Driving directions for the safety inclined
Prototype: Try out the app here: https://blooming-castle-96992.herokuapp.com/
About: This is a project of the Code4PA Hackathon https://www.code4pa.tech/
- Get Some Roadway Data A) (New and better!) Use the Open Street Map query tool http://overpass-turbo.eu/, to get a geojson file of roadways. Help exporting roads is here (https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/30692/export-only-roads). B) or download US Census Bureau .shp files of roadways, convert to geojson (https://github.com/mbostock/shapefile#shp2json)
- Convert and Compress 2a) Convert geojson to network graph with geojson-to-networkgraph.py (geojson features should be 'LineString' or 'MultiLineString'), this file will be big so... 2b) Compress the network graph with compressnetwork.py, simplify network x10!
- Add PennDOT crash locations (or any data with geographic coordinates) to the network graph with map_matching.py