From 48c17128addb29d63b699c9fb377ba6b37441f1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Luke Sampson Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2013 16:57:04 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] fix FontFamily not being set correctly --- .gitignore | 1 + concfg.ps1 | 16 +- concfg.sublime-workspace | 690 --------------------------------------- 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 696 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .gitignore delete mode 100644 concfg.sublime-workspace diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ab1b2e --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +*.sublime-workspace diff --git a/concfg.ps1 b/concfg.ps1 index c49fc1b..7d2cb8a 100644 --- a/concfg.ps1 +++ b/concfg.ps1 @@ -94,7 +94,9 @@ function decode($val, $type) { $fg = $colors[$fg_i] "$fg,$bg" } - 'font_type' { } + 'font_type' { + if($val -eq 0) { 0 } else { 54 } + } 'int' { $val } 'string' { $val } 'dim' { @@ -141,6 +143,9 @@ function encode($val, $type) { if($bg_i -eq -1) { write-host "invalid background color: $bg" -f red; exit 1 } $bg_i * 16 + $fg_i } + 'font_type' { + if($val) { 54 } else { 0 } + } 'int' { $val } 'string' { $val } 'dim' { @@ -180,13 +185,12 @@ function import_cmd($src) { import $settings write-host "console settings were imported from $src" -f darkgreen + + write-host "please note: - * you'll need to restart the console to see the changes - * if you're starting console from a shortcut (.lnk), it may override your - settings! just use Windows key, 'powershell.exe'! - * if you still don't see any changes, run 'concfg clean' to remove any - program-specific overrides from the registry + * if you start a new console from a shortcut (.lnk), it may override your + concfg settings. " } diff --git a/concfg.sublime-workspace b/concfg.sublime-workspace deleted file mode 100644 index a1eb6f8..0000000 --- a/concfg.sublime-workspace +++ /dev/null @@ -1,690 +0,0 @@ -{ - "auto_complete": - { - "selected_items": - [ - [ - "help", - "help_lines" - ], - [ - "my", - "myinvocation" - ], - [ - "app", - "appdata" - ], - [ - "margin", - "margin-left" - ], - [ - "time", - "time_ago_in_words_with_parsing" - ], - [ - "l", - "offpeak_limit" - ], - [ - "limi", - "normal_limit" - ], - [ - "border-radius", - "border-top-right-radius" - ], - [ - "yer", - "yesterday_stat" - ], - [ - "last", - "last_update" - ], - [ - "perio", - "period_end" - ], - [ - "peak", - "peak_quota" - ], - [ - "offpeak", - "offpeak_quota" - ], - [ - "max", - "max_keys" - ], - [ - "test", - "textStatus" - ], - [ - "queu", - "queueAlbum" - ], - [ - "is", - "isFirstAlbum" - ], - [ - "isF", - "isFirstTrack" - ] - ] - }, - "buffers": - [ - { - "file": "concfg.sublime-project", - "settings": - { - "buffer_size": 208, - "line_ending": "Unix" - } - }, - { - "contents": "Searching 6 files for \"purple\" (case sensitive)\n\n/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/concfg/concfg.ps1:\n 9 #\n 10 \n 11: $colors = 'black,dark_blue,dark_green,dark_cyan,dark_red,dark_purple,dark_yellow,gray,dark_gray,blue,green,cyan,red,purple,yellow,white'.split(',')\n 12 \n 13 $map = @{\n\n/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/concfg/presets/default.json:\n 5 \"dark_cyan\": \"#008080\",\n 6 \"dark_red\": \"#800000\",\n 7: \"dark_purple\": \"#800080\",\n 8 \"dark_yellow\": \"#808000\",\n 9 \"gray\": \"#c0c0c0\",\n ..\n 18 \n 19 \"screen_colors\": \"gray,black\",\n 20: \"popup_colors\": \"dark_purple,white\",\n 21 \n 22 \"font_face\": \"\",\n\n/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/concfg/presets/solarized.json:\n 5 \"dark_aqua\": \"#2aa198\",\n 6 \"dark_red\": \"#dc322f\",\n 7: \"dark_purple\": \"#d33682\",\n 8 \"dark_yellow\": \"#b58900\",\n 9 \"gray\": \"#eee8d5\",\n ..\n 13 \"cyan\": \"#93a1a1\",\n 14 \"red\": \"#cb4b16\",\n 15: \"purple\": \"#6c71c4\",\n 16 \"yellow\": \"#657b83\",\n 17 \"white\": \"#fdf6e3\",\n\n6 matches across 3 files\n", - "settings": - { - "buffer_size": 1240, - "line_ending": "Windows", - "name": "Find Results", - "scratch": true - } - }, - { - "file": "presets/sensible.json", - "settings": - { - "buffer_size": 408, - "line_ending": "Windows", - "name": "{" - } - }, - { - "file": "presets/default.json", - "settings": - { - "buffer_size": 969, - "line_ending": "CR" - } - }, - { - "file": "presets/solarized.json", - "settings": - { - "buffer_size": 576, - "line_ending": "CR" - } - }, - { - "contents": "param($cmd)\n\n$usage = \"usage:\n concfg import ||\n concfg export \n concfg clean\"\n\n# registry reference:\n#\n#\n# setting NT_CONSOLE_PROPS (not implemented):\n#\n\n$colors = 'black,dark_blue,dark_green,dark_cyan,dark_red,dark_magenta,dark_yellow,gray,dark_gray,blue,green,cyan,red,magenta,yellow,white'.split(',')\n\n$map = @{\n 'FontFamily'=@('font_true_type', 'font_type')\n 'FaceName'=@('font_face', 'string')\n 'FontSize'=@('font_size', 'dim')\n 'FontWeight'=@('font_weight','int')\n 'CursorSize'=@('cursor_size','cursor')\n 'QuickEdit'=@('quick_edit', 'bool')\n 'ScreenBufferSize'=@('screen_buffer_size', 'dim')\n 'WindowSize'=@('window_size', 'dim')\n 'PopupColors'=@('popup_colors', 'fg_bg')\n 'ScreenColors'=@('screen_colors', 'fg_bg')\n 'FullScreen'=@('fullscreen','bool')\n 'HistoryBufferSize'=@('command_history_length','int')\n 'NumberOfHistoryBuffers'=@('num_history_buffers','int')\n 'InsertMode'=@('insert_mode','bool')\n 'LoadConIme'=@('load_console_IME','bool')\n}\nfor($i=0;$i -lt $colors.length;$i++) {\n $map.add(\"ColorTable$($i.tostring('00'))\", @($colors[$i],'color'))\n}\n$reverse_map = @{}\nforeach($key in $map.keys) {\n $name,$type = $map[$key]\n $reverse_map.add($name, @($key,$type))\n}\n\nfunction export {\n $props = @{}\n (gp hkcu:\\console) | sort name |% {\n $name,$type = $map[$]\n if($name) {\n $props.add($name, (decode $_.value $type))\n }\n }\n\n $props | convertto-json\n}\n\nfunction import($json) {\n $props = $json | convertfrom-json\n\n # encode everything first before setting registry values, in case\n # anything goes wrong\n $encoded = @{}\n\n $ | % {\n $key,$type = $reverse_map[$]\n $val = $_.value\n if($key) { $encoded[$key] = (encode $val $type) }\n }\n\n $encoded.keys | % { \n sp hkcu:\\console $_ $encoded[$_]\n }\n}\n\nfunction decode($val, $type) {\n switch($type) {\n 'bool' { [bool]$val }\n 'color' {\n $bytes = [bitconverter]::getbytes($val)\n [array]::reverse($bytes)\n $int = [bitconverter]::toint32($bytes, 0)\n\n '#' + $int.tostring('x8').substring(0,6)\n }\n 'cursor' {\n switch($val) {\n 0x19 { 'small' }\n 0x32 { 'medium' }\n 0x64 { 'large' }\n }\n }\n 'fg_bg' {\n $hex = $val.tostring('x2')\n $bg_i = [convert]::toint32($hex[0],16)\n $fg_i = [convert]::toint32($hex[1],16)\n $bg = $colors[$bg_i]\n $fg = $colors[$fg_i]\n \"$fg,$bg\"\n }\n 'font_type' { }\n 'int' { $val }\n 'string' { $val }\n 'dim' {\n $bytes = [bitconverter]::getbytes($val)\n $width = [bitconverter]::toint16($bytes[0..2], 0)\n $height = [bitconverter]::toint16($bytes, 2)\n \"$($width)x$($height)\"\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction encode($val, $type) {\n switch($type) {\n 'bool' { if($val) { 1 } else { 0 } }\n 'color' {\n if($val -notmatch '^#[\\da-f]{6}$') {\n write-host \"ERROR: invalid color '$val', should be in hex format, e.g. #000000\" -f r\n exit 1\n }\n $num = [convert]::toint32($val.substring(1,6), 16)\n $bytes = [bitconverter]::getbytes($num)\n for($i = 3; $i -gt 0; $i--) { $bytes[$i] = $bytes[$i-1] }\n $bytes[0] = 0\n [array]::reverse($bytes)\n [bitconverter]::toint32($bytes, 0)\n }\n 'cursor' {\n switch($val) {\n 'small' { 0x19 }\n 'medium' { 0x32 }\n 'large' { 0x64 }\n default {\n write-host \"WARNING: invalid cursor_size '$val', defaulting to 'small'\" -f yellow\n 0x19\n }\n }\n }\n 'fg_bg' {\n $fg,$bg = $val.split(',')\n if(!$fg -or !$bg) { write-host \"invalid foreground,background: $val\" -f red; exit 1 }\n $fg_i = $colors.indexof($fg)\n $bg_i = $colors.indexof($bg)\n if($fg_i -eq -1) { write-host \"invalid foreground color: $fg\" -f red; exit 1 }\n if($bg_i -eq -1) { write-host \"invalid background color: $bg\" -f red; exit 1 }\n $bg_i * 16 + $fg_i\n }\n 'int' { $val }\n 'string' { $val }\n 'dim' {\n if($val -notmatch '^\\d+x\\d+$') { write-host \"invalid dimensions '$val'\" -f red; exit 1}\n $width, $height = $val.split('x') | % { [int16]::parse($_) }\n $width_b = [bitconverter]::getbytes($width)\n $height_b = [bitconverter]::getbytes($height)\n [byte[]]$bytes = @($width_b[0], $width_b[1], $height_b[0], $height_b[1])\n \"$([bitconverter]::toint32($bytes, 0))\"\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction get_src_text($src) {\n # url\n if($src -match '^https?://') { return (new-object net.webclient).downloadstring($src) }\n\n # path\n if(test-path $src) { return gc $src -raw }\n\n # preset\n $presets = \"$(split-path $myinvocation.mycommand.path)\\\n if(!$src.endswith('.json')) $src += '.json'\n\n}\n\nfunction import($src) {\n if(!$src) { \"ERROR: source missing\"; $usage; exit 1 }\n if(!(test-path $path)) { \"couldn't find file: $path\" }\n import (gc $path -raw)\n write-host \"console settings were imported from $(split-path $path -leaf)\" -f darkgreen\n write-host \"please note:\n\n * you'll need to restart the console to see the changes\n * if you're starting console from a shortcut (.lnk), it may override your\n settings! just use Windows key, 'powershell.exe'!\n * if you still don't see any changes, run 'concfg clean' to remove any registry overrides\"\n}\n\n# handle the command\nswitch($cmd) {\n 'import' { import @args }\n 'export' {\n $json = get_json\n if($path) {\n $json | out-file $path -encoding utf8\n write-host \"console settings exported to $(split-path $path -leaf)\" -f darkgreen\n }\n else { $json }\n }\n 'clean' {\n \"sorry, not implmented yet!\"\n }\n default { $usage }\n}", - "file": "concfg.ps1", - "file_size": 6204, - "file_write_time": 1372653227000000, - "settings": - { - "buffer_size": 6337, - "line_ending": "Windows" - } - } - ], - "build_system": "", - "command_palette": - { - "height": 392.0, - "selected_items": - [ - [ - "Package Control: ", - "Package Control: Install Package" - ] - ], - "width": 449.0 - }, - "console": - { - "height": 125.0 - }, - "distraction_free": - { - "menu_visible": true, - "show_minimap": false, - "show_open_files": false, - "show_tabs": false, - "side_bar_visible": false, - "status_bar_visible": false - }, - "file_history": - [ - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/concfg/presets/solarized-light.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/concfg/presets/default.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/concfg/concfg.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/consp/default.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/consp/solarized.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/consp.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/psutils.sublime-project", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/vimtutor.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/.gitattributes", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/psutils/.gitignore", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop_utils/vimtutor.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/which.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/tests/installer/install.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/mercurial.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/update.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/grep.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/vim.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/install.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bin/scoop.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/help.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/install.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/list.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/search.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/cmd/uninstall.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/commands.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/runat.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/versions.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/help.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/manifest.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/postgresql.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/lib/core.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/git.json", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/tests/installer/tmp/.gitkeep", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bin/uninstall.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bin/refresh.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bin/install.ps1", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/", - "/Volumes/C/Users/luke/projects/scoop/bucket/7zip.json", - 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