/* MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Harry Lundström Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include "CEngine.h" #include "CInput.h" #include "CSynth.h" #include "CAllocator.h" #include "chars_gfx.h" #include "cJSON.h" #include #include #include #include "file_settings.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN64 //define something for Windows (64-bit) #define platform_windows #include "dir_win.h" #elif _WIN32 //define something for Windows (32-bit) #define platform_windows #include "dir_win.h" #elif __APPLE__ #include "TargetConditionals.h" #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE && TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR // define something for simulator #elif TARGET_OS_IPHONE // define something for iphone #else #define TARGET_OS_OSX 1 // define something for OSX #define platform_osx #include "dir_posix.h" #include "osx_settings.h" #define TARGET_OS_LINUX 1 // define something for Linux #define platform_linux #include "dir_posix.h" #endif #elif __linux // linux #elif __unix // all unices not caught above // Unix #elif __posix // POSIX #endif static const bool debuglog = false; static const bool errorlog = false; static const int passive_render_delay_ms = 16; static const int active_render_delay_ms = 16; static bool log_file_enabled = false; static bool run_with_sdl = true; static bool redraw_screen = true; static bool passive_rendering = true; static bool preview_enabled = true; static char *conf_default_dir = NULL; static int current_pattern = 0; static int current_track = 0; static int quit = 0; static char *title = "snibbetracker 1.1.1"; static struct CInput *input = NULL; static unsigned int *raster = NULL; static unsigned int **raster2d = NULL; static unsigned int *raw_sheet = NULL; static unsigned int **credits2d = NULL; static unsigned int **visualiser2d = NULL; static int width = 256*4; static int height = 144*4; static int s_width = 256*2; // 512 static int s_height = 144*2; // 288 static bool playing = false; static bool exporting = false; static bool editing = false; static bool modifier = false; static bool shift_down = false; static bool selection_enabled = false; static bool follow = false; static bool visualiser = false; static bool credits = false; static bool help = false; static bool reset_confirmation = false; static int help_index = 0; static int help_index_max = 8; static bool export_project = false; static int octave = 2; static int step_size = 1; static int visual_pattern_offset = 0; static int visual_track_width = 30; static int visual_track_height = 16; static int visual_cursor_x = 0; static int visual_cursor_y = 0; static int selection_x = 0; static int selection_y = 0; static int last_selection_x = 0; static int last_selection_y = 0; static int last_selection_w = 0; static int last_selection_h = 0; static int last_copied_pattern_x = 0; static int last_copied_pattern_y = 0; static bool pattern_editor = false; static int pattern_cursor_x = 0; static int pattern_cursor_y = 0; static bool instrument_editor = false; static bool custom_table = false; static bool instrument_editor_effects = false; static int instrument_editor_effects_x = 0; static int instrument_editor_effects_y = 0; static int visual_instrument_effects = 5; static int selected_instrument_id = 0; static int selected_instrument_node_index = 1; static int selected_custom_table_node_index = 0; static int copied_instrument = -1; static bool file_editor = false; static bool file_editor_confirm_action = false; static bool file_editor_existing_file = false; static bool pressed_left = false; static bool pressed_right = false; static bool pressed_up = false; static bool pressed_down = false; static bool tempo_editor = false; static bool any_key_pressed = false; static int tempo_selection_x = 0; static int tempo_selection_y = 0; static bool wavetable_editor = false; static int wavetable_selection_x = 0; static int wavetable_selection_y = 0; static struct CSynthContext *synth = NULL; static struct CTimer *info_timer = NULL; static char *info_string = NULL; static struct FileSettings *file_settings = NULL; static int envelope_node_camera_offset = 0; static int fullscreen = 0; static int fps_print_interval = 0; static int print_interval_limit = 100; static int old_time = 0; static int last_dt = 16; static SDL_Keycode last_key = 0; // 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768 Uint16 bufferSize = 4096; // must be a power of two, decrease to allow for a lower syncCompensationFactor to allow for lower latency, increase to reduce risk of underrun Uint32 samplesPerFrame = 0; Uint32 msPerFrame = 0; double practicallySilent = 0.001; SDL_atomic_t audioCallbackLeftOff; Sint32 audioMainLeftOff = 0; Sint8 audioMainAccumulator = 0; SDL_AudioDeviceID AudioDevice; SDL_AudioSpec audioSpec; SDL_Event event; SDL_bool running = SDL_TRUE; SDL_Window *window = NULL; SDL_Texture *texture = NULL; SDL_Renderer *renderer = NULL; SDL_GLContext context; // credits static float c_hue_a = 0; static float c_hue_r = 0; static float c_hue_g = 0; static float c_hue_b = 0; static float c_new_hue_r = 0; static float c_new_hue_g = 0; static float c_new_hue_b = 0; static bool credits_higher_contrast = false; static bool credits_scanlines_x = false; static bool credits_scanlines_y = false; static float credits_hue_rotation = 0; static float credits_hue_rotation_inc = 0.2f; static bool credits_init = false; static double credits_x = 0; static double credits_y = 0; static double credits_x_inc = 0.435; static double credits_y_inc = 0.351; static int credits_cursor_x = 0; static int credits_cursor_y = 0; static bool credits_up = false; static bool credits_down = false; static bool credits_left = false; static bool credits_right = false; static int credits_color = 0xFFCCCCCC; static int credits_bg_color = 0xFF000000; static int credits_brush_color = 0xFF000000; static void resetColorValues(); static void transformHSV(float H, float S, float V); static void renderPixels(unsigned int **data, int start_x, int start_y, int w, int h, float rotation); #define MAX_TOUCHES 8 #define sheet_width 1024 #define sheet_height 1024 #define cengine_color_dull_red 0xFF771111 #define cengine_color_red 0xFFFF0000 #define cengine_color_green 0xFF00FF00 #define cengine_color_cyan 0xFF00FFFF #define cengine_color_blue 0xFF0000FF #define cengine_color_black 0xFF000000 #define cengine_color_white 0xFFCCCCCC #define cengine_color_grey 0xFF666666 #define cengine_color_magenta 0xFFFF00FF #define cengine_color_dull_green 0xFF117711 #define cengine_color_transparent 0x00000000 #define cengine_color_bg 0xFF000000 #define cengine_color_bg1 0xFF332222 #define cengine_color_bg2 0xFF223322 #define cengine_color_bg3 0xFF222233 #define cengine_color_bg4 0xFF332233 #define cengine_color_bg5 0xFF333322 #define cengine_color_bg6 0xFF223333 #define cengine_color_bg1_highlight 0xFF443333 #define cengine_color_bg2_highlight 0xFF334433 #define cengine_color_bg3_highlight 0xFF333344 #define cengine_color_bg4_highlight 0xFF443344 #define cengine_color_bg5_highlight 0xFF444433 #define cengine_color_bg6_highlight 0xFF334444 unsigned int color_info_text_bg = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_file_name_text = cengine_color_red; unsigned int color_inactive_instrument_node = cengine_color_red; unsigned int color_active_instrument_node = cengine_color_green; unsigned int color_envelope = cengine_color_green; unsigned int color_visualiser = cengine_color_green; unsigned int color_visualiser_clipping = cengine_color_red; unsigned int color_inactive_text = cengine_color_grey; unsigned int color_text = cengine_color_white; unsigned int color_text_bg = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_marker = cengine_color_dull_red; unsigned int color_solo = cengine_color_blue; unsigned int color_solo_text = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_mute = cengine_color_dull_red; unsigned int color_mute_text = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_active_row = cengine_color_dull_green; unsigned int color_active_row_text = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_playing_row = cengine_color_green; unsigned int color_playing_row_text = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_edit_marker = cengine_color_magenta; unsigned int color_edit_text = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_selection_marker = cengine_color_cyan; unsigned int color_selection_text = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_bg = cengine_color_black; unsigned int color_bg1 = cengine_color_bg1; unsigned int color_bg2 = cengine_color_bg2; unsigned int color_bg3 = cengine_color_bg3; unsigned int color_bg4 = cengine_color_bg4; unsigned int color_bg5 = cengine_color_bg5; unsigned int color_bg6 = cengine_color_bg6; unsigned int color_bg1_highlight = cengine_color_bg1_highlight; unsigned int color_bg2_highlight = cengine_color_bg2_highlight; unsigned int color_bg3_highlight = cengine_color_bg3_highlight; unsigned int color_bg4_highlight = cengine_color_bg4_highlight; unsigned int color_bg5_highlight = cengine_color_bg5_highlight; unsigned int color_bg6_highlight = cengine_color_bg6_highlight; static void reset_project(void); static void init_file_settings(void); static bool file_exists(char *path); static void handle_credits_keys(); static void handle_help_keys(); static void handle_key_down_file(); static void set_list_file_name(void); static void exit_file_editor(void); static void render_files(void); static void add_filename_char(char c); static void remove_filename_char(void); static char *load_file(char *path); static void load_project_file(char *path); static void save_project_file(void); static void set_info_timer(char *string); static void set_info_timer_with_int(char *string, int data); static void update_info(double dt); static void render_info(void); static void init_data(void); static void convert_input(int x, int y); static void cleanup_data(void); static void copy_instrument(int instrument); static void paste_instrument(int instrument); static void copy_notes(int track, int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int selection_x, int selection_y, bool cut, bool store); static void transpose_selection(int track, int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int selection_x, int selection_y, bool up, int amount); static void paste_notes(int track, int cursor_x, int cursor_y); static void copy_pattern(int cursor_x, int cursor_y); static void paste_pattern(int cursor_x, int cursor_y); static void convert_input(int x, int y); static void add_track_node_with_octave(int x, int y, bool editing, int value); static void set_visual_cursor(int diff_x, int diff_y, bool user); static void check_pattern_cursor_bounds(void); static bool check_screen_bounds(int x, int y); static void toggle_playback(void); static void toggle_editing(void); static void move_notes_up(void); static void move_notes_down(void); static void move_patterns(int direction); static void change_octave(bool up); void handle_key_up(SDL_Keysym* keysym); void handle_key_down(SDL_Keysym* keysym); static void sdl_key_set_locks(SDL_Keysym* keysym, bool down); static void sdl_key_mapping(SDL_Keysym* keysym, bool down); static void handle_reset_confirmation_keys(void); static void handle_note_keys(void); static void handle_pattern_keys(void); static void handle_param_value(void); static void handle_tempo_keys(void); static void handle_wavetable_keys(void); static void instrument_effect_remove(void); static void handle_instrument_effect_keys(void); static void check_sdl_events(SDL_Event event); static int get_delta(void); static void log_wave_data(float *floatStream, Uint32 floatStreamLength, Uint32 increment); void audio_callback(void *unused, Uint8 *byteStream, int byteStreamLength); static void clear_clipping_color_from_visualiser(void); static void prepare_visualiser(Sint16 *s_byteStream, int byteStreamLength); static void change_waveform(int plus); static void change_param(bool plus); static void draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); static void render_custom_table(double dt); static void render_instrument_editor(double dt); static void adsr_invert_y_render(double x, double y, int color); static void render_pattern_mapping(void); static char *get_wave_type_as_char(int type); static void draw_wave_types(void); static void render_visualiser(void); static void render_help(void); static void set_view(int view); static void render_credits(void); static void render_tempo_editor(double dt); static void render_reset_confirmation(double dt); static void render_wavetable_editor(double dt); static void render_track(double dt); static void setup_sdl(void); static void setup_synth(void); static void setup_texture(void); static void destroy_sdl(void); static int setup_sdl_audio(void); static void setup_cengine(void); static void cleanup_synth(void); static void main_loop(void); static void debug_log(char *str); static int get_buffer_size_from_index(int i); static void copy_project_win(const char *name); static void load_config(void); static bool parse_config(char *json); static void st_log(char *message); static void st_pause(void); static void add_track_node_with_octave(int x, int y, bool editing, int tone); static bool check_screen_bounds(int x, int y); static char *get_wave_type_as_char(int type); static void change_param(bool plus); static void export_wav(char *filename); static void write_little_endian(unsigned int word, int num_bytes, FILE *wav_file); static void write_wav(char *filename, unsigned long num_samples, short int *data, int s_rate); static void reset_project(void) { current_pattern = 0; current_track = 0; playing = false; exporting = false; editing = false; modifier = false; shift_down = false; selection_enabled = false; follow = false; visualiser = false; credits = false; help = false; help_index = 0; octave = 2; tempo_selection_x = 0; tempo_selection_y = 0; instrument_editor_effects_x = 0; instrument_editor_effects_y = 0; pattern_cursor_x = 0; pattern_cursor_y = 0; visual_pattern_offset = 0; visual_track_width = 30; visual_track_height = 16; visual_cursor_x = 0; visual_cursor_y = 0; selection_x = 0; selection_y = 0; last_selection_x = 0; last_selection_y = 0; last_selection_w = 0; last_selection_h = 0; last_copied_pattern_x = 0; last_copied_pattern_y = 0; } static void init_file_settings(void) { struct FileSettings *f = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(struct FileSettings), "FileSettings"); f->file_editor_save = false; f->file_cursor_y = 0; f->file_dirs = NULL; f->file_dir_max_length = 1024; f->file_name_max_length = 256; f->file_path_list = NULL; f->file_path = NULL; f->file_path_max_length = 256; f->file_path_pos = 0; f->reload_dirs = true; f->file_name = NULL; f->file_name_limit = 40; f->file_enter_pressed = false; f->file_moved_in_list = false; file_settings = f; int r = 0; for(r = 0; r < file_settings->file_path_max_length; r++) { file_settings->file_cursor_y_saved[r] = 0; } file_settings->file_path_list = cAllocatorAlloc((file_settings->file_path_max_length * sizeof(char*)), "file path array"); for(r = 0; r < file_settings->file_path_max_length; r++) { file_settings->file_path_list[r] = NULL; } file_settings->file_dirs = cAllocatorAlloc((file_settings->file_dir_max_length * sizeof(char*)), "file dir array"); for(r = 0; r < file_settings->file_dir_max_length; r++) { file_settings->file_dirs[r] = NULL; } } static bool file_exists(char *path) { bool exists = false; FILE * fp; fp = fopen (path, "r"); if(fp != NULL) { exists = true; fclose(fp); } return exists; } static void handle_key_down_file(void) { char c = 0; if(input->key_0) { c = '0'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_1) { c = '1'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_2) { c = '2'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_3) { c = '3'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_4) { c = '4'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_5) { c = '5'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_6) { c = '6'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_7) { c = '7'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_8) { c = '8'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_9) { c = '9'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_a) { c = 'a'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_b) { c = 'b'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_c) { c = 'c'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_d) { c = 'd'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_e) { c = 'e'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_f) { c = 'f'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_g) { c = 'g'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_h) { c = 'h'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_i) { c = 'i'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_j) { c = 'j'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_k) { c = 'k'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_l) { c = 'l'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_m) { c = 'm'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_n) { c = 'n'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_o) { c = 'o'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_p) { c = 'p'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_q) { c = 'q'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_r) { c = 'r'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_s) { c = 's'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_t) { c = 't'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_u) { c = 'u'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_v) { c = 'v'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_w) { c = 'w'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_x) { c = 'x'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_y) { c = 'y'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_z) { c = 'z'; add_filename_char(c); } else if(input->key_escape) { exit_file_editor(); } else if(input->key_return) { if(export_project) { if(file_settings->file_name != NULL) { char *file_path = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "load_path chars"); if(conf_default_dir != NULL) { snprintf(file_path, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s%s.wav", conf_default_dir, file_settings->file_name); } else { snprintf(file_path, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s.wav", file_settings->file_name); } if(file_editor_confirm_action) { export_wav(file_path); export_project = false; exit_file_editor(); file_editor_confirm_action = false; } else { if(file_exists(file_path)) { file_editor_existing_file = true; file_editor_confirm_action = true; } else { // just proceed. export_wav(file_path); export_project = false; exit_file_editor(); file_editor_confirm_action = false; } if(debuglog) { printf("confirm action\n"); } } cAllocatorFree(file_path); } } else { if(file_settings->file_name != NULL && file_settings->file_editor_save && file_editor_confirm_action) { save_project_file(); file_editor_confirm_action = false; } else if(file_settings->file_name != NULL) { file_editor_existing_file = false; char *file_path = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "load_path chars"); if(conf_default_dir != NULL) { snprintf(file_path, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s%s.snibb", conf_default_dir, file_settings->file_name); } else { snprintf(file_path, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s.snibb", file_settings->file_name); } if(file_editor_confirm_action) { bool was_playing = playing; if(was_playing) { toggle_playback(); } load_project_file(file_path); visual_track_height = synth->track_height; file_editor_confirm_action = false; if(was_playing) { toggle_playback(); } } else { // save project file_editor_confirm_action = true; if(file_settings->file_editor_save) { if(file_exists(file_path)) { file_editor_existing_file = true; if(debuglog) { printf("confirm action\n"); } } else { // just proceed save_project_file(); file_editor_confirm_action = false; } } else { // load file. file_editor_confirm_action = true; if(debuglog) { printf("confirm action\n"); } } } cAllocatorFree(file_path); } } } else if(input->key_up) { file_settings->file_cursor_y--; if(file_settings->file_cursor_y < 0) { file_settings->file_cursor_y = 0; } set_list_file_name(); } else if(input->key_down) { if(file_settings->file_cursor_y < file_settings->file_dir_max_length-1) { if(file_settings->file_dirs[file_settings->file_cursor_y+1] != NULL) { file_settings->file_cursor_y++; } } set_list_file_name(); } else if(input->key_backspace) { remove_filename_char(); } else if(input->key_escape) { exit_file_editor(); } } static void set_list_file_name(void) { // must remove file ending.. char *list_name = file_settings->file_dirs[file_settings->file_cursor_y]; if(list_name != NULL) { int length = (int)strlen(list_name); file_settings->file_name = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_name); char *temp_chars = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "file name chars"); snprintf(temp_chars, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s", list_name); file_settings->file_name = temp_chars; // a list_name cannot be added unless it has the correct file endings, so we can assume // it will be of at least a certain size. if(file_settings->file_name[length-2] == 'a') { // wav file file_settings->file_name[length-4] = '\0'; // it will be of at least a certain size. } else if(file_settings->file_name[length-2] == 'b') { // snibb file file_settings->file_name[length-6] = '\0'; } else { // json file file_settings->file_name[length-5] = '\0'; } } } static void exit_file_editor(void) { for (int i = 0; i < file_settings->file_dir_max_length; i++) { if (file_settings->file_dirs[i] != NULL) { file_settings->file_dirs[i] = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_dirs[i]); } } file_settings->file_path = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_path); file_editor = false; file_settings->file_editor_save = false; file_settings->reload_dirs = true; file_editor_confirm_action = false; file_editor_existing_file = false; } static int getDirectoryList(char *dir_string) { #if defined(platform_osx) return getDirectoryListPosix(dir_string, file_settings); #elif defined(platform_windows) return getDirectoryListWin(dir_string, file_settings); #endif } static void render_files(void) { if(file_settings->file_dirs[0] == NULL && conf_default_dir != NULL) { getDirectoryList(conf_default_dir); } int offset_y = 0; for (int i = 0; i < file_settings->file_dir_max_length; i++) { if (file_settings->file_dirs[i] != NULL) { if(i == file_settings->file_cursor_y) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, file_settings->file_dirs[i], 0, offset_y-file_settings->file_cursor_y+10, color_text, cengine_color_transparent); } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, file_settings->file_dirs[i], 0, offset_y-file_settings->file_cursor_y+10, color_inactive_text, cengine_color_transparent); } } offset_y++; } int offset_x = 0; if(conf_default_dir != NULL) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "path: ", offset_x, 23, color_text, color_text_bg); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, conf_default_dir, offset_x+5, 23, color_text, color_text_bg); } int file_name_offset = 0; if(export_project && !file_editor_confirm_action) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "export wav as: ", offset_x, 22, color_file_name_text, color_text_bg); file_name_offset = 1; } else if(!file_settings->file_editor_save && !file_editor_confirm_action) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "open project: ", offset_x, 22, color_file_name_text, color_text_bg); file_name_offset = 0; } else if(!file_editor_confirm_action) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "save project as: ", offset_x, 22, color_file_name_text, color_text_bg); file_name_offset = 3; } else if(file_editor_existing_file) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "overwrite file? [PRESS RETURN] ", offset_x, 22, color_file_name_text, color_text_bg); } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "current project will be reset. continue? [PRESS RETURN] ", offset_x, 22, color_file_name_text, color_text_bg); } if(file_settings->file_name != NULL && !file_editor_confirm_action) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, file_settings->file_name, offset_x+13+file_name_offset, 22, color_file_name_text, color_text_bg); } } static void add_filename_char(char c) { if(file_settings->file_name == NULL) { file_settings->file_name = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "file name chars"); file_settings->file_name[0] = '\0'; } int len = (int)strlen(file_settings->file_name); if(len < file_settings->file_name_limit) { char *temp_chars = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "file name chars"); snprintf(temp_chars, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s%c", file_settings->file_name, c); file_settings->file_name = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_name); file_settings->file_name = temp_chars; } } static void remove_filename_char(void) { if(file_settings->file_name == NULL) { file_settings->file_name = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "file name chars"); file_settings->file_name[0] = '\0'; } int len = (int)strlen(file_settings->file_name); if(len > 0) { file_settings->file_name[len] = ' '; file_settings->file_name[len-1] = '\0'; char *temp_chars = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "file name chars"); snprintf(temp_chars, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s", file_settings->file_name); file_settings->file_name = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_name); file_settings->file_name = temp_chars; } } static char *load_file(char *path) { if(path != NULL) { FILE *fp = NULL; fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if(fp != NULL) { fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); long sz = 0; sz = ftell(fp); char *b = NULL; b = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*sz, "load file chars"); if(b != NULL) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); fread(b, sz, 1, fp); return b; } else { if(errorlog) { printf("buffer is null\n"); } } fclose(fp); } else { if(errorlog) { printf("file not found at path %s\n", path); } } } else { if(errorlog) { printf("cannot load, path is null\n"); } } return NULL; } static void load_project_file(char *path) { char *b = load_file(path); if(b != NULL) { cSynthReset(synth); int status = cSynthLoadProject(synth, b); cAllocatorFree(b); if(status == 0) { set_info_timer("error: could not load project"); } else { set_info_timer(path); exit_file_editor(); } } else { if(errorlog) { printf("could not load file.\n"); } set_info_timer("could not load file."); } } static void save_project_file(void) { if(file_settings->file_name != NULL) { char *save_path = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(char)*file_settings->file_name_max_length, "save_path chars"); if(conf_default_dir != NULL) { snprintf(save_path, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s%s.snibb", conf_default_dir, file_settings->file_name); } else { snprintf(save_path, file_settings->file_name_max_length-1, "%s.snibb", file_settings->file_name); } cJSON *root = cSynthSaveProject(synth); if(root != NULL) { FILE * fp; fp = fopen(save_path, "w+"); if(fp!= NULL) { char *json_print = cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root); fprintf(fp, "%s", json_print); fclose(fp); cJSON_Delete(root); free(json_print); set_info_timer(save_path); } else { set_info_timer("could not save file. Set proper path in config."); } } cAllocatorFree(save_path); exit_file_editor(); } else { if(errorlog) { printf("cannot save, filename or path is null\n"); } } } static void set_info_timer(char *string) { if(string != NULL) { int max_size = file_settings->file_name_max_length; int len = (int)strlen(string); if(len < max_size) { char *info = cAllocatorAlloc(max_size * sizeof(char), "info timer string"); snprintf(info, max_size-1, "%s", string); if(info_string != NULL) { info_string = cAllocatorFree(info_string); } info_string = info; cTimerReset(info_timer); } else { if(errorlog) { printf("setInfoTimerWithInt: string too large\n"); } } } } static void set_info_timer_with_int(char *string, int data) { if(string != NULL) { int max_size = file_settings->file_name_max_length; int len = (int)strlen(string); if(len < max_size) { char *info = cAllocatorAlloc(max_size * sizeof(char), "info timer with int"); snprintf(info, max_size-1, "%s:%d", string, data); if(info_string != NULL) { info_string = cAllocatorFree(info_string); } info_string = info; cTimerReset(info_timer); } else { if(errorlog) { printf("setInfoTimerWithInt: string too large\n"); } } } } static void update_info(double dt) { if(info_string != NULL) { if(!cTimerIsReady(info_timer)) { cTimerAdvance(dt, info_timer); if(cTimerIsReady(info_timer)) { redraw_screen = true; } } } } static void render_info(void) { if(info_string != NULL) { if(!cTimerIsReady(info_timer)) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, info_string, 0, 23, color_text, color_info_text_bg); } } } static void init_data(void) { int i = 0; int r_x = 0; int r_y = 0; init_file_settings(); raster = cAllocatorAlloc((s_width*s_height) * sizeof(unsigned int), "main.c raster 1"); for(i = 0; i < s_width*s_height; i++) { raster[i] = 0; } raster2d = cAllocatorAlloc(s_width * sizeof(unsigned int *), "main.c raster 2"); if(raster2d == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); } else { for(i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { raster2d[i] = cAllocatorAlloc(s_height * sizeof(unsigned int), "main.c raster 3"); if(raster2d[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); } } } for(r_x = 0; r_x < s_width; r_x++) { for(r_y = 0; r_y < s_height; r_y++) { if(raster2d != NULL && raster2d[r_x] != NULL) { raster2d[r_x][r_y] = color_bg; } } } credits2d = cAllocatorAlloc(s_width * sizeof(unsigned int *), "main.c credits 2"); if(credits2d == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); } else { for(i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { credits2d[i] = cAllocatorAlloc(s_height * sizeof(unsigned int), "main.c credits 3"); if(credits2d[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); } } } for(r_x = 0; r_x < s_width; r_x++) { for(r_y = 0; r_y < s_height; r_y++) { if(credits2d != NULL && credits2d[r_x] != NULL) { credits2d[r_x][r_y] = 0; } } } visualiser2d = cAllocatorAlloc(s_width * sizeof(unsigned int *), "main.c visualiser2d 2"); if(visualiser2d == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); } else { for(i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { visualiser2d[i] = cAllocatorAlloc(s_height * sizeof(unsigned int), "main.c visualiser2d 3"); if(visualiser2d[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "out of memory\n"); } } } for(r_x = 0; r_x < s_width; r_x++) { for(r_y = 0; r_y < s_height; r_y++) { if(visualiser2d != NULL && visualiser2d[r_x] != NULL) { visualiser2d[r_x][r_y] = 0; } } } info_timer = cTimerNew(3000); cTimerReset(info_timer); } static void convert_input(int x, int y) { input->mouse_x = x/4; input->mouse_y = y/4; } static void cleanup_data(void) { int i = 0; raster = cAllocatorFree(raster); for(i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { raster2d[i] = cAllocatorFree(raster2d[i]); } raster2d = cAllocatorFree(raster2d); for(i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { credits2d[i] = cAllocatorFree(credits2d[i]); } credits2d = cAllocatorFree(credits2d); for(i = 0; i < s_width; i++) { visualiser2d[i] = cAllocatorFree(visualiser2d[i]); } visualiser2d = cAllocatorFree(visualiser2d); cSynthCleanup(synth); cEngineCleanup(); info_timer = cAllocatorFree(info_timer); info_string = cAllocatorFree(info_string); // File settings -- for (i = 0; i < file_settings->file_path_max_length; i++) { if (file_settings->file_path_list[i] != NULL) { file_settings->file_path_list[i] = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_path_list[i]); } } file_settings->file_path_list = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_path_list); for (int i = 0; i < file_settings->file_dir_max_length; i++) { if (file_settings->file_dirs[i] != NULL) { file_settings->file_dirs[i] = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_dirs[i]); } } file_settings->file_dirs = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_dirs); file_settings->file_path = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_path); file_settings->file_name = cAllocatorFree(file_settings->file_name); file_settings = cAllocatorFree(file_settings); conf_default_dir = cAllocatorFree(conf_default_dir); } static void copy_instrument(int instrument) { if (instrument > -1 && instrument < synth->max_instruments) { copied_instrument = instrument; } } static void paste_instrument(int instrument) { if (instrument > -1 && instrument < synth->max_instruments && copied_instrument > -1 && copied_instrument < synth->max_instruments) { struct CInstrument *ins = synth->instruments[instrument]; struct CInstrument *copied_ins = synth->instruments[copied_instrument]; for(int c = 0; c < ins->adsr_nodes; c++) { ins->adsr[c]->amp = copied_ins->adsr[c]->amp; ins->adsr[c]->pos = copied_ins->adsr[c]->pos; } ins->adsr[0]->amp = copied_ins->adsr[0]->amp; ins->adsr[0]->pos = copied_ins->adsr[0]->pos; ins->adsr[1]->amp = copied_ins->adsr[1]->amp; ins->adsr[1]->pos = copied_ins->adsr[1]->pos; ins->adsr[2]->amp = copied_ins->adsr[2]->amp; ins->adsr[2]->pos = copied_ins->adsr[2]->pos; ins->adsr[3]->amp = copied_ins->adsr[3]->amp; ins->adsr[3]->pos = copied_ins->adsr[3]->pos; ins->adsr[4]->amp = copied_ins->adsr[4]->amp; ins->adsr[4]->pos = copied_ins->adsr[4]->pos; for(int c = 0; c < synth->max_instrument_effects; c++) { if (synth->instrument_effects[instrument][c] != NULL) { synth->instrument_effects[instrument][c] = cAllocatorFree(synth->instrument_effects[instrument][c]); } if (synth->instrument_effects[copied_instrument][c] != NULL) { synth->instrument_effects[instrument][c] = cSynthCopyTracknode(synth->instrument_effects[copied_instrument][c]); } } } } static void transpose_selection(int track, int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int selection_x, int selection_y, bool up, int amount) { cSynthTransposeSelection(synth, track, cursor_x, cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, up, amount); } static void copy_notes(int track, int cursor_x, int cursor_y, int selection_x, int selection_y, bool cut, bool store) { cSynthCopyNotesFromSelection(synth, track, cursor_x, cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, cut, store); last_selection_x = cursor_x; last_selection_y = cursor_y; last_selection_w = selection_x; last_selection_h = selection_y; } static void paste_notes(int track, int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { cSynthPasteNotesToPos(synth, track, cursor_x, cursor_y); selection_x = cursor_x + abs(last_selection_x - last_selection_w); selection_y = cursor_y + abs(last_selection_y - last_selection_h); selection_enabled = true; } static void copy_pattern(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { if(cursor_y > 0 && cursor_y < 17) { last_copied_pattern_x = cursor_x; last_copied_pattern_y = cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset; if(debuglog) { printf("copy pattern x:%d y:%d", last_copied_pattern_x, last_copied_pattern_y); } } } static void paste_pattern(int cursor_x, int cursor_y) { int target_x = cursor_x; int target_y = cursor_y; if(target_y > 0 && target_y < 17) { target_y = target_y-1+visual_pattern_offset; cSynthPasteNotesFromPattern(synth, last_copied_pattern_x, last_copied_pattern_y, target_x, target_y); if(debuglog) { printf("paste pattern to x:%d y:%d", last_copied_pattern_x, last_copied_pattern_y); } } } static void add_track_node_with_octave(int x, int y, bool editing, int value) { int x_count = visual_cursor_x%5; int instrument = synth->current_instrument; //only effects are allowed to go over F so limit it. if(instrument_editor || pattern_editor || visualiser || !editing) { if(instrument_editor) { instrument = selected_instrument_id; } cSynthAddTrackNode(synth, instrument, current_track, x, y, false, true, value+(octave*12), playing); } else { if(!editing) { cSynthAddTrackNode(synth, instrument, current_track, x, y, false, true, value+(octave*12), playing); } else { bool move_down = false; if(x_count == 0) { cSynthAddTrackNode(synth, instrument, current_track, x, y, editing, true, value+(octave*12), playing); if(editing) { move_down = true; } } // only effects are allowed to go over F. if(x_count != 0 && x_count != 2 && value > 15) { printf("only effects are allowed to go over F.\n"); return; } if(x_count == 1 && editing) { cSynthAddTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, x, y, value, -1, -1, -1); // change instrument synth->current_instrument = value; move_down = true; } if(x_count == 2 && editing) { // change effect cSynthAddTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, x, y, -1, (char)value, -1, -1); move_down = true; } if(x_count == 3 && editing) { // change param2 cSynthAddTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, x, y, -1, -1, (char)value, -1); move_down = true; } if(x_count == 4 && editing) { // change param1 cSynthAddTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, x, y, -1, -1, -1, (char)value); move_down = true; } if(move_down) { if(follow) { if(playing) {} else { set_visual_cursor(0, step_size, true); } } else { set_visual_cursor(0, step_size, true); } } } } } // only move across active tracks static void set_visual_cursor(int diff_x, int diff_y, bool user) { if(shift_down) { int node_x = (int)floor(visual_cursor_x/5); visual_cursor_x = (node_x + diff_x)*5; } else { visual_cursor_x += diff_x; } visual_cursor_y += diff_y; if(user) { if(visual_cursor_x > visual_track_width-1) { visual_cursor_x = 0; } if(visual_cursor_x < 0) { visual_cursor_x = visual_track_width-1; if(shift_down) { visual_cursor_x = visual_track_width-5; } } if(visual_cursor_y >= visual_track_height) { current_track = cSynthGetNextActiveTrack(current_track, synth, true); visual_cursor_y = visual_cursor_y - visual_track_height; } if(visual_cursor_y < 0) { current_track = cSynthGetNextActiveTrack(current_track, synth, false); visual_cursor_y = visual_track_height-1; } } else { if(playing && follow) { if(visual_cursor_x == visual_track_width) { visual_cursor_x = 0; } if(visual_cursor_x == -1) { visual_cursor_x = visual_track_width-1; } if(visual_cursor_y == visual_track_height) { synth->current_track = cSynthGetNextActiveTrack(synth->current_track, synth, true); visual_cursor_y = 0; } if(visual_cursor_y == -1) { synth->current_track = cSynthGetNextActiveTrack(synth->current_track, synth, false); visual_cursor_y = visual_track_height-1; } current_track = synth->current_track; } } if(!shift_down) { selection_x = visual_cursor_x; selection_y = visual_cursor_y; selection_enabled = false; } else if(!editing) { selection_x = visual_cursor_x; selection_y = visual_cursor_y; selection_enabled = false; } else if(editing) { selection_enabled = true; } } static void check_pattern_cursor_bounds(void) { if(pattern_cursor_x == synth->patterns_and_voices_width) { pattern_cursor_x = 0; } if(pattern_cursor_x == -1) { pattern_cursor_x = synth->patterns_and_voices_width-1; } if(pattern_cursor_y == synth->patterns_and_voices_height) { pattern_cursor_y = 0; } if(pattern_cursor_y == -1) { pattern_cursor_y = synth->patterns_and_voices_height-1; } } static bool check_screen_bounds(int x, int y) { if(x > -1 && x < s_width && y > -1 && y < s_height) { return true; } else { return false; } } static void toggle_playback(void) { if(playing == false) { playing = true; if(pattern_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y > 0 && pattern_cursor_y < 17) { cSynthResetTrackProgress(synth, pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset, 0); } else { cSynthResetTrackProgress(synth, current_track, 0); } } else { cSynthResetTrackProgress(synth, current_track, 0); } cSynthResetTempoIndex(synth); synth->tempo_skip_step = true; clear_clipping_color_from_visualiser(); set_info_timer("playback started"); } else { // note off to all voices when stopping playing. for(int v_i = 0; v_i < synth->max_voices; v_i++) { synth->voices[v_i]->note_on = false; } cSynthResetOnLoopBack(synth); playing = false; synth->bitcrush_active = false; set_info_timer("playback stopped"); } } static void toggle_editing(void) { if(editing == true) { editing = false; set_info_timer("editing off"); } else { editing = true; set_info_timer("editing on"); } } static void move_notes_up(void) { int cursor_x = visual_cursor_x/5; int pattern_at_cursor = synth->patterns[cursor_x][current_track]; cSynthMoveNotes(synth, true, false, cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, pattern_at_cursor); } static void move_notes_down(void) { int cursor_x = visual_cursor_x/5; int pattern_at_cursor = synth->patterns[cursor_x][current_track]; cSynthMoveNotes(synth, false, true, cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, pattern_at_cursor); } static void change_octave(bool up) { if(up) { octave++; if(octave > 7) { octave = 7; } set_info_timer_with_int("octave", octave); } else { octave--; if(octave < 0) { octave = 0; } set_info_timer_with_int("octave", octave); } } void handle_key_up(SDL_Keysym* keysym) { sdl_key_mapping(keysym, false); sdl_key_set_locks(keysym, false); if(last_key == keysym->sym) { any_key_pressed = false; } #if defined(platform_osx) if(!input->key_lock_lgui) { modifier = false; } #elif defined(platform_windows)||defined(platform_linux) if(!input->key_lock_lctrl) { modifier = false; } #endif if(!input->key_lock_left) { pressed_left = false; } if(!input->key_lock_right) { pressed_right = false; } if(!input->key_lock_up) { pressed_up = false; } if(!input->key_lock_down) { pressed_down = false; } if (!input->key_lock_lshift) { shift_down = false; } redraw_screen = true; } static void move_patterns(int direction) { int pattern_y = visual_pattern_offset+pattern_cursor_y; for(int x = 0; x < synth->patterns_width; x++) { int patterns[synth->patterns_height]; for(int i = 0; i < synth->patterns_height; i++) { patterns[i] = synth->patterns[x][i]; } if(direction == 1) { for(int i = 1; i < synth->patterns_height; i++) { if(i >= pattern_y-1) { synth->patterns[x][i] = patterns[i-1]; } } if(pattern_y-2 < synth->patterns_height) { synth->patterns[x][pattern_y-2] = 0; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < synth->patterns_height-1; i++) { if(i >= pattern_y-1) { synth->patterns[x][i] = patterns[i+1]; } } synth->patterns[x][synth->patterns_height-1] = 0; } } } void handle_key_down(SDL_Keysym* keysym) { sdl_key_mapping(keysym, true); sdl_key_set_locks(keysym, true); if(last_key != keysym->sym) { synth->preview_locked = false; synth->preview_started = false; } last_key = keysym->sym; any_key_pressed = true; redraw_screen = true; if(!file_editor) { if(input->key_f1) { set_view(0); } if(input->key_f2) { set_view(1); } if(input->key_f3) { set_view(2); } if(input->key_f4) { set_view(3); } if(input->key_f5) { set_view(4); } if(input->key_f6) { set_view(5); } if(input->key_f7) { set_view(6); } if(input->key_f8) { set_view(7); } if(input->key_f9) { set_view(8); } } if(help) { handle_help_keys(); return; } if(credits) { handle_credits_keys(); return; } if(reset_confirmation) { handle_reset_confirmation_keys(); } if(file_editor) { handle_key_down_file(); return; } else { if(input->key_i) { if(modifier) { if (instrument_editor) { instrument_editor = false; } else { tempo_editor = false; visualiser = false; wavetable_editor = false; custom_table = false; instrument_editor = true; } return; } } if(input->key_j) { if(modifier) { if (custom_table) { custom_table = false; } else { tempo_editor = false; visualiser = false; wavetable_editor = false; instrument_editor = false; custom_table = true; } return; } } if(input->key_t) { if(modifier) { if (tempo_editor) { tempo_editor = false; } else { instrument_editor = false; visualiser = false; wavetable_editor = false; custom_table = false; tempo_editor = true; } return; } } if(input->key_r) { if(modifier) { if (wavetable_editor) { wavetable_editor = false; } else { instrument_editor = false; visualiser = false; tempo_editor = false; custom_table = false; wavetable_editor = true; } return; } } if(input->key_q) { if(modifier) { // user will quit app on OSX. return; } } if(input->key_n) { if(modifier) { reset_confirmation = true; return; } } if(input->key_home) { if(tempo_editor) { tempo_selection_y = 0; } else if(instrument_editor) { int ins_id = selected_instrument_id-1; if(ins_id < 0) { ins_id = synth->max_instruments-1; } selected_instrument_id = ins_id; } else if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { pattern_cursor_y = 0; } else { visual_cursor_y = 0; } } if(input->key_end) { if(tempo_editor) { tempo_selection_y = synth->tempo_height-1; } else if(instrument_editor) { int ins_id = selected_instrument_id+1; if(ins_id >= synth->max_instruments) { ins_id = 0; } selected_instrument_id = ins_id; } else if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { pattern_cursor_y = synth->patterns_and_voices_height-1; } else { visual_cursor_y = synth->track_height-1; } } if(input->key_m) { if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y == 0) { if(synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->muted == 1) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->muted = 0; } else { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->muted = 1; } } } } if(input->key_plus) { if(instrument_editor) { change_octave(true); } else if(visualiser) { change_octave(true); } else if(pattern_editor) { change_param(true); } else if(tempo_editor) { } else if(wavetable_editor) { } else { if (editing && modifier) { transpose_selection(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, true, 12); set_info_timer("transpose octave up"); } else if(editing) { transpose_selection(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, true, 1); set_info_timer("transpose halfnote up"); } } } if(input->key_minus) { if(instrument_editor) { change_octave(false); } else if(visualiser) { change_octave(false); } else if(pattern_editor) { change_param(false); } else if(tempo_editor) { } else if(wavetable_editor) { } else { if (editing && modifier) { transpose_selection(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, false, 12); set_info_timer("transpose octave down"); } else if(editing) { transpose_selection(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, false, 1); set_info_timer("transpose halfnote down"); } } } if(input->key_c) { if(modifier) { if(instrument_editor) {} else if(file_editor) {} else if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y == 17 || pattern_cursor_y == 18 || pattern_cursor_y == 19) { int instrument = -1; if(pattern_cursor_y < 19) { int ins_nr = pattern_cursor_x; if(pattern_cursor_y == 18) { ins_nr += 6; } instrument = ins_nr; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 19 && pattern_cursor_x < 4) { int ins_nr = pattern_cursor_x; ins_nr += 12; instrument = ins_nr; } if(instrument > -1) { set_info_timer("copy instrument"); copy_instrument(instrument); } } else { copy_pattern(pattern_cursor_x, pattern_cursor_y); set_info_timer("copy pattern"); } } else { if(editing) { copy_notes(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, false, true); set_info_timer("copy notes"); } return; } } } if(input->key_x) { if(modifier) { if(instrument_editor) {} else if(file_editor) {} else if(pattern_editor) { // cut for pattern editor is not supported. } else if(!instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor){ if(editing) { copy_notes(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, true, true); set_info_timer("cut notes"); } return; } } } if(input->key_v) { if(modifier) { if(instrument_editor) {} else if(file_editor) {} else if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y == 17 || pattern_cursor_y == 18 || pattern_cursor_y == 19) { int instrument = -1; if(pattern_cursor_y < 19) { int ins_nr = pattern_cursor_x; if(pattern_cursor_y == 18) { ins_nr += 6; } instrument = ins_nr; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 19 && pattern_cursor_x < 4) { int ins_nr = pattern_cursor_x; ins_nr += 12; instrument = ins_nr; } if(instrument > -1) { set_info_timer("paste instrument"); paste_instrument(instrument); } } else { paste_pattern(pattern_cursor_x, pattern_cursor_y); set_info_timer("paste pattern"); } } else { if(editing) { paste_notes(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y); set_info_timer("paste notes"); } return; } } } if(input->key_x) { if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y > 0 && pattern_cursor_y < 17) { if(synth->active_tracks[pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset] == 0) { synth->active_tracks[pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset] = 1; } else { synth->active_tracks[pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset] = 0; } } } } if(input->key_p) { if(modifier) { if(visualiser) { visualiser = false; } else { visualiser = true; tempo_editor = false; instrument_editor = false; } return; } } if(input->key_o) { if(modifier) { file_editor = true; return; } } if(input->key_e) { if(modifier) { file_editor = true; file_settings->file_editor_save = true; export_project = true; return; } else if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y > 0 && pattern_cursor_y < 17) { pattern_editor = false; current_track = pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset; visual_cursor_x = pattern_cursor_x*5; set_info_timer("jump to track"); } return; } } if(input->key_s) { if(modifier) { file_editor = true; file_settings->file_editor_save = true; export_project = false; return; } else { if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y > 0) { if(synth->solo_track == pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset) { synth->solo_track = -1; } else { synth->solo_track = pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset; } } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 0) { if(synth->solo_voice == pattern_cursor_x) { synth->solo_voice = -1; } else { synth->solo_voice = pattern_cursor_x; } } } } } if(input->key_f) { if(modifier && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(follow) { follow = false; set_info_timer("follow: false"); } else { follow = true; set_info_timer("follow: true"); } return; } } if(input->key_tab) { if(instrument_editor) { struct CInstrument *ins = synth->instruments[selected_instrument_id]; selected_instrument_node_index++; if(selected_instrument_node_index >= ins->adsr_nodes) { selected_instrument_node_index = 1; } } else if(custom_table) { struct CInstrument *ins = synth->custom_instrument; selected_custom_table_node_index++; if(selected_custom_table_node_index >= ins->adsr_nodes) { selected_custom_table_node_index = 0; } } else if(!instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor){ if(pattern_editor) { pattern_editor = false; } else { pattern_editor = true; } } } #if defined(platform_osx) if(input->key_lgui) { modifier = true; } #elif defined(platform_windows)||defined(platform_linux) if(input->key_lctrl) { modifier = true; } #endif if(input->key_escape) { if(instrument_editor) { instrument_editor = false; } else if(visualiser) { visualiser = false; } else if(tempo_editor) { tempo_editor = false; } else if(wavetable_editor) { wavetable_editor = false; } else if(custom_table) { custom_table = false; } else if(help) { help = false; } else if(credits) { credits = false; } else if(pattern_editor) { pattern_editor = false; } } if(input->key_space) { toggle_playback(); } if(input->key_left) { pressed_left = true; if(tempo_editor) { tempo_selection_x--; if(tempo_selection_x < 0) { tempo_selection_x = synth->tempo_width-1; } } else if(custom_table) { } else if(wavetable_editor) { int inc = 1; if(wavetable_selection_y < 2) { inc = 2; } wavetable_selection_x -= inc; if(wavetable_selection_x < 0) { wavetable_selection_x = synth->wavetable_width-inc; } } else if(instrument_editor) { if(instrument_editor_effects) { instrument_editor_effects_x--; if(instrument_editor_effects_x < 0) { instrument_editor_effects_x = 2; } } } else { if(modifier) { change_octave(false); } else if(pattern_editor) { pattern_cursor_x -= 1; check_pattern_cursor_bounds(); } else { set_visual_cursor(-1, 0, true); } } } if(input->key_right) { pressed_right = true; if(tempo_editor) { tempo_selection_x++; if(tempo_selection_x >= synth->tempo_width) { tempo_selection_x = 0; } } else if(custom_table) { } else if(wavetable_editor) { int inc = 1; if(wavetable_selection_y < 2) { inc = 2; } wavetable_selection_x += inc; if(wavetable_selection_x >= synth->wavetable_width) { wavetable_selection_x = 0; } } else if(instrument_editor) { if(instrument_editor_effects) { instrument_editor_effects_x++; if(instrument_editor_effects_x > 2) { instrument_editor_effects_x = 0; } } } else { if(modifier) { change_octave(true); } else if(pattern_editor) { pattern_cursor_x += 1; check_pattern_cursor_bounds(); } else { set_visual_cursor(1, 0, true); } } } if(input->key_up) { pressed_up = true; if(tempo_editor) { tempo_selection_y--; if(tempo_selection_y < 0) { tempo_selection_y = synth->tempo_height-1; } } else if(custom_table) { } else if(wavetable_editor) { wavetable_selection_y--; if(wavetable_selection_y < 0) { wavetable_selection_y = synth->wavetable_height-1; } if(wavetable_selection_y == 1){ if(wavetable_selection_x == 1 || wavetable_selection_x == 3 || wavetable_selection_x == 5 || wavetable_selection_x == 7 || wavetable_selection_x == 9 || wavetable_selection_x == 11) wavetable_selection_x--; } } else if(instrument_editor) { if(instrument_editor_effects) { instrument_editor_effects_y--; if(instrument_editor_effects_y < 0) { instrument_editor_effects_y = visual_instrument_effects-1; } } } else if(shift_down && pattern_editor) { visual_pattern_offset -= 16; if(visual_pattern_offset < 0){ visual_pattern_offset = 48; } } else if(modifier && pattern_editor) { pattern_cursor_y -= 1; check_pattern_cursor_bounds(); move_patterns(-1); } else { if(pattern_editor) { pattern_cursor_y -= 1; check_pattern_cursor_bounds(); } else { if(playing && follow) {} else if(modifier && editing) { move_notes_up(); set_visual_cursor(0, -1, true); } else { set_visual_cursor(0, -1, true); } } } } if(input->key_down) { pressed_down = true; if(tempo_editor) { tempo_selection_y++; if(tempo_selection_y >= synth->tempo_height) { tempo_selection_y = 0; } } else if(custom_table) { } else if(wavetable_editor) { wavetable_selection_y++; if(wavetable_selection_y >= synth->wavetable_height) { wavetable_selection_y = 0; } } else if(instrument_editor) { if(instrument_editor_effects) { instrument_editor_effects_y++; if(instrument_editor_effects_y >= visual_instrument_effects) { instrument_editor_effects_y = 0; } } } else if(shift_down && pattern_editor) { visual_pattern_offset += 16; if(visual_pattern_offset > 48){ visual_pattern_offset = 0; } } else if(modifier && pattern_editor) { pattern_cursor_y += 1; check_pattern_cursor_bounds(); move_patterns(1); } else { if(pattern_editor) { pattern_cursor_y += 1; check_pattern_cursor_bounds(); } else { if(playing && follow) {} else if(modifier && editing) { move_notes_down(); set_visual_cursor(0, 1, true); } else { set_visual_cursor(0, 1, true); } } } } if(input->key_backspace || input->key_delete) { if(instrument_editor) { if(instrument_editor_effects) { instrument_effect_remove(); } } else if(pattern_editor) {} else if(editing && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { int x_count = visual_cursor_x%5; if(selection_enabled) { copy_notes(current_track, visual_cursor_x, visual_cursor_y, selection_x, selection_y, true, false); } else { if(x_count == 0 || x_count == 1) { cSynthRemoveTrackNode(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y); cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, true, false, false, false); cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, true, false, false); cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, false, true, false); cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, false, false, true); } else if(x_count == 2) { cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, true, false, false); cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, false, true, false); cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, false, false, true); } else if(x_count == 3) { cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, false, true, false); } else if(x_count == 4) { cSynthRemoveTrackNodeParams(synth, current_track, synth->track_cursor_x, synth->track_cursor_y, false, false, false, true); } if(follow) { if(playing) {} else { set_visual_cursor(0, step_size, true); } } else { set_visual_cursor(0, step_size, true); } } } } if(input->key_return) { if(tempo_editor) { if(modifier) { if (playing) { synth->pending_tempo_column = tempo_selection_x; } else { synth->current_tempo_column = tempo_selection_x; } } else { } } else if(visualiser) { visualiser = false; } else if(wavetable_editor) { } else if(instrument_editor) { instrument_editor = false; } else { if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor) { if(pattern_cursor_y == 17 || pattern_cursor_y == 18 || pattern_cursor_y == 19) { if(pattern_cursor_y < 19) { int ins_nr = pattern_cursor_x; if(pattern_cursor_y == 18) { ins_nr += 6; } selected_instrument_id = ins_nr; if(instrument_editor) { instrument_editor = false; } else { instrument_editor = true; } } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 19 && pattern_cursor_x < 4) { int ins_nr = pattern_cursor_x; ins_nr += 12; selected_instrument_id = ins_nr; if(instrument_editor) { instrument_editor = false; } else { instrument_editor = true; } } } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 20 && pattern_cursor_x == 0) { wavetable_editor = true; return; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 21 && pattern_cursor_x == 2) { custom_table = true; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 20 && pattern_cursor_x == 4) { tempo_editor = true; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 20 && pattern_cursor_x == 5) { visualiser = true; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 21 && pattern_cursor_x == 5) { credits = true; } else if(pattern_cursor_y == 21 && pattern_cursor_x == 1) { help = true; } } else { if(!input->key_lock_return) { toggle_editing(); } } } } if(input->key_lshift) { if(instrument_editor) { if(instrument_editor_effects) { instrument_editor_effects = false; } else { instrument_editor_effects = true; } } else { shift_down = true; } } } if(shift_down && editing) { selection_enabled = true; } if(!pattern_editor && !tempo_editor && !wavetable_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser && modifier) { bool stepsize_set = false; if(input->key_1) { step_size = 1; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_2) { step_size = 2; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_3) { step_size = 3; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_4) { step_size = 4; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_5) { step_size = 5; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_6) { step_size = 6; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_7) { step_size = 7; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_8) { step_size = 8; stepsize_set = true; } else if(input->key_9) { step_size = 9; stepsize_set = true; } if(stepsize_set) { set_info_timer_with_int("stepsize", step_size); } return; } int x_count = visual_cursor_x%5; if(tempo_editor) { handle_tempo_keys(); return; } else if(wavetable_editor) { handle_wavetable_keys(); return; } else if(instrument_editor && instrument_editor_effects) { handle_instrument_effect_keys(); return; } else if(pattern_editor && !instrument_editor && !visualiser) { handle_pattern_keys(); return; } else if(x_count == 1 && editing && !instrument_editor && !visualiser) { handle_param_value(); return; } else if((x_count > 1 && editing) && (x_count < 5 && editing) && !instrument_editor && !visualiser) { handle_param_value(); return; } else { handle_note_keys(); } } static void set_view(int view) { instrument_editor = false; visualiser = false; tempo_editor = false; wavetable_editor = false; custom_table = false; help = false; credits = false; pattern_editor = false; if (view == 1) { pattern_editor = true; } else if (view == 2) { instrument_editor = true; } else if (view == 3) { tempo_editor = true; } else if (view == 4) { wavetable_editor = true; } else if (view == 5) { custom_table = true; } else if (view == 6) { visualiser = true; } else if (view == 7) { help = true; } else if (view == 8) { credits = true; } } static void sdl_key_set_locks(SDL_Keysym* keysym, bool down) { switch(keysym->sym) { case SDLK_0: input->key_pending_lock_0 = down; break; case SDLK_1: input->key_pending_lock_1 = down; break; case SDLK_2: input->key_pending_lock_2 = down; break; case SDLK_3: input->key_pending_lock_3 = down; break; case SDLK_4: input->key_pending_lock_4 = down; break; case SDLK_5: input->key_pending_lock_5 = down; break; case SDLK_6: input->key_pending_lock_6 = down; break; case SDLK_7: input->key_pending_lock_7 = down; break; case SDLK_8: input->key_pending_lock_8 = down; break; case SDLK_9: input->key_pending_lock_9 = down; break; case SDLK_a: input->key_pending_lock_a = down; break; case SDLK_b: input->key_pending_lock_b = down; break; case SDLK_c: input->key_pending_lock_c = down; break; case SDLK_d: input->key_pending_lock_d = down; break; case SDLK_e: input->key_pending_lock_e = down; break; case SDLK_f: input->key_pending_lock_f = down; break; case SDLK_g: input->key_pending_lock_g = down; break; case SDLK_h: input->key_pending_lock_h = down; break; case SDLK_i: input->key_pending_lock_i = down; break; case SDLK_j: input->key_pending_lock_j = down; break; case SDLK_k: input->key_pending_lock_k = down; break; case SDLK_l: input->key_pending_lock_l = down; break; case SDLK_m: input->key_pending_lock_m = down; break; case SDLK_n: input->key_pending_lock_n = down; break; case SDLK_o: input->key_pending_lock_o = down; break; case SDLK_p: input->key_pending_lock_p = down; break; case SDLK_q: input->key_pending_lock_q = down; break; case SDLK_r: input->key_pending_lock_r = down; break; case SDLK_s: input->key_pending_lock_s = down; break; case SDLK_t: input->key_pending_lock_t = down; break; case SDLK_u: input->key_pending_lock_u = down; break; case SDLK_v: input->key_pending_lock_v = down; break; case SDLK_w: input->key_pending_lock_w = down; break; case SDLK_x: input->key_pending_lock_x = down; break; case SDLK_y: input->key_pending_lock_y = down; break; case SDLK_z: input->key_pending_lock_z = down; break; case SDLK_SPACE: input->key_pending_lock_space = down; break; case SDLK_PLUS: case SDLK_KP_PLUS: input->key_pending_lock_plus = down; break; case SDLK_MINUS: case SDLK_KP_MINUS: input->key_pending_lock_minus = down; break; case SDLK_TAB: input->key_pending_lock_tab = down; break; case SDLK_LGUI: input->key_pending_lock_lgui = down; break; case SDLK_LCTRL: input->key_pending_lock_lctrl = down; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: input->key_pending_lock_escape = down; break; case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: input->key_pending_lock_return = down; break; case SDLK_LEFT: input->key_pending_lock_left = down; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: input->key_pending_lock_right = down; break; case SDLK_UP: input->key_pending_lock_up = down; break; case SDLK_DOWN: input->key_pending_lock_down = down; break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: input->key_pending_lock_lshift = down; break; case SDLK_HOME: input->key_pending_lock_home = down; break; case SDLK_END: input->key_pending_lock_end = down; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: input->key_pending_lock_backspace = down; break; case SDLK_DELETE: input->key_pending_lock_delete = down; break; case SDLK_COMMA: input->key_pending_lock_comma = down; break; case SDLK_PERIOD: input->key_pending_lock_period = down; break; case SDLK_F1: input->key_pending_lock_f1 = down; break; case SDLK_F2: input->key_pending_lock_f2 = down; break; case SDLK_F3: input->key_pending_lock_f3 = down; break; case SDLK_F4: input->key_pending_lock_f4 = down; break; case SDLK_F5: input->key_pending_lock_f5 = down; break; case SDLK_F6: input->key_pending_lock_f6 = down; break; case SDLK_F7: input->key_pending_lock_f7 = down; break; case SDLK_F8: input->key_pending_lock_f8 = down; break; case SDLK_F9: input->key_pending_lock_f9 = down; break; case SDLK_F10: input->key_pending_lock_f10 = down; break; case SDLK_F11: input->key_pending_lock_f11 = down; break; case SDLK_F12: input->key_pending_lock_f12 = down; break; } if(!down) { switch(keysym->sym) { case SDLK_0: input->key_lock_0 = down; break; case SDLK_1: input->key_lock_1 = down; break; case SDLK_2: input->key_lock_2 = down; break; case SDLK_3: input->key_lock_3 = down; break; case SDLK_4: input->key_lock_4 = down; break; case SDLK_5: input->key_lock_5 = down; break; case SDLK_6: input->key_lock_6 = down; break; case SDLK_7: input->key_lock_7 = down; break; case SDLK_8: input->key_lock_8 = down; break; case SDLK_9: input->key_lock_9 = down; break; case SDLK_a: input->key_lock_a = down; break; case SDLK_b: input->key_lock_b = down; break; case SDLK_c: input->key_lock_c = down; break; case SDLK_d: input->key_lock_d = down; break; case SDLK_e: input->key_lock_e = down; break; case SDLK_f: input->key_lock_f = down; break; case SDLK_g: input->key_lock_g = down; break; case SDLK_h: input->key_lock_h = down; break; case SDLK_i: input->key_lock_i = down; break; case SDLK_j: input->key_lock_j = down; break; case SDLK_k: input->key_lock_k = down; break; case SDLK_l: input->key_lock_l = down; break; case SDLK_m: input->key_lock_m = down; break; case SDLK_n: input->key_lock_n = down; break; case SDLK_o: input->key_lock_o = down; break; case SDLK_p: input->key_lock_p = down; break; case SDLK_q: input->key_lock_q = down; break; case SDLK_r: input->key_lock_r = down; break; case SDLK_s: input->key_lock_s = down; break; case SDLK_t: input->key_lock_t = down; break; case SDLK_u: input->key_lock_u = down; break; case SDLK_v: input->key_lock_v = down; break; case SDLK_w: input->key_lock_w = down; break; case SDLK_x: input->key_lock_x = down; break; case SDLK_y: input->key_lock_y = down; break; case SDLK_z: input->key_lock_z = down; break; case SDLK_SPACE: input->key_lock_space = down; break; case SDLK_PLUS: case SDLK_KP_PLUS: input->key_pending_lock_plus = down; break; case SDLK_MINUS: case SDLK_KP_MINUS: input->key_pending_lock_minus = down; break; case SDLK_TAB: input->key_lock_tab = down; break; case SDLK_LGUI: input->key_lock_lgui = down; break; case SDLK_LCTRL: input->key_lock_lctrl = down; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: input->key_lock_escape = down; break; case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: input->key_lock_return = down; break; case SDLK_LEFT: input->key_lock_left = down; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: input->key_lock_right = down; break; case SDLK_UP: input->key_lock_up = down; break; case SDLK_DOWN: input->key_lock_down = down; break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: input->key_lock_lshift = down; break; case SDLK_HOME: input->key_lock_home = down; break; case SDLK_END: input->key_lock_end = down; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: input->key_lock_backspace = down; break; case SDLK_DELETE: input->key_lock_delete = down; break; case SDLK_COMMA: input->key_lock_comma = down; break; case SDLK_PERIOD: input->key_lock_period = down; break; case SDLK_F1: input->key_lock_f1 = down; break; case SDLK_F2: input->key_lock_f2 = down; break; case SDLK_F3: input->key_lock_f3 = down; break; case SDLK_F4: input->key_lock_f4 = down; break; case SDLK_F5: input->key_lock_f5 = down; break; case SDLK_F6: input->key_lock_f6 = down; break; case SDLK_F7: input->key_lock_f7 = down; break; case SDLK_F8: input->key_lock_f8 = down; break; case SDLK_F9: input->key_lock_f9 = down; break; case SDLK_F10: input->key_lock_f10 = down; break; case SDLK_F11: input->key_lock_f11 = down; break; case SDLK_F12: input->key_lock_f12 = down; break; } } } static void sdl_key_mapping(SDL_Keysym* keysym, bool down) { cInputResetKeys(input); switch(keysym->sym) { case SDLK_0: input->key_0 = down; break; case SDLK_1: input->key_1 = down; break; case SDLK_2: input->key_2 = down; break; case SDLK_3: input->key_3 = down; break; case SDLK_4: input->key_4 = down; break; case SDLK_5: input->key_5 = down; break; case SDLK_6: input->key_6 = down; break; case SDLK_7: input->key_7 = down; break; case SDLK_8: input->key_8 = down; break; case SDLK_9: input->key_9 = down; break; case SDLK_a: input->key_a = down; break; case SDLK_b: input->key_b = down; break; case SDLK_c: input->key_c = down; break; case SDLK_d: input->key_d = down; break; case SDLK_e: input->key_e = down; break; case SDLK_f: input->key_f = down; break; case SDLK_g: input->key_g = down; break; case SDLK_h: input->key_h = down; break; case SDLK_i: input->key_i = down; break; case SDLK_j: input->key_j = down; break; case SDLK_k: input->key_k = down; break; case SDLK_l: input->key_l = down; break; case SDLK_m: input->key_m = down; break; case SDLK_n: input->key_n = down; break; case SDLK_o: input->key_o = down; break; case SDLK_p: input->key_p = down; break; case SDLK_q: input->key_q = down; break; case SDLK_r: input->key_r = down; break; case SDLK_s: input->key_s = down; break; case SDLK_t: input->key_t = down; break; case SDLK_u: input->key_u = down; break; case SDLK_v: input->key_v = down; break; case SDLK_w: input->key_w = down; break; case SDLK_x: input->key_x = down; break; case SDLK_y: input->key_y = down; break; case SDLK_z: input->key_z = down; break; case SDLK_SPACE: input->key_space = down; break; case SDLK_PLUS: case SDLK_KP_PLUS: input->key_plus = down; break; case SDLK_MINUS: case SDLK_KP_MINUS: input->key_minus = down; break; case SDLK_TAB: input->key_tab = down; break; case SDLK_LGUI: input->key_lgui = down; break; case SDLK_LCTRL: input->key_lctrl = down; break; case SDLK_ESCAPE: input->key_escape = down; break; case SDLK_RETURN: case SDLK_KP_ENTER: input->key_return = down; break; case SDLK_LEFT: input->key_left = down; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: input->key_right = down; break; case SDLK_UP: input->key_up = down; break; case SDLK_DOWN: input->key_down = down; break; case SDLK_LSHIFT: input->key_lshift = down; break; case SDLK_HOME: input->key_home = down; break; case SDLK_END: input->key_end = down; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: input->key_backspace = down; break; case SDLK_DELETE: input->key_delete = down; break; case SDLK_COMMA: input->key_comma = down; break; case SDLK_PERIOD: input->key_period = down; break; case SDLK_F1: input->key_f1 = down; break; case SDLK_F2: input->key_f2 = down; break; case SDLK_F3: input->key_f3 = down; break; case SDLK_F4: input->key_f4 = down; break; case SDLK_F5: input->key_f5 = down; break; case SDLK_F6: input->key_f6 = down; break; case SDLK_F7: input->key_f7 = down; break; case SDLK_F8: input->key_f8 = down; break; case SDLK_F9: input->key_f9 = down; break; case SDLK_F10: input->key_f10 = down; break; case SDLK_F11: input->key_f11 = down; break; case SDLK_F12: input->key_f12 = down; break; } } static void handle_reset_confirmation_keys(void) { if(input->key_return) { set_info_timer("reset project"); reset_project(); cSynthReset(synth); reset_confirmation = false; input->key_lock_return = true; } else { // reset cancelled. reset_confirmation = false; } } static void handle_tempo_keys(void) { bool zero = false; bool move_cursor_down = false; int cursor_x = tempo_selection_x; int cursor_y = tempo_selection_y; char value = -1; if(input->key_plus) { if(cursor_y == 0) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm++; if(synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm > 999) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm = 999; } } } else if(input->key_minus) { if(cursor_y == 0) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm--; if(synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm < 0) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm = 0; } } } else if(input->key_backspace || input->key_delete) { zero = true; if(cursor_y > 0) { move_cursor_down = true; } } else if(input->key_x) { if (!modifier) { if(cursor_y > 0) { if(synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->active) { // check so that it's not the last one active. We need at least one. bool other_active_exists = false; for (int i = 1; i < synth->tempo_height; i++) { if(synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][i]->active && i != cursor_y) { other_active_exists = true; } } if(other_active_exists) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->active = false; } move_cursor_down = true; } else { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->active = true; move_cursor_down = true; } cSynthUpdateHighlightInterval(synth); } } } else if(input->key_0) { value = 0; } else if(input->key_1) { value = 1; } else if(input->key_2) { value = 2; } else if(input->key_3) { value = 3; } else if(input->key_4) { value = 4; } else if(input->key_5) { value = 5; } else if(input->key_6) { value = 6; } else if(input->key_7) { value = 7; } else if(input->key_8) { value = 8; } else if(input->key_9) { value = 9; } else if(input->key_a) { value = 10; } else if(input->key_b) { value = 11; } else if(input->key_c) { value = 12; } else if(input->key_d) { value = 13; } else if(input->key_e) { value = 14; } else if(input->key_f) { value = 15; } if(cursor_y > 0) { if(zero) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->ticks = 1; move_cursor_down = true; } else if(value > 0) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->ticks = value; move_cursor_down = true; } } else if(cursor_y == 0) { // bpm if(zero) { synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm = 0; } else if(value > -1) { int old_bpm = synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm; int number = value; if(old_bpm < 100) { old_bpm *= 10; number += old_bpm; } else if(old_bpm < 10) { old_bpm *= 10; number += old_bpm; } if(number >= 999) { number = 999; } synth->tempo_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->bpm = number; } } if(move_cursor_down) { tempo_selection_y++; if(tempo_selection_y >= synth->tempo_height) { tempo_selection_y = 1; } } } static void handle_wavetable_keys(void) { bool zero = false; bool move_cursor_down = false; int cursor_x = wavetable_selection_x; int cursor_y = wavetable_selection_y; char value = -1; bool h_switch = false; if(cursor_x % 2 == 0) { h_switch = true; } if(input->key_plus) { if(cursor_y == 0 && h_switch) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed++; if(synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed > 999) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed = 999; } } } else if(input->key_minus) { if(cursor_y == 0 && h_switch) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed--; if(synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed < 0) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed = 0; } } } else if(input->key_backspace || input->key_delete) { zero = true; if(cursor_y > 0) { move_cursor_down = true; } } else if(input->key_x) { if(cursor_y > 0 && cursor_y != 2) { if(synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->active) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->active = false; move_cursor_down = true; } else { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->active = true; move_cursor_down = true; } } if(cursor_y == 2) { move_cursor_down = true; } } else if(input->key_0) { value = 0; } else if(input->key_1) { value = 1; } else if(input->key_2) { value = 2; } else if(input->key_3) { value = 3; } else if(input->key_4) { value = 4; } else if(input->key_5) { value = 5; } else if(input->key_6) { value = 6; } else if(input->key_7) { value = 7; } else if(input->key_8) { value = 8; } else if(input->key_9) { value = 9; } else if(input->key_a) { value = 10; } else if(input->key_b) { value = 11; } else if(input->key_c) { value = 12; } else if(input->key_d) { value = 13; } else if(input->key_e) { value = 14; } else if(input->key_f) { value = 15; } if(cursor_y > 1) { if(zero) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->value = 0; if(!h_switch) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->value = 1; } move_cursor_down = true; } else if(value > -1) { if(h_switch) { value = value % 6; synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->value = value; } if(!h_switch && value == 0) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->value = 1; } else if(!h_switch) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->value = value; } move_cursor_down = true; } } else if(cursor_y == 0) { // bpm if(zero) { synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed = 0; } else if(value > -1) { int old_bpm = synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed; int number = value; if(old_bpm < 100) { old_bpm *= 10; number += old_bpm; } else if(old_bpm < 10) { old_bpm *= 10; number += old_bpm; } if(number >= 999) { number = 999; } synth->wavetable_map[cursor_x][cursor_y]->speed = number; } } if(move_cursor_down) { wavetable_selection_y++; if(wavetable_selection_y >= synth->wavetable_height) { wavetable_selection_y = 2; } } } static void handle_note_keys(void) { int cursor_y = visual_cursor_y; if(input->key_z) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 12); } else if(input->key_s) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 13); } else if(input->key_x) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 14); } else if(input->key_d) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 15); } else if(input->key_c) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 16); } else if(input->key_v) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 17); } else if(input->key_g) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 18); } else if(input->key_b) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 19); } else if(input->key_h) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 20); } else if(input->key_n) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 21); } else if(input->key_j) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 22); } else if(input->key_m) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 23); } else if(input->key_comma) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 24); } else if(input->key_l) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 25); } else if(input->key_period) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 26); } else if(input->key_q) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 24); } else if(input->key_2) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 25); } else if(input->key_w) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 26); } else if(input->key_3) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 27); } else if(input->key_e) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 28); } else if(input->key_r) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 29); } else if(input->key_5) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 30); } else if(input->key_t) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 31); } else if(input->key_6) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 32); } else if(input->key_y) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 33); } else if(input->key_7) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 34); } else if(input->key_u) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 35); } else if(input->key_i) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 36); } else if(input->key_9) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 37); } else if(input->key_o) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 38); } else if(input->key_0) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 39); } else if(input->key_p) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 40); } } static void handle_pattern_keys(void) { bool zero = false; int number = 0; if(input->key_backspace || input->key_delete) { zero = true; } else if(input->key_0) { number = 0; } else if(input->key_1) { number = 1; } else if(input->key_2) { number = 2; } else if(input->key_3) { number = 3; } else if(input->key_4) { number = 4; } else if(input->key_5) { number = 5; } else if(input->key_6) { number = 6; } else if(input->key_7) { number = 7; } else if(input->key_8) { number = 8; } else if(input->key_9) { number = 9; } else { return; } if(pattern_cursor_y > 0 && pattern_cursor_y < 17) { if(zero) { synth->patterns[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset] = 0; } else { if(number < 0){ number = 0; } int old_pattern = synth->patterns[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset]; if(old_pattern < 10) { old_pattern *= 10; number += old_pattern; if(number >= synth->patterns_height) { number = synth->patterns_height-1; } } synth->patterns[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset] = number; } } // master amp if(pattern_cursor_y == 20 && pattern_cursor_x == 1) { if(zero) { synth->master_amp_percent = 0; synth->master_amp = 0; } else { int old_master_amp = synth->master_amp_percent; if(old_master_amp < 1000) { old_master_amp *= 10; number += old_master_amp; } else if(old_master_amp < 100) { old_master_amp *= 10; number += old_master_amp; } else if(old_master_amp < 10) { old_master_amp *= 10; number += old_master_amp; } if(number >= 9999) { number = 9999; } synth->master_amp_percent = number; synth->master_amp = synth->master_amp_percent*0.01; } } // rows if(pattern_cursor_y == 20 && pattern_cursor_x == 2) { if(zero) { synth->track_height = 1; visual_track_height = synth->track_height; } else { int track_height = synth->track_height; if(track_height < 10) { track_height *= 10; number += track_height; } if(number >= synth->track_max_height) { number = synth->track_max_height-1; } synth->track_height = number; if(synth->track_height < 1) { synth->track_height = 1; } visual_track_height = synth->track_height; } } // arp if(pattern_cursor_y == 20 && pattern_cursor_x == 3) { if(zero) { synth->arpeggio_speed = 1; } else { int old_arp = synth->arpeggio_speed; if(old_arp < 100) { old_arp *= 10; number += old_arp; } else if(old_arp < 10) { old_arp *= 10; number += old_arp; } if(number >= 600) { number = 600; } synth->arpeggio_speed = number; } } } void handle_param_value(void) { int cursor_y = visual_cursor_y; if(input->key_0) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 0); } else if(input->key_1) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 1); } else if(input->key_2) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 2); } else if(input->key_3) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 3); } else if(input->key_4) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 4); } else if(input->key_5) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 5); } else if(input->key_6) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 6); } else if(input->key_7) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 7); } else if(input->key_8) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 8); } else if(input->key_9) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 9); } else if(input->key_a) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 10); } else if(input->key_b) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 11); } else if(input->key_c) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 12); } else if(input->key_d) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 13); } else if(input->key_e) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 14); } else if(input->key_f) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 15); } else if(input->key_g) { add_track_node_with_octave(synth->track_cursor_x, cursor_y, editing, 16); } } static void instrument_effect_remove() { int instrument = selected_instrument_id; struct CTrackNode *node = synth->instrument_effects[instrument][instrument_editor_effects_y]; if(node == NULL) { node = cSynthNewTrackNode(); synth->instrument_effects[instrument][instrument_editor_effects_y] = node; } if(instrument_editor_effects_x == 0) { // TODO this is ugly, find a better way if(node->effect_value == 16) { // remove bitcrush synth->bitcrush_active = false; } node->effect = '-'; node->effect_value = -1; // remove params as well node->effect_param1 = '-'; node->effect_param1_value = -1; node->effect_param2 = '-'; node->effect_param2_value = -1; } if(instrument_editor_effects_x == 1) { node->effect_param1 = '-'; node->effect_param1_value = -1; } if(instrument_editor_effects_x == 2) { node->effect_param2 = '-'; node->effect_param2_value = -1; } } static void handle_instrument_effect_keys(void) { int instrument = selected_instrument_id; char value = -1; if(input->key_0) { value = 0; } else if(input->key_1) { value = 1; } else if(input->key_2) { value = 2; } else if(input->key_3) { value = 3; } else if(input->key_4) { value = 4; } else if(input->key_5) { value = 5; } else if(input->key_6) { value = 6; } else if(input->key_7) { value = 7; } else if(input->key_8) { value = 8; } else if(input->key_9) { value = 9; } else if(input->key_a) { value = 10; } else if(input->key_b) { value = 11; } else if(input->key_c) { value = 12; } else if(input->key_d) { value = 13; } else if(input->key_e) { value = 14; } else if(input->key_f) { value = 15; } else if(input->key_g) { value = 16; } if(value > -1) { struct CTrackNode *node = synth->instrument_effects[instrument][instrument_editor_effects_y]; if(node == NULL) { node = cSynthNewTrackNode(); synth->instrument_effects[instrument][instrument_editor_effects_y] = node; } // only effects are allowed to go over F. if(instrument_editor_effects_x != 0 && value > 15) { return; } if(instrument_editor_effects_x == 0) { // TODO this is ugly, find a better way if(node->effect_value == 16 && value != 16) { // remove bitcrush synth->bitcrush_active = false; } node->effect = cSynthGetCharFromParam(value); node->effect_value = value; } if(instrument_editor_effects_x == 1) { node->effect_param1 = cSynthGetCharFromParam(value); node->effect_param1_value = value; } if(instrument_editor_effects_x == 2) { node->effect_param2 = cSynthGetCharFromParam(value); node->effect_param2_value = value; } } } static void check_sdl_events(SDL_Event event) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_QUIT: quit = true; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: handle_key_down(&event.key.keysym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: handle_key_up(&event.key.keysym); break; } } } static void log_wave_data(float *floatStream, Uint32 floatStreamLength, Uint32 increment) { printf("\n\nwaveform data:\n\n"); Uint32 i=0; for (i=0; i= (fourth*2)-1) { visual_left = (fourth*2)-1; color = color_visualiser_clipping; } if(visualiser2d[x_counter][visual_left] != color_visualiser_clipping) { visualiser2d[x_counter][visual_left] = color; } color = color_visualiser; if(visual_right < (fourth*2)+2) { visual_right = (fourth*2)+1; color = color_visualiser_clipping; } else if (visual_right >= s_height-1) { visual_right = s_height-1; color = color_visualiser_clipping; } if(visualiser2d[x_counter][visual_right] != color_visualiser_clipping) { visualiser2d[x_counter][visual_right] = color; } x_counter++; } } } static void change_waveform(int plus) { int current_waveform = synth->patterns_and_voices[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y]; if(plus) { current_waveform++; } else { current_waveform--; } if(current_waveform < 0) { current_waveform = 5; } else if(current_waveform > 5) { current_waveform = 0; } if(current_waveform == 0) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->waveform = synth->sine_wave_table; } if(current_waveform == 1) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->waveform = synth->sawtooth_wave_table; } if(current_waveform == 2) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->waveform = synth->square_wave_table; } if(current_waveform == 3) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->waveform = synth->triangle_wave_table; } if(current_waveform == 4) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->waveform = synth->noise_table; } if(current_waveform == 5) { synth->voices[pattern_cursor_x]->waveform = synth->custom_table; } synth->patterns_and_voices[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y] = current_waveform; } static void change_param(bool plus) { int x = pattern_cursor_x; int y = pattern_cursor_y; if(y == 0) { change_waveform(plus); } else if(y == 17 || y == 18) { // nothing } else if(y == 20 && x == 1) { //master amp int amp = synth->master_amp_percent; if(plus) { amp++; synth->master_amp_percent = amp; } else { amp--; if(amp < 1) { amp = 1; } synth->master_amp_percent = amp; } synth->master_amp = synth->master_amp_percent*0.01; } else if(y == 21 && x == 0) { //toggle preview if(synth->preview_enabled) { synth->preview_enabled = false; } else { synth->preview_enabled = true; } } else if(y == 19 && x == 1) { // nothing } else if(y == 19 && x == 2) { // nothing } else if(y == 20 && x == 2) { // active rows for all patterns int track_height = synth->track_height; if(plus) { track_height++; if(track_height >= synth->track_max_height) { track_height = synth->track_max_height-1; } synth->track_height = track_height; visual_track_height = track_height; } else { track_height--; if(track_height < 1) { track_height = 1; } synth->track_height = track_height; visual_track_height = track_height; } } else if(y == 20 && x == 3) { if(plus) { synth->arpeggio_speed++; } else { synth->arpeggio_speed--; if(synth->arpeggio_speed < 1) { synth->arpeggio_speed = 1; } } } else if(y == 20 && x == 4) { // nothing } else if(y == 20) { // nothing } else { // pattern nr. int pattern = synth->patterns[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset]; if(plus) { pattern++; } else { pattern--; } if(pattern >= synth->patterns_height) { pattern = 0; } else if(pattern < 0) { pattern = synth->patterns_height-1; } synth->patterns[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset] = pattern; } } static void draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { double g_vec_x = x1 - x0; double g_vec_y = y1 - y0; double scale_factor = 1.0; double length = sqrt( g_vec_x*g_vec_x + g_vec_y*g_vec_y ); g_vec_x = (g_vec_x/length) * scale_factor; g_vec_y = (g_vec_y/length) * scale_factor; double pos_x = x0; double pos_y = y0; int i = 0; while (i < length) { pos_x += g_vec_x; pos_y += g_vec_y; int i_pos_x = (int)pos_x; int i_pos_y = (int)pos_y; if(instrument_editor_effects) { adsr_invert_y_render(i_pos_x, i_pos_y, color_inactive_text); } else { adsr_invert_y_render(i_pos_x, i_pos_y, color_envelope); } i++; } } static void render_custom_table(double dt) { struct CInstrument *ins = synth->custom_instrument; int max_nodes = ins->adsr_nodes; int inset_x = 50; int inset_y_node = 50; double speed = 0.0008*dt; if(modifier) { speed *= 0.1; } if(selected_custom_table_node_index > 0 && selected_custom_table_node_index < max_nodes-1) { if (pressed_left) { double pos1 = ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index-1]->pos; double pos2 = ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos; if(pos2 > pos1) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos -= speed; } if(pos2 < pos1) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos = pos1; } } else if(pressed_right) { if(selected_instrument_node_index < max_nodes-1) { double pos1 = ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos; double pos2 = ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index+1]->pos; if(pos1 < pos2) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos += speed; } if(ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos > pos2) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos = pos2; } } else if(selected_custom_table_node_index == max_nodes-1) { // last node ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->pos += speed; } } } if(pressed_down) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->amp -= speed; if(ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->amp < -1) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->amp = -1; } } else if(pressed_up) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->amp += speed; if(ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->amp > 1) { ins->adsr[selected_custom_table_node_index]->amp = 1; } } double amp_factor = 100; double pos_factor = 400; int i; for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { double g_pos = (i*(pos_factor*0.001)) + inset_x; int top_line_y = 150; int bottom_line_y = -50; int middle_line = 50; adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, top_line_y, color_text); adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, middle_line, color_inactive_text); adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, bottom_line_y, color_text); } for(i = 20; i < 220; i++) { raster2d[50][i] = color_text; raster2d[450][i] = color_text; } for(i = 0; i < max_nodes-1; i++) { struct CadsrNode *node = ins->adsr[i]; struct CadsrNode *node2 = ins->adsr[i+1]; double g_amp = (node->amp*amp_factor) + inset_y_node; double g_pos = (node->pos*pos_factor) + inset_x - envelope_node_camera_offset; double g_amp2 = (node2->amp*amp_factor) + inset_y_node; double g_pos2 = (node2->pos*pos_factor) + inset_x - envelope_node_camera_offset; draw_line((int)g_pos, (int)g_amp, (int)g_pos2, (int)g_amp2); } // render dots for nodes for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++) { struct CadsrNode *node = ins->adsr[i]; double g_amp = (node->amp*amp_factor) + inset_y_node; double g_pos = (node->pos*pos_factor) + inset_x; envelope_node_camera_offset = 0; for(int x = -2; x < 2; x++) { for(int y = -2; y < 2; y++) { int color = color_inactive_instrument_node; if(i == selected_custom_table_node_index) { color = color_active_instrument_node; } adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos+x-envelope_node_camera_offset, g_amp+y, color); } } } cSynthWriteCustomTableFromNodes(synth); } static void render_instrument_editor(double dt) { struct CInstrument *ins = synth->instruments[selected_instrument_id]; int max_nodes = ins->adsr_nodes; int inset_x = 10; int inset_y = 30; double speed = 0.0004*dt; if(modifier) { speed *= 0.1; } if(selected_instrument_node_index > 0 && !instrument_editor_effects) { if (pressed_left) { double pos1 = ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index-1]->pos; double pos2 = ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos; if(pos2 > pos1) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos -= speed; } if(pos2 < pos1) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos = pos1; } } else if(pressed_right) { if(selected_instrument_node_index < max_nodes-1) { double pos1 = ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos; double pos2 = ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index+1]->pos; if(pos1 < pos2) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos += speed; } if(ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos > pos2) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos = pos2; } } else if(selected_instrument_node_index == max_nodes-1) { // last node ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->pos += speed; } } if(pressed_down) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->amp -= speed; if(ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->amp < 0) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->amp = 0; } } else if(pressed_up) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->amp += speed; if(ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->amp > 1) { ins->adsr[selected_instrument_node_index]->amp = 1; } } } double amp_factor = 100; double pos_factor = 400; int i; for(i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { double g_pos = (i*(pos_factor*0.001)) + inset_x; int top_line_y = (int)(amp_factor + inset_y); int bottom_line_y = 0 + inset_y; if(instrument_editor_effects) { adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, top_line_y, color_inactive_text); adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, bottom_line_y, color_inactive_text); } else { adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, top_line_y, color_text); adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos, bottom_line_y, color_text); } } for(i = 0; i < max_nodes-1; i++) { struct CadsrNode *node = ins->adsr[i]; struct CadsrNode *node2 = ins->adsr[i+1]; double g_amp = (node->amp*amp_factor) + inset_y; double g_pos = (node->pos*pos_factor) + inset_x - envelope_node_camera_offset; double g_amp2 = (node2->amp*amp_factor) + inset_y; double g_pos2 = (node2->pos*pos_factor) + inset_x - envelope_node_camera_offset; draw_line((int)g_pos, (int)g_amp, (int)g_pos2, (int)g_amp2); } // render dots for nodes for(i = 0; i < max_nodes; i++) { struct CadsrNode *node = ins->adsr[i]; double g_amp = (node->amp*amp_factor) + inset_y; double g_pos = (node->pos*pos_factor) + inset_x; if(i == selected_instrument_node_index) { envelope_node_camera_offset = (int)(g_pos) - (s_width/2); if(envelope_node_camera_offset < 0) { envelope_node_camera_offset = 0; } } for(int x = -2; x < 2; x++) { for(int y = -2; y < 2; y++) { int color = color_inactive_instrument_node; if(instrument_editor_effects) { color = color_inactive_text; } else if(i == selected_instrument_node_index) { color = color_active_instrument_node; } adsr_invert_y_render(g_pos+x-envelope_node_camera_offset, g_amp+y, color); } } } char cval[64]; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)selected_instrument_id); snprintf(cval, 63, "instrument %c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, 1, 2, color_text, cengine_color_transparent); // render preset instrument effects. int offset_y = 13; for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < visual_instrument_effects; y++) { //effect type char cval[20]; struct CTrackNode *t = synth->instrument_effects[selected_instrument_id][y]; int color = color_text; int bg_color = cengine_color_transparent; if(x == instrument_editor_effects_x && y == instrument_editor_effects_y && instrument_editor_effects) { color = color_edit_text; bg_color = color_edit_marker; } else if(!instrument_editor_effects){ color = color_inactive_text; } if(t != NULL) { if(x == 0) { snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", t->effect); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x+1, y+offset_y, color, bg_color); } if(x == 1) { snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", t->effect_param1); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x+1, y+offset_y, color, bg_color); } if(x == 2) { snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", t->effect_param2); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x+1, y+offset_y, color, bg_color); } } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "-", x+1, y+offset_y, color, bg_color); } } } } static void adsr_invert_y_render(double x, double y, int color) { int i_x = (int)x; int i_y = (int)y/-1+170; if(check_screen_bounds(i_x, i_y)) { raster2d[i_x][i_y] = color; } } static void render_pattern_mapping(void) { int inset_x = 5; int inset_y = 1; for (int x = 0; x < synth->patterns_and_voices_width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < synth->patterns_and_voices_height; y++) { int bg_color = cengine_color_transparent; int color = color_text; if(x == pattern_cursor_x && y == pattern_cursor_y) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; color = color_edit_text; } if(y == 0) { int wave_color = color; if(synth->solo_voice > -1) { if(x == synth->solo_voice) { wave_color = color_solo_text; bg_color = color_solo; } else { wave_color = color_mute_text; bg_color = color_mute; } } else if(synth->voices[x]->muted == 1) { wave_color = color_mute_text; bg_color = color_mute; } if(x == pattern_cursor_x && y == pattern_cursor_y) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; wave_color = color_edit_text; } int val = synth->patterns_and_voices[x][y]; char cval[4]; snprintf(cval, 3, "%d", val); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, get_wave_type_as_char(val), x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, wave_color, bg_color); } else if(y == 17) { char cval[10]; int ins_nr = x; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)ins_nr); snprintf(cval, 9, "ins %c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 18) { char cval[10]; int ins_nr = x; ins_nr += 6; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)ins_nr); snprintf(cval, 9, "ins %c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 19 && x < 4) { char cval[10]; int ins_nr = x; ins_nr += 12; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)ins_nr); snprintf(cval, 9, "ins %c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20 && x == 0) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "wavetable", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 21 && x == 2) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "cust edit", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20 && x == 1) { char cval[10]; snprintf(cval, 9, "amp %d%%", synth->master_amp_percent); if(synth->audio_clips) { bg_color = color_file_name_text; synth->audio_clips = false; } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20 && x == 2) { char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "rows %d", synth->track_height); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20 && x == 3) { char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "arp %d", synth->arpeggio_speed); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20 && x == 4) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "tempo", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20 && x == 5) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "visual", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 21 && x == 0) { if(synth->preview_enabled) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "preview 1", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "preview 0", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } } else if(y == 21 && x == 1) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "help", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 21 && x == 5) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "credits", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 19) { //nothing cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "-", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 20) { //nothing cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "-", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if(y == 21) { //nothing cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "-", x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else { color = color_inactive_text; if(synth->active_tracks[y-1+visual_pattern_offset] == 1) { bg_color = color_active_row; color = color_active_row_text; if(synth->solo_track == y-1+visual_pattern_offset) { bg_color = color_solo; color = color_solo_text; } } if(synth->solo_track == y-1) { bg_color = color_solo; color = color_solo_text; } if(y-1+visual_pattern_offset == synth->current_track && playing) { if(synth->current_track == synth->solo_track) { bg_color = color_solo; } else { bg_color = color_playing_row; } color = color_playing_row_text; } if(x == pattern_cursor_x && y == pattern_cursor_y) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; color = color_edit_text; } int pattern = synth->patterns[x][y-1+visual_pattern_offset]; char cval[4]; snprintf(cval, 3, "%d", pattern); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); if(x == 0) { // print track numbers int track_nr = y-1+visual_pattern_offset; char cval[4]; snprintf(cval, 3, "%d", track_nr); int x_offset = 1; if(track_nr < 10) { x_offset = 2; } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x_offset, y+1, color_text, cengine_color_transparent); } } } } int pattern_at_cursor = -1; int track_at_cursor = -1; if(pattern_cursor_y > 0 && pattern_cursor_y < 17) { track_at_cursor = pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset; pattern_at_cursor = synth->patterns[pattern_cursor_x][pattern_cursor_y-1+visual_pattern_offset]; } if(track_at_cursor > -1 && pattern_at_cursor > -1) { char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "p:%d t:%d", pattern_at_cursor, track_at_cursor); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, 55, 23, cengine_color_white, cengine_color_transparent); } } static char *get_wave_type_as_char(int type) { if(type == 0) { return "sine"; } if(type == 1) { return "saw"; } if(type == 2) { return "sqr"; } if(type == 3) { return "tri"; } if(type == 4) { return "nois"; } if(type == 5) { return "cust"; } return "error"; } static void draw_wave_types(void) { for (int x = 0; x < synth->patterns_and_voices_width; x++) { int val = synth->patterns_and_voices[x][0]; int wave_color = color_text; if(synth->solo_voice > -1) { if(x == synth->solo_voice) { wave_color = color_solo; } else { wave_color = color_mute; } } else if(synth->voices[x]->muted == 1) { wave_color = color_mute; } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, get_wave_type_as_char(val), 2+x*10, -visual_cursor_y+5, wave_color, cengine_color_transparent); } } static void render_visualiser(void) { for(int x = 0; x < s_width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < s_height; y++) { raster2d[x][y] = visualiser2d[x][y]; } } } int is_in_bounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if(x > -1 && y > -1 && x < width && y < height) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } static void render_tempo_editor(double dt) { int inset_x = 5; int inset_y = 1; if(synth->pending_tempo_column > -1) { redraw_screen = true; synth->pending_tempo_blink_counter += dt; if (synth->pending_tempo_blink_counter > 200) { synth->pending_tempo_blink_counter_toggle = !synth->pending_tempo_blink_counter_toggle; synth->pending_tempo_blink_counter = 0; } } for(int x = 0; x < synth->tempo_width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < synth->tempo_height; y++) { if(x == 0 && y > 0) { // print track numbers int track_nr = y-1; char cval[4]; snprintf(cval, 3, "%d", track_nr); int x_offset = 1; if(track_nr < 10) { x_offset = 2; } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x_offset, y+1, color_text, cengine_color_transparent); } int color = color_inactive_text; int bg_color = cengine_color_transparent; char cval[10]; struct CTempoNode *t = synth->tempo_map[x][y]; if(synth->current_tempo_column == x) { if(t->active) { bg_color = color_active_row; color = color_active_row_text; } else { color = color_text; } if(synth->tempo_index == y && playing) { if(t->active) { bg_color = color_playing_row; color = color_playing_row_text; } } } else if(synth->pending_tempo_column == x) { if(t->active && synth->pending_tempo_blink_counter_toggle) { bg_color = color_active_row; color = color_active_row_text; } } else { if(t->active) { bg_color = color_inactive_text; color = color_active_row_text; } } if(tempo_selection_x == x && tempo_selection_y == y) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; color = color_edit_text; } if (y == 0) { int bpm = t->bpm; snprintf(cval, 9, "BPM %d", bpm); } else { char node_value = t->ticks; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)node_value); snprintf(cval, 9, "%c", c); } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*10+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } } } static void render_reset_confirmation(double dt) { for(int x = 0; x < s_width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < s_height; y++) { raster2d[x][y] = color_bg; } } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Reset project? Press [RETURN] to reset or [ESCAPE].", 2, 3, color_text, cengine_color_transparent); } static void render_wavetable_editor(double dt) { int inset_x = 5; int inset_y = 1; bool h_switch = true; for(int x = 0; x < synth->wavetable_width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < synth->wavetable_height; y++) { if(x == 0 && y > 1) { // print track numbers int track_nr = y-2; char cval[4]; snprintf(cval, 3, "%d", track_nr); int x_offset = 1; if(track_nr < 10) { x_offset = 2; } cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x_offset, y+1, color_text, cengine_color_transparent); } int color = color_inactive_text; int bg_color = cengine_color_transparent; char cval[20]; struct CWavetableNode *t = synth->wavetable_map[x][y]; if(t->active || (y == 0 && h_switch)) { color = color_text; } if(wavetable_selection_x == x && wavetable_selection_y == y) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; color = color_edit_text; } if(h_switch) { if (y == 0) { snprintf(cval, 19, "speed %d", t->speed); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*5+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else if (y == 1) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "loop", x*5+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } else { char node_value = t->value; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)node_value); snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, get_wave_type_as_char(node_value), x*5+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } } else { if (y > 1) { struct CWavetableNode *p_t = synth->wavetable_map[x-1][y]; if(p_t->active) { color = color_text; } else { color = color_inactive_text; } char node_value = t->value; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)node_value); snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, x*5+inset_x, y+inset_y, color, bg_color); } } } if(h_switch) { inset_x = 5; } else { inset_x = 5; } h_switch = !h_switch; } } static void render_track(double dt) { if(help) { render_help(); return; } else if(credits) { render_credits(); return; } else if(reset_confirmation) { render_reset_confirmation(dt); return; } else if(visualiser && !instrument_editor && !file_editor) { render_visualiser(); return; } else if(instrument_editor && !file_editor && !tempo_editor && !visualiser) { render_instrument_editor(dt); return; } else if(custom_table && !file_editor && !tempo_editor && !visualiser) { render_custom_table(dt); return; } else if(tempo_editor && !file_editor) { render_tempo_editor(dt); return; } else if(wavetable_editor && !file_editor) { render_wavetable_editor(dt); return; } else if(pattern_editor && !file_editor) { render_pattern_mapping(); return; } else if(file_editor) { render_files(); return; } int x_count = 0; int offset_x = 0; int inset_x = 2; int inset_y = 6; int cursor_x = visual_cursor_x/5; cSynthUpdateTrackCursor(synth, cursor_x, visual_cursor_y); int track_progress_int = synth->track_progress_int; draw_wave_types(); if(follow && playing) { int diff = track_progress_int - visual_cursor_y; set_visual_cursor(0, diff, false); } else { track_progress_int = visual_cursor_y; } int node_x = -1; int node_y = -1; int node_y_bright = 0; for (int y = 0; y < synth->track_height; y++) { offset_x = 0; node_y++; if(node_y > synth->track_highlight_interval-1) { node_y = 0; } for (int x = 0; x < visual_track_width; x++) { int bg_color = 0; int color = color_text; if(x >= 0 && x < 5) { bg_color = color_bg1; if(node_y == node_y_bright) { bg_color = color_bg1_highlight; } } if(x >= 5 && x < 10) { bg_color = color_bg2; if(node_y == node_y_bright) { bg_color = color_bg2_highlight; } } if(x >= 10 && x < 15) { bg_color = color_bg3; if(node_y == node_y_bright) { bg_color = color_bg3_highlight; } } if(x >= 15 && x < 20) { bg_color = color_bg4; if(node_y == node_y_bright) { bg_color = color_bg4_highlight; } } if(x >= 20 && x < 25) { bg_color = color_bg5; if(node_y == node_y_bright) { bg_color = color_bg5_highlight; } } if(x >= 25 && x < 30) { bg_color = color_bg6; if(node_y == node_y_bright) { bg_color = color_bg6_highlight; } } node_x = (int)floor(x/5); if(selection_enabled && editing) { int sel_x = (int)floor(selection_x/5); int vis_x = (int)floor(visual_cursor_x/5); bool inside_selection_x = false; bool inside_selection_y = false; if(sel_x < vis_x) { if(node_x >= sel_x && node_x <= vis_x) { inside_selection_x = true; } } else { if(node_x >= vis_x && node_x <= sel_x) { inside_selection_x = true; } } if(selection_y < visual_cursor_y) { if(y >= selection_y && y <= visual_cursor_y) { inside_selection_y = true; } } else { if(y >= visual_cursor_y && y <= selection_y) { inside_selection_y = true; } } if(inside_selection_x && inside_selection_y && editing) { color = color_selection_text; bg_color = color_selection_marker; if(visual_cursor_x == x && visual_cursor_y == y) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; } } } if(synth->track_progress_int == y && playing == 1) { if(synth->current_track == current_track) { bg_color = color_playing_row; color = color_playing_row_text; } } if(visual_cursor_x == x && visual_cursor_y == y) { if(editing == 1) { bg_color = color_edit_marker; color = color_edit_text; } else { bg_color = color_marker; } } int pos_y = inset_y+y-track_progress_int; if(x == 0 || x == 5 || x == 10 || x == 15 || x == 20 || x == 25) { int pattern = synth->patterns[node_x][current_track]; struct CTrackNode *t = synth->track[pattern][node_x][y]; if(t != NULL && t->tone_active) { int tone = t->tone; char *ctone = cSynthToneToChar(tone); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, ctone, inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " - ", inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } offset_x += 3; } else { int pattern = synth->patterns[node_x][current_track]; struct CTrackNode *t = synth->track[pattern][node_x][y]; if(t != NULL) { if(x_count == 1) { if(t->instrument != NULL) { char cval[20]; char c = cSynthGetCharFromParam((char)t->instrument_nr); snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", c); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "-", inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } } else if(x_count == 2) { //effect type char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", t->effect); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } else if(x_count == 3) { //effect type char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", t->effect_param1); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } else if(x_count == 4) { //effect type char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "%c", t->effect_param2); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } } else { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "-", inset_x+x+offset_x, pos_y, color, bg_color); } if(x_count == 1 || x_count == 4) { offset_x++; } } x_count++; if(x_count == 5) { x_count = 0; } } int pattern_at_cursor = synth->patterns[cursor_x][current_track]; current_pattern = pattern_at_cursor; char cval[20]; snprintf(cval, 19, "p:%d t:%d r:%d", current_pattern, current_track, visual_cursor_y); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, cval, 50, 23, color_text, color_text_bg); } } static void setup_sdl(void) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); // Get current display mode of all displays. int i; SDL_DisplayMode current; for(i = 0; i < SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); ++i) { int should_be_zero = SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(i, ¤t); if(should_be_zero != 0) { // In case of error... if(debuglog) { SDL_Log("Could not get display mode for video display #%d: %s", i, SDL_GetError()); } st_pause(); } else { // On success, print the current display mode. if(debuglog) { SDL_Log("Display #%d: current display mode is %dx%dpx @ %dhz. \n", i, current.w, current.h, current.refresh_rate); } } } if(fullscreen) { window = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); } else { window = SDL_CreateWindow("", SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, width, height, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); } if(window != NULL) { context = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); if(context == NULL) { printf("\nFailed to create context: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); st_pause(); } renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); if (renderer != NULL) { texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, s_width, s_height); if(fullscreen) { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "linear"); // make the scaled rendering look smoother. SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, width, height); } SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); char title_string[256]; snprintf(title_string, 255, "%s", title); SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, title_string); visual_track_height = synth->track_height; } else { if(errorlog) { printf("Failed to create renderer: %s", SDL_GetError()); } st_pause(); } } else { if(errorlog) { printf("Failed to create window:%s", SDL_GetError()); } st_pause(); } } static void setup_synth(void) { synth = cSynthContextNew(); synth->interleaved = true; synth->debuglog = debuglog; synth->errorlog = errorlog; synth->chunk_size = 64; synth->preview_enabled = preview_enabled; cSynthInit(synth); visual_track_height = synth->track_height; } static void setup_texture(void) { // contains an integer for every color/pixel on the sheet. raw_sheet = cAllocatorAlloc((sheet_width*sheet_height) * sizeof(unsigned int), "main.c raw_sheet 1"); for(int r = 0; r < sheet_width*sheet_height; r++) { raw_sheet[r] = 0; } // load gfx from source. for (int i = 0; i < 1024*16; i++) { raw_sheet[i] = chars_gfx[i]; } cEngineWritePixelData(raw_sheet); raw_sheet = cAllocatorFree(raw_sheet); } static void destroy_sdl(void) { SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); SDL_DestroyWindow(window); } static int setup_sdl_audio(void) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_TIMER); SDL_AudioSpec want; SDL_zero(want); SDL_zero(audioSpec); want.freq = synth->sample_rate; want.format = AUDIO_S16LSB; want.channels = 2; want.samples = bufferSize; want.callback = audio_callback; if(debuglog) { printf("\naudioSpec want\n"); printf("----------------\n"); printf("sample rate:%d\n", want.freq); printf("channels:%d\n", want.channels); printf("samples:%d\n", want.samples); printf("----------------\n\n"); } AudioDevice = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &want, &audioSpec, 0); if(debuglog) { printf("\naudioSpec get\n"); printf("----------------\n"); printf("sample rate:%d\n", audioSpec.freq); printf("channels:%d\n", audioSpec.channels); printf("samples:%d\n", audioSpec.samples); printf("size:%d\n", audioSpec.size); printf("----------------\n"); } if (AudioDevice == 0) { if(errorlog) { printf("\nFailed to open audio: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } st_pause(); return 1; } if (audioSpec.format != want.format) { if(errorlog) { printf("\nCouldn't get requested audio format.\n"); } st_pause(); return 2; } int frameRate = synth->frame_rate; int sampleRate = audioSpec.freq; bufferSize = audioSpec.samples; samplesPerFrame = sampleRate/frameRate; msPerFrame = 1000/frameRate; audioMainLeftOff = samplesPerFrame*8; SDL_AtomicSet(&audioCallbackLeftOff, 0); SDL_PauseAudioDevice(AudioDevice, 0);// unpause audio. return 0; } static void setup_cengine(void) { struct CEngineContext *c = cEngineContextNew(); c->width = s_width; c->height = s_height; c->sprite_size = 16; c->max_touches = 8; c->level_width = 64; c->level_height = 64; c->color_mode_argb = true; c->color_mode_rgba = false; c->show_fps = false; c->ground_render_enabled = false; cEngineInit(c); input = c->input; } static void cleanup_synth(void) { if(debuglog) { printf("allocs before cleanup:\n"); } cAllocatorPrintAllocationCount(); cleanup_data(); if(debuglog) { printf("allocs after cleanup:\n"); } cAllocatorPrintAllocations(); cAllocatorPrintAllocationCount(); // If allocation tracking is on, clean up the last stuff. cAllocatorCleanup(); } static int get_delta(void) { int currentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); int delta = 0; if(old_time == 0) { old_time = currentTime; delta = 16; } else { delta = currentTime-old_time; old_time = currentTime; if(delta <= 0) { delta = 1; } } if(fps_print_interval >= print_interval_limit) { fps_print_interval = 0; } fps_print_interval++; return delta; } static void main_loop(void) { int delay_ms = active_render_delay_ms; if(passive_rendering == false) { delay_ms = passive_render_delay_ms; } check_sdl_events(event); cInputApplyPendingLocks(input); if(instrument_editor) { synth->needs_redraw = true; } if(custom_table) { synth->needs_redraw = true; } if(credits) { synth->needs_redraw = true; } if(tempo_editor) { synth->needs_redraw = true; } if(visualiser) { synth->needs_redraw = true; } if(any_key_pressed && !synth->preview_locked) { synth->sustain_active = true; synth->preview_locked = true; } else if(!any_key_pressed && synth->preview_locked) { synth->preview_locked = false; synth->preview_started = false; cSynthTurnOffSustain(synth); } update_info(last_dt); if(redraw_screen || synth->needs_redraw || !passive_rendering) { render_track(last_dt); render_info(); for (int r_x = 0; r_x < s_width; r_x++) { for (int r_y = 0; r_y < s_height; r_y++) { raster[r_x+r_y*s_width] = raster2d[r_x][r_y]; } } for(int x = 0; x < s_width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < s_height; y++) { raster2d[x][y] = color_bg; } } redraw_screen = false; synth->needs_redraw = false; } SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, NULL, raster, s_width * sizeof (unsigned int)); SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); int dt = get_delta(); last_dt = dt; int wait_time = delay_ms-dt; if(dt < 10) { SDL_Delay(wait_time); } } static void debug_log(char *str) { // TODO need to use write safe location before using this. if(log_file_enabled) { FILE * fp; fp = fopen ("log.txt", "a"); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", str); fclose(fp); } } static int get_buffer_size_from_index(int i) { switch (i) { case 1: return 256; break; case 2: return 512; break; case 3: return 1024; break; case 4: return 2048; break; case 5: return 4096; break; case 6: return 8192; break; case 7: return 16384; break; default: return 4096; break; } } static void copy_project_win(const char *name) { char *read_path = cAllocatorAlloc((1024 * sizeof(char*)), "win path 1"); snprintf(read_path, 1023, "%s%s", "demos\\", name); char *write_path = cAllocatorAlloc((1024 * sizeof(char*)), "win path 2"); snprintf(write_path, 1023, "%s%s", conf_default_dir, name); char *b = load_file(read_path); if(b != NULL) { FILE * fp; fp = fopen(write_path, "w+"); if(fp != NULL) { if(debuglog) { printf("writing file at path %s", write_path); } fprintf(fp, "%s", b); fclose(fp); } } else { if(debuglog) { printf("could not load file %s", read_path); } } cAllocatorFree(read_path); cAllocatorFree(write_path); } static void load_config(void) { // for windows bool success = false; char *path = cAllocatorAlloc((1024 * sizeof(char*)), "config path"); snprintf(path, 1023, "%sconfig.txt", conf_default_dir); char *b = load_file(path); if(b != NULL) { success = parse_config(b); cAllocatorFree(b); } if(!success) { if(debuglog) { printf("could not find config file. Writing config.txt and copying demo projects to %s\n", path); } bufferSize = 8192; FILE * fp; fp = fopen(path, "w+"); if(fp != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s", "{\r\n\"buffer_size\":4096,\r\n\"buffer_size_info\":\"Must be a power of two, for example 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384\",\r\n\"fullscreen\":false,\r\n\"preview\":true,\r\n\"color_info_text_bg\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_file_name_text\" : {\"r\" : 250, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_inactive_instrument_node\" : {\"r\" : 100, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_active_instrument_node\" : {\"r\" : 255, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_envelope\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_visualiser\" : {\"r\" : 100, \"g\" : 250, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_visualiser_clipping\" : {\"r\" : 250, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_inactive_text\" : {\"r\" : 100, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_text\" : {\"r\" : 240, \"g\" : 240, \"b\" : 240},\r\n\"color_text_bg\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_marker\" : {\"r\" : 100, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_solo\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_solo_text\" : {\"r\" : 255, \"g\" : 255, \"b\" : 255},\r\n\"color_mute\" : {\"r\" : 200, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_mute_text\" : {\"r\" : 255, \"g\" : 255, \"b\" : 255},\r\n\"color_active_row\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_active_row_text\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_playing_row\" : {\"r\" : 100, \"g\" : 250, \"b\" : 100},\r\n\"color_playing_row_text\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_edit_marker\" : {\"r\" : 255, \"g\" : 100, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_edit_text\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_selection_marker\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 255, \"b\" : 255},\r\n\"color_selection_text\" : {\"r\" : 0, \"g\" : 0, \"b\" : 0},\r\n\"color_bg\" : {\"r\" : 20, \"g\" : 20, \"b\" : 20},\r\n\"color_bg1\" : {\"r\" : 60, \"g\" : 60, \"b\" : 60},\r\n\"color_bg2\" : {\"r\" : 60, \"g\" : 60, \"b\" : 60},\r\n\"color_bg3\" : {\"r\" : 60, \"g\" : 60, \"b\" : 60},\r\n\"color_bg4\" : {\"r\" : 60, \"g\" : 60, \"b\" : 60},\r\n\"color_bg5\" : {\"r\" : 60, \"g\" : 60, \"b\" : 60},\r\n\"color_bg6\" : {\"r\" : 60, \"g\" : 60, \"b\" : 60},\r\n\"color_bg1_highlight\" : {\"r\" : 40, \"g\" : 40, \"b\" : 40},\r\n\"color_bg2_highlight\" : {\"r\" : 40, \"g\" : 40, \"b\" : 40},\r\n\"color_bg3_highlight\" : {\"r\" : 40, \"g\" : 40, \"b\" : 40},\r\n\"color_bg4_highlight\" : {\"r\" : 40, \"g\" : 40, \"b\" : 40},\r\n\"color_bg5_highlight\" : {\"r\" : 40, \"g\" : 40, \"b\" : 40},\r\n\"color_bg6_highlight\" : {\"r\" : 40, \"g\" : 40, \"b\" : 40}\r\n}\r\n"); fclose(fp); } b = load_file(path); if(b != NULL) { success = parse_config(b); cAllocatorFree(b); copy_project_win("catslayer.snibb"); copy_project_win("dunsa2.snibb"); copy_project_win("fiskbolja.snibb"); copy_project_win("horizon.snibb"); copy_project_win("kissemisse.snibb"); copy_project_win("korvhastig.snibb"); copy_project_win("websnacks.snibb"); copy_project_win("wrestchest.snibb"); copy_project_win("projectcart.snibb"); } else { if(debuglog) { printf("could not find config file after writing. path:%s\n", path); } } } path = cAllocatorFree(path); } static unsigned int get_color_from_json_config(cJSON *color_obj) { cJSON *rgb_obj = NULL; unsigned int ret = 0; if(color_obj != NULL) { rgb_obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(color_obj, "r"); int r = rgb_obj->valueint; rgb_obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(color_obj, "g"); int g = rgb_obj->valueint; rgb_obj = cJSON_GetObjectItem(color_obj, "b"); int b = rgb_obj->valueint; if(r > 254) { r = 254; } if(g > 254) { g = 254; } if(b > 254) { b = 254; } unsigned char c_r = (unsigned char)r; unsigned char c_g = (unsigned char)g; unsigned char c_b = (unsigned char)b; ret = (255 << 24) | ((unsigned char)c_r << 16) | ((unsigned char)c_g << 8) | (unsigned char)c_b; } return ret; } static bool parse_config(char *json) { cJSON *root = NULL; cJSON *object = NULL; char *param_buffer_size = "buffer_size"; char *param_fullscreen = "fullscreen"; char *param_preview = "preview"; char *param_color_info_text_bg = "color_info_text_bg"; char *param_color_file_name_text = "color_file_name_text"; char *param_color_inactive_instrument_node = "color_inactive_instrument_node"; char *param_color_active_instrument_node = "color_active_instrument_node"; char *param_color_visualiser = "color_visualiser"; char *param_color_visualiser_clipping = "color_visualiser_clipping"; char *param_color_envelope = "color_envelope"; char *param_color_inactive_text = "color_inactive_text"; char *param_color_text = "color_text"; char *param_color_text_bg = "color_text_bg"; char *param_color_marker = "color_marker"; char *param_color_solo = "color_solo"; char *param_color_solo_text = "color_solo_text"; char *param_color_mute = "color_mute"; char *param_color_mute_text = "color_mute_text"; char *param_color_active_row = "color_active_row"; char *param_color_active_row_text = "color_active_row_text"; char *param_color_playing_row = "color_playing_row"; char *param_color_playing_row_text = "color_playing_row_text"; char *param_color_edit_marker = "color_edit_marker"; char *param_color_edit_text = "color_edit_text"; char *param_color_selection_marker = "color_selection_marker"; char *param_color_selection_text = "color_selection_text"; char *param_color_bg = "color_bg"; char *param_color_bg1 = "color_bg1"; char *param_color_bg2 = "color_bg2"; char *param_color_bg3 = "color_bg3"; char *param_color_bg4 = "color_bg4"; char *param_color_bg5 = "color_bg5"; char *param_color_bg6 = "color_bg6"; char *param_color_bg1_highlight = "color_bg1_highlight"; char *param_color_bg2_highlight = "color_bg2_highlight"; char *param_color_bg3_highlight = "color_bg3_highlight"; char *param_color_bg4_highlight = "color_bg4_highlight"; char *param_color_bg5_highlight = "color_bg5_highlight"; char *param_color_bg6_highlight = "color_bg6_highlight"; root = cJSON_Parse(json); if(root != NULL) { // buffer size object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_buffer_size); if(object != NULL) { bufferSize = 8192; int buffer_index_value = object->valueint; bufferSize = (Uint16)buffer_index_value; } else { if(errorlog) { printf("could not find buffersize in config.\n"); } } // fullscreen object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_fullscreen); if(object != NULL) { bool fullscreen_value = object->valueint; if(fullscreen_value) { if(debuglog) { printf("fullscreen in config is true\n"); } fullscreen = true; } else { if(debuglog) { printf("fullscreen in config is false\n"); } fullscreen = false; } } else { if(debuglog) { printf("could not find fullscreen in config.\n"); } } // preview object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_preview); if(object != NULL) { bool fullscreen_value = object->valueint; if(fullscreen_value) { if(debuglog) { printf("preview in config is true\n"); } preview_enabled = true; } else { if(debuglog) { printf("preview in config is false\n"); } preview_enabled = false; } } else { if(debuglog) { printf("could not find preview in config.\n"); } } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_info_text_bg); if(object != NULL) { color_info_text_bg = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_file_name_text); if(object != NULL) { color_file_name_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_inactive_instrument_node); if(object != NULL) { color_inactive_instrument_node = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_active_instrument_node); if(object != NULL) { color_active_instrument_node = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_envelope); if(object != NULL) { color_envelope = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_visualiser); if(object != NULL) { color_visualiser = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_visualiser_clipping); if(object != NULL) { color_visualiser_clipping = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_inactive_text); if(object != NULL) { color_inactive_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_text); if(object != NULL) { color_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_text_bg); if(object != NULL) { color_text_bg = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_marker); if(object != NULL) { color_marker = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_solo); if(object != NULL) { color_solo = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_solo_text); if(object != NULL) { color_solo_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_mute); if(object != NULL) { color_mute = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_mute_text); if(object != NULL) { color_mute_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_active_row); if(object != NULL) { color_active_row = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_active_row_text); if(object != NULL) { color_active_row_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_playing_row); if(object != NULL) { color_playing_row = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_playing_row_text); if(object != NULL) { color_playing_row_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_edit_marker); if(object != NULL) { color_edit_marker = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_edit_text); if(object != NULL) { color_edit_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_selection_marker); if(object != NULL) { color_selection_marker = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_selection_text); if(object != NULL) { color_selection_text = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg); if(object != NULL) { color_bg = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg1); if(object != NULL) { color_bg1 = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg2); if(object != NULL) { color_bg2 = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg3); if(object != NULL) { color_bg3 = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg4); if(object != NULL) { color_bg4 = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg5); if(object != NULL) { color_bg5 = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg6); if(object != NULL) { color_bg6 = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg1_highlight); if(object != NULL) { color_bg1_highlight = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg2_highlight); if(object != NULL) { color_bg2_highlight = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg3_highlight); if(object != NULL) { color_bg3_highlight = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg4_highlight); if(object != NULL) { color_bg4_highlight = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg5_highlight); if(object != NULL) { color_bg5_highlight = get_color_from_json_config(object); } object = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root, param_color_bg6_highlight); if(object != NULL) { color_bg6_highlight = get_color_from_json_config(object); } cJSON_Delete(root); return true; } return false; } static void st_pause(void) { SDL_Delay(5000); } static void st_log(char *message) { if(debuglog) { printf("*** %s \n", message); } } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // override to use exe dir as default_dir bool path_defined = false; #if defined(platform_windows) char *b = load_file("exe_dir_as_workspace.txt"); if(b != NULL) { path_defined = true; conf_default_dir = cAllocatorAlloc((1024 * sizeof(char*)), "conf default dir exe dir"); snprintf(conf_default_dir, 1023, "%s", ""); printf("exe dir override found. default dir:%s\n", conf_default_dir); cAllocatorFree(b); } #endif // get path from SDL2 if(path_defined == false) { char *pref_path = SDL_GetPrefPath("lundstroem", "snibbetracker"); if (pref_path != NULL) { conf_default_dir = cAllocatorAlloc((1024 * sizeof(char*)), "conf default dir 2"); snprintf(conf_default_dir, 1023, "%s", pref_path); printf("default dir:%s\n", conf_default_dir); } else { if(debuglog) { printf("SDL_GetPrefPath returned NULL\n"); } } } #if defined(platform_windows) load_config(); st_log("started executing."); #elif defined(platform_osx) //osx, load from bundle char *settings = get_settings_json(); parse_config(settings); if(conf_default_dir != NULL) { copy_demo_songs(conf_default_dir); } free(settings); #else //linux #endif init_data(); st_log("init data successful."); setup_cengine(); st_log("setup cengine successful."); setup_synth(); st_log("setup synth successful."); if(run_with_sdl) { setup_texture(); st_log("setup texture successful."); setup_sdl(); st_log("setup SDL successful."); setup_sdl_audio(); st_log("setup SDL audio successful."); } if(run_with_sdl) { if (texture != NULL) { while (!quit) { main_loop(); } } } cleanup_synth(); st_log("synth cleanup successful."); if(run_with_sdl) { destroy_sdl(); st_log("SDL cleanup successful."); SDL_CloseAudioDevice(AudioDevice); st_log("SDL audio cleanup successful."); SDL_Quit(); st_log("SDL quit successful."); } return 0; } static void export_wav(char *filename) { if(playing) { toggle_playback(); } // find starting pattern int starting_track = 0; for(int i = 0; i < synth->patterns_height; i++) { if(synth->active_tracks[i] == 1) { starting_track = i; break; } } synth->current_track = starting_track; cSynthResetTrackProgress(synth, starting_track, 0); cSynthResetTempoIndex(synth); synth->tempo_skip_step = true; exporting = true; synth->looped = false; unsigned long buffer_size = 0; long chunk_size = 64; Sint16 *buffer = NULL; long iterations = LONG_MAX; // calculate size of file and allocate buffer etc for(long i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { long begin = i*chunk_size; long end = (i*chunk_size) + chunk_size; cSynthRenderAudio(synth, NULL, begin, end, chunk_size, playing, exporting); if(synth->looped) { synth->looped = false; break; } buffer_size += chunk_size*2; } if(debuglog) { printf("export buffer size:%ld\n", buffer_size); } synth->current_track = starting_track; cSynthResetTrackProgress(synth, starting_track, 0); cSynthResetTempoIndex(synth); synth->tempo_skip_step = true; cSynthResetOnLoopBack(synth); exporting = true; synth->looped = false; synth->bitcrush_active = false; for (int i = 0; i < synth->track_width; i++) { struct CVoice *v = synth->voices[i]; v->adsr_cursor = 0; v->note_on = false; for(int i = 0; i < v->delay_buffer_size; i++) { v->delay_buffer[i] = 0; } } // alloc buffer buffer = cAllocatorAlloc(sizeof(Sint16) * buffer_size, "export buffer"); for(int i = 0; i < buffer_size; i++) { buffer[i] = 0; } // render to buffer for(long i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { long begin = i*chunk_size; long end = (i*chunk_size) + chunk_size; cSynthRenderAudio(synth, buffer, begin, end, chunk_size, playing, exporting); if(synth->looped) { synth->looped = false; break; } } write_wav(filename, buffer_size, buffer, synth->sample_rate); if(debuglog) { printf("total buffer size: %lu\n", buffer_size); } cAllocatorFree(buffer); exporting = false; } static void write_little_endian(unsigned int word, int num_bytes, FILE *wav_file) { unsigned buf; while(num_bytes > 0) { buf = word & 0xff; fwrite(&buf, 1,1, wav_file); num_bytes--; word >>= 8; } } static void write_wav(char *filename, unsigned long num_samples, short int *data, int s_rate) { FILE* wav_file; unsigned int sample_rate; unsigned int num_channels; unsigned int bytes_per_sample; unsigned int byte_rate; unsigned long i; /* counter for samples */ num_channels = 2; bytes_per_sample = 2; if (s_rate <= 0) sample_rate = 44100; else sample_rate = (unsigned int) s_rate; byte_rate = sample_rate * num_channels * bytes_per_sample; wav_file = fopen(filename, "wb"); if(wav_file != NULL) { /* write RIFF header */ fwrite("RIFF", 1, 4, wav_file); write_little_endian((unsigned int)(36 + num_samples), 4, wav_file); fwrite("WAVE", 1, 4, wav_file); /* write fmt subchunk */ fwrite("fmt ", 1, 4, wav_file); write_little_endian(16, 4, wav_file); /* SubChunk1Size is 16 */ write_little_endian(1, 2, wav_file); /* PCM is format 1 */ write_little_endian(num_channels, 2, wav_file); write_little_endian(sample_rate, 4, wav_file); write_little_endian(byte_rate, 4, wav_file); write_little_endian(num_channels*bytes_per_sample, 2, wav_file); /* block align */ write_little_endian(8*bytes_per_sample, 2, wav_file); /* bits/sample */ /* write data subchunk */ fwrite("data", 1, 4, wav_file); //write_little_endian((unsigned int)(bytes_per_sample * num_samples * num_channels), 4, wav_file); write_little_endian((unsigned int)(num_samples), 4, wav_file); for (i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) { if(i < num_samples/2) { write_little_endian((unsigned int)(data[i]), bytes_per_sample, wav_file); } } fclose(wav_file); } else { set_info_timer("could not export file. Set proper path in config."); } } static void handle_credits_keys(void) { credits_left = false; credits_right = false; credits_up = false; credits_down = false; if(input->key_return || input->key_escape) { credits = false; } if(input->key_left) { credits_left = true; } if(input->key_right) { credits_right = true; } if(input->key_up) { credits_up = true; } if(input->key_down) { credits_down = true; } if(input->key_space) { toggle_playback(); } } static void handle_help_keys() { if(input->key_return || input->key_escape) { help = false; } if(input->key_up) { help_index--; if(help_index < 0) { help_index = help_index_max-1; } } if(input->key_down) { help_index++; if(help_index >= help_index_max) { help_index = 0; } } if(input->key_space) { toggle_playback(); } } static void render_help(void) { int x = 0; int offset_x = 1; int inset_x = 1; int y = 1; int color = color_text; int bg_color = cengine_color_transparent; int page = help_index; if(page == 0) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "track view", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- return: toggle editing on/off.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- space: play/stop.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- arrow keys: move cursor.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- tab: go to pattern view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #if defined(platform_windows) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+left/right: change octave up/down.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+up/down: move notes below cursor.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+c/v/x: copy paste or cut note (or selection).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+f: toggle play cursor follow.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+plus/minus: transpose octave in selection.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+1-9: set stepsize.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #elif defined(platform_osx) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+left/right: change octave up/down.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+up/down: move notes below cursor.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+c/v/x: copy paste or cut note (or selection).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+f: toggle play cursor follow.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+plus/minus: transpose octave in selection.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+1-9: set stepsize.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #endif cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- plus/minus: transpose halfnote", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- shift+arrow keys: make selection. (if edit is on)", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- character keys: play notes or edit effects.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- home/end: go to top / bottom.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "[note] [instrument number] [effects]", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "E-2", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, cengine_color_bg1_highlight); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "0", inset_x+x+offset_x+4, y, color, cengine_color_bg1_highlight); cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "047", inset_x+x+offset_x+6, y, color, cengine_color_bg1_highlight); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "1 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } if(page == 1) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "pattern view", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- arrow keys: move around grid.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- plus/minus: cycle waveform, pattern numbers, rows etc.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- return: go to instrument view (when cursor is at Ins 0-F).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- tab: go to track view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- e: jump to trackview with current position.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- m: mute track (or channel if cursor is at the top).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- x: activate/inactivate track.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- s: solo track (or channel if cursor is at the top).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #if defined(platform_windows) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- shift+up/down: paginate tracks (0-63).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+c/v: copy paste track data.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+up/down: move pattern rows.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #elif defined(platform_osx) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- shift+up/down: paginate tracks (0-63).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+c/v: copy paste track data.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+up/down: move pattern rows.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #endif cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- home/end: set cursor to top / bottom.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "amp - master amplitude.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "rows - number of active rows in patterns.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "arp - general arpeggio speed.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "preview - 1 or 0. if notes are audiable when editing.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "2 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } if(page == 2) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "instrument view", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- arrow keys: move node.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #if defined(platform_windows) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+arrow keys: move node slowly.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #elif defined(platform_osx) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+arrow keys: move node slowly.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #endif cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- tab: cycle nodes.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- return: go to pattern view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- shift: toggle editing of envelope or effects.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- home/end: cycle instruments.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "3 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } if(page == 3) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "custom wave", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- arrow keys: move node.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- tab: cycle nodes.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "wavetable view", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- x: activate/inactivate row. first row is always", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " active. toggle loop active/inactive.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- 1-F: change overall speed on top row, or speed per row.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; } if(page == 4) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "tempo view", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- x: activate/inactivate row. each column", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " must have at least one active row.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- plus/minus: change BPM on top row.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- 1-9: change BPM on top row, or beats.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #if defined(platform_windows) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+enter: switch tempo column. while", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #elif defined(platform_osx) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+enter: switch tempo column. while", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #endif cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " playing, column will be armed and switched", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " to when the current pattern has finished.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "4 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } if(page == 5) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "global controls", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #if defined(platform_windows) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+s: go to save view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+o: go to load view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+e: export wav.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+n: reset project.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+i: go to instrument view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+t: go to tempo view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+p: go to visualiser.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+r: go to wavetable view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- ctrl+j: go to custom wave view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- escape: exit view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #elif defined(platform_osx) cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+s: go to save view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+o: go to load view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+e: export wav.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+n: reset project.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+i: go to instrument view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+t: go to tempo view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+p: go to visualiser.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+r: go to wavetable view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- cmd+j: go to custom wave view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- escape: exit view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; #endif cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- f1-f9: switch views", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "save/load view", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- character keys: enter filename.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- backspace: remove character.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- return: save/load file.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "- escape: exit view.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "5 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } if(page == 6) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "effects 1(2)", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "0xx - arpeggio (second tone halfsteps, third tone halfsteps)", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " change speed in settings:Arp xx.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "1xx - arpeggio speed (speed, speed) use one of the values or", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " both multiplied.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "2xx - delay (speed, feedback).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "3xx - portamento (speed, speed) uses a single value if other", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " is 0 or a multiplication of both. sets the speed to when", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " new notes will be reached.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "4xx - vibrato (speed, depth).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "5xx - distortion (amp, amp).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "6xx - FM (depth, speed).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "7xx - detune (amount, amount) 88 is middle.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "8xx - PWM (linear position/oscillation depth, oscillation", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " speed) on squarewave. if param2 is present, param1", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " will be used for osc depth.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "6 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } if(page == 7) { cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "effects 2(2)", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "----------------", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "9xx - set wavetable/waveform for current channel.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " param1: set wavetable lane 0-5 or param2:", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " change waveform 0-5.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Axx - (left amplitud, right amplitud) can be used for", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " amplitude, pan och turning off a note.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Bxx - downsample sweep down (linear, sweep) sweep works on", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " noise channel. choose either linear or sweep.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Cxx - downsample sweep up (linear, sweep) sweep works on", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " noise channel. choose either linear or sweep.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Dxx - ends pattern. D11 - jump to next pattern and reset", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " tempo seq. D1x - reset tempo seq. D2x - switch", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " tempo_seq column. x = tempo seq column (0-5).", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Exx - pitch up (fast, slow) Works on non-noise channels.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " both values can be combined to increase effect.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Fxx - pitch down (fast, slow) Works on non-noise channels.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " both values can be combined to increase effect.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "Gxx - bitcrush, params are multiplied to represent", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, " a bit depth. Affects all channels.", inset_x+x+offset_x, y, color, bg_color); y++; cEngineRenderLabelWithParams(raster2d, "7 / 7", 1, 22, color, bg_color); } } static void render_credits(void) { if(!credits_init) { resetColorValues(); credits_init = true; } credits_hue_rotation += credits_hue_rotation_inc; if(credits_hue_rotation > 360) { credits_hue_rotation = 0; } if (credits_left) { credits_cursor_x--; if (credits_cursor_x < 10) { credits_cursor_x = 10; } } else if(credits_right) { credits_cursor_x++; if (credits_cursor_x > s_width) { credits_cursor_x = s_width; } } else if(credits_up) { credits_cursor_y--; if (credits_cursor_y < 10) { credits_cursor_y = 0; } } else if(credits_down) { credits_cursor_y++; if (credits_cursor_y > s_height) { credits_cursor_y = s_height; } } redraw_screen = true; int int_x = 0; int inset_x = 0; int inset_y = 0; int int_y = 4; int inc = 10; int brush_size = 10; for(int x = credits_cursor_x-brush_size; x < credits_cursor_x+brush_size; x++) { for(int y = credits_cursor_y-brush_size; y < credits_cursor_y+brush_size; y++) { if(check_screen_bounds(x, y)) { credits2d[x][y] = credits_brush_color; } } } int color = credits_color; int bg_color = credits_bg_color; credits_x += credits_x_inc; credits_y += credits_y_inc; int_x = (int)credits_x; int_y = (int)credits_y; bool change_colors = false; if(credits_x > s_width-235) { credits_x_inc = -credits_x_inc; credits_x = s_width-236; change_colors = true; } else if(credits_x < 0) { credits_x_inc = -credits_x_inc; credits_x = 1; change_colors = true; } if(credits_y > s_height-215) { credits_y_inc = -credits_y_inc; credits_y = s_height-216; change_colors = true; } else if(credits_y < 0) { credits_y_inc = -credits_y_inc; credits_y = 1; change_colors = true; } if(change_colors) { if(credits_x_inc < 0) { credits_x_inc = (double)(rand() % 120 / 100.0); credits_x_inc = -credits_x_inc; } else { credits_x_inc = (double)(rand() % 120 / 100.0); } if(credits_y_inc < 0) { credits_y_inc = (double)(rand() % 120 / 100.0); credits_y_inc = -credits_y_inc; } else { credits_y_inc = (double)(rand() % 120 / 100.0); } credits_hue_rotation_inc = (float)(rand() % 100 / 100.0); credits_bg_color = rand(); credits_color = abs(INT_MAX-credits_bg_color); credits_brush_color = rand(); if(rand() % 2 == 1) { credits_bg_color = cengine_color_transparent; } credits_higher_contrast = false; credits_scanlines_x = false; credits_scanlines_y = false; } cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, "_code_and_design_", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " lundstroem", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, "_design_and_testing_", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " salkinitzor", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, "_feedback_and_testing_", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " nordloef", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " Linde", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " sunfl0wr", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " Rockard", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " 0c0", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, "_special_thanks_to_", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " OlofsonArcade", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " goto80", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " lolloise", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " crabinfo", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, "_etc_", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); inset_y+=inc; cEngineRenderLabelByPixelPos(credits2d, " (C) lundstroem", int_x+inset_x, int_y+inset_y, color, bg_color); int hue_x = int_x; int hue_y = int_y; int hue_width = 240; int hue_height = 215; if (hue_x >= s_width) { hue_x = s_width-1; } if (hue_y >= s_height) { hue_y = s_height-1; } if (hue_width+hue_x >= s_width) { hue_width = s_width-hue_x-1; if(hue_width < 0) { hue_width = 0; } } if (hue_height+hue_y > s_height) { hue_height = s_height-hue_y-1; if(hue_height < 0) { hue_height = 0; } } if(hue_x+hue_width <= s_width && hue_y+hue_height <= s_height && hue_x > 0 && hue_y > 0) { renderPixels(credits2d, hue_x, hue_y, hue_width, hue_height, credits_hue_rotation); } for(int x = 0; x < s_width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < s_height; y++) { raster2d[x][y] = credits2d[x][y]; } } } static void resetColorValues(void) { c_hue_a = 0; c_hue_r = 0; c_hue_g = 0; c_hue_b = 0; c_new_hue_r = 0; c_new_hue_g = 0; c_new_hue_b = 0; } static void transformHSV(float H, float S, float V) { float VSU = 0.1f; float VSW = 0.1f; if(credits_higher_contrast) { VSU = (float)(credits_hue_rotation * 0.01); VSW = (float)(credits_hue_rotation * 0.01); } else { VSU = (float)(V*S*cos(H*M_PI/180.0f)); VSW = (float)(V*S*sin(H*M_PI/180)); } c_new_hue_r = (float)(.299*V+.701*VSU+.168*VSW)*c_hue_r + (float)(.587*V-.587*VSU+.330*VSW)*c_hue_g + (float)(.114*V-.114*VSU-.497*VSW)*c_hue_b; c_new_hue_g = (float)(.299*V-.299*VSU-.328*VSW)*c_hue_r + (float)(.587*V+.413*VSU+.035*VSW)*c_hue_g + (float)(.114*V-.114*VSU+.292*VSW)*c_hue_b; c_new_hue_b = (float)(.299*V-.3*VSU+1.25*VSW)*c_hue_r + (float)(.587*V-.588*VSU-1.05*VSW)*c_hue_g + (float)(.114*V+.886*VSU-.203*VSW)*c_hue_b; } static void renderPixels(unsigned int **data, int start_x, int start_y, int w, int h, float rotation) { if (data != NULL) { for(int x = start_x; x < w+start_x; x++) { if(credits_scanlines_x) { if (x % 2 == 0) { continue; } } for(int y = start_y; y < h+start_y; y++) { if(credits_scanlines_y) { if (y % 2 == 0) { continue; } } unsigned int rast = data[x][y]; unsigned char red = rast & 0xff; unsigned char green = (rast >> 8) & 0xff; unsigned char blue = (rast >> 16) & 0xff; float rscale = red /255.0f; float gscale = green /255.0f; float bscale = blue /255.0f; c_hue_r = rscale; c_hue_g = gscale; c_hue_b = bscale; transformHSV(rotation, 1.0f, 0.99f); c_new_hue_r = (float)(c_new_hue_r*255.0); c_new_hue_g = (float)(c_new_hue_g*255.0); c_new_hue_b = (float)(c_new_hue_b*255.0); if (c_new_hue_r > 255) { c_new_hue_r = 255; } if (c_new_hue_g > 255) { c_new_hue_g = 255; } if (c_new_hue_b > 255) { c_new_hue_b = 255; } if(c_new_hue_r < 0) { c_new_hue_r = 0; } if(c_new_hue_g < 0) { c_new_hue_g = 0; } if(c_new_hue_b < 0) { c_new_hue_b = 0; } data[x][y] = (255 << 24) | ((unsigned char)c_new_hue_b << 16) | ((unsigned char)c_new_hue_g << 8) | (unsigned char)c_new_hue_r; } } } }