This is a simple telegram chatbot that allows groups of friends to play the fun game popularized by lingo and revitalized by wordle. The objective is simple. One user sets a hidden 5 letter word that the other plays subsequently try to guess. With each guess, the bot will measure how close the guess was to the actual word providing the following clues:
- 🟩 The letter exists and is in the correct position
- 🟨 The letter exists but is not in the correct position
- 🟥 The letter does not exist anywhere in the word
(Note that the bot has been extended to allow words between 4-10 characters)
Word to guess: HELLO
- DRINK - 🟥🟥🟥🟥🟥
- LEAST - 🟨🟩🟥🟥🟥
- HELLS - 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥
- HELLO - 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
The bot is deployed on heroku and is live! The bot is named lingowordle_bot. Simply search it in telegram and play!
- /start [word] - [word] must be a 4-10 letter word stylized as spoiler text
- /guess [word] - [word] must be a letter word with length of that of the set word
- /status - outputs all guesses made so far as well as their results
- /addlang [language] - Add a language to the set of allowable words. English and Italian supported. If no language is set, English will be used by default.
- /dellang [language] - Delete a language to the set of allowable words. English and Italian supported.
- /seelangs - See all active languages