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Re-use the Port API dependency engine for handling portfile dependenc…
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Allow multiple Portfiles to be opened simultaneously.
Bug#: 333, 354

git-svn-id: d073be05-634f-4543-b044-5fe20cf6d1d6
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Kevin Van Vechten committed Feb 26, 2003
1 parent 0911203 commit 49eb281
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Showing 2 changed files with 170 additions and 64 deletions.
185 changes: 138 additions & 47 deletions src/darwinports1.0/darwinports.tcl
Expand Up @@ -29,12 +29,14 @@
package provide darwinports 1.0
package require darwinports_dlist 1.0

namespace eval darwinports {
namespace export bootstrap_options portinterp_options uniqid 0
namespace export bootstrap_options portinterp_options open_dports
variable bootstrap_options "portdbpath libpath auto_path sources_conf prefix"
variable portinterp_options "portdbpath portpath auto_path prefix portsharepath"
variable uniqid 0

variable open_dports {}

# Provided UI instantiations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ proc ui_warn {str {nonl ""}} {

proc dportinit {args} {
global auto_path env darwinports::portdbpath darwinports::bootstrap_options darwinports::uniqid darwinports::portinterp_options darwinports::portconf darwinports::sources darwinports::sources_conf darwinports::portsharepath
global auto_path env darwinports::portdbpath darwinports::bootstrap_options darwinports::portinterp_options darwinports::portconf darwinports::sources darwinports::sources_conf darwinports::portsharepath

if {[llength [array names env HOME]] > 0} {
set HOME [lindex [array get env HOME] 1]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ proc dportinit {args} {

proc darwinports::worker_init {workername portpath options variations} {
global darwinports::uniqid darwinports::portinterp_options auto_path
global darwinports::portinterp_options auto_path

# Create package require abstraction procedure
$workername eval "proc PortSystem \{version\} \{ \n\
Expand All @@ -166,7 +168,7 @@ proc darwinports::worker_init {workername portpath options variations} {
if [info exists $opt] {
$workername eval set system_options($opt) \"[set $opt]\"
$workername eval set $opt \"[set $opt]\"
} #"
foreach {opt val} $options {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,30 +232,102 @@ proc darwinports::getportdir {url} {
# dportopen
# Opens a DarwinPorts portfile specified by a URL. The portfile is
# opened with the given list of options and variations. The result
# of this function should be treated as an opaque handle to a
# DarwinPorts Portfile.
proc dportopen {porturl {options ""} {variations ""}} {
global darwinports::uniqid darwinports::portinterp_options darwinports::portdbpath darwinports::portconf auto_path
set portdir [darwinports::getportdir $porturl]
cd $portdir
set portpath [pwd]
set workername workername[incr uniqid]
interp create $workername
global darwinports::portinterp_options darwinports::portdbpath darwinports::portconf darwinports::open_dports auto_path
# Look for an already-open DPort with the same URL.
# XXX: should compare options and variations here too.
# if found, return the existing reference and bump the refcount.
set dport [dlist_search $darwinports::open_dports porturl $porturl]
if {$dport != {}} {
set refcnt [ditem_key $dport refcnt]
incr refcnt
ditem_key $dport refcnt $refcnt
return $dport
set portdir [darwinports::getportdir $porturl]
cd $portdir
set portpath [pwd]
set workername [interp create]
set dport [ditem_create]
lappend darwinports::open_dports $dport
ditem_key $dport porturl $porturl
ditem_key $dport portpath $portpath
ditem_key $dport workername $workername
ditem_key $dport options $options
ditem_key $dport variations $variations
ditem_key $dport refcnt 1
darwinports::worker_init $workername $portpath $options $variations
if ![file isfile Portfile] {
return -code error "Could not find Portfile in $portdir"
$workername eval source Portfile
ditem_key $dport provides [$workername eval return \$portname]
return $dport
return $workername
proc _dporttest {dport} {
# Check for the presense of the port in the registry
set workername [ditem_key $dport workername]
set res [$workername eval registry_exists \${portname} \${portversion}]
if {$res != ""} {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc dportexec {workername target} {
global darwinports::portinterp_options darwinports::uniqid
proc _dportexec {target dport} {
set workername [ditem_key $dport workername]
return [$workername eval eval_targets $target]
# dportexec
# Execute the specified target of the given dport.
proc dportexec {dport target} {
global darwinports::portinterp_options
set workername [ditem_key $dport workername]
# XXX: move this into dportopen?
if {[$workername eval eval_variants variations $target] != 0} {
return 1
# Before we build the port, we must build its dependencies.
# XXX: need a more general way of comparing against targets
set dlist {}
if {$target == "configure" || $target == "build" || $target == "install" ||
$target == "package" || $target == "mpkg"} {
dportdepends $dport 1 1
# Select out the dependents along the critical path
set dlist [dlist_append_dependents $darwinports::open_dports $dport {}]
# install them
set dlist [dlist_eval $darwinports::open_dports _dporttest [list _dportexec "install"]]
return [$workername eval eval_targets $target]
if {$dlist != {}} {
ui_error "$target terminated due to an error while installing a dependency."
} else {
return [$workername eval eval_targets $target]
return 0
proc darwinports::getindex {source} {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,56 +398,73 @@ proc dportsearch {regexp} {
return $matches
proc dportinfo {workername} {
proc dportinfo {dport} {
set workername [ditem_key $dport workername]
return [$workername eval array get PortInfo]
proc dportclose {workername} {
interp delete $workername
proc dportclose {dport} {
global darwinports::open_dports
set refcnt [ditem_key $dport refcnt]
incr refcnt -1
ditem_key $dport refcnt $refcnt
if {$refcnt == 0} {
dlist_delete darwinports::open_dports $dport
set workername [ditem_key $dport workername]
interp delete $workername
##### Private Depspec API #####
# This API should be considered work in progress and subject to change without notice.
##### "

# dportdepends returns a list of port names which the given port depends on.
# xxx: should return the depspec itself once we have better depspec processing.
# dportdepends returns a list of dports which the given port depends on.
# - optionally includes the build dependencies in the list.
# - optionally recurses through the dependencies, looking for dependencies
# of dependencies.

proc dportdepends {portname includeBuildDeps recurseDeps} {
set result {}

if {[catch {set res [dportsearch "^$portname\$"]} error]} {
ui_puts err "Internal error: port search failed: $error"
proc dportdepends {dport includeBuildDeps recurseDeps} {
array set portinfo [dportinfo $dport]
set depends {}
if {[info exists portinfo(depends_run)]} { eval "lappend depends $portinfo(depends_run)" }
if {[info exists portinfo(depends_lib)]} { eval "lappend depends $portinfo(depends_lib)" }
if {$includeBuildDeps != "" && [info exists portinfo(depends_build)]} {
eval "lappend depends $portinfo(depends_build)"

foreach {name array} $res {
array set portinfo $array
set depends {}
if {[info exists portinfo(depends_run)]} { eval "lappend depends $portinfo(depends_run)" }
if {[info exists portinfo(depends_lib)]} { eval "lappend depends $portinfo(depends_lib)" }
if {$includeBuildDeps != "" && [info exists portinfo(depends_build)]} {
eval "lappend depends $portinfo(depends_build)"
foreach depspec $depends {
# grab the portname portion of the depspec
set portname [lindex [split $depspec :] 2]

# Find the porturl
if {[catch {set res [dportsearch "^$portname\$"]} error]} {
ui_puts err "Internal error: port search failed: $error"
return 1
foreach {name array} $res {
array set portinfo $array
if {[info exists portinfo(porturl)]} {
set porturl $portinfo(porturl)
foreach depspec $depends {
# grab the portname portion of the depspec
set dep [lindex [split $depspec :] 2]
lappend result $dep
if {$recurseDeps != ""} {
set rdeps [dportdepends $dep $includeBuildDeps $recurseDeps]
if {$rdeps == -1} {
return -1
} else {
eval "lappend result $rdeps"

set options [ditem_key $dport options]
set variations [ditem_key $dport variations]

set subport [dportopen $porturl $options $variations]

# Append the sub-port's provides to the port's requirements list.
ditem_append $dport requires "[ditem_key $subport provides]"

if {$recurseDeps != ""} {
set res [dportdepends $subport $includeBuildDeps $recurseDeps]
if {$res != 0} {
return $res

return $result
return 0
49 changes: 32 additions & 17 deletions src/darwinports1.0/darwinports_dlist.tcl
Expand Up @@ -68,6 +68,18 @@ proc dlist_search {dlist key value} {
return $result

# dlist_delete
# Deletes the specified ditem from the dlist.
# dlist - the list to search
# ditem - the item to delete
proc dlist_delete {dlist ditem} {
upvar $dlist uplist
set ix [lsearch -exact $uplist $ditem]
if {$ix >= 0} {
set uplist [lreplace $uplist $ix $ix]

# dlist_has_pending
# Returns true if the dlist contains ditems
# which will provide one of the specified names,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,21 +236,27 @@ proc dlist_get_next {dlist statusdict} {
# dlist_eval will exit with a list of the remaining ditems,
# or {} if all ditems were evaluated.
# dlist - the dependency list to evaluate
# testcond - test condition to populate the status dictionary
# should return {-1, 0, 1}
# handler - the handler to invoke on each ditem
# canfail - If 1, then progress will not stop when a failure
# occures; if 0, then dlist_eval will return on the
# first failure
# selector - the selector for determining eligibility

proc dlist_eval {dlist handler {selector "dlist_get_next"}} {
proc dlist_eval {dlist testcond handler {canfail "0"} {selector "dlist_get_next"}} {
array set statusdict [list]

# Do a pre-run seeing if any items automagically
# can evaluate to true.
foreach ditem $dlist {
#if test ditem
if {0} {
foreach token [dlist_key $ditem provides] {
set statusdict($name) 1
if {$testcond != ""} {
foreach ditem $dlist {
if {[eval "expr \[\$testcond \$ditem\] == 1"]} {
foreach token [ditem_key $ditem provides] {
set statusdict($token) 1
dlist_delete dlist $ditem
ldelete dlist $ditem

Expand All @@ -251,7 +269,7 @@ proc dlist_eval {dlist handler {selector "dlist_get_next"}} {
} else {
# $handler should return a unix status code, 0 for success.
# statusdict notation is 1 for success
if {[catch {$handler $ditem} result]} {
if {[catch {eval "$handler $ditem"} result]} {
puts $result
return $dlist
Expand All @@ -262,8 +280,13 @@ proc dlist_eval {dlist handler {selector "dlist_get_next"}} {
set statusdict($token) [expr $result == 0]

# Abort if we're not allowed to fail
if {$canfail == 0 && $result != 0} {
return $dlist

# Delete the ditem from the waiting list.
darwinports_dlist::ldelete dlist $ditem
dlist_delete dlist $ditem

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,14 +353,6 @@ proc ditem_contains {ditem key args} {

proc ldelete {list value} {
upvar $list uplist
set ix [lsearch -exact $uplist $value]
if {$ix >= 0} {
set uplist [lreplace $uplist $ix $ix]

# End of darwinports_dlist namespace

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