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jQuery filedrop plugin - html5 drag desktop files into browser

jQuery filedrop uses the HTML5 File API to allow users to drag multiple files from desktop to the browser, uploading each file to a user-specified URL.

filedrop uses HTML5 FileReader() to read file data.

Browser Support

Currently only Firefox 3.6+ supports FileReader, but the next version of WebKit browsers (Chrome + Safari) will also support this, making filedrop future-compatible.

filedrop also allows users to define functions to handle the 'BrowserNotSupported' error.

Usage Example

	url: 'upload.php',				// upload handler, handles each file separately
	paramname: 'userfile',			// POST parameter name used on serverside to reference file
	data: { 
		param1: 'value1', 			// send POST variables
		param2: function(){
			return calculated_data; // calculate data at time of upload
	error: function(err, file) {
		switch(err) {
			case 'BrowserNotSupported':
				alert('browser does not support html5 drag and drop')
			case 'TooManyFiles':
				// user uploaded more than 'maxfiles'
			case 'FileTooLarge':
				// program encountered a file whose size is greater than 'maxfilesize'
				// FileTooLarge also has access to the file which was too large
				// use to reference the filename of the culprit file
	maxfiles: 25,
	maxfilesize: 20, 	// max file size in MBs
	dragOver: function() {
		// user dragging files over #dropzone
	dragLeave: function() {
		// user dragging files out of #dropzone
	docOver: function() {
		// user dragging files anywhere inside the browser document window
	docLeave: function() {
		// user dragging files out of the browser document window
	drop: function() {
		// user drops file
	uploadStarted: function(i, file, len){
		// a file began uploading
		// i = index => 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc
		// file is the actual file of the index
		// len = total files user dropped
	uploadFinished: function(i, file, response, time) {
		// response is the data you got back from server in JSON format.
	progressUpdated: function(i, file, progress) {
		// this function is used for large files and updates intermittently
		// progress is the integer value of file being uploaded percentage to completion
	speedUpdated: function(i, file, speed) {
		// speed in kb/s
	rename: function(name) {
		// name in string format
		// must return alternate name as string
	beforeEach: function(file) {
		// file is a file object
		// return false to cancel upload
	afterAll: function() {
		// runs after all files have been uploaded or otherwise dealt with


Reactor5 (Brian Hicks) jpb0104


jQuery plugin - drag and drop desktop files and POST to a URL to handle files.






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