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Fix access to protected members in package-protected classes
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A super access to a protected member in a package-protected class is allowed through
an intermediate public class. The fix for scala/bug#5162 actually introduced an error
for this case, because the scala compiler would generate an INVOKESPECIAL with the
package-protected class as receiver, which is illegal. However, we can use the public
intermediate class in the invocation signature.

Fixes scala/bug#7936

This is very similar to scala/bug#4283
  • Loading branch information
lrytz committed Jul 4, 2017
1 parent 92f4e1e commit f18b249
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Showing 28 changed files with 291 additions and 79 deletions.
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala
Expand Up @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {

generatedType = genTypeApply()

case Apply(fun @ Select(Super(qual, _), _), args) =>
case Apply(fun @ Select(sup @ Super(superQual, _), _), args) =>
def initModule() {
// we initialize the MODULE$ field immediately after the super ctor
if (!isModuleInitialized &&
Expand All @@ -576,9 +576,9 @@ abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {

// scala/bug#10290: qual can be `this.$outer()` (not just `this`), so we call genLoad (not jsut ALOAD_0)
genLoadArguments(args, paramTKs(app))
generatedType = genCallMethod(fun.symbol, InvokeStyle.Super, app.pos)
generatedType = genCallMethod(fun.symbol, InvokeStyle.Super, app.pos, sup.tpe.typeSymbol)

// 'new' constructor call: Note: since constructors are
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1024,14 +1024,14 @@ abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
* Generate a method invocation. If `specificReceiver != null`, it is used as receiver in the
* invocation instruction, otherwise `method.owner`. A specific receiver class is needed to
* prevent an IllegalAccessError, (aladdin bug 455).
* prevent an IllegalAccessError, (aladdin bug 455). Same for super calls, scala/bug#7936.
def genCallMethod(method: Symbol, style: InvokeStyle, pos: Position, specificReceiver: Symbol = null): BType = {
val methodOwner = method.owner
// the class used in the invocation's method descriptor in the classfile
val receiverClass = {
if (specificReceiver != null)
assert(style.isVirtual || specificReceiver == methodOwner, s"specificReceiver can only be specified for virtual calls. $method - $specificReceiver")
assert(style.isVirtual || style.isSuper || specificReceiver == methodOwner, s"specificReceiver can only be specified for virtual calls. $method - $specificReceiver")

val useSpecificReceiver = specificReceiver != null && !specificReceiver.isBottomClass
val receiver = if (useSpecificReceiver) specificReceiver else methodOwner
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1070,8 +1070,7 @@ abstract class BCodeBodyBuilder extends BCodeSkelBuilder {
val isInterface = receiverBType.isInterface.get
import InvokeStyle._
if (style == Super) {
assert(receiverClass == methodOwner, s"for super call, expecting $receiverClass == $methodOwner")
if (receiverClass.isTrait && !receiverClass.isJavaDefined) {
if (receiverClass.isTrait && !method.isJavaDefined) {
val staticDesc = MethodBType(typeToBType( :: bmType.argumentTypes, bmType.returnType).descriptor
val staticName = traitSuperAccessorName(method).toString
bc.invokestatic(receiverName, staticName, staticDesc, isInterface, pos)
Expand Down
120 changes: 90 additions & 30 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/transform/Erasure.scala
Expand Up @@ -402,16 +402,14 @@ abstract class Erasure extends InfoTransform
* to tree, which is assumed to be the body of a constructor of class clazz.
private def addMixinConstructorCalls(tree: Tree, clazz: Symbol): Tree = {
def mixinConstructorCall(mc: Symbol): Tree = atPos(tree.pos) {
Apply(SuperSelect(clazz, mc.primaryConstructor), Nil)
val mixinConstructorCalls: List[Tree] = {
for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses.reverse
if mc.isTrait && mc.primaryConstructor != NoSymbol)
yield mixinConstructorCall(mc)
def mixinConstructorCalls: List[Tree] = {
for (mc <- clazz.mixinClasses.reverse if mc.isTrait && mc.primaryConstructor != NoSymbol)
yield atPos(tree.pos) {
Apply(SuperSelect(clazz, mc.primaryConstructor), Nil)
tree match {

tree match {
case Block(Nil, expr) =>
// AnyVal constructor - have to provide a real body so the
// jvm doesn't throw a VerifyError. But we can't add the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -726,8 +724,16 @@ abstract class Erasure extends InfoTransform
assert(qual1.symbol.isStable, qual1.symbol)
} else if (!(qual1.isInstanceOf[Super] || (qual1.tpe.typeSymbol isSubClass tree.symbol.owner))) {
assert(tree.symbol.owner != ArrayClass)
selectFrom(cast(qual1, tree.symbol.owner.tpe.resultType))
// For example in `(foo: Option[String]).get.trim`, the qualifier has type `Object`.
// A `QualTypeSymAttachment` is present if the selected member's owner is not an
// accessible (java-defined) class, see `preErase`. Selections from `super` are not
// handled here because inserting a cast would not be legal. Instead there's a
// special case in `typedSelectInternal`.
val qualTpe = tree.getAndRemoveAttachment[QualTypeSymAttachment] match {
case Some(a) => a.sym.tpe
case None => tree.symbol.owner.tpe.resultType
selectFrom(cast(qual1, qualTpe))
} else {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -938,9 +944,6 @@ abstract class Erasure extends InfoTransform
* - Add bridge definitions to a template.
* - Replace all types in type nodes and the EmptyTree object by their erasure.
* Type nodes of type Unit representing result types of methods are left alone.
* - Given a selection q.s, where the owner of `s` is not accessible but the
* type symbol of q's type qT is accessible, insert a cast (q.asInstanceOf[qT]).s
* This prevents illegal access errors (see #4283).
* - Remove all instance creations new C(arg) where C is an inlined class.
* - Reset all other type attributes to null, thus enforcing a retyping.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1153,24 +1156,47 @@ abstract class Erasure extends InfoTransform

def isJvmAccessible(sym: Symbol) = (sym.isClass && !sym.isJavaDefined) || localTyper.context.isAccessible(sym, sym.owner.thisType)
if (!isJvmAccessible(owner) && qual.tpe != null) {
qual match {
case Super(_, _) =>
// Insert a cast here at your peril -- see scala/bug#5162.
reporter.error(tree.pos, s"Unable to access ${tree.symbol.fullLocationString} with a super reference.")
case _ =>
// Todo: Figure out how qual.tpe could be null in the check above (it does appear in build where SwingWorker.this
// has a null type).
val qualSym = qual.tpe.widen.typeSymbol
if (isJvmAccessible(qualSym) && !qualSym.isPackageClass && !qualSym.isPackageObjectClass) {
// insert cast to prevent illegal access error (see #4283)
// util.trace("insert erasure cast ") (*/
treeCopy.Select(tree, gen.mkAttributedCast(qual, qual.tpe.widen), name) //)
} else tree
// This code may add an QualTypeSymAttachment to the Select tree. The referenced class is
// then used in erasure type checking as the type of the Select's qualifier. This fixes
// two situations where erasure type checking cannot assign a precise enough type.
// - In a `super.m` selection, erasure typing assigns the type of the superclass to the
// Super tree. This is wrong if `m` is a member of a trait (not the superclass). A
// special-case in `typedSelectInternal` assigns m's owner in this case.
// - In a non-super selection, the qualifier may erase to a type that doesn't hold the
// selected member, for example `(q: Option[String]).get.trim` erases to Object, not
// String. Erasure's `adaptMember` then introduces a cast to the member's owner.
// In both cases, using the member's owner is not legal if the member is defined in
// Java and the owner class is not accessible (scala/bug#7936, scala/bug#4283). In this
// situation we store a valid class type of the qualifier in the attachment.
// - For `super.m`, we store a direct parent of the current class
// - For a non-super selection, we store the non-erased class type of the qualifier
// In addition, for `super.m` selections, we also store a direct parent of the current
// class if `m` is defined in Java. This avoids the need for having the Java class as
// a direct parent (scala-dev#143).
if (qual.isInstanceOf[Super]) {
val qualSym = accessibleOwnerOrParentDefiningMember(sym, qual.tpe.typeSymbol.parentSymbols, localTyper.context) match {
case Some(p) => p
case None =>
// There is no test for this warning, I have been unable to come up with an example that would trigger it.
// In a selection `a.m`, there must be a direct parent from which `m` can be selected.
reporter.error(tree.pos, s"Unable to emit super reference to ${sym.fullLocationString}, $owner is not accessible in ${localTyper.context.enclClass.owner}")
} else tree
if (qualSym != owner)
tree.updateAttachment(new QualTypeSymAttachment(qualSym))
} else if (!isJvmAccessible(owner, localTyper.context)) {
val qualSym = qual.tpe.typeSymbol
if (qualSym != owner && isJvmAccessible(qualSym, localTyper.context) && definesMemberAfterErasure(qualSym, sym))
tree.updateAttachment(new QualTypeSymAttachment(qualSym))
reporter.error(tree.pos, s"Unable to emit reference to ${sym.fullLocationString}, $owner is not accessible in ${localTyper.context.enclClass.owner}")


case Template(parents, self, body) =>
//Console.println("checking no dble defs " + tree)//DEBUG
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1294,5 +1320,39 @@ abstract class Erasure extends InfoTransform
ok(tpSym) && tpSym.ancestors.forall(sym => (sym eq AnyClass) || (sym eq ObjectClass) || ok(sym))

final def isJvmAccessible(cls: Symbol, context: global.analyzer.Context): Boolean =
!cls.isJavaDefined || context.isAccessible(cls, cls.owner.thisType)

* Check if a class defines a member after erasure. The phase travel is important for
* `trait T extends AClass`: after erasure (and in bytecode), `T` has supertype `Object`, not
* `AClass`.
final def definesMemberAfterErasure(cls: Symbol, member: Symbol): Boolean =

* The goal of this method is to find a class that is accessible (in bytecode) and can be used
* to select `member`.
* - For constructors, it returns the `member.owner`. We can assume the class is accessible: if
* it wasn't, the typer would have rejected the program, as the class is referenced in source.
* - For Scala-defined members it also returns `member.owner`, all Scala-defined classes are
* public in bytecode.
* - For Java-defined members we prefer a direct parent over of the owner, even if the owner is
* accessible. This way the owner doesn't need to be added as a direct parent, see scala-dev#143.
final def accessibleOwnerOrParentDefiningMember(member: Symbol, parents: List[Symbol], context: global.analyzer.Context): Option[Symbol] = {
def eraseAny(cls: Symbol) = if (cls == AnyClass || cls == AnyValClass) ObjectClass else cls

if (member.isConstructor || !member.isJavaDefined) Some(eraseAny(member.owner))
else parents.find { p =>
val e = eraseAny(p)
isJvmAccessible(e, context) && definesMemberAfterErasure(e, member)
} orElse {
val e = eraseAny(member.owner)
if (isJvmAccessible(e, context)) Some(e) else None

private class TypeRefAttachment(val tpe: TypeRef)
27 changes: 17 additions & 10 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/SuperAccessors.scala
Expand Up @@ -141,14 +141,17 @@ abstract class SuperAccessors extends transform.Transform with transform.TypingT
!(member.isAbstractOverride && member.isIncompleteIn(clazz)))
reporter.error(sel.pos, ""+sym.fullLocationString+" is accessed from super. It may not be abstract "+
"unless it is overridden by a member declared `abstract' and `override'")
} else if (mix == tpnme.EMPTY && !sym.owner.isTrait){
// scala/bug#4989 Check if an intermediate class between `clazz` and `sym.owner` redeclares the method as abstract.
val intermediateClasses = != sym.owner) => s.isDeferred && !s.isAbstractOverride && !s.owner.isTrait).foreach {
absSym =>
reporter.error(sel.pos, s"${sym.fullLocationString} cannot be directly accessed from $clazz because ${absSym.owner} redeclares it as abstract")
} else {
val owner = sym.owner
if (mix == tpnme.EMPTY && !owner.isTrait) {
// scala/bug#4989 Check if an intermediate class between `clazz` and `owner` redeclares the method as abstract.
val intermediateClasses = != owner) => s.isDeferred && !s.isAbstractOverride && !s.owner.isTrait).foreach {
absSym =>
reporter.error(sel.pos, s"${sym.fullLocationString} cannot be directly accessed from $clazz because ${absSym.owner} redeclares it as abstract")

// SD-143: a call super[T].m that resolves to A.m cannot be translated to correct bytecode if
// - A is a class (not a trait / interface), but not the direct superclass. Invokespecial
// would select an overriding method in the direct superclass, rather than A.m.
Expand All @@ -161,13 +164,17 @@ abstract class SuperAccessors extends transform.Transform with transform.TypingT
else if (member.overridingSymbol(subclass) != NoSymbol) true
else hasClassOverride(member, subclass.superClass)
val owner = sym.owner
if (mix != tpnme.EMPTY && !owner.isTrait && owner != clazz.superClass && hasClassOverride(sym, clazz.superClass)) {
s"cannot emit super call: the selected $sym is declared in $owner, which is not the direct superclass of $clazz.\n" +
s"An unqualified super call (super.${}) would be allowed.")
} else if (owner.isInterface && owner.isJavaDefined && !clazz.parentSymbols.contains(owner)) {
reporter.error(sel.pos, s"unable to emit super call unless interface ${} (which declares $sym) is directly extended by $clazz.")
} else if (owner.isInterface && owner.isJavaDefined) {
// There is no test left for this warning, as I have been unable to come up with an example that would trigger it.
// For a `super.m` selection, there must be a direct parent from which `m` can be selected. This parent will be used
// as receiver in the invokespecial call.
val receiverInBytecode = erasure.accessibleOwnerOrParentDefiningMember(sym, sup.tpe.typeSymbol.parentSymbols, localTyper.context).getOrElse(sym.owner)
if (!clazz.parentSymbols.contains(receiverInBytecode))
reporter.error(sel.pos, s"unable to emit super call unless interface ${} (which declares $sym) is directly extended by $clazz.")

Expand Down
17 changes: 15 additions & 2 deletions src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/typechecker/Typers.scala
Expand Up @@ -4886,8 +4886,21 @@ trait Typers extends Adaptations with Tags with TypersTracking with PatternTyper
return typed(treeCopy.Select(tree, qual1, name), mode, pt)

if (phase.erasedTypes && qual.isInstanceOf[Super] && tree.symbol != NoSymbol)
qual setType tree.symbol.owner.tpe
// This special-case complements the logic in `adaptMember` in erasure, it handles selections
// from `Super`. In `adaptMember`, if the erased type of a qualifier doesn't conform to the
// owner of the selected member, a cast is inserted, e.g., (foo: Option[String]).get.trim).
// Similarly, for `super.m`, typing `super` during erasure assigns the superclass. If `m`
// is defined in a trait, this is incorrect, we need to assign a type to `super` that conforms
// to the owner of `m`. Adding a cast (as in `adaptMember`) would not work, `super.asInstanceOf`
// is not a valid tree.
if (phase.erasedTypes && qual.isInstanceOf[Super]) {
// See the comment in `preErase` why we use the attachment (scala/bug#7936)
val qualSym = tree.getAndRemoveAttachment[QualTypeSymAttachment] match {
case Some(a) => a.sym
case None => sym.owner

if (!reallyExists(sym)) {
def handleMissing: Tree = {
Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/StdAttachments.scala
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ trait StdAttachments {
def setAttachments(attachments: scala.reflect.macros.Attachments { type Pos = Position }): this.type = { rawatt = attachments; this }
def updateAttachment[T: ClassTag](attachment: T): this.type = { rawatt = rawatt.update(attachment); this }
def removeAttachment[T: ClassTag]: this.type = { rawatt = rawatt.remove[T]; this }
def getAndRemoveAttachment[T: ClassTag]: Option[T] = {
val r = attachments.get[T]
if (r.nonEmpty) removeAttachment[T]
def hasAttachment[T: ClassTag]: Boolean = rawatt.contains[T]

// cannot be final due to SynchronizedSymbols
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,4 +98,6 @@ trait StdAttachments {
* error to indicate that the earlier observation was incomplete.
case object KnownDirectSubclassesCalled extends PlainAttachment

class QualTypeSymAttachment(val sym: Symbol)
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions src/reflect/scala/reflect/internal/Trees.scala
Expand Up @@ -1161,9 +1161,16 @@ trait Trees extends api.Trees {
def Super(sym: Symbol, mix: TypeName): Tree =
Super(This(sym), mix)

/** Selection of a method in an arbitrary ancestor */
def SuperSelect(clazz: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Tree =
Select(Super(clazz, tpnme.EMPTY), sym)
* Creates a tree that selects a specific member `sym` without having to qualify the `super`.
* For example, given traits `B <:< A`, a class `C <:< B` needs to invoke `A.$init$`. If `A` is
* not a direct parent, a tree `super[A].$init$` would not type check ("does not name a parent").
* So we generate `super.$init$` and pre-assign the correct symbol. A special-case in
* `typedSelectInternal` assigns the correct type `A` to the `super` qualifier.
def SuperSelect(clazz: Symbol, sym: Symbol): Tree = {
Select(Super(clazz, tpnme.EMPTY), sym).updateAttachment(new QualTypeSymAttachment(sym.owner))

def This(sym: Symbol): Tree =
This( setSymbol sym
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions test/files/jvm/t4283/

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions test/files/jvm/t4283/Test.scala

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/files/neg/t10249.check
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Test_1.scala:11: error: Unable to emit reference to method m in class A, class A is not accessible in object Test
one error found
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions test/files/neg/t10249/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package a;

class A {
public final int m() { return 1; }
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions test/files/neg/t10249/Test_1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package a {
// A is a class, so W does not conform to A in bytecode. an access (w: W).m() requires a cast to A.
// If `A` is not accessible, there's no solution.
trait W extends A
class C extends W

object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val w: a.W = new a.C
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions test/files/neg/t4283b.check

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions test/files/neg/t4283b/ScalaBipp.scala

This file was deleted.

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