A collection of Android helper classes and functions in Java.
Forked to add support for authenticated JSON url requests.
- JsonHelper.java - A collection of JSON handling functions. Includes Retrieving JSON from a remote URL.
- KeyValuePair.java - A generic key/value pait class. Useful for populating Android Spinners.
- Lazy.java - A collection of static classes for operations I don't have a better home for.
- ToastSingleton.java - I hate how Toasts in Android are shown sequentially. To prevent this I operate on a single instance of a Toast throughout my apps.
- Toaster.java - A class that utilizes ToastSingleton.java and delivers Toasts with convenient static functions.
- UrlJsonAsyncTask.java - This is a custom AsyncTask for a very common Android problem. I very often need to retrieve JSON from a remote URL, display a ProgressDialog while this occurs, operate on the data when it is returned, and then close the ProgressDialog. With this class that work is reduced down to just a few lines of code.
Coming soon...