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Q-ready microservice for NodeJS with support for MongoDB (incl. Azure CosmosDB)

This is a Maana Q-compatible project template supporting modern JavaScript (ES2019) and community best practices and technologies, including ESLint, Prettier, Docker, GraphQL, and Mongoose.

Getting started

A bare bones sample, Foo, has been provided that acts as a guide for where you should fill in your own schema, models, and resolvers.

  • update package.json to reflect your information
  • update docker-compose-prod.yml to reflect your docker image name
  • modify the sample as appropriate

Building and Running it:

  • yarn install to get dependencies
  • Use docker-compose up to start mongodb.
  • Use yarn dev to start the server in Developer mode (hot reload).
  • Use yarn serve to run the server in Production mode.


  • Apollo Server
  • Express
  • Mongoose
  • Nodemon
  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose
  • ESLint
  • Prettier

Mongoose Schema

Under src/db, create one model file per file, then ensure they are included in the index.js. A small sample has been provided for you to modify.

GraphQL Schema

Add your factored GraphQL schema and resolvers within sub-folders of src/graphql. They will be merged together for ApolloServer.

Resolver Context

Your resolvers will receive, as part of the standard GraphQL Context, the following additional data:

  • your Mongoose models
  • the database object
  • all of your other resolvers (allowing resolvers to call each other internally)


A minimal example has been provided to get you started with the template. It includes a basic type, Foo, with two properties: name (a string) and bar (a number). There are two mutations: create and delete, and two queries: foo (get by name) and totalBar, which fetches all the Foo instances and sums their bar properties.

Replace db/Foo.js with your own database schema and include it in db/index.js.

Replace graphql/foo with your own GraphQL schema and JavaScript resolvers.


The template includes a Dockerfile and two docker-compose files (development and production) and can be deployed like any other service.

Using Azure Cosmos DB

Follow the instructions of the official Microsoft documentation.


⛔️ DEPRECATED Q-ready microservice for NodeJS with support for MongoDB (incl. Azure CosmosDB)






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