This project contains various example codes and custom libraries created for STM32 micronctrollers (L1, F4 and F7 variants). The L1 and F4 examples use the Standard Peripheral Library, whereas the F7 examples use the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) drivers.
TC74 Temperature Measurement
This program reads the temperature of a TC74 connected to an STM32L152 discovery board. The sensor is connected on the I2C1 pins (SCL: PB6, SDA: PB7). It returns the value to a variable named temperature which then can be sent via UART, shown on a display or through a debug session. -
TC74 with error handling
This program reads the temperature of a TC74 connected to an STM32L152 discovery board. The sensor is connected on the I2C1 pins (SCL: PB6, SDA: PB7). It returns the value to a variable named temperature which then can be sent via UART, shown on a display or through a debug session. In case of a timeout or an acknowledge failure, the program returns the error code and continues normal execution. -
TC74 with low power
This program reads the temperature of a TC74 connected to an STM32L152 discovery board. The sensor is connected on the I2C1 pins (SCL: PB6, SDA: PB7). It returns the value to a variable named temperature which then can be sent via UART, shown on a display or through a debug session. The temperature is sampled every 5 seconds, via TIM6. After that the TC74 enters standby mode until the next read. -
I2C EEPROM with error handling
Library and example in order to read and write data to an EEPROM chip via I2C. It uses I2C3 (PA8 for SCL, PC9 for SDA) with a 24LC01B chip. -
SPI Potentiometer
Library and example to operate a Microchip MCP41XXX potentiometer. -
Library and example for the I2C INA226 in order to configure the monitor and read the bus voltage via I2C. It uses I2C1 (PB8 for SCL, PB9 for SDA). -
L152 Disco PWM Generator
This program output a PWM signal to PB7, with variable frequency and duty cycle. The values are set using the Discovery's touch sensor and are displayed on the embedded LCD. The user button is pressed to change between setting the frequency and the duty cycle. -
F4 Dot Matrix Controller
This example shows how to drive an 64x32 Dot Matrix Display using an STM32F429 Discovery board. It uses UART to get new frames and stores them in two different memory banks.