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Underwater has successfully initialized.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:07:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:07:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:07:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:07:50] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:07:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:07:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:02] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• Mission Last man standing: 9000ft. Underwater has successfully initialized.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:02] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:02] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:02] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:02] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:02] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:02] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:14] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• [CONNECT] Sasuke_Uchiha (0).") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:14] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:14] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:14] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:14] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:14] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:14] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:19] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "Sasuke_Uchiha (0):1 test") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:19] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:19] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "bot": true, "discriminator": "8025", "id": "359360144687104001", "username": "MM1" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "Sasuke_Uchiha (0):\u00031 test", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732176163438595", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": null, "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:14.298000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 3, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:19] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:19] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:19] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:19] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:19] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:19] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:19] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:08:21] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:21] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837236, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 4, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:08:21] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:22] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• The mission has been cancelled.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:22] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:22] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• [RANDOM] Next Mission is Zombie: Overgrown. | Map by KJS.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:22] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:22] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:24] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "!s test", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732196237639682", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732193741766656", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:19.084000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 5, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:24] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:24] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:24] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "Sasuke_Uchiha (DISCORD): test") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:24] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:24] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:24] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:24] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "bot": true, "discriminator": "8025", "id": "359360144687104001", "username": "MM1" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "Sasuke_Uchiha (DISCORD): test", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732196958797826", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": null, "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:19.256000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 6, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:24] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:24] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:24] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:24] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:24] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:24] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:08:31] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:08:31] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:08:31] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:31] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:08:31] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:08:31] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:33] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:33] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837248, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 7, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:08:33] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:34] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:34] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "test", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732238943911937", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732238373355520", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:29.266000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 8, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:34] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:34] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:34] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:34] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:34] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:34] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:34] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:34] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:08:41] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• Mission Zombie: Overgrown has successfully initialized.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:08:41] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:41] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837256, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 9, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:08:41] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:42] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:42] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "this works", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732275103137792", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732274289180672", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:37.887000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 10, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:42] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:42] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:42] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:42] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:42] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:42] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:42] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:42] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:08:43] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:43] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837258, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 11, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:08:43] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:47] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:47] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "game": null, "guild_id": "283235194628997121", "nick": null, "roles": [ "294902154983112715" ], "status": "online", "user": { "id": "162890309062230016" } }, "op": 0, "s": 12, "t": "PRESENCE_UPDATE" } [18:08:47] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:49] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:49] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "but only player messages show up here", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732304219996170", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732301971587072", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:44.829000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 13, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:49] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:49] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:49] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:49] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:49] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:49] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:49] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:49] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:08:49] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:49] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837264, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 14, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:08:49] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:08:50] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": ":/", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732306308628480", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732305486413824", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:07:45.327000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 15, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:08:50] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:08:50] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:08:50] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:08:50] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:08:50] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:50] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:08:50] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:08:50] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:09:05] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:05] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837280, "user_id": "205006238373773313" }, "op": 0, "s": 16, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:09:05] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:07] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:07] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": "92a802254c16483a828741255bff9018", "discriminator": "1063", "id": "205006238373773313", "username": "DowDaw" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "🤔", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732379436449792", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732259315515392", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:08:02.762000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 17, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:09:07] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:07] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:09:07] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:09:07] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:09:07] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:09:07] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:09:07] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:09:07] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:09:12] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:09:12] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:09:12] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:12] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:09:12] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:09:12] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:21] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:21] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837296, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 18, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:09:21] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:23] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "in the log", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732444565471232", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732443458043904", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:08:18.290000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 19, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:09:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:23] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:09:23] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:09:23] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:09:23] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:09:23] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:09:23] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:09:23] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:09:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:23] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837298, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 20, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:09:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:30] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:30] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "it says those messages are sent", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359732477067264011", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359732476425273344", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:08:26.039000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 21, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:09:30] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:09:30] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:09:30] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:09:30] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:09:30] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:09:30] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:09:30] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:09:30] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:09:53] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:09:53] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:09:54] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:09:54] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:09:54] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:09:54] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:10:13] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:10:13] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "game": null, "guild_id": "283235194628997121", "nick": null, "roles": [ "294902154983112715" ], "status": "online", "user": { "id": "212615775746260993" } }, "op": 0, "s": 22, "t": "PRESENCE_UPDATE" } [18:10:13] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:10:35] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:10:35] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:10:35] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:10:35] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:10:35] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:10:35] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:11:16] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:11:16] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:11:16] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:11:16] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:11:16] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:11:16] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:11:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:11:57] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:11:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:11:57] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:11:57] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:11:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:12:38] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:12:38] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:12:39] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:12:39] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:12:39] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:12:39] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:13:20] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:13:20] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:13:20] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:13:20] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:13:20] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:13:20] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:13:36] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:13:36] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837551, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 23, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:13:36] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:13:57] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• Zombies has won the zombie apocalypse! Reward: $10000") (discord.pwn:48) [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:13:57] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:13:57] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• [RANDOM] Next Mission is Team-deathmatch: Odd Little Town. | Map by JimmySpaceTravel1337.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:13:57] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:13:57] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:14:01] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:14:01] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:14:01] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:14:01] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:14:01] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:14:01] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:14:15] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage(8, "• Mission Team-deathmatch: Odd Little Town has successfully initialized.") (discord.pwn:48) [18:14:15] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPost [18:14:15] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest [18:14:15] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpPrepareRequest [18:14:15] [DEBUG] DCC_SendChannelMessage: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:48) [18:14:15] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpSendRequest(/api/v5/channels/359359175224066049/messages) (actual send) [18:14:15] [DEBUG] CNetwork::HttpWriteRequest [18:14:42] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:14:42] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:14:42] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:14:42] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:14:42] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:14:42] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:05] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:05] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837640, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 24, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:15:05] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:06] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:06] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "[Discord_SendMessage] • Zombies has won the zombie apocalypse! Reward: $10000\n[18:13:57]\n [Discord_SendMessage] • [RANDOM] Next Mission is Team-deathmatch: Odd Little Town. | Map by JimmySpaceTravel1337.\n[18:14:15]\n [Discord_SendMessage] • Mission Team-deathmatch: Odd Little Town has successfully initialized.", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359733883484372994", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359733882729267200", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:14:01.355000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 25, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:15:06] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:06] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:15:06] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:15:06] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:15:06] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:15:06] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:15:06] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:15:06] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:15:07] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:07] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837642, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 26, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:15:07] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:13] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:13] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "none of those were shown here", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359733913083445258", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359733912244584448", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:14:08.412000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 27, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:15:13] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:13] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:15:13] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:15:13] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:15:13] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:15:13] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:15:13] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:15:13] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:15:13] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:13] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "timestamp": 1505837648, "user_id": "333218073249316864" }, "op": 0, "s": 28, "t": "TYPING_START" } [18:15:13] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:17] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:17] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "game": null, "guild_id": "283235194628997121", "nick": null, "roles": [ "294902154983112715" ], "status": "idle", "user": { "id": "303894704049618946" } }, "op": 0, "s": 29, "t": "PRESENCE_UPDATE" } [18:15:17] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:17] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:17] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": { "attachments": [], "author": { "avatar": null, "discriminator": "1939", "id": "333218073249316864", "username": "Sasuke_Uchiha" }, "channel_id": "359359175224066049", "content": "makes no sense ._.", "edited_timestamp": null, "embeds": [], "id": "359733932247220224", "mention_everyone": false, "mention_roles": [], "mentions": [], "nonce": "359733929101492224", "pinned": false, "timestamp": "2017-09-19T16:14:12.981000+00:00", "tts": false, "type": 0 }, "op": 0, "s": 30, "t": "MESSAGE_CREATE" } [18:15:17] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead [18:15:17] [DEBUG] CCallback::Execute(amx=0xaca1460, index=0) [18:15:17] [INFO] Executing callback 'DCC_OnChannelMessage'... [18:15:17] [DEBUG] executing AMX callback with index '0' [18:15:17] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName(8, 0x0ACA6044, 32) (discord.pwn:36) [18:15:17] [DEBUG] DCC_GetChannelName: return value: '1' (discord.pwn:36) [18:15:17] [DEBUG] AMX callback executed with error '0' [18:15:17] [INFO] Callback successfully executed. [18:15:23] [DEBUG] CNetwork::DoHeartbeat [18:15:23] [DEBUG] sending heartbeat [18:15:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::OnWsRead [18:15:24] [DEBUG] OnWsRead: { "d": null, "op": 11, "s": null, "t": null } [18:15:24] [DEBUG] heartbeat ACK [18:15:24] [DEBUG] CNetwork::WsRead