732] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470753] [trace]: Adding edge from "PrimeArmor.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.470791] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470828] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.470979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471017] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471132] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471170] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471360] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471399] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471438] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471475] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471512] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471550] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471663] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471700] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471738] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471776] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471813] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471888] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471926] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "PrimeArmor.esp". [03:34:16.471958] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ProfGood.esp" [03:34:16.472819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.472909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.472935] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.472960] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.472984] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.473006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.473029] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.473051] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.473074] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.473096] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.473118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.473139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.473161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.473183] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.473205] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.473301] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.473458] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.473537] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.473652] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.473699] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.473755] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.473802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.473845] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.473891] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.473924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.474003] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.474072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.474139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.474204] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.474241] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.474275] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.474428] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.474529] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.474624] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.474776] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.474885] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.475032] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.475075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.475157] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.475210] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.475250] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.475388] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.475499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.475571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.475596] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.475661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.475822] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.477338] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.477554] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.477626] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.477690] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.477759] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.477973] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ProfGood.esp". [03:34:16.478042] [trace]: Adding edge from "ProfGood.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.478050] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Pug.esp" [03:34:16.482480] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.482578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.482601] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.482624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.482646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.482667] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.482689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.482711] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.482732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.482753] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.482774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.482795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.482815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.482835] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.483105] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.483179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.483211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.483519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.483553] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.483798] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.483878] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.483917] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.484089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Pug.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.484182] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Pug.esp". [03:34:16.485705] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" [03:34:16.486177] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.486204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.486228] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.486254] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.486279] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.486303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.486325] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.486349] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.486372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.486394] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.486416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.486438] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.486460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.486482] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.486577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.486707] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.486858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.486938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.487099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.487148] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.487205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.487253] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.487298] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.487346] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.487409] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.487488] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.487559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.487629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.487695] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.487733] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.487768] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.487971] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.488052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.488109] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.488383] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.488460] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.488611] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.488655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.488708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.488749] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.488801] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.488841] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.489053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.489142] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.489216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.489240] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.489306] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.489357] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.489582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.489952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.490090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.490218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.490347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.490473] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.490599] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.490726] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.490851] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.491019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.491147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.491300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.491774] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.491910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.492048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.492496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.492817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.493072] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.493206] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.493411] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.493628] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.493677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.494044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp". [03:34:16.494124] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.494191] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.494265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.494610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.494872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.494933] [trace]: Adding edge from "Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.494941] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" [03:34:16.496275] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.496334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.496385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.496435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.496497] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.496519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.496541] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.496563] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.496584] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.496605] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.496626] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.496677] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.496725] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.496881] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.497016] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.497660] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.497888] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498006] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498319] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.498615] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498883] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.498969] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499055] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499141] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499227] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499314] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499401] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499488] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499575] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499747] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499832] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.499919] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500090] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500262] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500379] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500465] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500619] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500792] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500880] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp". [03:34:16.500918] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" [03:34:16.501087] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.501113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.501137] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.501160] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.501182] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.501205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.501227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.501248] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.501269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.501289] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.501311] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.501332] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.501358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501407] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501431] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501455] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501480] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501505] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501529] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501553] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501577] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501601] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501649] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501672] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501697] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501745] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501769] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501831] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501883] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501907] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501930] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501953] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.501976] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502000] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502023] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502047] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502070] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502089] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.502112] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502136] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502210] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502234] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502257] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502304] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502344] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502381] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502404] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502428] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502452] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502476] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502524] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502548] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502572] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502597] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502621] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502644] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502667] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502692] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502716] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502740] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502787] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502812] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502836] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp". [03:34:16.502843] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" [03:34:16.503009] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.503031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.503053] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.503074] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.503094] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.503115] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.503135] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.503156] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.503176] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.503196] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.503216] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.503241] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503289] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503313] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503336] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503361] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503384] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503408] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503431] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503454] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503477] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503500] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503525] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503548] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503571] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503594] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503618] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503641] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503665] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503688] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503711] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503734] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503757] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503780] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503803] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503826] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503850] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503873] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503896] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503915] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.503938] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503962] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.503985] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504034] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504057] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504082] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504106] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504130] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504154] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504201] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504248] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504332] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504376] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504399] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504423] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504446] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504470] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504516] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504539] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504563] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504586] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504609] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504633] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504656] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504680] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504703] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp". [03:34:16.504710] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" [03:34:16.504872] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.504894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.504916] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.504937] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.504958] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.504978] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.504998] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.505019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.505039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.505059] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.505084] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505131] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505154] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505176] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505199] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505222] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505244] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505267] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505290] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505313] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505337] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505361] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505384] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505406] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505429] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505452] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505475] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505499] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505545] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505567] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505591] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505614] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505636] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505660] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505683] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505705] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505728] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.505770] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505793] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505863] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505886] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505932] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505955] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.505977] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506000] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506023] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506069] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506114] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506138] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506160] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506183] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506206] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506229] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506252] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506276] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506300] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506351] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506375] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506398] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506420] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506443] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506489] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506511] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp". [03:34:16.506518] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" [03:34:16.506682] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.506704] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.506724] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.506745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.506765] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.506785] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.506805] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.506825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.506844] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.506869] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.506892] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.506915] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.506937] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.506960] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.506983] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507006] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507028] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507050] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507073] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507096] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507120] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507144] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507189] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507235] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507257] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507280] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507303] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507326] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507349] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507371] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507394] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507416] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507439] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507461] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507485] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507507] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507526] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.507549] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507571] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507594] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507641] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507664] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507687] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507710] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507733] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507756] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507801] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507824] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507846] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507894] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507931] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.507982] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508041] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508078] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508102] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508138] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508161] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508183] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508207] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508229] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508251] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508274] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508298] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508335] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508378] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp". [03:34:16.508385] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" [03:34:16.508721] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.508747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.508781] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.508802] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.508837] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.508858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.508892] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.508913] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.508938] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.508961] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.508986] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509010] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509033] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509056] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509079] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509102] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509126] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509149] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509222] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509267] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509319] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509342] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509365] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509390] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509413] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509437] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509459] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509481] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509504] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509526] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509549] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509574] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509596] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509618] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509638] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.509661] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509684] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509736] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509808] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509832] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509901] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509924] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509947] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509970] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.509992] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510039] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510061] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510084] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510107] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510130] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510153] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510176] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510200] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510222] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510247] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510269] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510335] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510408] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510439] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510462] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp". [03:34:16.510470] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" [03:34:16.510722] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510758] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510799] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510820] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510875] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510910] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510951] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510971] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.510992] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511012] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511033] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511054] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511101] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511136] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511157] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511205] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511256] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511314] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511364] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511398] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511419] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511442] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511475] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511497] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511518] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511537] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511558] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511578] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511598] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511619] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511639] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511660] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511679] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.511700] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511720] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511741] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511764] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511806] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511876] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511923] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511972] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.511993] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512026] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512088] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512181] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512228] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512278] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512342] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512362] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512386] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512407] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512427] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512505] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512553] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.512575] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" [03:34:16.513029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.513055] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.513077] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.513112] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.513147] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.513167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.513192] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513214] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513238] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513260] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513302] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513326] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513376] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513424] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513447] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513469] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513492] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513516] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513542] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513564] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513587] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513632] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513654] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513678] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513700] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513723] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513746] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513767] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513790] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513811] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513834] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513858] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513880] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513902] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.513944] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513966] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.513989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514081] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514172] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514216] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514238] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514261] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514306] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514328] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514351] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514374] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514396] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514418] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514440] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514463] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514485] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514509] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514531] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514554] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514576] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514598] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514621] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514642] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp". [03:34:16.514706] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" [03:34:16.514898] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.514921] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.514941] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.514962] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.514983] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.515007] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515029] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515052] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515073] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515096] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515118] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515139] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515161] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515183] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515205] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515249] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515273] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515309] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515344] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515367] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515388] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515410] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515433] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515454] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515476] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515498] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515520] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515541] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515562] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515584] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515609] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515631] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515653] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515671] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.515694] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515716] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515739] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515808] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515830] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515852] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515873] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515961] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.515984] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516006] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516028] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516050] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516072] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516115] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516159] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516181] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516204] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516226] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516248] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516272] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516294] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516315] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516337] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516359] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516381] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp". [03:34:16.516388] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" [03:34:16.516559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.516582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.516602] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.516623] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.516646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516668] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516690] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516712] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516733] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516755] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516777] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516799] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516821] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516843] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516865] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516887] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516909] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516953] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516975] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.516997] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517019] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517041] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517084] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517106] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517128] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517151] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517172] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517193] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517215] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517237] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517258] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517278] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.517315] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517349] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517372] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517395] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517416] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517438] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517460] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517504] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517526] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517548] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517569] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517591] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517612] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517634] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517700] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517722] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517744] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517766] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517788] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517810] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517832] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517854] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517877] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517899] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517921] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517942] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.517986] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.518007] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp". [03:34:16.518014] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" [03:34:16.518184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.518207] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.518227] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.518250] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518295] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518317] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518338] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518360] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518381] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518403] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518425] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518447] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518469] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518492] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518513] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518534] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518557] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518578] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518600] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518622] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518644] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518665] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518687] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518708] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518730] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518751] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518773] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518794] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518816] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518838] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.518879] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518900] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518945] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518967] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.518989] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519011] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519054] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519076] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519098] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519119] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519142] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519163] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519185] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519207] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519229] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519250] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519273] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519310] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519345] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519390] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519411] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519433] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519455] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519476] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519498] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519562] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519584] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.519591] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" [03:34:16.519761] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.519783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.519806] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519827] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519849] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519871] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519892] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519913] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519934] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519955] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519976] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.519997] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520040] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520062] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520083] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520104] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520126] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520147] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520168] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520190] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520211] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520232] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520254] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520275] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520296] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520317] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520338] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520360] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520381] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520402] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520421] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.520442] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520463] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520484] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520507] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520528] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520549] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520592] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520613] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520635] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520720] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520741] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520803] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520824] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520845] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520866] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520889] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520911] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520932] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520953] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520975] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.520996] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.521016] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.521038] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.521058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.521080] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.521101] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp". [03:34:16.521108] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" [03:34:16.521295] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.521334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521382] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521404] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521426] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521460] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521481] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521502] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521522] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521544] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521565] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521586] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521608] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521630] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521651] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521672] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521693] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521714] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521735] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521757] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521779] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521800] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521821] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521841] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521862] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521883] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521903] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521924] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521945] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521966] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.521985] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.522006] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522050] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522071] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522114] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522156] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522178] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522199] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522220] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522241] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522263] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522284] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522305] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522326] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522347] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522368] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522410] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522432] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522453] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522474] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522494] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522515] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522536] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522557] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522577] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522597] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522618] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522639] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp". [03:34:16.522646] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" [03:34:16.522819] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522842] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522863] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522884] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522905] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522925] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522946] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522966] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.522986] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523007] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523048] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523070] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523090] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523110] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523131] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523152] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523172] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523194] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523215] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523236] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523257] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523293] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523333] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523353] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523373] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523394] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523414] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523434] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523453] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.523474] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523494] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523515] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523537] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523558] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523598] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523619] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523660] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523680] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523701] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523721] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523742] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523762] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523804] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523826] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523847] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523868] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523889] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523909] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523930] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523950] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523970] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.523991] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.524011] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.524031] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.524051] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.524072] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.524092] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp". [03:34:16.524099] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" [03:34:16.525808] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.525954] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.526544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.526757] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.526897] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.527292] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.527391] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.527635] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.527753] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.527851] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.527964] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528131] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528300] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528506] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528600] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528858] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.528965] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529104] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529238] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529374] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529514] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529697] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529816] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.529963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.530062] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.530200] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.530426] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.530629] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.530724] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp". [03:34:16.530771] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" [03:34:16.532526] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.532697] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.533255] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.533460] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.533631] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.533948] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.534046] [trace]: Adding edge from "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.534281] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.534446] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.534620] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.534870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.534999] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.535047] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" [03:34:16.535769] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.535936] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.535989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.536052] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.536103] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.536151] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.536202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.536265] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.536352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.536427] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.536502] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.536573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.536613] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.536650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.536817] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.536903] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.536964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.537125] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.537219] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.537416] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.537463] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.537547] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.537604] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.537646] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.537815] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.537909] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.537986] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.538010] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.538080] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.538316] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.538522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.538657] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.538795] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.538930] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.539068] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.539218] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.539366] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.539544] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.539678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.539813] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.540100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.540300] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.540489] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.540624] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.540760] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.540999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.541168] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.541485] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.541595] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.541664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.541742] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.542008] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp". [03:34:16.542073] [trace]: Adding edge from "Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.542081] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Repaired Roofs.esp" [03:34:16.543336] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.543401] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.543465] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.543519] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.543567] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.543619] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.543655] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.543745] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.543823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.543901] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.543977] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.544017] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.544056] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.544143] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.544271] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.544435] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.544554] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.544645] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.544718] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.544879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.544999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.545088] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.545175] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.545294] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.545344] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.545471] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.545610] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.547397] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.547593] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.547674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.547746] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.547825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.547958] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Repaired Roofs.esp". [03:34:16.548019] [trace]: Adding edge from "Repaired Roofs.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.548027] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "RILF.esp" [03:34:16.548837] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.548903] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.548956] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.549005] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.549057] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.549093] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.549180] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.549258] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.549334] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.549407] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.549447] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.549485] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.549676] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.549765] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.549826] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.550009] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.550090] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.550253] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.550300] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.550384] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.550443] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.550487] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.550670] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.550767] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.550845] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.550870] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.550945] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.551172] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.551383] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.551522] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.551662] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.551799] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.551936] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.552076] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.552215] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.552397] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.552535] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.552673] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.552967] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.553114] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.553308] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.553445] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.553583] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.553722] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.553902] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.554120] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.554203] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.554275] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.554353] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.554576] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "RILF.esp". [03:34:16.554641] [trace]: Adding edge from "RILF.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.554648] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" [03:34:16.555167] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.555221] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555367] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555430] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.555479] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555526] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555620] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555692] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555787] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555834] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555879] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555901] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.555948] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.555996] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556075] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556122] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556177] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556224] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556270] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556316] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556362] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556408] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556454] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556546] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556593] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556686] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556732] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556824] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556870] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556916] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.556963] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557008] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557056] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557101] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557149] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557195] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557240] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557286] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp". [03:34:16.557294] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" [03:34:16.557959] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.558041] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558104] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558269] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558373] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.558450] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558510] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558570] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558751] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558929] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.558991] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559050] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559073] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.559133] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559318] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559379] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559439] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559559] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559737] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559796] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559914] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.559974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560033] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560093] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560168] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560266] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560485] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560587] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560687] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560748] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560807] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560866] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.560952] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.561042] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp". [03:34:16.561051] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" [03:34:16.561717] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.561790] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.561858] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.561935] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.561987] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562079] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.562150] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562203] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562269] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562321] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562398] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562544] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562595] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562643] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562665] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.562735] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562900] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562949] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.562998] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563094] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563158] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563246] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563341] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563389] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563437] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563485] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563535] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563584] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563632] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563680] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563775] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563824] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563872] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563923] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.563969] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.564016] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.564063] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.564110] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.564187] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp". [03:34:16.564195] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" [03:34:16.564729] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.564778] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.564825] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.564870] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.564916] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.564976] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.565023] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565068] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565202] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565283] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565375] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565420] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565465] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565486] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.565529] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565574] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565650] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565695] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565738] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565784] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565874] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565918] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.565961] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566005] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566049] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566164] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566338] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566382] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566427] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566514] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566557] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566601] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566645] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566688] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566732] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566775] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566819] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp". [03:34:16.566827] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" [03:34:16.567380] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.567435] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567485] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567586] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567647] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.567698] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567747] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567797] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567846] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.567920] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568018] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568067] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568115] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568152] [trace]: Adding edge from "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.568242] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568426] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568537] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568599] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568648] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568697] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568745] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568794] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568842] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568891] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568939] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.568987] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569085] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569202] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569358] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569497] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569617] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569725] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.569994] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570115] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570228] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570292] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570341] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570393] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570498] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp". [03:34:16.570506] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SaveManager.esp" [03:34:16.571135] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571184] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571217] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571251] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571283] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571328] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571406] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571437] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571470] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571501] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571533] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571564] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571594] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571625] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571656] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571687] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571718] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571749] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571779] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571800] [trace]: Adding edge from "SaveManager.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.571832] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571862] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571894] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571963] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.571995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572027] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572090] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572136] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572196] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572271] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572302] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572333] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572364] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572394] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572453] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572523] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572582] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572613] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572676] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572706] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572738] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572768] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572800] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572831] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572862] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572893] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572923] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572954] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572984] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "SaveManager.esp". [03:34:16.572991] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" [03:34:16.573802] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.573882] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.573954] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.573994] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.574031] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.574118] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.574228] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.574374] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.574566] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.574691] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.574768] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.574934] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.575053] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.575199] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.575284] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.575375] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.575412] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.575496] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.575618] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.577215] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.577421] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.577541] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.577611] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.577687] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.577863] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp". [03:34:16.577966] [trace]: Adding edge from "SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.577987] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp" [03:34:16.578131] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" [03:34:16.579376] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.579457] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.579498] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.579565] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.579708] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.579858] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.580065] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.580200] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.580294] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.580352] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.580569] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.580790] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.580899] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.580977] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.581144] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.581167] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.581237] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.581350] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.582723] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.582865] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.582946] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.583014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.583093] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.583173] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.583253] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer.esp". [03:34:16.583312] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.583320] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" [03:34:16.584097] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.584164] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.584202] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.584281] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.584356] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.584614] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.584743] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.584833] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.584906] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.585014] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.585114] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.585193] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.585268] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.585343] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.585365] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.585435] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.585546] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.586903] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.587044] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.587125] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.587193] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.587270] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.587347] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.587425] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp". [03:34:16.587483] [trace]: Adding edge from "Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.587490] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SettlementKeywords.esm" [03:34:16.587575] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" [03:34:16.588261] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.588299] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.588374] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.588503] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.588777] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.588847] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.588958] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589000] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.589099] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.589190] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.589260] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589328] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589397] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589419] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.589488] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.589589] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589769] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589838] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589908] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.589979] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590048] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590162] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590301] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590370] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590482] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590600] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590669] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590738] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590808] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590877] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.590946] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591015] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591117] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591272] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591510] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591603] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591674] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.591747] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591895] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp". [03:34:16.591954] [trace]: Adding edge from "settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.591962] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Shino Poses.esp" [03:34:16.592810] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.592857] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.592936] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593014] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593056] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593119] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593157] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593192] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593228] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593263] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593298] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593337] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593405] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593443] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593521] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593557] [trace]: Adding edge from "Shino Poses.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.593596] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593634] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593674] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593783] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593859] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593923] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.593960] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594012] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594092] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594128] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594165] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594214] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594250] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594286] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594359] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594411] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594489] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594554] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594635] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594679] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594729] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594798] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594847] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594883] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594918] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594955] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.594993] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Shino Poses.esp". [03:34:16.595034] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" [03:34:16.595657] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595698] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595746] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595786] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595823] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595859] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595921] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.595985] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596023] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596060] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596138] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596178] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596215] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596278] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596300] [trace]: Adding edge from "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.596335] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596369] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596433] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596502] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596644] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596721] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596768] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596871] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596905] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596940] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.596974] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597008] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597044] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597105] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597139] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597173] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597208] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597242] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597277] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597313] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597347] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597386] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597420] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597453] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597487] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597522] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597556] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp". [03:34:16.597608] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Sneaky Kills.esp" [03:34:16.598439] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.598504] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.598730] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.598815] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.598989] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.599039] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.599100] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.599146] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.599204] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.599249] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.599480] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.599582] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.599664] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.599689] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.599763] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.600028] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.600245] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.600389] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.600535] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.600678] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.600821] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.600964] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.601107] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.601292] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.601434] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.601573] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.601879] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.602034] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.602240] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.602385] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.602532] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.602715] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.602931] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.603194] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.603285] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.603358] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.603444] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.603716] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Sneaky Kills.esp". [03:34:16.603783] [trace]: Adding edge from "Sneaky Kills.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.603790] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SpringCleaning.esp" [03:34:16.604802] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.604883] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.604971] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.605017] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.605134] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.605239] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.605329] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.605414] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.605493] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.605517] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.605589] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.605712] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.607093] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.607245] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.607329] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.607399] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.607483] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.607626] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "SpringCleaning.esp". [03:34:16.607686] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaning.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.607694] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" [03:34:16.610205] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.610278] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.610372] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.610446] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.610564] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.610792] [trace]: Adding edge from "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.610968] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.612387] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.612557] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.612959] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp". [03:34:16.612985] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" [03:34:16.614214] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.614396] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.614474] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.614603] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.614668] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.614711] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.615001] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.615102] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.615183] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.615208] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.615281] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.615501] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.615715] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.615857] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.615999] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.616297] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.616578] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.616919] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.617134] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.617336] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.617477] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.617629] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.617936] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.618092] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.618290] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.618434] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.618609] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.618783] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.618997] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.619294] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp". [03:34:16.619386] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.619461] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.619549] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.619914] [trace]: Adding edge from "StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.619926] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "StartMeUp.esp" [03:34:16.620000] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Stashable Caps.esp" [03:34:16.620928] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.620973] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.621085] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.621188] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.621269] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.621347] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.621426] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.621449] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.621521] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.621636] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623017] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623159] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623239] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623310] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.623390] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623468] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623548] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Stashable Caps.esp". [03:34:16.623609] [trace]: Adding edge from "Stashable Caps.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.623617] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" [03:34:16.624356] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.624454] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.624528] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.624573] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.624938] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.625067] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.625153] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.625180] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.625255] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.625496] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.625726] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.625875] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.626058] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.626202] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.626345] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.626535] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.626751] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.626962] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.627124] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.627268] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.627616] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.627828] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.628037] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.628184] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.628389] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.628673] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.628957] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.629291] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.629407] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.629485] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.629573] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.629804] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "SuperNaturalEyes.esp". [03:34:16.629870] [trace]: Adding edge from "SuperNaturalEyes.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.629878] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "tao_catsuit.esp" [03:34:16.630583] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.630631] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.630674] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.630731] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.630789] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.630833] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.630875] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.630898] [trace]: Adding edge from "tao_catsuit.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.630942] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.630983] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631027] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631110] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631155] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631197] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631240] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631283] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631325] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631366] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631409] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631451] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631493] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631571] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631618] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631660] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631703] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631749] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631793] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631836] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631878] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631920] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.631963] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632011] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632055] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632096] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632138] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632180] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632221] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632264] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "tao_catsuit.esp". [03:34:16.632301] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" [03:34:16.635659] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.635720] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.635764] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.635823] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.635995] [trace]: Adding edge from "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.636139] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.637530] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.637639] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.637938] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp". [03:34:16.637948] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" [03:34:16.638584] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.638630] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.638675] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.638718] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.638760] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.638783] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.638826] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.638898] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.638942] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639067] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639109] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639152] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639194] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639365] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639407] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639448] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639490] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639532] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639574] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639615] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639656] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639739] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639780] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639822] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639862] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639905] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.639946] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.640018] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.640058] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.640099] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.640140] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "The Eyes Of Beauty.esp". [03:34:16.640177] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" [03:34:16.642828] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.642933] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.643095] [trace]: Adding edge from "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.643212] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.644695] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.644778] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.645143] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "The Sanctuary Bridge.esp". [03:34:16.645154] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" [03:34:16.646020] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646081] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646128] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646168] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.646228] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646272] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646334] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646456] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646519] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646592] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646650] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646693] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646736] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646779] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646879] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.646980] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647023] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647065] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647107] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647149] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647232] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647273] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647315] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647356] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647442] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647482] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647527] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647568] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647609] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647650] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647691] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647734] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp". [03:34:16.647775] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "TheyWantThatAss.esp" [03:34:16.648708] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.648821] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.648846] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.648951] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.649258] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.649481] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.649627] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.649776] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.649923] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.650101] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.650249] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.650394] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.650705] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.650924] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.651086] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.651409] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.651569] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.651775] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.651922] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.652096] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.652241] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.652461] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.652801] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.652894] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.652969] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.653057] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.653352] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "TheyWantThatAss.esp". [03:34:16.653419] [trace]: Adding edge from "TheyWantThatAss.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.653427] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "TurretStands.esp" [03:34:16.654604] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.654630] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.654704] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.654840] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.656224] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.656393] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.656480] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.656550] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.656637] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.656783] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "TurretStands.esp". [03:34:16.656846] [trace]: Adding edge from "TurretStands.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.656854] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "UMD - A.esp" [03:34:16.657801] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.657877] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.658126] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.659485] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.659640] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.659722] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.659798] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.659928] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.660042] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.660182] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "UMD - A.esp". [03:34:16.660246] [trace]: Adding edge from "UMD - A.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.660255] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp" [03:34:16.660501] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660538] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660590] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660616] [trace]: Adding edge from "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660661] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660683] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660706] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660728] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660778] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660799] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660821] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660860] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660882] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660917] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660939] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660961] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.660995] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661016] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661036] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661058] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661079] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661099] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661122] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661141] [trace]: Adding edge from "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661165] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661185] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661209] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661230] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661251] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661273] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661292] [trace]: Adding edge from "XXXMags.esp" to "Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp". [03:34:16.661300] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" [03:34:16.662697] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.662837] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.662950] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663025] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663127] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663200] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663273] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663346] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663419] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663490] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663563] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663636] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663709] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663781] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663855] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.663956] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664027] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664100] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664171] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664243] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664317] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664472] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664629] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664699] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.664786] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664902] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.664977] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp". [03:34:16.665040] [trace]: Adding edge from "uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.665050] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "UniqueUniques.esp" [03:34:16.670372] [trace]: Adding edge from "UniqueUniques.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.670663] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Unlimited Sprint.esp" [03:34:16.671626] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.671778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.671963] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.672113] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.672260] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.672405] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.672583] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.672778] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.672980] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.673127] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.673441] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.673600] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.673804] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.673982] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.674128] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.674273] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.674578] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.674888] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.675013] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.675088] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.675179] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.675472] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Unlimited Sprint.esp". [03:34:16.675540] [trace]: Adding edge from "Unlimited Sprint.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.675549] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" [03:34:16.675649] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp" [03:34:16.682900] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp". [03:34:16.683341] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" [03:34:16.685332] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.685480] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.685623] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.685767] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.685910] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.686059] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.686249] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.686393] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.686685] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.686957] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.687182] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.687323] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.687464] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.687620] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.687784] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.688034] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.688153] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.688318] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.688513] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.688578] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.688586] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" [03:34:16.691637] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.691789] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.692003] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.692150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.692295] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.692491] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.692640] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.692786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.693123] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.693375] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.693522] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.693698] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.693887] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.694084] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.694326] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.694594] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.694950] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.695144] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.695212] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.695220] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" [03:34:16.698568] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.698722] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.698869] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.699011] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.699203] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.699349] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.699492] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.699639] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.699786] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.699933] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.700082] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.700243] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.700479] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.700657] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.700922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.701085] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.701150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.701158] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" [03:34:16.704121] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.704269] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.704413] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.704605] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.704751] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.704896] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.705040] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.705187] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.705332] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.705484] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.705644] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.705875] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.706046] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.706302] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.706462] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp". [03:34:16.706527] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.706535] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" [03:34:16.709851] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.710004] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.710192] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.710332] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.710471] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.710659] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.710902] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.711043] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.711222] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.711376] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.711600] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.711782] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.712044] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.712200] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.712264] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.712271] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" [03:34:16.714251] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.714445] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.714588] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.714802] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.715047] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.715190] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.715370] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.715525] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.715757] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.715874] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.716065] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.716217] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp". [03:34:16.716281] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.716288] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" [03:34:16.719480] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.719619] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.719829] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.720022] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.720258] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.720397] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.720570] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.720733] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.720959] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.721118] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.721350] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.721500] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp". [03:34:16.721561] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.721569] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" [03:34:16.726135] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.726387] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.726655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.727225] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.727382] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.727553] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.728021] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.728173] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.728361] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.728699] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.728931] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.729280] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.729500] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.729510] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" [03:34:16.733582] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.733860] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.734014] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.734231] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.734370] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp". [03:34:16.734434] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.734441] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" [03:34:16.737532] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.737775] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.738018] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.738161] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.738339] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.738560] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.738810] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.738970] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.739209] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.739359] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp". [03:34:16.739421] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.739429] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" [03:34:16.742850] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.743032] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.743179] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.743371] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.743595] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.743785] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.744047] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.744199] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp". [03:34:16.744264] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.744272] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" [03:34:16.758401] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.758566] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.759150] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.759634] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.759657] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" [03:34:16.763499] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.763677] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.763906] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.764130] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.764294] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.764559] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.764758] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.764838] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.764847] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" [03:34:16.767227] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.767403] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.767674] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.767791] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.767999] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.768171] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.768237] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.768245] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" [03:34:16.772735] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.772999] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.773209] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.773217] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" [03:34:16.776412] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.776764] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.776985] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.777146] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.777388] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.777541] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp". [03:34:16.777655] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.777663] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" [03:34:16.782142] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.782383] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.782542] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.782812] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.782959] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.783024] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.783032] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" [03:34:16.787022] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.787186] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.787419] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.787593] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.787850] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.788017] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp". [03:34:16.788083] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.788091] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" [03:34:16.791291] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.791484] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.791678] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.791922] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.792081] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp". [03:34:16.792147] [trace]: Adding edge from "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.792155] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" [03:34:16.793684] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.793784] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.793860] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.793950] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.794238] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp". [03:34:16.794339] [trace]: Adding edge from "VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.794349] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp" [03:34:16.800440] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "VegetableStarchBuilder.esp". [03:34:16.800774] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" [03:34:16.802199] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.802273] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.802361] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.802918] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "Wireless Power.esp". [03:34:16.803517] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "workShopDashButton.esp". [03:34:16.803584] [trace]: Adding edge from "VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.803591] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "WaterAnywhere.esp" [03:34:16.806535] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.806634] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.806722] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "WaterAnywhere.esp". [03:34:16.806782] [trace]: Adding edge from "WaterAnywhere.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.806790] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "weightless bodies and objects.esp" [03:34:16.807907] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.808006] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.808079] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "weightless bodies and objects.esp". [03:34:16.808166] [trace]: Adding edge from "weightless bodies and objects.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.808174] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" [03:34:16.810969] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.811098] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp". [03:34:16.811159] [trace]: Adding edge from "Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.811167] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "Wireless Power.esp" [03:34:16.816185] [trace]: Adding edge from "Wireless Power.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.816204] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "workShopDashButton.esp" [03:34:16.817791] [trace]: Adding edge from "workShopDashButton.esp" to "XXXMags.esp". [03:34:16.817800] [trace]: Adding tie-break edges to vertex for "XXXMags.esp" [03:34:16.818667] [debug]: Checking to see if the graph is cyclic. [03:34:16.819374] [debug]: Performing a topological sort. [03:34:16.820154] [info]: Calculated order: [03:34:16.820163] [info]: Fallout4.esm [03:34:16.820170] [info]: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:16.820177] [info]: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:16.820184] [info]: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:16.820190] [info]: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:16.820197] [info]: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:16.820203] [info]: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:16.820210] [info]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:16.820216] [info]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:16.820223] [info]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:16.820230] [info]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:16.820236] [info]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:16.820242] [info]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:16.820249] [info]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:16.820256] [info]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:16.820262] [info]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:16.820268] [info]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:16.820278] [info]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:16.820286] [info]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:16.820293] [info]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:16.820299] [info]: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:16.820305] [info]: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:16.820312] [info]: AAF.esm [03:34:16.820318] [info]: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:16.820324] [info]: NAC.esm [03:34:16.820330] [info]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:16.820337] [info]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:16.820343] [info]: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:16.820351] [info]: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:16.820357] [info]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:16.820364] [info]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:16.820370] [info]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:16.820377] [info]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:16.820383] [info]: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:16.820389] [info]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:16.820396] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:16.820402] [info]: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:16.820409] [info]: Femout4.esp [03:34:16.820415] [info]: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:16.820421] [info]: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:16.820427] [info]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:16.820434] [info]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.820442] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.820449] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.820455] [info]: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:16.820462] [info]: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:16.820468] [info]: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:16.820474] [info]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:16.820481] [info]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:16.820487] [info]: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:16.820493] [info]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:16.820499] [info]: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:16.820506] [info]: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:16.820512] [info]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:16.820519] [info]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:16.820525] [info]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:16.820531] [info]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:16.820538] [info]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:16.820544] [info]: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:16.820550] [info]: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:16.820557] [info]: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:16.820563] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:16.820569] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:16.820577] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:16.820584] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:16.820590] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:16.820596] [info]: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:16.820603] [info]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:16.820609] [info]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:16.820615] [info]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:16.820622] [info]: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:16.820628] [info]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:16.820634] [info]: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:16.820640] [info]: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:16.820647] [info]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:16.820653] [info]: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:16.820659] [info]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:16.820666] [info]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:16.820672] [info]: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:16.820678] [info]: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:16.820685] [info]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:16.820691] [info]: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:16.820697] [info]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:16.820704] [info]: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:16.820710] [info]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:16.820716] [info]: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.820722] [info]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.820728] [info]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:16.820734] [info]: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:16.820741] [info]: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:16.820748] [info]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:16.820755] [info]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:16.820762] [info]: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:16.820768] [info]: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:16.820776] [info]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:16.820782] [info]: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:16.820789] [info]: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:16.820795] [info]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:16.820801] [info]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:16.820807] [info]: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:16.820814] [info]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:16.820820] [info]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:16.820827] [info]: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:16.820833] [info]: RILF.esp [03:34:16.820839] [info]: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:16.820845] [info]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:16.820851] [info]: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:16.820857] [info]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:16.820864] [info]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:16.820870] [info]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:16.820876] [info]: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:16.820883] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.820889] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:16.820896] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:16.820902] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:16.820908] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.820914] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:16.820921] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:16.820927] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:16.820934] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:16.820940] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:16.820946] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:16.820953] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:16.820959] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.820965] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.820972] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.820978] [info]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:16.820984] [info]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:16.820990] [info]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:16.820997] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:16.821003] [info]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.821010] [info]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:16.821016] [info]: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:16.821022] [info]: ProfGood.esp [03:34:16.821028] [info]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:16.821034] [info]: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:16.821041] [info]: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:16.821047] [info]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:16.821054] [info]: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:16.821060] [info]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:16.821066] [info]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:16.821074] [info]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:16.821081] [info]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:16.821087] [info]: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:16.821093] [info]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:16.821099] [info]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:16.821106] [info]: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:16.821112] [info]: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:16.821118] [info]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:16.821125] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:16.821131] [info]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:16.821137] [info]: bifurious.esp [03:34:16.821143] [info]: TurretStands.esp [03:34:16.821149] [info]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:16.821156] [info]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:16.821162] [info]: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:16.821168] [info]: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:16.821174] [info]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:16.821181] [info]: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:16.821187] [info]: Passthrough.esp [03:34:16.821194] [info]: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:16.821200] [info]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:16.821208] [info]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:16.821215] [info]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:16.821222] [info]: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:16.821228] [info]: UMD - A.esp [03:34:16.821234] [info]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:16.821241] [info]: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:16.821247] [info]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:16.821253] [info]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:16.821259] [info]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:16.821265] [info]: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:16.821272] [info]: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:16.821278] [info]: mso_sms.esp [03:34:16.821284] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:16.821291] [info]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:16.821297] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:16.821303] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:16.821309] [info]: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:16.821315] [info]: CBBE.esp [03:34:16.821322] [info]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:16.821328] [info]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:16.821334] [info]: XXXMags.esp [03:34:16.821340] [info]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:16.821347] [info]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:16.821353] [info]: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:16.821360] [info]: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:16.821366] [info]: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:16.821373] [info]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:16.821379] [info]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:16.821385] [info]: Pug.esp [03:34:16.821391] [info]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:16.821398] [info]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:16.821404] [info]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:16.821410] [info]: NVUMP.esp [03:34:16.821417] [info]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:16.821423] [info]: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:16.821429] [info]: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:16.821436] [info]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:16.821442] [info]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:16.821448] [info]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:16.821455] [info]: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:16.821461] [info]: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:16.821468] [info]: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:16.821488] [info]: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:16.821509] [info]: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:16.821515] [info]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:16.821521] [info]: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:16.821527] [info]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:16.821534] [info]: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:16.821540] [info]: SaveManager.esp [03:34:16.821549] [info]: def_mcm.esp [03:34:16.821555] [info]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:16.821562] [info]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:16.821568] [info]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:16.821574] [info]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:16.821580] [info]: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:16.821587] [info]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:16.821593] [info]: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:16.821599] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:16.821605] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:16.821612] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:16.821618] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:16.821624] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:16.821631] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:16.821637] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:16.821644] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:16.821650] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:16.821656] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:16.821663] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:16.821669] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:16.821676] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:16.821682] [info]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:16.821688] [info]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:16.821696] [info]: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:16.821702] [info]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:16.821709] [info]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:16.821716] [info]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:16.821722] [info]: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:16.821728] [info]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:16.821735] [info]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:16.821741] [info]: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:16.821747] [info]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:16.823343] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.823486] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("../Fallout4.exe") and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", <) [03:34:16.823532] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../Fallout4.exe" exists. [03:34:16.823545] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.823640] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:16.823655] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.823663] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.823749] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.823960] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.823981] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.823998] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("../f4se_loader.exe") and version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [03:34:16.824024] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:16.824034] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.824087] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:16.824100] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:16.824108] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.824180] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.824323] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.824341] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.824357] [trace]: Evaluating condition: not version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", <) [03:34:16.824386] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:16.824396] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.824486] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.824785] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.824811] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.824846] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("../f4se_loader.exe", "", ==) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", !=) [03:34:16.824892] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../f4se_loader.exe". [03:34:16.824903] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.824994] [trace]: Checking to see if "../f4se_loader.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.825139] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.825157] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.825168] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.825176] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.825257] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.825437] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.825473] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:16.825504] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [03:34:16.825532] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" exists. [03:34:16.825542] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/achievements.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.825602] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:16.825615] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:16.825623] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.825668] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:16.825686] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll") and not file("../f4se_loader.exe") [03:34:16.825712] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" exists. [03:34:16.825724] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.825771] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:16.825782] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "../f4se_loader.exe" exists. [03:34:16.825790] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../f4se_loader.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.825835] [trace]: File check result: true [03:34:16.825855] [trace]: Evaluating condition: ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 78374099) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 988580db) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 6a0dbf55)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 95eab074) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or (checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c2e4481a) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) or ((checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 89ceec93) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", c202af85) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 44af914a) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", ace2ed7e) or checksum("F4SE/Plugins/place.dll", 1bf865e4)) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", ==)) [03:34:16.825895] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.825905] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.825947] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.825957] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.825995] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.826004] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.826042] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.826052] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.826126] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.826303] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.826321] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.826333] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.826342] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.826386] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.826397] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.826575] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.826810] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.826831] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.826845] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.826854] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.826922] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.826947] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.827025] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.827197] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.827215] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.827228] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.827237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.827282] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.827293] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.827331] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.827342] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.827393] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.827416] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.827556] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll". [03:34:16.827574] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "F4SE/Plugins/place.dll" is safe. [03:34:16.827638] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.827650] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.827792] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.828148] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.828196] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.835916] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:16.836081] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:16.836227] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Fallout4.esm [03:34:16.836235] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Fallout4.esm's data. [03:34:16.836260] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.836389] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:16.836551] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:16.836694] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:16.836702] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCRobot.esm's data. [03:34:16.836830] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.836976] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:16.837118] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:16.837267] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:16.837275] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop01.esm's data. [03:34:16.837356] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.837535] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:16.837671] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:16.837818] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:16.837826] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCCoast.esm's data. [03:34:16.837905] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.838060] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:16.838200] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:16.838357] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:16.838365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop02.esm's data. [03:34:16.838469] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.838636] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:16.838778] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:16.838941] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:16.838949] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCworkshop03.esm's data. [03:34:16.839027] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.839201] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:16.839342] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:16.839573] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:16.839582] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DLCNukaWorld.esm's data. [03:34:16.839659] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.839842] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:16.839977] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:16.840120] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:16.840128] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl's data. [03:34:16.840187] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.840328] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:16.840552] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:16.840984] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:16.840996] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl's data. [03:34:16.841146] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.841343] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:16.841536] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:16.841740] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:16.841749] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl's data. [03:34:16.841829] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.841998] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:16.842212] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:16.842495] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:16.842519] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl's data. [03:34:16.842611] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.842787] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:16.842927] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:16.843073] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:16.843080] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm's data. [03:34:16.843142] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.843366] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:16.843514] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:16.843685] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:16.843693] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl's data. [03:34:16.843772] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.843950] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:16.844112] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:16.844310] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:16.844317] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl's data. [03:34:16.844380] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.844589] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:16.844724] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:16.844936] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:16.844944] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl's data. [03:34:16.845019] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.845290] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:16.845497] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:16.845730] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:16.845739] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl's data. [03:34:16.845820] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.846075] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:16.846237] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:16.846392] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:16.846401] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl's data. [03:34:16.846501] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.846699] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:16.846832] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:16.846972] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:16.846980] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl's data. [03:34:16.847036] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.847237] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:16.847371] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:16.847542] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:16.847550] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl's data. [03:34:16.847619] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.847831] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:16.847984] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:16.848133] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", >=) and not version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:16.848173] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:16.848188] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.848366] [trace]: Version extracted: 2.0.4 [03:34:16.848380] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:16.848392] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.848414] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.848525] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.848737] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.848755] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:16.848772] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp", "2.0.1a", <) [03:34:16.848800] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp". [03:34:16.848810] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.848983] [trace]: Version extracted: 2.0.4 [03:34:16.848995] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.849021] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:16.849028] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp's data. [03:34:16.849358] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.849616] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:16.849765] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:16.849922] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:16.849931] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ArmorKeywords.esm's data. [03:34:16.850128] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.850359] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:16.850565] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:16.850712] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("SettlementKeywords.esm",8D550871) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "", >=) [03:34:16.850742] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:16.850752] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:16.850767] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.850775] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.850859] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.851041] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.851058] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:16.851073] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.40", >=) and version("../Fallout4.exe", "1.6.3", <) [03:34:16.851100] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:16.851110] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:16.851175] [trace]: Version extracted: 1.56 [03:34:16.851186] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:16.851195] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "../Fallout4.exe". [03:34:16.851203] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "../Fallout4.exe" is safe. [03:34:16.851277] [trace]: Checking to see if "../Fallout4.exe" is a valid plugin. [03:34:16.851477] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.851494] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.851508] [trace]: Evaluating condition: version("SettlementKeywords.esm", "1.49", <) [03:34:16.851534] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "SettlementKeywords.esm". [03:34:16.851544] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "SettlementKeywords.esm" is safe. [03:34:16.851608] [trace]: Version extracted: 1.56 [03:34:16.851618] [trace]: Version check result: false [03:34:16.851641] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:16.851648] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SettlementKeywords.esm's data. [03:34:16.851729] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.851967] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:16.852105] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:16.852246] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AAF.esm [03:34:16.852256] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AAF.esm's data. [03:34:16.852330] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.852548] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:16.852692] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:16.852844] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:16.852853] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HUDFramework.esm's data. [03:34:16.852909] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.853149] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:16.853283] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:16.853424] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC.esm [03:34:16.853432] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC.esm's data. [03:34:16.853537] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.853765] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:16.853902] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:16.854046] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:16.854054] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl's data. [03:34:16.854113] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.854340] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:16.854554] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:16.854714] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:16.854722] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NQAS - VaultTec.esl's data. [03:34:16.854811] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.855046] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:16.855181] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:16.855325] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:16.855332] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NQAS - Automatron.esl's data. [03:34:16.855418] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.855659] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:16.855794] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:16.855938] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:16.855946] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CleaningStation.esp's data. [03:34:16.856074] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.856321] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:16.856491] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:16.856637] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:16.856644] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Clean Water - Crystal.esp's data. [03:34:16.856742] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.856995] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:16.857135] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:16.857282] [trace]: Merging metadata for: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:16.857290] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp's data. [03:34:16.857346] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.857715] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:16.857858] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:16.858074] [trace]: Merging metadata for: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:16.858095] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp's data. [03:34:16.858171] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.858593] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:16.858758] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:16.858952] [trace]: Merging metadata for: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:16.858977] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to power armor quick enter and exit.esp's data. [03:34:16.859170] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.859915] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:16.860051] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:16.860193] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:16.860201] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to PA-Quick Animations.esp's data. [03:34:16.860260] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.860569] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:16.860703] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:16.860845] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:16.860853] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.860908] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.861540] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:16.861688] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:16.861836] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.861872] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp" exists. [03:34:16.861886] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:16.865043] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:16.865104] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:16.865124] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.865226] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.865915] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:16.866056] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:16.866200] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:16.866208] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptions.esp's data. [03:34:16.866315] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.867073] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:16.867206] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:16.867345] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4.esp [03:34:16.867353] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4.esp's data. [03:34:16.867522] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.868534] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:16.868713] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:16.868874] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:16.868882] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith Extended.esp's data. [03:34:16.869014] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.869334] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:16.869467] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:16.869605] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:16.869613] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Idiot Slut.esp's data. [03:34:16.869668] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.869963] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:16.870097] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:16.870241] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:16.870249] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp's data. [03:34:16.870682] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.870993] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.871131] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.871275] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.871283] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp's data. [03:34:16.871570] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.872438] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.872575] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.872721] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.872729] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.872831] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.873529] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.873665] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.873810] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.873818] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.873920] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.874747] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:16.874905] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:16.875055] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:16.875064] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NukaVictoryFix.esp's data. [03:34:16.875228] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.875642] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:16.875776] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:16.875955] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:16.875962] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 10SPECIAL.esp's data. [03:34:16.876019] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.876384] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:16.876514] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:16.876707] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:16.876730] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Auto Loot.esp's data. [03:34:16.877033] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.877411] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:16.877632] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:16.877871] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:16.877879] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp's data. [03:34:16.878014] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.878516] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:16.878748] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:16.878968] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:16.878976] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp's data. [03:34:16.879294] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.879767] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:16.879961] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:16.880103] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:16.880111] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BuildPaStation.esp's data. [03:34:16.880227] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.880627] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:16.880763] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:16.880907] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:16.880918] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp's data. [03:34:16.880976] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.881384] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:16.881517] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:16.881658] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:16.881665] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable Armor Size.esp's data. [03:34:16.881719] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.882102] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:16.882235] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:16.882475] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:16.882483] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification.esp's data. [03:34:16.882581] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.883415] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:16.883645] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:16.883855] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:16.883862] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification2LM.esp's data. [03:34:16.883944] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.884411] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:16.884559] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:16.884702] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:16.884710] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp's data. [03:34:16.884815] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.885224] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:16.885386] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:16.885528] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:16.885535] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModificationMisc.esp's data. [03:34:16.885615] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.886028] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:16.886163] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:16.886356] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:16.886365] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp's data. [03:34:16.886680] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.887183] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:16.887322] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:16.887467] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:16.887475] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp's data. [03:34:16.887703] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.888159] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:16.888299] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:16.888444] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:16.888452] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Wireless Power.esp's data. [03:34:16.888534] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.889222] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:16.889361] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:16.889506] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:16.889514] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterGenerators.esp's data. [03:34:16.889569] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.890016] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:16.890162] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:16.890316] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:16.890325] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbench.esp's data. [03:34:16.890406] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.890906] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:16.891053] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:16.891210] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:16.891218] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp's data. [03:34:16.891343] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.891852] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:16.892007] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:16.892168] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:16.892177] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp's data. [03:34:16.892301] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.892805] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:16.892958] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:16.893118] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:16.893126] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp's data. [03:34:16.893277] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.893826] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:16.893981] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:16.894142] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:16.894151] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp's data. [03:34:16.894326] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.894914] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:16.895101] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:16.895303] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:16.895327] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp's data. [03:34:16.895462] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.896025] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:16.896166] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:16.896327] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:16.896336] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Easier Cat Cages.esp's data. [03:34:16.896453] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.896986] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:16.897126] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:16.897273] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:16.897282] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp's data. [03:34:16.897364] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.897869] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:16.898005] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:16.898149] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:16.898157] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp's data. [03:34:16.898262] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.898877] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:16.899018] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:16.899173] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:16.899201] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp's data. [03:34:16.899355] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.899897] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:16.900032] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:16.900173] [trace]: Merging metadata for: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:16.900181] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to workShopDashButton.esp's data. [03:34:16.900237] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.900773] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:16.900907] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:16.901047] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:16.901055] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp's data. [03:34:16.901109] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.901671] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:16.901807] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:16.901949] [trace]: Merging metadata for: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:16.901956] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to InstantVendorsReset.esp's data. [03:34:16.901975] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.902602] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:16.902747] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:16.902887] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:16.902894] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CarryWeight2000.esp's data. [03:34:16.902912] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.903467] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:16.903598] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:16.903738] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:16.903746] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CarryWeight200Strength.esp's data. [03:34:16.903765] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.904324] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:16.904455] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:16.904594] [trace]: Merging metadata for: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:16.904602] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to JetPackDrain0.esp's data. [03:34:16.904620] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.905149] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:16.905311] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:16.905451] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:16.905458] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to PowerArmorDrain0.esp's data. [03:34:16.905477] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.906013] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:16.906144] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:16.906286] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:16.906293] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp's data. [03:34:16.906349] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.906899] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:16.907032] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:16.907173] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:16.907181] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Easy Lockpick.esp's data. [03:34:16.907236] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.907831] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:16.908009] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:16.908208] [trace]: Merging metadata for: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:16.908217] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to EasyLockpicking.esp's data. [03:34:16.908290] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.908746] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:16.908880] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:16.909021] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:16.909028] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp's data. [03:34:16.909083] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.909834] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:16.909996] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:16.910137] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:16.910145] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BottelingWater.esp's data. [03:34:16.910340] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.911012] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:16.911147] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:16.911318] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:16.911325] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp's data. [03:34:16.911485] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.912066] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:16.912197] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:16.912335] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:16.912343] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 300%pipboy.esp's data. [03:34:16.912397] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.913317] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:16.913452] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:16.913593] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:16.913601] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp's data. [03:34:16.913656] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.914544] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.914676] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.914817] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.914825] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 500%NoShadows.esp's data. [03:34:16.914878] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.915468] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.915602] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.915743] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:16.915751] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp's data. [03:34:16.915805] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.916439] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:16.916573] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:16.916713] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:16.916721] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LongerPowerLinesInf.esp's data. [03:34:16.916775] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.917378] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:16.917509] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:16.917649] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:16.917656] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Loot Detector.esp's data. [03:34:16.917709] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.918346] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:16.918478] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:16.918622] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:16.918629] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TheyWantThatAss.esp's data. [03:34:16.918790] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.919407] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:16.919541] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:16.919682] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:16.919690] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NoAffinityCooldown.esp's data. [03:34:16.919783] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.920433] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:16.920568] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:16.920710] [trace]: Merging metadata for: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:16.920718] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp's data. [03:34:16.920799] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.921428] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:16.921562] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:16.921703] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:16.921711] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Sneaky Kills.esp's data. [03:34:16.921765] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.922427] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:16.922560] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:16.922700] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:16.922708] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unlimited Sprint.esp's data. [03:34:16.922789] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.923458] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:16.923594] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:16.923739] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:16.923746] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp's data. [03:34:16.923802] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.924686] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:16.924855] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:16.925004] [trace]: Merging metadata for: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:16.925013] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to KSHairdos.esp's data. [03:34:16.925096] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.925787] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:16.925930] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:16.926076] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:16.926085] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ExtendedHairColors.esp's data. [03:34:16.926154] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.927046] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:16.927196] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:16.927427] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:16.927435] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp's data. [03:34:16.927624] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.928659] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:16.928974] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:16.929246] [trace]: Merging metadata for: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:16.929269] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp's data. [03:34:16.929447] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.930289] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:16.930431] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:16.930574] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:16.930582] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CleanInstitute.esp's data. [03:34:16.930701] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.931427] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:16.931563] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:16.931705] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:16.931713] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp's data. [03:34:16.931797] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.932554] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:16.932696] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:16.932849] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:16.932857] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Better Vendor Stalls.esp's data. [03:34:16.932999] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.933749] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:16.933885] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:16.934026] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:16.934034] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Assaultron Combatron.esp's data. [03:34:16.934158] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.935051] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:16.935243] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:16.935433] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RILF.esp [03:34:16.935441] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RILF.esp's data. [03:34:16.935523] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.936278] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:16.936412] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:16.936552] [trace]: Merging metadata for: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:16.936560] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to galacticzone-repaird.esp's data. [03:34:16.936641] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.937388] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:16.937521] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:16.937676] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:16.937684] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp's data. [03:34:16.937826] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.938387] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:16.938524] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:16.938669] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:16.938677] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Glowing Eyes.esp's data. [03:34:16.938732] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.939480] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:16.939618] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:16.939763] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:16.939770] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp's data. [03:34:16.939826] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.940610] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:16.940747] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:16.940976] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:16.940986] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SuperNaturalEyes.esp's data. [03:34:16.941045] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.941932] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:16.942151] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:16.942335] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:16.942343] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FemaleSynths - Core.esp's data. [03:34:16.942417] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.943224] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:16.943359] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:16.943500] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:16.943508] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AerysNPCs.esp's data. [03:34:16.943642] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.944433] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.944574] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.944723] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.944731] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.944837] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.945910] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:16.946062] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:16.946270] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:16.946279] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.946402] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.947313] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:16.947471] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:16.947637] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.947659] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:16.947666] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.947756] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.948707] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:16.948856] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:16.949002] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("DLCRobot.esm") and active("DLCCoast.esm") and not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp") and version("ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp", "9.1", <) [03:34:16.949044] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCRobot.esm" is safe. [03:34:16.949057] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCRobot.esm" is active. [03:34:16.949066] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:16.949075] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:16.949083] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [03:34:16.949090] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:16.949115] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.949125] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp" is active. [03:34:16.949153] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:16.949163] [trace]: Checking the version of the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp". [03:34:16.949171] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.949204] [trace]: Version extracted: [03:34:16.949216] [trace]: Version check result: true [03:34:16.949241] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:16.949248] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp's data. [03:34:16.949365] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.950327] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.950585] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.950762] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.950771] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp's data. [03:34:16.950900] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.951925] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:16.952077] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:16.952283] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.952295] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:16.952321] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp" exists. [03:34:16.952345] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:16.955169] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:16.955201] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:16.955209] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp's data. [03:34:16.955328] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.956317] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:16.956577] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:16.956787] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:16.956796] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.956935] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.958050] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:16.958262] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:16.958588] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:16.958599] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp's data. [03:34:16.958873] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.960198] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:16.960420] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:16.960582] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.960606] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:16.960613] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.960751] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.961898] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:16.962151] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:16.962327] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.962340] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:16.962360] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:16.962367] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp's data. [03:34:16.962449] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.963824] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:16.964039] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:16.964192] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:16.964200] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp's data. [03:34:16.964377] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.965401] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:16.965550] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:16.965695] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.965707] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:16.965727] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:16.965733] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp's data. [03:34:16.965815] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.966796] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.966934] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.967080] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.967088] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.967169] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.968172] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.968313] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.968489] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:16.968497] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp's data. [03:34:16.968634] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.969661] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.969818] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.970071] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:16.970080] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp's data. [03:34:16.970229] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.971282] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:16.971423] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:16.971570] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:16.971578] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp's data. [03:34:16.971634] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.972769] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:16.972907] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:16.973053] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:16.973061] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DIFR - VIS Patch.esp's data. [03:34:16.973145] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.974285] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:16.974424] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:16.974585] [trace]: Merging metadata for: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:16.974593] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to def_inv_scrap_en.esp's data. [03:34:16.974666] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.976062] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:16.976230] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:16.976569] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No)?DLCVersion\.esp") [03:34:16.976596] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("ValdacilsItemSorting-00-ValsPicks-(No?)DLCVersion-VanillaWeight\.esp") [03:34:16.976618] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:16.976625] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp's data. [03:34:16.976760] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.977868] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.978166] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.981094] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:16.981111] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp's data. [03:34:16.981430] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.983081] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:16.983266] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:16.983409] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:16.983417] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp's data. [03:34:16.983696] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.984302] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:16.984438] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:16.984578] [trace]: Merging metadata for: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:16.984586] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to JINA Valentine.esp's data. [03:34:16.984640] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.985263] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:16.985394] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:16.985530] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ProfGood.esp [03:34:16.985538] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ProfGood.esp's data. [03:34:16.985591] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.986460] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:16.986596] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:16.986737] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:16.986746] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp's data. [03:34:16.986829] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.987668] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:16.987801] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:16.987942] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:16.987949] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Empties - VISFar.esp's data. [03:34:16.988031] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.988872] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:16.989024] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:16.989167] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:16.989203] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.989214] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.989230] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.989237] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.989253] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:16.989263] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:16.989272] [trace]: Evaluating condition: checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) [03:34:16.989285] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("DLCCoast.esm") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9)) [03:34:16.989310] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "DLCCoast.esm" is safe. [03:34:16.989320] [debug]: Checking if plugin "DLCCoast.esm" is active. [03:34:16.989329] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:16.989339] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.989346] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.989363] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.989373] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.989388] [trace]: Evaluating condition: active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 814AC32F) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", ECEBD46B)) [03:34:16.989417] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:16.992345] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:16.992438] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:16.992457] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.992467] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.992500] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.992508] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.992528] [trace]: Evaluating condition: not active("ValdacilsItemSorting-.+\.esp") and (checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", 939407C9) or checksum("Give Me That Bottle.esp", AE38A5A0)) [03:34:16.992567] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "" is safe. [03:34:16.996079] [debug]: Checking if plugin "ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp" is active. [03:34:16.996178] [trace]: Active check result: true [03:34:16.996196] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.996206] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.996225] [trace]: Checking the CRC of the file "Give Me That Bottle.esp". [03:34:16.996233] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Give Me That Bottle.esp" is safe. [03:34:16.996274] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:16.996282] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Give Me That Bottle.esp's data. [03:34:16.996418] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.997454] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:16.997612] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:16.997759] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:16.997767] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp's data. [03:34:16.997829] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.998741] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:16.998878] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:16.999050] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:16.999058] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HotMamaBoSA.esp's data. [03:34:16.999117] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:16.999993] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:17.000133] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:17.000279] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:17.000287] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp's data. [03:34:17.000370] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.001328] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:17.001468] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:17.001615] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:17.001623] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp's data. [03:34:17.001706] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.002602] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:17.002740] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:17.002887] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:17.002895] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp's data. [03:34:17.002951] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.003866] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:17.004007] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:17.004154] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:17.004162] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp's data. [03:34:17.004220] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.005132] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:17.005277] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:17.005430] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:17.005438] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HouseDress1Fix.esp's data. [03:34:17.005496] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.006416] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:17.006597] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:17.006756] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:17.006764] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp's data. [03:34:17.006824] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.007771] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.007932] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.008141] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.008152] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 3DNPC_FO4.esp's data. [03:34:17.008501] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.009625] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.009807] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.010009] [trace]: Merging metadata for: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.010017] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to AA FusionCityRising.esp's data. [03:34:17.010457] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.011411] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:17.011596] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:17.011775] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:17.011783] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Better Cooking Stations.esp's data. [03:34:17.012001] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.013624] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:17.013673] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:17.013804] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:17.013835] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:17.014000] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:17.014008] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp's data. [03:34:17.014334] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.015581] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.015612] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.015769] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.015798] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.016087] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.016095] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp's data. [03:34:17.016298] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.017542] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:17.017680] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:17.017825] [trace]: Merging metadata for: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:17.017834] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp's data. [03:34:17.017992] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.018925] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:17.019057] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:17.019195] [trace]: Merging metadata for: bifurious.esp [03:34:17.019203] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to bifurious.esp's data. [03:34:17.019256] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.020203] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:17.020336] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:17.020572] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TurretStands.esp [03:34:17.020582] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TurretStands.esp's data. [03:34:17.020651] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.021594] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:17.021727] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:17.021867] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:17.021874] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp's data. [03:34:17.021951] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.022916] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:17.023050] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:17.023190] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:17.023198] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp's data. [03:34:17.023253] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.024342] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:17.024480] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:17.024652] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:17.024660] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NSA All-in-One.esp's data. [03:34:17.024860] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.026086] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:17.026265] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:17.026411] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:17.026419] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Repaired Roofs.esp's data. [03:34:17.026527] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.027746] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:17.027965] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:17.028165] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:17.028173] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp's data. [03:34:17.028258] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.029818] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:17.030036] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:17.030207] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:17.030243] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SpringCleaning.esp's data. [03:34:17.030353] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.031360] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:17.031492] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:17.031629] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Passthrough.esp [03:34:17.031637] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Passthrough.esp's data. [03:34:17.031695] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.032687] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:17.032819] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:17.032961] [trace]: Merging metadata for: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:17.032968] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to WaterAnywhere.esp's data. [03:34:17.033027] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.034044] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:17.034179] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:17.034320] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:17.034328] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp's data. [03:34:17.034383] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.035413] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:17.035547] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:17.035689] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:17.035696] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Screen Flicker Killer.esp's data. [03:34:17.035773] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.036809] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:17.036951] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:17.037094] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:17.037102] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp's data. [03:34:17.037179] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.038647] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:17.039003] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:17.039187] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:17.039196] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Stashable Caps.esp's data. [03:34:17.039322] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.040427] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:17.040559] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:17.040696] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UMD - A.esp [03:34:17.040704] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to UMD - A.esp's data. [03:34:17.040759] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.042030] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:17.042178] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:17.042324] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:17.042333] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp's data. [03:34:17.042410] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.043552] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:17.043688] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:17.043830] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:17.043838] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Clear Underwater View.esp's data. [03:34:17.043895] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.045097] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:17.045258] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:17.045481] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:17.045489] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp's data. [03:34:17.045666] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.047041] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:17.047177] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:17.047319] [trace]: Merging metadata for: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:17.047327] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp's data. [03:34:17.047498] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.048630] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:17.048765] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:17.048950] [trace]: Merging metadata for: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:17.048958] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp's data. [03:34:17.049117] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.050253] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:17.050389] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:17.050532] [trace]: Merging metadata for: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:17.050540] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to doubleperkbonus.esp's data. [03:34:17.050595] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.051759] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:17.051901] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:17.052043] [trace]: Merging metadata for: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:17.052050] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to weightless bodies and objects.esp's data. [03:34:17.052106] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.053281] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.053418] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.053560] [trace]: Merging metadata for: mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.053568] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to mso_sms.esp's data. [03:34:17.053623] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.054978] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.055113] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.055258] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.055266] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp's data. [03:34:17.055352] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.056641] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:17.056790] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:17.056998] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:17.057007] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp's data. [03:34:17.057340] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.058340] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.058508] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.058652] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.058660] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp's data. [03:34:17.058766] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.060202] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.060353] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.060503] [trace]: Merging metadata for: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:17.060511] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp's data. [03:34:17.060627] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.062100] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:17.062296] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:17.062439] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:17.062447] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ConvenientStores.esp's data. [03:34:17.062546] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.064288] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:17.064434] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:17.064579] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CBBE.esp [03:34:17.064587] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CBBE.esp's data. [03:34:17.064662] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.066014] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:17.066155] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:17.066306] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:17.066315] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp's data. [03:34:17.066492] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.067773] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:17.067986] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:17.068174] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:17.068183] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp's data. [03:34:17.068252] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.069463] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:17.069596] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:17.069733] [trace]: Merging metadata for: XXXMags.esp [03:34:17.069740] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to XXXMags.esp's data. [03:34:17.069795] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.071336] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:17.071647] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:17.071803] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:17.071826] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp's data. [03:34:17.071908] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.072972] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:17.073105] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:17.073246] [trace]: Merging metadata for: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:17.073254] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to The Sanctuary Bridge.esp's data. [03:34:17.073309] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.074356] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:17.074489] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:17.074658] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:17.074666] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CheatTerminal.esp's data. [03:34:17.074790] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.076269] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.076428] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.076583] [trace]: Merging metadata for: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.076591] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to UniqueUniques.esp's data. [03:34:17.076753] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.077817] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:17.078010] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:17.078153] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:17.078161] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Immortal Cats 2.esp's data. [03:34:17.078259] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.079699] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:17.079965] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:17.080199] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:17.080208] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp's data. [03:34:17.080292] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.081663] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:17.081806] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:17.081948] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:17.081956] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp's data. [03:34:17.082013] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.083311] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:17.083441] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:17.083580] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Pug.esp [03:34:17.083589] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Pug.esp's data. [03:34:17.083742] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.085074] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:17.085208] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:17.085349] [trace]: Merging metadata for: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:17.085357] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to VegetableStarchBuilder.esp's data. [03:34:17.085440] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.086353] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:17.086487] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:17.086628] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:17.086636] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp's data. [03:34:17.086833] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.088128] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:17.088264] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:17.088406] [trace]: Merging metadata for: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:17.088414] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp's data. [03:34:17.088577] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.090245] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:17.090382] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:17.090520] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NVUMP.esp [03:34:17.090528] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NVUMP.esp's data. [03:34:17.090966] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.092465] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:17.092619] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:17.092768] [trace]: Merging metadata for: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:17.092776] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to DP_CaravanShotgun.esp's data. [03:34:17.092896] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.094246] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:17.094386] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:17.094582] [trace]: Merging metadata for: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:17.094590] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to PrimeArmor.esp's data. [03:34:17.094751] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.096476] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:17.096621] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:17.096800] [trace]: Merging metadata for: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:17.096808] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to tao_catsuit.esp's data. [03:34:17.096987] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.098292] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:17.098431] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:17.098576] [trace]: Merging metadata for: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:17.098584] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to The Eyes Of Beauty.esp's data. [03:34:17.098787] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.100079] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:17.100217] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:17.100362] [trace]: Merging metadata for: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:17.100371] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to TheEyesOfBeauty.esp's data. [03:34:17.100575] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.101872] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:17.102010] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:17.102154] [trace]: Merging metadata for: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:17.102163] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to ImmersiveFastTravel.esp's data. [03:34:17.102222] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.103530] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:17.103669] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:17.103818] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:17.103827] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IFT_Automatron.esp's data. [03:34:17.103936] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.105249] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:17.105385] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:17.105526] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:17.105534] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IFT_NoFuel.esp's data. [03:34:17.105615] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.106904] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:17.107038] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:17.107179] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:17.107187] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IFT_NoQuest.esp's data. [03:34:17.107268] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.108699] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:17.108949] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:17.109119] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:17.109127] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Shino Poses.esp's data. [03:34:17.109222] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.110610] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:17.110809] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:17.110961] [trace]: Merging metadata for: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:17.110969] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to LooksMenu.esp's data. [03:34:17.110990] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.112703] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:17.112911] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:17.113176] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:17.113189] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp's data. [03:34:17.113505] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.115007] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:17.115147] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:17.115289] [trace]: Merging metadata for: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:17.115297] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to MeanMachineEyes.esp's data. [03:34:17.115361] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.116764] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:17.116902] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:17.117047] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:17.117055] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Institute NIRA Vendor.esp's data. [03:34:17.117143] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.118623] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:17.118769] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:17.118915] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:17.118924] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Atomic Lust.esp's data. [03:34:17.119005] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.120851] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.120985] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.121122] [trace]: Merging metadata for: SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.121129] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to SaveManager.esp's data. [03:34:17.121187] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.122535] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.122706] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.122893] [trace]: Merging metadata for: def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.122904] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to def_mcm.esp's data. [03:34:17.122997] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.124486] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:17.124646] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:17.124864] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:17.124873] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp's data. [03:34:17.124967] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.126628] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:17.126779] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:17.126929] [trace]: Merging metadata for: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:17.126938] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp's data. [03:34:17.127053] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.128749] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:17.128910] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:17.129059] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:17.129067] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC-FarHarbor.esp's data. [03:34:17.129284] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.131165] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:17.131311] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:17.131457] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:17.131465] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC-NukaWorld.esp's data. [03:34:17.131633] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.133427] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:17.133572] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:17.133717] [trace]: Merging metadata for: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:17.133725] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to NAC-AE Patch.esp's data. [03:34:17.133867] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.135286] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:17.135424] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:17.135569] [trace]: Merging metadata for: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:17.135577] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp's data. [03:34:17.135759] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.137200] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:17.137333] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:17.137472] [trace]: Merging metadata for: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:17.137480] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to HoloTime_2.esp's data. [03:34:17.137574] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.138974] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.139005] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.139162] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.139192] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.139451] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:17.139459] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp's data. [03:34:17.139652] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.141157] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:17.141188] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:17.141388] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:17.141436] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:17.141722] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:17.141731] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp's data. [03:34:17.141881] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.143597] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:17.143678] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:17.143842] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:17.143875] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:17.144139] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:17.144148] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp's data. [03:34:17.144350] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.146286] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.146331] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.146608] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.146643] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.147109] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:17.147119] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp's data. [03:34:17.147400] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.149021] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:17.149056] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:17.149215] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:17.149246] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:17.149508] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:17.149516] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp's data. [03:34:17.149782] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.151303] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:17.151338] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:17.151496] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:17.151530] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:17.151819] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:17.151828] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp's data. [03:34:17.152081] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.153639] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:17.153670] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:17.153826] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:17.153855] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:17.154115] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:17.154123] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp's data. [03:34:17.154294] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.155860] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.155895] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.156054] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.156084] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.156346] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:17.156354] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp's data. [03:34:17.156632] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.158315] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.158352] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.158521] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.158553] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.158952] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:17.158961] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp's data. [03:34:17.159181] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.161098] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:17.161177] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:17.161391] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:17.161423] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:17.161712] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:17.161720] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp's data. [03:34:17.162077] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.163940] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.163978] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.164136] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.164167] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.164425] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:17.164433] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp's data. [03:34:17.164665] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.166287] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:17.166319] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:17.166475] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:17.166506] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:17.166766] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:17.166774] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp's data. [03:34:17.166917] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.168554] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:17.168585] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:17.168741] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:17.168771] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:17.169031] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:17.169039] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp's data. [03:34:17.169247] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.170990] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:17.171127] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:17.171268] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:17.171276] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CROSS_Cybernetics.esp's data. [03:34:17.171333] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.172975] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:17.173111] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:17.173256] [trace]: Merging metadata for: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:17.173264] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp's data. [03:34:17.173349] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.175108] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:17.175243] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:17.175381] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:17.175388] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FutaFEV.esp's data. [03:34:17.175504] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.177355] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:17.177549] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:17.177696] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:17.177704] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp's data. [03:34:17.177917] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.180090] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.180237] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.180437] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:17.180445] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp's data. [03:34:17.180652] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.182308] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:17.182440] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:17.182679] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:17.182687] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp's data. [03:34:17.182782] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.184444] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:17.184630] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:17.184767] [trace]: Merging metadata for: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:17.184775] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to FemMutieBETA.esp's data. [03:34:17.184828] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.186497] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:17.186670] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:17.186810] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:17.186817] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp's data. [03:34:17.186872] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.188581] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:17.188733] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:17.188896] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:17.188906] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp's data. [03:34:17.189065] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.190557] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:17.190699] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:17.190852] [trace]: Merging metadata for: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:17.190861] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to StartMeUp.esp's data. [03:34:17.191081] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:17.192587] [trace]: Getting masterlist metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:17.192755] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:17.192772] [trace]: Getting userlist metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:17.192936] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:17.192976] [trace]: Evaluating condition: file("Smashed Patch.esp") [03:34:17.193012] [trace]: Checking to see if the file "Smashed Patch.esp" exists. [03:34:17.193023] [trace]: Checking to see if the path "Smashed Patch.esp" is safe. [03:34:17.193118] [trace]: File check result: false [03:34:17.193145] [trace]: Merging metadata for: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:17.193153] [trace]: Checking that the current install is valid according to Bashed Patch, 0.esp's data. [03:34:17.193295] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:18.250698] [trace]: User has accepted sorted load order, applying it. [03:34:18.250744] [debug]: Getting load order. [03:34:18.253900] [info]: Setting load order. [03:34:18.253918] [info]: Fallout4.esm [03:34:18.253926] [info]: DLCRobot.esm [03:34:18.253932] [info]: DLCworkshop01.esm [03:34:18.253938] [info]: DLCCoast.esm [03:34:18.253944] [info]: DLCworkshop02.esm [03:34:18.253951] [info]: DLCworkshop03.esm [03:34:18.253956] [info]: DLCNukaWorld.esm [03:34:18.253963] [info]: ccbgsfo4045-advarccab.esl [03:34:18.253969] [info]: ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl [03:34:18.253975] [info]: ccgcafo4013-factionas02bos.esl [03:34:18.253981] [info]: ccgcafo4015-factionas04hrpink.esl [03:34:18.253987] [info]: ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm [03:34:18.253993] [info]: ccbgsfo4050-dgbcoll.esl [03:34:18.254000] [info]: ccbgsfo4052-dgdal.esl [03:34:18.254006] [info]: ccbgsfo4055-dghusk.esl [03:34:18.254012] [info]: ccbgsfo4059-dgpit.esl [03:34:18.254018] [info]: ccbgsfo4060-dgrot.esl [03:34:18.254024] [info]: ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl [03:34:18.254030] [info]: ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl [03:34:18.254036] [info]: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp [03:34:18.254042] [info]: ArmorKeywords.esm [03:34:18.254048] [info]: SettlementKeywords.esm [03:34:18.254054] [info]: AAF.esm [03:34:18.254060] [info]: HUDFramework.esm [03:34:18.254066] [info]: NAC.esm [03:34:18.254072] [info]: NQAS - BoS Fire Support.esl [03:34:18.254078] [info]: NQAS - VaultTec.esl [03:34:18.254084] [info]: NQAS - Automatron.esl [03:34:18.254091] [info]: CleaningStation.esp [03:34:18.254096] [info]: Clean Water - Crystal.esp [03:34:18.254103] [info]: More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp [03:34:18.254109] [info]: No Power Armor Landing Impact Or Root Animation Effect Damage.esp [03:34:18.254117] [info]: power armor quick enter and exit.esp [03:34:18.254123] [info]: PA-Quick Animations.esp [03:34:18.254129] [info]: ARWCSM - 1 - Full - Weightless.esp [03:34:18.254135] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ModsWeightless.esp [03:34:18.254141] [info]: BetterModDescriptions.esp [03:34:18.254147] [info]: Femout4.esp [03:34:18.254153] [info]: Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:18.254160] [info]: Idiot Slut.esp [03:34:18.254165] [info]: Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp [03:34:18.254172] [info]: Uto's Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:18.254178] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron-Weightless.esp [03:34:18.254184] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld-Weightless.esp [03:34:18.254190] [info]: NukaVictoryFix.esp [03:34:18.254197] [info]: 10SPECIAL.esp [03:34:18.254202] [info]: Auto Loot.esp [03:34:18.254209] [info]: Companion Fall Damage Immunity.esp [03:34:18.254216] [info]: VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp [03:34:18.254222] [info]: BuildPaStation.esp [03:34:18.254228] [info]: Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp [03:34:18.254234] [info]: Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:18.254242] [info]: LegendaryModification.esp [03:34:18.254249] [info]: LegendaryModification2LM.esp [03:34:18.254255] [info]: LegendaryModification2LMAKPatch.esp [03:34:18.254262] [info]: LegendaryModificationMisc.esp [03:34:18.254268] [info]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:18.254274] [info]: LegendaryModification - DLC Far Harbor (2LM).esp [03:34:18.254280] [info]: Wireless Power.esp [03:34:18.254286] [info]: BetterGenerators.esp [03:34:18.254292] [info]: Crafting Workbench.esp [03:34:18.254298] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp [03:34:18.254304] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp [03:34:18.254310] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp [03:34:18.254316] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp [03:34:18.254322] [info]: Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp [03:34:18.254329] [info]: Easier Cat Cages.esp [03:34:18.254335] [info]: Happy_Junkie_Settlers.esp [03:34:18.254341] [info]: NukaColaMiniatureRebottlerPlant_cadero2.esp [03:34:18.254347] [info]: StarlightDriveinOverhaul_01.esp [03:34:18.254353] [info]: workShopDashButton.esp [03:34:18.254359] [info]: Craftable SPECIAL Book.esp [03:34:18.254365] [info]: InstantVendorsReset.esp [03:34:18.254371] [info]: CarryWeight2000.esp [03:34:18.254377] [info]: CarryWeight200Strength.esp [03:34:18.254383] [info]: JetPackDrain0.esp [03:34:18.254389] [info]: PowerArmorDrain0.esp [03:34:18.254395] [info]: Easier Hacking - 5 Words.esp [03:34:18.254401] [info]: Easy Lockpick.esp [03:34:18.254407] [info]: EasyLockpicking.esp [03:34:18.254413] [info]: Guaranteed Pickpocket.esp [03:34:18.254419] [info]: BottelingWater.esp [03:34:18.254425] [info]: Faster Terminal Displays (100x).esp [03:34:18.254431] [info]: 300%pipboy.esp [03:34:18.254437] [info]: LongerHeadlampLight3x.esp [03:34:18.254443] [info]: 500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:18.254449] [info]: Pinkhl500%NoShadows.esp [03:34:18.254455] [info]: LongerPowerLinesInf.esp [03:34:18.254461] [info]: Loot Detector.esp [03:34:18.254467] [info]: TheyWantThatAss.esp [03:34:18.254473] [info]: NoAffinityCooldown.esp [03:34:18.254479] [info]: One Minutemen Radiant Quest At A Time.esp [03:34:18.254485] [info]: Sneaky Kills.esp [03:34:18.254491] [info]: Unlimited Sprint.esp [03:34:18.254497] [info]: VatsOverThere_IncreasedVATSRange_AimIncreaseMaxed.esp [03:34:18.254503] [info]: KSHairdos.esp [03:34:18.254510] [info]: ExtendedHairColors.esp [03:34:18.254515] [info]: MarcyLongDialogueEdits.esp [03:34:18.254522] [info]: GKX Worthwhile Caps Stashes.esp [03:34:18.254527] [info]: CleanInstitute.esp [03:34:18.254534] [info]: AWKCR - Color Swap Mod Slot Hider.esp [03:34:18.254540] [info]: Better Vendor Stalls.esp [03:34:18.254547] [info]: Assaultron Combatron.esp [03:34:18.254553] [info]: RILF.esp [03:34:18.254559] [info]: galacticzone-repaird.esp [03:34:18.254565] [info]: Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp [03:34:18.254571] [info]: Glowing Eyes.esp [03:34:18.254577] [info]: Realistic Roads 2.0 Black.esp [03:34:18.254583] [info]: SuperNaturalEyes.esp [03:34:18.254589] [info]: FemaleSynths - Core.esp [03:34:18.254595] [info]: AerysNPCs.esp [03:34:18.254601] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor-Weightless.esp [03:34:18.254607] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AidWeightless.esp [03:34:18.254613] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp [03:34:18.254619] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ArmorByClass.esp [03:34:18.254625] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp [03:34:18.254632] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-CosmeticsByClass.esp [03:34:18.254637] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTopWeightless.esp [03:34:18.254644] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkWeightless+DEF_INV.esp [03:34:18.254650] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-MiscWeightless.esp [03:34:18.254656] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp [03:34:18.254662] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp [03:34:18.254669] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp [03:34:18.254675] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions-Weightless.esp [03:34:18.254682] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec-Weightless.esp [03:34:18.254688] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp [03:34:18.254694] [info]: DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:18.254700] [info]: DIFR - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:18.254706] [info]: def_inv_scrap_en.esp [03:34:18.254712] [info]: ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp [03:34:18.254718] [info]: Radrose Usability Enhancements.esp [03:34:18.254724] [info]: Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp [03:34:18.254730] [info]: JINA Valentine.esp [03:34:18.254736] [info]: ProfGood.esp [03:34:18.254742] [info]: FemaleSynths - NPCs.esp [03:34:18.254748] [info]: Empties - VISFar.esp [03:34:18.254754] [info]: Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:18.254760] [info]: HotMamaBosVault81Complete.esp [03:34:18.254766] [info]: HotMamaBoSA.esp [03:34:18.254772] [info]: HotMamaNPCFarHarbor01.esp [03:34:18.254778] [info]: Hot Mama NPCs Nuka World.esp [03:34:18.254785] [info]: Hot Mama NPCs Settlers and Bandits A.esp [03:34:18.254791] [info]: LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp [03:34:18.254797] [info]: HouseDress1Fix.esp [03:34:18.254803] [info]: FoodWorksWhenHungry.esp [03:34:18.254809] [info]: 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:18.254815] [info]: AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:18.254821] [info]: Better Cooking Stations.esp [03:34:18.254827] [info]: Radrose Usability - Workbench Perk Requirements + Armorsmith.esp [03:34:18.254833] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:18.254839] [info]: 3DNPC_FO4 AE VIS.esp [03:34:18.254845] [info]: bifurious.esp [03:34:18.254851] [info]: TurretStands.esp [03:34:18.254857] [info]: CrazyEarlsScrapyard.esp [03:34:18.254863] [info]: MorePowerfulWindmills500.esp [03:34:18.254869] [info]: NSA All-in-One.esp [03:34:18.254875] [info]: Repaired Roofs.esp [03:34:18.254881] [info]: SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp [03:34:18.254887] [info]: SpringCleaning.esp [03:34:18.254893] [info]: Passthrough.esp [03:34:18.254899] [info]: WaterAnywhere.esp [03:34:18.254905] [info]: Well_Rested_And_Squirrel_Stew_1000_Days.esp [03:34:18.254911] [info]: Screen Flicker Killer.esp [03:34:18.254917] [info]: Screen Flicker Killer_emit.esp [03:34:18.254923] [info]: Stashable Caps.esp [03:34:18.254929] [info]: UMD - A.esp [03:34:18.254935] [info]: FO4_Difficulty_Setting.esp [03:34:18.254941] [info]: Clear Underwater View.esp [03:34:18.254947] [info]: CTHColoredFriendlies-NSL.esp [03:34:18.254953] [info]: settlersnoendlessgratitude.esp [03:34:18.254959] [info]: uncappedsettlementsurplus.esp [03:34:18.254965] [info]: doubleperkbonus.esp [03:34:18.254971] [info]: weightless bodies and objects.esp [03:34:18.254977] [info]: mso_sms.esp [03:34:18.254983] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:18.254989] [info]: LegendaryModification Enhanced.esp [03:34:18.254995] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLM2LMVeryEasy.esp [03:34:18.255001] [info]: BetterModDescriptionsLMMiscVeryEasy.esp [03:34:18.255021] [info]: ConvenientStores.esp [03:34:18.255028] [info]: CBBE.esp [03:34:18.255047] [info]: RW9 LZ Christopher Columbus Park Plaza.esp [03:34:18.255053] [info]: SpringCleaningCompatibilityPatch.esp [03:34:18.255059] [info]: XXXMags.esp [03:34:18.255065] [info]: TC_FO4_EasyPicketFenceMags.esp [03:34:18.255071] [info]: The Sanctuary Bridge.esp [03:34:18.255077] [info]: CheatTerminal.esp [03:34:18.255083] [info]: UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:18.255104] [info]: Immortal Cats 2.esp [03:34:18.255110] [info]: RW9 LZ National Guard Training Yard.esp [03:34:18.255129] [info]: RW9 LZ Coast Guard Pier.esp [03:34:18.255136] [info]: Pug.esp [03:34:18.255142] [info]: VegetableStarchBuilder.esp [03:34:18.255148] [info]: RW9 LZ Bunker Hill.esp [03:34:18.255154] [info]: RW9 LZ Hardware Town Field.esp [03:34:18.255160] [info]: NVUMP.esp [03:34:18.255166] [info]: DP_CaravanShotgun.esp [03:34:18.255173] [info]: PrimeArmor.esp [03:34:18.255180] [info]: tao_catsuit.esp [03:34:18.255186] [info]: The Eyes Of Beauty.esp [03:34:18.255192] [info]: TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [03:34:18.255199] [info]: ImmersiveFastTravel.esp [03:34:18.255205] [info]: IFT_Automatron.esp [03:34:18.255211] [info]: IFT_NoFuel.esp [03:34:18.255229] [info]: IFT_NoQuest.esp [03:34:18.255235] [info]: Shino Poses.esp [03:34:18.255241] [info]: LooksMenu.esp [03:34:18.255247] [info]: SKKCraftableWeaponsAmmo.esp [03:34:18.255253] [info]: MeanMachineEyes.esp [03:34:18.255259] [info]: Institute NIRA Vendor.esp [03:34:18.255265] [info]: Atomic Lust.esp [03:34:18.255271] [info]: SaveManager.esp [03:34:18.255277] [info]: def_mcm.esp [03:34:18.255283] [info]: Immersive Paint Job Unlocks.esp [03:34:18.255289] [info]: IWPJ - VIS Patch.esp [03:34:18.255295] [info]: NAC-FarHarbor.esp [03:34:18.255301] [info]: NAC-NukaWorld.esp [03:34:18.255307] [info]: NAC-AE Patch.esp [03:34:18.255313] [info]: companion infinite ammo and unbreakable power armour.esp [03:34:18.255320] [info]: HoloTime_2.esp [03:34:18.255325] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - AA FusionCityRising.esp [03:34:18.255332] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Armorsmith Extended.esp [03:34:18.255338] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Craftable Armor Size.esp [03:34:18.255344] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - def_mcm.esp [03:34:18.255350] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - DynamicInteriorFogRemoval.esp [03:34:18.255356] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - LegendaryModificationMisc + DLC Far Harbor.esp [03:34:18.255363] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Loot Detector.esp [03:34:18.255369] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - mso_sms.esp [03:34:18.255375] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SaveManager.esp [03:34:18.255381] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - SettlementKeywords.esp [03:34:18.255387] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - UniqueUniques.esp [03:34:18.255393] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - visiblecompanionaffinity.esp [03:34:18.255399] [info]: Radrose - Valdacil Patch - Give Me That Bottle.esp [03:34:18.255405] [info]: CROSS_Cybernetics.esp [03:34:18.255411] [info]: CROSS_Cybernetics_NoRobotFootStepSounds.esp [03:34:18.255418] [info]: FutaFEV.esp [03:34:18.255423] [info]: Femout4 Patch No_Voice_Changes.esp [03:34:18.255430] [info]: Femout4 Patch 3DNPC_FO4.esp [03:34:18.255435] [info]: Femout4 Patch Fusion City Rising.esp [03:34:18.255442] [info]: FemMutieBETA.esp [03:34:18.255448] [info]: Unbreakable Power Armor Player Only.esp [03:34:18.255454] [info]: Scrap Everything - Ultimate Edition.esp [03:34:18.255460] [info]: StartMeUp.esp [03:34:18.255466] [info]: Bashed Patch, 0.esp [03:34:18.260183] [error]: libloadorder failed to set the load order. Details: Access is denied. (os error 5) [03:34:18.260267] [error]: Exception while executing query: libloadorder failed to set the load order. Details: Access is denied. (os error 5): Libloadorder error [03:34:18.262911] [error]: Chromium console message from http://loot/ui/app.bundle.js at line 1: Error: Oh no, something went wrong! This is usually because "C:\Users\Jinarra\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt" is set to be read-only. If it is, unset it and try again. If it isn't, you can check your LOOTDebugLog.txt (you can get to it through the main menu) for more information. at onFailure (http://loot/ui/app.bundle.js:1:462892)