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distinguish DIAForcedSources from DIASources
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ebellm committed Sep 18, 2018
1 parent 7d7cf10 commit 1a3d9de
Showing 1 changed file with 33 additions and 9 deletions.
42 changes: 33 additions & 9 deletions dpdd.tex
Expand Up @@ -357,14 +357,14 @@ \subsubsection{Difference Image Analysis}
\item Otherwise, the associated \DIAObject measurements will be updated with new data
collected during previous 12 months. Hence, the computed parameters for \DIAObjects have a ``memory'' of past data that does not extend beyond this cutoff\footnote{This restriction is removed when Prompt processing is
rerun during Data Release production, see \S~\ref{sec:l1dbreproc}.}. All affected columns will be recomputed, including proper motions, centroids, light curves, etc.\dmreq{0319}\reqparam{diaCharacterizationCutoff}
\newtext{\item To aid in rapid prioritization of new \DIAObjects in the latency interval before the precovery forced photometry is run\reqparam{L1PublicT} (see below), a table with the median noise in the difference image per visit is queried. For each visit in the last twelve months at the position of the \DIAObject, if there are no \DIASource or forced photometry records for that visit, the time of that visit, the filter, and the difference image noise are included in the alert packet. These data allow computation of appropriate upper limits in the difference image light curve.}
\newtext{\item To aid in rapid prioritization of new \DIAObjects in the latency interval before the precovery forced photometry is run\reqparam{L1PublicT} (see below), a table with the median noise in the difference image per visit is queried. For each visit in the last twelve months at the position of the \DIAObject, if there are no \DIASource or \oldtext{forced photometry}\newtext{\DIAForcedSource} records for that visit, the time of that visit, the filter, and the difference image noise are included in the alert packet. These data allow computation of appropriate upper limits in the difference image light curve.}
\item The \DR\footnote{\DR is a database resulting from annual data release processing. See \S~\ref{sec:level2} for details.} is searched for the three nearest stars and three nearest galaxies to the \DIAObject in \Objects\reqparam{diaNearbyObjMaxStar}\reqparam{diaNearbyObjMaxGalaxy} out to some maximum radius.\reqparam{diaNearbyObjRadius} The IDs of these nearest-neighbor \Objects are recorded in the \DIAObject record and provided in the issued
event alert (see below).\dmreq{0271}\dmreq{0002}
\item An alert is issued that includes: the name of the \DB, the timestamp of when this database has been queried to issue this alert, the \DIASource ID, the \SSObject ID or \DIAObject ID\footnote{We guarantee that a receiver will always be able to regenerate the alert contents at any later date using the included timestamps and metadata (IDs and database names).}, name of the \DR and the IDs of nearby \Objects, and the associated science content (centroid, fluxes, low-order lightcurve moments, periods, etc.), \emph{including all} \DIASources from the last 12 months\reqparam{diaCharacterizationCutoff} that are linked with the \SSObject or \DIAObject. The science content associated with the \DR \Objects will not be included. See Section \ref{sec:voEventContents} for a more complete enumeration.
\item An alert is issued that includes: the name of the \DB, the timestamp of when this database has been queried to issue this alert, the \DIASource ID, the \SSObject ID or \DIAObject ID\footnote{We guarantee that a receiver will always be able to regenerate the alert contents at any later date using the included timestamps and metadata (IDs and database names).}, name of the \DR and the IDs of nearby \Objects, and the associated science content (centroid, fluxes, low-order lightcurve moments, periods, etc.), \emph{including all} \DIASources \newtext{and \DIAForcedSources} from the last 12 months\reqparam{diaCharacterizationCutoff} that are linked with the \SSObject or \DIAObject. The science content associated with the \DR \Objects will not be included. See Section \ref{sec:voEventContents} for a more complete enumeration.
\item For all \DIAObjects overlapping the field of view, including those that have an associated
new \DIASource from this visit, forced photometry will be performed on difference image (point source photometry only). Those measurements will be stored as appropriately flagged \DIASources\footnote{For the purposes of this document, we're treating the \DIASources generated by forced photometry or precovery measurements to be the same as \DIASources detected in difference images (but flagged appropriately). In the logical schema, these may be divided into two separate tables.}. No alerts will be issued for these \DIASources.\dmreq{0317}
\item Within 24 hours of discovery\reqparam{L1PublicT}, \emph{precovery} PSF forced photometry will be performed on any difference image overlapping the position of new \DIAObjects taken within the past 30 days\reqparam{precoveryWindow}, and added to the database. Alerts will not be issued with precovery photometry information.\dmreq{0287}
new \DIASource from this visit, forced photometry will be performed on \newtext{the} difference image (point source photometry only). Those measurements will be stored as \oldtext{appropriately flagged \DIASources\footnote{\oldtext{For the purposes of this document, we're treating the \DIASources generated by forced photometry or precovery measurements to be the same as \DIASources detected in difference images (but flagged appropriately). In the logical schema, these may be divided into two separate tables.}}}\newtext{\DIAForcedSources}. No alerts will be issued for these \oldtext{\DIASources}\newtext{\DIAForcedSources, but the \DIAForcedSource measurements will be included in any future alerts triggered by a new \DIASource at that location}.\dmreq{0317}
\item Within 24 hours of discovery\reqparam{L1PublicT}, \emph{precovery} PSF forced photometry will be performed on any difference image overlapping the position of new \DIAObjects taken within the past 30 days\reqparam{precoveryWindow}, and added to the \oldtext{database}\newtext{\DIAForcedSource table}. Alerts will not be issued with precovery photometry information\newtext{ but the resulting \DIAForcedSource measurements will be included in future alerts from this \DIAObject}.\dmreq{0287}

In addition to the processing described above, a smaller sample of sources detected on difference images \emph{below} the nominal $transSNR = \transSNR$ \reqparam{transSNR} threshold will be measured and stored, in order to enable monitoring of difference image analysis quality.\dmreq{0270}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -459,6 +459,8 @@ \subsubsection{\DIASource Table}

psFlux & float & nJy & Calibrated flux for point source model. Note this actually measures the flux \emph{difference} between the template and the visit image. \\

\newtext{psFluxErr} & \newtext{float} & \newtext{nJy} & \newtext{Estimated uncertainty of \texttt{psFlux}.} \\

psRadec & double[2] & degrees & Centroid for point source model. \\

psCov & float[6] & various & Covariance matrix for point source model parameters. \\
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,6 +551,28 @@ \subsubsection{\DIASource Table}
flags & bit[64] & bit & Various useful flags. \\

\begin{schema}{\DIAForcedSource Table}{\DIAForcedSource Table}{tbl:diaforcedsourceTable}

diaForcedSourceId & uint64 & ~ & Unique source identifier \\

ccdVisitId & uint64 & ~ & ID of CCD and visit where this source was measured \\

diaObjectId & uint64 & ~ & ID of the \DIAObject this forced photometry was seeded by. \\

midPointTai & double & time & Time of mid-exposure for this \DIAForcedSource. \\

psFlux & float & nJy & Calibrated flux for point source model. Note this actually measures the flux \emph{difference} between the template and the visit image. \\

psFluxErr & float & nJy & Estimated uncertainty of \texttt{psFlux}. \\

totFlux & float & nJy & Calibrated flux for point source model measured on the visit image centered at the \DIAObject centroid. \\

totFluxErr & float & nJy & Estimated uncertainty of \texttt{totFlux}. \\

Some fast-moving, trailed, sources may be due to passages of nearby asteroids. Their trails may exhibit significant curvature.
While we do not measure the curvature directly, it can be inferred by examining the length of the trail, the trailed model covariance matrices, and the adaptive shape measures. Once curvature is suspected, the users may fit curved trail models to the cutout provided with the alert.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,9 +639,9 @@ \subsubsection{\DIAObject Table}

% lcChar & float[$6\times{}M$] & ~ & Light-curve characterization summary statistics (eg., 2nd moments, etc.). The exact contents, and an appropriate value of M, are to be determined in consultation with time-domain experts. \\

lcPeriodic & float[6~\x~32] & ~ & Periodic features extracted from light-curves using generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram \citep[Table~4,][]{2011ApJ...733...10R}\footnote{The exact features in use when LSST begins operations are likely to be different compared to the baseline described here. This is to be expected given the rapid pace of research in time domain astronomy. However, the \emph{number} of computed features is unlikely to grow beyond the present estimate.}. \\
lcPeriodic & float[6~\x~32] & ~ & Periodic features extracted from \newtext{\DIASource} light-curves using generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram \citep[Table~4,][]{2011ApJ...733...10R}\footnote{The exact features in use when LSST begins operations are likely to be different compared to the baseline described here. This is to be expected given the rapid pace of research in time domain astronomy. However, the \emph{number} of computed features is unlikely to grow beyond the present estimate.}. \\

lcNonPeriodic & float[6~\x~20] & ~ & Non-periodic features extracted from light-curves \citep[Table~5,][]{2011ApJ...733...10R}. \\
lcNonPeriodic & float[6~\x~20] & ~ & Non-periodic features extracted from \newtext{\DIASource} light-curves \citep[Table~5,][]{2011ApJ...733...10R}. \\

nearbyObj & uint64[6] & ~ & Closest \Objects\ (3 stars and 3 galaxies) in \DR.\\

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,9 +711,9 @@ \subsubsection{\SSObject Table}

\subsubsection{Precovery Measurements}

When a new \DIASource is detected, it's useful to perform PSF photometry at the location of the new source on images taken prior to discovery. These are colloquially known as \emph{precovery measurements}\footnote{When Solar System objects are concerned, precovery has a slightly different meaning: predicting the positions of newly identified \SSObjects on previously acquired visits, and associating with them the \DIASources consistent with these predictions.}.\dmreq{0287}\dmreq{0286} Performing precovery in real time over all previously acquired visits is too I/O intensive to be feasible. We therefore plan the following:
When a new \DIASource is detected, it's useful to perform \newtext{forced} PSF photometry at the location of the new source on images taken prior to discovery. These are colloquially known as \emph{precovery measurements}\footnote{When Solar System objects are concerned, precovery has a slightly different meaning: predicting the positions of newly identified \SSObjects on previously acquired visits, and associating with them the \DIASources consistent with these predictions.}.\dmreq{0287}\dmreq{0286} Performing precovery in real time over all previously acquired visits is too I/O intensive to be feasible. We therefore plan the following:
\item For all newly discovered objects, perform precovery PSF photometry on visits taken over the previous 30 days\reqparam{precoveryWindow}\footnote{We will be maintaining a cache of $30$ days of processed images to support this feature.}.
\item For all newly discovered objects, perform precovery PSF photometry on visits taken over the previous 30 days\reqparam{precoveryWindow}\footnote{We will be maintaining a cache of $30$ days of processed images to support this feature.}. \newtext{These measurements will be stored in the \DIAForcedSource table.}
\item Make available a ``precovery service'' to request precovery for a limited number of \DIASources across all previous visits, and make it available within 24 hours of the request. Web interface and machine-accessible APIs will be provided.\dmreq{0341}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,7 +777,7 @@ \subsubsection{Information Contained in Each Alert}
\item The \DIASource record that triggered the alert\newtext{, as well as the \texttt{filterName} and \texttt{programId} of the corresponding \texttt{Visit}}
\item The entire \DIAObject (or \SSObject) record
\item Previous 12 months of \DIASource records\reqparam{diaCharacterizationCutoff}
\item \oldtext{Previous 12 months of \DIASource records} \newtext{Any \DIASource and \DIAForcedSource records that exist, and difference image noise estimates where they do not, taken from the previous 12 months.} \reqparam{diaCharacterizationCutoff}
\item Matching \Object IDs from the latest Data Release, if they exist, and 12 months of their \DIASource records
% \item Flags (isSolarSystemObject, isArtefact, etc.)
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