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PM123 1.41 Source File Distribution

Copyright 1997-2003 Samuel Audet
                    Taneli Lepp„
Copyright 2004-2007 Dmitry A.Steklenev <>
Copyright 2005-2011 Marcel M�ller <>


In this small README file, you will learn how to use this source file
distribution to successfully compile PM123 from the sources.

Tools Needed to Compile

You will need the following tools and libraries to compile PM123 via

- gcc 3.3.5 csd 1
- Operating System/2 Information Presentation Facility Compiler (included in to
  IBM OS/2 Developer's Toolkit).
- IBM LINK386 (also included in to IBM OS/2 Developer's Toolkit).
- GNU Make
- WarpIN (if you want to create an installation package)
- Info-ZIP (if you want to create the ZIP package)

Also, I have been using cmd.exe at all times, so disable 4os2 or other cmd.exe
replacement when using this distribution's makefiles.

How to Compile

You can use the following commands with the main makefile and NMAKE:

all:         will compile EVERYTHING in "src"
filename:    will compile that module (ie.: "src\pm123\pm123.exe", etc.)
clean:       will clean up all the compiled binaries in "src"
dist:        will do "distfiles", "distpackage" and "distzip"
distfiles:   will copy all the needed binaries and files from "src", "doc" and
             others into "dist\files"
distpackage: will build the WarpIN packages from the files in "dist\files"
distzip:     will build the ZIP file from the files in "dist\files"
distclean:   will clean everything made by "dist"
test:        will run some test cases against the PM123 core engine and it's
depend:      update include dependencies in makefiles

You can also use all of the individual makefiles in each of the subdirectories
of the "src" directory. Each of them contain an "all" and "clean" command.

In all cases, you can add "DEBUG=1 DEBUG_LOG=1" to MAKE's command line to build
a debug version of one of PM123's module. Example:

  [c:\devel\pm123-1_2-src] nmake pm123.exe DEBUG=1 DEBUG_LOG=1

Additionally you may add "DEBUG_MEM=1" to add some guard code to memory
allocation to trace memory leaks and out of bounds memory access. This option
must be enable for the entire code. Combining code compiled with and w/o this
option will result in a broken binary.

Directory Structure

The directories are split as shown in the diagram below. "dist" contains the
files needed to build the install packages, and the packages themselves once
they are built. "doc" contains text files and the user manual in HTML format.
"extra" contains files that are not part of pm123 per se. "pdk" (plug-in
developer's kit) documentation to build new plug-ins. "src" contains all
the source code of PM123.

+- dist                 make dist places the distribution packages here
|  +- files             make dist places the distribution files here
+- doc                  Documentation files
|  +- common            Common documentation files like the change log
|  +- developer         Documentation for PM123 developers
|  |  +- images         Images for the above
|  +- manual            The PM123 manual/help files
|  |  +- images         Images for the above
|  +- pdk               Documentation for plug-in developers
|  +- src               Source files of documentation images
|  +- tools             Tools for documentation build
+- extra                Some add-ons for external applications
|  +- irc
|  +- slider
+- src                  All PM123 source codes
|  +- config            Common platform specific configuration data for build
|  +- fft123            Port of libfftw, used by analyzer and realeq
|  |  +- ...
|  +- gbm123            Port of libgbm, used by PM123 and skinutil
|  +- include           Common includes (only the most important ones)
|  +- libmpg123         Port of libmpg123, used by mpg123 plug-in
|  |  +- ...
|  +- logformater       Perl scripts to analyze PM123 debug logs
|  +- ogg123            Port of libogg, used by oggplay plug-in
|  |  +- ...
|  +- plug-ins          Source code of PM123 plug-ins
|  |  +- analyzer       Visual spectrum analyzer
|  |  +- cddaplay       CD playback with CDDB support
|  |  +- foldr123       Open file system folders directly
|  |  +- mpg123         MPEG audio decoder
|  |  |  +- ...
|  |  +- oggplay        Ogg Vorbis decoder
|  |  +- os2audio       OS/2 DART sound output
|  |  +- os2rec         OS/2 DART recording plug-in
|  |  +- plist123       Playlist file reader/writer
|  |  +- pulse123       PulseAudio client for PM123
|  |  +- realeq         32 band equalizer
|  |  +- wavout         WAV writer plug-in
|  |  +- wavplay        Decoder for losless audio files (WAV and many more)
|  +- pm123             Source of the PM123 core engine
|  |  +- bmp            Bitmap ressources
|  |  |  +- font1
|  |  |  +- font2
|  |  +- ico            Icon ressources
|  +- pulseaudio        OS/2 port of PulseAudio
|  |  +- libspeex       libspeex, required to build PulseAudio
|  |  +- pulse          PulseAudio API
|  |  +- pulsecore      PulseAudio core
|  |  +- speex          Include files for libspeex
|  +- skinutil          Utility to convert WinAmp 1.x skins and manage skins
|  +- snd123            Port of libsndfile, used by wavplay
|  +- utils             General utility functions
|  |  +- cpp            General utility functions for C++ only
|  |     +- container   Container classes for C++
|  +- vrb123            Port of libvorbis, used by oggplay
|  |  +- ...
|  +- WPS               Installer for PMShell folder
|  |  +- icons          Neat icons for PMShell
|  +- xio123            Generic I/O module of PM123 and plug-ins
|  +- zlb123            Port of zlib
+- test                 Test suite for PM123
   +- data              Test data
   +- temp              make test places temporary files here
   +- work              make test places the executables here

In the "extra" directory, there "irc" has some scripts for BitchX and ircii
to display the playing songs in the IRC client window. "slider" is a small
tool that uses PM123's pipe to control the volume of two instances of PM123.
The volume of the first PM123 executed will follow the slider, and the
second will go reverse, allowing to cross the sounds of two songs for DJs.

In the "src" directory, all the source code of one module (one EXE or DLL)
is found in a subdirectory of the same name as the module.  So pm123.exe's
source code is found in "pm123" and realeq.dll's source code is found under
"plug-ins\realeq".  Each directory has its own makefile, fully functional.

Have fun!

Samuel Audet and Taneli Lepp„
September 2003
Dmitry A.Steklenev
November 2007
Marcel M�ller
July 2011