You can change these values and commands in /sync/osc_control.js
Osc Receiving port: 9876
//# Global commands
- Stop every task
- Activate test screen
- Test screen off
- Shutdown PocketVJ
- Reboots PocketVJ
- Reboots all PocketVJ's identified in sync/rebootall/ with default IP address,, 102, 103, ...., 107. Will Reboot current PVJ despite correct IP address.
- Similar to reboot all, but will shutdown all PocketVJ's with default IP addresses. (, 102, 103, ...., 107)
//# Audio Output and Testtone section
- Plays audio test tone
- Plays test tone in right only
- Plays test tone in left only
- Adjusts volume up
- Adjusts volume down
- Sets audio to use HDMI port
- Sets audio to use 3.5mm Jack port
- Sets audio to use both HDMI and 3.5mm ports
- Sets audio to use USB / or PiHat device. Sets also values to alsa:hw:1,0
//# Display adjustments
- Wakes up display
- Puts display to sleep
- Sets screen rotation to normal
- Rotates screen 90 degrees
Rotates screen 180 degrees startmasterone97
Rotates screen 270 degrees
- Flips screen Horizontally
- Flips screen Vertically
//# Clock Display and color Changes
- Displays clock on screen
- Changes clock color to Red
- Changes clock color to Green
- Changes clock color to Orange
- Changes clock color to Pink
//# Video Control Section
- Pauses current video
- Skips forward 10 frames of current video
- Stops current video only
- Starts master video player loop
- Plays Video 1 from Master (Slaves will follow)
- Plays Video 2
- Plays Video 3
- Plays Video 4
- Plays Video 5
- Plays Video 6
- Plays Video 7
- Plays Video 8
- Plays Video 9
- Plays Video 10
- Plays Video 11
- Plays Video 12
and so on, currently up to /startmaster99
- Plays Video o1 once
and so on, currently up to /startmasterone99
- Sets 'this' device to slave (will wait for Master video to begin)
//# Imageplayer
- Starts image player
- Stops Image player
- Image player from USB
- Starts manual image player
- Start .png Overlay
- Stops .png Overlay
//# PDF Player
- Starts PDF Player
- Starts PDF from USB player
//# Audio Player(s)
- Starts audio player
- Sets 'this' device as audio slave
- Starts the audio player in USB mode
- Stops the audio player
//# Projector Control
- Turns the projector on (see PVJ manual for how to control over RJ45)
- Turns the projector off
//# Custom Script Control
**Note: This section is for custom scripts. These commands below are for their default functions. Scripts can be changed here* `/sync/customfunction1 & /sync/customfunction2`
- Starts all Pi Cameras on default IP address,, 102, 103, ...., 107.
- Ready's all video players on default IP's 101, 102, 103, ...., 107. for Master video to begin. Kills all other running processes
//# Pi Camera settings
- Disables the Pi Camera, must reboot to see changes.
- Enables the Pi Camera, must reboot to see changes
- Starts the live Pi Camera feed, ^ The camera must be enabled first.
- Sets the Camera FX to none / default
- Sets gPen Camera FX
- Sets Sketch Camera FX
- Sets Emboss Camera FX
- Sets Hatch Camera FX
//# Softedge settings
- Horizontal Softedge 100px
- Horizontal Softedge 200px
- Vertical Softedge 100px
- Vertical Softedge 200px
// Syphon Receiver On/OFF
- (Re)start TCP Syphon Receiver
// NDI Send / Receive
- Starts NDI Receiver
- Starts NDI sender
//# Pi Wall
- Starts pi wall Master
- Starts pi wall Master loop
written by Cornelius Henke III a.k.a. ProjectileObjects